- r - IB" (" V & f TAL JtiUKNAL,, feALfeM. OitEGOy,' MOPAY AUOtfST 24, 1008 ' 1 ,, w w r ' -vVCav.A- "-v. f- , '4 w ;4r ! -d. l. i te . . U . - V ... u , J" u .- - t V V .' ' .. U" V' f, A f I 1 . V 1. 4 . ;' rv .i v ' f Jr ,f. W1 . ;l '. i ;.. r .'! j a to.'$ K f V SJO.SiS k .4' t . i iC''"! WOULD REPORT (CouMumod from l'ngo .) about hla coll for four ho will at tumpt dulcldo an tho roinilt of IioIiir unublo to report nt tho fort nt tho tliuo whun ho hollovos his duty ro uulrcs It, VvKturday Cnptalu llulna sent for his military clollux. JCuopor Hollly took thorn to hit) cell today and tho captain uulsod thorn oagorly, vaylnt;: "I haw bouu valllui; for you. You people booh, to forgot that 1 hnvo to roport to Oolonol Harris ru noon today " Thon ho hurriedly put on Ills unl form nnd uld: "Bo long, I'm oft for tho fort." Ho tried to leave, when ho was rwtinlnod ho exclaim cd, "What's tho mat. or i you, do you want to get mo Into roublo?" " iiiw wQ TURKEY IN TURMOIL (Contluuod From i'ago I.) nnd proctnltatlnff n bloody rovolu Hon, hat only served to heighten th dliordor. Tho lnom Importaut of tho act cuicd men now In Jail on charges of fraud, lunbetslement. opprentlut . fulsltlcAtlon of roord and dozens of other chamo, artf Itamt Pasha, for mtvr mlnUter of inarlno; Mondouh l'ft.hh. formor mluUtor of the U tqtlorj UciichlK riwha, former pe- lot of Constantinople; Tnhslh Pah formvr first lotivtary of thQ pnlac. Habhlh Pah formor court ohnin belnln and ahelkh .lululiiliul,-i. forpipr pUc natroloim. Tho astrologor wts tho flmt manj in urto iwv Buunn iu prnai irc ron-, hUuuqu, but tha revolutionists my that he dli) It 4o mve h! Job aud dt Juant' hU punlihweat Grand VcIp Ktatult lha I hav Intf UN tlwe to kP tho sultan oi r I ' t 4 I "f ' ) r..- i '5 " i ? r s i wit - 5 -. t) i ,t 1 . " ' U f ' ' I 0k ' i tho throuo. Ho fdAYa.tlmt tho sultan will try to kill him nnd tho mom burs of tho cabinet, and on tho othur hand tho rebols dumand tho sultan's llfo. Tho Kraud vltlor real Ices that' this will moan a revolution and Is trying hard to harmonize tho two contend ing forcoa both of which hnto him and tho now cabinet. Tho grand vliler'a most unpopular moasuro Is tho provoutlou of the klllliiK tho old olllcura by onriiKiul people. Ho ha had mob loaders shot nnd pMulshoil tho police for not preventing outrage. MlnUtor of public works, Gabriel Bffemll and mlnlstor of mluos Prince Mnvrogordato, nro both far orablo to the nohcmo to have KnglUn offlcora reorganlxe tho Turkish army to help tho moderate cabinet keei control. VVIil.KU IXTO HAY 11Y DIG SlIAHK lUnltwl l'r lasted Wirt.) 8an FrancUco, Cal., Aug. 24. Jack Plnnegan, ono of tho host, of Banday fisherman, who try to entice finny prlies out of tho waters of th bay, J today tho butt of mueii rldl. cul frpm his f rlondrovcr nn ex perience which befell blm yestcj-day Flnnegan was fishing from tho enrt of the Main street wharf. The sport was dull and Flnnegan fell asleep vita hU lino In hU hand. Suddculv he was awakened by a fierce tup. aud erce tus e what before he could realise what had hapeued, wat dragged Into tho w. ter Ftunegau i an ardent dlsolnle of Isaak Walton, and delto hla pcld pluVge, held on to tae Hn6. 1lwa being rapidly towed ot to sea when Harry Johnson, a boatman, disco v ered his plight aud hauled aim tu. Together, resetted nnd rescuer heaVed the lino aboard and found that Fin negan's unchartered tugboat wag a largo shark ALL OREGON WILL BE AT THE STATE FAIR SEPTEMBER 14 .TO They will find tho grounds In better than ever before. They will find many now buildings. All In nil, they ' ' -wlll'seo that Oregon has the beat facilities of nny atato 'wcHt of tho v Rocky mountains for holding a great fair. Tho Increased cash premiums . ' and specials will bring tho greatest livestock show ovor seen on tho . Pacific coast, and It will comoaro favorably with tho best fairs of tho tyoast and mlddlo wost. Some of tho Will do noro io imruciimiu iu iuw biiwu f-attractlvo purses over hUng up for a westorn raco moot will mnko J' oach Individual ovont worth coming ft long dlstanco to soo. Tho-counties wlllput up tholr-best in trying to oecuro tho prizes fo'r'tho ox- ,iii.YV ni ihnlr nrriliif(n Thnrn will hn rtransportaUon for paBicngors and special freight Inducomonts'-'for rill '. Kcxhlblto." If yon wish any particular Information It w.111 bccJiporfully.... kjvbb'by;, , :"',.,,'." ' , , ft i i i 1 J ' Wd;-MATLOCK, President j' E- A. WELCH, Secretary r Kendleton, uregon . - II"- I 4 f. ' U) ' H 4 l J S.LliM M.HKin Local Wholesale Miukct. Eggs 22fcc. nutter Crermery 2lo. Cows $3 (0)3.50. Hens lOo; young ohlckens, lie. Local Whoat S5o. llarloy J20C21. Flour Hard whoat, J4.SO5 00; rlloy, $4.00. Hay Cheat, JOfflO: olovor, 4? 4?D per ton; timothy, Jll(fJ12 Onions ?1.75 owt. Hops 1007 orop, 56c, Cascara Dark 2 H 3c. Mohair ISc. Hotnll Market. Oata 11.45. Wheat $1.05. Kgga 2.5CU Butter Country, 20c; creamery 35a Flour Valley $1101.20 pet sack; hard wheat, tl.40Cl.45 Bran 90c per sack; J30.00 per ton; aborts. S1.35 per sack. Livestock. Hoga Fat, $5.75. Stock hogs $4, Steers 3 H . Veabr-57c Tropic! Fruiu, Danauas $6.50, Oranges $4,50. , Lemons $4.75 5. Portland Market. Poultry Hens, 12o; ducks. 12 CM 4c; pigeons, old $1 per dozen Mlllstuff Bran, $26. Flour Valley, $1.20 per sacks Isard wheat, $1.45. " " o There are manv imitations of ne Witt's Carbollted Wlteh Haxel S.'ve but just one odtglnal. Sold by all druggltts. o s, U & M T fad Mnn Bictl NHFMHMMMMMmmNM 19, INCLUSIVE condition nnd moro attractive j best horses In the United Statca.-- . inus'"'". "" . nnnclnl rates on all lines of aaiem, urcgon .VI I " ( N t t, ; . KH'yut T.' . ? rg?giwjgywwiitwisiwww WteiiWtrtilfcWi)Dmmi1llii !End of r il?S ; MICHAELS. STERN MICMICV. TCH fc CO. MtaUII. M. T. Salem & r i. '.f V'. ' r" , .I - . '' ''v " , , r ? : , . r ' V"' . I , , ' o f ' - .i. Season This is Your- Last Opportunity this Season to Purchase Our Famous $25.00 20.00 10.00 -12.50 1 0.00 - Straw Hats at Half Price Woolen Miil Store V WMrl -1 r oi ' i r M ''I 'I i i n . "' . ', Sale Bishop's Ready Tailored Suits $18.00 15.00 - 10.00 8.50 - 6.50 v ummnnmniUfcmin mmvmimimmmmmiM