. V 'rsAfr v NO.- 3109 rokSV"!' . - . .- . '"- -rskiwfcV' .A'-riAv-.,,.. ,; . A r r - ..aBt -j -.,! !? 0 sH-'-kJ4-jiJ.v; as. irfw.svr.-:-,- ':-arv ra (lK iimjmmi ilmu nal - ' l ',"', ' ' " ' ' ' . iii 11 ! 11 1 , 1 i 1 . r; 1 , -, n 1,1 i tiJ V ..-, J ,,:nifc4y0.'; l "'"T 4 tfcj 1 ii 1 1 11 " '1 ' j 1 " FOUR KILLED IN A WRECK NEAR EUGENE SOUTH DAKOTA TOWN TO WOULD REPORT AT FORT SLAYER OUT Of MIND (t'nlted l'rc Leased Wlro.) New York, Aug. 24.'r-"Captaln Peter C. Halns, U. S. A., slayer of i William E. Annls, olthor has gone itirk rand today or la doing somo the best shamming over aeon In 1 He York Jnll. Ho seems to havo forgotton ail tboat the killing of Annls and a ymmb with tho alnglo Idea that kmutt report to his sunorlor omen it Fort Hamilton bofore noon today ika bit leavo of absence expires. ' A doublo watch has been placed TURKEY AGAIN IN TURMOIL MOBS AFTER JAIL PRISONERS (Continued on oann (our.) . (Uuttcd rre lncd Wlro.) Constantinople, via Plovdiv, Aug. 24. This city h In a turmoil today following tho arrest of several of tho defaulting officials of tho old re- glmo and Grand Vlzlor Klamll Pacha Is having a hard tlmo to provent tho mobs fronl taking tho prisoners forc bly from tho jail and killing them. The report that Klamll Is negotiat ing .with tho British for tho loan of English army officers, to ro-organlzo (he Tark'sk, army to provent tho radicals frosa dethroning the sultan Tconltiofl Ton i Page 4."j ENGINE STRIKES ' A COW MIKADO DEFIED BY CHINA M WARSHIPS ON WAY TO SAMOA JUMPS TRACK AND TURNS OVER ' (Unite!! Tress Lenacd Wire) Eugene, Or., Aug. 24. As a re Bult of one of tho worst railronc- WILL NOT DISCUSS SEIZURE PREPARED FOR ANY "EMERGENCY (United. Tress I.cnucd Wire.) Hong Kong, Aug. 24. Tho Chi nese government today declined WMSBHl f I PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE FIVE DAYS' SALE OF TERRIFIC PRICE CUTTING SOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET HAHGAINS. WE ARE SLAUGHTER ING IMUCKS HIGHT AND LEFT ALTj OVKIt THE STOUE HEAD ON Hundreds of yards, of Pretty rtalu , i,awu aad Dlmftloa x-irt sard- 3V, VC AM) 5 2'c ml ir,c Qrtw llngham, , 1 it, yard- S 1 3(S 0 AND 10 I 1Q !-.n-u Udl fat Colored Hc'!r, n. a n tale at, pair -10, 12H(IANMI 18 ' Odd nzos la Ladles' Summer Cndenvear at Small Prices. Each 8, 10S 12,(i, 15 MuMn rnderwftiir .iivhtiv at HALF WHCE. SklrtC, Der and Qowns. 25, 30, 40(i, 65 AND VV 1W dozen Lad(6a. Fancy TM e OHHt Covers, now 250 'tiL.j a iw Mm iMw I NEW SUITS Now on exhibition. Como and see the Low Prices wo can glvo you on them. Prices Slaughtered on Ladles' Fancy Lawu Shirt lYta. $1.00 Waists - Now ,.,.; ,....49 $2.00 Wains Now ,.,...... .98 Prices cut Away Down on the following goeds: Muslins and Sheetings, Table Linens, Men' Furnishings, Clothing, Shoes, Corsets, Gloves, Parasoh, Fura, Silk Petticoats, Nations, Lace3, Ribbon?, Embroideries and Fancy Handkerhley.jfM J wrecks In tho history of Oregon, four ovon to discuss with, tho mikado's nion aro dead and Bovoral passongorn agents, tjl0 ownorshlp df 10, aro in a hospital sorlously Injured. o00 rifles and 2,000,0000 cart The wreck occurrod on tho Southern rtclcon solscil Auc. 11 In Chin Chut raclflc railway, thrco miles north of harbor, and European roprosentj- uugeno last mgni, j uvea aro looKing lor anoiunr inci- , Jack Nichols, agoi 59, onglnoor, ; Tatsu Maru. Tho defiant attitude of Portland. " , i- ln0 Chlnoso government Is supposed Frank H. Boulter, 32, flroman, to bo duo to the lufluenco of the em- Portland. Ipross dowager who tk deterrnlndd Ray Swart, VI, Junction City. , tliat she will not yield as she was George Dalleyi ,25, restaurant pro- forced to do on tho former occasion, prlctor, Eugene., ?"?.?,' ; and tho powera hero are waiting the Tho injured: ,- . ! mikado's next move. Verne- App.orsonT EJugijpe, back , - The rifles and ammunition wero and jirtn injured."" '.".'. j seized-a contraband and the mikado .John! fright, .Portland, leg la- qXiUkly sont representatives to pro Jured, ' '" ' ", '":' ' test on the grond'tfeat tk properly John Franclfi' ' Wllbught," Pltts-waanot Bhown to have boon dedlgn burg, Pn loft n'rhi brokon, bnck In- od for any Illegal purposo, and to de jured. mnnd an apology and nn Indemnity Albort Rahn, Portland, loft nrm for tho ownors. China nnswored cut by glass. thnt thoro Is no doubt tho slilpmonr W. Richardson, Salem, right hip was designed olthor for plratea or injured. revolutionists In tho south of China Other pasfiongors BUffored minor and that 1 absolutely will not bo Injuries. , given up. Tho Cottago Grove local In chnrgo , Warned by tho widespread nntl of Conductor Charles Mlnklor was Jnpanoso movomont thnt spread coming toward Eugene at tho usual ovor China following tho TatBu Mura tpoed when suddenly tho locomo lnoldont, tho Japanoso forolgn ofllcu tlvo struck n bull nnd tho trnln wnn Ib maintaining a much moro dlplo brought to n standstill with n Jolt, mntlco exterior than boforo but with Thou followed tho grinding of Iron out any sign that It Intends to wnlvo nnd wood, accompanied by tho crash It's claim. or glais as tho coaohos of tho train Europonn commercial Interests In swayed and careened ovor tho tie-- China aro encouraging tho Chlnoso Lying bosldo tho traok was a rod In tholr nttltudo' nB thoy doslro to bull, It's sovorod head and nod' , ieo the Jnpanoso humiliated, rostlng upon tho opposlto sldo of the. - train. Tho onglno turnod a com pleto somorsault. Undorneath th boiler was found tho llfeloss body of Fireman noultor. Tho bodlos of Swartz nnd nalloy, tholr clothes la 'birds, wore foiird lying on their backs, whoro tbt-y hnd boen throw 'i vs' lion tho crash csmo, oloar of tl v.rfck. A briiKnn was tl flrt to reach the onglno after th nocl dont. He fwnd Knglr.oor Nloholi face' downward noar tho throttlo, thu cab seat upon 1ih back MOUNTED MEN BURN IP TOWNS BUILDING ARE FIRED BY UNKNOWNS (United rrei f.caicd Wlro.) San Francisco, Aug. 24. Exact ly at 10:J.0 o'clock today tho signal "Up anchors" run up on Roar Ad miral William T. Swinburne's ' flag ship; tho West Virginia, started seven cruisers of tho Paclfla fleet anl sovon torpedo boat destroyers on tholr summer cruise to the gamoan Islands, which will end at Magdetena b,ay uoxt winter with & battle Jrae tlcQ. The cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers were accompanied by the Bupply ship Solace and' the cruiser Duffalq which will go as far s Uonokilu with tho fleet. They are fully equipped and prepared for any emergency that might arise. Just' after tho ships had got, out. side the harbor, they slowed up and each culsor threw a hawser to a (United 1'rcni r.cnued Wlro.) Abordoon, S. D Aug. 24. It Is reported horo today that the towa of Lowry and Ahaska on the Min neapolis and St, LoiiI railroads riv er extension, wero burned In a rata by a mystorloiiB company of mount; ed men last night. The mounted company completely surrounded the two towns andrllred every building. The Veason for the ratds 1b not known here. The baak of Herberal, a store and a pool hall are among the buildings burned at- Lowry. Col onel Holmes', president of the Da kota National bank here, who is president of the Lowry bank, eoh flrms that his bank was burned. - Later reports froto the raided towns say that six bnlldlaks were burned In Akaska and seVen In Low- tho West Virginia, Maryland, Penn sylvanla, Tonnossoo, Washington, California nnd South Dakotn. Thoy towed In tho ordor glvon, tho dostrbyods Problo, Stuart, Perry, Hopkins, Hulli Truxton and Whip ple Tho Pacific floot Is duo at Honq Itilu Sopt. 2. It will lonvo thoro ke Store That Saves Yob Money SAILORS ARE WELL TREATED torpedo boat ad they started to ,, Xii.y(ld ttJ haVft It;lt I. ucee6.tul much oonl enn, Th0 ;borl' ot Wniortl I. now! bo, SnVOd. Tw nvnaiffullni llm rn. Woril ,The vessels that wont today aro frQm hm thfg aftornooft Htatcs that tho flro Nyan dlscovorod at Akaska nt 3:4b O'clock and nt Lowry dt midnight. Roth woro (un doubtedly tho work of tho Bamo band. I Oltlrons first ou tho scono saw bov oral mounted mon rldo awny from tho burning buildings. I A ilium mvolnrv oiirfnntl ila thn flrn Sept. 10 and arrive nt Page ago nttornoon, It ,B known" that Sept. 20. Tho floot ! to leave Pngo iorflo hnyft tUr0alo,flK Page Sept. 27 ami will arrive at cQ ftocmi)t of flrr0t3 0( llonoluki on tho return trip Oct. 2T.lraI of tJ)or ,,, Thoy ltm loavlng tho samo day for San Woro.' myn , tIml p0olIon Tho fleet will arrive at San Diego of h umo fof fng Uml Ulfly , Oct. 28 nnd stay until Oct. .30 wlum . nlml nt (() makQ tem the vessels will leavo for Magdalonn ( t)(0 Jftw bay for battle practice. Thoy aro .,,, -r ' H ' ---. sSWli 'J'SS'SJ'S (United I'rsiw leased Wire.) t.. rrn.t I. tnn tlin nnfnrtlinnta. 1U l I'HUIIU ,v.. .-... Sydnoy, N. S. W., Aug. 24. (Ry II. Leo Clotwortny. Staff Correspond- '-. .k. .1. ..MAAVnfyM ihn rtianuftrn ' Ant rt tin llnMnA T)rnaa vti I i Atlntttln IUUI1 irUIII HIS YI Wlilft.lfiU ..v ... -r w,,v ui ll.U W.IIVVU i.uno ...... ........... solzed him by tho arms and scalded J Fjoctj Business wao suspendod flbsh enmo away In their hands. agaJn whJJo the cUmbJ Nichols was conscious nil tho time. ?'?,?; ,!1 in,..h in .h-EUKouo reviewed tho troops and bluo Jack- hospital where ho died at 2:30 thle ets who participated In a monster morning. Before his death he told parade through tho streets. Lord that Just boforo tho crash camo no . Korthcote, tho REBELLION IS FEARED lIOMl. -T-"" IN FINLAND TOIITV.I'IVK ritlBONMIlS HUH.1K OUT OF JAIf govornor genoro,!, irltl n .tnttr nt tflffllilnu mvfllUn(t track ahead of tho engine but be mnrlnau trn, , fn Ipflln UtW BUIUICIO tMU ltSw thought he saw something on tho I foro ho had tlmo to was upon the object. stand boforo which they passed with guns at "Salute." Tho American boys wore cheered loudly nil along tho line. Thoro Is no diminution of enthu lasm and the visitors wero as mucjt HANKER ARRESTED FOR SPEEDING (United Pre !! Wlre.l n..m! f.nl A IIP 24. L W. uiio 't- th hanker anneared the center of Interest today as on In court 'today to answer to tho tho first , day they landed. Tho charge of speeding lu his automo- theaters attracted many of tho boys bile Hellman was arrested yoster In blue. This evening thoy enjoyed day afternoon by tho "flying squad- a grand ball. ron" and wont to the police station j Tonight tho streets wero Illum wlthout protest when It was explain-' Inated aud tho crowds thronged ev ed to him that the pollco had a stop cry public place. Tho continuance watch on him and could tell iust how of Interest In tho reception Is rv fast his machine was going. He do- markable and the officers and men posited 125 ball for himself and hi regret to think that their stay bert chauffeur. must ond on Thursday, (United I'rfM Uan Wire.) Helsfngfora, Finland, Aug. 24. uussluns hurrying troops Into Flu land In anticipation of a genornl r 1 volt, according to Information brought to this city today. So fur 1 tho mobilization has been carried on 'socretiy, but tho facto are now known and havo aroused great ex citement throughout Finland. I Ofllolnls of this placo are trying to minimize tho extent of tho mill 'taryo peratloiyj, but thoy cannot con 'ceal their knowledgo that thoy bo Jlovo present conditions are threatening. I .no , rinniBi. aiui is win quuiur around whloh tho present storm Uj raging aud the early dissolution of the body by the czar Is expected to precipitate trouble Russia evi dently views wltha larni th'o strength shown In tho body by tho liberal majority and leaders of tho liberal movement have repeatedly asserted that they would be Immediately ar rested but for Russia's fear that (United 1'rtM I,ened Wlr J Elko, Nov., Aug. 24.-Sheriff Clark and u pohso Is today scouring the hills about Elko looking for a man known na "8,11m" Smith, who escaped from Jail yesterday nftor noon In ono of the most daring Jail deliveries knowit In this state. Forty-flvo prisoners cwapod, 1m' all woro recaptured with tho ox coptlon of Smith, v,iio Is thought to have planned the break. Tho Jul', is at present overflowing with prl oners, somo of whom aro waiting trial on charges of murder Tho break was carofuily plannod. As Under Sheriffs Harris and El more ontored the Jail laBt evening with tho meal, three prisoners Jump ed upon them. A hot fight eupuud and tho ofllcbr would havo been killed had It not boen for a nogro trusty who ran to the street and called for holp. Tho prisoner feared that tho break would all and all' took to th s'treot. Bhelrff Clark, who was at- tractcd by tho cries, of tho negro, ran to tho Jail, and with the posse, captured all tho escaped prlsonor but one,