"Poujes 3-4 9-IO L, SALEM, ORHGOX, SATURDAY, AUGUST S, 1906 ,1U(T mm JLKY Did of Order ALCOHOL 3 TEll CENT. AVcge(abcPrep8ral!on6rAs-slrallallngihcRwtfalKlRctfula-lingOicStomadisandBmtisor RiywfrBmunMii'.M Promotes DigcsKonjChrcifuJ-1 ncss ana iKsuoiuauisroMr Opium.Morphlnc nor Mineral BUI HiMVlW lit Jlmtit$red JMtittSittt JvsiSttd liarhncktt&r irrmStfJ- Wajpmt1anr. .&&3&S5&S: -. si. ..!' tiii.Ti. Worms ,t0-UlSIOl.ictiiau ncssandLOSSOPaiEEP. YacSmte Signature of NEW YORK. tJtJKff nTJrantccdiinilcrthct'oodod Sfcrfcn T "- i ......ut.M i'jev iuarantccd under il' Exact Copy of Wrapper. Always Bought Bears trie Signature of In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC OtNTAUN COMPANY. HCW YORK CUT. ' K JHIHH m Spray, Windmill Power and Hand Pumps For nil klndB of work. Spray, garden, lawn nnd met lem, hoso. Tho best nnd tbo cheapest. Fairbanks engines and lawn sprinklors, metal and wood tanks. Get pome of our Grnphalas tlc Paint for old or now tin roofs. Guaranteed for six years. 3 Chase & Sfcaife 98 State Street 1 l. 30 SPLENDID AQUATIC EVENTS Three tljiof tan, excitement aatl interrat YACHT RACES. LAUNCH RACES ROWiNQ RACES, SWIMMINQ RACES Amnio hotel and lodging accommodations. BwMlltb.lfonrrclan Saeneerfett with notJ ilo!it. LOUIltrV Fair. Hal Inn n Airiinilnni tlcht mil alaV win W&lklnir. aniemllil Taili1vltl aitruMiiwia Tralnaul animal ptriormincet. U. S. vrar.hlp. Coolfit, moit pleaunt uminer retort In United SUttt. r pecUl lJalltUn mnouno. "f ituptmlou 6TenUddrM SECRETARY, Rtfiim ASMHATIM, ASTORIA, OREBON SPEfilA! Rill RflAn RATFS tXUrd Tin tor Kob4 .Trip.' TlckeU geul from Sugatt X to AoputSl LET IT DO THE TALKING; That's what an Edison phonograph is for, anyway, but we are quite pre pared to let ours do its talking from a selling sense. Just listen to It for some minutes and you will be cob vlnced that it is the clearest talking machine on the market. We can put speech and song late Ms meutk tee the newest, latest and beet records are here In great variety. L. P. SAVAGE, 247 Commercial Street. mm GROWERS ORGANIZE LThrtiJIgterested in forming an MfcMifelifGf tho fruit crowerrf of 9nrleigey met at New Brtdgo hooltK Saturday night for that purpdetfetys tho Eagle Valley News. 7horefwai,n good representation of the frt.lt grower of tho valley nnd great Jntercst was manifested. Tho growers' aro lncnrnest and In a short tlmo will have tho organization per fected. Tho people of this valley have bo gun to Understand that In union there is strength. An association will be nblo to buy spraying material, tools, etc., In largo quantities and thus be ,i saving totho grower. There is no question but that tho best grading nnd packing can bo dono through nn organization. Tho fruit from Hood River association last year wns received in Now York nnd Liverpool markets without Insopc tlon. Tho question of storing and shipping can bo handled choaner thnn by Individual growers. The tlmo will come when the by-products of tho association will become moro Important each year and it will bo nblo to build n canning factory and can make their own boxes for pack ing. Tho following directors were elected at the meeting: George Mar tin, Sam Saunders, Matt Welter, Geo. Wllto nnd Mat Slmmonia. A com mittee coliBlstlng of Jnmes Davis, V. W. Plummer nnd George Ashby was appointed to draft by-laws nnd renort to tholr next meeting. The organization of this company Is one of the best moves In tho di rection of progress thnt tho people of this valley have takon for-sometime. About the benefit to tho peo ple of this valley thoro can bo no doubt nnd about tho success of tho organization there can bo no doubt. . $ Nature intended man to be happy and to be able to give Stnte Revenue from National Forests. In nddltion to the benefits secured by fire protection and by regulations which control tho uso of tlmbor lnnd and range so as to Insure permanent supplies for local wants, tho Btatcs having national forests now rocolvo under the now agricultural appro priation bill 2G por cent of tho gross proceeds derived from tho Bale of natlonnl forest resources. This amount, according to law, goes to offset any losses to tho Btntos through withdrawal of forest areas from- taxation, nnd Is dpvotcd to pub lic roads and schools. Several years ago complaints woro nado that tho wlthdrawnl of timber lnnds for forest purposes reduced tho taxable areas of tho states In which withdrawals woro made. Tho forest ' sorvlco recommended at first that 10' por cent, and lntor 2G por cont, of tho gross proceeds from tho natlonnl forests should bo paid to tho states. I As a result tho Btatcs ar6 assured of school and road funds doubtless moro certainly than thoy othorwlao could havo boon, Blnco tho porma-i nonco of tho forest resources Is now! secured by conservative management. Had tho forests never boon estab lished tholr resources would un doubtedly hnvo been oxhnustod by hasty and Improvident methods of explontlon, leaving tho lnnd wnstod and unproductive. Grent west. Smile AH the While Look at healthy children look at the healthy man or woman and you see the pleasures that come from perfect health the protection that wards off die excesses of life to-day Ghirardelli's Cocoa the perfect food drink braces up the system -strengthens the body and enthuses the brain into perfect activity besides it pleases the palate, too. IJM ( 30 cups of a delicious drink 25c PS & is not Incklng In reasons for assum ing that tho enforcement of this policy of Belf-protoctlon Is tho groat problem which confronts Japan. It Is Bujclont to monopolizo tho atten tion of hor Btntesmon without thought of policies of conquest, of reaching out to grasp other islands of tho son, or of Inviting Iroublo with a friendly power such nB tho United States. Boston Horald. Salem is not holding up tho ex tension of .tho Oregon Eloctrlo south, nuthough a fow circumstances mnlco it look so. o Kennedy's Laxatlvo Cough Syrup la especially rocommonded for chil dren. It tastes nonrly as good as mnplo sugar. Sold by all druggist. Next Tuosdny afternoon, tho flrat official mooting of tho special com mittco appointed by Mayor Lane of Portland to draft & now chator will bo called. Thore nre mnnv Imitations of De Wltt'B Carbollzed Witch Hazol Balve t...t ! nnn mllcrtnnl Bnlrl tlV fill IUUW JMDW .W M14.f....... iww.w j -. druggists. Why Jnmes Lee Got Well. Everybody In Znnoivlllo, O.,' knows Mrs. Mary Leo.of rural route ?. She writes: "My husband, James Lee. firmly believes ho owes his llfo to tho uso of Dr. King's New Discov ery. His lungs woro so soveroly nf feotod that comminution seomod In evitable, when a friend rocommond ed New Discovery. Wo tried It, nnd Its ubo has restored him to porfoot hoalth." Dr. King's Now Discovery is tho King of thront nnd lung romodlos. For cough nnd colds It has no oqunl. The first dose gives rollef. Try It! Sold under guaran too nt J. C. Perry's drug storo. GOc nnd $1.00. Trial bottle froe. PUBLIC SALE HHH ??.Y TAILORED CLOTHE ':" DRESSED '"!. J , P Z' PRICE RANGE Jnpnn'u Monro Doctrine, In offorme n "suggestion for tho peaceful solution of tho coming Btruggle in tho rnr isast, .Mr. sm ulohlro Salto. In tho current Ibmio of tho Pnclflc Monthly, affords a side light upon tho Jnpnneso natlonnl pol icy which ought to bonpprecInted by Americans. Tho division of certain parts of Asia among tho grent Eu ropean powers Mr. Salto regnrds as a foregone conclusion. The problem of the future narrows down to "Chinn, proper, 18 fertile prov'nees, nnd tho three provinces of Mnn churla." Ho regnrds the question ns "of Chinese ovolutlon or revolution, of being cut up Into fragments or of submitting to forogln conquest," nnd as a prellminnrly to consideration of that question, ho states the Japanese position In the following ueuaruuun: No ono snnu gninsay mm jaimn hns a paramount interest nnd pre eminent volco In the destiny of the Chinese empire. While Bhe can safe ly allow tho British supremacy In tho Persian gulf, or permit tho gradual Russian absorption, of the Mongo lian steepes, her very national ex istence Itself, no loss than her com mercial interests, does not permit her to neglect a most watchful Burvel lance in regard to tho Chinese em pire proper and Manchuria. The pos ition of Japan, therefore, briefly stated Is this: "Heaven helps thoad who help themselves." American who havo maintained the Monroe doctrine of paramount interest on a continental lino can readllv appreciate such an attitude of Insular Japan. Americana who havo resented the Imputation that the Monroe doctrine is a part of a scheme of national aggrandizement of of selfish explolatlon of the south ern continent should be ready 'o credit Japan with motives Other than those of conquest in what Is only a natural protection of her own in terests. It can be readily under stood that tho Japanese Idea of na tional safety forbids the possibility of any foreign nation Invading and absorbing any integral portion or Chinese territory. And Mr. Salto I will soil nt my rcsldonco 2 mllos oast of Stuto houso on Monday, August 31 a Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp tho following proporty to-wlt: 'U&ftM. 25 HE AD CHOICE DAIRY COWS - --- Most of -them fresh or coming fresh within 30 days. Sovoral full blood registered- Jersey cpw. Ono flno thoroughbred brown Swiss hull, two years old. SEVEN HEAD OP HORSES Described as follews: Ono pair of flno big black marcs, weight 2600 pounds; ono . .driving, raaro, C years old, 1000 pounds; ono driving horse, 3 years old; ono Clydo colt, 2 years old; ono Clydo colt; ono year eld: Ono driving colt, trotter, ono year old. TWO FINE POLAND CHINA BROOD SOWS i 4 A Ono disk barrow. One single buggy, Ono sot slnglo harness, Ono sot doublo work harness. Ono sot double driving harness. -One flno cottago organ, Ono, three-octavo accordlah. Two nearly now alr tight heating stove. One No. 8 cook stovo. Shovels, grubbing hoes nad other tfarm tools, TERMS All sums $10 and under each In hand.. On all sums ovor $10, six raohttni tlmo will bo glvou without Interest! ''' FREE LUNCH AT NOON J, S. SMITH, Auctioneer. R. R. RYAN, Proprietor $2Q TO 40