Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 21, 1908, Image 1

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Chicago, Aug. 2l, ;Counsol tor
the govcrnmopt 4odny fll'od a pott
tloa for re-henrlng by tbo Unltea
Stitcs court of npionL-i In tho caso
cl the Standnrd Oil company of In
d'jna, In which Judge Lnndls nssoos
td the famoun flno of $29,400,000,
tli decision being reversed by tho
V.jher court. Tho nctlon for a rj
taring Is taken nt tho direct order
of Attorney Gonornl Donnpnrto, Uttor
conference with President Itoosc
relt Tho caso Is to bo vigorously
tontMted by tho federal attorneys.
Denver, Colo., Aug. 21. "Tho
jilge who cannot sco tho Standard
011 company of Now Jersey In tho
Sucdard Oil company of Indlanr.
1 who cannot seo through both of
uh9 legal fictions to tho real own
tn and real offenders, John D.
Kkefellcr, II. If. Itogors, John TJ.
iKkbold and othore, tB cither blftiil
ed by prcjudrce or an unfortunate
disposition to obscuro tho merits of
controversy by Btralned nnd Irrelev
ant tcchnicnlItles,,, Is tho phrase
with which Attorney aonornl Her
bert S. Hndlcy of Missouri terminated
la ringing nttack upon tho recent re
versal of tho Standard Oil coi.tp.uiy
decision by tho United States cir
ctitt court. Tho address was made
boforo tho convention of tho Na
Jttnal Association of Attorney don
cmls In session horc. Ilndloy is
president of tho organization.
"To assert .that men mny, by the
organization of a puppet corpora
tion, oscapo tho proper measure of
punlshmont for tholr wrong-doing,"
said Hadloy, "Is to glvo to tho logal
fiction of tho corporation greater
rights, privileges and Immunities
(Cbntlmied pa Pagt t.1
Hundreds of yards of Protty
Challlei, Lawns and Dlmltleo
'ovr )ard
3'.J, 41&-A and 5
l-vic and 15c Dross Gingham,
W on sale at, yard -
8 1-3, O AND 10
100 dozen Ladles Past Colored
Ho.!rj now on sale at, pair -
10S 12WAND is
Odd sizes In T..tpa ..!,,-
ftderwear at Small Prices. Each
f 1012, 15
Xiulia UnderwMP h,i
Whd at HALF PmcE. SkirU,
Dren and Gowns.
. 30, 40, G5
40 d0sn t.. .
iei c Corset Covers, now
. 36
Now R exhibition. Come asd
se tho Low Prices wo car glvt
you qu them.
Frlcee Slaughtered on Ladle'
Fancy Lawn Shirt Waists.
fl.,09 Waists
Now .....49
1 2. 80 Waists r
New '96f
Price cut Away Down oa the
following- geeds: xualias aa4
Sheetlags, Table Llaeas, Mea's
FuraUklags, Clothis. Shoee,
Corsi1", Otovee, Parasols, Furs,
Silk Petticoats, Notloiui, Laees,
Rlbboas, KMhroWerles aad Far
Cottngo Grove, Aug. 21. (Special
Dispatch to Journal.) Tho fight be
ing mndo throughout kho stn'to for
bottor roads, freo locks, wntor rlghta
and othor mnttora of bcnoflt to Ore
gon conterud nt Cottngo Grove yes
torday. Among thoso who poko
wore Judge Scott, Stato Engineer
Lewis and Oswald WosU
Tho lVrot'cdiiiKM.
President H, O. Thompson, of tho
Cottage Grove Commorcial club, in
troduced tho speakers and there was
n flno representation, of business
men present. Tho club rooms aro
large and commodious. ' Cottage
Grove haa had a building boom U1I9
year, putting up flno brick blocks.
Scott Well Received.
Judgo Scott was glvon a very cor
dial recoptlon by tho business mon
of tho llttlo Lane county mining me
tropolis. He outlined tho grntor Or
egon good roads campaign and stated
that It was tho Intention to build
ono great stato highway to connect
California and Washington. Ho pre
dicted that thousands of tourists
would como to Oregon In tho sum
mer. Many largo hotels would bo
built to accommodato them. Thy
spent throo millions nnnually In
southern California nlono. Ameri
can tourists spent $12,000,000 an
nuafly in Franco monoy Oregon
can get.
Four largo convict camps would
bo ostnbllshod and convict labor
would bo employed to prepnro ma
terial for roads, which would thon bo
distributed, giving employment to
llllllll) BE
(United l'rcs r.onpl Wire)
Boston, MasB., Aug 21. "My hus
band nnd his brother nro rascals. 1
hopci that they will both bo strung
up. Thornton J. Ilnltis is nn nrch
flond," This is tho Btntomcnt 61 Mrs.
Claudia Llbboy Halus, wlfo'of Cap
tain Potor'O. Halns, who klllqd Wlll
lam E. Annls. Her mother nnd fath
er, Mr. and' Mrs, Charles W. Llbboy
werq" present at tholr homo In Win-
throp, as Bho centinued:
"Those scoundrels aro capable of
anything. In my luiBband's absence
Thdihion Halns tried to. mivte lave
to mo and I hated him. Then ho
nolsonod mv husband'B mind. I was
beaten, starvod and crazed until I
signed somo papbrs (hor alloged con
fession). Thoy may havo beon blank
for all I know. My husband Is a
bruto but I would hnvo borno with
him for my children's sake. Ho boat
mo many times. Ho would havo shot
mo, too. I thought ho would seek
mo out and kill mo. Tho rescnls, I
hope, they will both bo hanged. My
poor babies! What will bocomo of
Halus Breaking Down,
Now York, Aug. 21. RofUBlng
food and muttering constantly of his
wlfo's allogod downfall, Captain
Potor C. Hnlne, U. S. A., Is bordorlng
on n collapso In his coll today, llo
la under tho constant caro of a phy
sician but llttlo can bo dono for him.
His mind Booms to rest constantly on
toamstors and labororB. to placo .tlie tho events which load him to shoot
matorlal on tho roads. It meant n William E. Annls last Saturday,
great deal to property and to schools In marked contrast is Thornton
and churches to have first class JonklnB HnlnB, his brothor, who li
roads. In an ndjolnlng cell, Is calm and cool
to Store That Saves Ym Money
The New Wntor Code,
This was prosonted by Stato En
gineer Lewis, who argued that throo
fourths of the stato had to havo Ir
rigation. Even tho Wlllamotto val
ley was awakonlng to tho value of
wator for farm crops. Title to wa
ter, which represented the greatest
value of land, was uncertain and not
well defined. Stealing a horso or
grain was a crime, but stealing a
man's water and destroying his cro.
was not a crime. It was a basis for
litigation. Twenty yea.r. of litiga
tion hid eaded In worthless decree
thatcduld not bo euforced. A man
who buyg a water right now buys a
lawsuit and that an eadless one.
West ea Land Grants.
Oswald West ha ad led the railroad
wagon road land grants In a mas-
terlv manner. Ha ahowed tnat
7,000,090 acre had been given away
to eacourage aach corporations a
territory a large as two New Eng
1M states. Half of the acreage of
tbeee grants was still In the hands
of these corporations. He showed
that these lands had paid almost no
taxea for 25 years, or lese than 175,
000, SJace 102 $500,000 waa paid
galea of laads would set the rail
road cojay 150,000 per He. Ho
nade out a hard ease agalaat tho
wagoa road land grants. They bad
dod.ed taxes aad blocked develop
neat, These graatg should be brok
en up. The Toads they pretended to
build were a fraud, aad a graft. They
(Caatta4 o 9 ).
nnd apparently unaffected by tho
charges against him. Uo Is com
posed, oats regularly nnd sleeps
well. Ho sooms to havo no nerves.
Occasionally when tho captain'?
voico rises ill his lnmontatlons Jen
kins calls out to him cheerfully:
"Rrnce up, ola man I Wo will
como out all right yot."
Au Intervlow given out by Mrs.
Halns last night at Wlnthrop, Mass.,
In which sho detailed alleged mis
treatmont at tho hands of her hus
band and said she feared he would
kill her, agala denying all his,
charges, caused' considerable pon-
aternatlon among Halns' friends
hero today, but It is believed the ma
jority of tho army oHcers roroaln
loyal to the prisoner.
Maid (tyring Bcamlnl.
Another sensation developed today
In the Halns' case, when Marie
Louise Sulmande, a French maid,
who has had charge of tho two chil
dren of T. Jenkln Halns, declarol
that Jenkins h tho father and sho
Is the mother of one of tho children,
both of whom wero supposed to bo
the children of the deceased wJfo of
Jeoklns. Mrs. T. Jenkins Halns
U4 In Washington In 1900, The
Sulmaudo woman alleges that her
hahy waa. bora In Decewber, 1907, n
a Brooklyn hospital. She says that
her employer promised to marry her
aad that her fright following his ar
rest la coaaectloa with the killing
of William K. Aaato by Captain
Peter O. Haiar caused her to laake
the rtatemeht.
(United 1 rean Leaned Wire.)
Hot Springs, Vn., Aug. 21. -Will-lam
Howard Taft In his nddrosB to
tho RopubllcniiB of Virginia, who
Knthordd hero to moot him today, ap
pealed to tho "solid Bouth" to brcnlc
nwny from tho Democratic column,
ho said:
"Every ono having tho Intorostqt
tho. country nt heart would rojolce to
havo tho solid south, as a Democratic
assot In ovory national campaign,
br.okon up. It would bo better lot
tho statpB thon.MJlYee and -for the
country. The Republican party Is
not sectional, which the fact that the
aoutb always" supports the'lXone
emtio party would Indicate.
"Tho Republican vviy" Iibb 1m
proved the, waterway's by building
thp Panama canal; has started a
movomont for tho redemption of
swamp lands; tho conservation of
forest nnd water resources and la
taking many othor slaps fpr tho de
velopment of tho south. Tho growth
nnd development of tho mining and
Iron Industries of tho south nro di
rectly duq to tho laws onacted by tho
Republican party. No attention haa
beon paid to partisan proclivities In
appointments In tho Philippines,
Porto Rice' nnd Cuba.
"Tho reason that tho south has
such llttlo Influonco In tho executive
branch of tho government, is that
tho south has always beon consldorod
by tho Domocrncy, ospeclnlly by tho
northern Domocrncy, nB n part of
the country cortaln to support tho
Democratic tlckot. Thoroforo, whom
tho Republican party Is in powor, It
Is noithor natural nor to bo expected
Hint It otimilfl aiitntnnn it It'll AVf.tif
(United t'rens Lensfd Wlro.)
Now York, Aug. 21. Declaring
that nho found Mrs, Llzzlo Hastings
Holmo entertaining hor husband,
Jttmcn E. Dunn, formorly manager of
tho Savoy hotel in San Francisco "In
pink pajamas, drinking whiskey and
smoking n small slgar," a suit for
$250,000 damages for allonatlng her
husband'B affections, was filed today
by Mrn. Sarah, tytella JMcksle Rosen
baum Rogers Dunn of Han Franelfco,
At pie samfe time Mrs, Phrii caun
,ed divorce papers to be served ppott
her husband.' .Mrs. Holmty who U
the wjfe bi former City judge Let-ceW'Helmi,''ls-
Mrs. Duna 1ms beea continually la
the limelight lately. Hfce made a
spectacular attack upon Dunn ajid
Airs, iiqune recently wnen sue round
them together 911 the board walk at
Atlantic City, ,At that,. time iha ex
claimed to Mrs, Ifoline;
t "You havy bftrt st)JHlg pther
women's luisbatiijs for years. Ill
mako.ypu pay for, qtcallhg W hus
band." ,
Upon hor return to San Francisco
sho wtfntto ,tho saloon of Dan Dean,
former Btoward. at tho Savoy, and
wrockod tho place, attor giving Dean
n sovoro drubbing. Mrs. Holme Is
made tho dofondant In tho damage
suit filed today.
San Fraiicjuco, Aug. 21, Mrs.
Duckslo Rosenbnum Rogers Dunn la
woll known In this city, where hor
vnrlod matrimonial advonturea have
caused notoriety for sovoral years.
After an unsuccessful marriage to
hor flrflt husbnud nnd a sensational
(1 Ivor co suit, oho boenme Intorostod
Inn young man nnmod RoKors nnd
tlvo positions, leading mon from tlto nrnrrlod blm six months aftor alio
opposing ranks In tho south.
"Tho only cure Is by Indepqndont
action and support of tbo Republican
ticket. I know tho south Is con
sorvativo, Ry tradition, It's attach
mont to tho ' Democratic purty Is
firm but a party represents principles
and when principles cliange, though
the name ,of tho party remains the
same, it would worn that after a
while traditional attachments woul
rest lightly on nn intelligent com
munity." Taft roforredatoAhe 8pnnllt war
as having dono apnea to weld the
north and south and removo section,
a! feeling. Ho Bald:
"Mo, Toto, the. south has not tho
sllKbteat sympatHy with the spirit of
tho Democratic jiltfsVa,' favoring
the disruption of certain Industrial
Interests for the purpose of stamp
lug out evil In their conduct, rather
thaa their regulation with a view to
ward bringing thorn within the law.
They know and understand tho
threat against tho property of tho
country Involved, In placing In pow
er the Democratic party, undor Its
presont leadership."
In another portion of his speech,
Taft replied to nryan's spooch of
acceptance, particularly to the
charge that tho people do not rule
and that tho Republican party Is re
sponsible for corporation abases,
Taft pointed to the overwhelmfsjr.
majority given McKlnley and Rooe
velt, the maiBteaance of the gold
standard and the protective tariff. He
declared the conduct of the preseat
'(Ooattawed oa lv.)
had parted from Rnsenbaum, Less
than four moths later hn socurod n
dlvorco from Rogers, declaring that
hor socond motrlmonlal oxporlmont
had cost hor 100,000. Shortly after
that hor path orossod that of James
E, Dunn and becamo tho object of
her third nuptial conquost.
Mrs. Dunn furnished tho monoy
to purchaso tho Savoy hotol and es
tablished hor husband as proprietor
A few months ago ho suddonly disap
peared, leaving no explanation. Urtr.
Dunn followed him east and found
him ono day at Atlantic City In com
pany with a woman, Two weoks ago
M'rs. Dunn again appeared In this
city la search of hor fugitive hus
band. Not finding htai Bho rented
her wrath on Dan Dean, formor stew
ard of the Savoy, vhen sho accused
of knowing the whoreabouts of her
husband. Dean entered an action In.
police court against her for personal
damages, complaining that sho had
severely beaten him.
Joseph Mcddlll Patterns, yon of
tho editor of tho Chicago Tribune
has given a grand expose of society
people In his book entitled "Llttlo
Ilrothers of tho Rich."
King Leopold's reign of blood In
the Congo ended yesterday w.hea tho
HrusselB chamber of deputies pass
ed the annexation bill, maktag tho
Congo part of tho goYernmeat,
Ocllla Karcuidn, a 21-yer-eld
girl of Seattle, committed suicide by
taking poiaoH yeeterdsy because ahe
had been suffering from a toothache
far three weeks.