. wjSTfpT1 f i. . ' V pfT '"p'fy . . vol. xvm SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1008. NO. 105. IWWW--MeMW-W---WW'-rtffHWMI-MtW--aJW xmMnMuL " s. "r rtiw WW r W i ( Z Hl A r Wi c V MT ( -'Mw -. WBpjfujJrBFipTyyT wfc-. iT " ..... , ..iH..B..w. nHMMMnniMMBnaH Mill r HI 111 HI OVER HIGH EMBANK MENT JAPANESE REPLACING STRIKERS BADLY INJURED IN RiMf AY NEAR THE STEEL BRIDGE I . I - 1 I ! I . . . V MROAD TROUBLE IS WORSE THREE. ARE KILLED, IN ACCIDENT (Unltvd Vrmi '.eimcd Wlre.l Wlalnpcg, Man., Ang. 7. Tho ttriko situation 1b moro scrtouu this afternoon than nt nny ofbtir tlmo tines fbo Cnuatllnn Pacific tuachln 1iti went oat. Fifteen shop foremen valked out today, refusing to work ilth Jupancve lrfko-"brcTfl;vrH. It is itported thai tho tolegmpherB cm-ploji-u by the company -nro 'on the point ol striking in uymptttliy. Qrcln flvulvnt expressed the grent wt anxiety this nftomonn regarding ttentremcrt-ar tho crorra, trail thoro (Continued on puko eight). ST. LOUIS - TRISGO . PASSENGER ' (United I'rouft Laicd Wire.) Imbodon, Ark., Aug. 7. Throo penso'Ui nro dead nnd Bovoral "badly injured as u result or tho derailing of a St, Louis & San Frnncleco pan 8$cngor train, No. 2QS, 12 miles east of hrp today. T., eead are. Engineer Cooper, Memphis, Tana, Leo Booker, fireman, Memphis, Tenn. II. P. Overy, A spreading rail huTled tho engine over a, 12-Toot enYbttrikment, the-nag-gngo nnd Btnollng cars "being drag ged atAvr "It. The -wreckage caught Urc. JOHN D. WOULD PAY FARM DEBT WITH ONE DtiliAR GREENBACK- ii CfflCMSTOfttl PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE -) 1 OUR- Augast Special Sales ARC ESPI.'CIALLY I-'dlt THE PURPOSE OP SLATJKHTERlXa MER- CHANTOSi:. atttK TRICES ARE CUT DOWN ON TOTTERY ARTICLE. W YOU WANT (GENUINE BARGAINS NOW IS YCClt'TLUE TO CNCT THEM. SEE THE PRICES t Standard Qaltoos .m yard m , -;& LL 1A f t t 8 l-3c 8tftaflArd Aprdn Cslum8, yard uliu and 9hn-. - Ttn- Wert oar Whlto Goods, LawHB aad W1U Going at less than manu wrs' prices. I ! .& I t t r .m 'immmi i .mm B1ket8, Shecu and PUlow Ca; - peaUy reduced prices. ea ' Standard Towels I . only, each 4j ,Wt Rbout Hlf Price on all our Good, and Silks. I9 fcJbrolderi y. 7ar4 W Slaughter Prices OK ALL OUR - LtwMes' fiukt Skirt Wakfta, Silk PetticoHtH, Millinery, Ostrich PliUHs, FIqhviw HHd.SIwpeii. August fw Rarxaias. TRUCME1) HATS HALF PRICE. 1.0Q Jdirt WalsU Now 40- 910.OB sveu sinu Now $8.50 BETTER U1TS AT THE SAMR (United ITcm Lcnied Vfft.) Clovelnnd, 0., Aug. 7.&-X , "sow story of tho gonfcroBlty of Colm "D. Hockefellor carao to llght:Tiwo to rlay, when It was related "by Wflliam Kranso, -who BliniHy couldiliot keep IL to himself any longer, f Tho Krancca, who nro "very poor mid In Gtibt, llvo on tho tnvm which was the lioyTiood bomo of tho oil "king. Jolin D. wtib passing t'lo placo In a touring car today, nd stopped to loolc over tlio plate. j Rockofellor wtlk dctrjily affectod upon Klniling fh-at tho family was struggling unaor a heavy cldbt and "ho alnjcAt wopt -Ms ho Ulkfd ttjMrs. KrauKU,.nna alio told or iho hard clr cumotnncos ol tho "family. .TnKing from Ills pocket a large T.'allot ho remmed a roll of wenty dollnr bills nnn 'hundre'd dollar bills. Which ho held irorvouBly'ln his hand, as Mr. KrausiTB eyes -opened wide, and sho almost choko'd with Joy ot aHtlclpntlon. Tho oil klngVbony ilngers lingered ovor ilie twentltB nnd then got down to tho hundreds. "Plojso tnko somo money fnrm mo. llllrdiim nnr.t wnn'i vnn dnri'i bo embarrassed; 'it will "help pay off tho mongago on 'tho old "farm whortiJ I used to llvo. Tleaso 'd-on't be cm barra"s!a. " Then fiom the heart vt tho rlcltfl roll ho slowly drew out -a worn one Udlhvr bilL nnd hnild it out with i4 pleading Hlr, and 'Brtfd: "Don't rufuso nro." He -lircotd tho U11I into tho cnl- 'loused Ijnndof Mrs,1Crause,nVho wai so overcome mho conlU notBTak, and the great klts of flnunco, apparently bellttvlnc Rb wm 1o nvorcfrnin with Joy ami thanWUlneis'to speak, clam- 'bereU into His touring car and drove wway, smiling benigrVry and -waving u tender adieu 't,o the larmer's-wlfo. Mrs. Krauso took tho dollar bill Into tho "hpuso nd put -It into her BTUle, in the center ot the story of Jolin tho Baptist, whero t5he is kep- 1ng It "for luck. "Nor husband 1d tods- ho coifld n,Qt,?ilp teRing the story in splto Hf "his aiprec!atIon of tfho prl&cely gift SUSPECTED OF KILLING HIS WIFE 6FJ). GOSS 'IOW AN fS SENSATIONAL TRIAL EXPECTED . v (Unltn! I'roM Leflrd Wln.) , Bishop, Aug. 7. DewlopmontB Into tody show that tlioro Ib golm; to bo a fionsntlonal contlst ovqr the nrrcBt of Potor Snydor lor alleged conspiracy to murdor "his wife lrf Bishop ennyon, 20 mllte nouthenRt of Bishop. Snyder, who 1b a wealthy rnnn, and who wan married to a rlca' Kapsas City vromon, alleged that his wlfo was shot down "by hold-up imti laBt Sund'ay. Tho police think tlmt hid story 1b -weak n many dotntlh, Today Snydor g&vo tho foBB-Wlng version of tho shoeting: "Wy wlto nnd 1 rodo on htJTSo'back to tbo crnnp iwd paid tht G7io'k la borers. While rotunnTTtfliDut 7 o'clock t "hot from nmbprfh Yrlght onod my liorso, which throw mo off. A BOcoTid shot Btruck Mrs. Snydor, -who was aiBmouiitod. Sho foil, Bn Ing bIio was dying. Two or threo moro RliotH T.'oro llrvJl. "I -drbyf auil emptied my rovolvor, Teloadt'U It -nnd ran townril two mon -wTio wtro ndvmiclng. Tlioy bIioI ino mnro, 'but ran Into tho brush aa I jmBsed." Snyder 'flcsci'lbrAl "tho mon n AmurtcauB.Tind ilewrlbe'd tholr e'ob ingtn iletu'fi, but Uill not know whoth or 'hey had rllles crr-pl61rt. Snydor run n mllo and, a half, ho said, to a laboroj"scnmp for mmlst ance, nnd earrleU 'tho -wounded wo man to iVnd row's summer resort. throo miles away, Whoro Bho died Tho 'biilldt, m 38-crilJbro, Btrtick near Itlie Bjftno amd puvrfd through the "uody unU was fltoppcfd by her cloth- 8nydut"B nilstdl 'kaa 'been found tt bo a 32, and Ills story 'disapproved In Home Oututlu. Ofllcera found -ortly ono set or tncka fitting to shoes -worn by Av- Ktios, 8nyfofH xjrtin, They led to the road Xx 'Snydor ''camp. Avgenos left the la'borors ctfmp In advance of Snyflwr. ' Dlxcrepanv'les In tho different storltra told "by 'Suydor and his con duct created auiqflcloa. At tho In quest lie tewtltled that to had Just secured a permit to curry -a revolver,! BILLED BY 2300 VOLTS WHILE WORKING ON LIGHT POLE i While working at .tho top of a light polo on Stnto strcot nenr tho nlley between Commercial and illborty Btrects at G o'cloelp laBt oven lag, Gcorgo Goso, -n lineman ,of this eltjVcRHio in contact wltiv HRloctrlo ."wlro carrj'lng -2300 volts ot- elec tricity, and was immediately killed. The,, exact manner in which Goss came In contact with tho wire is n'frt known. Tho only season the dead man's body is a burn on tho loft leg. Tho hands woro not burned or scarred, and thlo seems to elim inate tho theory that ho took hoH HURT IN RUNAWAY J. SHIRLEY BADLY INJURED ' . "Whllo driving a spirited young colt on tho river road, Just west of this city, about 7 o'clock laat ovon Ing, J, Shirley, who Is horo from Iowa visiting his nleco, Mrs, Ireland, mot with a serious runaway ac4dt aa a rofiult of which ho Is now at, tho Wiltamotto sanitarium, suffering from a concus(on of tho brain. SJiIrloy ntt!pted to drive the colt past a honey few rods north of the Polk county approach of tho bridge. Tho houso was bolng moved, and wag In tho middle of tho road. The colt refusod to bo forced past the struc- 0f thefwlre. The iran was seen to'turo, and, with a suddon Juatp to tho .uiinpirerutl.uiq n,c, ujvins ljuivikl) imuu ui(hioui liutlr mw Ultvur lO in possible 'ho Was-ttken down 'by, tho gtsouiiiAN lu somo manner Shlr- loy.bocatno entangled In tho reins und was dragged Boveral yardB by the frlghtonod horso. Ho wad picked up Jn an uncon scious condition nnd tnkon to the Willamette Sanitarium, whoro It was found that, ho had sustained two se rious scalp wounda, a cut through tho oar and Bovornl bpdy bruises, Tho shock also prodticod a concus sion of tho brain, from which Slilr loy is still Buffering today. It in thought, howovor, tlmt .ho will Boon recover, and will bo nblo to loavo the linemen and othor persons who woro nenr tho scono of tho accident. ' P.nmn fhrrwx ni fnur nilmitiia passed boforo ho was extricated from tho wires nnd placed on tho ground, Ho wn worked with for about 20 minutes, but at tbo ond of that tlmo hopo was given up. Gobs tib taken at onco to tho un dertaking parlors of Coroner dough whore Tin examination was nuido Opinions differ no to whether the shock received was enough to kill a purson instantly, Mnnngor Dancy of tho telu)"hono company, stated laut j tho hoopltal In a fow days, evening that pereonB receiving 2309 n volts of olootrlcltjr ofton lived for 4ij minutes. It was Btntod by atTornl electTlclans that tho law among "Ilnomon wtib that efforts to revive tt person revolving an olectrlc s"hodk uhcMilfl not lo given np until after two "hours. , But It nppc-ara thnt m this 'cttuo auch meuanrcs would huvo been uooleoa, Coronor Clough last evening bad not -yet decided Whether an Iwjuost would.bo liold. Goss leaves a broth er, "Walter, who Is nt n lineman, and 11 Wlfo and child, all ef: -wl()m reside in Oils city. An eyo-wjtneBB of tho accidont told the following story to a Journnl te- pcrrtor this merrlng: "I -yfUH standing acroaa thf street frartbo polr on which the linemen woro -working on tbo wires. Sod- PORTLANDER AND BRYAN HAVE TALK Fnirvlow, Lincoln, Nob., Aug. 7. M. B. Gibson, a former congressman from Ohio, who now lives n Pert land, Or., was In conforonco with Bryan today, Gibson was a dologatq to the In dependonco party convention, jd. with Sheppard, of Kanaas, waa ojoct fd bocauso he wantod tlio convontloa to endorso Bryan, yiiat ho came hero to tell tho Nobraskan Wa not revealed. since bo songlit irrot6etlon against, dejdy I board Ralpn Taylor, the Jlne- lljv InV-nHAOn . k UiuitAHn.1 I.Iih I Ttl M 1 IJVW I h 44 j-t1 . 1.H..1. I jmv iwiB, -i ifiiUfltiuucu llllilff GUARIWMEN AWAIT ' - CRY OP RUGLB Camp David 8. Stanley, Amorlcan ILLEC1AL PRACTITIONER .ON WAY TO VANOOUVER Honolulu, Aug, 7. J, Lev Wal lach, who claimed to nave discovered a eur for Joprosjy'and -who served a term In prison for Illegally practic ing mcdichie. has left Hawaii, and It 3 believed here that no will soon ap- poar as a pbysfclan In Vancouver, B. C. When Wallacb. wa under sev eral Indictments, friends offered to gain bis release, by paying his fine:, but tho attorney-genera! told them it would be useless to do so. Wal lach rem-laod ia Jail two months, and left here -uooa after his release Ono of his former friends said today becauso of a Itibor fllsagreement. It is wild that flnydor TW a Greek, rfho may navo changed Trie name. He bus represented klmeelf as & Grecian bond seller. He married -tho mur dered woman at Erie, Kansas, a fow yeans ago. Ho was unmarried bo foro nnd lived In Kansas City. Ho eaya his business was that of "hole-. salo produce, but he Is known "horo as a contractor for tho Nevada -und California Power Company. He "bad Just got a contract and was to start East In a few1 days. Ilia wjfo was re puted to Vara a large fortune. man working n the pole beneath ! Lake, Wash., Aug. 7. Tho prenara- Oob?. call out to Dave Wright, ono of tions for tho scheduled battles of the electricians on the treet: 'Com!nWt Monday are actively going on, nero, quiekl' Wright mshed over to ," oy tlio tlmo tho engagements aro the polo aad climbed np. In tav meanwhile I -walked over to see what wan wrong. When I got there Tay lor and Wrigkt were trying to oxtrl- cate Goss from the network of wire Soveral minute were consumed In THREE KILLED WHEN WALL OAVE8 IN that his destination was Vancouver J New York, Aug. 7, Threo Men A Van VafIt lurlcf -aa Atkj-XAnA LOW PRICKS. If fOH wHt " "w" "- ""7 7 rr wade ! eVar kla4 ,a fecordaace with be Hughes edme to er store. Mew is Ue tiw for BarpdM. aatl-gambllng law, ladlrlduals way bet, bat tkoee who Make betting a bualBM caaaef: j Store That Saves Yob Moiy I Fn4prlr.V Dorr. tb mincV hrnkr, aeeus4 of easbeMleweat la naay el tie, k vwier arreet la Lea Aa- were killed today by the caving la of a wall oato to an Iraiaesse steam dram, eacaaed la a cemeat structure at St. Jofca Heme fer Boys. Ckarle Timothy, oae of the work raoB, was eaught uader the wall aad the eatlre lower perttoa ef his body was haraed by the eeeajMsg steam. He hcfed tk. ethrs to kill blm. He waa eempelled to alfer latease agoay sat 11 he waa rewered. oruored all tho mon of tho ml1t1a will bo llstonlng for tho buglo call. It Is expected that at least ono of the nattlos will bo fought ton miles from camp, Tho militia will loavo the camp In heavy marching order, and. doing this, after which they tied a I Mer a hard tramp, will moot In on ropo to tho belt Ooss woro. They engagement. Tho mon will then then lowored him, and I, with others, camp on tho field and mnneuvor dnr holped lift hlw to the ground. I folt Jng tho night. Tho second engage over hie heart, but there wan ho ' "iunt Will bo fought just before day- Blgn of life. Dr. Byrd was thoro and I light of tho next day. worked over him for about 20 mln- utee, but to bo avail. "I understand from the linemen that Ooia waa astride one wire and struck another with his elbow, thus forming tho circuit which caused his death." Campaign Maaager Hitchcock, of The near-boor, which the mnfinn has been serving, was found tolbo too "near," and was closed by orders from headquarters. Many of the roglmonts aro suppjed with mascots, which in most casoa are small boy dreeeed In uniform and wearing their regimental oraa rnents. The star macot of the en- iinniainJ la a Ll.il. !. ,.... j ... the Republlcaae, ya he see. danger -.-.:. "' 'iZlZ .?: and a hard Nght ahead to seat Taft ry, W, N. O. "Toodle" delight to la the PreeMeatlal chair, Walter break looee aad chase eome loaeeome Wellmaa eays Iryaa la stroager ' oldler up a, tree' while he remaiae thaa erer. KiMtrd" below, until called o by the aia!a.