Q n t ', -" 7 DAILY CAPITAL JOUAI, ,AIJMf01UtQOKt.ryUMeiAYf AUGUST; 4, 18y., , IMPORTANT "a 10 MATTERS ACTED ON BY CITY COUNCIL Property owner, wh have boo. nil to hare their Bldewalks con P ted by order of tho city coun i! td who further, havo refused ! .,. nay for ine ' had best beware, for a day of reck oning U cffl,nK', Alderman biois m a vigorous wlth'tnelr'Avbfk. This-scheme has worked successfully both In Port land and Eugene. (Tho motion by Councilman Stolz that tho balance of $2037 be trans ferred from tho goaeral Improvement fund to tho State street Improve ment fund was carried; Ho then moved that a warrant for this A if mm attitude of Bomo amount be drawn In favor of tho ,,pr.L- nmnortr -owners, at tho! Warren Construction" company. The m mesv .-!-- - - , c i. ii. The report of i I n, nronorty ...... nf Mio council last evening, B ...j M,inrt!cnatlon of thocltyitho city engineer showed that tho ,0... .u-. .,o vnnnrjihlo contlomen i amount duo to tho contraction ifjtners inai I Tn6tlon was carried, tho city engineer s amount due to tl ...... v. t,". ...- I j...,, Mffmlned on tho spot to put uf company up 10 August i was Z3, .. A...I. knl.lt nf nit- tflnletuson mo curuuic n. -- lain residents in siiumiib "' i,f Bent o' bill duo' the cjty for build lug their jldewalks. 'The city attorneys wbb insirucieu to compile a list of tho delinquents, ,nd If these c'tlzons do not pay up, immediately a Hon will bo mod nt once against tholr property. The city attorney will report tho matter st the next meeting of tho council. The printing or tho city charter w po'tponod Indefinitely owing to !k of fundB The ordlnanco for the improvo- Be&fof Winter street was mndo it' nutter of fecial consideration x b the next regular meeting. The city marshal wa Instructed to serve notice at once on tho Port ! find Railway, Light and Power com pany to Improvo Its trnck on Com mercial ilreet. The deplorable condition of the Kwen was discussed by Chairman Trailer of tho committee on sowors. He state that tho odors from tho Court street towor, whoro It empties Into the, river wero so offensive that the residents of lower Court Btrcot could not tolerate tho condition any longer The city cnglnoor wns In structed to Investigate, tho matter and report at tho next meeting. The report ,of tho llcenso commit tee recommending the granting of . s Hguor llcen'o to Nusbnum was adopted. Tho chief of pollco wa" in structed to Investigate the objection able pictures displayed In several of the saloons in tho city. J II. McNnry wns lnvltod to ad dress tho council on the mattor of the paving on Stnto atreot. Ho Bald that under tho contract with tho Warren Construction company tin That ear Amriwa. lores abetiadta plants whMt possess the taeet ValuaMa" tsedlclnal virtues' fa awiHtantly attested by scores of, the" most eminent medical writers and teachers. Even the untu tored Indians had discovered, the useful ness of many native plants before the advent of tbo white raco.1 This Informa tion. Imparted freely to the whites, led tho latter to continue Investigation until to-day wo have a rich assortment of tsoat valuable American medicinal root. a ' Dr. Pierce better that oar American for nu atJbnd In most raluable medicinal roou foa'tbocuiVntf most obstinate and fatal din a&s, U wojjitiUlDroperly Inveslleate tbrai and lO4crnrof this conviction, he Cl'ffiil rfforfr.l tiy t "ftnimm-Mrilr.tl.ni. cuterv." tfhlcli l;!n timvpn ltwlf U) In' tfcf tpost BlIldaiiL-Stinnarh trmlr. ly?r Invlgnr atnr. ftygrt tmlff nnfl TwUMar. ftpd lilnod I pisdfcssw mm Aim ;vt -rytr V t cicansyr npirrn ornci sia. or inuiittsilon, torpti UlMK-ii- unctlonU WAINT ADS J t s,v wwwwwimwwinwmiww FOR SALE Aulomobllo For Safe First class, 35-horso power, 5 passenger Stod-dard-Dayton tolirhig car for aalo cheap. Qwnor will guarantee car. Enquire at Joufnal oluce. and exen Tarular and other affection o( the heart yield to Its curative action. Tti.i rmron xhi It cures these, and tnanr other affections. clearly shown tn a little book of extracts from tha ttanilanl raodlcal irorV which It mallcil fru, to any address by Dr. It V. fierce, of Buffalo, K. V.. to all niudlm'H request (or the ttue. i 2 Hot lee marvelous. In the unparalleled cun It Is cOBfltsntly making or woman's many tvcqlla: affections, weaknesses and dlstGHIntf derokftnents. Is Dr. I'lerco's FawrUeSPrtiicrlptjtfhKjts amply attestt-d by thous auds oNiai&tUjTtdJestlmpnUN con Irlbuted bj-vyxTcful paTIti who harobrcn ctm-lbYltotrMatThaLnclrl;graijiA..palrifo1 prrlotlj lrrg'ilarltlcs.proJaMti nnduDtr For" Bil Flrst-ciasa carpet paper st ' thlrf office, 2Gc for a big roll, For Sale or trade, one Work horso, for liny or good milch cow. Seo rmm i rvwveefrevswvwiwvipw-.. JHISCKLLANKOU8 Ijot. Qentloman's atraw hat near Oregon Electric railroad cro:slnK at Fair Grounds'. Finder please return to 47C Court Btreet. He ward. " 7-dl-3t Shingles To give away for IctmU ling wooQi Call at Mitchell,, Low-t' Is & StavGr'Vlmplbniont house, on state street. . . 8-I-3t T ,, av''!, -tfeOV. tptf rtv Bj.wsVlw4. AW1ilnHJU4 REfDRipi ilMMllilfcliiiilMilfciltiiMiitiiii ' i V nRAStMriN. H. T. Davis, R. No. 4, Dox 16, Sa-.L08t,An 0,ial ?Uclt P,n' EUhor ou streot. Fltldor . pleaso leave at Journal ofllce., 7-31-3t lorn, t 7-3 1-1 1 Ui?Mnrf mrnl. i-BVMurhxwcnimojAjiicc iTlpn ot aurvn shrfkTpo1ydIic'.)Bs7oTRn. atter many other ailvertlsd Bmliciae. asti physicians had (ailed. Both the aoora mentioned medicines arv wholly made up from the clycerlc extracts of native, modVlnal rootn. The pro-PHHfj fci Blorel In their manufacture worn orlclnai with Dr. l'terve, and they are carried on by VlllPd chumlsu and pharmacists with th aid of apparttus and appliances spec Is .J J designed .and built for this pm- noth mwlTclnea ap entirely fro from alcohol aua' all ntlxir harmful, hablt-fortulna drum. A "- .-?? - .... 41 . -.J full list of tnuir inffreoi each botUs-wrsnpnr. lUaU to pruned o fompany was entitled to pnymont Hard tables, $00. 300.20. A wnrrant for this amount. l68n tho Biirri thnt has already boon imld1, was ordered drawn. Tho application of A. E. Parker for'$G000of city bonds was roforred to the commlttoe on current ox ponscs with power to dlsposo of any or all. o tho city bond'. It Mb un derstood 4hat tho Warren Construc tion company has agreed to take nit the bonds recently Issued by tho city. On motion of Councilman' Millard tho city engineer w,n3 Instructed to establish a grade on D stroot from Capital o Twenty-Bccond Btreet. Thd - - engineer was ateo Instructed to In- to tho commlttoo on ordinances. The vostigato tho grado on East Stato ordlnnnco granting pormlsBlon to tha street. f Portland Railway, Light and Power Council Frazjer moved that the company to removo tholr track on shndo trees oh Stato street, that worn Twelfth "street wa3 also roforred to an obstruction to tho paving on that tho ordlnanco commlttoo. Btreet bo romoved. Tho motion was Tho bill for tho Improvement of carrlod, ' North Cottage Btreet was carrlod to On motion of Councllmon Eld- Its final reading and paBscd. It was ridge all omployos of tho city wore furthor carried that ho property granted a 15-day vacation without ownorcs wishing to do tholr own loss of pay. ' ' work fllo their application! at onco Warrants for tho eajarles of,tho with tho city recorder, city ofllcbrB and for various bljla Tho clnlm of J. H. Eaton for against tho city wero ordered drawn. I40.C0 for damngo sustained on tho Tho specifications for the lnylns Ilaydon brldgo on Fifteenth street of tho now railway track on C6m- wns ordered paid, morclnl streot -wore adopted' - I .A motion requiring all electric A resolution to require tho Ore- signs, posts, pumps, and othor pnr gon Electric railway, company to nphernnlln .on tho Stnto Btroot sldu brlng tholr trnck on Broadway fluali walkB to bo brought to the curb lino vlth tho eBtabllBhod gindo on1 that was unanlmoualy adopted. Btreet was adopted. I r-p' ' Spoclflcatlotu for the' Improvo- roHtnuwtcm' Convention, mont of North Winter str.eot wore Th ftnnuI convention of the Oro adoptod; also tho BpoclflcatlonB for B Fortninstora' Association will bo a sower In block 38. . ,' hold ,n Portlnnrt, Orogon, August 7- ml . , ,. ". , , 8, 190S. For tho nbovo occasion a. Tho report of the poiindmastor rntQ Qno fftfo Qn Uj0 showed 41 arrcBts. 15 dogs ,1m- co,tflcato ,nn ,ms bcou nuthorIzod pounded, dog HconBos and' foes tf Company. $144.25, amount collected from blU ..... ..,.. AV n A "'l UiHIUll.lH.I v.. . For Sole pK5, 24 miles south of Salem, on Jefferson road. C. M. Payser, Route No. 4, Salem, Or. 7-2S-lwk For Salt Two standard bred trot tors, ono bay gelding by Zombro, one bay filly, 3 years old, by Red Seal. Inquire of Sdm Castro, Fair Groumh, Oro. 7-28-lm Wanted. A carrier boy. Apply at ohoo at Journal officer- l For Snle. Four cords of ash wood, cheap, If taken nt once. Call at 334 North Winter streot. 8-l-3t """"iiwjuiiimMWsawwsiss"" For Snle A good, almost now, cream separator, tents, camping outfits, now and second-hand good3 of all kinds. C. Dlllman, 447 Stato street, i 8-1-lw Found Key ring containing two koyB. Owner ran havo Bamo by paying for this ad nt Journal of fice. 7-31-3b i j'i i it CBmmiB ltros. Tnuwter Cptotinny--. All kinds aftraH8ter work doae. Furniture asd pianos boxed ready tor shipment. Prompt lervlee Is out ' raotto. Staii, and ofScey at 26S South 'Commercial strt. Phc-i SlO'TlMsldeBon Phone- 86ft lioO-Acro Fnnn to LonHe For cnah: For a. term of years; 200 acres in cultivation. Al Btack and grain farm,. One mllo from school and church. J. N. Skalfo, 101 Front and Stato. 7-3 1-1 wk Wcngcr & Clicrrliifrton Pianos and Organs solu on oasy terms; tol phonq 1187. 247 Commorcldl Streot, Salem, Oregon. tt inrasrnBTirr Theot M. IVtrrv PlHibl, hot water asd ttMH RtlBit and tinnlagt. 16 i Commercial street Phoae . Main 193. 8-1-lyr ii. n - in M. 3. Petael Plumbing, steaM aaA gas flttlBg. lucceaaor to Knox ft Murphy, 226 Commercial street, 'Prona Main 17. "WANTtcn" lor SO per cent of tho completed Improrernent This, he said hrtd not been done This, however, was not the fau't of the city, as tho funds t pswnt wero Insufficient to moot the payments 11,0 suggested thnt the ccunc 1 draw a warrant for tho An ordlnanco regulating theatorii and amusement plnces was rend for J tho flret time. Tho ordlnanco pro-' vidos thnt those buildings sliould John M. Scott, A. G. P. A. -o- Stockholdera' Meeting. Notice h Jioroby glvon that tho an nunl moot In ir of tho stockholders of have an opon court leading to tho Cap,ta, do,d an(l g,vor M,nnR Com. stroot or alloy, which shall bo kept pany consolidated, of tho City' of unocoupioj, mat uioy anaii navu ginm nrotron. will bo hold at thu For Srtlo Second-hand blndor cheap In good working ordor. B. Cun ningham, Liberty, routo No. 3, , Phono Fnrmora 211. 8-1 3- WANTED. Wo havo a cash customor who wishes cjo&o in rostdenco property, lp00 to 3000. What havo you? City Property 'for Salo. Houses and lots, $350 and -up, ' ' $800. , . jm, Nlco cosy 5-room hquso, lavgo lot, young fruit trees, berries; T800. $000. Houso, eight rooms, to lots snap, 900. House, 10 Rooms, $1200. 91000. Houbo, 7 rootm, CI030 In, on .Asylum avenue, Jicnrlng fruit trees and borrlos, good garden, city aid w.oll water Bnap. i7ntiiiH. 10 acrc3.of nne fruit land, good row houso and young orchard, 11100. fiO Acres. 80 acres, CO under cultivation, Iioubo and barn, porno tlinbor, very host of sol!, in beautiful Howell pral rlo ?nnp. UKCHTIir tt SOIIULZ 371 Stato St. Plono 45S I II L IMS , S hi. amount duo tho company. This, lights and oxlf 8lgn displayed at offlc0 of A Car.on ,n Bal(J dtV m iau. the Wnrron people could tho doors, and various othor- Inno- on tho 8QCOn(, ThuPBdnyi tho 13tb wet col'atcral at tho banks, andjvatlons. Tho ordlnancq was passed dny Qf AugUB,t 1908 ftt 8 0,oIock . it oiilil enable them to proceed ' to its second reading nnd reform! '"ift;l.i"tff Mi AArOIIOL 3 PER 0ENC niCKFUW PrMMMliAn C 4. sfraiiaiiteRMlReguh' m i?s HfBSSg. ii rorrsDwotiCkft.i IWSS aasl kat fAotalacMisw Opiuw JpWftc r! "Ul'JWARCOTIC. r - - ' (VJSB- A perfect Re4y faCmtff yu , ouur M0MCN.LHBrrjfM Worras.ComTitei9sJvms ne3s amlLoss OPSLEIR FscSaale Sljaawejf i KEr YOBK. "For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye . Always Bought V Bears the Signature Qf 'sr'lir fl M In III ' AV II I t seMGuAranltcd utvder tke r& ai Exsl Ccj7 of Wrappav. In Use For Over , Thirty Years GASTORIA TK MUTJiy 0rANT, MW CTTT. m., for tho oiecti.on or directors nnu for such othor 'business as may come bofaro tho moetlng. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Secretary. Salem, Orogon, July 27, 1908. ?-27-2wks . Proposals for Fuel, Sealed bids will bo received by tho Marlon county, court up to Saturday August 8, at 2 p. ra for four-.foot cordwood for tho uso of court bouse In .following qunntleBt Ten cojrdB -body fir." FortyVords socpnd gro.wth flr. ThlrtjnvvCords grubioak, All toifdors to bo mailed tq R. D Allen, courtly clerk. Wit. M. BUSH BY, Snleiu Cnsh Atarket Tho finest cutH of meat at cut prices. My phono 370. 247 Commercial street. P.W- Royoltz, Prop. 7-2 ltf lYantaxi. at Onct From 1100 t $500, the best of, collateral secur ity Co offor. Address O 10, Jour nal offlco. C-ll-tf tii. Help- Furnished l-Vre of Cliargo By Salem Employment Company, 478 State street, phone No, 149, Par ties wanting help, please eall at office- or phone- us. Also have cows for sale, i , i 1 1 i. Concrete Wjvk Oct my prices on aldowalks, curbs, senile tanks and . eement work ot any kind Alt work guaranteed first-claw. M Ward, 2378 Maple Ave.. Highland. Phone 1569, July 2 4 -If Voget Lumber, and Fuel. Co. Luirf bw ,shlagle, building material, wood and coal. Low prlcea and prompt dellverlrf . One blrwk wtt or 8. P. pasaengw depot. Phone ;t 198. 7-S-tf Wanted Second-lmnd steam engine to ruti sopar'ator. Must Imve al least 12-horsepower. Address Josr. Jrossler, box 108, R. F. D. No. 3 Salem. Phone Farmers 401. Wanted Flvo or b!x tons of good, clean clover hay, loose. Apply it 109 Division Btreet, 8-f3t , Wantod. At once, 40 tonB of atrlot ly cholc6 oat hay, f. o. b, cars 8a lem. Will pay 11 per (ton. Will accept lota for same terms er More. A. D. Pettyjohn, Salem! Phone Farmers 4 Ox. 7-80-tt I III llll ll I In Wanted Manager for branch ofWhj we wish to, .locate, here In Salem, Addri with reference, The Mor. rla Wholeeale House, Cincinnati, Oh Is. 7-2 4 -lm. IOPOKfl. ?an,nt''8 Onion No. inoij Loca Union No. 1065 of Carpenters an Jorers of America meot ever Saturday everting at 8:00 p. m. U Hearst hall, 420 State St. A. S Dennis. Uec. Sec. ForvHtiTM if AnuvicH Court Sher wood Foresters, No. 19. Meeti Saturday night In Holroan ba'l Stato stroot ' Waldo Miller, C. R.; J. C. Perry; .financial secretary. GVntraJ Ixxlge No. 18, K. of P- Castle Hall In Holtnan'blork, cor ner State and Liberty treeu .Tuesday-of each ?eek at 7: S i" m. Oscar Johnson, C, C,; B.' R Anderson, K, of R. 'and I. Unit & WenderoUt Fine urines, - liquors and clgara. We handlt tho colobratod Kellog gand Caallt whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly oi- draught. South Commercial street. 9-3-lyr" VIMIMMa1"aWSMWiKlllBSkSSlSSailMSBaSSMSiSSSHSSWSSSSMaSSMSSSSSSSf" Enlarged Our "moat markot on E'w. t State stroot has been doubled In size and wo arc bettor prepared than over to serve customers. Prompt servlco and the best of meats our motto. Call -or phono 199. R. E, BdwardT Moat Co. IIOTffLI ANl RKSTAtrKAJfrer M til Ml M II II, HHI 1 1 The White House Restaurant For a BeguUr, yf- 25cDinncrat20c They can't be beat McGilchrist & Son ' () ProftrlekMrff, 1 m IHIMHMMtllllilM Slmond Iintlten tho boatman, Lnunchos arid r'! kinds of boats for ront. Excursionists tnk.ea to any part of tho bay. Will meet trulno at anv tltno at Ynqulna on roquost, Rates rcasonablo. New port, Oro. Tho Home flecker InfornuUlon Uh rtoau will placo you In direct com munication with ownorB of farms nnd city, proporty. Clmmbor Cpm morco, Portland. 222 N. Commer cial atroet, Snlom Or, T-21-W I WIhIi to Ht'itt Four or flvo acres of land, w!th house nnd barn, near Salem, or houso In town. Leavo word ut Jotirnnl. 8-3-3t llFATr IWTATR FOH KAT.K r-22-d-W ' County Judge DO YOU WISH TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL? WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY with Its new $50,000 building will please you? Why go East to col lege? Here are flrst-elas college and preparatory courses sad fine op portunities In the study of Music, Oratory, Theology, MedJcle, Law, Teaching. Expenses reasonable; surroundings healthful; beautiful campus; 45 professors. For cata loguer address President Homan, Sa lem, Oregon. ' 7-21-eod & w-lmo - o Hlds on School Hout Scaled bids for tnu erection of an addition to the CleattHTako school house, school districts No. 022, Ma- Modern Wtedtuea of .'uuerk- -Or gon Cedar Canu No. S?46. UnK , every Thursday isvealng at J o'clock la Holaan ball. W. W Hill, V. O.; F. A. Turner, elerk tKdBwwi of World Meet every Fr day night at 7:30, In Holman kal; O. L. Darling, C. O.; P. L. Fra- It, Clerk. ! LiaoolR AuMRity UeR, Slek, a, dent and Beaste InHrae; 2, 000,60,0 pledg-d; every elalm sal Good ageata wanted. J, H. 9. 1 Box4J2 Salens', Oregon. R. 11 Ttvnn, rrat((rv Ria 9tat r Sometliing Worth Investiptinf LIVKRY AND FKED TAnLW8 Livery and Pei-d StaWen Old Po' oee RablM, at 254 Ferry street between Commercial and Fron streets, Telephonu 188. Some or h- Pi(U lvri- jn MP fU rnT bo found here Westacott & John son, props. ,10-1-lyr. v it ACTftWIKS I rlon cdtintr. Oreeda. will lie received l<jg$m"lJi 8ASA5n ook vac Plans and aecWlcatlg1l.Jnay be rrsen Frank M.' Brrwi ?MantHeturef at tyschucLaunarintendent s . Ptia lAtatrta r. HAW wrvi, - cour atthecqt ofStn latSalrtitF servo the rKtto reje'ctlan' or all 20 acres,' all in cultivation, land good lorany purpose water piped on place, Price ?1100.' 7-room hotiBo, ono-half block from car line, basemont, cUy, wator, bath; electric lights, basqment, A good buy' at ,2800- ' '.. Good lO-rooMlkouse, lot 5x180, closelR loaf caf line.' Price City, lo'tsfb'r eale cheap. Small amount down, balco In uiqnlhly lifstallmenls, no Inter- , !. est. ' : OLMSTED LANIKCO, 4mll Ye W Oe. 7S8TWfTnKT; JU m adeem J Restaurant I MEALS 15c Hm BOT-EL OREGON mwM"wMVaVNaW9BVBHK!SMI59CHHnMHBa1 r Seventh and Stark Sta. t Portldfld's New and Mtkrdrn I I Kotil. Kitos $1 per day and m. twofm pUiri. rreccus. .lirWMT.WCKaVSONIrOmCO. PraWtelors tgiiisiiiiritgaiiaf m millll MHrf r-H-l It II F The Leonard I 1 1 a aim 1 wimammmJb JL X Flrat efaaa roemlng and board- , lay hoHse. A. CJJark, proprle- J ter. Phone 971. 2(4 Front St. Or. bld3, M. C CH1TTEVDEN, sk. oi, wwulafayas. - All klUt. , ,,?... , -. . W we im vS'tmri'viJ SALCfctWTIW COMPANY iwrk. Fft xkt, imw4m. wUm - 'Qvviem city hauu and .Court. Kaka !I eolalnii rir water aerrloe apply at & MHU1HHIIIIHIHHIH4 O C. Tr Co. Steamora Pomona and Oregoua lpa.ve iar Portland, dajjy except Sun day at 0 a. in, M, I IJALDWI.N, Ageut, , ' HOlUaTKB'O fficky Hiunrnin Tea Niiflpi a Susy UmUsIco h Bur; ?m1Io. Irtajt 3sl4 Hwlt! I llPri VJger Aopflor riiljilii, Iimuo'-wii Mi" 3iJ Kl'iucrv Tronti?, 1'lmplw JCtruini Kii.um .kI SUi-i Iirvulji. i4lu(.csli llaifpic, II mMtlyt i)n-J H.vAtc 1 HslKkyM'j'UiiiiiiTMMi It tvnn M vci l " 'l ' W Hol,urr.u I)hvc I'oufssiV, WiwU'-i, Wik. aaaTpglfiliptWiM B0 COURT BTKKJfT. nll anl p alua UimU V ' W M V., ,w ---- -,, 15c. Board per' week la.7. 9 also furnished yean , ver? X reasonable. AT TUX r1 f i ij X:Ui . - PJerkr at natMc . . . . . m p,M Mtmmi tat Ml UM.VK WstNtf