BAIL CAPITAL JOURNAL, MXWtf, ORWOOX, TUKBPAY, AUGUST 4, IvOfv !- i uMMM i i "i ' ii Tftr-i ... ..V " . ? IWJgMWWJ ,1 7' "aw i - i i ii f Mmm m Wi tt' l( "Hi WssLaii . r i NEWPORT'S BIGGEST r-i SEASON XT TWO DAILY TRAINS MARK IT THE MOST EASILY AC CEH8IHLK OK WESTERN ORE ON HUMMER IIIJSOI1TS I'BK BONAJ.H FROM TUB BEACHES. Newport, Or., Auk. 3. Thin sum mtr will 1o Newport's banner yc? for buMncM ai'tho number of people fcoro to far surptiutt those of nny pre vious year. Thoi twd dally trnlns from Albany pinko It" fdry fcbnvenlen as people living north of Albany avA Cqrvallls can leave Newport shortly afierflooH hti&' be home the ' snmh night. Thin does nwny with the nil day trip M. Uo cflrl' 8lart !'n lhP wortilng and- Is much appreciate,! fey TorllBHii nni gnlew. eopl3. Tim re ot jhwi wiHwr nn ,... -r. for Newport an, tt cleaned out a iqt of old building! which have been replaced by modern structures and tint store would bo a credit to any towH. NewporMow tins a hot at water nwlmmlBK tank , and' other feNlktlMRs l , connection , tv?Jth t It which looks Jlkp a MtMo corner tit th -tiaWporL oa.tha Aanticut off. .aatt mcd Kv?- Thoro "r0 lWk) , moving, plpUirj shows, besides tho tcttal number, qf nlgger-baby, rlflo and hot snusagd tand. . , . NEWPORT PEHBONAI.H. Mr, and MnJ Ltfwell Twoeclalo 0 jialeni arrived .Saturday night. Mr', and Mrs. T. Holvoraon nnd KUcafiftlf BJiroat.'fHi'mdrly 'of Sa lem, aro spending JVugiiut at tho beach. 'Mr. and Mrs. Kdward OHtnorj farmr Saloifiltcs, aro spoudliirf ewe tlmo hero. MIes Krkacla Drandt and MlS NhK of Salem left Monday. Thoy III JoIr Mh Lena tlrandt at Van couver, whore thoy will spend a few day before returning -to Bajom. Mrs, A. n. Crnasmuit and daugh. tr Milan loft for tholr homo In 8rt,Ui)d Monday after Hpondlift several weeks at tholr suinmor cot Uko. Miss 'Croasman will leave .rnrtUnd Immediately for Now York where she will commence an ongugo wijat with tho "Boul KIbi" company MIm Oranu of Pordnml, n sliter of Mrs. CrDHsnmn, M'lll keep tho Crons man rottago open nnd Inter bo Joined by her daughter, Mrs. Dub ncy or Portland. v Mrs. Waldo, wife of ho late Judge Waldo, Is occupying a cottngb nr Nye creek with hur daughtor. nnd will remain hero or some tlmo. Mr. Joeph. a contractor nnd ar ponlur of Snlom, U cnmplng at Ny vrcok with his rttmlly. for sovqrnl week!. v Mr. und Mrs. Twusdnlo of Atbniiy ro at tholr cottugo at Nye Crook. MUs Hitbluo Dont of Pnrtlnutl lu Visaing Mm., B. Hofer or u few weeks. (' Mtis Nettta Potter of Portland aud Mta Mnrgnret Putnam of 8a tern have rnoniij for August at Mrs. J. A. Olaona In OUouvMto. Mr. 15 T. Hnrne and wife of Si lent and J I. Ilnrnos, alto of Salem, Are Kucit at the Irvln luitte. H. M. HodgttHOf Indepeudeni'v and . J. l. IKmlton ot Dallas, aro wimplng tear; Newport. , m , Mrs, Uluuil Gn?ch and diuyter Uuth nnd Mla Wlldn itowlaud of Portland, tho Mimes Urti . and KdUh loosolf VfatUe. Wanh . un.l Miss I'lnlr I.. Chndwloh ot Colfax. Wnth-. aro Mueudlng, tho summer lu the GMeh eoUngu at Nvo boach. Gov. otiiuaberlatn and family iwer among at wwMtKarrlvnl nnd nr Pleated ai the Abhy tauno dur ing tholr stay her Mr. am) Mrs. H. 1) Klmlns and daughter Pr'nelUa nre onJoyHg n outing In thttlr Na Qrtk sottog Oarnr Smith and (atully of Sulsm ure to)png ut tho Potnuwtuu out- tag. Mm. Itawyrmau Hd ibtughUr Martha nnd Mr. Upcicrstl sr uwen the rooj.nt arrivals. Hov. ll(iir ana- fainMy t Hitlm jirrtved Kr.Jay (or a sunur' imi Insr. . I John It. Dlmmlsk uf tlMbbncJ 4 MIj Urua lk?k f Sulem at visi tor a. the Qawou wtttg Archbl8tu. OhrUtlo kwlvt wntl mntlon KurvU hvro Sunday. touBnsuuu suit tr, W U. K' II? of Peudjdnn nre rtxiliorotl at Ik Abley, tleort? IHkuw was a wek?n,t vllt6r at Newport nd JatJUenUlly took u -trip to fcUSIkt projwrty. Mrn, A. ,, Mites rni' fatuity of .... REPAIR Li." SMILES-. M I 7 I "HOUSES & AM TO MS PUT l?f COMWiFrK CONDITION rOU THE OPB.V INO OF TUB FALL TERM. At tho regular meeting of the bosrd Of dlrcctora of the Bnlem schools lBBt Saturday cvunng, the following Improvement were rec ommended by W. -P. Hancock and H. 0. Bplcy of tho repair committees High School. Two coatB of hard hot oil on 2nd and 3rd floor and Btnlrwny ,$100.00 Clean flues and furnaces, ft safeguard agalrilt.flro.. . , . 6.00 Cont of varnlBh to 70 to 100 desks '..-.. 20.00 $120.00 KfSt'Hchool; Paint tin roof wlUpRadclirf's Aho toa pnlnt,' 'gunrnn tced for five years. ..,.'..$ 83 00 Clonn flues and furnaces... 12.00 Ilepalr east stepi. ...... .(. G0.00 Now and wider ptnirwny leading from" flrt floor to jftihaBcmont ........ i . r 100.00 Thorough ItiBopctlotnnd re. pnlrlug of plumbing In en - tiro building ... 20.00 '. J20C.OO Grunt Kcltool, " Rebuild Btopn on north 'and south of building': yr,';i. ..1210.00 Uiqnn nucj nno ;iiirunvva. ... Two;, now doorBjn ba'somont Coat of fluting on nil. black boards ......' .t. ... . ... KalRomlno wbI!b and ,j;jH Ings of two. rooms. nnd .ono hnll ...... ....-rv..v. Paint exterior of 'building.. con 25.00 72.00 40.00 300.00 Palht roof with '-Itndcllft'B - f- Aabestos pnlnt ; ; . . 70.00 i . - $773.00 Pnrk Hcjiool. Finish cementing basement ,. floor ,.....,.$120.00 Clonn flue. And fli;o-box , to boiler ... .. ... .,).,. ( .0.00 Coat of slntiug to black- bonrds in seven roonnt . . . 03.00 Knliomlno wnlls nnd cell- ings of nil rooms nnd lir.II 120.00 Window 'sondes to roplnco ' . worn put oiU'K , , .30.00 " $053.00 Lincoln Hrlutol. Itebulld south stops nnd porch $ 75.00 Clonn llijoi nnd furnnceH... COO Two now doom In bnsumont 1C00 KnUomlno wnlls nnd ceil ings of all roouiB nnd hnlls 104.00 Coat of slntiug o ull.blnok- boitrds 54.00 $2fiK.I)0 The work on tho nliovo I in prove mouts will be dlvldsd among the dif ferent enrpeutors, masons, plumber n ml pnlnten In this city, who will tnke up the work Immediately In order tlint nil ohooln will bo in por ted coudHlou when the rahool sou sou begins on September 28. Newberg tiro in a cottage nt Nyai Creek. MIsn Nlnn lluahnell of Snlom Is spending an outing ut Newport. Three hundred and fifty peoplo ar rived In Newport Saturday and 300 came In on the vxeurslun Bundny. . ' ii ' ii i TEA The way to bijy tea is In packages; somebbqy is responsible for it, Yur tMHtt ftlui iur ir r II ru !' IIU SthCUnf ' llMti f v tiiN Ni'iv Oinorntlis, Pwklnt Hotel Pbarnwcyj prlnoj Ml Uids. Purtland, eapttsl ittttk. 16,0 UQ liVornoMtom. H. U. Thom as, Jumei'H. Png rh Rosa M. Tmun. P J. QutWrlir OiuiHiiiy: prlu elfal aflleo, lertlt.Hd: opitut stook. tlO.m; InoArpomtoni, P. J. Cat :ort:n, Wtgl M. (Miortln uad F A MUrkley. Ool4ntal Untlwr Company; VrtiMlttal aitlw. Ugett: onpttn; ssotk.' 8u0Q8; liicorpfrstfvr h. 0. MM, T. W. Uwrrls ai4 Glenn O. llKWkM. Tho Mjdo-drt Oil UM Uoldluj? vu.l i-......n-... ... "... .x al olce. Uaksr do; sKa took. $3,20.0.001 lvocp.At", Qeorgo I). Smith, John H. .vwrf tml Ira L. Ilolttuan. tWVUt's- Kldany Bd madder Pills vlll promptly reU- all Kid, niy and Psd' AWarsW. iold Jtud iwontntvmleA by 1! drugs;lt. MH W Only male deer ma be Bhot now Isn't that a farce of a gatrie law Jut as If hunters could teli a Mali from a female lu the brush on thtf mountain s'de, or when stalking them In itho gray twilight of the morning. Or whether the average hunter cared whether he snot a buck or a doc. Why hasn't a woman a right to hobo It If sho wants to Men have no monopoly of smoking, drinking or playing tramp. In order to get their harbor dredged Coos Dny business, men sub scribed nnd turned over to tho fed eral government $15,t)50. The Item In the appropriation bill In congress failed somehow, and while a dredge was provided no money to work It with wns avnllublo. Ono sawmill Arm put up $5000. That Is tho Coo- I3ay spirit. Uakor City wnntB a, carnival. All right, Import tho Salem Cherry Fair committee. Up In Lnno county they ndvortlae It as Kohlnoor for tho thirsty. Albert Tozler has been nt Lincoln, Nob., and sendB us two leaves from a poplnr tree that gr'ow en tho em- 'nont Sir William's farm. We linvc pasted them in the front leaf of tho family Dlblo thn.t lies on tho doi): of tho Journnl ofllce, but, wo would, rather havo a commission to bo cop- buI to Cork, Ireland, with a good sal nry and a life position. For who ever gets to bo even bootblack In r consulnto nowndnys fa suro to Innd In n foreign ministry.. Civil sorvlc Is grent to keep men In ofllco nnd keep promoting them. , Wo ihaP probably show up with tho two mnple leaves nnd clnlm n clmnco to 6nlor"(n tho lowest gnwlo nnd worl' our wny up to a cabinet position. J?. Cooke Pntton is mnklng Snlom famous as tho great center for the distribution of postcards for tin northwest. He hns live people on thr road nnd expect, to put out n lady to sell tho cards over three ctates. A now Salem souvenir hns 12 Ann vIowb nil unfolding like n panornmn nnd mailable for two cents, ono o tho best nds, ever got out for the city . Gophers In tho gnrden do but lit tle harm, but gophers In tho Inwn ralBO n grciit dcnl of honl th trouble. Tho Smlloa mnn hna backed ten tons of earth thrown up by n pair of old gopher:, nnd tried In nil wayi to sponr them, ahoot thoni, pol Hon thorn, nnd nearly did himself or tho fnco of the onrth sevornl tlmo nnd never got those gophers out o' tho Inwn until It occurred to him tc use his brnliiH a llttlo. Why not per iiuulo (hsm to go, U8 th Initiative tind. referendum or Chrl tlnn Solenc thorn. So he built u nlcu llowor be on ench border of the lawn uiu" plnntod a variety of vnlunblw bulb that ho thought might Intorost thr I Hold every tlmo.BTAOINSHRDLUL' gophers. Ho didn't plant nny gop. her weed there for thnt drives -' gopher to tho other end of tho flold every tlmo. nnd renl'y drlvos him Into tho Inwn. So wo pulled all tha gopher weed In tho flower beds nnd bordors. and cut up some cnrroU lliiu nnd mixed thorn In tho nail o the borders In the hopos to coax thr gophors Into tho cultivated ground At Art the two o?d gophers Jug turned up tholr no es nt him, iyi' threjw up an oxtrn bushel or twe of dirt right In the middle of th' lawn. Rut tho Smllos man did no g'vo up. He bnltod them some mor until thsy grndunlly quit working Ir tho Inwn nad did all their devlltrv In tho eultivntod ground, lly feed Ing them a little with a Jew pofnt pollings and carrots thev have lo their nppotlto for tho lawn and worl all the time In the borders, nnrt from being a lMt have Mcamo goo honwt hurd-worklng g.pU's, cu! dvatlng the ground to ntcely that the Swills mnn don't hav to ever uoo hh flower bd a more Th gopheti keep It as mt-.iow as at ish.heap, nd tht inw snuith a tho lads alabast'BO' rheeks ehs' serves as a figure to hantrfln suit on In tk Whlto corner show wlu. dows. You Qouldje't hlro either o) Uioo eld gephr to th'ow up ever a' handful of dirt on that beautlfu iwn. They Lv tkn Statemen N'9. 1 and tlwre Is no way to go' them to break the pledge. Fw Son Kwt. "I have found liucklc-n's Arnlct Salvo to bo tha p-aper thlug to us for nore feet, us well a for heallni; burns, sores, cuts, and all uiannei of abralim," writes Mr. V. Stono. of Kast Poland, Majne, t Is lh nroir Ihlnp. too, for piles. Try Itl Sold under guarantee at J. C, Perry's drug store. 25c, ilmUt i Kii; ul BliMtr Tmtle. r-s.i.... irmihle nrevs tltwit. the mind. discourages undlcssensambitfoit; besuty, Ze'R'!sxJ sA ness soon disappear whtyt the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. KIdnc-trouble 1ms "l become so'preVnleiit , ' that it Is not uncoiii moH torn quiiu "' oru afflicted with -Ak Icldncvs. If the child urhmtcstoooftcn. If the urfiiescttlda the flcBh.or if, when the child reaches m agc wlc It sllould .be able to control the oantc. it Is vet nfllictcd. with bed-wet- iilfv in kUlllcv ir.,ui,.c, " - trouble Is due to a diseased comBHoii o, thekKluevsand bladder and not to a linbit ns most-people enppose . Women ns well aMiieiUV V,11"1 " ft'' able with kidney nn'd Lladdcr trouble and both need tfie same 8t remedy. Tl, mild and the immccliate effect of . wamn-Root is soon rrnllzed. It is soiu bv druggists, in iitiy--cut nnd one-dollar juc bottles. You may how n sniimle bottle oymnil free, also a Hoc. of pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of thd lliottsands of test!, mouial letters rcc.lvcd frou suTcrcrt eured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ainelinmton, N. Y., be sure and mention thiif paper. Don't make any mistake, out remember the name, Swatup-Ropt, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Ulughamtoii, N. V.. on every bottle. . BAliKM MAKfCKT. Loral Wholclc Market. Eggs 20c. Dutter Crermery 25c. CowB-i$3fl3.60. Hens 10c; young chickens, lie, Local wheat 85 00c. Oat: 35 37c por bu. Barley- $20)24. ', FlourHard wheat, $4.5004.80 lloy, $4.00. Hay Cheat, $010; .clover, D. por ton; timothy, $11012. Onions $1.75 cw.t. , Hops 1907 crop, Sfl'Cc! CnBcnrn Hark 2 03c. Mohair 18c. Itmall Markeu . - . Ontl $1.45. Wheat $1.00. Eggii 5c. 'Buttor Country; 20c; creamery 10c. . Flour Valley, $1.1001.20 pot nck; hard Wheat, $1.4001.45. Bran 90c per sack; $30.00 por on; Bbortn, $1.25 por suck. Livestock. Hogs Fnt, $5.75. Stock hogs $4. St'jors 3 b. Vcnl 5 07c, rroplrnt Fruits. Bnnnnas $0.50. Ornngcs $4.50. Lomons $4.75 05. Portland Market. Poultry Hens, 13c. ducks, l: IT 14c; p'goon old $1 per dozon. Mlllstuff Bran, $20. Tnko Kodol whonovor you fee lint you neod It. That Is tho on'i Mine you need to tnko Kodol. Just whon you nood It; then you will no' bo troubled with sour stomnon o-r.Hi;. i-pr on bo stomach, etc Sold by nil druggists. ( F. MASON BOX CO. 247 Miller St., South Salem, mnnu fncturer ot nil kinds of boxes, crnttr nnd fruit dryor accessories. Phom 308. tf ,. THE nKST lUiAMT TH FAMILY KVKlt HAl) Can be obtalneit from our In ader and juicy bief, muttun ork. All our meats are aeleete "ora the choicest, and' prepared ti la tablo to suit th- demand ot tt tsttdtous. Our price ar lower ft uallty than youcan And at i laci In Oalem, K. O. ORORfl, hoi SWt. 70 8Uf CHICHESfER'S PILLS U P-krr. Ht.r 1 pimriu. A.klxCHl.rWVit.TKI HUVtlMt IIKM I.LL.i tMuUmtl NxCSlteL AI.M ReliU SiiinPY'iai'rwTsnTRWJFj; "' ' --I f f t Efflfln ' aOT50 i J B yVn ll'tr.M "--'teoiiTN'i lili. a Kt4 fcl CU HUUAvJ Jy.ft. ,iifj Hk B!m PUa, V. llllPiIlM pm I taui raf uru mj 1 rC wcW M Skm bv Dr. S. C. S-- HEATIU. and tho trip a pleasure tnrougnoui. RATE. FROM, SALEM SEASON SIX .MONTHS TICKET 5.00. SATURDAY TO MONDAY TICKET $?.0O. rates, uan h iicjuu" - WM. McMURRAY, Genoral PasaengerAgent, Portland, Oregon. maj even glvo you an eutlroly now start In a business way. Isn't It worth whllo to try and find out whether this may bo true today, tomorrow, or very soon. fjt r who havo made ph'ftwalit Ironing a special al' Wo aro pleasing the most careful dressers la the city il' ihlrtwntat Tfc ,j ... . .,. a kl - v.w nuu uiu ouio wo can please you. way " trial. SAT KM T ATTMnov ruroAiSJV r vL TVTrl YAQUINA BAY dregofl's Matclilcss Pckch Rcsott THE PLACE TO GO FOR PERFECT! REST AKD EVERY OoS. CEIVAMLE FORM OF HEALTHFUL AK1 DEMOIITFUL REc. ') ' .. A-nn rnlPLETIS Boat food and nn v. ITS FAejiijrAiiia . -v" - u. dance of It. FreBh water from sprlags. All modem neccsslUe, , ouch an telegraph,, telephone, markets freshly provided erer dny. Fuol In abunaance. i-uib v-.w .u....Uv , uniaril4 , lshc'd to bo had cheaply. Strict municipal - sanitary regulation. ; NEWPORT Is reached by wiiy of the Southern Pacific to Albaayf or Corvnllls, thenco Corvalls & Eastern Rl lit.. Train service dsll . t - .. A A -. ft. Our elaborate now Sumtnor Book gives a concise description 1 bt Newport, includlpg a list ot kotols, tholr caplclty aad j ','. .. .i.Hi,niin m wrltn local ntznnts. 1 Are You Being "Hunted?! One of today's wnnt nds. rcny be hunting you ran. netting tb, city tor you. It may have a messngo for you of urgont' 'personal Importing .nn. Hint wimn vnu t-pf It. nml heed It. mnv chance tho (m. medlnto currenta of your activities, of your Interests may (tj nincn -iirnund mid nbnut vounow environments, now nssociti:'l PHONO GR Al At homo, In tho ovonlng, ilti 1 TiIIhoiI' Plinnmrranli .in nmV Idlx lively what hotter comblnatloai bo lmng'nod7 Stop nnd think 1 this, father of n fnml'y, on yoon home, nnd thci stop In and heat t Edison Phonograph nnd bare 8ont homo. A vory small prella nry pnymont will mnko It yoors. L. F. SAVAOIC, , UI7 Coinmorclnl Street. THE HOTEL Portland's new nnd most molt furplshod hotol, Thlid and J streets, fronting on tho beiatlf City Plnra nnd ndjncont to bus! center. Free bin to nnd IrooW't Up-to-dnto grill. Excollont eti Telonhono In ovorv room. ,.-.!. II European PIiui, 81 to 82.80 Pl American Plan. S2.30 to Rl FI O. II. S.PENCER, MstwTf THE BUREAU Is n gentloman's resort you not only Bad geatlemen In frott s" tho -bar but behind the bar, ' F, P. TALKINGTON, Pr opnr H!s long cxperlonco In tho business has taught hltn that U Pf to uuy oniy tne best. .. . ' WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Tolephono, 177. ' $56 StsW- g We Launder Ladies' Shirt VYasts am W 9L!rrc Inch Biaht- We guarantee to, All of'ts ss"e fllPv ,VO UrA ,,,. . . . . ,.Afc44 SS , .. iicu wuua special neutral soap, w,v"v w.hero they should bo starched and Ironed by W Tol. 25 , is.l56 S. LlfcKV READY TAIt.ORCDCLOTHS ? tH$ FOR WCLL DRESSED A. ,AMI1