t i - ffpffrrfOT"- ";-wip 1ik j .-V ' ' y IfeDxiU I Iflttnwl il f iti SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1008. NO. 188. laMtwMMtaMwt W1WWWWIWHWM M" iWgr" - - ( jwTwm. 4 , f J!Llj!jMtB?!r3. aaWt aW!1 k. jm jnrmnHflDitfBnH itHikyiA; aOZi j-H Inl Inllnllnl nlln) ipfesf Vlnlinllniinl im flF5?- Wl5gff rot. v,,r' ' rf GRAFT REVEALED IN MIGRATION SERVICE ARE ATTACKED BY MOBS OF THOUSANDS g SEMITICS iS ONCE CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR , H. BUDD IS DUD PLWKI) PROMINENT PART IN lOMTICS OP GOLDEN STATE 1IKAWH HAD 1JKEN BAD FOR two YEARS. (United I'rmi Uuinl Wire. I , Sto&tdn, Cal., July 30. Aflcr mi Inlaws of long duration, former Gov nor James H. 0;da. of California. M this nornlng at G:45 o'clock. uj rai caiuo quickly nnd abackf ill- 1;. Yesterday the governor's condl- tn teemed greatly Improved. Ho ?pearea brighter nnd stronger than "Vtntinupd on nnco savon). ROOSEVELT TO SWING BIG STICK AMONG OEHGIALS wholesale smuggling of chinese and japs heney, hurns and. detectives at work tiea15 will fall. tl'ulted I'trt. Onirri Wire.) Snn Francisco, July 30. Tho bltji stick, in tho hands of Its promlcr wleldor, . Theodore Roosevelt, la about to swing amid tho rnnks or tho Pncillc conBt Immigration bu rcnu, and xvhon It B'.vlng3 if seem ingly reputable- reports can ho ro iled Upon, heads big ami little arc (Continued on pngu five.) i cmcAGoiroil PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE -j This is the last week of our CLEARING SALE IVE AUK NOW SELLING GOODS IN THE DIFFERENT DE WimiEXTS AT LESS -THAN MANUFACTURERS' . COST. WE AE DOING THIS TO REDUCE OCR STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FR THE FALL GOODS WMIOH ARE NO WARRIVING DAILY.. so wis Tin: time for xahgains. 1000 yards Of Bwrt etnnflmifl Calkoea tOV, rolnir ifnr m -vnrfl m - -r - . 4c 01Q yard, of Bost Standard Aproa OiBghams (a pretty checks, yard 5c SSectlngs ard MusHm Msm, nt Mill l'e Dark Colored nrfw ntnr. KCOd hftaw .lnH -yard .81-3c Heavy Plaid Dress Goods 1 Qka&M wearing m.i.,i Hti 121-2c our White i.. -.,., i.... tu. . ""'"" " uiwj- f 7'o Fancy White r'auClearmRPri,.. -. V 'ns Prices. fcbode, 4 mm ,, ANTI-JEW RIOT IN LONDON RESERVES CALLED HEARST IS SEVERLV CENSURED 3HOR TRIES. TO ATTACK NEPHEW OF DlAMK)3n KING HAD lhOS FXVTK1) TRIAL OF HLACIv. MA1U (Unltfd Prtus I.tnxcil W(rr.1 London, July 30. Twenty-flyo thournnd pouplo engaged In a- mop strous anti-somltic demonatratton outside the Dow street police station toilny, cheering Robert Slovlcr, wjio Avaa aitriiulttcd of the cliKrgo of at tempting to blackmail J. IJ. Jool, mil tloniilro nephew of the fcito Barney Unrtmto. tho diamond lrtnir. Joel Is . .- . .,..! M . ,. ."" provocation for tho demonstration. jTho mob tried to ronch Jool no he I left the building, nnd , fought with the guards, who, after u hard otrugt glo, succeeded in getting tho man out of tholr reach, ana hurried him to n placo of safety. The infuriated crond then began- nttucking Innocent Jbwb, who had gathered merely ns blghtseers or through a rnclal Intorest In the case.! "Many "Jews AVeTO niut!Wcd down and beaten, and some rocolved fiovero in juries. Hundreds or pollco rcorvep woro summoned "from -nil the nearbv stations, mid It Is "bullovod If tho had not nTrlvcfl quickly tho attack woiild hnTo tnTtun mi -Dren moro bc riouB turn. Tho pollco rushefl through tho cro-wh, forcing' tho m(5b back, and confpcrirng Its momhOTs to dlepersft Tjj mflng luir clubs, free ly. Joori Btilt nun'lnit 'Slovler nnustTl great resentment Irecmibo of tho nl leged rachV) fconng, s'Khsli is said to have been n factor In tho ovonts lcal ing up to the charge Of blachmall. "When the decision wits announce! Blevler left tho court room, and tire crowd maflo a w'im ltnontratlnn ot approval. "They TinShetl ujvon 81evler and ho wan nearly cruahod by tliu n;oplo who vought no ahiiku his han'dJ IN AN AFFIDAVIT ACOUBKI) OP "PACKING" CON VENTION AISO "CZA1USM" vRRYAN COMPARES PLATFORM OF LNWKPENDENT8. M'nKrd Vrtn I .( frt Wire.) Chicago, July 30. Charges of czarlsm aro made against William Randolph Hearst, lnhls conduct of the Independence party convention nt Ch'icngo, In an affidavit mado to day "by Joseph T. Marshall, of Ply mouth, Neb. Tho affidavit doclares tho belief or the affiant that tho Independence convention wns "packed," and oliarges that tho p'atform as adopt L'ii by tho commlttoa was changed before It was prosentcd to tho convention. Thp charges havo aTousod great Interest huro, Stolen Pinna. Fnirvlow, Lincoln, Neb., July 30. Thoro wero no visitors nt Falr vlow this mofTilng. ,Brj'nn wns work ing early on hh nnjilysla. of the plat form of tho Imlopondunco party. Ho dictated tho following 8ttttomont, to day; .The platform of the Inilopondonco party contains a number of jtlanks idcntlcul or subatantlally -tho samo us soma of tho planks of tho Dem ocratic plaIorm. 'it dumnnds tho election of United States senators by n popular 70te, tib tho Democratic plntforni docs. Tho tariff plank is qulto i'ko ours. Tho plnnk rolallvo to trusts, wh'lo opposing private mo nopoly, h not eo specific as our Tho rnllrond plank doos not differ from the plnnX In the Democratic platform on the tmmo subject. The plank on Asiatic Immigration Is quits similar to the plnnk on that smiject in the Democratic p'atform. The In bor plank la also like ours." Bryan pointed out other similari ties in the two -platforms. In ills- The demonstration Is conrldored byicueslng -whnt his terma tho Bort th authorltlvs to hv n moe wrl-l coing of the Indaneudenco pnrty ons aspect, owing to tho UUplay otjn,trni, tho Democrat onndfdut rac'al hatred. Clearing Prices On nil our WHITE SKIRTH, LADIES' SUITS, DRESS SKntTS, SHIRT WAISTS, MILLINERY, ETC. , 85c White TJsflereklrtB, now 49c 11.49 White UnderslUrtVnow 95c J2.B0 Whru? Underskirts, now ,..,, $1,49 Ladies' $8.00 Kits, now . . .'.5M.75 tifllcjf UlL UVilts, now flOlSO Ladi' $. SuiU, now ?13.90 fS.06 0trldx Plumes, uow.?2,95 All .cwir'Stlk Petticoats at Cfear ing Price. "Now 1 your time for BargsuBij ia LjijkIm' Trim wed IUU. Ibc Store Tht Saves .Yon Money W M NEWS FROM llEItE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE Aixliblshop Ireland, in a speech at Chicago ye3terday, icorched the German empire for Its treatment of1 Poland, nnd proplieslod tho latter ;le oendyncy would revolt, nd tk-at he would pniy for te success of such a revolution. The Columbian and Hiloan stonm ship3, belonging to rival vompanlei, havo begun a race to Honolulu to lecldo who shall eiirry the U. S. malls. Tho investigation of a , Chicago lodge into the reason why fcteel workers are haled into eonrts so frequently by their wives for not speaking has revealea that the oractically become dunbfrom their work, which would -require them to shout their lungs out If they -would be "heard. Charles II. Moyer tout agala been elected preMeat of the. - Westers TeSeratioa of MIar. The conven ttoa has a4Jr(l, aadi tho sex? BMetlar -will T "hM t Wmrr, TaU Is Ma weathw fw.Jt a lit tle aotf't ive-y-a-aai-fHa, BBtifkatio 1e -fcretwat ahout by i had wr mi. f MHMd to he seat. -). TA1r r w MBctifiMl. a tbl io WIlKaat Raadolk Hrt, said: "Tho plarorm of tho Indopond vuco party doe not, however, aflfo rata tho establishment of a depart ment of labor; it does not propose "hnporlnllsm, and Mb plank with rof vrenco to tho pifbTiclty of campaign hinds Is not nenfry so Htrons as our "Th'i qnetion miiBt confront ev ery member -of tho Independence party will h assist In the defeat of the Democratic party, which stands for so much that "he favors, mero'y because he cannot ge all that he would like.? "Either the Democratic or tho Re publican party must wln. Tho votor vho prefers the Democratic platform to the Repfibl'can platform, and Joins tho Independence 1arty, mere ly atlt3 the Republican part in defeating several reform in which he la Interested. "The qaestlOB Is aot whether; one can get all the reform that ho wanti, but how h can get the moat re form." Geper .Make Denial Chic go, July i S. George W. Perklas, cafe! ef the Cigar Makers' Ualoa, Uday reelv4 a iette'freat Samuel Goatpera, doayiat; that he 5ILLEK MAY GET FREEDOM SURPRISE SPRUNG' STOSLtCH OF MAN HE IS SUP- POSED TO HAVE POISONED IN ; HANDS OF CHEMISTS E8- ICAPED arANV times: (United l'rcii Uuted .Wire.) , Chicago, July 30. A somntlonn' turn wns given to tho famous Blllok case' today, when it was learned that the coroner of Dupngo county hnd socretly oxhumed tho body of Honry Niomunn, tho Into fathor-ln-lnw of M'ra. Emma Vrzal Nlorimnn, ono of tho thr.oo survivors of tho Vrzal fam il', six mcmtior.i of which Blllolc l'i accused 'pf .having, poisoned. t It was learned horo today'Tliat tho 8toinac.Ii of tho dead man had been turned over to two chemists of tho Northern Medical Collogo, who nro now trying to find trnceu of poison ing; Plllcl'.'a friends declare that upon now evldonto that will bo adducod tho mystery of tho poluoulpgs wlllbo cleared up, ami that tho Hupremo court of tho United States will grant tho prisoner tho right to a now trial. Blljo'k "way convicted of tho mur der of Wary Zrznl, daughter of Mar Un Trail, In 190B, and four times huB boeo iln tho shndow, or tho gnl lowj. H yas sentenced to bo hnngua Ootobor 11, 1907, and tjio date tmd been postponed three tlinon slnco then. Novcmbor 8, 1907, April 29, 1908, and Juno 12, 1008 wcto sot as days upon which ho wns to dlo, 'but in each caw a hlghoi court intervened to envo his life. On Juno 12, Judgo Lnndis decided that tho prisoner hnd tho right to appeal to tho supremo court of tho United Stntes, undor tho provhlon of tho constitution that forbids tho ex ecution of any man nB long ub thero t doubts as to his guilt, and tho. hanging was po-tponed until tbo day thw nppeal had boon Inkcn. Tho nmvH of tho stay of oxeoution enmo Jiiut as Blllok was ready to bogtn tkts-doath march to the gallows. Blllek'a frlonds, chief of whom is Father O'Cnlinghan, superior of tho Piutllst fathers or thlH city, having gnthored 4oguthor a nia'i of evidence to present to tho supremo court. Jorry Vrzal, ono of tho snrvlvori of tho family, has Mgnod an affidavit stating that his testimony at the trial was untrue and forced from him by tho pollco and public prosecutor. 8Ix of the Jurors who found B'llok guilty havo signed affldavlti stating that they would not havo convlated tho man hnd It not been for Jorry VrzaVs testimony. Cdronor Mafher said this after noon that the exhumation of No' man's liody Is tho result of the In vestigation being conducted by Bl lek's friends, who aro confident thr' tho condemned murderer will secure another tr'ni. SEATTLE CASHIER ARRESTED FOR EMBEZZLING 1 ACCUSED OF TI1EI-T OF AMOUNT ING to $i8,B!ri Admits tak ing HUM AND HAYS HE USED IT UP. (United 1'rww U4 Wire.) Scatllo, July 30.R. F. Park hurst, first asaistatit cnahlor of tho First National Bank of Scnttlo, linn Just boon arrested qn a charga at ombezzlOmenfof tho sum of $48,330. Pnrkhurut whj arrested on a war rant from tho United States district attorney's office, chnrgtng him with rnjslfylng Iho uccounta of a national bank. ' 'parthurflt'l'ivefl'iirSclIcnTly- Wr&V- won for his doelVaUo 'get iiwhy wlth tho funds of thu bonk, and wliott n'ked what ho had dohu with tho monoV Bald ho ha'd JlVod It'up, ' Home of It Hub bean hivoitod In renl CBtnto, howovor, ani thfs linj beon turned over to protect tho bnnk, which,- In addition to tho $20,000 bonds, sustnlned tho bank against Jobs. Pnrkhurst has been a truMdd oin ployo of thij bnnk for 12 years", Thu tllcovory or tho defalcation wan mado about two wooki ago, as a ro Biijt of the auditing of tho hooka. The cashier had charge of tho biiN anclng nnd checking up of tho bul ancei with Eastern bntiks, and It wuo in theso accounts, U Is claimed, that ho began to doctor tho books, espe cially in tbo business dono with Chi cago, and Now York concorns. At no tlmo did ho tuko any very largo uuioiints,' most of them bolnf? of a few hundred, up to 12000. Tho bank officials fall to understand how tho examiners could get through tho books without noticing that they had boon tampered with. M. A. ArtlolJ Is prosldont of th-j bnnk. Pnrkhurst Is 45 years of ago. Hu has been, In Beattlo for moro (Van 21 years, und llvos with his wife on Union street. Neither Parklnirut nor hlu wife nm prominent Booloty people, living o nyoludod Ufa. urging Hearst tosupport Bryan, Tho letter says; "The fact Is the chief merit in the statement that I authorized cable to be sat to Hearst, is that there Is no truth la It." A Mlaleter whs A aot eajeV worklag for thers caanot enjoy re J!!, such as was taught by tko "Lowly Naaajroa,." UN J UNCTION HE('l'HEI) AGAINST LUMIIIilt TRUST' St. Louis, Mo., July 30. A suit to rosUalu a glgantle merger of lumbar oompnnfos throughout tJlf United Statoj Into u $300,000,000 comblno to control tho yellow plno luduetry was brought In tho circuit court to day by Attornqy-Genernl Hadloy, of Missouri. Judgo Klnsoy keuod u temporary order restraining the organization of tho proposed combine. Thu case was set for hearing August 17. Tho attorney-general claims t havo received Information that prep arations havo beon completed for tho organization of the great yellqw plno trust, and that tho promoters aro ready to put it Into operation. Hadloy took his action today on tho theory that the alleged monopo ly could be opposed better by.aa act of prevention than by an attempt to dissolve the, merger if It had bea formed ,t " - Some- oae 'ay the comIhjI aere plaa Hying wachiae will be safer thaa the autowoblle. No sky flyere for the maa bMC tw. t