"1 ' VI ' YOURADVBRTISING IDOASARE-THE-LEVERTHAT WILL LIFT-YOUR-STORE-DO NOT BE AFRAIDTOPUTTHEMTO-THE-TEST v ' me Dail I Journal vol. xviii. SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1008 NO. J81 1 1 IfSlllBlilliliH' 1 1 - , i t - 1 TANDARD OIL BIG FINE SUIT IS REVERSED OOSEVELT ON BOARD YACHT WHO RUNS DOWN SCHOONER dO. EDERAL COURT SCORES LANDIS AND REMANDS FINE OF $29,240,000 HOLDS CORPORATION WAS PUNISHED WHEN IT WAS NOT ON TRIAL TRUST BUSTERS SHOCKED COMPLETE SURPRISE RETRIAL FOR DEFENDANT WAS GREATEST FINE IN UNITED STATES HISTORY. PRESIDENT ASLEEP AT THE TIME NO LIVES LOST i United 1'reis Lentvd Wire.) Chicago, July 22. Tho federal irt o( oppealB today reversed tho Bcclslon of Judge K. M. Londls In blng tho Standard Oil company of udiann, $29,210,000. I Tho higher court ordoro thnt enso )c given n re-henrliig and remands :t 3r that purpose. - The decision I scathing In Its or- jlgnment of Landls, holding that he snposed tho flno on tho corporation rhen It had not hcon Indicted and ras not even on trial, When Judge Landls rendered tho rclslon nearly n year ago, assessing lie greatest fine ovor known In the istory of Jurisprudence, It wob tho fcnsntJon of tho day. I Tho caso was based upon alleged rebating on o!l shipped by the Stand ard Oil company of Indiana. Land! assessed tho highest pos sible fine In each separate alleged offense, making tho enormous total. The decision today came as a great shock to the government counsel In tho tru&t busting ensos, as they ap peared confident that LnndU' decis ion would bo afllrmcd In every par ticular. Tho federal court of nppealJ, which handed down tho decision to day, Is composed, of Judges Peter S Gros-cup, Francis E. Daker and Wni. H. Seaman. Tho Standard OH company of In diana, is ono of tho subsidiary com panies of tho Standard OH company of New Jersey. It has a capital stock CniCAGOISlM PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE CLEARING SALE CONTINUED ILL SUMMER GOODS MUST GO, REGARDLESS OF COST. WE MIST HAVE ROOM FOR OUR FALL GOODS. THE PRICES WILL IE SLASHED RIGHT AND LEFT UNTIL AVE CUT DOWN OUR STOCK. no ;ards of thla 6eason'B new- st Silk now going at the follow ing prlf f- Yard &5, 35, 35d, 49 and G5 500 yard of this season new- ft anj best Dress Goods now go 's at the following prices, Yara 00, 250, 350, 300, 490 UP Thousands of yards of Summer farh Good- going at the follow kg l rices Yard fil, i TU. O 1-O.rl lOd up. of only $1,000,00 but the govern ment investigations showed that during some .periods It has earned more than 1000 per cent profits. Judge Crosscup delivered the opln Ion, which In part was as follews: "Briefly, tho reason for Imposing tho sonltenco was because aftor con viction and beforo tho sentence, it was brought out on tho examination MAYFLOWER RUNS DOWN ROAT IN FOG FIVE RESCUED FROM SEA MISHAP ON LONG ISL ANDSOUND. - (United Prcu l.cne1 Wire.) Newport, R. i July 22.- -Tho vnnht fivflmi'ni ivllh n.n.MiMit of some of tho ofllcors and stock-' ,-..,., nn ,, ' , , , . , .- ... . . . ,, . noo?eeit on board, ran down and holdors of the Standard 0 1 company BlfnV hlt ,,,,'.., ' , x, , .i - .. . . . .. 8unK Hie ficnooner Mcnawn, owneo o New Jersey that tho stock of the b c E PcmbIeton of ,ect' Mo Standard Oil company of Indiana. , h f was owned principally by a New Jer n,ornjnK eoy corporation. That corporation i T).ft vn-n.i.i,,.,, ., ... ,,.,, . , .... ., Tno "President was asleep In hln ,?,?" T.,l!f0UBh b1e,r0thrf berth nnd did not learn of tho ncc" carton, of tho character for which men of h? wew wer0 .i0":; b0f,r0 ,h0 50"'1 8 crew of tho Mayflower nnd after a indicted, tried and convicted ho lmr(1 , ,0 nb New Jersey corporation was not tho yacht 'virgin' offender. Th; ,)()nts cnmJ togethcp wth n Attack on Landls. hoavy Impact, but President Roosc "Can the court, without the abuse, veil wa- not Bufllclently shaken to of Just discretion, wlpo out nil the arouse him ,from his slumber. property of tho defendant before the The fog was so heavy that tho court, and all tho assets to which Its . lookout on the Mayflower could not kM i ij Summer Underwear, 15-- ,1 -,.- T -- 1 T". "its, iucoa uuu cm- ?' '" ' a the smallest prlcw f u g ' In Salem. ' White Lawn Shirt WalsU IHardoraely Trlmmedr 400 tn0 Swell Dreis Hats U , . . eo rsr id,UJ i so along the line.' fg0 I Wis Mi I Jill creditors look, In nn effort to pun Isli a party that has not been con vlticd, not Hod and not oven In dicted beforo. "Can an American Judge, without abiue of judicial discretion condemn anyone who has not had his day In court? "That, to our mind, is a strango doctrine of Angle-Saxon Jurispru dence. "No monarch, parliament nnd no tribunal of western Europe for cen turies har pretendod to have die right to punish except after due trial under tho forms of tho lav." Tho decision was signed by all three Judges of the court. bob the form of tho schooner, until they wore almort together. Th sharp- bow of the Mayflower crnshed through the wooden hulk of tho schooner and she filled with water rapidly, sinking In a very short time She ! a total loss. Tho President complimented the crew of the Mayflower for their work In saving the crew of tho wrecked vossel and made the minutes Inqulr lei fi& to how the aco'dent took placo. Ho soemed to regret much that ho had not been awako and had an op portunlty to take part In the oxclt ing scene. Tho collision occurred on Long Island sound between New Havci BEN STANTON FOUND GUILTY OF ASSAUET, Den Stauton, charged .with assault cd right that ovonlng, evidently with Intent to kill for shooting Councilman J, F. Goodo on tho night of Juno 2, was found guilty last evening by the Jury in the circuit court, rjftor being out three horns, hinting at Insanity, ho wah tho only ono who attempted to Bhow solf-de fense, stating that ho htul seen .some one in tho vcBtlbulo of tho G. A. R, hall, where the shooting took place. of atsault with n dangerous weapon, nnd thnt tho person atarlcd to nttack The verdict wns n surprise, ns it him, that It wbb not until nftor hfl wns generally thought that there pad fired tho thrco shoto, everyone v. ns a clcar-provon caeo against tho of which found a mark, that ho'reaW young man, It Is probably due lo.'ittl lie Had snot Goodo. the mothod of handling the case adopted by P. F. D'Aicy, attorney for tho defendant, thnt tho Jury Tho witnesses for tho pro-ccutlon verified tho story ob told and retold i iPi'y tlmoB of hb, approaching MrB, found him guilty of tho leMer j Ideco at tho Vaudotto theater anil charge, which allows of considerable IiHrtcd upon following her homoi range In sentencing on tho part of''wherb" ho" was refused 'fulmlttrfnco by tho Judge. Stanton will receive Ills sontonco on July 31. Judge Burnett, nccoid Ing to code, may Imprison the do fendnnt In tho county Jnll from ono to five yenrs; or six months to ten ynrs in tho ponltentlnry; or flno Bovernl membors of tho family until ho threatened to shoot; how Coun- cllmnn Goodo had Bllppod out tho back door nnd gono to tho G, A. R. hall to telophono for tho pollco when tho door of the hall opened and Stanton fired tho ahoUf, tho first him from flOO to $1000. Ta's passing through hln mouth Rnd mcanB that as a minimum penalty, i cheek, tho Bocond lodging In the Stanton may only get ono month In shoulder nnd tho third cutting Iti tho county jnll or 1100 flne,and u -path through too wallB.of .the abdo- a maximum nunlPhment can bo civ on ton yearB In the penitentiary or fined 11000. men. ' The witucsRCB for the prosecution were Mr. Nottlo Rhofloa, Mrs. Oarrla Tho courtroom was .crowded to :t Knowland, II. 8. Radcllffo, Wm. limit yesterday and much Interest ' Each, IF.. P. MInto and KIlo Doncer. wns ovlnced by tho public over the I I'lcndn YomHi'm IinniHtiirity. outcome 6t the ense. Assistant Uls-1 Pete D'Arcy'B nrgumont, which trlct' Attorney Charles McNnry probably eeoured leniency In thp handled tho trial for the prosecn- verdict of the Jury, did' not consist Hon, while Attorney Peter F. D'Arcy of any attempt to provq Infinity, nppenrod for the defense. nor n futllo atempt at showing nolf Tlic Trial. defense, but a very implo utntement Tho wltnoMorns called by tho de- of how Stanton, though 23 yearn of fonso wro MrB. Mary Dunlnp, elstor ngo, wbb really nothing hut nn Im- Unlted Stato IXatrlct Attorney and New London. All this season's newest WOOn SUITS, LINGERIE SUITS, WASH SUITS, SHIRT WAISTS, SILK WAISTS, SILK PETTICOATS, MILLINERY, FEATHERS, OS STRICH PLUMES, FLOWERS, ETC., now going at less tban cost. suits $4.50, f 6.50, $ 8.50 f 10.50 AND $12.50 Worth Double. The Store That Saves Yo Money THE FAMOUS GOEBEE TRAGEDY AND TRIALS OF CALEB POWERS MOVING PICTURES AT THE EDISONIA TONIGHT of the defendant; Arthur Dunlnp, brothor-ln-law; Wm. Stanton, broth er; Mrp. A. 'Allport; Mrs. Kate Gambit; Mrs. C. F. Williams; Mrs. Nancy Smith, and tho defendant himself. Stanton's testimony held tro center f interest for the Bpeota- tors. Ho reo.'ted mlnutoly everything ho had done during the evening. Though tho rest of the wltnoieea had testified that ho had not seem- i mnturo youth, -who hnd gotten in with a bad crowd. Tho Verdict. Tho Jury wero Instructed and sent to dollbernto shortly beforo A o'clock In tho nftornoon nnd at 7 o'clock, Judgo Utirnot wm notified thoy hnd arrived nt n vordlct. When tholr do clclon wns rend thoro wnu n hum of nstoniBlimont as It wan thought that It could bo nothing Hliort of nBHitult with Intent to kill. HlmB, who led the prosecution case, today said: "The effect of the decision, If th,. ca?e Is re-trled, Is that tho fines Im posed must be materially le3s than the Landls fine. o IIRITISH PREMIER AFTER AMERICAN REEF TRUST (United Vrt Leased Wire.) London, July 22 Suspecting that the American beef trust Is responsi ble for bjgh prices of meat In Great Britain, Promler Asrjulth is In con ference today with tome of the mot powerful political leaders In the United Kingdom discussing a pro ject to remove the restrictions on livestock Importations from Canadu and other countries against which n quarantine Is unnecessary. Asqulth has been consulting ex perts on the meat question ever since a formidable delegation of union worklngmen called upon hint July 8 to ask him to come to the old of the poor people by causing a gov ernment investigation Into the price of foods. The question Is one wblctt .would ordinarily be referred to the board of agriculture but tho prem ier becamo Interested and decided jersonnlly to probe tho matter. H has Interviewed scores of moat deal ert, from tho smallest to packers do ing an International business, and while he refuses to exprqss an opin ion for publication It Is reported .that he believes tho American trut Ik responsible for prevailing prices. In dhcivislon with political friends a few days ago Asqulth ad mlteed that It would bo difficult to regulato corporations operating principally In the United States but that ho hoped to find some Eolutlc. i to tho problem. Sine then, lt '.earned uppn good authority, he hai looked favorably upon the project o admit" Canadian livestock l.iio England without Importation restrictions. CANADIANS GIVE WELCOME TO PRINCE OF WALES (Uolttd J'rc t.enied Wire.) Quoboc, July 22. Thousands of vliltors thronged Into the city early today to witness the arrival of HH Royal Hlghno3 George Frederick, prince of Wales and heir apparent to the throne of tho United Kingdom and the HrltUh domain, on the fast crulter Indomitable, the mystery ship of the king'u navy. The fctreoti aro fl'lod with enthus iastic Canadians, singing, shouting, cheering and laughing, everyone from tho youngest to tho oldest on 'terlng Into tho spirit of tho occasion. J Formal welcome, tho civic nd , dros, will not bo dollvorwl to tho prlnco until tomorrow nftornoon hut lato today the governor gonera,, Vice President Fulrlmnka and it number of more Important Canadian ofllclnl will be received on board tho Indomitable. Ill royal hlghuos4 1 accompanlod by a hrllllnitt Btaff and tho mooting thin nftornoon, al though called Informul, will ho coro-monlous. Fino Cherry Sample Walter Buokner took a fine sam ple of Late Duke cherrle to the Board of Trade rooms today. On ons stem wero triplets, three cherries grown together as one. This tree In three years o!d and has about 75 pcunda, EUROPEAN WAR WOULD MAKE U. S. SUPREME Berlin, July 22. Shewing that a European war at this time would cost. !10,(X0,000,000 annually and would result In tho United State be coming the undisputed leader of thd world, General Blumo, the famoiu military expert, today submitted a roport, ordered by Emperor William on tho probable coet of an Interna tional fight. ' If Germany were to fight another European power, General Blumo says, it would cost the empire 1,- 500,000,000 a year In direct outlay and entail n loss of ?2.&0p,O0U,00O annually In tho paralyse of com merce. General Blume deoJaroH that ow Ing to the dellcnto adjustment of European politics tho next year wl.' Involve at least four .powers and that his estimate of cost would ap ply to each. This financial drain would not result othorwlH than If? tho world supremacy of tho United States, bo says, ,