vr USStta W&MmJma ii 4 i CBltDREN'S WASH ' DRESSES At Kedttced Prices DOc Values .-aHc C5c Vnluoi ...flc 76c Values .,'roc 8Sc Values ,c $1.00 Values 75S $1.25" Value 0,c $1.50 Values I1'1' $1.76 Vdlucu 91.t $2.00 Values . .... P1' $2.50 Values S1-8" $5.75 Values ...$2.08 HYGRADB MUSLIN UNDERWEAR at a saving of Wiper : descent . We have never offered better values Public Conveniences We hnvo Just Instnlled a Ladles' ncit noom, Writing Houm, New Lavatories, Public Phone Main 241, for the convenience of our patrons. Hygenic Icewater 'MIHHIHHH.HHI1I-H: '. r' ' ' 1 '? TlL . Hkl .t "l Mlf lUtAi 4-HHH Hill HI 111 MHH ( Wffttl ksiPlrs and thundentorms to 9re aifht or WcdBPiday; cooler. HciwreM hb knurs of 1 and 2 tH timtUy mornlHKi some per m HNirflMly in need of tho Star MM,iirlp Hd without the neces-1 Mi-y tuadB to purcnase uicm, re Vrrt a 10x12 (Ug frotn tho cornet ti the Willamette hotel, where Man mgpr TM hd hung.lt.for tho Cherry HWr iN Crn(vl. Th Jdeutlty of MHf rne or. per08, fi lis yet un- AJBWC W m -J,vR.iCrtwrlght of llnrrliburu wrlttcu to the Hallroad Commit tm, prpteMlag KKnlnit the decision Irthf ioutkern Pacific conipany to jrnove tho side traci leaamg to his ., .. .'... rehouie In the city limits of liar riAhrg, and imjulrlng whother the cciNnUelop has JurudJqtlOn In su(h (e, IttMtr! toy r Iw The Kallroad Corhmlteton ytitor iay mornlne received a letter from. Bwwrlntendtnt Henry Mally of the TW,rlV Bureau at Oregdri City. kins whether It Is poulble. pro - tM1h the transportation, comjiau-lof j are wllUnc. to allow free trans. nartatton to an officer of the bureau. The letter states tia( all work of! the Fliherlei Bureau la gratuitous, Md that any favors secured legltl wately t)onj this lino allows o MMCh ionv for the development ot tke salmon and ttout Induitry. The csftwlll h taken up b- .the eom DJlistun iu the nar future, JtfJ't CIltlHI f Tho O. R. JjJ. cenuny hat noti fied tho nalU-oid Commission that it vtlU not pay the claim for WiM tttmaudfd by F A, Kennard of Red tfiipnd. lor daroite done to & ship went ot hQUsohoU! sijodi. The mai ter has ben befarc the cammissJou for some tltm, and h rnllrgad com rauy w former letters, has cxpreMd its Intention of naylag the tlalm Howc-tr, when the offlolaU of tk company found thRt a formal lu. vestlfation wa t U mU, thx refuse to iy the damage ayl that the Injury, If it eceurrtM at a:1, XTtSS TU " clTtl by the'O U. N Gt that tolld last mmmer? tu cleaned and pretwd to look aliaoji nv at n little' xpMne 6y jShu o A 8tge, It would imprv your nppcarane, ana wake ou more conVfoTtabb these hot daye, V4cH ClunmA lUrnk--Mr. najJse.e.WvgjRe nTcnr:. tor of DrfawUtid. the new moving jacmre uovr tt stare tre-jt tKea orlW mnnneraetit YwoH,the popular Ctuirf daily nn fc tJ Shoes at Radically Reduced Prices Ua,c, UU Shoe, B.h,r cut, Ml. N. " " ?f . July Clearings Slylp No. 200. Blucher cut. $2.50 values- Clenrlnc 8alc price y LaS l"Lk Oxford,, No. lldO. $2.!0 values. - g Clearing Sale price '' ''" Ijullo.' Black 0Ioto, No. 1280, I2.C0 value- . J oV(;;a.-, -no.' ;;; -;f - -75 Snednl v Ladles Tan Garden Ties, regular $3.00 value- g 8peclal "" Men's Canvas Shoes' and Oxford- Q m".':sK'"' v.'.;;; .; ,; ;.v; i; ;.:.o ,, $6.00 values, Bpeclftl $2.85, $3.15 and $3.85 We have the largest stock of shoe sundries in the Willamette VaHey SHOE DEPARTMENT-NEW ANNEX Free amu.en.ent place. Mr. Range Is an experienced man In tho movlnix pic- Mr. Range Is nn turc - bmlntCM and ccjjtimyltteu :iv- crn Iruprovtmenti la the Vaudett. Xo si,,,, uw hn Mm wonther vou w III . want to smoke, and when you smoko you will wantonly the best try n Tashmoo, or a Ln Carona, and u convinced that they are tho best. The KrilMinl B-ciit Tliratc Ii a good place to visit, wnen -- : looking for good, clean amuement.and yoiterdny afternoon to attend A Change of pictures Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Ic Crt-am Social Somo of the younger pupils of Lcsllo M. E. Sunday rchool will glvo an Ico cream social and program in Falrmount park, from 6 to 10 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday. SALEM GIKL WEDS WASHINGTON The marriage of Mla Margaret .,, . . ,,..., ir ri..l -r- .ik"', u Washington D. C, takes place to morrow evening at S-30 o'clock at the ho'me of the brl-le'g parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miles on the Liberty road. The young people will prob ably May on the court for some time, and later go to Washington, D. C. It rwlde. Among the ont-jftwn le to attend tho wei'dlng rc'atlves are: Mrs. . Cook of Dos Molnei, iowa, a sister Mrs, Milts: H. .1. Cook of Spo- kuno, Mrs. Miles brother, and his two daughters, MUil-s Clara and Vorna; Mr. and Mr Ml'.oa' wn, D. W. MUer of San Fr-no sco. nitNKSK AltllKSHTKD YXMX STEALING .DIAMOND RING A laeal Chinese giving, the name at Chlng was arrested )at Right charged with stealing a diamond rim- bvlonging to Mrs. JwRRle G Kylo ot this city. Tb ting waa ro jvorted mllng about a month ago, and up uutM ytMtordny no trace ot It rould be found Just bofore closlus time Chlng Mm Into Powry'i Jewelry Mor on State street and offered a dia mond ring tor kale. Te ring an bwwred the dosffltJaH given by Mr. Kyle, ami Pomtroy toldohoned to the. lady's home. Ahont tb am time Mr. Undfa, a cnotouw vk waa in the tor nottno.) the police. . . k and Raor Wolea ctvne at onee to the Jewelry store. He obu.ned a de scrtpUoA at the CelsUi and then "rtrt te ' W tnr'ned to their heme l7i"irwTe tBrai- hU stoffiach- jevettakon jnst m no rehfnl hlf'eUao, dld n Jt go, so I fired again, the ahMte in the Chine snorter. He Mil remain In the city Jajl tH th Oetttber tw ot court. ALL KINDS OP TROUBLE VOll MRS. utRiKic W. C W.-..W Us- .WR MJ t a arrant e.ui JUn Yatto. th nrnji who wns a.te it the .un.. fmk.4fl Bk ana wuer,v MAMItt.. ... .. I... . . m . ' v.n -v -.. AWAKtm uown ny,ar In tb ttv , .-i-- ' .-.-.... ,,.v . . ha V.s u the carnival Sa.urdav nrt, Il1. JI " ,. T"-. T" ""r' . lu lv"vr " wanton wrote at of tho Ms,tworn out t-.rr.MtA 'Zi T ""v "' ' '"?. ,n ,Bmmer in? toome ' Miss Denser, la which . rsari Rti.. n.i io ;;. ; .rr !? Ber l Study vltK wtnp,..te suicide, wa, not at- T ,-, -. -,.,, 4 iut jrrui. ursii.r 1m..i .- "AT OBEfloy' Pooling - and Economical! T Y i in - .-- mmn" BMMW -- I "' Specials for this week's selling The advance fall lines are arriving now every Jay Have row All summery goods al special reduced Sm city, wm sirai... "' "" " talnlng 37 cents and a bracelet. city, with scaling n toy bank con PEHSONAL Charlos Shull and George Haten- lion. UOin empioji- ui mc oa u ... !?:... . tliA Dnianl brewery, went to' Gervals yesterday on business. Rev. H. P. Babcock departed yes terday afternoon for Baltimore, Md ile will visit relatives and menus there a month. j Mr. n.nroft Mneon wont.to Port- niMHine of the Ernnd lodsre. D. Buller nnd wife returned 'to months ago, will soon be n free man. their home In Omaha, Neb., ycsicr-j General Frederick Funiton, com day after a two'weeks visit here. mandlng general of the department Miss Cora M. Sullivan, a Portland of California, stated to the United teacher, left for Sllverton yesterday Press today that he had written to after visiting at the home of Fred the war department at Washington Rice In this city for n number of recommending that the man's sen dnyg, tenco bo remitted and that ho had Mrs. C. Gray went to PortlanJ received an unofficial answer stating yesterday afternoon to spend a few that clemency would be shown wlth- MANidava after a visit with her son In this city for a number of days. this city. Mrs. Gray lives In Cdt- tage Grove. Mr. M. McCully departed lat night for San Francisco Henry Folk Is In Newport enjoy lng an outing. States. Mr. Carroll was a passenger for "1 wrote to Washington nearly 8an Francisco .last evening. tvvo weeka ago,-" said General Funs N. S. Brock of Marlon was In ton to the United Press today, "rec town Saturday. He saya there Is not ommendlng that Buwnld be releaied much doing In the way of building up from prison. I hnvo not yet receive! there. Some repairs are belug made official answer to my communlca and some property Is selling, ' tlon, but 1 received a personal and The Hon. Bill Queener of Stayton unofficial letter from Judge Advo was In town Saturday. Bill helped cate General Davis nt Washington carry Stayton dry, and has gone dry stating that the letter had reached himself. He had a 'belief for the war department and that the many years that he was helping pay prleonor would undoubtedly be off the government debt by stlraulat- shown leniency In time. Ing revenue receipts. ' "i made this requeit mainly he Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dowuing were caut-e the object ot Buwald's punish in town Saturday. Henry takos aa -"' ' ; !much interest as ever In Democratic polities, although he Is not county chairman at present. He is a kind ot chairman ot tat whole campaign. .1 Harmon Snook, the contractor, began tfcta wo$k laying brlek on the new Ulk't bnlldtng at Albany, and Is nlo nutting the roof on the now high school building at Central Point. Was. Sorrell and tawHy and T. nraw - wiHj n jW io .vewpon ir a wues s online ity me uu.i, " int Vi Mrs. H. George Meyer and son . , . k. . FTd and danshtor Aliw bnve gone to Newport for tie snmwer. xi.. t. , ... -- . Mls6 Mnnde Hawley. a popular .i, c...v.-.. i-.. !; Clock ot Stockton's, left Sahirday home In RuMid. Wash. St. wiii wdt at Aberdeen and mhar vnf.k. MBtoa olnts before retnrnlne. Mr,. F. A. Brlxen. dau.htor a tmd.. and Miss Lola De g. left rfrd.y attornoon tor Ponhnd tor Mis Laura Snelllnt: at iii!riw , iuru w OB Tuesday. Jtfgrgjoa so must prices. Tomorrow Only We offer a line of vacation Com forts In medium and dark shades.' Your choice for 95c Values to $1.50 on 2nle at 8:30 no telephone orders received. Men's Negligee '; . Shirts lm light and dark colors $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 values Half Price i f r BOYS ImMFvL TELESCOPE HATS IN BLACKS AND OKAYS rJp Ji It EDITED .- i i IM WBMWW FUNST0N SECURING LENIENCY . FOR ANARCHIST SOLDIER (Onitcd rrru i.Mifd Wlre. San FrancUco, July 21. Private William Buwnld, company A, first bnttallon of engineers, who Is serv ing a mrec-ycar &;"-'" '" """ servitude in the military prison on Alcartrai Island for having shaken hands with Emma Goldman, the an- archlst, nt a meeting nere two In p few weeks. Buwnld had served 15 years In tho army and waB regarded as a good soldier. The episode of his shnklni; handu with Emmn Goldman and tho subsequent courtmartial created u sensation in every part of the United WILL 60T0 JURY the Orange ball he heard Mr. Goodo using his name. "1 stepped In," said Stanton, "and Mr. Goode was phoning to the police. 1 asked hlra .. hang up the phone, and said don't have me arreted.' Just then he made a grab for rne. I did not kHOW whether he had a gun or not . . ,. , " " ,r. U01, Trff Ir!,M." ? "'. l Bwd the ftr t!me Ju to frighten him. Jjjf " " Ww " Tha sht him thronRh thi juouth." . Sveral of Stn-oa s relatives test! ned that the '0US man was not In hU r,ght m,nd on the da' t the 5!' "? . "t . ?": .h' as Ten ears tharB Has notoZ Be V H ni? ui? Jl. ! ? HAfnA Introduced This wav MflHlWOTil WHITE DUCK and WASH SKIRTS ... . t this Sum Our cnt re - - - f mpr's COOl ann v- , i ZLr skirt at unheard of low . nrlces. $1.25 values, reduced to....O $1.50 values, reduced to..Sl.i: $2.00 values, reduced to...- 2.50 values, reduced to... 91.8" $2.75 values, reduced to . . .92.07 $3.00 values, reduced to. . .S2-"" Etc., Etc. BOY'S WEARINGS Boys' straight knee pants at HALF PRICE. We have selected at random a. line of Boys' Suits Including a few stylos of Boys' Russian blouse Suits, ages 3 to 6 years, at a I saving df 33 1-3 per cent.. $4.50 values $:J- $3.00 values -?2,00 Hoy's Department Nnv Annex. ment had been achieved and the mart j5 too fine a man to spend three years of hi? life in prison. We want- ed to establish the principle that the oath of allegiance taken by a soldier makes It Impossible for him to be come an anarchist while he 1b wear ing the uniform of the United States. This has been done. "Buwnld too!: a very manly atti tude after his sentence had been pronounced. He told Captain Popo of his company thnt he realized thnt he had done wrong and deserved hlxj punishment. He said that he had been carried awny by Emma Gold man's eloquence and forgot himself. He stated thnt he was very grateful to me for having reduced the sen tence Imposed on him by the court martial from five to three years. "I know that several, attempts have been mndo by anarchists to ap proach Buwnld while ho has been in prison and that he resisted all at tempts to see them. He takes tho attitude that his punishment is de served nnd that sIiowb that he Is too good a man to spend three years In prison." General Funston scoffed at tlu statement made some weeks ago by a Spanish war veternn that the whole Buwald affair had been plan nod beforehand to demonstrate that toldlers could not express their thoughts. "That is the evaporating of a dis eased mind," said the general. "And we paid no more nttentton to it thaii we would to the barking of a yellow dog." considered one of the strong points In the proo' of the defendant's men tal etate. Over Thlrty.flve Years. In 1S72 there was a great deal of diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera in !ntum , V- was at this time that Chamberlain' colic, Cholera and Di arrobea Remedy was first brought in to use. It proved more successful than nny other remedy or treatment, fnin Jn!ufor th,rt''flve years main talned that record. From a Braall beginning its sale and use has ex 4HS1AJa .evwy pa-rt of tne UoltetJ vi!f 5 d t0. many t0elsn countries. Mne dpjggists out of ten will rec ommend It when their opinion Is asked although they have othi? 5SmnVBat P?y them a ,eate' pront. it can always be depended upon, even 10 the most severe and terous m. For sale by d? Stone's drug store. The prohibition party had 3 peculiar experience: its cause took a notion to outgrow the party, ana aid it with neatness and dispatch i- .t A 0,ntcd Woman. i.lIw5y f0Bn1 ln 'he same houaa with Ballard's Snow Liniment it tree from aches and pains, it heu cuts, burn, and scalds i JJJj! rheumaftsm, neuralgia, lumbago and all muscular sorenets'atfd &i by Vll dealer?11 '" a bott,e' Sold SHEPPAR0 BREAKS ' ' RECORDS (United 1'rcss Leased Wlre.t T.nnrton. July 21. Melvln u, Shepilard- of New York, won tho nnal heat In the 800-meter foot race at the Olympic ganiG3 today, cover, lng the distance In 1 mlnut03, 54 4.5 seconds. ThlB bents tho time of Pilgrim of the American team, at .Uhano In 100G. 0 2-5 scpnriiia it.. former Olympic winner's time being 2 minutes, 1 1-5 seconds. London, July 21. Interest at the Olympic games today centers In tho final outcome of the 200-meter dath In which five Amerlcrtno, three Eng Hshmen, ope Canadian, one French man, one Hungarian and one Norwe glan are entered. Kerr of Canada, made the beBt showing In the pre liminary heatB today, his" tlmo being 22 1-5 seconds. Hamilton of Atnn lea, mn.de the next best showing, hit time being 1-5 of n second slower thnn that jof the Canadian runner. In the cntch-'as-catch-can wrestling Beck of Englnnd, defeated flar gaanes of America. Coleman of Englnnd, defeated Wnllls of Englnnd, In tho first round of the middle weight wrestling match. Potter of America, sot a new Olympic record In tho running "high Jump today when ho established a mark of 0 feet, 3 Inches. Ho made the record when ho won section Ave of the preliminaries. ROJESTVKNSKY D1E11 OP - A HltOKEN HE.RT (United Tress Leased Wire.)- ' St Petersburg, July 21. Dis patches today from Badnauhelm, Germany,' Bay Admiral Rojestveniky died of n broken heart as tho result of sorrow artd.dlBgruco. ,lropiii Uqiib are being mndc hpro today for n demonstration In honor of the ad mJrnl who hnS' been much beloud since he herolcVly pleaded-guilty of being responsible for the surrender of the Russian fleet In tho battle ot I the Sea of Japan, voluntarily tun ing the penalty to save his officers. Oscar Johnson Is in PortluS transacting business MONEY TO LOAN THOB. K. FORD. Over Ladd & Bush's Bnnk.8al.0 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Sockty ' Frank Meredith, Resident Age. Office with Win. Brown & Co., W 29 Commercial street. Wanted Ten cherry pickers. Ii will leave the corner of Commer cial and Trade BtreetB betwetJ 6:30 and 7 o'clock Monday awn ing, returning at 7 p. m. A&wl 4 days picking nt ic per pouti E. Presnell, phone 1140. 71S-Jt Wnnttd ut Once From $100 l $500, the beBt ot collateral s.r Ity to offer. Address O 10, J" nal office, 6lltl- For Sale 25 head of buncbpH horses. Some broke At Soil 25th St. C. W. MarJelB. 7.20-St'- The Home Seekers Infornuitlon 1 renu will place you In direct co municntlon with owners of f"" and city property. Chamber Com merce, Portland. 222 N. Comn cial street, Snlem Or. 7'!l Wnntinl A contract to cut ft5 100 to 500 cords of wood, l qulreof Derby & Wlllson or J. & Sharp. 7-21 For Sale Timber claim at a W gain, 7 miles from Drains new. R. R. Must be sold at one Inquire of A. D. Leach, corw Miller and Rock streets, S1; Or. 7-':t For Snl Forty lod of flr-t mlloh pnw- nno mllfl SOUthel ' Tmrner. Address W. C, 0 Turner, Or., Rt. 3. "l'lXL For Saltj Several houses In BjJ and farm 'ands at a bargain & 1U1 National Bank. 84- Wanted At once 40 tons cheat W Enquire Spauldlne Co. 7-2l'!t'" Lost Lady's gold hunting f watch, brown leather fob, . : rose festlMnl souvenir. "' please return to tnte office ward. 7-21,t I NEW TODAY