V -M to a .. l DAILY CAI'lMFi JOl'ItNAD, SALEM, OREGON, TUE8PA1T, JULY 21, 1008 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. IIOFER, Ed. h1 Prep. An lBjn(lent Nevrppe! Deroted o American Principles d6 tho ITcwreM and Defelopemeat of AH Orjon. ruMlihai Kefrfrenlng Except Sunday, glem, Ore. sr;?chi&ioN HATKS. 4 fc .1", -, . .. SHUr, by wrier, p57rKt. $&..f,0P Per mnalb,...XKc Mr, r ". Pt JJf- f"'" eW ,' nontb.....A..? fcUr, by mill, pjJye'r...- .1.09 x modtas. ...... JSS aiifntll. HET.ltMMfV n&'ForicoTOJcc0 ef subscribers branph delivery offices ara ostablfsh- 4iat Um -tfHowlui placet at 35 coats per month, U.00 for three menths: t AmhmMo-te, t. 0. D Vo & Son, AsyltJra Aveauo Junction. v W Cane, Seveatecatfa.etrwt', A. W. Lane,, Garden Road Storo.- X DaWaWe, Al. Bie, 8outhCommercIal treat. J j tf Blettrie Were, C. M. Epplo, Ear Mate street: V i ' r Falrfcroundi Store, Harrison Dee, Fairground! Road. ' Howell' Corner, Twelfth and Croa streets, I O. K. Grocery, A. A. Englebart, Twelfth street. I Winder' Store, W. D. Wheeler, Highland avenue. , . " "WfwTark Utera, T. G. Boweftox, Twelfth and Leslie. i LMi Grocery, Seventeenth stm ,.,, 4 ; , ? JTM'fMOore . e09'' Capitol and 'Union streots. , , We) ifelom itore, Wt Salem. 551rb' Coafecllonery, 478 State street. Df, JKeme'a, 241 North Commercial street. iiHffBMi's fltore.-North Uxta.atreot. aersjaiLjIdRwT, corner TfrelJth and Chetnekata. w T "X . J 2 1 ' 0" . J Journal. mntlod to iCIty subscribers who desire Tho JpurnaLmnlli it & itn at Kummcr resorts or other out-of-town iptacoj K' will plcaso notify the office, giving city nddross and the longth of'tinto thordoslro ro pnpor.sont to now addresi. On returning, ptuso notify ofllco In order that servloi by carrier may fyo promptly resumed, President Homan of Willamette was one of tho lecturer of the Linn County Bible school, and speaks well of It. The crowds wore not as large as could have been expected but the Iti'oresl was wholesome. He says Halem would be a nn'eYplace for sorno ,ucr- summer school -as" has-been at- tempted atA Albany, ana nas ooen carried on sverkl years ,at Oregon City. ;lfoman Is more of "a biulness man tliat areacher; although a fine platform talkor who Is over ready with the right thought and tho ap propriate word If we can Judgo from he few times he 'lias been hoard at Salem. o J. C. Goodalohas gono to Salt Lake, J(Jtahto represent vtho.vCurtl3S Lutnbor CoV' In that 'territory. Ho came: to Sajom with hJsathbr and brotners 12 years agodof Jho family 0. C. Goodalo remains at Salem and Is connected with tho game corporation, Jai. Ooodale was In the city council and hasjjult up i good reputation In th'o lumbering business which ;tho firm. recontly sold out to tho Gurtlss company. The" Goodnlcs aro men of good business habits, liberal and fair-minded, of the live and let llvo sty.lowho make frirfttds and Keep tnem : The many friends of J. C. Goodalo" will wish HKLF ADVEUTIHI.VG IIV I'APERH. m:vh- Tho first roquhlto to mtcccssful elf advertising by uowspapors is coufldonco on the part of tho pub. Ilshod Hint Ills spneo Is worth tliu l'llco. Without such coufldonco ho can hardly hopo to Inspire It In hti Vrospecllvo ndvortlsors or ubsorlb ri(, Tho innn with a papor which' ho ; feels U not worthy tho nttoiitlon of ndvortlsorn would bottor mako It so Or wai It for a yellow dog and gt r.notlibr. , Tho of mlyertlslng baglns nt the. dttto lii nnd runs nil tho way through to tho lat period on tho Jast pago. Good or bad. It Is found in ovry lino of now pr advortlslng--i)vm In mnkc-up. Tho genornl ad Yjttlr can hIzo up'a sheet with ap proximate nccuraoj' at a gluncu. Tho local mlvortlior know of his own Tcnowhvlgo for can readily deter mlnq) whotlier a given papor Is making good with hU public. So thuro nuiBt b. rtrat of all.tiomethlng tn advortUo Homethlng that will pretty nruly stand tho add ton. ThlH something to ndvortlso can bo more quickly orcwvtwttf tho papor tajks nboul itself In t proper way In Its own oolumns. By nuking tho baat, f what It has, by keeping dls crofltly ilium rogardlng what It hasn't,' while It hiistlei to get It. -, o MtOMTIIlt i:i)ITOll'S NOTHIIOOK. Aa the wlltor abcut h' dultoa ho mnkit notes ami obsurvntlaiu about nmnlaii, persim aud thiUKJI. SonitUiUM i hey nr inter! lug aad nm.MmcM thy are not. That n not too fault ef the un, pnHn or SO.MK RKASONH WHY A BANK AHXrN1' IS A GtM)B THING It ttachOH corl.W) U holpt your crillt It furiUhv n rectrfpt far all money you, pay out. It erwatw t)UdluM hablU that will ltipi your tavtNK?. U iwjot yr tuma against om by rsuysjry. It (tnublw ytn ta g auwd dur Ing th ftrotlutttvo ywr of onr lite. It bMttH yni ht a 0ittoH ig wk adyaiMttjif f y hi busJ. n ttmt row tr way. I' la ur SirlniBO lMiMirtitiiBt it 11 ay ytm Uetur Uveomo tkan Ruviriiiniu bonds, m matter hw utal tln 'suouat, Your manor In twnk U la ao tlw um and tonnU iU oou. munlty in whtrh you live. It em ploy lAbor, pratw faatorlo plauts nolds and wftvw oropj to w.rnoi, w vtM be glad to co ojHjrato with you aud hsin you wva, HAVINGS 1JKIMWMKXT .l1T,lr -VATtQ.VAL KAXsC ll.ii--, hut It h tho f.ult of tho ed itor If he does not :itent thorn In nn onlortnliilng maimer. Il.e Cherry Fair Is new a thing of tro unit and tho nowipapcr ropotts that nlirontclo tho passing show from oy' to. day havo been written, and Ufo dnlly press elnmori for somu thlng row. It has Oi.,ifrrod to this wrltor that a rovlo'v "f .tho Cliorry Fair .15'nn annual cititom would lw a good' thing to put in print. He Is walling for a couple rf suitable pic tures to ni'orn thv ttory, and then, such n 't mny hnrpen to bo, It will appoar In duo Hire. Bin sny! d'dn't the fhtucso nnd Jnps cover them hovi A-lfli pluniod In that comic pirndt They dlspkyed art and on- terprlne W. H, Dalrymple, a wll known ooutraotor, Is luterottlug himself In tho formation of a homo builders' niHooliitlon, to help oung mon to got homos or their own Thoro Is to bo a meeting rolled nt tho Hoartl of Trndo rooms thla wook nnd stops tnkon tn organize the outerprlso on now linos, paUorned mainly nfte" one that has been very xucooasful at Elgin, Ills. Everything that helps nnyouu build a home Is to be on oouraged as this city has nearly ranched the famine limit f6r houses to llvo In President Homan of WIN laniotto Is vory austous to havo som one put up u good olght-room house for ront, as he has boon unable to llml any thing uultabla for hla family to llvw In. It I iimlnititood that soluo of our mnUulUti are willing to help suoh offorte If tUy ar put forward with any aMiiraueH of gol UMMgemeHt. him 8UCC038 lny his new business lo cation. , '", l K ' (f n Some of tho work of proparlng school teachers can bo successfully carried on In tho high schools. Whon the now bonrd that'ha3 cnafgo of tho normnl schools of this state was or ganized, a member of tho board of fered a resolution nsking tho com- tnltteo on courso of study In normal schools to prepare an ono-year teach. era' training courso for high schoob. It was dono because many studontt attend high schools n year or two years merely to fit thomsolvos to pnss an examination at tho county Instltuto nnd thon hecomo tenchors In tho coyntry schools without fur- thor professional oqulpmcnt. For this class of students tho tenchors' training courso gives at least one yonr of work In tho theory nnd prac tice of teaching, and they havo no excuse for not taking tho courso, as they know vory well nt tAo begin ning of tho year thnt they nro going to try to hecomo school teachers. Statu Supt. Ackormnn has now mnilo tho one-year toaohors' training courso In high school part of tho stato courso of study for high schools. On consultation with City Supt. Pow ers It wiib thought best to havo tho students admitted to tho tcachors trnlnlng clnss In a high school nt least havo had ono year's high school work, or havo completed tho oqulv nloul of tho ninth grndo. 1M would men mnko tho tonchors' training class equivalent to tho tonth grndo, and upon completing It julmlt them machine politicians, rnortey and men dacity. He Is no u after and oven makes tho grocers sell hl cucumbers at five cents when they wcrt trying to got ten cents or three for a qut.r tor. r Tho other Portland men begged oftr'on tho talklniftproposltlon,i ono of them stating that "Portland has ai man employed at- a big salary to do her. talking for hdr, but, Ho Js not hore today, preferring to go to tho cpast to spend Sunday rather than follow tho crowd to the Cherry City." Tho audlonco understood that this referred to Tom Richardson, who. It 13 rumored, hai not.partlcul lar lovo for Salem. Statesman. A Journal reporter called on prominent membors of tho Cherry Fair committee and was a3surod by ihem that, the above dd reror to tne manager oi inu runmuu um- merclal club. A committee from Salem went down there and ad dressed tho club at Its meeting and presented them with boxps of Salem cherries and 76 signed an agreement to cori)e to' Salem and take part In tho Portland Day festivities. The Commercial club managers thon fur ther agreed to swell the list to 200 at least, and whon tho Portland crowd was all Inon. Portland Day there was barely two dozen. Wheth er Tom RJchardson was to blame for this, is hard to say; but tho com mltteo horo aro loud in their ex pressions of distrust that something wont wrong and that tho crowd that was expected did not materialize But thoro aro so many cherry shows nnd fruit fnlrs going on all over the stato that tho Portland business men simply cannot ntend thorn all In any considerable number and- nttend to their own affairs at home Tho com munity that captures any largo crowd theso days has to bo on tho vory best of terms wltli tho manager, and Its was supposed that such men ns Judgo Scott, Frank W. Power, tho president nnd secretary of tho Sit lorn Commercial club, and Its board of directors nnd tho active managing commltteo had tho car of tho man ager at Portland. Howovor, lot us hopo for bottor treatment next time. It cannot bo said thnt tho Harrlmnn officials did not do their duty, as Messrs. McMurrny, Scott, Coman and othors of that corporation's head men camo up and graced tho occasion and tnndo friends for thomsolvc3 nnd tho city of Portland. Salem and Portland nro friends Rnd rill re main so. wmwflfflffl SUMMER RES0RTS yyit i . i ",. j.-. I " .. ' ! UJ-uyi C " S T I It fHA uwHIIIinilMH-H i WILHOIT SPRINGS K"0 ! 'stage leaves Oregon City, Tuesday, Thursday -and .Saturday until July 1, then dally at 0 A. M. Stage also goes from Mt Angel. Fare' I i 50. F. W. McLean, proprietor. Wl 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 H-HW-HH" M 1 1 1 1 1 1 h vmnpnaw aumm ass ssSj BisBIlsiswiiiiiiiirM. grgberBros. I PI HMRIWfi I AND I 1 6AS FITTINO I Will klve prompt attention 1 BRING )'0UR CAMERAS and K( to SMITH'S CAMERA ct Wc Do Deveioplnrj fir Amate gcrre Lttnclfcs wid Sell Cfcgi yo ueacu Newport, Or. THE jk: Will give prompt attention to all orders, guarantee our work to give satisfaction and to bo up to tno sanitary stand ard. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE EflTI3IATE9 ON CONTRACTS. Call at our shop on Liberty street, back of Barr's Jewelry Store. Phone 550. J It Can't no fat. Tho best of tcachora U oxporlonco. O. M. Hardon, of Sllvor City, Nor:h Carolina, sny: "I find Electric Bli tora doos all that's claimed fqr it. For Stomncn, Liver and Kidney troubloa It enn't bo bent. I havo tried It and find It a most oxcellont medi cine." Mr. Harden Is right; It's the best of nil medlcllnos nlso for weak ness, lnmo back, and all run down to tho Stnto Normnl schoob, and on-i conditions. Best too for chills and Ml tJtWMaWMsWI . . Gold Dust rlotfir Mndo by THE SYDNEY 1'OW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Mndo for family use. Ahk your grocer for It. Bran nnd, shorts always on hand, P. B. Wallace AGENT sisii8smssnisiasioig4iwoswf 1 T A . " m- -- . ' 1 At 1 UUSj rnvaio uunruing. . Btnctly )ym cooking, sorvo tho boat mealjJ neip yoursoir, Ratoa reasonabW ' MRS. 5LYRY, BATCHMAN, Mp, Cor. Fifth and Hurlburt Streets, on block north of Prosbytorlan chnrej, ROYAL RESTAURANT For quick sorvlco, strictly bosttl qoolclug, go to tho addrejjljj DEAOII LUNCHES our apocialty. West sldt A l-ront at., ono nnd one-liul blocK south of boat landing, SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water terries apply at offlc Bills payable monthly in advani A. J. Ratter's Camping Grout Horo you will, find good ik septic tanks, good location; fonnfc iion aim xurnisuca tents to rente Nye Crook. A. J. Rndor, proprltta; iuniuii, uruisuu. PrWoiit How.n of Willamttte unlirlty la an Iowa man, ami waa far xmu ywr nt tk hAul of stwt. son oellgt at Udlanola. H hat re siwtly bHt dworaua wtu a mm orary dngr bi' Ui(r Iowa ualrvr- wty. a MiUwMiut coi'gi m Knyvtu. Iowa, which ha nvr ikausiM.l tlt(lHtS A4Mt hiU tumrd uaf MMM of tkf itKMt iiruniHi. at tut u tkat Ut. UomnH rlt 14 . vr to be tUbbtHl Doctor nt ItHii), M hit XMHMM ttt Hf hi M TV to 0 Willi lMrrluNdllii i , UaancUI wira fnaa who .uiuli- . j buliilt able Uiom to fllnlsh thoro In twj yuars It U oxpoctod that gradu utoa of ntato high Rchools will bo ablo to complote tho stnte normnl sonooi courso lu ono yonr. But tlioy can tako the tonth yoar's work lu tho toaohors' trnlnlng class of a hlch 'school and save a year. But for a professional tonchor tho full hlch school courso nnd tho full normal school courso aro not too much work. Stato Supt. Ackorman has reason to u congratulated on his prompt com pllanco with tho suggwtlon of tho stato normal school board that somo of the work of tho normal Bohooli can ho dona In ho high schools. H. M. Shafor, presldont-oloct of tho Ashland State Normal school, at tended tho National Educational as- 'ootatlon at Clovelnnd. Ohio, and was In Snlom Sunday on his wav home from Ashland, whore ho looked over his now Hold of labor. Th AUlund poople aro pleas that tho new proaldont la a normal school wan, wko has all his life- bocm on BKl In normal sohool work, and the stato hoard aro plonsed that thoy a-t ideated, uud so there li pleasure all around. Mr. Safr has routod t housaf n tU mttv of Ashland ns w'tt t ltv nt at thi Khool. Ho aji n want to litetuifj himself to 8mt vtut wlik the community U vhlch U riU kU lot 11 w5 for m irnm irwUl.ut of the gtato Normal ehool at ChMwy. Wash,. kmt a v Ich luanl or rMm. tlip:ru um for iMilHItwt raM. malaria. Sold undor Kuarnntoo bl J. C. Perry's drug store. COc. . o District Conference German Baptist Brethren Church of (iod. Portland, Ore, July 1G-21, 1908. ror tho above occasion the Southern Pacific company will make a ralo of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FABE on tho certificate plan, WM. M'MURRAY, J. M. SCOTT, G. P. A., S. P. Co. A. G. P. A., S. P. Co. 7-l5-5t. Phono 44 Main 147 N. High 8t. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs apd LIvory, all Rigs Modorn Rubber Tiro. O.K. BARBER SHOP A first class irp-to-dato shop. Do i ovorlook this plnco for tho bet roM Thoro is no barbor better ikllWl with a razor or pair of slijori tt It. X. WATTEH, Prep. west Bluo Front street, nst I landing. Agency for CorvallliLwil ury. SI fluie Wing Sang Co. Annual Set.....,, .,.. J.ixlc Ancient Order Unltod Workmen niul Degrvo of Honor. Portland, Oro., July 21-23. Ths Southorn Pacific Co. havo nuthorlze-l n rate of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE from Salem to Portland and return on tho certificate plan. WM. M'MURRAY, J. M. SCOTT, G. P. A., S. P. Co. A. O. P. A.. S. P. Co. 7-15-tf Allwiij Colh'gtv Summer Blblo School, Albany, Or., July 17.27, iqqs. For tha above occasion a rate of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE on the certlfleoto plan has been au-thorlzed. WM. M'MURRAY, C P. A.. S. P. Co. S. P. Co. 7-15-7t. BIG STOCK OF GOODS Wo mnkq up all kinds of wrapperr. and whlto underwear, waists and kimonos and skirts; all kinds of gontlomen's and ladlos' furnishing goods; all kinds of silks nnd -dress goods; hoso, suits, pants, overalls. umnKots, neckwoar, matting, ohlna waro, trunks, embroidery and lnca, etc. OUK STORE BEST Goods now at very low price big sale, 820 N. Commercial S,t. Salem, Or. CIGARS and TOBACCOS I havo solected the bestir of Clgnrs and Tobacco cot ont with tho trade. Caa 1 you with what you wlii satisfaction. Also carrri pioto uno of soft drinks. E. CASS, Prop. Front Stroot, opposite Till coptlon, N'owport, Ortros. HBMMHMHMHIWMaai 0 C J Co. okuW)Urd romona nnd Oregona leave for Portland daily except Sun day nt 0 a. in. M. 1 BALDWIN, Agent. ED. SULLIVAN'S MARKET Fresh fish of nil kinds la i Fresh Kraba Kooked daily. W bait ou hqnd nt all times, Bowj rout. IBM Stacker's Meat Ifartt Horo you will find at all tlc cnoico3t meats that can be pros also fish. Your patronage scB STOCKEH'S MJ3AT 5fAni Newport, Oregon j J. M. SCOTT, A. G. P. A. -"k lt he I- u wii tTy a8j ul Ul'1 aajthlng cvuneoted witb M " w tt ir notltluc juore Uwg ta tr aid Hv up to the ttaJ adi ibnt a d D is tnMoed to up Kohl lu Ue WMtttiax he u wreeti tn nlO the w adwltitatratloB bmldlhg pn4lew, aml jwi . ,!hii a uan wk UI nH the ohatr ar Hh. n.bv, vkkk h be orwtod at MSHfttlo.. ami a protewor who Hl fit tb ehalr of biology, whiea Clemout mi! to take u that urk a( l&0 IIUAU aaylHHi. in ,,a XS2Z1X 2 hU life aswIaUd with the llvo huat. uvss men of any cost t,ay v whtoh no Mv4. HIM UrirHkllAHnl n.k.l. t l tho pr'tt,. of m, mwu to hflW ft tine miad ami a wIkbIok PWioiiaU'y and there Is do rt$ft whj hid in lodotioj uto tjit edueatioal liol C Ofegw win list wu-k out won for the tnUuoi a,l the ,tat. n,i t Sbafer, Doctor Fiekl. a zlm ffWr wha 18o oueumhera for tan, Pm, a0. ?d sh,pi M,,' ,,a by. tne money honest- 1 aud votes ftousqlentlonaij. snd u u a UUCeat itepuMioan all his "f. say, ho still believes Statement o, 1 win win out ia 8it 0f tha MICKOKT BARK Coush Remedy WHIWIflW liiSKa Coughs, Colds CROUP jWhp,,, ComN SORt THROAT TH04T.tlUNGS KMl MM. KMtT (0. .f. Im, fan GHICHHSTER'S PILLS m tu rm - - iiil tin . iu 1 W iVl ycifehn vcitTttt i.rt a iOlOBVMlWSISnTOliS.. piiiilnlilffl -UJTlllllnT l0,"lc:'". . I SoW fa Saem bv Dr. S. C?- HOI I ItTPD.a ltoc-7 Neuntain In Nuggets A Buy Ktlitb, f Bj,r f aA iSSS & fiu. BUxl. jSuflSSSh "l SSSiTi Ecien'; Puw FURNITURE Newport, Ote& for Household Furniture oi kind and description go to " H. D. BLAKELY Carpets, Matting, Stoves ail ware. Soil or rent vou a ct? housokeoninc outfit and If ' when you leave. Prices a!1" cnnnhln South Front Street, only stortM Kind. When you co to Newnort fs Bain's Hack & Dray CM gives si)PflnI nHnntlnn to rlni? lf0frnrrn. nnA Iamn HlltutS niSllfifl nnri unfurnished " wood and hnv for ale. I dera at Bain's Bakery, NJJ Newport, Oregon. Fhooe uons. When at Newport go to Fcf Rowln'a T.lvorv Hlnhlps for W move your baireaEe: to &l brf 0I1.1 n j.ifa. tn tro tl Roolf Ronl Ttnnlra nr AHV Pfl' terest In small or large parti- and feed and a square r around; careful drivers the beach. Give us a tn. Newport H Board ancj rooms, nc-s4 best 25c meal in city; 7 self. Large, pleasant reea reasonable. Mrs. M. B- "Si 'air Sh. ufr. 41 5m, Stirt IP'ke- 100 . colore 1 ios pnetrese, Newport, or.