r-t, ;"5?fs DAILY COITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1008 2 r J. L STOCKTON I THE OLD WHITE CORNER tjrnmlaps to ba ona of the ereatest many have seen them and expressed' the salo is sure' to bo a winner. 45 Regular 60c and 65c values Dry Milk, the New Food. It la n well-recognized fact that the curse of milk Is water. This M lot said facetiously, for while we shall speak Inter of what Is som&' times cnllod tho baptism of milk wo iow allude only to tho wntor which It contains as It comes fiom tho iow. ThU wntor, howover, Is 8f Bier cent of tho bulk, so that It can I1o seen at once that cow's milk must bo considered n highly dllutod md thoreforo correspondingly un- lutrltlous food. Tho fundnmentnl Idon of dry milk is simply to remove this 87 per com if water. Tho procoss by which this I accomplished Is very simple. Tho nllk us soon as possible after It FURNITURE SALE l.'r:--tt V HI II Iff tl HMHHPIMV bum-.'Ml VI The New Stock Is On And we have got to clear the store for It. EVERYTHING Is 10 per cent Off On Wisconsin Peerless Refrigera tor Only a few left. Wall Paper You may never be able to paper your rooms so cheap again as Kou can nov at our sale price?. -ome ani see for yourself, everything jive are offering to the public. We juy r.ght now. ouse Furnishing MONDAY'S SALE OF MUSLIN DRAWERS gale events of the .season. So ",. K their 'Intention 'of buying thnt Como early, forbuying&vril.'be brisk. 8 C Pair J' comes from tho cow In mo3t cases I nn hour or two Is passed without preliminary treatment, physical or ' chemical, excopt strnlnlng, over pol- , Ished steel rollers In n thin sheet I Tho rollers nro heated to n tern1- Jpernturo of 240 degrees Fahr., nnd I the milk remains on them only about two and one-half seconds. It comes off tho rollers n dry powdei containing loss moisture' than flour, lrt..1.. K nM (i .iam nnnt Tf la Minn UMt U Ui U IBl Will, lb 13 ttlVI. packed in boxes or barrels and can lie shipped far or near as required. Its chemical composition has boon unchanged nnd it will now keep for an Indefinite period, or until tho ro nddltlon of water. I mysolf, have drunk milk more than two years old. August 1 Carpets Wo have a beautiful Hue of car pets in AxmlnUter, Velvets. Brussels and Ingrains, If you need a carpet now or thu fall, it will pay you to Invert now during this sale. is marked with large .plain white will be more than pleased to 3how D7 Liberty Street In tho first place all gertiis are killed by the temperature) of 240 degrees to which the milk Is sub jected. Tho milk itself does not suf fer any chemical change, ns in the case of sterilization, on account of the short space of time it' is sub jected to this heat, only two and one half seconds Instead of 20 or 30 minutes. Secondly bacteria develop only In the presence of moisture, It has been ascertained that thero must be 15 per cent moisture for the propagation of germs. Now, as dry milk contains only G per cent mois ture, any germs which may subse quently get into the powder cannot develop; henco tho milk keeps In definitely or until water is again added. We have therefore, In dry milk a food eight times as nutritious as ordinary milk in proportion to Its weight, and which Is absolutely free from bacteria and will remain so. From "The Milk-Fed Race Horse " by A. C. Robinson, in the Outing Magazine. . American Vnlencienncs Laces. "Another Triumph for nn Ameri can Industry" is tho legend on tho outor page of an advertising folder now being ,oxtonslvoly circulated by one of the leading retail houses of New York. Tho triumph consists In the fnct that Valenciennes laces, manufactured In the United States, pronounced to bo "tho equal of any evor produced In the historic lnce towns of the. Old World," are offered "at much lower prices than It Is possible to land tho foreign produc tion." Tho ndvortljomont goes on to say: "These lacos are unlquo In char acter, original In doslgn and super ior In woavo and finish; they nro made on tho lutoit constructed laco looms that havo the nowost Im proved mechanism, which insure perfect mechanlcnl action and rap idity of movomonts, the latter econ omizing labor and reducing tho co3t of manufacture; thoso advan tages mentioned enable us to offer fine quality Valonclennos lnco3 at tho prlco of medlum-grado goods." Anothor triumph for protection It might bo cnllod, for, without tariff duties levied Upon Imports of for olgn goods, laco could not bo pro duced In this country; foreigners would make nil of tho lacos used. Amorlcan Economist. the Road cut to bedrock prices Linoleum Cover your kitchen or bathroom with one of our beautiful designs in linoleum and at sale prices. Furniture Wo have out all our furnlturo from 10 to 50 per cent and they are the biggest bargains yet of fered In Salem. tagi so you can see what bargains. you, even If you are not going to Company I' ( GRANT LANDS IS CUT INTO 1 2.000 LOTS HUGE TERRITORY IN KLAMATH, MARNEY AND MALHEUR COUN TIES IS NOW OPEN FOR SET TLEMENT DIVISION PLAN SUCCESSFUL. Supremo Court of United States Has Passed Upon the Title of tho Road Company's Land nnd It Cannot Bo Questioned. (From Oregon. Dally Journal.) Tho host part of tho Orogon mill tnry road land grant, comprising 300,000 of the total of G00.000 acres, Is to be thrown open Immediately foi settlement, anil colonization for hns already boon begun. Tho Or& gon Valley Land company, composed of eastern peoplo, with Portlnncr hoadquartors at 830 Chamber of Commerce, has perfected a plan of salo of the lands In tracts compris ing 11,992 tracts, varying from 10 acres with Irrigation to 1000 acres of grazing land. Tho company is headed by R. J. Martin of Kansas City, J. H. Borders Is secretary, and M. C. Shlmp Is treasurer. Thoso men aro tho same who successfully put tho largest tract over opened In Colorado on the market last year In tho San Luis valley, nnd built nn irrigation dam SO feet high, storing wator for irri gntion of n portion of that tract do slrdd for Intensified farming. Clear Title to Lnnd. II. A. Hunter, president of tho Oi cgon Military Land Grant company, former owners of tho ontlro COO, 000 acres, returnod to Portland yestor dny on buslnots connected with the formnl convoyanco of tltlo to the now company. At tho Portland hotel Inst ovonlng ho said: "Tho grant, which extends from tho Klnmath Indian rocorvntlon to Lakovlew, nnd thonco through Har ney nnd Mainour counties to tho Snnko rlvor, should not be confused In tho public mind with ono or two railroad grants that hnvo litigation over titles. This tltlo to tho Oregon military road grant Is nbsolutoly un questioned. ' "It hai twice boon ndjudlcnted by tho supremo court of tho United Stntes, which has decided that Its validity cannot bo challenged. Tho grnnt was passed from tho govern ment many yoars ng without nnd strings to It ns Its sale, the prlco nt which It should be (old, or nny othor complication. Seek New Industries. "Tho plan adopted by tho coloni zation company is unlquo, nnd hns Leon found successful In putting othor similar tracts upon the mar ket. "That tho company hns gront con fidence In southern Orogon cllmntlc conditions and tho soil of tho land? to bo oponed to settlomont Is shown by tho fnct that they are offorln;? to any ono who will mnko nn Investi gation nnd show thnt tholr printed literature for settlors contains any misrepresentations rognrdlng the I lands. They havo offered $50,000 to I ward starting Industries at Lakevlow, I f 1UVV UUU lUIUUllU UUIIIl,IUl IHUUW and show that tholr printed lltorn iture for settlors contains any mU I representations regarding tho lnnd.. iThoy havo offered $50,000 toward starting industries at Lakovlow, i $25,000 of which is to bo for a bonus to the first beet sugar factory started thore." Tho lands comprlso nltornate sec tions in a Btrlp 12 miles wldo 'through Lake and Harney counties and a portion of Klamath county. These lands aro to be divided into 1 5974 10-acre fnrms, 4,080 20-acro farms, 1020 40-acres farms, 500 80 acres farm, 400 100-acre farm, 12 C40-aero farms, and six 1000-acre farms. J One Uniform Price. I Tho contracts for farms sold to settlers are certified by the Pioneer Trust Company of Kansas City. The uniform price of each farm, regard jless of Blze, is to bo 1200. ' Each 10-acre tract Is to havo S acres of irrigated land. The sum of $200,000 to bo held in trust by tho Pioneer Trust Company will he de voted to construction of an Irriga tion system taking water from the Cottonwood rlve.r to irrlgato about 30,000 acres in the Goose Lake val ley, "There are Irrigation projects un der consideration by tho company in othor valley." nald Mr. Hunter. "In. -. " , .--, , eluding Sprague river valley, Drew's ( (valley and Catlow valley. But these are on a uraiiea scaie. ino largeu irrigation project, and one that will be Immediately developed. Is already If you are inclined to be economical, now is the time to invest in High Grade Clothing Every man's suit in the house reduced 20 per cent Every boy's suit in the house k reduced 20 per cent Every Oxford Tie in the house reduced 20 per cent Every summer parasol reduced 20 per cent We're showing great values in Summer Wash Goods on our Bargain Tables. The prices are greatly reduced. To closo out theso Summer Ltno3. Many of tho patterns in this lot nro Bitltnblo for party dresses and ovonlng wear. Havo you scon our lino of LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS Our prices nro remarkably low for woll mado Dustors. $1.90, $2.30, $2.S5. Now lino of doublo warp Turkish Towels Just ro eolved. They're much closer wovon than tho ordinary kind. An othor shipment of. Thompson's Glove-Fitting Corsets Just Received. All the new models in Batiste Corsets at Cash Store Prices l s-wjrsir r A m? LLi,fSZi'' WE UNDERSELL survoyod, nnd will tnko wator from tho Cottonwood rlvor, upon whir is locnted ono of tho best reservoir sltos to bo found In tho country. It Is a natural rosorvolr, nnd with small oxpenso can bo mado to Btoro buM clont wntor to sorvo nil tho grnnt nnds. Tho survoy was mndo by nn ongliioor of tho Orogon" Short Lino. Generous Rainfall. "Tho nvorngo precipitation in Lnko county oxceods 23 Inches, nn1 last year it wna 27 Inches. Thoso lunds nro capable of producing good crops whothor Irrlgntod or not, al though Irrigation of courso Increasos production. Tho plan of sottlomont is tho largost colonization plnn evor undortakon In Oregon, and will be an Important movomont toward de- volopmnt of tho stnte." Tho colonization of tho grnnt ts guarnnteod to bo complete by tho fall of noxt year. Growth of tha city of Lakovlow, county sent of Lake county, Is oxpocted to result from tho sottlomont of tho grant. Lakovlow Is located about tho con- tor of the lands to bo sold, and U now a town of nbout 1000 pooplo. Tho company, which owns the sur rounding lands, has platted an ad dition of 11,992 lots and will give a lot free with each farm sold in tho grant. Derby & Wlllaon havo taken a limited amount of the lands, whloh they will sell on tho installment plan at $10 por month without Interest. Each farm will bo sold for $200, re gardless of slzo. Call nt Derby & Wlllson's for full information, o COFFEE Five degrees of excel lence: good; better; fine; finer; finest: all Schilling's Best. Your aroctr return your moucr U roa doa't (ilea It. pr bim CASTOR I A 2far Iafa&U and Ghildrca. Tin KM Yn Havi Always llif Ju sr A -m M jrsn JMS2 UM,JjTiy JTstsWJ REGULAR STORES" urn t MONEY TO LOAN TIIOS. K. FORD. Over Ladd & Bupu'b Bank, 8alom, Or Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. OOlco with Win. Drown & Co., No. 29 Commercial stroet. Willamette Valley Chautauqua, Assembly, Gladstone Park, Or,, July 0 to 19 Indus! vo. Rato for abovo occasion ono and ne-thlrd fare on certificate plan Is authorized. Train Service. Tains No. 11, 12, 17 and 18 will stop at Gladstone during tho asiem , bly. 9n agent will bo stationed at Gladstone to Issue roturn tickets and check baggage. W. M. McMurray, O. P. A. Jno. M, Scott, Asst. O. P, A., 8. P. Co, 7-Ctf. Annual Seaslou Grand Lxlo Ancient Order United Workmen and Degree of Honor. Portlaud, Oro., July 21-23. Th Southern Pacific Co. havo authorized a rato of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE from Salem to Portland and return on tho nortlficato plan. WM. M'MURRAY, J. M. SCOTT, G. P. A., 3. P. Co. A. G. P. A., S. P. Co. 7-15-tf. Albany College Summer Hlblo School, Albany, Or., July 17-27, 1908, For tho above occasion a rato of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE on the certificate plan has been au thorized. WM. M'MURRAY, J. M. SCOTT, O. P. A., S. P. CO. A. O. P. A., 8. P. Co. 7-15-7t. District Conference German Daptlst Rrethreu Church of God, Portland, Oro., July 1C-21, 1908. For tho above occasion the Southern Pacific company will make a rate of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE oa tho certificate plan. WM. M'MURRAY, J. M. SCOTT, O. P. A., S. P. Co, A. O, P. A 8. P. Cdr " 7-ll-5t. v I I