JOURNAL. SALEM, OBEGOX. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1008 DAILY CAPITAL REVOLTING CONDITIONS IN CALIFORNIA PRISONS (United PrM. fesM Wire.) La Angeles, 'cal., jtily Is. Allo satlons made1 by Judge Curtis D. Wilbur, that California's vjAtyjo arc avorcrowded and that shrieking con ditions prevail created a sensntlon hero today. Tho Judge has Just re turned from n tour of Inspection e: the fpanltentiarles at Folsom and JftantQucntln. One wtartllng case revealed by JwIo Wilbur la that of a ,17-yeiu 14 koy who Is beginning a GO-ypar torn, tor robbery ThU youth was confined In tho penitentiary but he erled for days and woa finally trnns- TEMPERANCE AT GRAND A tompornnco rnlly will bo hold at the Grand opora houso this evening at S o'clock, whon Hon, H. U. Thiol ven will proildo. itov. Ilarr O. Lee. JJupL Uoo. A. Pueblos, Conrad Krob of tho Hop Growors association, Hon. T. 11. Kny and other will talk for temprunco, and for substituting Milder drinks fr tho more potent at cehollc bovoragos, such as Kentucky AMERICANS (Contlnuod From Page 1.) Inclined to rosont tho arbitrary nil- Ing of ttiu romiultteo, which refiuod to allow their protest. According to tho Amorluan system of scoring Mugltuid lends today with a polntt. Amorleh ItaH 40 V. point. Sweden, 15; Germany, 814; Frnnet. 5 j (Ireooo, 3; Norway, :i; Finland, 1; Canada, 1, Australia. 1. Hngland took Oral nidi second ylncQ in iho struploahtiat;, inakhin Wight polutH and leaving but nno for America by llulshlng thlid. Tho Unl tod Kingdoin added five more points from tho GOOO-mutur cyclo race, liy winning tlrst place and Frnnc got into tho running by carry off th Ttst of tho honor in the wont. Again tho Briton registered live when Hi ay won th first,' In tint B00 Wclur nyvliu, ullowing 8 wed on to net threw by gaining second.' America cutnu in the front ' in ' tho iUrfbu throwliiKi when first and second placet nutted the tvam eight points. tho roiniilnlim ror In tho ovont go ing to Finland, hut was only nblo to pick out Vi or ii point In tho, fnnej diving boon u so dormnuy took all the rest and tied the athlete from the United HinttM for third pine. tiUKUud next addod eight moro llnln to lmr score by winning first nnd second In the live mil Hat raot rnd Sweden got one by taking third. Tho United' Kingdom thou pruned Ux ncoro to a total of G3, American count, or 21, according to the Kim Huh system of scoring, bj taking firm and second lu the 10QUUmutttr oyrllng event. netting eight more polnlt. Prnni got third in thU event. Unwell, of Knglund, won the flna heat in the 3300-meter ateopliichnie today, hU time being 10 minute, 47 1-6 ftMiid K sele of Atnorlra. -rr-r OVER The entire lUld ot olelM, no- whi has tkr been tueb prog row as in tkt cUne at Qpttea ami tho FllUmr ( HIam OT uewi ii Utl llite is due, lu a mwuum, tw U (att tjjat w grp evry mw wMtoHojt Mm. V wustHy sW' ta ortKlRte ar foliow naw methodii of exqel leneo that will In ay way aid us In the prattle Fitting (lUsi. Utfs Jewelry Store State u4 Liberty 8trti. WMlMltwwmjiw LOOKING ferred to the lone industrial gchoo!. Although tho Judge refuses to glv tho name of tho central California coirt which sentenced the youth he Indicated that tho punishment was unjust, saying the boy had boon led Into tho commission of tho crime b. an er-convlct. At Folsom Judge Wilbur sayn thero aro 1700 prisoners confined In quarters built for 700, from two to x prisoners being crowded into an unvontllated coll. At San Quentin conditions are almost as bad, 1007 men occupying building meant for 500 persons. RALLY OPERA HOUSE whiskey, Fronoh Absinthe, Porunb, Hostcttors stomnch bitters and Lydln Plnkhham's bovorngos for Indies. Hop boor, root beer, near boor nnd other soft drinks are to be advocated by iiomo of tho speakers, nnd It Is expected that tho mlnlitcrs nnd torn pornnce pooplo will be out to Hear n ratlonnl presentation of temper ance that fnlls short of prohibition. finished third In till event giving hit frlonds a plonsant mirprlso n- the places wero conceded to tho Dillons after the showing they made In the preliminaries yeotorday America had been particularly discouraged by the fatluro of Llghtbody, of Chkngo, to Qualify. Tho recent Injury to his knee enp kept him from winning lib boat. Iflnglnrlil was given a good hntthv lead over America today when two more first plaoos wero added to her llu of victories. Jonei took the final in the G00O- motor cycling rare In 8 mlmits, II -15 seconds for tho I'nl ted Kingdom nud Holmun, of Eng land, won the Una) in the 200-meter breast stroke swim. Ills tlmo was 3 mlnuto), 9 3-5 seconds. A. 1C. Dearborn, of Ainerlrn,, won hh section lu tho proltmlnnrleA for the discus throy, Greek stylo, todny, iiintlfylng for entry lu tho finals. HI throw was 1(10 feet, 11 H Inches Bherldnu, of America, won the first plnce In the llnnl In the d sens throw. Greek style, his mark holms 12-i feet. 8 Inches. Horr. of Amerl- en; who won icoud plaro. hurled th wclglil 1SS ftt, PVi Inchev and Jnrvlnen, of Fiulnnil, who took third place, mado 110 fot, 8U Inrhw. Itobitrtwn, or Hnglnud, finished rond it) (li 3!(00-mter tple chns. lu th (000-mntor cycling race, wen by Jnu$, of Hnglninl, Srhnllls, or France, wm jejjond ond Auffray, of Franco, finished third. In tho 200 meter liremt stroko swim, won by Jlolmaa. of Kngland, Hanson, of Swedon. llnlnhwl second. 'orner, of Garmnjii-, won the finals In the fancy diving contwst, his seoro bvlng SSV; Hear en . of Gi may, was wm with n core of SB 3-10 and WrU of Germany, nud Uoedxelk, of America, tied for third place, crnoli holding a scoio or SO 4-5. MASiJTslEAD S"SS--'-r SrSSNRliss-S.i was tattHd, 20 feM from th watt buiUltn.. j IVo ptecM at iNek and a half gaa I Pipe, each tw ftw Hg. and one ioverl with hair nml clotted bloott, show th wanr Ih which DattKi was klthd. aad iHdlcat that two men wat-4 lwnUatd In the orlmt., though oe dealt all the Wsjwj. A out on eue at Durks' bands shows a knife plnyed a txtrt In tho flgkt and the alwaoc of the weapon Ind that ttt murders v!lod it it W ovldont that tko watohwaa ... ... . .... 1 ww uaciv-H n o itaiHHnont of tn;dltd Friday ovutlng at hi kow In i..-.. -mi. M nuw wm urge VMS- Amon thow .at. t.o foorfu talllt wagl. HROf, ovnlo-tly try. g to a-4d his miNMN. Tfc. ro ot tho Phoning rmh ru he traced Wy tho bloody hand orlnu on with his wife, who snrvlvoa klm Jh mi at tko aks as ho UM' At tho ago ot 16 ho loft Ohlo.en-n-T?I ,lMtto ' flsht lusting a. a private In tho wr with hi .,'"" ar" imir Po'9 ' . tlliUl.t uknirlin. .I.- n .. ..!.. u iHRti tu mi. M, (m,iy rwnovod to ColniNbut. edmany tlwbytkothw.onlyto'lll.. whore In the !,. fe ,', Urle and attemot ta nuiiHu. li. nii.i . ?. ihi. r Tk!i" My when found indioated that the thng nuut havo Muaded the head for soma miuute. after tho lHaa hu flt.n for the un time, UantV mxikcU wero found tnp.i ,W9 rfi. w bwr 7,h-,- J1 i" Every Day Prices OUR PRICES ARE AS FAIR AS THE WEATHER AND AS FULL SENTAT1VE OF LXV HUNDREDS MORE TO HE FOUND IN OUR THE TAGS WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. a. k SM. . J J j&S . t V 0 L' U Vudor Shades Hot weather demands Vudor ahndos for your, porch and you have than added a cool coin fortnblo room to your homo uhoro you can sit and work or roat at leisure without feel ing tho effects of n scorching sun. We onrry those In all slzos lu soft plonslng colors of green? nnd mnroon, They arc light and so simple that a child onn oporntg thorn. motle for the crime Dang dll not drink or siiuunder his money and it la supposed ttiKt the murderers thought he kept a largo sum of munoy on his person or In the plant. Nothing found by the authorities In dicate they wore right In that as- Hiimptlon. Dungs whs hurt by a fulling eleva tor in tho plant 301110 fourteen yours ngo, and hue been crippled since. F. M. Smith, ot tho multl-mllllonalro head or tho hornx company, at the time promised him u llfo portion, and today he Usuod orders that ov ory offort bo made to apprehend tho murderers. Tho man was a native of Denmark, 40 yoars old. Nothing Is kuown of his relative. GRANDPA LUCAS ' HAS PASSED ON After 11 Short Illness at Ills Home In South Srtlum Hen of Two Wars Will Ho llonoml Army. by tho Grand 1 After a short or nvt days troa pnoumotU. Oramliwi i.UM - .. soNtn Saiom. agod S5. Hobtrt b 'i, -- 7 V 1 Luc wa bom at Mt. Veruo, , V11 iTi T, ,,0r0 mwbr,h" l mom. NorowWor 21 . isti ! Howel thw f,' f" 4Samttfl Gompdn with W.J.:.;Twi ,," ,,.rM,,,en ot A'" ors whore ho wa. nnii-.j i. - MOAioo, sorvlng to tko OSHl. u cr IWth UHnoU infantry Ttke end o5 the war. He was u ma o? the sevorwt battlos of the south but at! regroU6d thftt wlth shorraan to J not u. . . ----; - . Hammocks A homo is hardly completo in tho summer time without a hammock. Our large line In cludes numerous styles and de signs which are sold at prices that will add pleasure to your leisure hours. A good one with wldo comfortable pillow, extra wldo valances and spreador for $1.33. Pi IB f ', , ' I. XXliHY ml il TS ' wxss Iwm rm. I ii"!Lr::!i Zffi "She can look out, but you can't took in" PATtNTCO PORCHSHADES Lucus had five children, four living. The are Mrs. Fnnnle Reese and Win. K. Lucas of Hartllne, Wash Mrs. Grace Hnll of Lincoln, Neb., and Chas. Lucas of Salem. Twonty grandchildren ami a number ot groat grandchildren are among his doscendanti. Robt. Lucas was a man ot sterling character and truly royal American patriotism. 1U was a devoted mem ber ot the Presbyterian church, nnd a man of the groatost klndneu in his family, of the purest motives and up. rlghtnos of character. He was pub lie spirited and the poor wore never turned away fiom hU door empty handed. In his younger daya he was a member of tho Masonic order, but ot late has belonged to no lodge. He was a member of tho Grand Army and Union Veterans Union. A re ligious service will I hold at tho family homo In South Salem by Re. Ilnbcock, and tho Interment at City View cemetery will be in charge of tho old comrades ot the Union army. GOMPER? SCORES HEARST (0qUh1 Vtm t.eid ru.) Urio, Penn.. July 18. -Hearst has luon or. a&or' ,3 taf ma o Pre- sontod hU name. Gompora syj that Hoarst wlsroo. rosentod whon ko Intimatod that Gotnpors kad wlrod kim to endorse the Democratic party because of the attitude of the bourbons toward la bor. "I never sent any wosiage ot an kind touching the proiont national political situation to WllUam R. Hearst," says Gompors. "I cannot discuss" Mr. Hearst's answer to a message I new aent, beoause I have moro important thlngi to take up my Mate " OF PROMISE. THE VALUES WE SHOW HERE ARE A REPRR. PRESENT REMOVAL SALE OFFERINGS. CALL ASD INSPECT Ranges This trade mark, n3 such, may not particularly Interest you, but when you know that It represents tho largest, tho moit complote, the most sani tary, tho bait line of stoves nnd rangw In tho world an 1 when you come to havt one of those fuel nnd labor saving constructions in your homo- -thon It will m win something very doflntto and pleasant to you. Prices from $22 up, and $1.00 a woek buys uuy ouo ot them. SOGIAL For Mlsse.s Iloi A moonlight picnic held lu Sav age's rove was enjoyed by a num ber of Salem's young people Tues day eve. It being a farewoll party, oompll mentnry to tho Mlisos Dorthea and nertha Hoxlo, who, after having spout some tlmo In Salem, loave soon for their home in Southern Cali fornia. A large bonfire was built and various games wero onjoyod through out the evening, after which a very dellghtrul luncheon waa served. The party that came home was a very tired one, but all. agreed the evening had been very pleasantly Thoso who ftUondod'wqre as rol lows; Mlssos Mildred Lucas, Verne DeWltt. Juanlta Boff, Dorthoa and Bertha Hoxlo, Viola DeLancy, Zella Dennlngoff, EJlsle Danoer, Gold Lathrop and Bessie Lnlly. Messrs Ardeo Wallace. Frank DeWltt Prod Ellis, Elmer Hulden, Harry Wande- roth, Harry Weklomer, Lloyd Rams- don, Henry Combe, Mr. Eoff, and the Mr. Drasiftolds. Raptlst Picnic. The Sunday school olussas of the Baptist chureh gav tholr annual picnic Tuesday afternoon. The childron lft tfc lXTth at , 0,c,ock and took a special oar to the Fair Grounds horo the nienle wne ,au Numerous gamos were played, one of tho meat exciting 0f whloh was a gme of ball betwoen the girls, and the boys, the result bolng a tie At 6 o'clock the dinner was spread and afterwards more games played un til 9 o'clock when tho party re turned home. Dr. and Mra. Comer Mrs. Janks and a number of the Sunday school teaoheM nnn ..;. of the children accompanied the nar- Congregational pc'nc. All the Sunday school Classe3 ex- Pictures An Interesting collection at popular prices. Tho excellent displays of moderately priced pictures are being greatly ad mired and eagerly bought by those who appreclato making tho homo moro attractive; 25 per cent reduction on an.i framed picture in tho hou3e. cept tho primary grades of tho First Congregational church woro given a delightful picnic last Tuesday after noon. They left tho church at l.M o'clock and took a car to Resenolr Park. The afternoon wns spent fa playing gamos, In many of wMA prizes woro glvon. Among ho who won prizes woro Horaco Fry, Slmmoiu Phillips nnd Agnes Bayne, At C:30 o'clock tho dinner wai spread after which games we-e played until about 8 o'clock when tho party rettirnod homo. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Bauor, Mr. Bayne, Ml Molvln, MI&3 Talklngton and MU Rlpoman, teachers of classes, and number of the children's parents ac companied the children A Hnyrnck Picnic. A Jolly crowd of Presbyterian Christian Endeavors made up a ha rack picnic last Monday night K was tho jolllost of an out-door at fair held hero for some time In tho evening a young farmer drove up to the church with a ratk piled high and wide with sweet, net- mown hay and took the crowa 01 about 25 young folks already bub bling ovor with fun nnd antlo'patton ot tho trip out to tho hillside Ju this side of Eola. Thero they built huge bon Are Just in view of th river. On a level grassy spot tho younf ladloa set the lunch, moro proper!! callod, the feast. It consisted of sandwiches, "spring chicken," devil ed oggs, sweet pickles, cake3 of vrw lous varieties, ice cream and sprttf water. After this came songs and general Jollification. At more tn1 a late hour the party returned to U" city, after having had a very de'lgb1 ful time, o " O. Dwritis .SI X-A" Th Kind Yflti Hits A.MfS Hi w ' AZA 0 , Real estate men report & big " mand for houses, without sult-bi place to meit tho demand, and w Is the dull time of the year. ---4. . . . -M4ifc,s..-tji2'TCK jon