, nV In k t f DAiW rxvtr AT .innitNAT,. HM.KS1. ORFfioV SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1008 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL U. IIOFER, Ed. and Prop. Aa ladtopcarteut Kewippr Devoted to Afflrlcn Principle nd , u the l'rosrft aa uTeiopinein u, . - --"" rbllhe4 Krr Kvepldir Bicpt Bunds, Sltm, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (tuTrlhlr In Alrnce.) IHMr, by carrier,, per 7r..i WMf, ly mall, per yesr........ 5,0rt Vet month H......50C . 4j00 Per month .. 5c ,. 1.00 Six month ........AOc BBcraiT, nwr.IVKtlV rec convenience of subscribers branch delivery offices are, eitabllsh 4 t the following places at 36 conta per month, 11.00 for three months. Aim Sto o?F. a. Do Voe & Son, Asylum Avenue Junction. Cltoe, Seventeenth street, A. W. Lane, Garden Road Store. Dane's Store, Alex. Daue, SouthCommorclal street. 4rr. ninra n 1 Rnnlov. East State street, Fairgrounds Store, Harrison Dee, Fairgrounds Road. Hewell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. O. JC Orocery, A. A. Euglebart, Twelfth street. , . Wkeeler's Store, W. D. Wheeler, Highland avenue. I lew rart niuic, r. w. uwrv.., .......... - Lane Grocery, Seventeenth strot .,,., ,, J. U. Moore & Son, corner Capitol and Union streets. Wert SIom Store, West Salem. Sana's Confeetloaery, 478 State street. I Bf-.fHeae's,. 241 North Commercial street. HuKwaa's Store, North Sixth street, narman Bakery, coraer Twelfth and Chomekota. . City subscribers who deilro The Journal mailed Vj thorn nt summer resorts or othor out-of-town plncoi will plcaso notify tho ofllco, giving city addross nnd tha length of tlmo thoy deslro paper sont to now addross. On roturnlng, plcaso notify ofllco In ordfir that sorvlcs by cnrrlor mny bo promptly resumed, BIG DOINGS IN RIFLE , MATCHES w Washington, July 17.- In one month tho great national rme matches will be in progress on the beautiful range at Camp Perry, Ohio. Lying on tho banks of Lake Erie, across from Put-In-Day, adjacent to Sandusky, and within easy reach of Cleveland, Toledo and Detroit, Camp Perry I the most accessible of all large rlflo ranges, which fact augurs woll for tho attendanco on these matches. It Is expected that more than one thousand of tho crack mil itary shots will be In attendance, who, with tho 1200 ofUcora, scorers, markori, guards, etc., will make a camp of nbout 2500 mon There is also a championship Re volver team match. The greatest in terest In Ohio State Rifle Association matches cen ters around tho Herrlck Trophy match for a magnificent silver tro phy presented by Ex-Oov. Herrlck of Ohio. It Is accompanied by $375 In cash prizes with 'medals to the members of the winning team. This match Is open to teams of eight who shoot 15 shots por man at 800, 900 and 1,000 yards. Other matchei are: Hays Trophy match for teams of three (limited to the Ohio Na tional Guard); Ideal Company Team match for teams of three; All-Comers Off-Hand Match; All-Comers 600 yard match; Potor trophy match; Individual Rapid Flro match; ana a numbor of brigade, expert and novice matches with cash and medal prizesc. In addition there will bo a number of revolver matches open to teams and Individuals. c- O Nasty Taste in Your Mouth I anything aujHEPSl i i. ......, ir nnr vuu uiu. sni-it uluui When you need a cough euro you inn oi uuuuk uvu uiuui i It is assured that these matches need one that will cure your cough. Kemps uaisam, inc osi cuugu uuiu, will do It. All druggists sell It for 25 cents. I THKIIK ARE A LOT OF "NEW HTOIII1H" IX TOWX. Tho pruiiBuro of progrosi, a wo know It nowadays, oporules to "mako all things now." A storo Is "made anew" every fow tnontlis. iometliHus, ns at this season of trado activities, n store Is practically "ro raowod" over night. This moniiH Hint, ho mattor how well you may think you "know" tho atoren or this city, TIIEHK ARE A IAXT OI' PRACTICALLY ".VKW" fcTORUS READV FOR YOUR IN'. HPEOTIOX TODAY! They art) now In all osnontlnls except locution, walls and jlituros, managuniont nnd own ernhlp. Thoio remain. You IX) know tho stores thus fur. Hut be yond thU you are a itrangor today .In your fuvorlto store. Stores nro now. Line of goods tiro uulargod. New Idoas about In nvery nook and corner. New thing, now models, now fabrics, now work itiatiHhlp, utw prloori some hlghor, liut many Inwur than you are nccun tomed to paying nil tlione thlngH inakts today' stores new to you, nnd worthy of n visit. Ami the storo ad reftdot the now titoro-Hlrlt. Thoy convoy some at tho now nloro-ontluulusm which has ttoturtt4d tho merthauu that faith In tho Kood tute and ulerlHs of Ihlrt buying pulillc Just us the utoroi are worth a visit, m rt the btortt ads worth a read lag - o- Ltf U tee abort te spentl wHeh of it vrnwllag. )tix).t our eherrlee, boost every thing. diu'( knock. HOME RIIASON8 WHV A RANK ACCOUNT ISA IOO TIIINO It tMchee oaamy. It hel)M yemr rretLU. It furHlekee n reeelet ler alt wuh yo my net. It ertM Uttl haelts that ui larmeae year tv(ac. , h pMitti yoer fund eflMaat itNM hy reVyefy. it 4'tf P et ahc4l Jur Im the pre4elre yer f your 1f. U plftee j-ou lu a iKMttloa to take lvaHU of ny gua ttusl tkw thi tee )or ay If ta oer Sar'g DertHMeat It Mill jr yue better laeaeae thaa gueMmMMi beads, no matter hew aaM the iuHetutt. Your uaiiiti' iu !.. i. , .. i- , . yuan n IB jit tivt mm nut betti the tm mmty la whtak yw live, It 9m ioy Uter. ohMt taaterie jttaaWi tleld and move pmm to market. We will h rU.i n ... operate with joa and help yn K1V, SAYINGS RKl'AimuiXT gW.TAy TIOXAL 1UXK RKVOLUTIOX PASTIJIi: OF CK.VrilAIi a.mi:rica 'I Washington, July 18, Tho annu al summer revolution season has opened in Central America. It be gan a llttlo early this yonr with a sldo now lu Unytl but tho big show Is now on lu the main tent nnd the cafes from ono ond of Guatomnln to tho other end of NMcarngua nro chnrgod with' rumors, food bolng dUtnitoful during tho troplcul sum mer months. Revolutions nrc tho Coney Island of Central Amorlcn. Kvery yonr when Luna Park opens tho patriotic generals go out nnd corrull n mun or two out of work, Is.-uo n manifes to from tho Junta, which ocoupto n corner In tho chnnpest restuurnnt, and tho season is on. There are fewer fatalities than at Coney nnd Its very fusoluatlng. An "army" of 14 gonornls nnd throo privates will deoond upon n huplow tnwn. too por to euro wheth er It U onpturtHl'or not, and tho up rising U started. President Dnvll la, nf lloudurat. tolls his mlnlstor In Washington to Inform tho state de partment that " attempt U being mudo by Cnbrom of Guuteuinla and by San Sttlvndor to overthrow hi govwumottt. Ountemula, where tin tirweldeat l busy jailing everybody to keep from getting stabbed or blown up, says It's Xelayn of N'Iom ragun that U doing It. The only ooualry aot Involved to far this eaeoil Is Costti Hlctt, where the Cen tral Amerlottu Peaee Court was In augaratetl a few weeks ago. The eeremoatea of this oeeaetoa have delayed the Ceetn Rlea seAaea. There are three flee iUe stows thU saoa to make ap for aay lack of exclteMeat ta the mala eveat. ThU le Mexico's rexlaUoa. the great laaama aeertacle where tho Palled State atarlaee are keeolag order aatl arevratlag rowdyism, and the llatttaa reattagrattoa. Veaosne- la. further sooth, will pot Ofare on thi saptuer's hlllt oeeaaee of sick nete. o i Rert Harbor, of Kltea. Wis , vo'd "I hove naly tekea four doee of P WttCi KWney end Bladder P1IW aol they hare deae for me mere thaa sr other asediclae h doae." Sold h all drugftet TmlnlHg (i Autlini. The euterprUiug mauaavr of a lit tle ric theater la northera IVaaayl vaala believe- la nroJUlag by the niUtortuats ot others. On day he dtstilayvd the following ale la hU heuse: "Do HH siaoke; rewember lae IrwieoU fire " So great wsj the efikaey of this in aeiore the ead of the v,-ek He t an aaother; qo j. . member the Johastowu flood ajv. erjbodjs Macaxtae, "Q ... take. Sold hr U dru"sUt, T will bo tho largest In point of atten dance over held in this country, and porhaps will bo tho best of tho na-, tlonal matches to bo hold, at least for Bomo years to como. Indications point to a Change In tho method of determining such contests. It Is represented that tho attendance on theso mntches Is bo largo as to no cesiltato frbm two to three weeks Bhootlng of which ten days are de voted to tho national mntches nlono. Many shooters aro unable to tane this tlmo togothor with that neces sary for homo practice and compe titions for placos on tho teams. The question of exponBo Is also entering largely Into tho calculations of tho stnto nuthorltles. It costs sonjo of tho statos as much ns flvo thousand dollars to fit out a toam and send It to tho national matchos which Is a vory consldornblo Itom to tho smaller BlatoH, especially when thev aro trying to buy and equip rangos of their own out of tho appropria tion for rlflo practice Accordlnglj tho project of dividing tho country Into dlHtrlots, nnd having district competitions, Instend of ono groat mooting, Is bolng Horlously consid ered with tho possibility ot being flnnlly npprovod. Tho winning teams could then bo brought to gether nt somo contral point nnd n national competition hold. Under this plan tho smaller nnd weaker stntos, who liavo no chnnco to land n prize In tho national competitions, would bo saved much oxponso and tho tlmo consumed would be consid erably shortened. Tho principal match nt Camp I'or ry will, of courso, bo ho Nntlonul Toam Match, for which congress has provided tho trophy. It Is for tonms of 12, open to the army (2), navy, mnrlno corps, military and naval uondomlo, nnd the national guard of tho various statos and ter ritories. Inoludlng tho District of Columbia. In this mutch there will probably ho 40ontrloe. The bocoiiJ toam rooelvos tho (unions Hilton trophy and the third tho Soldlor of Marathon, while thoro are six cnuh prUos for tho six highest tonms. .Knch membor of the winning toam rocolvos ti medal. Xox. In Impor tance aro tho National Individual Rifle nnd tho Xntloual T'Utol mutchos. In both of which thoro aro u number of cash nnd medal prizes. l.st yor there were 04 S competi tors lu the Individual rifle, and 2S0 In tha nlitol match, ami more nro expeqted to eater this your. Ot the National Rifle Association matches the most Important Is the leglmeatal Tteaw match. In which there were 4T teams eatered Inst year. The first prise la thU mntch Is a handsome cketnploashlp trophy, valued at $50. It ha been won twice by the Sixth Regiment Mnsea ckuaetU Voloateer Mllltla. ami if this team U again victorious, the trophy become Its property. Next la Interest It the Company Team mat eh. la which the prtaoa are oaah aad medal. Of the Individual matche It Is dUHcult to determine wairn is tae moat luterestiag. the COOS I1AV FOLK GO A-HUXTIXG (Coos Bay Ttlmes.) Tho deer hunting season In Coos counties nnd throughout Oregon will open tomorrow and la3t night and today thoro hai boon an exodus of the hunton from Coos Day for the various sections whero big game is said to be easily obtained. Tho law limits tho season's shoot to flvo bucks, It bolng a crlmo to kill doo3 or fnwns. Tho season last from July 15 to Octohor 15 In Coos nnd Curry counties and until Novombcr 1st, elsewhere throughout tho stnto. In somo sections of Oregon, the kill ing of docs Is permitted between September 1st nnd Novombor 1st, but tho killing of doos or fawns Is not permitted In Coos nnd Curry counties nt any tlmo during the yonr. Game Wardon Cal. Wright Is keeping n enroful tab on tho hunts men and is said to havo a numbor ot deputlos throughout tho couuty who will Inform him ot any violation and he proposes that tho violator shall bo promptly punished. All huntsmen nro required to securo n license, a foo bolng charged ot non residents. Deer lluntt.'r.s. , J. W. Ilcnnott, Tom Uonnott, D Rowers of Salt Lake City and James Polhemus left yostorday for tho Gould ranch on upper Coos .River from whero thoy will go Into tho for ojt. They expect to bo gono a week or more. Prank Camoron, Dr. Hayes of this city and H. W. Lynch havo $ono to tho uppor Sixes In Curry county, whero Mr. Cameron has n timber claim, nnd whoro door nre reported to ho plontlful. Frank Denning, Henry Weld nnd Waltor Lawhorno and wives nnd Mrs. Robert Mursden, Jr., havo gone to Drewster Valley, near RoBoburg. to spond a couple of woeks camping and In quest ot doer and fish. W. J. Conrnd and othors will loavo In n day or two for Curry county to spend a week. J. T. Hall. Arthur Williams and Master Tom I'aUorson will leave to day or tomorrow fop Myrtle Point from whenee they will go Into the timber tor a week or more. . o , i ... ;f hut vou arc. KJlttn dcoc constipated and don't bow it. You re not entirely free from conization unless then is a thorough cleansing of the system every- day. Every rtUclc of Nature s poison muft be eliminated. You can prove the fart that constipation is responsible for your ailments-take an tablet to-night and I you'll feel better in the morning, Two nights treatment and you 11 be as fit as a fiddle. ' && U.S &AT Qr?GC 'mmnm ' smT Get a 25c Box Better Than Pills For Liver His THE A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. iMaMBmaaaaBaaaojmttmmmaWMBBBaemMBBBaBjBBMM For Sale by Capital Drug Co., Z. T. Higgo, Snlcni, Oregon. AH U I i H H II I i i 1 1 1 1 1 H-W in n II 1 1 1 1 1 1 li I It i ffR SUMMER RESORTS "' u I rr 1 1 1 t-Tii i i ri i n-n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.i 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 iiffHf Over Tihlrly.nvo Wars. . In 1ST2 there was a great deal of diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera In fantum It was at this time that Chamberla'n's collt, Cholera and Dl nrrohea Remedy was first brought In to use. It proved more successful than atty other remedy or treatment, and has for thlrty-flve years main talaed that record. From a small boglanlng its sale and use has ex tended to every part of the United State aad to many foreign countries. Mae d-iggiete out of ten will rec ommend It when their opinion Is naked, although they have oth-r medicines u-at pay them a greater profit, it can always be depeado-i upon, ovea in the unt un u.i imngtrom cae. ror Aywfiriai.'i i mi' iW HICKORY BARK Cough Remedy Leech cup. the Wleaetadoa u r 2??:.,"' r ' ' Dr. the PrtaUejU-. match. ntr nrsl " ' VW9' khut uader tUffervat condttiostg, the Leech cue tneuh btng seea record shot at Set. eoe. and i.e a yards, and the WtnbUdon ei St record shots at 1006 ard. wh le the Pree ldmt' watch lecluiiett everytklag from the sklrtnlsh to the i.oe yaiM age. Both ike Letch and Wimble don cuue are historic, ud the wla- "r o tae rreaMent's n.ateh re clve'. aa aalograph letter front the lr ideat la addltloa to soUitaa MJ faeh eriae. There are medals and eaak prhm in each match. Aaether vory latereetlag event Is t chawploswhlp negtmeatal Sklr- fH WtH. OP la tfllMt nf cl- Whea wo twtee the heaatltul sliver ttepky beoemes the ereeerty of tho wUqlag team. Last ear thu match had II entries, other N n niatokee aro the Utr-Clb mateV. Life Member match. State ,. taries match nd the Press match ' Coughs. Colds CROUP hop,p., c.-l. SORt THROAT t m .... g u ROATi4lUNCS "l V""TtO. i ll rU. l.ivAt (at WILHOIT SPRINGS KN0!! Stngo loavos Oregon City, Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday until July 1, then dally nt 9 A. M. Stngo also goes from Mt. Angol. Fara 11.50. F. W. McLean, proprietor. l I II I I 1 I I I M H i I I I I I I I 1 i i -II Ml I II II I I I I I I I I itllHH Newport House Doard and rooms, homo cooking; best 2Gc meal In city; you help your solf. Large, pleasant rooms. Rates reasonable. Mrs. M. E. Froy, pro prietress, Newport, Or. lmo-7-1 THE TAFT HOUSE Private boarding. Strictly hoajl cooking, servo tho beat meals, yon BRING YOUR CAMERAS and KODAKS ! h0"p yoursoir. rriob reasonable. to SMITH'S CAMERA STORE We Do Developlno for Amateurs Sen-o Lunches and Sell Clcgnrs Nye Doach Newport, Or. . FURNITURE Newport, Oregon For Household Furniture of every kind and description go to H. D. BLAKELY Carpets, Matting, Stoves and Hard ware. Sell or rent you a camping or housekeeping outfit dnd buy back when you leavo. Prlco3 always rea sonable, South Front Street, only store of tho kind. Whoa you go to Newport remember Bain's Hack & Dray Co. gives spoclal attention to transfer ring baggage and camp outfits. Fur nished and unfurnished houses; wood and hay for sale. Leave or ders at Bain's Bakery, Nye Creek, Newport, Oregon. Phone connections. MRS. MAIIV- BATCHMAX, Mgr, Cor. Fifth and Hurlburt Streets, on block north of Presbyterian churd. hen at Newport go to Fogarty & Rowtn'a Uvery Stables for teams to move your baggage; to give your heet girl a drive; to go to Otter Uock. Seal Rocks or any point of In- SriA'S? 1 "SET ..!! lanm-r AgVCy ,or-Ccnail.. m around; careful drivers who know the beach. Give us a trial. ROYAL RESTAURANT For quick aorvico, strictly tosi cooking, go to tho addreu low ItKACH LUNCHES our specialty. West ili of Front St., ono and oie-Mt block south of boat landing A. J. Rader's Camping Growl Horo you wllL find good ' septic tnnkB, good location; fossa tlon nnd furnished tents to rents Nye Crook. A. J. Rader, propria Newport, Orogon. Oe K. BARBER SHOP A first class up-to-date shop. W overlook this place for tho best s Thoro Is no burlier better $ with a razor or pair of siswri It. X. WALTER, Prop. West sluo Front street, ne ' THE UKST nOAST TH FAMILY E-ER HAD Can be obtained from our prim tender and juicy beet, mutton o. Pork. All our meats are selectee from the choices:, and prepared lot he table to lult th- deiaand, Qf oualltl0 Ur Pf,CeS are ,ow . Quality than you can ind at asu Place In Salem, M ftoae Ml. f 1 g dry. CIGARS and TOBACCOS I havo selected the best t-1 nf f!linro and TntinrfO CO" ent with tho trade, Can 1 you with what vou wll satisfaction. Also carry i' plete line or soft d in" E. CASS. Prop- Front Street, opposite TM' ceptlon, Newport, orw ED. SULLIVAN MARKET Fresh fish of all kinds m J f'wsn Kraus ivooKea "ai,'o,,,Hi half nn hnnt nt nil times. M l rout. Stoker's Meat Mart Here you will find at all tlj wuw.kua. mvaia mat van - .u nUr. 1,1, 1'.. .-r.nnffB SOf STACKER'S JtfEAT LtRRJ XftwrkM- ftaMx n