T- f Ast- 'fihyit"y'yiw-"ri . ! ' . i mtf Hjm filing" v - j - s , , t . Wlp V VJ Ajfe r, ( it mm j s i mn ! ir '" 1)A .. f ' l Mumal VOL. XVIII. SALtiM. OREGQNi .FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1008 NO. 177 ffltrltttln J4y,i i . Jr y THCn- TTTiTCTfeiinSBtiMf Btcttt 1 CTnrFiHnrs. . "wTsg?s - "' " ' iii , . r i i ,i . i .. i , , PRIZES AWARDED FOR CHERRY EXHIBIT S NO PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN WINNERS OF ATHLETIC MEET FUN AND FROLIC IN PARADE TOMORROW NI6HT FILLED WITH ANIMALS KNOWN AND UNKNOWN M U S I Of KONGS AND MAIUM GHAS-r-STARTS AT 0:30 O'CLOCK. ATHLETES WILL GET ! NO AWARDS DISPUTE AROSE MURDERER SUDDENLY APPEARS AMERICANS PROTEST AGAINST SCORING METHOD WOULD HAVJ2 SLIDE ENGLAND WIN NER U. S. STILL CHAMPION. ir . . Tpmorrow night promptly nt 7 'uwua i-reis lcosm wire,) ' o'clock the gront Cherry Fnir mnrdll Lomio,n- 1('7rroe nsain8l gras takes place. Don't miss It, for ine raeinou ol 8ConnB u,e wmP. Cooke Pntton and R. D. Houston gnmes rMU,tc? todny , ,n V10 T who have charge of thir comic af- 0"nnient that no- championship fair promise the Cherry Fair visitors nwnrd w,n bo mftdo th,s yenr' Soe na unusual exhibition of comic ,ng t,mt U ,wouM- bo nPel08s t0 nt ttunt,s new to all ' tempt t0 6?1 the competing tehma to Everybody 1b Invited to take' port n(?re0 UIon nny one By8tem of 8cor" this gay festivity and makelnc il Lonl Dosborongh, chairman of iloBlnc nlcht or tim rhorrv Pni.. the London Olympic association, (Conunuea on paso five.) (Contlnuca on page five.) CHICAGOISIM PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE SALEM, OREGON CLEARING SALE CONTINUED If you want the newest goods and the Best Bargains that wore ever offered In this part of the world como to the CHICAGO STORE and get our Prices In tho different departments during our Clearing Sale, Remember wo aro the makers of Low Prices. ?,' ' PRICED AWAY DOWN Arc the Following Goods DRESS GOODS, SILKS, LAWNS, , GINGHAMS, V, , ; MUSLIN SHEETINGS, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, . " HOSIERY, ( G IX) YES, INDIES' SUITS, SHIRT WAISTS, , . WASH SUITS. t . MILLINERY, LACES, . " EMBltoIDERIES, SHOES, , NOTIONS. II INDKEncHiEFS, " and Lawns, yd 5c,' . 7 i c,4 jind imuiONS. kht'l v PARASOLS, i (CORSETS, MEN'S GOODS.-.ETO. 5000 yards of Calicoes, Dimities l-3c. CLEARING SALE SPECIALS $1.00 White Shirt Waists Now 19 $1.50 White Shirt Wa'sts Now ..S5 $2.00 White Shirt Waists Now !1.25 $7.'50 White Duck Suits Now 4.50 $15.00 Wool Suits Now .8.50 125.00 Wool Suits Now 12.50 15.00 Trimmed Hats Now 3.50 $3.50 Trimmed Hats Now . . . '. 1.75 $2.00 Children's Hats Now 05 ChUdre.n',6 25c Straw Hats Now , 10J .And so along the line On every thing el60. The Store That Saves Yob Money AND DISAPPEARS MAN SOUGHT RY THREE POSSES WALKS INTO TOWN ASKS FOR REER AND RETURNS TO THE WOODS. wmsm WW (United Prcn Lensrd Wire. J Mnrysvillo, Cal., July 17. Heavi ly armed and bearing evidences -of having traveled far without much nourishment, Adolph Jules, the Ital ian murderer who last Tuesday kill ed to men In Western Pacific camp No. 20 In tho Big Bar hills, boldly walked Into tho town of Mcrrlmnc last night, went to n store and aiked for a bottle of beor. On being told that thcro was no beer for salo, he struck off again nto the woods be fpro nnyono had time to glye nn alarm. Mcrrlmnc Is one tho boundnry be tweon Pulmas and- Butte counties and today posses from both countlej are looking for the mnn. Thp offi cers aro working "towards each other and aro confldont of bngglng their quarry boforo night. Jules possessed tho boldness born of desperation last night. Everyone In tho country Is looking for the murderer and ho took big chancer in going Into Mcrrlmnc. Ho walked right up tho main street with his rlflo ovr hlj shoulder and two pis tols hangtng itom his belt. His clqth Ing was torn almost to shreds as though ho had scrambled through' the imderbriiBh in his long trnmp. j His faco was. covered with nnkempt; beard and drawn with hunger and i thirst. Ab soon ns tho alarm bad been iiproad about Mcrrlmnc, word) was sent to Sheriff Chubbuck who ' was at Orovlllo attending tho in- queBt over tho b.odloa of tho murder ed mon. Ho Immediately wired to Qulncy and two deputy sheriffs were sent out from Buck's ranch. Meanwhile, Sheriff Chubbuck left Oro vlllo on a rail auto over tho' Wejtorn Pacific tracks for Berry creek. Thoro he organized n ponse and struck out this morning toward Merrlmac to meot the Plumas coun ty posso coming In. Tho original posso Eent out from Orovlllo Tuesday night Is still search ing the country south and east of Big Bar. Cubbuck stated before he Btarted out this morning that he ex pects to round up tho murderer be- KILLS WHOLE FAMILY t BY' HYPNOTISM ONE AFTER ANOTHER DROPS DEAD WHEN LOOKED UPON nY'GIRL, WHO IS RELIEVED UNDER HYPNOTIST'S POWER. fUnlteil I'rcn I.emcd Wire.) Cincinnati, Or., July 17 Suspect ed of killing n whole family by hypnotic power, Louis Wollwobor, son of a San Francisco patrolman, Is In prison here todny. Tho author ities believed the man used his pow er through the medium of his nT leged accomplice, Grace Bllllngsby, n girl of 20, Tho pair aro bolng hold on tho charge of murdering Robert Single ton, an aged justice of tho peace. It Is lllegcd they enticed the old mnn-Into a room a year ago for the BRITONS i DISLIKE JAPANESE BREACH GROWING YAMHILL WINS THE CUP PRIZE ENGLISH TltARE IS BEING FORCED FROM FAR EAST MAY JOIN U. 8. TO DEAL WITH . ORIENTALS. (United l'rcsa I.cnstd Wire.) Loudon, July 17,-EvIdcnco of growing unfriendliness between Englnnd and Jnpnn appeared today In tho announcement that the house of commons shortly will tako forma' notice of tho charges that Japan U gradually crowding British com mcrco from Korea nnd Mnnchurlru Tho suggestion that tho Unlt'oJ States and Englnnd form nn agree ment In regard to the action to be taken In Oriental affairs, ling bcou frequently made. Tho action of the Japaneio In cn denvorlng to monopolize tho on.yre CARNIVAL PROGRAM Daily Attractions. 10:00 A. 'M. Balloon nnconslon 3:30 nnd 7:30 P. M. Slide for Mfo from top of court house. 3:30 and 8:00 V, M. Illro wlro act In front of big tent on Church nnd Court streets; Carnlvnl attractions In front of po6tofflcc COUNTY CONTEST GROWERS OF THIS COUNTY GOT MOST PRIES POLK SECOND- AWARDS TO RE MADE SAT- ..URDAY. FRIDAY, JULY 17 7:30 P. M. S'. 30 P. M.- -Bnnd concert, Instrumental' arid vocal music at pavilion. -Grand Cherry ball, Contor nnd Frontstreets, SATURDAY, JULY 18, Portlnml Dy. 11:00 A. M. Arrlvnl of tho Portland delegation. Escorted by band to pavilion. 11:30 A. M. Reception, cherry pavilion, court houso square, Lunch 1:30 P. M. Baseball, championship game. 2:00 P. M. Address of welcome at pavilion nnd Inspection of cherry exhibit. Instrumental and vocal music. 7 '00 P. M. Mnrdl Oras Parade. Largest of this kind ever 'seen In Salem. Battle of confetti. GRAND CHERRY BALL Tonight and tomorrow night. Auditorium Rink, 8:30 P. M Admlsilon 10c. Dnnclng 6o pep dance. purpose of working a badger game Singleton died in tho room. Wollweber was arrested at Bo'- foro "Jght. Ho anticipates a stiff ton and the girl caught at Chicago fight, however, and it Is likely that a short time ago. While Singleton's tho Itnllan will never allow himself eon was signing an Information to be taken alive, , charging them with murder he drop ped dead; a suicide, It was said. While banding a bible to tho ac cused girl, Mrs. E. F. Jones, daugh ter of tho murdered Justice, dropped dead yesterday. Mrs. Singleton, widow of the murdered man's son. Is at the point of death today and one of the detectives who brought Wollweber here from Boston Is ser iously ill. Mrs. Jones went to the county Jul! yesterday to call upon the accused girl and offer her spiritual comfort. She carried a small bible which she intended to present to tho prisoner The Bllllngsby girl was before the grand Jury and bad not returned to the prison and Mrs, Jones startol home. On the way sho met tho girl Jn company with two officers. Step ping up to the trio, Mrs. Jones band ed the bible to the girl and then fell idcAd, at her feet. Wollweber declares the suspicion Late Bulletin. Marysvllle, Cal., July 17. Adolph Jules, who murdered two men at camp No. 20 of the Western Pacific railroad, was captured this after noon Just over the line in Plumab county. Only meager reports have been received but they say Jules put up a hard fight. He was surround ed by members of tho po-se and tak en at a disadvantage. The Italian at Big Bar camp began talking of a lynching as soon as they beard that Jules had been captured. Dr. Edwin Cyclone, Soothers dressed like the traditional devil de livered a lecture at' Gladstone Park yesterday, entitled "If I Were the Devil." Must have been a hot number. commercial Interests, as charged In tho complaint which 'Vire made here repeatedly, is unpleasant to big Bri tish Interests engaged in Oriental trade. This is the first time that tho gov ernment has taken notice of tho sit uation, however, though much hns been published concerning It In the London newspapers. In diplomatic circles tho situation Is looked upon as being of tremend ous Importance. There Is a belief hero that America and Jnpnn aro still in danger of breaking off their cordial relations. Japan has tho bitter Ill-will of China. Russia has not forgotten the wnr. It is Intl mated that England's attention might be lead to a weakening of the British- Japanese alliance, on the ground that Japan's methods In Manchuria and Korea are unfriendly to England. j . l ' ' m that he has caused the trial of death through some strange power is ridiculous kut MUs Bllllngsby a;- Apt! that ttvor ilnra stiA mat tha mnn ho has exercised some evil influence over her. Yamhill county. Ib tho wlnnor of tho".'$160' -silver- cup,- the "grand' prjzo!', of tho Cherry Fair. Lrh L'county enmo next, and Polk Ij third. and Wasco competed., for tho grand Five coutles, Yamhill, Linn, Lane, Polk nnd Wasco competed for tho grand prize. According tp (ho rulos of thd Cherry Fnlr, Marlon n.8 county was not allowed to compete for tho big cup. Tho nwards of tho JudgCi, which ;wve. .mndKitt'ltoSO """'o'clock ' 't'HU morning, consisting of 35 hnndsomo silver cups a similar numbor of diplomas, and many cash prizes, aro as follews: Tho grand prlzo, special Rtorllh silver cup Valued at $150 donncd by Marlon county, Oregon, for tho best display of cherries, commercial pack,, by any county or grower, to consist of not less than three varieties and not less than 12 10-pound boxca( or 8 enrton 10-pound hobos). Thlfe clip must be won thrco times by tho snmo county or growor boforo becoming tho property of tho wlnnor. Com petitors for this prize must atato whether thoy desire tho outry mndo In ther own name or that of tho county. Tho chorrlcs In thin com petition to bo returned to tho ex hibitors nt conclusion of tho fnlr, won by Yamhill county, Lane coun ty second, Polk county third. Tha other countlos which wore represent ed by hnndsomo displays were Linn and Wasco, Best seedling cherry of merit Enos Presnall, first; II. H. Cross, second, Best display of cherries, commer cial pack, In 10-pound boxos II. S. Glle, first; Mrs. M. 8. Wilson, Polk county, s.oud; Paul Wnllnco, third. Sweepstakes, bast I0pound box and 10-pound 8 enrton box,' any vnrJoty J. R. Shophord (Polk), first; Mrs. W, C. Wilson. (Polk), sec ond; Paul Wallace, third. ; Royal Anno, 10-pound box B. I. Forgueon, first; C. A. Muths. sec onds; II: S. Butz (Polk), third. Royal Anee, 10-pound 8 carton box B. 1. Ferguson, Unit; C. A. Clark, second; H. S. Blitz, third. Lamberts, 10-pound box J. R. Shepherd (Polk), first; L. T. Rey nolds, second; Huns Tuflll, third. Lamberts, 10-pound 8 carton box; -A. Vorcfor, first; Q. S. Welch, second; Mist Anno Folzer (Linn), third. Blng, 10-pound box J. R. Shep herd, first; L. M. Gllbort, second; C. A. Clark (Polk), third. Blng, lO'POunri 8 carton box C. A. Clark, first; A. Verklor, secend: J. R Shepherd, third. Black Republican, 10-pound bgx L. T. Reynolds, first; A. A Muthv, seconds. Black Republican, 10-pound, B carton box Monica Davnnl (Linn), first; J. R. Shepherd, second. Deacon, 10-pound box L. T. Rey nolds, first; C. H. Chapman, second. Hoskln, 10-pound box Enos Pros-' sail, first; Mrs. M. C. WJIIson, sec ond. Centennial, 10-pound l-r.Mrt., C M. Wlllson, first. . (1