r 1 - m; prnf(T!-'rfc"- , fc. nww- 1 4: ki 1 liFtk ' ' fill I fflv if I Ysw v I VII 7V Ullll JHHiHHLlli IU ill lllll 2. ..-.777, , 25 vol. xvtrt;" t ''"j - ,....,..- ,,,.ii . in ,a ) ' .ii t -i i ,. SATKM. dlWOOX TIiyRtfJAYy JULY 10, 1008 NO. 17 . .. . .. . . . . ...... ,. . . -------------- .... ... . .. .. , , ... . . ENTHUSIASTIC BEfflNjM OF CHERRY PAIR UNITED STATES BATTLESHIPS! ARE RUSHED TO HONDURAS "" T . - . $ . . ,. . . (MHMwniim BONDJIISGRIPTIONS 'CHERRY MRSHIPS BAN QN ATLANTIC it I1 ARE ROLLING IN FOR SALEMTA'VJON ELECPRWJ LlM -, ,) -i IJXE THAT WILL TAP A INCH CONTIGUOUS COVyTItYWlTH SIX' GOOD TOWNS AN'O THE, PEOPLE OX THE'lrfXE Mid ffiiXlOVk1 '' irOR A CONNECTION. WITH THE COUNTY SKAT AXif.OAPlTAL? i r CHERRY CITY IS SALEM .'(u CARNIVAL BEGINS OFF TO HONDURAS The committee or 7tl Buclnoss Sublimity, Shaw, Aumsvllle Men's lenguo met again today nt. 1.0 .Turner will be hecommodated o'clock, In- their campaign i& raise, a $100, 0Q0 bond subscription for tbo fminediato construction of the Salem- Stnyton electric railroad, The telephone and the mnllu brought them very encouraging reports, and tbe morning train brought Banker Frcres. of Stayton, who has been tho leading spirit on Jibe uppor end of the line".1 ' Committees are working a Turner, AumpVlllo and 8Uy(b5, The lfne will " run within throe- fourth's Of tnllfl nt Rnhtlmltv nnd I - .-!--' re- T".WH,'. -j-"-- , Ti'1 the people f MCIn&sfon, Staytbn,', wmmmmmmm mum m i and and brought into closer contact with tho county seat and capital and people from Salem will be given a line to ihe beuutlful streams and hunting rounds on the Santlam. Eighteen thousand and nine nun- red dollars' whs subscribed the first ay and today will sco a substantial addition to tho sum. The bonds are first class security, as the following (etterfrom Banker Feres at'Staytbn' will skqwi - , f Continued an -5 ,tow, CH CAGOKSTORE PEOPLES BARGAIN 'ftOUJSE SALEM; OREGON CLEARING SALE CONTINUED If you want tho newest goods and tho Best Bargains that wore over offered In this part of, the world como to tho CHICAGO STORE and get our Prices In the different departments, during our Clearing Sale. Remember wo are tho makers of Low Prices. PRICED AWAY DOWN Arc the PoJIoyving Goods im:ss goods, , SILKS, LAWNS, ginghams, " .,".. .muslin sheetings, . MUSUN UNDER-EA, HOSIEIIY, GLOVES, 4 t LADIES' SUITS, ' SHIRT WAISTS, wash SUITS, . , bllLLINEUY,- ' ILACES, v f.WJX EMnnoiDEniEsJ-")'Afr ') iHOES, ... , MOTIONS. INDKERCllIEFS,' - nd Lawns, yd ' inc. and si r ? k HUIIONS, I'ARASOLS, )RSETS, MEN'S GOODS 000 yards of lc, ' l-X . Wttt' k . u -- vr ETC. alleoes',' Dfrnltles CLEARING SALE SPECIALS UASEHALL GAME STARTS THE DAY'S CELEIJHAtiON : TA.. HADE FINE PAGEANT HORSE WOSfBTf AND GALLANT CHIEF. Tho great 1908 Cherry Fair Is on, and Salem, tho Ohorry City of the world 1 celebrating. Once more the city rings with tho noise of tarnlval and merry making; again1 the crowdB aro here, and once moro all roads lead to Salem. All day the steam and elcetric railroads have been J taxed to their caplclly bringing the multitude to tho Cherry City, and the average dally crowd during the regn. -oft the Chdfryjs K,lng "promises Lttecllpse the-temporaryrtopulatlon of itho city on tho recent Fourth. Tho balloon nsconslon, which waj tb havo oponcd the Fair, was post poned until this evening, owing to a puncture of the big bag. Tho llrst basoball tournament, of tho Cherry Fair, which was played at 10 o'clock this morning on WIN WD THE HORN MN,0N bw .--. - m tJ J SUNDAY BASEBALL SQUADRON IN HAWAII; VIC BURG AND PRINCETON GEJrS ORDERS TO MAKE 'HON DUJtAS FOURTEEN THOU. SA'I) MILE TRIP. TO BE ATTEMPTEDjTRIP 5UCGESSFUL1 t( (United Prcsi T.fai0 XVte.) Washington, July 1C. Ordofs hnye4)een issued by the war depart ments for the gunboats Vlcksburgi MINISTERS WILL TRY TO STOP SAIIHATH SPORT AS VIOLAT ING LAW MVNAGERS SAY tTHEY WILL PLAY. ,A. Salem .SpecUlwiyja: :,. - , A commlt'fee "of thred Salem mln '.Uteri, headed by Rdv. William Rob- and fPrlnceton to proceed at once inson, of the Presbyterian church, around tho horn to the Carrlbcan 'called upon Manager Hcyser, Of the Salem baseball team, itodny and warned the lattor 'that If Sunday sea. a distance of l-t.000 miles. Tho vessels are out pf commiailon. Tho Vlckhburg 1b at-Mare lelartd and the Prlacfton Is at Bromerton. Cosdl tlonsln Honduras are responsible for the .rush, ThSr whero tloned. Orders hnvo also been iBsuod' for the gunboat Marietta now nt, Ja maica, to proceed at once to Porto Corter. on the oast coast, toward stgunfiqats wIlFstop atAm&palRj recTulstr Al'bVnira!P gamoi are played In the futur'e the players will bo arrested fqr violating' the Sunday law. .Hcyser respended: , , ; ., 1 'E.5 . .... 4 "- - ' 1VU UIU NO 111 fK W JUKI 11 II I ANCHOR IN PEARL 1IARHOR I RIG TLME IN STOliK FOR OFFICERS JOIN IN. AND MEN JAPS t (Vnltfd 1'rfb Lcorl Wlrc.l HonoluhifJti'ly 16. CoiripletlHg 'thc'IUst'log of tliolf vbyage around tbo wprld from San Irnckj :". Now York, 12 vessels .of tho Amer(n can battleship Meet nnchorcJ at Pearl harbor today, welcomed with flroyvorks and the cheers of a tre- m.onloii hrpig, . r ' i When the .great rightist machlaw passed Molokal at daylight, the leper colony saluted them with flre.werk and a .rags; baml Aomppned of m.H- "bera.of thpc6lony played tlrelstact,' " rants ready, fiWiMIlWWyt'W IWB Trl.Pltv lpn.rnon.n,. i.t Rn(!v 8lPhtCd t POrt C hills W0IW according to schtdvle." . ' ' Vbl e0rIn eW J.M ' . ,- I nsnenibletf .to 'welcome "tho vlsltfmr The game ia to be'.playet with, the FrakeB team, of -Portland. Themlh- WW CARNIYAL PROGRAfl. , ; : :: J)Hlly AttractlonH. . 10:00 A. M. Balloon ascension at Cottage and Court streets. 3:30 and 7:30 P. M. SUdo for Mfe from top of court house. 3:30 and 8:00 P. M.. iHJro wire act in front of big tent on Church . and Court streets; Carnival attractions in fronU'of postoinco.. FRIDAY, JULY 17 J1.00 White Shirt Walsts-r- . Now 49 $1.50 White Shirt Waists Now 85 $2.00 White Shirt Waists NOW tirtft Sl'vtJ $7.50 Wfiite Duck Suits ow t t&U $15.00 Wool Suits Now 8.50 $25.00 Wool Suits Now. 12,50 ,$5.00 Trimmed Hats Now 25.5U $3.50 Trimmed Hats Now 1.75 $2.00 Children's Hats Now ..95 Children's 25c Striw Hats Now 10 And bo along the line on every thing else. The Stdre That Saves You Money 10:00 A, M. Intpectlon of exhibit at pavilion. . $1:30 P. ,M. Baseball at University grounds, Turner vb, Falrmount 3:00 P. M. Band concert, Instrumental pud vocal'muslc at pavilion, 7:30 P. M. Band concert. Instrumental and vocal Jmuslc at pavilion. 8:30 P, M. Grand Cherry ball, Center and Front s'treets. k SATURDAY, JULY 18 Portland Day, . , -. ', ' Arrlval of tho Portland delegation. Escorted ft' fey band which Gonernl Le Christmas Is head ed with a rebel army. The cruiser Istors have been considering, the 'mat Tacomii now nt Pnnnmn. is dlrcrtoil tor for some til wo mid. hnvo mndt) n i l I . ' inmcue neiu, uoiweon uie Aiuuny to stop nt porto Coj.icz to obgerve I up their mlndsjand will endeavor to and Chomawn 4eams, proved on ex- condUonB ai, Bto tho Sunday, games'. ' " citing coiiicsi. mo iwo tumns wwrot ovenly matched, and at the end of! the, ninth; Inning; th? korf Stood 5 to Ct- In'tho tenth, tho Alco team of Albany scored a beautiful run, and the game closed with the final score of C toG. Hardly had tho preliminary feat ures of tho day been executed when tho big formal ovent, tho parade was ready. Never has a finer pagent passed through the streets of Sa lem. Promptly at 1:30 the proces sion formed In Marlon square, and at 2:00 o'clock It was passing In re view of the admiring thousands. Tho Gibson Girls! Is It possible that nnybody missed them? Fifty beauftiful young ladles on horsebnek lead by Salem's Invincible chief; It was sight never to be forgotten, the feature of the parade, and a spectacle, the like of which has never boen Been In .the Cherry City. Then came the long looked-fori and hitherto mystcrlouB Cherryl King, mounted upon one of the mon ! gorgeous of floau, and the question j that has been on tho Hps of every i Salemlte for the past week was I answered. The king Is C. L. Starr, of the state board of normal BchooJ regents, manager of the famous Cap itol, tearu of the Salem Twilight league, popular citizen, baseball fan and booster in general. Tho Salem . Military band never appeared to bettor advantage. The 15 musicians under the direction of Tex Stoudenmeyer were trained to the minute, and it was no wonder that the 50 fiery steeds of the Gib son Girls nranced to the music of tbo band. Tho High school float was one of tbe good things of the parade, and It reflected a great deal of credit upon the students who constructed Jt. The big wagon was decorated In the colors of the school, and also In i the Cherry Fdlr colors. AH the ac tlvltle3 of the high school were rep-i resented; such as baseball football. , tennis, basketball, etc. In the cen-' ter of tbe float was a huge coffin' labeled "Our Rivals." This was one of the big hits or the parade. More decorated automobiles, bug gies, and carriages were in line than 11:00 A. M. to pavilion. 11:30 A. M. Reception, cherry pavilion, court bouse tquare, Lunch 1:30 P. M. Baseball, championship-game. 2:00 P.' M. 'Address of welcome at pavilion and. Inspection of cherry exhibit. Instrumental and vocal music. 7:00 P. M. Mardl Gras Parade. Largest of this kind ever seen In. Salem.. Battle of confetti. TWENTY.FIVE DROWNED AT MANILA, P. I. lUoJtfd I'mi Leased Wirt.) Manila, July 16 Twenty-flvo per sons were drowned today when a' pleasure launch foundered t today. Three of tbe victims were Americans and one of them is supposed to havo been a surgeon In the United States army. t The launch was carry 75 passen gers to Corregldor Island when tho disaster occurred. Details of the wreck are lacking, o (Coatlnued on Page 8.) Every grocer Is requested to donate cherries- to the Board of Trade to distribute to the visitors from Portland and other points In souvenir cornucopias. Help tho Fair along by bringing somo of your cherries for the visitors. Those who fall to clean up their yards' are entitled fo a sensitive corn on their conscience. WILL GET A JEW FRANCHISE I blhojackcts to ' the last Vumiu., pert ' they will see 'until they, arrive" --at," Manila, .-deafening -cheerM-. aro' from thousands'; of throat as tk . uauicsmps swung toward shore aim- a great blaro of' day' fireworks car ried tho messago of welcome to the' men of tho fa, i As soon na tho warships were rest ing safely at anchdr tho command ing officers bonrdod' their bnrges and visited ' ho Connecticut to maku their formal report to Roar Admiral Sperry. Whon this duty whb dis posed of tho commander In chief oC the fleet came ashore and made lit official call upon Governor Frear, Saturday ovonlng Admiral Sporry nnd his officers) will bo tho guesL. of the governor at dinner. Monday thcywlll bo entertained, by tho ctiteC Justice of tho supromer court, i An elaborate pragram for tho ot tertalnmout of tho men from tho fleet has been prepared and tho on Hsted men will bo Included In each event, with tho exception of n few private dinners given to o ill corn hf personal frlonda here. Dnnces, ban quatH, excuralons and thenters will bo opened to ovory man wearing tlie uniform of Undo Sam'a navy, whether he bo of ward room or en listed as "A. B." The Japanese or Honolulu will bo prominent In tho reception. They flow tho American flag and Jo(nd lustll In tho cheer ing. This elty Is In It? buHt gala at tire and tho occasion Is bolng rnndo the gayost and most Joyout the elty haji ever seen. o TERRORIZED HY A ' FIERCE MUHDKHEt: , United I'rtM Unfed Wlrr.iV Marysville, Cal., July 1 C Adolph Jules, tho Italian who murdered An tonio Llberntos and dlovnnnl Puc cini In cold Jilobd at camp 20 on th Western Pacific railroad 25 miles east or Orovllle, li today roaming the hills of tho Big Bar region, ter rorizing every resident In tho lonely country. Last night lie appeared ut the cab In of a lonely proipeotor 10 miles from tho scene of Wednesday's fill ing, and compolled tho prospector n't the point of his rifle to give him sup per. Jules had cut -all telephone' wires near tho camp before he com mitted the murders so ho could have- Franklin T. Griffith, of the Port land Railway, Light & Power Co., after several days hard work with tho franchise committee of the elty council has secured a favorable re port on the new amended charter of his corporation to do business in this city. The old requirement about planking certain streets has been struck out and several minor changes. The city secures many valuable concestlons and the com pany gets some. On the whole It Isa gqdd start before the ocera couLl considered a very fair adjustment of the differences that have heretofore existed, and'both sides are to be congratulated. be notified. Let everybody Join the gunsatn club and smile., ,, t -.-, 1