wr y r"si i i I. "h. a w yg. v.r. ff DAILV (MNTAr. OOR!Mh SA1.KM. OHKnoV, WEDNESDAY, JCMT 10, 10M THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. IIOFER, Ed. and Prop. As Iadepnlout Xewiptpcr Deroted to Atoerictn Principle! and th I'rogrtM tod Dfelopmnt of All Orrson. risblljlied Htitr Bwnln Kxcept Sumlf, S!em, 0r. BUBSCHII'XIOX' KATES. ilarhfMf In Advance.) ii. br crflof. Mr Jr ..h.-.., fer taonth..00 Mr, br " Mr,rwr.. Wklr. by mall, ir yMf-., .. 4.W Per month..-., LOO Six montbi.., t - WW I 7"'w'M SPECIAL DKLIVKIIY t V i H KeV eonvenleaco of subscribers branch delivery pfflces are establlsh d atthe Allowing placos at 35 cents por month, $1.00 for three menths: v AirlFa toro, F. 0. D Voe & Bon, Asylum Avenue Junction. Carllae, Seventeenth street, A. W. Lane, Garden Road Store; fcauo's Store, Alex. Dauo, BouthCommerclal street. Blectrlc Store, C, M. Epploy, East Stato street. I Fairgrounds Sloro, Harrison Dee, Fairgrounds Road. I Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. I O.. K. Grocery, A. A. Englebart, Twelfth street. 1 whnninr'a atnro. w. D. Wheeler. H ffhland avenue. tow Park Stare, F. 0. Bowersox, Twelfth and Leslie. Lane Grocery, Seventeenth strot ; , J. L. Moore & Son, cornor Capitol and Union streets. West Balom 8tore, Wot Salem, Finn's Confectionery, 478 State street. Dr. Stone's, 241 North Commercial street. Huffman's Store, North Sixth street , j, ' ' i Oerraan Bakery, corner Twelfth and Chcmckcta. . .. ,- t ; y j t . F x i ii h i City subscribers who doalro Tho Journal malted to thorn at summer rosorts or other out-of-town placoi will ploaso notify tho onlco, giving city address and tha length of tlmo tboy doslro paper sent (o now address. On roturnlngr, plouso notify onlco In order that servloi by carrier may bo promptly resumed, WHAT AUOUT THE LAND flltAXT liAXDHV Tito Capital Journal hat never yot beep nblo to not up much hopo for tho prospoct of defeating tho Orogon kbJ California land grant. Tho railroad lands havo boon, hold so-long, tho corporation hn to tunny decisions and rulings In ltd favor, T1IM FOURTH CANNOT OVEIt. THROW ITU TITLE. Tho effort Is worthy, but tho Ful ton resolution originating In tho do partition! of Justice In batod on legal theorising, not on Justice. Hut asiuntlng thnt the fight In tho courts will result In ousting tho O. k C. It. It. Co. from poawmIuii, what then? IF THE RAILROAD COMI'ANV HAH FOUI'KITKI) ITS TITLH HV FAILl'UH TO COMPLY WITH THE LAW, WHAT TURN? Itlght now U the time for iinynn honestly dMlritig to make n home out of 1G0 ncre of the 0. & C. rail road land grnuts to move onto tlu wnno. The government suit will he Hlent In about thrift weeks, claiming a forfeiture In tho United States, and IT WILL TIIH.Y UK TOO MTU FOIt ANYONKTO HlfTTMi UNHIIR THH OMflINU, ACTS OF CONOHRSS. provhltitK far the sole of the lands to netual Mttlr at lit. SO per acre, by the railroad. Hut tit goverameat cnnnot gt a docre forfltla Ui,,Uif UntUd Siattm any partlcHtnr ltil aeres that may balUd 9 In tpod fnUk prior to th date tk Kuveraaieut that. Itlo It, ault. Qn Utu other Iwud the government suit la boHnd to MtMUlUh ih right of the imttlor to have suah tract of Inn-I. I'ltOYIIHXO THE GOYEHX .ME.NT HHALL W1X ITH SUIT. Any pcrion who will mako sot tlomont boforo tho govornmont suit shall bo tiled will win, If tho gov ernment wins, ami will loao if tho government loses. ANY POOH MAX WHO HEALLY WANTS A HOME CAN AFFOHIl TO TAKE THE CHANCE. Hut no person simply expecting to mako n prctonso of settlement, with out actually Intending to npproprlnte tho Inml ns n real homo, should mako tho nttompt, FOIt HE WOULD HE ACTING DISHOXILSTLY IF HE DID. Tho application to purchno those landit mudo by porons not actually settlod on the land amount to noth ing whnlovor. Wo believe the mimlior of Sin. TLEHS WHO WlliL GO AND AC TUALLY TAKE POSSESSION of ino ncre of railroad IhucT Is very small. If any man has the narvo to defy a big porporntlon and run the risk of an ojoctmont suit he can hnv n small chance to gM hit Innd.IF. o . -. NOW IS THE TIME TO HUILI) H0.MILS. uitd proved by anyone who became 3ttmclently Interested In them. Thit campaign has met with en couraging success. To moro than anything else this success is duo to acharacterlstlc of tho American people, a dozlre to GET lll'HY, to do BOmothlng, to pro- duco something. This broadening In tho application of advlco given cannot but have a good Influence upon tho Industrie! of tho United States. It will bring about a more thor ough understanding of present con ditions. It will usher In the beginning of certain enterprises delayed because of alleged hard times. Tho statement has frequently been mado and Is worthy of repltltion that this country has oxporlenced no great calamity, no serious reverses; crop3 havo boon uniformly good and aro bringing high prices. . Tho banks havo recovered from ,thelr scaro and aro cautiously be ginning to establish lines of credit. Monoy Is cheap and plentiful and can bo had for abiolutoly safe In vestments such ns real estato Im provements. Thousands nro anxiously seeking opportunity to sell their services or to supply motorials. It is admitted by all .thai the time to GO AHEAD has arrived. Visitors to Chicago may witness an unusual, spcctaclo any afternoon and ono which Is not without a touch of pathos. On Fifth nvonuo thousands of men out of employment g.Uher every day to socuro a copy of tho afternoon pnpor wnicn carnos me grcuum numbor of classified advertisements. Eagerly tboy senn tho "Wanted Male Holp" columns. Ono pushing through this throng, lining tho street for several blocks, and looking into tho faces of the men may gain knowledge. Tho Idlo and vicious elements nro conspicuously absent. Vigorous, honlthy men, whoso ngoj rango from 20 to 40 yonrs, pre dominate. Thoso in on nro looking for work which today they regard as a groat boon. Thoy nro capnblo of giving ennc Horvlco, mid presumably nro efllclont In mnny trades. While tholr purchasing power has been grontly curtailed, they continue to bo numborod among consumers, and 09 por cent of 4hom may be so rogardod whothcr thoy socuro work within ton days or within ten months. Bad Blood Is tho causo of all humors, eruptions, boils, pimples, scrofulous sores, eczema or salt rheum, as well as of rheuma tism, catarrh and other troubles. Tho greatest blood remedy for all theso troubles, proved by its uncqualcd record of cures, is Wood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tabkti tmownatriatatg. lOOdogealL lously and if theso great consumers become active buyers tho last of the recent low prices soon will disap pear. It would seem that those people who GET HUSY and HUILI) NOW are tho ones who aro going to realize handsomoly on their fore3!ght. ff7mmmwPfmi mini m-wtr "PLACARD PUBLICITY." When you want to sell or rent your property, and put a placard on It, you "advortlso" it of course. Dut you limit your advertising to those peoplo who of tho limited number who pass by your property happon to glance at tho card. Isn't it unfair to yoursolf to do this? If you did OTHER THINGS WITH SUCH SHORT SIGHT, would not you faro badly? Cl'asslfed advertising puts your card boforo a mnjorlty of tho peoplo of tho city who, In any ovont, would bo interested In It. And tho chances aro very great that tho person who should nnd would buy or ront your property wouldn't see your placard In tho noxt 20 years. .. i o- Help for Those Who Hnvo Stomach Trouble. After doctoring for about 12 years for n bnd stomnch trouble, and spending nenrly flvo hundred dollars for medicine nnd doctbr's fooi, I pur chased my wife ono box of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good that sho continued to uho thorn nnd they hnvo dono hor moro good than all of tho rncdlclne I bought boforo. Samuel Doyor, Folsom, Iowa. This medicine is for salo by Dr. Stono's drug store Samples froe. SUMMER RESORTS ..... - - - - - '". .!-. --- ... I n uMHuxaaju "7 T-rmEtwii I AM THE MAN Who was .i..n.j nut hv the fire last winter, but I'm in hn.i ness again on a larger extent than over and am ready to ,om tt nM iMittoniers and as many " u" HB bu.u t,w Newport. SS bSS vegetables, and all staple groceries. Everything the Bummer pooplognoed My now grocery storo la tho finest lrffl coin county. Free delivery. LEE W. WILLIAMS, Newport, On att 1 1 j u sTWtl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' H-WH mi IJ 1 1 1 1 1 I I H4-tH(4 WILHOIT SPRINGS SHE! Stago leaves Orogon City, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until July 1, then dauy at v a. m. d"&w " e - - uBoi. are $1.50. F. W. McLean, proprietor. tv, tin 1.M.M-1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1,4-iX, r t '---:.:... -.---- "-- i.'.''iji ttaigiWIHii"ia"wlw'"'""""'"'"",'"'"'"ltijj You Will Meed JFood We can supply yo-. with overthlng In the grocery Uno; th6 fney fresh butter and vegetables of all kinds. Two stores, ono it Nye Beach and one at Newport Your orders solicited; free ds. ilT "ii " L003HS BROS.. NcwDort. nr- ' . ....... . ... ,.... - . . --. riSiaiaiailllHHianiaia' ibipibh HOTEL BRADSHAW Rooms and board. Rooms with free uso of furnished kitchen .ncliudlng disho and wood. Half way to Nye Boach, overlooking tho ocean. Rates reasonable. W. C. COOK, Prop. Newport, Ore, MIDWAY Lanro. bright, airy rooms. Board furnished. Halfway be tween Newport and Nye Brook. First-elaso In overy respect. Bag- caKo hauled ono way freo. Rates reasonable. WM. BORDEN, Newport, Or. Huie Wing Sang Co DIG STOCK OF GOODS Wo mako up all kinds of wrappers and will to underwear, waists and klmonns nnd skirts; nil kinds o( gentlemon's nnd ladles' furnishing good); nil kinds of silks and dress goods; hose, suits, iutnts, overnlb, Milnnlrnla ifilf u-nnr ninfflntr phln"! O .!. - .. !.. IL. -"' "-" "O, - - otiuiu in iiiuau mull iiiu iiuiii iii(j l'" I ... raggou cage or uosuiution. SOME HEASOXS WHY A HANK ACCOUNT IS A GOOD TIUXG ll attIM WXJUHIHi. It lul uur rrMttu. It rurttishMit a rttMlt for al IliOMy jtMi iy n. It ortmiM ImalatMa hbiu that will ienf4 ywu tAvlHwe. U prauoU ytttir funds amlati m by rablMffy. lug lh (troUHtUV aj of yor I tie. it Hlav o la yuAtio u laK nlwHtHjH uf tay good aa !, itut tamo ywr way. If in our ShvIhs Drtwat it will jmy )uu t(Ur lirom than vrnmni UuNda, m mntW haw BMiU tk tt-HOUHt, 1 our tuoHH) Ih iMtak la In k. tlw uk and htati to mw nmmty m whloh yi Uv u m Ploys labor, oprati faotarlw planU flwld aitd unvi ores to market. Wo win t, kj,j ,0 operate with you and help vou SAYINGS ni:PAHTMKNT ail'ITAIi NATWNAL HANK SaUm aad SHmtttadlne oountrv Joy h gool iMbiUHtlnl bulldlug boom. Ih nil dlractloas from the rity new bMtldlags are HsIhk nad most or thaai art of wood. The lowar arlw of lumbar make this poaelbla to maay who would otharwlse hasitata about building. Material ena how be bought at taa awmftla ad Imabar yartla tor from JSOO to J 100 for a aood fam ily raIdaaia. Hardware U hIm eaaapor aad so ar brick aad aoMoat ami metal work ami labor b mark towtr than it was. Thaae eoatUtloas win )robakty prevail Mat It woll into t,t yaa?, AA ik Mm t build wai aoror mor prtuatlotM. Ily tk sraat mwrooJKH Uniii ut ika Uurfo eltla. kj- the aatatl Idalllva kmi wokliaa of th towa aaa vuiacca, ay arlcultaral. m chaalcai. tmlimarMl ami claas mk lleaitoas tk "Build Now" eamualga u bla aatuMd aud raoekood. Oraduatly tk eo of tk ad monliloa gtva kaa kaaa Urdl Th llr.t eoartaa, kmrleal, mMltlva ttatinm tkat "Now U tko Time ta Hutkl." mat with a kaarty raaaus. ibj raiaaM adviae eoatalnad In mu tu wos, Now u the TJm9 to lluiu." Was takati uudor advls. meat. Iavitt8tj aad Drovi ,,. .the carfMi editors ef huadrads of ripou4ibl Hublleattoai. By some It U said that the Amor leau Umbwman struck the keynote at tho piychologlcal momom. The-statemont made by tho Lum berman have been definite, fo.m.i-,1 jOa fact which could be laveitlgated Fow of them have menns sumc- lent to onnblo thorn to sock omploy tnont nnd nro waiting for something to turn up. Tho most pecullnr phaso of pre out condition Is thnt food, clothing, rent and other necaseltles continue to command high prices. Meats, mutton excoutod, nro high er now than ovor before In tho his tory of the oountry. Produce Is high or. Thore hue been no material iU elluo in mnnufnotttrod products. It Is only In tho market prlco of irw material nnd Inbor that rodttc- ttont havo boon made. Ileal ostute values havo not been greatly affected; standing ttmbor la worth ns much today as nt any time In tu history, barring the few forced soles, and relatively overy Mlnlshel manufactured article and farm pruiiucui tiring as mucn today a they did a year ago. Manufacturers of lumber are aware of this Rtnte of affairs. The coat of producing a thousand feet of ttimfaor is not controlled wholly by the wngee paid to the workwea nad the value nf ti, tHige, bat Is ragnlatad In a de em by tka living axtMnaas of the majt. Cktenjo quotation show July frala options at S5 eonu for whoat, 60 caata for corn aad 40 couts for oats. w laeee prieae the cost of tra,aaortaUoa a u, ,wrgU of (he traU daalert, ami the rotalt Is high prlaml Hour ami tAtromoly litsH ftrlcoa tor food. No maanfeettirer eaa sail kla prodaoU for law thaa eoet aad goii. fan la baalaese tar ,v JZZ nnd laca, aro, trunks, ombroidory otc. OUR STORE REST Goods now at very low prlco blsj sale. .120 N. Commercial St. Snlem, Or. IRVIN HOUSE Tho most homo-llko and comfortable hotol at Nye Beach. Flno bowling alloy and club houso in connection. Two minutes walk from the ocean. "Courteous treatment" is tho mottp of tho management. S. G. Irvln, Prop. Newport THE TAFT HOUSE Privato boarding. Strictly homo cooking, sorvo tho host meals, you holp yoursolf. Rates roasonablo. SIRS. MAIIV. HATOHMAN, Mgr. Cor. Fifth nnd Hurlburt Streets, ono block north of Presbyterian church. BRING YOUR CAMERAS and KOQili to SMITH'S CAMERA STORf We Do Dcvcloplno for Amateurs Servo Lunches nnd Sell Clcgan Nye Beach Newport, Or. Whon you go to Newport remeabBi Bain's Hack & Dray Co. gives special attontion to trsmf ring baggage and camp outfits. Fat nisiteu and unfurnished home wooa nna nay ror salo. Leave e: dors at Bain's Bakery, Nye Crt Newport, Orogon. Phono consw ttons. Whon nt Newport go to Fogartrl Rowln's Llvory Stables for tesnuU movo your bnggago; to give job best girl n drlvo; to go to Ott uock, seal uocks or any point ofn torcst In small or largo parties. Jfcy and feed nnd a square deal it nround; caroful drivers who kw tho beach. GIvo us a trial. d TORRID ZONE. FUNARCE H'HsbB1'' tBlsBWLDr ROYAL RESTAURANT For quick service, strictly homo cooking, go to tho address be low REACH LUNCHES our specialty. Went side of Front St., ouo and one-half block south of boat landing. HOT SEA BATHS HOT SEA BATHS Nye Beach, Ncwu( A CoinfortublD Summer nrdi House. jM THE SEAVIEW HOUSE Mrs. S. S. Burrows. Ha!f-vay botwoon tho Postoflceull Nye Creek. Rates, $1.25 d b room and board. Newport, Ornl A. J. Rader's Camping Ground ED. SULLIVAN'S MARKET Frosh fish of all kinds in seiJ Hore vou win nn, nnn .- Frosh Kraba Kookod dalll. TJ w ..- hhii kuijii nunir. i . . soptic tanks, good location; fmimtn. I,au ou hau at all times. !,... ..., .'T. . . . ' .--..w v.u nun jurmsneu tents to ront at Nye Creelc. A. J. Rader, proprietor, Newport. Oregon. ' aav GTftt lnviU .i - B'-f Lambor producers eaa not my tooootek arloaa for aTorytkiHg thoy aontama aad sail Ulr m-odwoU nt paale arlaos. Haaoru show a math firmer tone 1 HHUkera p4 ami as ImproTO taeat la tkU wood um nn n.i. vaaea la tk m-i ..., wods. Southern pine maaufaflturft beoomlag ured of glvlag away their i'lmtiUMS.' With maay f thom it U a case of Betting more for their .amber than has been reallxod during the first part of the year oro qUt maktng lu Furthermore the railroad now are reported to be placing orders Judlc The above cut represents our brick lined Torr.d Zon Furnace, Guaranteed gas, smoke and dust proof. Economical and durable. A. L. FRASER 2S8 STATE STREET. Eitlmate rurntsnea on hflatlni ,rfgf s Ii: HICKORT BARK Cough Remedy Coughs. Colds CROUP lUKoopm, Cuh SfcKilit SORt THROAT TMROAT4lUNCS ' ua SOtM to. -iiVa-" luin.Mroot.ut.4. fx. ImmtCmi, O. K. BARBER SHOP A first class up-to-date &hop. Do not overlook this place for the best work. Thero Is no barber better skilled with a raior or pair of slssors than H. N. WALTER, Prop. Blf8,"1. .'. m boat --...b. Bcucy lor corva'.Its Laun CIGARS and TOBACCOS fut with the trade. Can S; "ShatjouwTshwih satisfaction. Also carry a com Piete line of soft drinks E. CASS, Prop. few?..?'!1' w'0iUe Th0 Re ception, Newport, Oregon. FURNITURE For MNcwport, Oregoa a'SSiol ever, H. D. BLAKELY ?.Set,amattlng' 8toves and Hard- hen you leave Pnn.buy back sonable 7 Pr,C03 alwaya rea. South Front Street, only store of the rout. Stacker's Meat Marie! Hero you will find at all tai choicest meats that can be proa nlso fish. Your patronage soiled STOCKKIl'S MEAT MAIlKst Newport, Oregon lcH Newport Hoi Board nnd rooms, home coot host .25c meal in city; you helpM sen. .Large, nleasant roonn. roasonablo. Mrs. M. E. Fref. prletross. Newnort. Or. JsM THE BEST ItOAHT IB FAMILY HTER Hi Can be ebtained: from our i tender and mlcvbeef. matt1 Pork. All mir tfeata are from the choice1 and prep"' the table to suit in- demsa". fastldloua. Our tirlaaa are let' quality than vrti eaa ii ' PiMo la lalaaa, e. cyososs, uc pr CO) Pu vit th. ofl re l r prl pre COIi lie thr ."he ate ma Is onl hut stni ,tte oh froi Fait' Ind bull wee vle ta'k hou Mar flip nn t'ay reco cro nnv 'ost nnv evei inflt high of bkei urac of c men aoph Mtul Pboao Mi, '