v jt--p.To-rW ( - t I I t ' ' i 'f t it 1 4Y-irti(fikTT- r tr Wl H'v- -rt ,& .) i i H 1 1 auraal VOL. XVIII. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY, JULY IB, 1008 NO. 17fl fk tl ni In -irtttn W v'Pl'wrfBJFdl711lDBHB3Wi1WB SVTt- . . .! j .! r .riTiilAiiWiwf Br TrTrjTTi arri --zrm &81ferrTvvWJ"? 'yig,!gTFifv ALL READY FOR CHERRY FAIR T0MM0RR0W ' . ' (SHAH'S TROOPS EXTERMINATE HELPLESS REVOLUTIONISTS MOW DOWN REBELS BY HUNDREDS IN TABRIZ STREETS DEFENSELESS MEN AND WOMEN A HE TARGET FOR COSSACKS UNTIL THEY ARE RELIEVED TO RE EXTERMINATED. (United I'rcu Lenietl Wire.) Vienna, July 15. The culmina tion of the horrors of Tabriz 1ms tome in the form of a bombardment unci maBBncre, which wiped out the remaining revolutionists and left the pity finally In tho complete control !f the coacks under protection of Iho Bhah according to a now ngency (Continued on sago four.) ALICE TOO GAY FOR THE PROHIS SAVS DELEGATION MEMHERS OF CONVENTION IN VITE MRS. LONGWORTII, OTHERS OBJECT AS SHE AT TENDS RACES AND SMOKES. i Culled Press Leased Wlrf.i, ColumbuF, O., July 15. W. H. DavlB, of Louisville, Ky T. P. De mare, of Wllmoro, -and H. S. D. Wright, of Louisville, arc todny in n cold sweat been use the Kentucky delegation to the Prohibition nation al convention has refused to accede to their request to Invite Mrs. Alice Longworth ito nttend tho convention as the guest of Kentucky. Tho three 516 FLEET IS NEARING HONOLULU ARRIVE TOMORROW BALLOON TO START CARNIVAL ALL WILL JOIN IN WELCOME FIREWORKS 11V NIGHT AND DAY JAPS TAKE MUCH IN TEREST IN VISIT. CHICAGOISTDRE ' PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE SALEM, OREGON CLEARING SALE CONTINUED If you wnnt the newest goods and tho Best Bargains that wero ever offered In this part of tho world como to tho CHICAGO STORE nnd get our Prices in tho different departments during our Clearing Sale Remember wo are the makers of Low Prices. PRICED AWAY DOWN Arc the Following Goods DHI.SS GOODS, SILKS, LAWNS, GINGHAMS, '. - - MUSLIN SHEETINGS, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR,, l hosifky, i - .lovks, i)tv-)Jr -, LADIKS' SUITS, SHIRT WAISTS, VSH SI ITS, MILLIVURY, iurs, EMBROIDERIES, SHOFS, ' MOTION'S, pANDKERCHlIJFS, RIBBONS. PARASOLS, " ' ' CORSETS, MEN'S GOODS, ETC: WO jards otCalUoes, Dimities md Lawns, yd5c, 7 He, and l-3c. CLEARING SALE SPECIALS 1 $1.00 White Shirt Waists Now 49 $1.50 WhitQ Shirt Waists Now :ss $2.00 White Shirt Waists NOW tj)l.a $7.50 White Duck- Suits Now 4.50 1 $15.00 Wool Suits Now ..... ..... 'S.50 $26.Q0 Wool Suits Now 12.50 $5,00 Trimmed Ha.ts now ::::: 2.50 $3.50 Trimmed Hat$ .Jjowv ,...',. ,......,.. 1.75 $2.00 Children's Hats Now 95 Children's 25c Straw Hats Now 10S And so along the line on every thing else. The Store That Saves You Money (United Press Leased Wire.) Honolulu, July 15.-The Ameri can battleship fleet Is expeoted to arrive hero tomorrow, morning, ac cording to wjreless meesngea re ceived at tho "Kuhuku station from the flagship of tho approaching ar mada, and the inhabitants of tho islands, regardless of raco or condi tion, have joined 'enthusiastically In tho preparation for tho reception, which Is expected to Burpass any celebration over Been In Honolulu. Tomorrow has been declared a holiday and nil buslnoss will be bus ponded, Thousands of peoplo will tnko their places at daylight tomor row morning on Dlnmond head to watch for tho first gllmpso of tho white ships over tho eastern horizon. A grent display of daylight fire works will greet tho ships as Eoon as they are near enough to make thy welcome effective. At nightfall, to morrow, by the turning of a switch, Honolulu will bo transformed into a fair city of light. No such exton- slvo work of thh kind wob ever at tempted hero before Tho Japanese community raised $2000 for the en tertainment fund. An Interesting fenturo will -be the d'splay of daylight flroworks which will bo set off by tho lepors at Molo kal Islands ns tho shlpn pa&3 there. One feature of tho display will be a big set piece which will spell "Wel come" In largo letters of fire. IN THE MORNING RASERALL, AERONAUT ASCEN SIONFUN AND FROLIC WILL REIGN SUPREME IN SALEM. COMPLETE PROGRAM. RAISING $100,000 .. '""" RAILROAD BONDS FOUR CODIITTKKS WENT-TO, WORK TODAY AT 1(1 O'CLOCK TO COMPLETE THE JOB AND SECURE THE NEEDED SUBSIDY r' GREATEST ENTERPRISE FOR THE CAPITAL CITY YET UN IIKIITAICEW S men have already written to Mrs Longworth and thoy fear that Pres ident Roosevelt will take action of the Kentucky delegation as a per conal affront.' The Invitation cannot be withdrawn but It is not thought that tho President's daughter will attend the convention In view of tho Miss With the balloon ascension nt 10 o'clock tomorrow will begin tho much-heralded and long-awaited ovent the Cherry Fair. Three big days of celebration will ensue. It will bo a feast of education nnd of amusement which promises to eclipse anything that has yet been offered In Salern. Tho big pavilion where tho cher ries wlJl bo displayed is finished, and, tnoarJous tents for tho car nival' are pitched. Cherries are com ing In by tho wngon load. Tho over worked committee has hold its Inst meeting. Everything Is ready. Tho parade will start promptly at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Several new features hnvo been en tered for tho procession Blnco tho Fair wn- postponed. The high school will bo represented by a mag nificent float, tho decorations for which hnvo Just beon completed by a detail of students. All tho automobiles In town nro expected to bo In tho pnrado to com pete for the handsome olectr!c Inmp which has been offered by tho Elec tric Fixture company of Snlcm. Tho prlzos for the best decoratod car rlago or buggy have boon rnlsed to $15 and $10, nnd many owners of fine turnouts are preparing thorn for the parade. Chief Gibson's troop of 50 Salem ladles on horseback will be a foa- ture which no one can afford to miss. Among tho riders arc several young Indies who have no superior In the state for horsemanship. Those who have handed in tholr nnmes up to date are ns follews: Miss Ray Wil son, Mrs. Call Patton, Miss L. Phil' lpe, Mlts Emma Philips, Miss O. Mo Cauley, Miss D. Godfrey, MIsb Jon nle Booth, Miss Georgia Booth, Mist Luanla Brown, Miss Nollle Hargrove, Mis Velmn Cllllnm, Miss Wnlkor. Marguerete Wlllion, Mrs. Ray Local committees of rustlers went to work tlii morning nt 10 o'clock raising tho bond subscription of $100,000 to ennble A. Wolch to build the Salem nnd Stayton electric rnilroad work to begin immediate ly upon completion of the subscrip tion. Tho committees getting the bonds subscribed went to -work nt Snlcm, Turner, Aumpvllle nud Stayton simultaneously and by noon luTd about $30,000 subtcrtbed. It 'Is ex pected to rniBo tho fund this week. Daily announcements of progress all along .tho lino will bo made. I1iiIikmh Men's League Act. At n meeting of the Business Men's leoguo at tho Board of Trade rooms Inst night a committee con ptstlng of J. L. Stockton, chnlrmnp, II. W. Meyers, J. F. Hughes, D. J. Fry and. .F. "VY. SteuBloff wero' ap-j pointed to boort tho Salem-Stnyton nn electric railway between Salem and Stnyton, and n proposition Is now offered by A. Welch, to con struct tho snino upon tho raising of $100,000 In first mortgngo, Rlx por cent,' gold bonds, and, "Whereas, It Is oxpcrlondont that a 'warm rupport nnd hearty cooporn tlon bo given the project to Insure Its early consummation, nnd ., "Wherenu, Wo flrmoly bellovo th 'prWosltion ' to bo bo'nn fldo ' and worthy of our earnest efforts, -"Thercforo, Bo It resolved, thai it is tho bohko of this meeting that wo, n buBlno'B men's organization, do horoby endorso tho proposition of raising tho $100,000 in bonds, as aforesaid, and that wo ask the sup port .of the peoplo of Balem and Stayton nnd surrounding country to wards tho early realization of this electric rallfo'nd, 'and 'authorize ' the president of thl lenguo to appoint & electric line, nnd the following ro;o-. commlttoo of llvo (C) to assist In tho lutlon was adopted by the league: j Work of mining the amount noces "Whereas, There Is a marltorloiu sary to float tho bonda, and to holp proposition now on foot to construct along In every wny possible" protest that had nrlson. Tho Kon Micky dolegatos I Welch, Mis A. Jono. Miss Dorothy to the I Steusloff, Mlna Wanna Holmos, Miss Prohibition convention object to Alice because, thoy say, she smoktfs cigarettes, attend! tho Lexington horce raco3 and sat bet!de Boss Cox of Cincinnati, a man of tho world, and because she placed a tack on a chair In the gallery of the house at Washington causing pain and em barrassment to n diplomatic visitor. Confident thnt they will be able to poll a million votes for -their can Jonos, Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mli Skipton, MIsb Rachael Dove, Miss Livesley, MIes Shupp, Miss JomIo Keaton, Miss Louise Whalo, Mhs Helone Dalrymple,- Mlsa Madallno Walker. MUs WUda Salomon, Miss ! anna atuuiiiui, mish iu uuuui, ,mn Iola Hillm, Miss Carter Miss Katlo Jefferson, Miss JoEephlno Rice, Mrs Roblnvon, Miss Evelyn Riogelmnn, Mrs. Sp'dell, Mrs. T. Jonos, Mrs. Harvey, MIbs Sophie Cntlln, Mrs. A. ft rintn fnr nrns((lent of the United States, member. Df the Prohibition T. Wall and Miss Saplngfleld party assombloj here today to attend tho national convention which was formally opened at 10 o' clock this morning. Although but 258.205 votes were cast by tho Prphlbltion lsts in 1904, leaders of the party de- Outslde ihe' cnerry exhibits thoro will be plenty of amusement for everybody. The Cherry Fair commlt teo In selecting tho carnival attrac tions took particular pains- to secure only the best. There will bo three clare they are positive they wjll get b, free attractiens: the balloon nearly four times as many this year. , ascension, the slide for life from tho Delegations from Georgia, Ala- courthouse tower, and tho high wire bama. Mississippi, Oklahoma aw!- t V , . i , .. V., North Carolina ere accorded a ' twice dally, at 3 o'clock In he after great ovation when they entered ". t 8 o'clock In the even Memorial hall. All of these state Ing. There will be three ented at have gone "dry" Blnco the last pres!- tractions-the Socle y C reus the dentlal eleeUon. Robert H. Patton Nashville Students Plantation .how. of Springfield. 111. acted as two-'" tbe nC",oa f0, "S rary chairman. ,c,rcu" 0ther BtrCt Bhows' wh,ch aro raid to be of tho highest order. Decoratod carrlago and bugglos. tho the Orang Outang, Vene, tho an- Every auto cnrrlogo and buggy imal queen, nnd the Zulu from In town ehould bo out In UiIb pa Zululnnd. rnde to competo for tho prlzos offor- , Women to EntoHnlii. ed and help make thin tho lnrgost Tho Salem Woman'? club has parade ever seen In Salem. All. aro como to tho rescue of tho Portland urgod to come; you can't, all got dologation to the Cherry Fair, and prlzos but you cun help swell tho will nssuino the responsibility of pnrade. feeding tho visitors next Saturday. FlrBt prize for best docoratcd au At the meeting of tho commlttoo In to, $15 rending lnmp. charge of the entertainment of thol FlrBt prize for host decorated Portlnnders last evening, It wns de- carrlago or bugglo $15 elded that as the matter had been Second prize for bcHt decoratod taken up at bo late a dnte, part of auto, or buggy, or carriage, $10. tho entertainment program would a commlttoo wont to Portland to havo to bo olmlnnted, and it was day to Invito the Commercial club finally concluded to out out the and bu&lno'H mon gcnornlly of Port luncheon. I land to bo prosont on Portland Day, It was then that the ladlos camo Saturday, July 18. forward In n very patriotic rannnor, I . o nnd declared that thoy would pre-' paro nnd serve tho lunchoon In Will son's aveuuo. Tho ladlos of Salem, stated that thoy wore detormlnod not ito bo outdono by tho ladlos of Eu gono who played n similar part In tho ontertnlnmont of a Portland dol ogation to that olty a fchort Um ago. BASEBALL TOURNAMENT TOMORROW rxinrmi i t. imnrsif i I With a wrtathor forocnut nronhocv FOR THURSDAY ng n wnfm (,ny toln0rrowJ j )ot)n Following is the line of Mnrch favorable fur a bjg tlmo at tho open. nnd main feature of the Cherry ,S basabnll game of tho Cherry Fair parade Thursday: Fa,' tournament, whloh Is bolng 1:30 p. m. Forms nt Mnrlon Ilyod for tho championship anions square. leovornl local teams. 2:00 p. m. Parade starts; line of The Also club of Albany will moot march south on Commorolnl to. the Chomawn team In tho first gamo Court, una on Court to Liberty, tomorrow nt 10 o'olock In tho morn north on Liberty to Chemeketn, oast J"B on tho Wlllamotto flold. On Frl on Chemoketa to High, south on ', ". the Fairmonts will play tho 8a High ito State, west on State to Jom Trl-City tenm and on flaturduy Commercial, north on Commorola.1 to the respective winners of tho two Couft, east on Court to Cherrj; pa- previous games will play to uotor- vlllon. M'nhi I-Vntiin-s of Pmd Chief marshal, D, W. Gibson. Fifty Indy rough riders. Band. King of Cherry Fair float, Decorated utomobllta. Salem High Sohqol. Canoe club. jnlno the ohamploufhlp and winners of the cup. fittn-o Ailnuw Not Guilty. Grand Junction, Colo.. July 15. Steve Adams was found not guilty ,thls afternoon of tho murder of Ar- b.i j"itl- it. fr.,.ll..l.l.. ,.,ln .. RlllUr Junius, UIO iUllllltUV 1IIIIIU DU- Buren & Hamilton special feature fperintondent who wns blown up Oklohoma Tea Store. L. U. Josso. Royal Neighbors. Jos. Meyers & Sons. Mutual Canning Co. House Furnishing Co. Spa Iwlth a bomb. A town Is to bo established at Bridal Veil fall" on tho Columbia. driver where the largest textile plant west of the Mississippi will be Installed. I .