u m r DAILY Wednesday's Specials CAriTAl JOUnSAfr SALEM, OnECOX. WKDXKSDAY, MIX I, MURDERER CAUGHT AT GHEMAWA Today Only W offer an extra good value of WHITE DUCK SKIRTS On Sle at 8:30 No telephone orders received 98c LINDSTROM DEATH AN EXTRA SPECIAL Japanese hand painted and cmbroid 'rwLOmnUI Sun Shades in dainty deli- r (G cats tofors. We advise early selections JCmZfO m there are only a few left. Extra special r DUtSS GOODS DEPARTMENT 'Vf You'll Be Celebrating Every day. you wear ono of our fine stilts we'll noil you. Every day will bo -an Independence dny for you from nil serfs of clothes waving KB coon as you get acquainted with our flno olothos. They're mndo rlftht,al wool fabric, correct style, perfect tailoring. ,We guaran tee a correct fit and your satUfactlou. All summer styles now at a saving from $5 TO $10 NEW ANNEX "John Lindstroni met his death by nn accidental fall from the fourth floor of the Willamette bote'," Is the verdict of the coroner's Jury which Investigated tho death of the mil lionaire shipbuilder and exmdyor of Aberdeen, Washington. 1 The principal witness exqmlned was J. H. Peterson, who came to this city with Llndstrom. He sate.l that he did not believe the deceased, who was a long-time friend and busi ness partner of his, hnd committed suicide: that he was not worried by anything except the raising of mon ey to secure 2800 ncres of rich tint berland near Eureka, California. Peterson did not know whnt the tele grams fround In Llndstrom's pocket meant. It Is supposed "that the cause for suicide, If any, was contained li the telegram, which hinted at blnck- imall. Lester Davis, newspaper corre spondent and ilrst to rush out of the hotel at the time, Night Clerk Smith, Dr. J. H. Smith, Coronor Clough and Policeman Folend fol lowed each other's testimony, rapid ly filling up the links necessary to complete the chain from the time of the finding of the body to tho time it was removed to the undertaking parlors. Either ;aniei Pnrkanute Koosie, wnnUd for the murder of a fellow-trlbosnian .... u VrtM.nn. Wnbhineton, wus .rncn,t hv nenuty Sheriff Harry v MInto at Cheniywa, where the wily redskin hntl enrolled as a student, hoping nil trace of him would thus be lost. , , im, ni-rnit followed tolegraphlc advices from Sheriff Edwards of North Yakima, who advised Sheriff Culver that the Indian would prob ably be found In some Indian school When Koosie was told that he was under arrest, ho manifested no Bur prise but with usual Indian non chalance stated he believed there was Eomo kind of a drunken brawl. Beyond this ho profes-ed complete ignorance for what he Is wanted. Before he can be taken back to North Ynklma. extradition papers will have to be secured and an officer q 1)0rrow ft donnr from the man. iSTERiiSSTRANGER ORDERS SUPPLIES BY CARLOAD the Southern Pacific com- .. uinnnlnc creat imple ments on their track running through this section of the country without announcing It with a band wagon, or else there Is a gentleman giving the name of O'Brien, with a very magniflont Imagination, which t. uses to caln tho loan of a dollar, which he doesn't get. "O'Brien" Is quite n pleasant look ing gentleman, smooth shave and sleek. Ho has been "contracting with tho business men of this city during tho Inst couple of days "O'Brien" is a grand contractor; thinks nothing of ordering a cnrlond . ....1 ninin df n similar or two 01 naj u & -nmount of eats: (Incidentally wnnts send down hero by Sheriff Edwards FIGHT AND NO HUGGING MATCH SAYS ItEFKRKL' i i laces and Embroideries For tho last time during our World of white sale wo will toil nil tho ladles now Is the time to kvy your Embroideries, Laces, jjknds and Beading. We have tho largest asiortmoiit In tho north Wet astl you can buy nil you w,nnt In tho next two days at a saving of JO, 18, SW mill 80 I'KIt CENT LACE HKCTION New India Dimities In the new checks and bars, 27 Inches wide, extra special 23 TO 28 VAIH) Novelty Batiste In light, medium nnd dark blue, with small whlto dot. This has a flvo lino border, which gives a very pleasing nnd artistic effect. HI'KCIAI. 1G !, YI, TAFTIS OUT OF A JOB whom he wnnts to maxe 1110 uw. with); wnnts 100 lonve3 of broad each dny In the week, but winds up with a flourish of 300 on Saturday ho wnnts 2S0 mattresses, "O'Brien" mnde his first visit t0 tho California bakery, whoro ho in. formed the manager that ho roprp. sented the firm of Foley Dros. & Welch of Senttlo, who woro going i0 grade the (track of tho E3pee com. pnny. He would like arrangement made for supplying him -with 100 lonvos dnlly and 300 on Saturday Tlllson & Company next received a call and nn order for two carloads of hay nnd ono of onts. "Pshaw! Change rnn out, coU you loud mo a dollar." But Tlllson & Company couldn't; Instead sent n telegram to "Foley Bros. & Welch," making In quiries, which tologrnm Imb ns yet failed to bring nn answer. Two hun dred and eighty mnttresBea was next ordered from tho House Furnishing company, but "O'Brien" ennnot bo found; didn't oven, tako the trouble to register nt n hotel. In tho meanwhile, Southorn Paci fic Agent Houston Is wondering li ... V ABA.t tVIrA juniicu irr i.viiBiu ..... 1 T ,. San Francisco, July 1. It win, ' f .. h r0I,Orts what deal his company haa on which iney nave iiui uuuiimiiui.-iticu 10 mm. gity News WfcfrMlpM j TIhkhIh)' fntr and wv w Pit Km f Wk'h 1h Port In ml iVUIt "Halls" new restaurant, 330 ffeth, St., oppoilto Imperial hotel, 1WHI Hamhku Car-1 Tk440.fRln. &., N., company has no tmW the. Railroad commission that Kjfylll put a baggngo car on tho ?$IK train from Elgin to La GtJe, s demanded by the people Slgln In their complalut to the Mtrtlroad commlitlon. JHH WIkI , ror deiertZInn ice cream. ' ttM'ii Chatves (NirrtjctHlr The Hallrond Commlislon has no tlffhlvEmir Orotkopp of 'Hefner who h nterd complaints agalnstvthe sArago ctarge mde by the O. It. K. at ttint city, that the rallroud ctSnpajiy had taken up the matter AM had promised that there would lCo further difficulty. TlnVamwor to the complaint filed United States Distlt Attatney Jack Itodgorn Hnppy J. P. Itodgors this morning re ceived a hnndsamo Tiffany wnre and silver va 0 awarded to htm by tho Decry Alne Is consulting her lawyer? Portland Rose Festival association today trying to solve the problem as . Washington, July 1. William H Taft nt noon todoy formnlly tranr forred the ofllco of tho secretary of war to Luke E. Wright. An Infor mal reception -was held nnd Talr, acting nB master of ceremonies, ln troduccd Secretary Wright to tho officials and clerks of tho depart ment. Secretary Wright received ninny mesingoi of congratulation and n number of bouquets In honor of tho occasion. , Taft finds himself off tho pnyrool for tho first time In 22 years. Dur- .ing that period ho has held eight dif ferent nppolntlvo offices. He wnt never elected to nny offlce. 0 ONE DAY ENOUGH OF MAINE LIKE il'nltfd I'rMs Lriifd Wlr.) San Francisco, July 1. Mrs. Bee for the beft decorated launch at tho Port'and Rose Festival. Mr. Itodgora did not know any prltes were offered and he was much surprlicd when ho 'aw tho beautiful vato with his nams and tho namo of hh launch, "Eagle," engraved on It. Mr. Rodgera had about 100 electric lights on hi launch In Portland but ho will hnvo 175 on his boat here on tho Fourth In Jack's own words ho Is "stepping higher than a blind mule todny." This Is once that Snlom wont to Portland and captured the prizes, YUlttHl HI Brother E. P. Walker, the well known hay seed alderman from the llrst, has re turned from n visit to hla brother, Harvey Walker, at McCoy. The lnt tor Is a boy of 82 nnd Is running a large hog farm, and owns In all 400 notot of land. H found him well. active and hearty. Will TU Vnrntlnn State- Printer Dunlway will close his office far a few days to glvt Ul men n little vacation trip to tho mountains. Ami he will prepare tke best Tourth of July oration eer de Itvered at Salem. to how she may onco moro become Miss Beo Dcery, having repented hei marriage to n man 31 years her sen ior within 24 hours after the nuptial knot waB tied. Tho unhappy brldo alleges that her husband deceived her ns to the extent of his worldly possessions. Mrs, Alno has been employed as a waitress at Oakland for several months. She formerly lived nt Point Richmond where she met Alno. Mon day she resigned her position and r fow hours inter was married. Yes torday she appearod at tho office of the Justice who performed the wed d'ng ceremony and asked him to nullify It. He was unable to comply with her demand. be a fight nnd not a hugging match when Gnns nnd Nelson meet next Saturday," declared Referee Jack Welch today, following up his de termination which led him to go ta Nelson's camp last evening for n ser ious talk with the Dane. Welch hns made up his mind thnt there shnll be no repetition of thn holding which took up so much of tho time In the Goldfleld fight be tweon tho two light weights. Tho question has arisen over tho discovery of n clause In the article-?, put In at Nelson's request, which .i.Mn Mm Mm flrlitfira niTPO thi't !,.",' .,.-,. J; f m. i.nn.i. business In nil southern Oregon lilt IBIUIIV BIIHII k which have been heard of thus far. DRY LAW BECOMES EFFECTIVE (United rrcii Uu."H WlrM Medford, Or., July 1. Snloonb nnd brewerlci today went out of MAIUUKD WRIOHT-LYTLE At tho minister's residence Salem, Oregon, July 1, 1908, Miss Hnzol Aloa Lytlo to Mr. George Frnnklln Wright, both of Woodbttrn, Itev, P. S. Knight ofllclnting. on either of thehi and that they shall break away at his command. Welch snys he will referee the fight according to the Mnfquls of Queensberry rules. He says ho will not disqualify both men nnd stop tho fight which sreat crowd? will have paid money to witness, If they refuse to break at hla command, bat that he will separate them by force. Nelson did his Inst boxing before the fight todny. Ho Is In fine condi tion nnd is confident thnt the time hns como for tho curtain to fall or. the fighting career of Joe Gans. The negro, however, mnlntnlns his atti tude of superiority nnd the fact tint the betting remains nt 2 to 1 ngalnst tho bnttlor, looks like Gans Is jolnni In his belief by the talent. Jgn McCort, In regard to the South Getting In.tnutlons Is. In a dilapidated eond'tlon and Solleutuan and poundmaster for this unfit for use Secretary A. E. Mors, oity. wae In session with the mavor wmS, ? h.V ff nt nun,r? th" lorR Kiting his Instruction cjmmltilon has forwarded reports U8 , ,ho lllU, of hlg offlce MM!,:;" l "v better than 1 Cream .. jjnpapertmUfy,to take homeji w4 SAIIXlirR ATTIIMIT AT sricini: PHovi-s fitilk Snn Francisco. July 1. Doctors of the battleship Kentucky today an nounced that M. C. Corny, the sailor who stabbed himself last night, will recover from hla wound. Coray en tered a saloon, took n drink and sheuted: "This is the last." Then he produced a knife and beforo nny one could Interfore, plunged it Into his breast. He was taken to tho Central Emergency hospital anO. later removed to the Kentucky. He came from Winchester, ill. 0 . WILL RETIRE TWO CAPTAINS OF FLEET (Unite 1'rtM Uaitd Wlrr.i Washington, July 1. Two cap tains with the battleship fleet In San Francisco will probably be retired by tho board of rear admirals next Fri day. The board will meet Thursday to decide upon the men to be placed upon the retired list and forward Its report to the secretary of the navy, The report will be published at onco to relievo the anxiety of the officers. Upon compulsory retirement under the personnel act, March 3, 1S9N, ofllcors are nllowed three-quarter1 sen pay of the next rank above. countlos except Jnckson, where the recent prohibition election was de clared void by the circuit court be cause the order for election included the city of Medford which was ex empted from the sphere of the local option taw uy a special dinner, Judge H. K. Hannn yesterday h sued nn Injunction on application of R. G. Smith and E. E. Kelly, at torneys for county liquor dealers, re straining the county court from de claring prohibition In effect In tho county. The permanent injunction already secured rovented the en- lorcement of prohibition In Medford From Jnckson county boundnry to Marlon county, a stretch of nearly 300 miles nnd from the coast to Lake county, 300 miles Is now dry territory, The Roseburg brewery will make beer and the GrnntsiPnss brewery, denatured alcohol. Saloeno: have been offering their stock at sacrifice prlcos nnd will ship remain ing stocks back to wholesalers. Medford is tho only large town south of Salem that remains wet. Sale of personal property of the os tnto of Til moii Ford, deceased, Next Tuesday, July 7, 1008, nt 2 o'clock p. m., tho executors of tho Tllmon Ford CBtnto will sell at dith er private or public sale, for cash in hand, two maresono colt nnd one horse; nlso a hay baler and ongln? Right reserved to reject any bids of loss than tho appraised value. Dated june ju, lues, t W. M. KAISER nnd ANGIE L. WARREN. Co-executors of tho Estate of Tllmon Ford, Deceased. 3t. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Office with Wm. Brown & Co., No 29 Commercial afreet. Plenty Return Cups Park Commissioner J. M. Lawr ence would like such "patriotic" citizens as have taken the cups from the fountnln In Marlon Square to re turn them, Or If tho parties are too busy, Just r'.ng up Mr. Lawrence and let him know. He will ask no questions. NEW T0DAV Wnntid t Once From ?100 to $500, tho best of collateral secur ity to offer. Address G 10, Jour nal office. C-ll-tf mm 1 For Sale Several houses In Salem, and farm 'nnds at a bargain, Cap ital National Bank. 6-l-eod tWttntrd pantry girl at the Willam ette hotel. 7-l-3t. it keep one-half hour or incite i.t the c'ty has yet had In thnt office If the ordlnanee Is good for anything. 'New Khvtric Sign Rtuiaa&i men toward the north ; eni or te business scttlou of Com- QJF.Mo.iovCo werolal street mm pleased to note Ui Miller St.. Seuth felem. xamMt ''sa going up in front of nhKturer of all kind, of boxes. kthe Edl!. This will liven things vih nn mm uyer accessories. ."' ,B "e evening, unc. j vs. tf, IWOwrwHt pnktHuips roc;ei(n$ hare been renewed, In tkewpreme court against jTU, flirt, If. a Klup and Jojm F. WtfW, Portland attorneys ivho'Hre e to be dlsbaned for allege-1 jrewioni misconduct Uouor lost by a wan may bo re gained: a slip in a woman's honor Is unrecoverable djk.mvoxtxjk.m SiiMlV. .ItolCifcJYMHli I'iihUshM i"'2rS7 This Hot Wisitho Makes one tblnk of the meat they eat. It should be the very bet. Steusloff Bros, sanitary market keeps it absolutely pure. Phone 3:1. For tho Fourth Youn will need the best gtoeerles. me same as any other day. Phone an order to 311, the J. M. Lawrence grocery, and be assured of the best, promptly delivered. Yon Cannot Got ' Anything better than flie best Wild Rose is made at home and should be used by Salem people. - TT Mayor Mc Clellan, of New York 1$ planning to sue Wnj. Randolph Ream for $250,000 for the recent compu'sory recount and statement? a-c-ttupanj Ing tbe trial. LUMBER SHINGLES Mountain lumber Bone dry 10 inch shiplap Novelty rustic Doors and windows Frames and mouldings SHINGLES LUMBER OFFICE From Office to Plaining Mill both sides and every corner of our yard is filled with the best of building material PLAINING MILL LUMBER SHINGLES Mountain lumber Bone dry 10 inch shiplap Novelty rustic Doors and windows Frames and mouldings SHINGLES LUMBER NO CARTAGE QUICK ( SERVICE COURTEOUS TREATMENT NO CARTAGE . -. J .INVITE INVESTIGATION arelnneedofqDykln; otTiZJl " lWittI, ou are in need order at onco. VOGET LUMBERNDFUELta h 14th and Oak Streets