''mHmfm ''fW' T" y,"!" ' '$pww,r ,1 e-H DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON'. TUESDAY, JVKH JJO, 1008 m rroDAY . Is the last day to profit at our Annual White Sale TOMORROW ONLY We offer an extra good value of WHITE DUCK SKIRTS On Sale at 8:30 No telephone orders received 98c EXTRA SPECIA 1 Japanese hanc) painted and embroid ered Oriental Sun Shades in dainty deli- r fQ cate colors. We advise early selections j.Hn as there are only a few left Extra special V1 DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT . :B You'll Be Celebrating Every day you, wear one ofour .fine suits ve'll soil you. Every day will be an Independence day for you from all scrts of clothes waving as coon as, you get acquainted with our flno clothoc. They're made right, all wpofnbricjf correct style, perfect tailoring. Wo guaran tee a correct fit and your satlrifactlon. All summer styles now nt a f .saving- from , 5 TO $10 NEW ANNEX Laces and Embroideries For the lnPt time during our World of white sale we will tell nil the Indies now Is tlio time to "buy your Embroideries, f Lace9, DandB and Headings. We have the .targeBt assortment In the north west and,. you can buy all you 'want In the next two dnys at a 'caving of ' . 10, 15. 25 anil 00 PER CENT LACE SECTION New India Dimities In the new checks and bars, 27 Inches wide, extra special 23 to 28 vakd Novelty Batiste In light, medium and dark blue, with small whlto dot. This has a flvo line border, which gives a very pleasing and nrtlstlo effect. SPECIAL 1G -' YD. B 4TH OF JULY EXCURSION RATES Excursldn rate's. The Southern Pacific will Bell round trip tickets between all points on Its lines In Ore gon, Frldny and Saturday, July 3 nitd 4, 1008, at a rate of a fare nhil a third. Tickets inuBt bo used for go ing trip on day of dale. .Final re turn limit July 6. Stop over privi lege not Included. Minimum r.atc, 50 cents. Children Ave years of age and under 12, hnlf fnro. Inqulro of ngonts for full particulars. WM. M'MUHRAY, Qonoral PasBongor Agent. JOHN M. SCOTT, AsB't dcnerrtl Passenger Agent, v 0-27-Gt. ' Portland, Orccon. , o ATTEMPTED TO ROlI DAVE YANTlfl' 1I03IH About 8 o'clock Inst evening n man, whom It was afterwards found was Dort Watson who hns Just flic lBhed a term for burglary at Pendlo. 'on, walked Into the homo of Dav'd Yantls on North Center street nnd proceeded to Benrch tho llouso for valuables. Several Indies were In tho house at tho time, nnd henrd tho nolso mnde by tho burglnr. The man hnd plckod up a pair of tan shocB belonging, to Mr. YnntlB, on' when he henrd the woirien npproach Ing lie dropped them and fled, escap ing down tho alley. Night Officer Murphy was notified and camo at once to the scono of ac tion. Before ho arrived at tho house ho met Watson coming back up tho Alley townido tho h'oupo, evidently Intent upon returning for the Bhoou. Tho man was arrested and brought to the city Jnll, wherehc Is awaiting his hcnrlng. 1 PLAYED AUNT MARY TO QUEEN'S TASTE Everybody had a rollicking good, time and grow young again with "Aunt Mnry" In hor rejuvenation as played by May Ilobson nt the Grand opera house, Tho advance press ' agent hnd hit It right, It Is a screech ing comedy In parts where It Is fun ny and tho niontentjj. for nnthors nro Intense May Robson plnyed to perfection the port of an old country aunt of n senpogrnco of a nephew, who Bhe has I practically adopted iib a son nnd who Is continually getting his old aunt Into trouble with his scrnpes at col lege, Bitch as shooting a cook, cele brating until Into into tho night nnd a brench of promise milt. Her reju venation begins with second act, when sho goes to New York to bou tho nophew In a hauso filled with young college fellows all merry-mak lng, though a letter which sho had received stated tho nephew wag down with tho measles. Her Buddpn arrival occurs Just at tho tlmo ,tha college) boy aro preparing a surprlso party for the siBter of one of them nnd In .the emergoncy declare tho party gotten up especially for "Aunt Mnry," whoio second trip It Is to tho rlty within 25 years After ninny j laughable attempts, sho begins1 to. understand tho new-fnnglcd IdenB f city life and goes In for n good tluV. After tlirco .weeks In tho city hIio returns lo her hotno nnd surprises' hor old servant girl nnd hired man by nppoarlng in the Intent PnrlBlan. gowiiH. She also, attempts to sub-1 Btituto a bed for an nlito'mobllo with i nn Ice cream for tho steering goer nnd hn"? tho old hired man pmh "tho machlno" around tho room, but it docBn't go, Thoro Jb plenty of gdod philosophy running through tho play, but tlio main part Is good for ono plain long laugh. APOLOGY DUEJHE . CARMEN KCZKMA ONLY SKIN DEEP Loral Cir."t? of Risenard Surface Now Recounted as Proper Treat incut. City News Weather- ,i"Vtir tonight hihI Wednesday con- tlMUtHl WAI1I1. When in Portland Visit "Halls" new restaurant, 330 Wash. St., opposite Imperial hotel. irrigation Bills Paid on or before July 1 will be subject to a 10 per cent dhcount. tf Telenlioncs Tho executive committee of tha Farmers Telephone companies met thls'morning with Mr. Dnncy, of the Pacific States Telephone company, asd mnde nrrangements for a meet; lug gome time next week with the oclalB of the Pacific States com pany to consider the establishment of- uniform rate. The Pacific States company hna agreed to hold the mat ter of rntes In obeyance until after this meeting, . ' tho new pavement. A largo tont wllf be placed on Court street between Commercial and Front street also. Smaller tents will bo sot up on other streets, some along State, and some along Liberty. Tho business men sny that tho location of tho tents nenr tholr Btoreg Is of great advan tngo to them in n business way, nnd in tho arrangement of the tented features the Cherry Fair committee will be as impartial as possible. Irrigation Dills Paid on or before July 1 will lie subject to a 10 per cent discount, tf Cool and refreshing ZINN'S soda. Church Picnic The Presbyterian Sunday echool plcnlc will be hejd Wednesday after noon on Rojervolr hill, Mairlage License A marriage license was Issued yes terday to Charles S. Huddle6on, aged 32, and Nelen Curl, aged 31, both of Salem. .INN'S Ico cream is tho be-t in Salem. O. P. Mason Box Co. -247 Miller St., South .Salem, man ufacturer of all " kinds !o'f boxes, crates and fruit dyer accessories, Pfconq, 308. f tf. Decree Issued Judge Galloway yesterday issued a decree of sale In the partition suit of Net'lle . McKiuney vs. Mahala Minor, et ah . , Violated Ordinance Foiir nrrestB were mado yesterday Sfteruoon for vIo!atlng the new leycle ordinance, Irrigation Bills ' Paid on or before July 1 wHoe subject to a 10 per cent discount. II I IT "Woodmen Plncnlckers At a meeting of a special com mittee of the Modern Woodmen held at Woodburn on June 27, the per manent organization of tho Wood man Plcnio association was formed. It Is the Intention of the association to hold nn annual picnic, and a reg ular fund will be set aside for that purpose. IrrigatlOH Bills , l , Paid on or before July 1 will be subject to. a 10 per cent dhcount. tf Rrlncr V Your lint and od clothes and va will clean thorn so they will look llko new. Johnson & Stege, next door to 'Journal. Meat Must Be Kept In the most sanitary manner th'a hot weather. Steusloff Bros. Ennltay market keeps It perfectly. Phone 321 Tlio Best Flour . In tho Willamette valley Is mado Tight here at home. Wild Rose flov ,ja excelled by none. Try nnd re member this and order a home pro .duct next time. o DIED RICHMOND At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hale at 1704 Broadway, Mr. M. B. Richmond, nged S5, of Benll'ty, The deceased was a widow, and leaves several children, two of whom reside In Salem. The funeral will be Tield from tbe residence nt 1704 Broadway at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Revs Drs. gelJeck and Neff will conduct the services. A Wreck is ivo nniv flf rtesorlntlon for the .O vuw w.,, - .. .,-,--,---- --- innn nr wnmnn who is crinmea witn iVheumatism. Just a few rhenumatlc Cietry Fair I3.lilWt! f twinges may be the forerunner of a In lils address before the council ( pevre attack stop the trouble at last night Fraijk Powers sted thai the start with Ballard's .Snow Lln the principal exhibits of t.he cherry jment. Cures' the, rheumatism and fair woHl.b alen Court treet oe- j nBin prre 25c, 50c and $1.00, tween CoerciliU LJLBrty on g by ajj flwiiers. In gathering datn "for nn ntldro bpforo tho Pathological club, Dr. D. D. Dennis, tho skin specialist of Chi cago, prepared a tnblo of rcBUks dn microscopical blood examinations of 4 OS suffers from Bkln dlscnfle. These tests were from tho blood of persons who hnd called at Ills ofllco within n period of two years. Lcps than ,.10 per cent of nil theso canon showed anything nt all tho matter with tho blood, and tin not a single Intnnco could tho physlclnns present trnce tho slightest connection bc tweeon tho skin affection and tho blood humor. This personni experlcnco furnish ed tho Chicago physician with tho baslB for a brilliant exposition of his contention thnt eczomn, psoriasis, salt rhoum, barber's Itch and other Bkln dlenpi p.ro first nnd, last dis eases of tho Bkln nnd hnv nothing nt all to do with the blood. At tho conclusion of his pnper, Dr. Dennlo was congratulated on his demonstra tion by tho prominent medical men present. For Bovornl years Dr. DennlB has nllowed a prlvato company to manu facturo and sell his celebrated com pound of thymol glycerine and oil of wlntergreen known ns D. D. D. Prescription, and it was particularly gratifying to him that other flrat class physicians, free from prejudice nnd Jonlou6y, fhould rccommAid the D. D. D. Prescription to all skin suf ferers. It Is simply wonderful tho In stant relief tho completo takln? awny of tho Itch tho very moment this oil of wlntergrcun compound Is applied to tho skin. We know, wi vouch for it! The Capital Drug Co. JtiBt try It. We recommend D. D. D. Prescription especially when used with D. D. D. Soap. Cnll at our ftoro and wo will tell you moro i'out this Bc'ontiflp cure. PACKERS OF PRUNES HAVE ORGANIZED All the prune packers of tho northwest mot hero last night nnd organized for nintunl protection and promotion of tho Interests of their btiBinoB1!. The association will con trol all tho northwc3t prune pnek. Among tho packing-houses In the organization nro II. S. Gilo & Co., Wlllnmetto Valley Pruno association nnd W. C. Tlllaon & Co., nil of Sa lem; the Roseburg packing-houses, owned by alio & Co, and Tlllson ft Co,, Allcn'fl pncklng-houso of Eu gene, Ehrmnn & Co., of Portland; French Pncklng company of Myrtle Crook nnd tho pncklng-houso nt Van couver, Wash. o ' , About half of your usual per sistency nnd IinpefiiluesN, devoted to the task of advertising, 'will ninko you prosper. Your advertising must nhrnya give tho right clue to your per personal faith in your 1tisincs in your proposition If tlmt faith is small, is Minted Niuall nnd stinted advertising will correctly avllect It. Now for the Baby Exhibit. Tho Fourth of July commltteo Is receiving subscriptions nt a very good rate and to dato the amount subscribed "totals $1554. PlanB for tho' Fourth nro materializing every day to make the celebration a great success. A baby show Ib the latest feature. Hal Patton, one of a com mittee snyp, "Fat babios, thin bnbld3, tall, short pink, white, blnck and In fact any bnbloB can compete Two silver cups for winners. Contest ut 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in Mar lon Square," o ' . Dr. Harvey J. Clements ha? boen appointed mlcroscoplBt nnd pathol ogist nt the Oregon state insnno nsy-lum. A very unfortunate Item appeared In "Tho Journal of lnat Friday, it was In regard to motorniqn flirting with young Indies on the streetcars. This article was clipped from a for eign paper and had nothing what ever to do with tho Salem Btreotcnr boys, A more gentlemanly lot of motormen und conductors cannot be found anywhere than nro on the cars of this city. The Journal aln cerely regrets that this uncalled for paragraph accldorttly appeared In Its columns. Thoro Is a cigar duo from Tho Journnl to each of tho boys if they will step into tho office. o Kidnaped From Her Parents. (United l'rcsn Loaned Wlre.i FrcBiio, Cnl Juno 30. "If you don't pay us $5000 for your daugh ter before tonight we will come back nnd kill you." TIiIb is tho thrcnt that two mask ed desperadoes hurled at Adoplh Docmchglno, ns they carried awny his beautiful 18-y.ear-old daughter at tho point of a revolver early to day. Doemenglne lives in n ranch houso near Coallnga nnd ho hurried to town todny with a Btory that hns thrown tho Wholo oil district Into ex citement. The two kidnnpors rod' up to tho houso In the early -lionrH of tho morning nnd' set fire to tho bnrn and outhouse?. The membeis of tho .family frightened by tho crackling' flames rushed from the houso in their night clothes. The men were watting with their revol vers ready. They forced Doemenglne to throw dp his hnnds nnd told his wife she would bo killed If sho moved. Then one of the robbers wont into tho houso nnd took all tho firearm". There ho discovered Edan, tho IS-year-old girl and po'ntlng his re volver nt her, forced hor to walk bo foro him Into tho yard. By the light I of tho blazing bnrn, thoy forced tho I girl to get Into a ranch wagon. The mother wept and bitterly Impor tuned them to b(o') but to no nvall. Thoy Bpoko gruffly and told her If she did not Btdp "sniffling" thoy would ihoot hor. Tho father was' enrnucd but rould not defend bin daughter for fear that he would bo killed If ho jnndo a move. The girl was forc9d to sit In the middle of tho wagon Feat. Then one in nn sat on each sldo of her nnd held her. With curses they hurled the pnrtlng thrcnt nt Doemenglne, who had no wennon nnd fenred to follow. Tho mother Bwooned bb sIh saw her daughter In tho hands of the ruffians nnd hearing her screams ( aB tho wagon rolled off down tho rond. The father hatened to tho nearest house and securing aid and! flrenrms, eci out In pursuit but all trace of the bandits hnd been lost loftjor Chicago this mornlne fctl ident Del f elder of tho Wyoralijj SOCltlOn R iftln sviibi,!.,! i "W tho 'meeting. u l0 WH Arraugementa have been waAl) yarioua western delegates to ml the bonrd of trade, prominent bwG ers and railroad men of Chlcst. l at luncheon' thorq Frldny afSSSA and It I- exp-ptoa as th "SW "Us meeting a wool storage !,.' houso will bo erected at Sn f" tho w'ndy city similar to thi , S completed In Omnhn through the J fortB of tho Wyoming growers N Tho capacity of the Omftha'rt0N age houso wll be severely tSS this season and one twice ni w ! proposed for Chicago 8ecu Ballantyne Is enthusiastic over K latest attempt of tho wesleta wL growers to escape the mlddleiJS profits nnd says that a majority J Idaho sheepmen, now that they fmu understand tho plan nre nhxlous J boo tho Chicago plan material! According to the reports received from the wool centers of Wyomlir tho establishment nt the wool Btor age warehouse at Omaha hag hadii appreciable effect on the Indutb in Wyoming. Eastern wool bur nro becoming moro numerous tn' very few snlea are made, nnd wool' ospec ally from the central part o tho Btnto, Is being moved to Ombi ns, rnpldly ns tho weather will t.. mlt of Bhenrlng and shipping, ' The Omnhn banks have announce thnt they are In position to male liberal loons on warehouse tertl ficotes. With the low prices offertd for wool by tho eastern buyers now In Wyoming growers feel that they aro taking no chances by Bhlpjilng to Omnhn. where It lit nnlil ft .... of tho larger manufacturers of'the enBi nave already mane mentB to plnoe orders ns tholr clips are In. arrange- soon a Govqrnor Albert D. Cummins, ybo came nenr being the Republican Ylce presldontlnl nominee, will probably resign the governorship In order to prnctlco law and tnke a pnrt In the campaign. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Buph's Bank, Salem, 0 Nor wlcb Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Besidcnt AgcsU Offlco with Wm. Brown & Co., No 2 & Commercial street. NEW TODAY WKKTKIIX RHEEPMKN DESIBR CHICAfJO AS WOOD CRNTEK (Baker City Democrat.) Sam Ballantvne, secretary of tho Idaho Wool Growers' association, was In the city last, night enroute to Chlcngo to meet the bonrd M trade, prominent bankers nnd rail rond men of that city regarding the wool storngo warehouse tho western rheepmen nre desirous of locntir.g there this season, says tho Cheyenne Tribune. At this meeting Idaho will also be represented by Governor Gooding who Is president of the National Wool Grower's association find by Scott Anderson of the Idnho asso ciation. Secretary Walker of the Na tionnl nnd Wvomlng associations. Wnntrd at Once From $100 to $500, tho best of collateral secur ity to offer. Address Q 10, Jour nal offlco. 6-11-tf-- For Bale Several houses In 8km and farm 'anda at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank.' 6-1-eod Human Hnir Only I will be at J. A. Selw6ods, 4G5 North Front street, for one week only. Call and brine, your combings nnd have them put up first class or buy a new iwltcb. Mrs. C. A. Spauldlng. 6-27-3t- Wnnted A man to do choir anJ light work about place. Apply to . A. F. Hofer, Board of Trado roonn Wonted Forty berry pickers. For i information call at Voget Lumber i & Fuel Co. 6-30-31 Wanted At onco 30 women at the Mutua' cnnnlng company., 0-g0-3t FORCED OUT SALE t ' t" sMMIMBSSWWSSMMMMiSWasBWWMMWIMWWWaM STORE LEASED OVER OUR HEADS If Yot Bay Shoes Hee Yot Will Have Money Left to Spend Celebrating the Foth ' ' i - 1 1 1 i "Ladies9 White Canvas Oxfotfds Regular price $2.50, sale price $1.65 Regular price $1.75 and $2.00, sale price -$1.35 Regular price $1.50 sale price - - - 1,15 Regular price $1.25, sale price - 95c Misses' reg. price $1.25 and $1.50, sale price 95c ,;,, , , ..J . ..,, , . oc. Children's 5 to 8 90c to $1.00, sale price - 75c Children's 8 to 11 $1.10 and $1.15, sale price 85c Men's and Women's Ovfords, Regulnr 5.00 Salo Price. .. .83,75 Men's and Women's Oxfords, Regular $;i.00 Sale Price..,. S2.25 M,en's and AVomen's Oxfords, Regulnr $4.00 Sale Price S2.95 Hoys' Oxfords, Regular $2.75 Snlo Price S2.10 Men's and Women's Oxfords, Regular $8.50 Salo Price $2.75 Roys' Oxfords, Regulnr $2.00 Sale Price Sl.'iO Remember this is our last summer here, and everything must be sold. Look over this list and then bring in the entire family to be shod. It will be the best investment you have made this year. Money saved is money earned. OREGON SHOE COMPANY vc . Salem, Or. "The Home of Good Shoes"