.DAILY QAMTA1, IQVUSAU SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1008 J. 1, STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER GREAT SUmItoALES We 'are offering high-class new merchandise at greater reductions than ;iny other store; Store, because We are determined to close out Spring and Summer goods4 before the Fall shipments arrive. Severe Pains - Ijames "J When a prominent :nerve is affected, the pain is severe. It is called ueu- ralgia. It may be in eith er tiie ncaa or uoay. lte mof comes only when this nerve trouble is overcome. By its soothing and strengthening influence upon the nervous system 'Dr. Miles' Nervine re- AUSTIN LARSON ,w gild V m w f1 cotit.m Ladies' Suits Reduced All of those high class La Vogue and Pine Bro3. Suits a3 well as the medium priced street suits aro re duced without reserve. 910 SUITS . . 7 Ilcdiiral to ; t 90.OO 31B SUITS I'lcduced to ' $10.00 $18 SUITS Ilvtluced to ..".. $12.00 20 SUITS Itcditml to $23 SUITS Hodurctl to 9H0 SUITS lteduct'd to $33 SUITS' lU'diiced to $10 SUITS l t f t t i t "J . ..$13.31 . .'$10.07 :j.'.J ;. $20.00 'jinr itocK ..a........ $M3.3 1 f . t Iteduced to $20.07 $30 SUITS Hcducod to ; , ,i ,r.tt" $33.31 $00 SUITS Heriiicctl to $10.00 $73 SUITS ' .' ' J Krdiiml tt ."..,... .$30.00 $10.00 Suits Our $10 Suit Snlo U tho talk of the town. Remember wo offor any flB to $1G.G0 suit In our storo for $10.00 Jap Cushion Tops 15c each Just tho thing for porch and out- log cushions. mm MIL KiWm ill ivy4 W( ' it 1 R1 tl V 01 t II VvVW I Mm u B .'l i tt 1 nil ii.irae. WONIlKIlFUli HEALEU HAS DE TERMINED TO SlEXI A WEEK IX THIS CITV AND WIM IH CEIVE PATIENTS AT THE WIL- liAMETTH IIOTKC.. James Austin Larson, the origina tor of eleconl, tho science of vibra tion In tho treatment of human Ills, has determined to visit Salem. Ills business representative la In tho city and announces that Mr. Larson hAs taken rooms at the Willamette hotel, where he will receive patients for moves the cause. 'It wis about two years aeo that 1 was takon down with what th do torn claimed was neuralgia, and some called It llKhtnlnjf rheumatism. Rharp piUwi would go from one place to an other, moetly In my head, and they would lost two or three days before 1 could get relief. Durlntc theso apelU I would be bo nervous that I hardly know what 1 waa dolnir. The pain; were so sovoro and exnaustlnir that my husband would have to steady raj when walklnr across the room. I would have fever, and my heart would tteJpltate. and In a day or ttvo I would feel better. Just as soon as I would xpoee myself the vory least I was sure to have it spell of tteuralRla. I have taken lota of doctor's medicine, but I mlffht just ns well tako water. My aunt kept writing inn To Just try Dr. Miles Nervine, and I am thank ful that I was persuaded to do so. for the Nervine has cured me has drives tt out of my system. Dnc0 1122 Savtinnnh Ave., 8t. Joseph. Ms Dr. Miles' Nervine I sold by your druuqUt, who will guarantee that the first 1ottle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind United States troops havo been ordored to prevent Mexican rebels from coming Into tho United Stntos, which Is to romaln neutral, A Jnpanoso liner yesterday re duced tho rocord run from Yoko- ltama to aau l-rancisco uy seven hours. 5 and 10c Ribbons A line of Taffeta and Satin Tril lions woth 15c to 2Cc a yard reduced "... 10f A lino of Taffeta and Satin Rib to YD bons worth 8c to lGc a yard, reduced to id vj SILK SUITINGS 25c A YARD Only n fow patterns loft. You will bo surprised at thh offering nnd really wonder how wo can afford to sell theso good fabrics In neat, ta3ty patterns tor 25c a yard. i itwsmwi 10NEERS ANNUAL REUNION IIKI.I) SXTUHDAY. JUXE 27, AT HINT'S GIIOVK NHAK M.w. I.KAY WHATllKlt HHAUTIFUL. Tho annual reunion of tho Waldo illl's,, Plonoora took placo on tho srounds generously provliiou uy non A, Hunt on his fnrm ea3t 01 wc; pcay, and Mr. Hunt acteu as not and nreslded over tno program ui tho dav. Thoro was a large atten dance, tho day being beautiful Tho victor Point cornot bana rurmsnuu the music, mid thoro woro solos ana tho Wll ard nnd uocrj 1 neor school mastor of Sllvorton, gavo 1 a practical educational talk tht ! wai onjoyed by nil present. There were moro' musical numbors, whon tho wholo party ndjourned to par take of ono of thoao grand picnic dinners for which tho Waldo Hll's peoplo aro famous. Thoro wo:o seven-story layer cakes with puro cream in tho lnyors; strawberry pie I with whipped cream a foot deep; fried chlckon, roast chicken, and chicken pie; homo made bread ( the loaves eight inchos deep); honw made butter of tho buttercup yel low; potato fa!ad and lettuco salni drestod with oroam; etc., etc., etc. Somo of tho Individual pioneers present narrated' many romlnlucenoiM of their voyages across tho plain, via Panama and Cape Horn. There were some relics at tho reunion Unit 1 would havo rojolcod tho heart of Rev Hlmos of tho State Historical socloty, Thero were two of tho first bricks ever made near Salem liv Pollard nnd Pitman. HI lh-iJ. ' norn In Iown. Our family were all born and raised In Iowa, and havo used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy (made at Des Moines) for years. Wo know how good It Is from long oxporloncp In tho Use of It. In fact, whoit In El Paso, Texas, tho writer's llfo was saved by tho prompt uso of this remedy. Wo aro now engaged In tho morcantllo busi ness at Narcoosseo, Fla., and havo Introduced tho remedy horo. It has provon very successful nnd is con stantly growing In favor. Ennls Bros. This romody Is for sale by Dr. Stono's drug storo. flSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT HBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbP 2 "h A IfMLjsssssslA . f JE . . V i fPlsssssssssssm r?SBBBs! I JSH, mQ W fHLBBBBBBBBBBBST ma0iFuXk', bbbbbbbEsbbbbbbbbbbbbI vsbbbbK'JbbbbbbPI bbbbbbWsbbT , sT sirf- I nc Lause-of Many - Sudden DealhiL' There Is a disease prevailing lit tkts country mostdanxerous becatwesodecap. " uve, xauy sudden deaths are fcausexj by It heart ll . ease, pnciiiuouii heart failure otft result of kid. ney diseaee. Ifjfe kidney trobble k allowedtnadvaue the kluey.polso ed blood will atA orzaus. causiutr catarrh ot , the bladder, or the kidneys themselve break down and waste away cell by celLL Bladder tronbles almost always result p. from a derattxcnient of the kidneys aad ? a cure is obtained nuiCkett by a pre great kidney, liver nnd bladder remedy, j- WmSr tack the vil 1 nuiCkest bv a nrotr ... . .,..i.. ii .j. ' . - ircaiuicnt oi me Kuineyi. it you are !! itu; badly you can umkc no mistake by takltiKDr. Kilmer's Swamp.Roet, tfcie tho period of ono weok, of tor his nrrlvnl. Ho will likely reach Salem on Sunday, July 5th, -will roat a day after his arduous labors In Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, D. 0., nnd olsowhore nnd on Monday will rccelvo. thoso who nrt Interested In tho Toloconl treatment. Watch th-j now papers for his ninounconiont. They will bo found Interesting road-Ing. It corrects inability to hold uriue bhJ scaldiugpnlu in passing It, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being-;; compelled to go often throifglt the day, and to get up many tittles durlnir tW night. The mild and the cxtraordiury effect of Swantt-Root is soon realised. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. ' Swamp'Root is pleasant to take and UA sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar site bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent Tree by malt, Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., MnxlMmtoh, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous oiler in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, Dr. Kilmer's hwamn-Root, and the address, IllugharatoM, N, Y on every bottle. Goncral Weaver. of Idaho. Is at tempting to force Prohibition In tha' Democratlo platform. ' Tlilnlct It Saved Ills Life. Lester M. Nelson, of Naple. Maine, says In a recent letter: "I havo usM Dr. King's New Discovery many years, for coughs and colds, nnd I think It saved my life. I havo found It a roliable romody for throat and lung complaints, and. would no moro bo without a bottle1 than I would bo without food," For' nearly 40 yearo New Discovery ha stood at tho head of throat and lung romodles. As n provontlvo of paeu monla, and hcalor of weak lungs It has no equal. Sold under guarante at J. C, Parry's drug store, ooo ma $1,00. Trial bottle free, .. . i o Bishop Potter, of Now York, U dangerously III with Intestinal, troubles, 0AWTO3RIA. Bxik. lt Kir.d UJ Hi 'I MtK r &sz&fa 388 State Street EXCLUSIVE MEN'S SHOP Phoqe Miln 355 vas rernllod. Rnporlioa tvnrn mniln liv Hon. Geo. 3. Downing who read tho mlnutca of previous meetings and gave taeinor- sketches of tho plonoors wnw fere callec beyond sinco tno iuw aeetlng. Col. J. K. Bluff, tno pio- ones bv w . . .. IIV I UI1U1U US( --- oint nuartots. Miss Juua was ouu - nff.born bv Tllmon Ford, f tho sweet slngors of tho day an.i . f . and ugeil jn ti,0 D tf)AflllAf1 I . . .a At.n T..aIi irnnllnffJI I rounuaiion 01 wiu jhwu ""i'm bouse. Kapllngor was represented at tho reunion bf hl3 son John Kap linger, who brought to tho reunion tho wooden tar bucket that was hung under his fathpr's wagon In l which they crossed tho plains. Tar was uea to greaso iuu "" Aplndles of tho wagons. Also two brass stirrups mado In 1S38. Jacob Kanllngor came across In 1845, tno second overland oarnvan, in wnun wore many prominent p'.onoars. M Cooley of Sllvorton was the olde t pioneer present In time or arrival 1845. He came acroa with the Diirbln, John Durbln, and his three sons, Sol, Dan and ! Ik Those datos carry a man back to tne .beginning of things n Oregon 1 Is only a few years since the w riier heard Rev Parrlsh toll how when . o came In 1S3G he was for some time personally acnua n od with every white man west of the Rock ies Louis Griffith was at the w- nd 5 nB . g wUh the crojd. but : a ft. oM friend, calling on him 1 1 his carriage. He was f0"''1 newcomer, arilvlng In 1S51. Anions J IrtO llHf'KHr. WHV , - There Is a Lot of Unnecessary Eye Trouble In this world. We allow our selves to become nervous and fret fu., Weeds of caro overrun tho garden of tho heart when they should never be allowed to take. root. A GREAT DEAL OP THH PRESENT EYE TROU11LE Is caused by peeoplo selecting Glasses for themselves that ara unsu'.ted for their eyes. WE SUPPLY THE BEST after thorough examinations and tests. , Barr's Jewelry Store State and Liberty Streets. Rov. P. S. Knight was not present ns ho wni on tho program, but was de tained by a wedding at Salem. Hon. Wm. Ka'sor wns also detained I y a lawsuit, or ho would havo be mi thero as n speaker on this occasion Ono speaker commontod on tho fact tl' t'in viry grove In which tho annual colebrntlon Is held has grown lip since tho nrrlval of these same pioneer and somo of tho trees aro two feet In diameter. Following mo somo of tho pioneers present, thoso marked with an nsterlsk being bo-n In Oregen: List if Pioneer. R. P. Davenport, Sllvorton, lfc51: Mrs. Davennort. Sllverton. 18C7: H. McAlIster. Shodds. 1S48, J. T. Klnc.i Rt. 0 Salem, lSup: Mntthow Small, Sllverton. 1SB3; Geo. S. Downing. Salem. 1853; T. R. Hlbbard, Sllv' ton, 1S47; Honry Porter, Aum -vllle, 1SC0; J. P. Savnge. Aumsv'l!". 1850; Mrs. Savage, Aumsvllle, 1.ID3; Mrs. E. J. Know'es, Sllvorton, 1847; P. Bowors, 8Uverton, isoj; t. w. Davenport, Sllverton, 1851; J. rt. Renschaw, Tiger, Wash., 1850; Renshaw. Tiger, Wash, 185C A. L. Downing Sublimity, 1S6; p T. Hicks, Sllverton, 1SCC; J. K. Buff. SHvorton. 1852; M. Cooler. Sllverton, 184S; Wm. R. Jones, Sllverton. 1849; Mrs. .lone, Silver ton. 1851: John A. Hunt. Waldo Hills, 1847; Mrs. Hunt, Wnldo H'lU 1854: Mrs. Susan Swank Newton. Soattlo, Tremont Station, 1853, Mr. T.nnisn Webb Darby. Stnyton, 152. Mrs W. H. Humphroys. Shaw, 1854; E. A. Downing. Stnyton. 1855; Mrs. Downing. Stnyton. 1852; William H. Humphrey Shaw, 1R53; W. II Downing, Wiaw. 1S5S; Joslah Morley. Shan. 1850; Win. B. McAllister. Pratum. ISfil: .Tnhn Ka"'neer. It R. Ba''n 1847; Mrs. Kapllngor, Salem, 18C9; H H, Savage, Salem. lhj". J Darby. Sllvorton. 1862; Mr. Dai by, Sllverton, 1S65; Mr Mai) Patton, C'yrar, Poesll. 1857; Jop T. Hunt. Sub! mlty, 1802. rVQUR VACATION Seernm,.Or.ndn,.1.arbj nt Qtnvtnn. who camw iu - Jailed on her on one of hie cam '" of the Eastern Oregon Plo nr, nrosent was a Mrs. Corner n FU which recalled i" Mrs. uiymer. "-,, wfl8 jn the nelghbornooaj --- of the Whitman massacre. w speakers very much regreuwi WHEREVER SPENT Will be pleasantly and comfortably spent, If we furnish your , ; VACATION TOGS And the prices you will pay for them here, and the sterling values you will receive, will make your outing one of pleasure and profit. Seashore, For Mountains, Country, r..,..iti fniinot Hi Cun-d. with local applications. theyi oannot reach the seat of "";: Catarrh h a blood or constitutional j disease, and In order to cure it wi, must take intftmal remedies Hajlv Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure r. " ,.nv medic no. It waa pre scribed by one of the best pW"" In thla country for years and is a llr nrescrlntlon. It Is composed of the best tonka known, corobinen with the best blood purifiers, actng directly on the mucous surfaces. The nerfect combination of the two in- wondel multsln curing Catarrh.' Send (or testimonial. i F. J. Cheney Co., prop. Tole- "nit Hall-. Family Pill, tor con '"soidb .11 drnggUt., price 7Sc. Wherever you may be going, you will find here, for summer comfort and service, iust the RIGHT KIND Or TOGS JUST THE RIGHT KIND Of PRICES AT "Every Man Is Odd" But We Can Fit Him jJfclciHPitiMWWllmM--lilsT "Every Man Is Odd" But We Can Fit His. BBsssesissBssBsssBsssBSBssslsesesse r -&, T CLOTHIER. -HABERDASHER .- iA f a f , 1 i 1 39 HI If- A, T' " ' ' l' - u ! l s 1 I' It ll , JJ -