DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BAiAfiftf, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1008 Cottolene j . . Shortens your food Length y6Ur life CottoUne IS a cteably, wholesome product. It is made from cottonsccd oil, in a thor oughly modern and hygienic manncr and ia juSt aa pure as olive 6iU It, moreover makes palatable, digestible, healthful fdoti which will agree with the most delicate stomach. Lard food on the contrary, is indigestible, and will cause trouble if its use ia persisted in. Cottolene is endorsed by the most promi nent cooks and household economists of the country, ns well ai by those of the medical profession Who mako a special study of pure food There is no substitute for Cottolene, because there is no shortening so good as Cottolene. It stands alone, as everyono who has used it according to directions will verify. Cottolene is Guaranteed We hfereby authorize your grocer to refund your money in case you're not pleased after having given COTTOLENE a fair test. Never Sold in Bulk COTTOLENE is packed in pails with a patent air-tight top. to) keep it clean, fresh and wholesome; also to prevent it from ab sorbing uie disagreeable odors of tue grocery, sucii as lisn, oil, etc. Cook Book Free We shall be glad to send any house wife, for a two-cent sbmn. our new "PORE POOD COOK BOOK," edited and conlpilcd by Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, author of the famous "Boston Cook Book." Address THE N. K. PAIRDANK COMPANY, CHICAGO Nature9 s Gift from the Sunny South JTEWSPAPEItMAX NEARLY NAME!) VICIM'ItESI DI3XT Now th nt It Is nil over, It trans pires that with no campaign fund or organization back of him a clover Washington correspondent, J. C Wolllver formerly of Iowa, nearly won for Iowa tho honor of furnish ing Tnft's running mate on tho Re publican ticket. Only tho fear of losing strength for the pnrty in New York stnto defeated Mb bold, Bingle handed attempt to securo tho nomi nation for Lowo, m apito of that state's "cortnlnty." Wolllver Is po litical editor of tho Washington Times, an authority on railroad tax ation matters and withal a person of acumen and skill which President Roosovelt recognized by a special commission to mako an Investigation in Europe last year. Prior to com ing to the convention ho had -forecasted In correspondence the prob ability that Senator Dollivor's name would be considered; this caused a great stir In Iowa because of tho factional situation that was Involved in tho probable boosting of Gover nor Cummins to Senator Dollivor's shoes should Dollivcr be elected vice president. Tho political wheel horses hurried horo and from his first day in Chicago Wolllver was tho conter of ono of the hottest fights of tho convention, ono beneath tho sur face. Even up to the cvo of tho vice presidential nomination Weill vor was tho livest wire In tho con tests mid politicians will never coac to bo nmazed at what ono mnn and his poucll was able to accomplish in national affairs. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is tho one that children llko so well to take as It tastCB nearly ns good ns maple Biigar. It acts gently yet freely on tho bowels and thereby it drives tho cold out of tho system. It In sold bv all druggists. . Something Doing Every Minute JULY 4 At SALEM CELEBRATE ...WITH US... JULY At SALEM CELEBRATE ...WITH US... LOCAL BALL BY JOCK On next Sunday nftornoon tho mixers of "merry Julco" for tno local saloons and the fuzz cutterB employ ed in tho different tonsorinl parlors, will Bet nside all their natural nb horenco of stained hands and gopd old dirt, and take a whirl nt tho great national game of ball, and a very likely collection of ball 'artists" will fnco each other on the South Salem grounds a$2!80 Sunday p. m. '.. ; : " Tho" battery for 'tho4 bartondora is "Sweed" Miiloi and Baity fjodpor, and Brietzko and Neer will hold the fort for tho lather stingers, Miller, tho Blnbster for tho bartenders, has n hard-glnBB rop, although his too plato 1b a llttlo rusty, and his curve ball brenkB In Mb hnnd too Often duo to lack of practice. Datty Cooper, the receiver for the refresh ment distributors, is tho catching kid, and Mb actions next Sunday will ho doubt prove a credit to him. Tho barber twist artist will nl&o show up to n good advantage, he having travoled, around in tolornbly fajt compnny heretofore. Tho respective teams are com posed of players thoroughly ac quainted with tho how and way of playing tho gnmo, but their know ledge of tho rulo book may be JubI a llttlo neglected owing to tho fn'ct that tho majority ' of tho playdra Imvo nbnndoncd professional ball. Tho line-up of tho two aggrega tions Is ns follews: Bartenders Barber? Cooper c Neer Miller p Brietzko Sauvalna. .'...,. j .lb Miles Will Nusbaum ... 2b Hownrd Joe Nusbaum .... 3b Booth Stottcr ss Corsoy Strutcr If Fltzgratcr West cf Gibson Simpson rf Wilcox Subs: For bartenders, Towland, Wiley, Flshburn, Swnrtz and Oroy. Tho Cherry Pickers w'll let loose nt tho East Portland aggregation on next Sunday nt the locnl lenguo grounds. Tho locnl team have thrco now men on tho team, they being Joe Fny, well known horo n a first-class hall artist. JohnBon, formerly with tho Frnkos team of Portland,' and an nil round good player, and Roberts of Oregon City. Roberts will undoubt edly throw tho game for Salem Sun day. Curtis Coleman u also ex pected to play with tho local Trl-CIy team Sunday. t o CONVENTION WAS GOLD MINE FOR CHICAGO NEWPORT, on yWin'' NEWPORT, on Yaqtilna Bay, is tho most IhT3815 summer rtaott'on thd OnSgoV coast. Tho fishing ZLm Ml aro unexcelled anywhoro. Miles of tho fln05t bench nS,8 m rtrt tain scenery tand trout streams mako a comblnaiinnJ .d llh tasto or an. Dolow aro tho leading firms of NBWHftV' it Lv tl. II I ' '1 " fr $ i Am the MAn Wf n in a ttnn haJ nttt 1... 11 ' . . iu uud wuuuwu um, uy iijo Iiro last wlntr u ness again on a larger, Extent than Sver, and m il? lk i all bid customers and as mnnv nhw " i?" dy.lh b Fresh eggs,1 vegetables, and all staple . grocSle ? V' iSK summer people nftd: My now grocer? ffi f J tj,Awy??S coin county. Froo delivery. y loro ,s tn wt UftiT. . . . LEE 1 .flffrAte, JTHwk S SSa ii di. in i i- ' mJ t v win kij tr? , ww T? i4 Aiceo rood : Wo can supply yo with ovorthlng In the crocd if ... ! fresh butter and vegetables of nil S tTN St Nyer Bench and ono at Newport. You, dors Voiic&ftjj; . fflffeapw&i HOTEL BRADSrfAf Rooms and board. Rooms with froo use of fi.,,r..., ... . . 1 WOOd. Half wnv fn ,. n-.v uvu 1KW3. ! i J... "' UVttMl, OTPrnftVn. ' iiaiuu rcnsonnuie. v'"i iiic'flidlng dlsh03 and tno "cean. W. 0. COOK, Prop. Keirjort, o. IRVIN HOUSE Tho most home-llko and comfortablo hotel at Nye Bench. Fluo bowling alley nnd club houso in connection. Two minutes walk from the ocean. "Courteous treatment" 1b tho motto of tho management. S. G. Irvfn, Prop. Newport I FIVE BANDS WILL FURNISH MUSIC, BASE BALL, RE LAY RACE, BABY SHOW and other sports whichill be men tioned from time to time in the daily press notices; such as catching greased pigs, auto races, balloon ascention, etc. FIRE WORKS-The most beautiful ever seen in Salem. fc-'TVJ 23Sy .MiK.-r.F3i, wA.. --tfp; Chicago, Juno 20. That tho Repub lican natlonnl convention was n mil lion dollar prize for Chicago is shown by this balance phect: Receipts Retail houses $ G50.000 Thirst emporiums 300,000 Hotels 1G0.000 Entertaining of Chlcag- oans 200,000 $1,200,000 Cost 150,000 Profit $1,050,000 According to C. M. Treat, secre tary of tho convention burenu of tho Chicago Association of Commorcj, tho visitors numbered 50,000, but John C. Roth, president of tho Hotel Keeper' association, says they did not number more than 10,000, it be'ng a fact worthy of note that, tho railroads issued no passes to thN convention nnd did not reduco rates much, their failure to do so being to lome extent made up by the 2-cent-d mile rntei that prevail In the Chica go territory. The real convention was held, ns some one has remarked, in th? big lake front hotels which were overcrowded with guests, visi tors and high tension confabs. Tlu marching clubs, which spent large sums to attend the convention, were lavish spenders and feeling runs high because there was a failure to furnish the members with seats at tire Coliseum. The Philadelphia Marching club, for Instance, paid out $22,000 for their expenses and this was about a fair average for the others. Everyone benefitted by the convention, the butcher, the bakers and candlestick maker, the dealers in the necessary commodities moro than the rest, and the hotel, men, provision men and restaurant keep ers most.f o CASTOR I A 1'or Infants and Children. llii Kind You Have Always Bought i-o ! &L'-Mlfiii THE TAFT HOUSE Prlvato boarding. Strictly homo cooking, servo tho best meals, you help yoursolf. Rates ronBonnblo. MRS. MARY I1ATCIIMAX, Mgr. Cor. Fifth and Hurlburi Streets, ono block north of Presbyterian church, ROYAL RESTAURANT For quick service, strictly homo cooking, go to thd address be low REACH LUNCHES our specialty. WeBt side of Front St., ono and one-half block south of boat landing. MIDWAY Large, bright, airy rooms. Board furnished. Halfway be tween Newport and Nye Brook. FIr6t-claco in every respect. Bag gage hanled ono way free. RnteB reasonable. WM. BORDEN, - Newport, Or. McDonald Ifouso R. A. McDonald, proprietor. Prlvato board and lodging, moderate rates, homo cooking. Located at Nye Bench, Newport, Oregon. When you go to Newport rmS Bain's Hack &Driy Co. - gives special attention ft.Bwi ring baggage ana carap outflu rli nishod and unfurnished how? wood and hay for gale. Ltatel ders at Baln'a Bakery, Nye Crf Newport, Oregon. Phone cou tlons. j' Slmond Lcmltcn the borai Launches and r" kinds oftolk-. for rollt. ExrnrelnM.l. i.w. u .. .-... ,v..v, Mj mi imi i ui mo ODjr, Will BW trains nt nnv tlmo at Yqjluo request. Rates reasonable. .Vim port, Ore. A. J. Rader's Camping (komi) Hero you will find sood 'i, 80ptlc tanks, good location; foocfr tton nnd furnished tents to rent tt Nye Creek. A. J. Rader, proprietor, .-Newport, uregon. Hot sea BATfe HOT SEA BATHS Nye Beach, S A Comfortablo Summer BefK House. ( THE SEAVIEW HOUSE Mrs. S. 8. Burrowi, Half-way between the PostoJtce il Nvo Creek. Rates, H.25 a W room and board, Newport, 0rf Bears Sign: O. K. BARBER SHOP A first class up-to-dato ihop. Do not overlook this place for tho best work. There 1b no barber better skilled with a razor or pair of slssors than R. N. WALTER, Prop. West side Front street, near boat landing. Agency for Corvallls Laun dry. CIGARS and TOBACCOS I have selected the best brand3 of Cigars and Tobacco consist ent with the trade. Can supply you with what you wish with . satisfaction. Also carry a com ' plete lino of soft drinks. E. CASS, Prop. Front Street, opposite The Re ception, Newport, Oregon. THE OCEAN HOUSE Fine vlo- of Bay, bentlfol !w tlon away from noise and the of tho streets. Dlock and hiliw boat londlng. Open iummerMf; ter, Newport, Yaqtilna W, Oft 0 yfffv5sh. &aku. KLir M mrl V THE BEST J FA311IY fcVfci "- uan up -- '" mtm tfndor and juicy . - pork. All our meats m (rom the cnoicen, 'i(i & the table to sum u'-;Uwf faatidious. Our prices are quality taan ywu placflln Salem, - air4 oi" t'uono " FURNITURE Newport, Oregon For Household Furniture of every kind and description go to H. D. BLAKELY Carpets, Matting, Stoves and Hard- n-ara O.-ill ri vont vnll n ratUDlng Ot housekeeping outfit and buy back when you leave. Prices always rea sonable. , .. South Front Street, only storo of tne b l ' '- - iiGoklDMtP V....1.. i... THE Sll'- ' . . .1IIUIL- I .UI.UC- .-. or- gon. Mndo for tuW Mk your grocer for y . ! nnd shorts .JW ! p. B. WalUce (JF 1MW'" --T'l VAIJIUII caifu WATW LUT I ona."- ' - gu. m .iter rl ?i,i evt ' ... i Air "" Bills 6.1 kind. X" llllWIHMaH J,