i riV S5 ' t t' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNK 20, 1008 NEW TODAY Advnnce showing of EARLY FALL STYLES in IiADlBd TAlL ORED SUITS, The jackets aro 3G Inch length, hand tatllordd, man nish effects. Tho materials tiro the new venves and colors in self stripe and shadow strips Herringbone .serges and dlngonnls. These suits arrived today and nro on display fpr every one who wants to, see the now fall styles. Ready To Wear Departments First Floor .i Just Received 35 Cases of New Shoes This Week New Summer Oxfords in tho now shades of tan and oxblood with Cuban heels. ThiB is tho shoo wo have had so many inquiries about, so they ate here now. Call and choose before size3 become broken. Three different styles of Ladles' Tan Shoes nrrlvod this morning. Tho now Napoleon Tops something new, something different, and aro tho famous Plngrco made. The largest shipment of Children's Shoes wo have ever received nro now on display in the shoo section. Those Bhoes aro for all sizes of tots. Shoe Section of trado has succeeded in having tho regular mall service restored on tho 8:40 8. P. train to Portland. Plans for tho further Improvement of the mail system nro now under way. Marriage 'Llccnsc-- A marriage Jicenao was Issued yea terdny to Andrew "N: Thompson,- aged 32, of Dellinghnm, Wash., and Miss Cora E'. Burr, aged 2tf, of Salem. Partition Suit J, A. Miller et nl havo.brought suit against I, B. Miller et nl for the par tition of several tracts of land near OervalB, belonging Jointly to 19 persons. Remains Shipped The remains of Artie F, Cook, who died at the asylum Tuesday of tuber culosis, wero shipped to Lebanon for lntormont at 11 o'clock this morning. You may work 20 hours n day, nml still bo neglecting your bus! ncss unless you nrc advertising It progressively. Yes; n Httlo advertising is bet ter thnn none a great denl bet ter. Rut, If your business Is worth while, a little advertising h not ENOUGH better than none to answer your requirement. STATE PAIR WORK IS PROGRESSING Hygrade Muslin Underwear Trimmed with dainty laces, cholco embroidery, bands, beading and tucked effects. This Is positively tho best offer of gowns, corsot cov ers, petticoats, drawers, chemises, ots., we havo ever made at a sav ing of One Fourth I Summer Silks and Dress Goods Jn plain and fancy weaves; White Silks, Voiles, Eollnnes, Henriettas, Crepes, Brilllantlnes and Panamas. 1 World of White Prices .r4e&y,fafe4i d V rwgBw3WYranr- uwjbiism wriwrmm ITPffffl City News "Weather Fair tonight and Friday, When in Portland VlBlt "Halls" now restaurant, 330 Wash. St., opposite Imperial hotel. gacs to Recover Mrs. Mary E. "Watson, administra trix for tho estate of Mnry McLynch, has 'brought stilt against her son, F. O. McLynch for tho recovery of 1738.45 paid by hor on a promlsory sote. Possible New Factory M, C. Reed of Portland, who is In Mailing tho now Anlshlngj In the Capital National' bank, Js Investigat ing tho chances of establishing a factory In this city for the manufact ure of liiBide finishing material. Q, F. Mason Rov Co. 247 Miller St South Salem, man ufacturer of all kinds' of boxes, crntei and fruit dyer accessories. Phone. 308. tf. Canning Tons of Berries Sovon toiB of strawberries .were received nt the cannery yesterday. The strawberry season Is nearly over, but owing to tho recent rains tho crop Jiarv.osted during the last few days has been unusually largo. This week will be the biggest in the straw berry season. Nsxt.weok the factory will begin canning cherries. About 150 girls are now employed at tho cannery. tho case will be continued in depart ment No. 1, on September 1, Rridgo Oicn Tomorrow Contractor C. F. Royal, who hao charge of tho repairing of the steel bridge, states that the bridge will probably bo opened for traffic tomor row morning. It Costs Money To' be up-to-dnto, but Steusloff Bros, have Bpared neither time nor expense to have the most sanitary meat market In the stato of Oregon. Phono 321. Lvt Us Help You In your business by keeping your clothes nnd hato looking like new. A good appearance Is a valuable asset In business. Johnson & Stege, next door to Journal office. A Good Smoke Is always n treat to a smoker. You need never bo nshnmed to offer a man a cigar manufactured by tho Sal ''in Cigar Factory. Tashmoo, Ln Carona and Bon Ton. Can You Think , Of a better wny to build up Salem than to. buy homo products. Then buy Wild Roso flour, a home manu facture. P. 6. Ting nt Hnlf-Mnsf Postmaster Farrar this morning received the following telegram from tho treasury department nt Wash Wash ingeon: "In accordance with the proclamation of tho President of tho , United States you aro directed to ills' , ploy the flag at half mast on the pub lic building In your charge, as a ' mark of respect to tho memory of i tho lato Grovor Cleveland, former president of tho United States." (Signed) WIthrop. Attention' The Fourth of July committee nnd tho business mon of the city are re quested to meet at tho Board of , Trado rooms tonight at 8- o'clock to OlaclilHgcc Appeal Filed i decldo on what hours to close their Tho contest case in tho largo estate houses of business on July 4. of Henry Olschlager has gone to tho I supremo court. Notice of appeal was Sirs. Kelllher Swenns Out Warrant filed yo3torday by Carey Martin and I Mrs. Kelllher this nftornoon swore Martin L. Pipes, attorneys for ten to a warrant for tho arrest of Elmer Irrigation Rills Paid on or bofore July 1 "will be Irrigation Rills heirs in this country nnd Germany. Tho contest Involves the ownership of' about $20,000 worth of property. Rlrdsall Rurlod Tho funeral of Samuel D. Blrdsal, who died at the home of hlo son, Horbert Blrdsal, Jn Rosedale Tues day, wai held at City View cemotery at 10 o'clock this morning. Irrigation Rills Paid on or before July 1 will be subject to n 10 per cent discount. High School Inspection City Supt. J. M. Powers went to Eugene last night to read a paper on "Tho Present Need for Official Hlah School Inspection nnd Classification In, Oregon." His place on the pro gram comes Friday. Premium Lists- Secretary F. A. Welch, of the state fair board, has placed a lot of hlu promlum lists for 1908 fair at thl3 office for free distribution, It is the best and most complete list ever got ten up by the stato printer, and Is a credit to the secretary and Printer Dunnlwny. Martin, 16 years old boy, who ran over hor with a bicycle. subject to a 10 per cent discount; fommdrs Funeral Mrs. Mary Soromer of Turner, who ,Ued at the Salem hospital after un dergoing nn operation for gall tones, wlll.be burled at tho Twin. Paid- on or before July 1 will bo subject to a 10 per cent discount. Ico Cream Social, A lawn toclal with a fine literary j and- musical program will bo given Oftks cemetery near' Turner o'clock tomorrow, at 1 Demurrer Overruled The demurrer In tho case of P. L. Vtowb of Sllverton vs. L, J, Adams, police judge, of 0t city, hsu been .overruled y Jndfe Galloway, aad by theladles Friday evening at tho nome ot E. q. Lantz on tho Liberty road to furnish., the new school hoiue. Cars will leave Willamette hotel at 7:45 and 8; 30 p, tn. and return in time, i . 6-25-2t. Ice Restored trennous etorts the board IVLaicfc YALIMIARVARD RACES MAY RE POSTPONEir New London, Conn., June 25. A spanking breezo which is kicking up the course of the Thnmts river today threatens to fqreo n postponement of the Yale-Hnrvard boat races until lato In the nfternoon. The 'varsity four-oar race and tho fre hman eights were scheduled for this morning, but when the wind be gan whipping tho waves up the choaches feared the shells would not be able to, stand tho strain. Unless the wind dies down these two races wUl be run after the "varsity eights this evening. Tho Yale eight Is the favorite In the big event nnd a number of largo bets wero recorded today 10 to 9 and 5 to 4 on the sons of Ell, The Harvard men, however, are confident. The general opinion. Js that tho crews are more eveniy matched than usual and that Yale la giving odds on the strength of Its past victories.- The yacht Mayflower, with Presi dent Roosevelt's family, made its way up the river, between the hun dreds of boat that line the course, and took a position near the finish line. President Roosevelt was absent from the Mayflower having given up the trip on account of the death of F6rmer President Grover Cleveland. The United States cruisers Olym pia and Chicago nnd the monitor Arkansas entered the harbor this morning, At the same time tho Sylph, with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Newberry, came in, Tho trim Httlo Slyph took up a position of vantage for viewing the race. Tho premium list of tho Orogoh f State Fair has been published, and Is being- diBtrlbutod throughout tho Btnte. Thdllstof premiums, to gether with tho rules governing the awards, Is put up in book form, tho volumn'. containing about 100 pages and is ir6fus'ely Illustrated. Tho Bum of $10,000 will bo given In pre miums on live stock, agricultural and manufactured products. l Tho Work on tho preparations for this fair this year Is progressing rapidly. Tho now addition to the grand stand Is well under way. This addition will accommodate several hundred more people. The trnclc Is In tho best of condition, and will bo faster this year than over. Tho Sa lorn trnck haB tho reputation among horsomon of being the fastest har ness track on tho const, thrco World records having been broken on it. More than 100 horses are now In training nt tho Fair Grounds, and tho stables havo nover' beforo been bo full nt this time of the year. It will require 300 stalls to houso tho horses that will take, part in this year's racing events. o PEHSONAL T. Conner arrived from California last night and will fit up his camp ing rig for his annual drive to hlrf rnnch in Klamath county Henry Cornoyer was a Salem pas senger to Woodburn yesterday. Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff went to Portland today on business Mies Sarah' I. Miller of Macleny, who has been teaching in Douglas county for tho past four years, Is at tending the stnto teachers' associa tion nt Eugene. Rev. J. H. Morrymon, pastor of tho Hnrrltt Mission Chnpel church In Yew Pnrk, has been returned by tha general conference of tho United Brethren church. His salary has been raised to $500 a year, and n now pnrsonngo Is to bo built, and tho church painted. r. Van Flcot's fnmlly has gone to loin him nt Holley, a sawmill town 14 miles east of Brownsville, whore ho Is working with his son Roscoc. Tho family have many friends In tho city who will be sorry to hear of their going. President Cnmpbell of tho Rail road Commission has been nt Cot tngo Grove looking after somo prop erty Interest ho has there. Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Wilson' have gono to Heppner, to return on Friday. , Mrs. Frank Hofor and son Fred havo gono on a vacation trip to Mnrshlleld. County Superintendent Smith, Editor Jones of the Teachers Monthly and Superintendent MooreB of tho Blind school hnvo gone to Eu gene to meet with tho educators. o TIE RIDS GIVES ALL A CONTRACr (United Fro" Loaned Wire.) San Francisco, June 25! Tho liv ery men today aro rejoicing over a novel situation In the city. When the bonrd of supervisors opened bids for the furnishing of rigs to the cltY there wero found to havo been 15 bidders with the same price, After considerable discussion in which charge of collusion wero made, U was decided that tho price was fa'r and an order was passed granting thd contract to nil 15 'and stipulating that the business should bo dlv!de.L ?v .X; ' BY SPECIAL REQUEsf Grace De Koven RETURNS TO SALEM The World-Famous Medium, Consulting . Clairvoyant Specialist I Mental Scientist, Psychic Pato Can bp consulted at her om.ee, No. 200 N. Liberty Etret u 9 A. M. to 9 P. M dally and Sunday. Phono sn? m.i " Houta(i .1U, her man TltANCE CLAIRVOYANT Grace do Kovon's extraordinary clairvoyant nmvpr -h-u . superior knowledge of the occult forces, onableTbr SSilS wt "l" Jv ...v.. .........u uvwumivj ..win , mucy 10 01(1 BOP U " nro. wonderful and lndlsputnblo; her ndvlco Is ahvayB reliable' fc?" motion cieur, concisu nmi 10 me point in love, courtBhln m 7 " vorco, business, sales, mills, patents Journeys, Donslond iJ3 $ -speculation, real estate ana land deals, oil and mfilnl 'dill? W evil Influences, hidden treasure, clairvoyance, palmistry bbW applied psychology, auyvsuggestloo, hypnotism, spiritualism snrfnT' ' cuit scionces. -skp If you are undecided, In doubt or unhappy, consult her m w, reading of your Ufa and character by tub famous nnd nlfteS tul will bo of great assistance to you in solving the probloms of lite ' The people no longer question tho strange and mygterIonV of Grace do Kovon, tho world renowned clairvoyant. The crowd. n? fill' hor porlora every day is undoninblo proof that tho peonl of S ' nro onxlone to consult n gonulno psychic. Grace do KoTen I fct i?l? : thoso who need help. It your heart Is heavy, If In trouble hars lit i!!? i bad health or misfortune, call on UiIb gifted woman at once BhI i. clairvoyant by nature, n medium by divine gift. No matter what L. t trouble, sho will help you. Sho tolls your name, whom ami wW will tnnfrv. Willi nfimn nUil flntfi! tilvpfl rnllnliln mlvlnn 1....1 . ! ' pacnts, wills, friendship, love, mnrrlago, divorce, chances, trawl mS" nnd In fact every questibn of importance to the human race, SbTn. unites friends in tho bonds of love, and nffcctlon and cauwi quick ud happy marriage with theo no of your cholco. , CALL TODAY FOR LOW FEE3 ll -,t . iij,...i..i 11 ...n..i.i ,. ...n , 11 11. 1- . , I 11 yim iuu iiiiuicBivu 11 wuuiu uu uu 10 tun hub yvceK, Once di Kovcn will receive callers between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. ir, Ut, fee. Brink this adv. Phone Main Hitt2. Special Rending Boo. ofloxORTII LIRERTY STREET 2W. Next door to Elks' Hull. MONEY TO LOAN THOS, K. FORD Over Ladd & Buoh's Bank, Salem, Or Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Henldent Ageut, OUtce with Wm. Brown & Co., No Jf Commercial sireet. NEW TODAY 1 WimUd nt Once From $100 to $500, tho best of collateral secur ity to offer. Address G 10, Jour nal office. C-ll-tf For Sale Several houses in Salem, and farm 'ands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. 6-1-eod Fa? Snle My homo In Yew Park, This week only, Corner Les.Ho and University streets; also 233-acro farm with crop, Phone 13C6. E. J. Sautor. G-25-3t. For Rent -Newly furnished front room on first floor. Outside en trance. 268 N. Cottage St., be tween Cheraeketa and Court Std. 6-25-3t AVanted--Man and wife, without family, to work on ranch. Ad dress "B. C," care Journal office. 6-25-lw Do You Want a Free Ride to Portland? If bo come to our ofllco nud make arrangemenU for It. Weu? going next Saturday morning to bIiow the Hyde Pnrk addltlw tc tho city of Portland. TIiIb tract Is adjoining tho Bello CrertKW ty wo hnvo sold so much of, and which has Just been qimmJ p by Tho Jacobs-Stlno Company of Portland. When the ytte 4 terms nro considered, with tho unusual advantages onoiW below, this is a most remarkable opportunity for you to IbtmI your savings. ' Tho tract Is well elevated and nearly level with gentfe wo towards and view of tho Columbia river, and superb view ol tt snow capped mountains; streets graded, parked, nnd Ub m sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run wntor to ovory lot, buIldlBg wWc lions, no saloons, laundries, or livery stables, and no ialei .to rtnen than Cnucnslons, cars ovory ten minutes within two block; term $10 down, and $4 to $0 per months with no interest or taxes; 25io, havo been reserved for us to bo sold at 10 per cent dlicoun Iron tho opening price for a limited time. Portland Is a great city. Its growth and development will wt urnlly bo advantageous to Salem and all other cities of 0rjjn,ttJ wo feol that tho citizens of Salem are certainly entitled to rtin In tho prosperity of our own metropolis. Call at our ofllco and leu tftjk about in time to take wn togo of the trip Saturday morning. SHEPARD & HOLDER Room 1, Meusion Birauins RANK TAIK Nn. 17 By the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BAMjijgft The Road to Fortune What is business? It is the ""J?' tT S disposition, of your money in accordance j ith tne methods no matter how trifling or how gr eat may , of money that comes to you. If y llve f " 8 JJt dollar, J taho a business view of the use and dUP o. o f tta t - have a glimpse ot the rond to fort me M I J m salaries often think that they are not in . buelnew ana principles are not applicable; to theh ; ewe. r They I they yg as much as any one else, and, as much as any account W the business assistance that "wage earners and iJJJJ bank account welcomes the accounts of wagi. (beW towra men, because a bank accent Is the ureei larger uuBinesa huu uubv- - - United States National Bank of Salem jrc. HI?AiTH OFFICERS AND NATIONAL GUARD. CLASH San Francisco, June 25. -Some in teresting developments are prpralsed on July 1, when the employes ana doctors ot the health department t port for duty garbed in an olive unl form which has bees prescribed for all attache of the department. Adjutant General J. B. Lauck ot the jUUeiwCgW M'Betift& i M board ot health that the uniform Worn by the national fj has threatened to u against the board if e us?dt , h Isnorfd AdB ,The board has w W r,ar Lauck's der.ob- iVm and pennlU of b-.sw,!B,t . form. ill ,i