DAILY CAP.TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1008 U Iff THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOFER, Ed. and Prop. An Independent Newpper Devoted to American Principles and the Progress and Derclopement of AU Oregon. Putillnlicd Kvory Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Ore. BUBSCmPTIOJf RATES. '(invaftabtfttft Advance.) Dally, by carrier, pot year M.00 .Per month Wo Daily, by mall, per' year.- 4.00 Per month 35o Weekly, by mall, per tear-....',-. J. 1.00 Six months 80c e SPECIAL DELIVERY t , ,1 For convonloilco of subscribers branch dollvory ofllces aro establish ed at-tho following places at 35 cents per month, $1.00 for throe menths: Asylum Store, F. O. De. Voo & Son, Asylum Avenue Junction. ' Qarllne, Seventeenth street, A. W. Lane, Garden Road Store. IMUOS Store, AlOX. uauo, souinuomraerewi Biruui. I' MJflWV ft MbU.U, IU. Sfuv, ww.v..sw....-- -.-.- -. 1ai.U atnm n r Pnnlnv Fin at Rtntn afront. Fairgrounds Store, Harrison Dee, Fairgrounds Road. Howell's Corner, Twolfth and Cross streets. O. K. Grocery, A. A. Englebart, Twelfth street. "Wheeler's Store, V. D. Wheeler, Highland avenue. T(ow" Park Store, F. O. Boworsox, Twelfth .and, Leslie. Lanp Grocery, Seventeenth trot Ji L. Mooro & Son, corner Capitol and Union streets. West Salem Storoj West Salem, Zinn's Confectlonory, 478 Stato street. Dr. Stono's, 241 North Commercial Btroot. Huffman's Store, North Sixth stroot. Gorman Bakery, corner Twelfth and Chomeketn. -.9 THE SWEI5T Crtltfj GRADUATES. They will never' bo so sweet again. Tho ribbons, the flowers, the "white drosses mako A COMBINATION trtTAT t tnitrsiTinTiE. houses and cash and federal offlcea for their loyalty to Republicanism, they must get In on tho ground floor and have a pull in tho national administration. Thoro Ib no money for grauu Many a-young, man loaos his , mic9 ln a "freak" stato Uko Or art about this .time of tho yoar In ' lioart tho whirlpool of assembled bwooI ncss. When it la all over, and tho flow ora fado, anil- sho wears brownfl and cuts ho ribbons, HE WONDERS WHY THE CHANGE. Girls, don't fix up too much. Mako a man lovo you and not your flxln's. Lady Mary Wortloy Montngu madn hor lover court hor four ycara AND MARRY HER WITHOUT A CENT OF DOWRY. Dear sweot girl graduates young man when tho halo Juno graduating exorcises has dia appeared. -o OREGON, A FREAK STATE. Ted Piper, or E. n. Piper, as ho signs hlniBolf, roprcsonts Orogon at tho national Republican convention and wrltofj back how Orogon Is re gardod as a freak stato, AS "KAN SAS USED TO RE." Tho Orogonlan tho Horlally represented ine lowor In the Bcnlo morality than Maryland, my Mary-1 STATE. land, tho homo of Gorman AM) of OTHER POLITICAL CORRUPTION ISTS. Those aro vory pretty compli ments from nowsnapor mon who egon- . ... .. u im. A frenk stato mat ihuk. possible for a candidate to. buy hU way Into tho legislature or into tho S.S. senate, OR INTO ANY OF- 'Furthermore It should bo made impossible for men who do not rep resent the people to go to a na tonal convention and put up f? and make platforms for tho people to swallow. . v i, o front Rtnto because IS NOW lull .-.... thn whole stato went Democratic 'try't,h0' UT ELECTED HUGHES. A RE ' f ! 1 i PUBLICAN FOR GOVERNOR? Is Missouri a frenK snuu . It elected tho ontlro Republican tick et RUT CHOSE A DEMOCRAT FOR GOVERNOR? " The people aro doing things those days with vory little regard fpr tho wishes of bosses and managers who 1W up. tickets and mako slatos. J.' ....iiMnn nro that Oregon 1I1U imwvu... '"'"""'"'...T,:" tlmo and after tho session adjourns who will UNDO A GP.EAT DEAL OF THE WORK OF THE MACHINE. A machine organization will over ride tho vetoes of any governor but the moro presence of such a man tn tho executive chair will keop tho machlno from undertaking many, things It would- otherwlso put through IN THE FORM OF GRAFTS AND GRABS. A'Ropublican governor who would make tho same kind of a record Chamberlain has mado, and EVEN MORE TENACIOUS OF THE RIGHTS OF TIHJ PEOPLE to common-decency nt tho" hands of the legislature would bo appreciated by tho rank and file of tho Republican party. It Is a misnomer to cnll a man a good Republican who stands ln to pujt through all kinds of skin-games, official pass bills, GIGANTIC LOG ROLLING LEGISLATIVE COM BINES, and clerkship grafts. Tho Republican stato platform in directly condemned several roform measures, and DIRECTLY DE 'CLARED AGAINST a number of re forms that tho people have enacted into lnws. i If a Republican legislature (under takes to carry out the stato plat form, what Is tho duty of a gover nor In tho promlsoB? WOULD IT HE GOOD REPUBLICANISM TO STAND BY THE PARTY AS AGAINST THE PEOPLE? Govornor Chamberlain will do well to koep his hand on tho veto club ns long as tho legislature Is In session, and about ton days affor. Tho pcoplo need tho protection of n govornor who Is with thorn and against tho machlno. w I When You Arc Dry HY NOT BUY rsssssss&' -?. r:r t i r- 4 l ' 1 i 'M 'xi A pure arid wholcaomo bovorag that is sold In all tho cltlei of Westorn Oregon and Northern California. f 4 "i Made of the Choicest Malt and Hops Grown in Marion County Made of Filtered Water rind strictly in accordance with tho Pure Food Law Salem Daer Is the best mild bovorago offered tho . public. Mado' by scientific processes and guaranteed pure and whole some No adulteration. No drugs or. chemicals and undor tho most '. poroct sanitary conditions. Address all. ordora to Salem Brewery Association feATES PAST COFFEE There is a time for good tea, and a time for good coffee; there is no time for poor either. Your ffroctr return your money K rou don't Ilka Schilling' IUtt: w pay him other, day od- turo than In tho past ' Orogon a, be- POWER INTO THKHI OWN I AMW xo of political1 CONSTITUTES BEING A HlhAK o UK PATIENT, BRO. GEEIt. bocaciso thoro was no othor morning metropolitan paper to buy but theirs. Wq supposo If Orogon could roach T T Geer takes to hoart what thli ..-.'.' .i nhout tlio Republican monta from nowapapor mon wno i'i- '"'" rll1l,l0r backbones, havo boon treated with some lonl-' leaders having rubber bacuuo ency In Oregon, and havo prospered , and JJ iSOW, "" "" al nt all, dear frlond Geer. . It was ? WIN A VEIN. OF POLITICAL the altitude of political morals of IRONY AND HAD NO PERSONAL having a nopow and a Piatt In tho APPLICATION. sonato THIS STATE WOULD BE RE-1 You should not apply such things 8TORHR IN THE EYES OF THE to ywirsoir. Wo referred to othor OREGONIAN to rospoctabtllty and gontlomon who aftor blaming yo.i got out of tho freak class. I for sulking ln tho Furnish campaign , , , , , , I wont and did tho Bnmo thing thorn- Oregon poople havo rofusod to ln-i ",,v ",u "'" ", . .n... ,,,. crease the pay of tholr members of ; In the Into battle boUaon tho llglHlaturo to ton dollars a day, . c5nn Cnnmbert,n- nr h(,pnlM0 and at tho aamo tlmo mado It Im-' F t0 0 TTfJlTcl possible for them TO GET ANY- ta.M"VU THING FOR THEIR VOTES ON V. " " vv , ,tF FOR TH 8. SENATOR. . IJJ CA5II,ATL That Is a freak for suro. whon tho . Jho piUon ,ondors ,mvo dono poor lOBisiuior iiur to arve ior thQ mmQ m ,f mmy of them dn throe dollars a day, pay his owji not aatnMv voto for chamberlain. not actually voto for Chamborlaln. no patient, nro. Geer Somo ,h oiioico ior Bui mior. ,nM w, bo fm,ud fop , Wo wU No wonder tho Machine politic lanK A pjoy F0U YOUR board, and baa to voto for tho peo plo'a cholco for Bonntor. wore clamorous to got to tho nation al convention and holp nominate a President bo as to got back some of tholr hard-earned money they havo spout ON BEHALF OF THE DEAR PEOPLE! Cut off from getting lands and Small Depositors Our Bank welcQinos small de positors. In our Savings Dopart m'Hit as small an amount n onu dollar will open all account. Wo havo good reasons for giv ing tlioso accounts our best sor vlco. Many of our large deposi tors startod as small depositor and a large number of satisfied dopottoi's with small accounts U a good advrtl3omaut for our bank. Young peoplo especially aro In vitod to take advantngo of this op portunity to start a bank account. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK APPOINTMENT. Wo know you aro a Republican for llfo, no matter what tho party ad vocates, or who are Its candidates. You were not enthusiastic for Furnish nnd you conild not cxpoct him to whoop It up for you tor his congressman. ANTLGRAFT GOVERNOR NEEDED The International Women's Suf frage conference at Amstordam loud ly chorred Eugene V. Dobs and Gov ornor Johnson of Minnesota for tholr stand on equal rights. o . - Buclc'.cn b Arnica Salvo Wins. Tom Moore, of Rural Routo 1, Cochran, Ga writes: "I had a bad soro come on tho Ins top of my foot nnd could And nothing that would hoal It until I applied Bucklon's Ar nica Salvo. Less than half of a 25 cont box won tho day for mo by af foctlng a perfect euro." Sold undor guarnntoo nt J. C. Perry's dru store. o - A conforonco of 10,000 clorgymou and laymon of the Church of Eng land nro mooting in London to dis cuss "Soclnllsm, monopolies and tnntB," and several othor world topics. NCADY TAILORED CLOTHES WQn WELL DKCS5CD MEN. PRICE RANGE 0 to $4Q Even Solomon with all his wisdom novor succoodod In handing frlondly ndvlco to a woman. -o i- Thoro is nothing olso "Just aa good" as Komp'B Balsam, tho host cough euro, and the othor kinds cost J not aa much as this famous romody. -o Somo peoplo soom to mako a spe cialty of thinking second-hand thoughts. It Is bottor to euro tho Uttlo cough than to tako chances of consump tion. Tho best cmigh euro Is Komp'o Balsam. Druggists bo! I it at 2Gc and 50c a bottle. Soro Nipples. Any mothor who hns hnd oxporl onco with this distressing nllmont will bo pleased to know that a euro may bo oftocted by applying Cham berlain's Salvo as Boon ns tho child Is done nursing, Wipe It oft with a soft cloth boforo allowing tho bnbo to nurso. Many tralnod nurses uso this salvq -with host results. For salo by Dr. Stone's drug storo. Tho aelzuro of ammunition for the rebels In Cuba Is no surprise, It be lug known for somotlmo that an at 'tompt Is bolng made to strat a revo lution to provont tho withdrawal of American troops next December. -o- Tho peoplo will approve the doolslon ' of Governor Chamborlaln to not re sign as Governor, oven If he Is oloctod U. S. sonator. ' He says ho will stay WHEREVER THERE IS THE MOST WORK TO DO, whether It bo SaUm or Wash tngton, D. C. i Somo Republicans are' urging that as soon as he Is elected sonator ho should Immodlatoly roslgns as gov ornor and make a place for a "Good Republican." , If the newspapers discussing thla proposition menu a "good" governor ONE OF, THE SAME KIND AS CHAMBERLAIN HAS BEEN a voto governor and an nnti-graft gov ernorwell and good, I If the machine politicians who have run the last few legislatures should organize the coming session of tho general assembly It will re- Kodol la tno best known prepara tion that Is offered to tho peoplo to day for dyspopsla or indlgostlon or any stomach trouble Kodol digests all foods. It Is plesant to take. It Is so!d bore bv all druggists. Those disgruntled wlno growers of Franco havo decided to keep tholr grievances bottled up for future ruse. Aftor an affoctlng scsno nt a play tho mon all blow tholr nosos vigor ously, nnd tho womon pat tholr oyos. A man's way of crying Is to blow his noso. ATTENTION KNIGHTS! Annual Si'mhIoii Grand Lodge of Ore gon Knights of Pythias, Port land, Or., J11116 10-18, 1008. For tho nbovo occaBlon a rato of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE on tho cortlflcato plan Is authorized to Portland and roturn for all points on the S. P. company linos on Orw Bon. WM. M'MURRAY, J. M. SCOTT, O. P. A S. P. Co. A. G. P. A., S. P. Co. DeWltt's Kidney and Bladder Pl'ls aro prompt nnd thorough and will In a vory short tlmo strengthen tho weakened kldnoys. Sold by all druggists, Vandals entered tho New Jerusa lem church in Los Angeles Sunday and after breaking all tho chairs to ploces cut tho nltnr cloth to ribbons. For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c B. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, 111. SOLD HY ALL HEALERS CANNERY RUNNING ON STRAWBERRIES Tho Salem Mutual Canning Com pany Is running on strawborr!o3 ainco lust Friday. About 120 girls aro at work and tho cannory pays 3 conts por pound for tho fruit do llvored. Northwest Conference Young Wo. men's Christian Association. Sensldo, Orogon Juno 10thl29th, 1908. For the nbovo occasion a rato of. ono and ono-thlrd faro on tho cortlflcato plan 13 authorized to Portland and roturn from all points on S. P.. linos ln Orogon. Wm. Mc Murrny, G-. P. A. 8. P. Co.jJohn M. Scott, A. G. P. A. S. P. Co. 1C-17-10- Commencement Exercises. Stato Normal School, Monmouth, Ore,, Juno 20-23, 1908. For tho nbovo occasion a rato of ono nnd ono-thlrd faro on tho cortlflcato plan Is authorized to Dallas or Indopon donco nnd roturn. Wm. McMurray, G. P. A., S, P. Co.; John M. Scott, A. G. P. A. S, P. 1C-17-18-19. o Linn County Plnnccra' Association. Brownsvlllo, Oregon, Juno 17-19, 1908. Tho Southorn Pacific Co. will mako a rato of ono and one third fnro for tho round trip on the certificate plan for this ocasslon from points on tho llne3 In Orogon. Wm. McMurray, G. P. A. S. P. Co.; John M. Scott, A. G. P. A. S. P. Co. 14-15-10 Will Be Made Thl. seuoa by J SOUTHERN " a i f i e l (LINES IN OREGON) I From Salem, Q A8 FOLLOW?. BOTH WAYS OXE rt TO THROUGH y PORTLAND CUawmii umcogo $74.15 $87,5J ou Luuia $Dy.,, j82M oi. raui $u.65 $8175 Omaha SfiLftt tui Kansas City $61.65 $75$ TICKETS WILL DE ON SALS May 4, 18 June 5, 6, 19,20 July 6' 7, 22, 23 August 6,7, 21, 22 Good for roturn la 90 days witi oiuovur privuoges at pleawa within limits REMEMBER THE DATES For any further laformatloa ull H agents. Goneral Passenger Agent. PORTLAND, OREGON', Tlmo Card No. 53, Southern Vulk Co., EiTcctlvc Sundar, Mr IT, 1008. ' Toward Portland, PawBger. No. 1C G:13 a. m. Oregon Et' pros 3. No. 18. 8:40 a. m.Cottage Orore passenger. No. 12. 2:45 p. tn.. Ilouburg pa- songcr. Toward Portland, Freight. No. 222. fi: 00 p. m.-Port!ind fast frolght. No. 226.-10:4011:28 a. m.- way freight. TowanI Sun Francisco; ra.wagtf. No. 11 1':03 a. in. Roieborj passonge' No. 17. CMC p. m. Cottagj Otort pasaongo. No. 15. 9:bt p. m. California ex press. No. 13.-3:31 a. ni. San Francisco express. Toward San FranclJco, Freight. No. 221.-2:43 a. m. Portland fast freight. No. 225. 11:28 n. m. war freight. Annual- Conference- Young Men's Christian Association. Long Boach, Wash., Juno 13-29th, 1908. For tho abovo occasion a rato of ono and one-third faro on tho certificate plan Is authorized to Portland and rot'.irn from nil points on S. P. lines In Oregon. Wm. Mc Murray, G. P. A S. P. Co.; John M. Scott, A. G. P. A. S. P. Co. 13-14-15 CASTOR! A Star Infants and Children. His Kind You Kays Always Bought OroRonElectlrc Time Table. Tlmo of arrival and departure of cars at Salem is as follow, Portland and Intormndlate pelnU: Arrive Iw 8:40 a.m. 6:00 a.0. 10:50 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 1:25 p.m. 11:05 a. a 4:20 n.m. I'M P-'B- 5:45 p.m. 8:20 p.m. Local Expr03 Local Express Local Express J::8p.B. 6:00 p. n. Bears tno BIgnaturo :&S;M.&i Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It Is espoolally good for piles. Bo suro to get DoWltt's. Sold by all druggists. Hughes' big victory In tho Now York legislature over tho gamblers has put .new llfo into his campaign. But It will do no good. Tnft Is on tho top wave, and Roosevelt has tha holm. Polk county school children will hold an Industrial Fair In September. JITOKIA. lha Hind ton Haw hm Boi.t OA Bean th A m 9uH wtJ3 1fll NkKj kJK 9PiH v t TrfflEriBWr-mFTr VrnrnBmJrr-iiJfcaJW 1 H , M rCraasBEBBamsmstai ai 2" 1 11ICKO.KT BAIRK Cough Remedy Aiioivmv n n i iid i1"1 iwirnw Coughs, Colds CROUP JWhoopinf Coufh MoirinoM Bron(hllli SORt THROAT 4 Mi fMMM ITHROAT.ndlUNCS Wfrw4 0 f IWCaMIBUAHHlOYOI. SAUM.ORtCON.U $. A. frttc. lWth Crt CoitVALLIS & EASTFJIX K. TIME TABLE No. 4 Loaves Detroit !. tiol- follows, commencing Jan. If, Trains for CorrtUk No. 8 t , ... - Lcavos Albany j!"; -rrlves ft Corvallls ....S."4- No' 10'"" ..B5p OL Lave3 Albany j ' Arrives at CorvallU ... " No 6" 7-45 p. Leaves Albany Arrives at CorvallU .... 'wl" Traln9 for AIwb. No. 5 -j0 a. Hi Leaves Cirvalll ; Arrives at Albany No, 9 fisp.a. caves Corvallls j; ' Anlvej at Albany ( No, 7 6-00 p. Leaves Corvallls ; fc Arrives at Albany ..... 0t No. 11 (Sunday on,y,.l5l. Leaves CorvallU nut. Arrives at Albany ..... No. 12 (Sunday on.y)JplB( Leaves Albany .; ",'.ijp.i. Arrives a' Com! Is .... ' , M' For further "i. Trains f"ni and to i No. , 11:00 a-- Arrlves at Corvallls ,Sp. Arrive, at Albany fuU. Leaves Yaqulna ... . OCT. Co.; i'E!rtS?'lt',..S..'3 , quire a governor on duty all ths ana u" -p nA.Ui