DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBMj OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 0,1006 ,1 f. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL f, It. IIOPER, Ed. and Prop. Aft ludepcndetit Newspaper Dovotcd to American Principles and the rrvgroM ami Developomeut of All Oregon. ? . rubtlfthcd Kvery Evening Except Sunday, SUBSCRIPTION RATES". (Invariably in Advance) HWtf. ttf carrier, por fear ,". ....W.bd Per taontu... 60p Btaftv. ty mail, per year, 4.00 Per month,..-. ...Hoc WeeMr t? "wlI Pr Te4r- 10 Slx nl.0l,lh SPECIAL DELIVERY Foe cdnvenlonco of subscribers branch delivery offices are establish ,at Use .following places at 35 centspor month, $1.00 for throe menths: AsIm-a Store, F. Q. Da Voo & Son, Asylum Avenue Junction. .; Crlll, Seventeenth street, A. W. Lan.o, Garden Road Store. , tim$ Storo, Alox. Dauo, SouthCommerclal atreet. y WWCtHb Storo, C. M. Epploy, East Stale streot. Fairgrounds Storo, Harrison Dee, Fairgrounds Road. Indwell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. , On K .Grocery, A. A. Englobart, TwoUth streot. Wheeler's Storo, W. D Whcolor, Highland avonuo. ' "Ydvtt Park BWre, F. G. BowerBox, Twoltth and Leslie' lista Grocery! Seventeenth, atret ' . Jji'D; Moors & Son, cornor Capitol and Union streets. "West 8416m 'Storo, West Salem. 1 ZlAtVs Confectionery, 478 StAto street. Dc Stone's, 2 41-North Coramorplal streot. Huff mft&a, Store, Nprh S&th atreet. Gormaii Bftkeryti earner .Twelfth and Chemekothr . OHBMMWnnnMHMnMMIHMVn SMILES- A berry grower ndvertlaos In this paper for pickers, and offers good camp grounds and good water. The custom of families going out and picking borrlos as .thoy go out and pick hops Is woll established In somo parts of Orogon and Washington and i if -win oo noro as mo oorry crop grows larger. It will bo an outing nnd n holiday at tho most boautlful tlmo of tho year and thon tho .family will cam somo monoy bosldcs. As tho hop business Is on tho decllno, why not mako It a custom nt Salem. A ivnr1 nt rn it tlnn in tllO mltlU- ora. You havo hammered on Pro-1 hlbltlon a great deal tho past six months. Wo havo had It In thoor thodox pulpits and nt tho special1 meetings and in tho Sunday school j and apoclnl meetings nnd in gold modal debates, and In tho public scJsdoIb nnd whorover two or threo could bo got together. Evon Me morial Day nnd Lincoln's birthday and Goo. Washington's birthday havo .boon dcHocratod with harangues on. tho horrori of drunkonosg that would ajnioftt have mudo some of ' tht30 old follows ashamed of thom- uelvon If they could havo hoard It, for thoy word good mon and truo In their tlmo If thoy did take a llttlol toddy. By nl moans lot us bo good and moral and virtuous but don't mako us all tlrod of It. Tint Best PHls Ever 8o!d. "Aftor doctoring 15 years for chronic Indigestion, and spondlng over two hundred dollan, nothing hua- dono mo ns much good us Dr. King's Now Llfo PIUs. I consider thorn Uifc boat pills over sold," whites B.' F. Ayscuo, of IngleBldo, N. C. Sold under gunrnntoo nt J. O. Perry's drug store. 25c. VlrtltliiR Old Home Mr." nind Mrs. A. W. Long, of Tho Dallos, hnvo been visiting Mrs. Mnrgarot Bollo, on North Summer fctreot, mother of Mrs. Long. Mr. Long was for nine years principal of tho Urant school nnd Central school of this city and has for tho patit six years been a clerk In tho land offlco at Tho Dallos. No Need of Suffering from Rheuma tism. Tt U n mistake to allow anyone to milter from rhoumntlsm, ns tho pain can always bo "relieved, and in mo3t caaes a euro offocted by applying Chamborlnln's Liniment. Tho re lief from naln which It affords is nlono worth many times Its cost. It mnkoH sleon nnd rot possible, Evon la ensos of long standing this lini ment should bo used on account of the rollof which It affords. Do not bo dlscourngod untM you havo given It n trial. For salo by Dr. Stono3 druK Htoro, Keep Your idle money where It will work for you while you are lool.. lug for uu Investment. Our Savings Department pays three per cent Interest nnd all Withdrawals aro paid on demand. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Ore. RESOLUTIONS BY SEDGWICK POST Veterans Grateful for. Courtesies nnd I . ' '. AldExtendnl on Memorial Day. At a regular mooting of Sedgwick Post No. 10, 0. A. R., hold on Tues day night Inst It was Resolved, That tho thanks of thl Post and of tho W. R. C. nro duo and aro horoby tondorod to tho people of Snlom who so willingly and so cheer fully contributed of their substanco, tlmo nnd influonco In nld of our ob sorvanco of memorial day, and espe cially to courtosy oxtondod by tho Portland Railway, Light & Power company for tho transportation io generously furnished tho vetorans nnd tho Indies; to L. 0. Stringer tho fnvor showed by his reading of Lin coln's Gettysburg nddross; to Mrs. Penn for tho splondld rocltntlon given nt tho cemetery; to tho press of Iho city for tho many favors extended by it; to tho odl cor a and members of Compnny M, 0. N. G., for their nttondanco nnd participation In tho exorcises; to tho eight Uttlo boys who represented tho U. S. navy; to tho children who nsslsted tho W. R. C. In tholr serv ices; to W. E. McElroy and tho mom bora of his bund for tho muslo fur nished by them, and particularly bo causo of tho tlmo to which It was oxecutcd thereby enabling tho votor nns to keep stop without becoming, "winded" In tho first monsure, nnd lastly to Aug. Huckonstoln and E. H. Anderson of tho board of trado com mltco for tholr assistance to tho G. A. R. committee In completing ar rangomcnt3 for tho exorcises of tho dny. Rosolvod, That those resolutions bo furnished to tho city press for their use. ' You Never Can Tell. , just exactly tho cause of your rhoumntlHm, but you know you havo It. Do you know that Ballardls Snow Liniment will euro It? re lievos tho swelling and limbers tho Joints and muscles so that you will' no as nctlvo and woll ns you ever wore. Price 25c, 50c and ?1.00. Sold by all dealors. I How Property Advnnccs Mr,.N, N. Lundo bought ton ncres of land nbout four miles from Salem on tho Garden road a few years ago for $U0 per aero. Ho has put part of It in orchard, has put some lm provomonts on It nnd today It ts worth $3000. Ho has been offored that for It sovoral times. He also owns 80 acres one and n-half miles from Falls City wlToro his son N. N. Lundo, has a blacksmith business. o Poison Oak Poisoning. Ballard's Snow L'.nlmenl cures It. Mr. O. H. P. Cornelius, Turner, Ore., writes My wife has discovered that Snow Liniment cures "Poison Oak Poisoning," a very painful troublo. Sho not only cured a enso of it on hersolf, but on two of her Mends who woro poisoned by this same Ivy. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. -. . . o Graduating Exercises Thu Wlllamotto graduates of tho collogo of oratory hold tholr closing exercises In tho M. E. church last night. Tho presenting of diplomas will take place Moudny evening. i Tho Big Rend. Is of two kinds conceit and tho big head that comes from a Blck headache. Does your head ever foal, llko a gourd and your brain feel loose and aore? You can euro It In no tlmo by acting on your llvpr with Ballard's Jlerblne. isn't it worth trying for the absolute and certain rollef you'll get? Sold by all deal ers. o O .A. 4B "3P O Xt. X jNl ctemfa PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT ASPIRANTS Favorite Sons, and Others, v Possibilities and Nena- Portabilities for tho Republican Nominations for President and Vice-President - Their Personalities and. Achievements- Written by Staff Representatives of tbo United Press Who Aro Personally Acquainted with the Subjects. ' Washington, June ; C. Baroly ovo'r flvo'foot In hejghl, Phllanlor Chaso Knox Senaor from Pennsyl vania and former Attorney General of Iho "United- States, la, physically speaking, tho moBt dlmunltlvo candi date for tho presidency tho country has ovor soon. But short as ho Is In stature, ho Is' long in Intellect. I Thoro are othor superlatlvo adjec tives that might bo applied. For In stanco, ho ts tho richest of all tho Republican candidates', -tho droBslost, tho most ro3orved and the sportiost. Ho owns somo of tho boot blooded horsos In America, Ho has earned tho biggest foes for defending cor porations, and ho was tho first Attor ney Gonernl to find' and make us'6 of an offoctlvo weapon to prosocuto them. Ho Ib also tho baldest of all tlio candidates, and tlio only ono that Is smpoth shnvon. - Knox HkoB tho compnny of young mon. At his homo almost every ov enlng thoro Is a pinochle or billiard gamo In progress In which" tho Sona tor and nonio youngsters of his ac quaintance nro .the participants. When ho finds a young man display ing marked ability In nny lino of work , ho Is very npt to oxtond a help Ing hnnd. It was thus that Milton D. Purdy, Bomotlmos referred to as tho "trust buster" of tho ndmliHstrntlou enmo Into notice Knox mot him when ho wns In MInnosotn In con nection with tho Northern Securities enso, whon Purdy had Just begun to climb tho lognl laddor, Knox wns at tracted to him and bin work, and whon tho inw was pa3sod authoriz ing tho Department of Justice to em ploy Hpeclal assistant attorney goiv orals, ho sont for Purdy nnd gnve him ono of tho Jobs. That Purdy haa mndo good Is a trlbuto to Knox's discriminating Judgment of mon. Knox Ib soinltlvo, Somo yenre ago ho ontorod at tho Now York horflo show a pair of blooded horses tint had pedigrees reaching bnck to tho Dnrk Agos, and which to his mind ns an export, was the finest matched team of trotting horses In Amorlcn. Tho prlzos, howovor, 'wont to horsos of Now York's nodal favorites nnd Knox pnlr recolvod no monllon. Ho has novor' exhibited thoro slnco. He owes his (promlnonco partly to tho fact that ho .was onco oxpollod from tho West Virginia University for n boyish prank. Ono of tho ruloj of tht fnculty wns that no studonts should attend theatricals. Ono dny a company playing "Enst Lynno" enmo along and Knox, together with nbout 20-follow student, doclded to seo tho performance. One of tho professors, sont to tnko tho nnmos of tho offonders, reported them, and nil woro 8ontonc3d to expulsion. Elgh- toon woro reinstated on signing an agreomont not to offond ngnln, but Knox nnd ono othor left. Ho then won), to Mt. Union Col lege, Alliance, Ohio, and It wa4 thoro that ho first mot William Mc Klnloy, Jr. Undccldod ns to the profession ho would adopt, It was ontlroly due to McKlnloy that ho finally resolved to become a lawyo. But for that meeting, Knox might now bo a bank cashier In n country town llko his fathor. A close student, especially of ernes In which ho . wns Interested, and with a fine capacity of resolving nbstruso statements of tho law into conclso nnd lucid language undor standnblo oven by laymen, Knox suc ceeded In his profession from tho start. In tho earlier days of Androw Carnegie ho became tho Ironmaster's lawyor and recolved, It Is said an In come of $50,000 a year from this sourco nlono. In tho 20 years following hta res ignation In 1876 as asilstant United States attorney for tho westorn dis trict of Pennsylvania, a pla'co that he hold for only ono year, his per sonal retainers avorage.3 $90,000 n year. These, with his Interest In tho other business of his firm, gave him an Income of about $150,000 a year, and ho came to be recognlzod as ono of tho most successful corporation lawyers lu the country. Incidental ly ho became a stock holder In tho U. S, Steel corporation, tho Unlou Trust Co., tho Pittsburg Bessemer and Lake Erie Railway Co., and oth er powerful corporations. His larg est slnglo fee was earned In a 45 mlnuto speech In opposition to an attempt to abrogate tho charter and limit tho franchises of the Indian apolis Street Car company. He re ceived $125,000 for' that pleco of. .work. His associate; tho lato ox , Prosldont Benjamin Harrison, ad 'dreaded pie court for, four hours and .'recoiyod only $50,00((, It is relatod of Knox's early ca- (roor that when ho had R particular ly puzzling question to oiucldato, no would sally fdrth with a law book undor ono arm and fishing tacklo tinder tho othor and hie him to somo f a v6rlto "stream. Whon ho returned In tho ovonlng ho generally had a string of fish and tho solution of tho problem as woll.' Perhaps becauso ho know froni tho lnsldo how tho Federal laws wpro bolng violated, but more likely be- Causo ho realized that the. principal. duty attached to hls offlco was to prosccuto such violations, Knox quickly bocamo active In tho enforce ment of tho Shormnn antl-tniBt lnw, whon McKlnloy appointed him at-tornoy-gonornl In 1901. Ho wna firmly convinced that' combinations that stifled competition nnd restrain ed Ihtoratato, commerce woro ovll and nfter long nnd laborious offort, ho got togothor tho necessary evi dence nnd Bticd tho Northorn Se curities Co. Ho was upheld by tho supromo court of tho United Statos in his contention that this concern was an Ulogal combination. Ho haa consistently hold Mint mon opolies nnd combinations, particular ly of railroads, tended Buroly to wnrds govornmont ownorshlp of pub lic utllltloB, nnd he sot hlmsolf to combat that tondoncy by oooklng to glvo th'o pooplo rollof undor oxlst Ing lnws. Ho Instituted, proceed ings ngalnflt tho Boot Trust, th4 Salt Trust, tho Jncksonvlllo Wholo salo Grocers' association, tho Cot ton Trnfflc Tool, tho Anthrhcito coal carrying roads, and mnny othors, nil Involving nllogod violations of tho anti-trust nnd Intorstnto commorco laws. It was on his recommenda tion that tho law was pnssod permit ting enses of gonornl public Impor nnco to be expedited In tho supromo court of tho United States. Knox owns throa homes, Ono Ih n Inrgo nnd beautifully furninhod stone house on Ellsworth nvonuo, Pittsburg, sot In tho mldfit of woll kopt lawnB. His Washington rosl donco Is on K ntreot, wns tho former home of George W. Chlldo, nnd cost tho sonntor $170,000. Ills country plnco Ib nt Vnlloy Forgo, onco part of tho camping ground mod by Goo. Wnohlngton, nnd tho headquarter or Gen. Knox, tho senator's Illustri ous rovolutlonnry nncestor. Horp ho raises nil kinds of fine stock. As much, of his tlmo na Is poialhlo Knox spends In tho open. Ho is fond of golf nnd plays a fair gamo. Ho likes to fish. But his chief dollgl.t In the way of sports Is his horsos. These ho likes to drlvo hlmsolf, nnd othor early rlsors may frequently soo him speeding a pnlr of blooded roadsters through tho. crisp morning air along tho picturesque road3 of Rock Crook Park. ' Without advertising tho faot, Mr. Konx Is a man of gonor'ous Impulso. Following tho gront bflzznrd of 180G In Western Pennsylvania, ho was called upon by a representative of a .charity organizations for a contri bution for coal and food. Knox handed hor a check .the slzo of which led tho startled womnn to inqulro; "How do you wish this money k bo applied, Mr. Knox?" "As your organization thlnka best." wns tho ronlv. "Thero aro worthy or unworthy poor, I know, but they aro all cold and hungry." . o A Grand Family Medicine. "It gives mo pleasure to sneak n ;ood word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr. Frank Conlnn of No. 43C Houston St., Now York. "R's n grand family medicine for dypaps'n and liver complications; while for lnmo back nud weak kidneys it can not bf too highly recommended." Electric Blttors regulate tho diges tive functions purifies the blood, and imparts renowed vigor and vitality to tho weak and debilitated of both sexes, Sold under guarantee .at J. C. Perry's drug storo. 50c, CASTOR I A i'or Infants and Children. fti Kind You Have Always BM Bears tho SSJZZ? Signature r Lf&etfc&K All Humors Aro Impure matters which tho skin, ii7cr Ictypoys nnd othor organs, cannot tnko earn ofjwlthoutbolp. ro Plmnlog, bolls. PCxntnn r.M.1 .,. ,., i " ' . ; l"ur crop. tlona, loss ,ot appotlto, thnt tired fcelln -....,. kU.j,a, ma oi iimigcsuoii, dull head, ached and many" other troubles aro duo to them'. They are rotaavfitiiiv "'In usual liquid form or In chocolatfid ! iauielu)TO BBgarglftaPg, lOOdoseL V0GET illllll i Tjho firm of Voget Bros, have oroctod 45 dwolllnga In four year ana aro building many new ones this yeah This Is a fine record for one firm who aro doing things to build up tho city, and onnblo pooplo of small means to get homos of their own. Thoy havo more applications than they can respond to, but havo n number, of now buildings under construction. They find many per bohb who hayo a fow hundred dol lnrs tp pay down on n houso but not enough tq' build. OthOrs havo a lot and can borrow part of tho monoy roqulrod to. put up a houso. Thon by paying about what rent would cost them tho rest Is oaslly paid on tho Installment plan. On this plan many pooplo havo boon nolo to go tholr own homos who would othor wlso bo paying ront nil tholr Uvea. On tholr plnnt $400 cash will cocuto as good a homo ns It would tnko $1000 to build, and tho rest Is paid na tho Bnmo fnmlly would pay rent. Porsons who hnvo Btnall sums to Invost enn got a first mortgago on tho proporty which Is nmplo security nnd tho Vogot Bros, oroct tho Iioubo The ront pnyB tho Intorqst nnd tho Instalments pay off tho bnlnnco. ' ThlB city Is vory much In need of moro dwellings, nnd those hnvlng capital to Invest or wanting a homo should Investigate tho plans on which this firm builds houses. Thoy hnvo certainly mndo a rec ord of doing things for this city and for those who want to own homes on onsy terms. n; ; i Woll, anywny, we, can settlo down to buslnoss now. Thinks It Raved Ills Llfo. LeBtor M.. NolBon, of Naples, Ma,lno, says. In n recent letter: "I havo usod D.r; King's. Now Dlscovory many years, for co.ughs and colds, nnd I think It saved my lire. I hnvo found It n reliable remedy for thront nnd lung complaints, and would no moro ha without a bottle than I would bo without food." For nonrly 40 yenrs Now Dlscovory has stood nt tho hond of thront and lung romodlcB. Ab a provontlve of pnou monln, nnd honlor of weak lungs It Has no equal, sold unuor guammuu at J. C. Perry's drug Btoro. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottlo free. Local Local Graber Bros. plumbino . AND GAS FITTING Will give prompt attention to all orders, guarantee our work to glvo satisfaction and to bo up to the sanitary stand- i ard. ;WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE ESTIMATES ON CONTRACTS, Call at our shop on Liberty street, back of Barr's Jewelry Store. Phone 550. illCKOKT BARK Cough Remedy h - lO.fT "j""" Coughs, Colds CROUP Whoopm Coujh BrcinchllU SORE THROAT THBOATndLONCS WtMISAlllKWIITta. m-JC-TM SAUM.OWOW.O.I. IMlf, -L yxiA J 1 T a' IT win XtfcTtoi KKfolfc'J "SB! TO -., fowtttotii ItUTlAA i.I . T' i 3 St. Udfs St,Pat Omaha Viisi; - r.T"Wj' Kansas CHy $$ J TICKITSWILLMM Mavi 4s 'H " 10 mm ' Ataw;i Good for return It ft j mopover pririljiHj, Wtta te i mm l wmmt. For any further ! tU, wm. mum, 4 Goneral Piitewr ju r0RTLAXD,QjaS Time Car.! Vo. m Co., ESTectlte W ivuo, Tovurd rerllHil Xo. 16. 5:15 l a- nrcss. No. 18.-8:10 a. a-C passenger. No. 12.2H6 P.B.-& longer, Toward forlW, ko. my- S'.OJ p. i last (relent. No. 226,--10:IMIJ w&v freight Totvurd S Fmdj no. li ii:qj Li naMcnwr. No. 17c-!M5p.t- ,t iiaoTWffv ! No. 15. 9:56 p,.k- No. 13.-3:31 . - nrnrM Townnlw.Frm No, 221r-JHJi.i.- frelKbt. No. 225. 11:88 !; Oregea S3rHri Tlmo of srrliil ni ' cars aV88ler3IJlli, and IntemrtWe Pw Arrive 8:19 ts. 19:50 ub. isiprow l:M fra ui Express Local l:!0p. 5:15 ?. Express, 8:10 P. a. . r- rnRVAlJJS T" ' TntflAlU,, No. 4- rum Detroit follows. K IpM1 No. 8- Leaves Alr '" rrUtttCKW" NO, l?.-? . U...4 .1 Arrlw si Cm " TA - I iiaW .hi Learn ""' :.t .f rtamllt"' .!' l r-fliilirJ No. . No. $- lc7j:::: " 2T. i Leaves w' .m t0T Zrtmtm Arn": "dM ""i i1-- jgayttC jjgggjttf MkKSJdVJU. iAi v . .