m. ItAlhTt CAPfTAfc .TOUnNAL, SALEM, OREOiON, TnUR&DAV, MAY , 1004 aMnHHMMBMMialHjNMMaMHain THE CAPITAL JOURNAL U 1IOFER, Ed. and Prop. n Itidoi i m.Ioiii .N'mpniKir svntei to American I'tinulplcJ nnd I'm I'ruKiC' ami tievvlotietncnt nf All Oreiwn. at L 'uMnlid EUfX ftvcithiit EnAtit SundaY, SAIem, Ore. HUIlSGIlfl'TlON HATES. , (In variably In Advance, ) . Dnlly, lijr currier, riff year ...?fl.0Qjrer month...... 60c tOllv, by iimll, per year....... 4.00 I'er montti 3.V Vklf, by mall, or reitr. i.OO Six momlis JOc .Focconvonlonco of subscribers branch delivery offices aro establish ed lit tho following places at 35 conts per month, $1.00 for three menths: Aktliiiit In.i. 1H l" Ta Y?a i. G!ft. A .!.... Aiirtn.ii. TiiiimIImm iinjiuiu uiviu, A' v. uo uo . uj"i joj'kui niuuuu uuuvuuu, Carllno, Seventeenth street, A. W. Lane, Garden Road Store. JDauo'B Store, Alex. Daue, SouthCommercial streot. TllnMlwIn Dfn.n 1 Tit TTInnlA. T?rtf Q.Ia .lArt Jjajrgrounds Store, Harrison Dee, fairgrounds Road, ijowoll's Corner, Twelfth and Gross, streets. O. lt.YGrocory, A. At Englebart, Twelfth street. Wheeler's Storq, W. D, Wheeler, Highland avenue.' Yow Pftrk Store, j G. Bowersox, Twelfth and Leallo. "Lane Grocery, Sovonteonth strot J. L. Mooro & Son, corner Capitol and Union streets, Woat Salem Storo, West Salem. Zlnn'B Confoctlonory, 478 Stato street.. Dr. Stone's. 241 North Commercial streot. Huffman's Store, North Sixth street. V t Gorman Dakory, corner Twolfth and Chomoketn. ,' V a -j ' a ' A1 "yii I - -i'!l"',M',,JJi'af ., ,,4,1 if 'I 1! i LJ If 1 if ii A) ? rf . ' f ft ! 4 "3 i n , i ( -i V I THE PEOPLE SHOULD ACT CAUTV IOUSLY. Tlio Capital Journal was estab lished by' the clean, Independent R publlcano of Salem as a protest against machine" and ring rule. Tho prosout ownor has beon editor of the paper for nearly that many e&rs, &) (Jio HAS NEVER SUR RENDERED THAT POLICY OP VHflK PAPER. Tho Capital Journal today appeals to tho Independent thinking people "who aro Ub roadors and who do things. We npjionl to thorn to stnnd for their right? as Indopondont clttzcnn, ind to voto Intelligently. VOTE TO SHUT OUT GRAFT AND ROODLE CANDIDATES i expect to boo It run ns a Itrlctly Pro hibition town. Wo do not bellovo it Is good policy, to try to run a city of this olzo or n; city of any slzo dry UNLESS Tirrcnrc is ay nvrcnurtTrcr.MTvn PUBLIC SENTIMENT IN FiV?H OF PROHII1ITION. But don't voto Salem dry with tho expectation that tho lawB will not bo Btrlctly enforced against high and low, rich and poor, good nnd bad. The Capital Journal makes no s'ich distinctions of classes. We do not bellovo In .thorn. But If tho people adopt ouch laws THEY SHOULD HE FORCED TO LIVE UP, TO THEM UNTIL THEY CAN RE REPEALED. , If you voto for radical measures be proparod to swallow your dose. It 1b easy for transients who pay eep the Kitchen Cool Why swcltefcover a globing tange iua stuffy kitchen yhen a new Perfection,' Wick Blue Flame Oil CookStovc will clo the fsfmily codkiii without' rais'i'jlg' the',t,e!utperatur,c enoligh to be 'noticeable? " By putting a "New Per fection" in "and 'allowing the range fire to go out, you may make this summer's kitchen work not only bearable, but actually 'a pleasure. The NEW PERFECTION :: Wick Blue Harac Oil Cook-Stove produces an intense heat undtr tht ittttt ir in iht ovtn-, but doa not radiate heatih all directions as a coat range doesrhe&co u used'with comfort on the hottest summer day. Made in three sizes, and warranted. If not with your dealer, writs our',ncsreit ancyj , The MJym- T comt M.nr JX&yO Lamp l$sj;g. m ejla to g&t. Gives a cier. bilgiu light that reache the farthest corner of a good sized llvfng-room. Well mad throughout of nickeled brass; perfectly safe and very ornamental. Warranted in every particular. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (lacorpormtld) EXCURSION TICKETS ON SALE FOR NEWPORT "In T.. 4., .. u' IUU JLBt inf3 HOIIthnrn Tji. I. Mntnnnnv will ..1.. . , . "i "v '""' "" "av;" "" aio at Salein) yi.iiiiuu ucKoig io Newport and ro vurn. in addition to tho usual tide ots good for tho ontlro soason, week end oxcurslon tlckots will bo sold or. Saturday mornlngi, g00d to rtui,' following Monday, at the iow rate oi $3 for Iho round trip. This affords an oxcollont opportunity to spon-i Sunday at tho bench. Tho rhododon. drons ftro now in bloom, and the woathor at Newport Is dollghtfu" . you aro not ready to go for an ox tondod stay, don't miss this chanco for an outing. Prior to Juno 1st, excursion tick ets to Yaqulna only will bo on sale, on woonoMny and Saturday, at $4.60 from Salem. WM. M'MURRAY, J. M. SCOTT, O. P. A., S. P. CO. A. Q. P. A.. S. P CO. tf .9 i MA1 I' sen .x r-m EA r1' auuTHt " acitpi F ' ll.lVVt. ..J ' UEOlkMil " i I iT"'fl I " Sdea AS to 25Ti WliMiircviiiu vmr nm mnru AND GRAIiT AND DOODLE PROP- no taxes, novor do Jury duty, hnvo OS1TIONS, no homes and no buBlnoo3 rospoml- Thin paper h open to discussion l),lltJ' to mislond tho people, -of both sldca of any proposition, nnd ' A trumondous pqwor hnB boon Its odltor In not rosponslblo for opln-, IoBl In tho hands of tho pooplo lona of othors. under direct loglBlntlon. A nowspnpor for tho pooplo must Ir yu vo'o blindly for everything allow tho people fmlleat llborty of tnftt ,B proposed tho direct lnw-malc oynrnmtlnn 1X1W MtlilT U.IVi' f rkv- . lllC DOWor will illHtnmf tho nonn'i v..,.. v.. ...,.., .,v a ...&.-. v.i- VIOTIOXS liX)R ITSELF. In one way Tho Cnpltal Journnl Ii Clstlncltvoly conservative It dooi not roadlly tnk up with ovory now Tlnktupi that Ib offorod. H tlilnlw with the Dlroct Primary and tho right of direct legislation THE PEOPLE CAN PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST OUT 31AGES. Wo do not bollovo In tho multiplic ity of now-fanglod propositions that havo boon Initiated, and would nd wliio tho pooplo to weed thorn out. If you foel that you really ought to voto for a fow of thorn do so with tho utmost care. Out of tho ntnotoon propositions submitted to tho voto of tho peopln THREE-FOURTHS OE THEM SHOULD RE DEFEATED. If you voto for only a fow of them you run no risk of gottlug up n congested condition of things .political mdlgo3tIon, If you voto for Woman Siuffrngo, ing powor will disgust tho peop'.o thomoolvos. SO WE SAY. THINK TWICE, AND THEN VOTE NO ABOUT THREE TIMES OUT OF FOUR. Tho bunion of proof Is upon thoso who proposo to submit matters to tho voto of tho peoplo. . If wo nro to envo the powors i'n trustcd to tho pooplo wo must ocH- cato tho peoplo to uso them wlsoly. r. PHYSICIANS CURE SKIN WITH SIMPLE REMEDY Noted" Kc.onm Spccltflst Cominfiil.H on n Proven Diseases. Spccillc ,for Skin Phyalclanu ovorywhoro contlnuo their pralso for ordlnnry oil of wln- torgroon In n wondorful specific for Eczomn and other Itching skin dl- omes, This liquid, nuro nnd clean ns water, extornally npplkjd ha3 in stant effect. A fow drops on tho blirnlnt Itollltlf nnrn nulling Inotnnf rf.... .-..w (v. uuiiinnu, at n -w. v....awa lu.wu. proniuitlon, singlo Tnx and othor ronoi, ana a Biiort coutlniied uso now wrinkles you ought to bo will- Klves a complete euro. Ing TO ASSUME THE RURDEN of Dr. C. B. Holmes of Silver City, carrying thorn successfully Into of- Mia., Is to onthulsastic about this feet. Iromedy D. D. D. Prescription th U Ltit us help (lie peoplo to got good ho tloclaros in n letter to tho D. D. lawa and havo thorn enforced, but D company of Chicago that IIiJh IiET US NOT UNDERTAKE TOO R1"0" It'iuedy is as near a specific for MUCH IN THE WAY OF INNOVA- ,nift as In qulnlno for innlnrla, TIONS, All who havo traveled nn th rri. iri.,nn - .... . ...... ,,., , , , . -.. jhii iiivwrnc in Jiign mover. url'J lVi0T,X :h F 8h.8"ard 0X-! DontaoUr. opera, -Lucia rfl Lam- i .. n iVf rauaingion on mermoor," Is novor revived nown- ho Groat Western Railway nmt days at Convent Garden unless a have noticed tho neatly garbed "la- prima donna desires to display n ladies' attendants- introduced twr voice of phenomenal range and qual- oars ago by this company. ItSr. Ono of thoso rare occasions at- Ihoy occupy ono on each train- traded a crowded audience on Snt- a reserved compartment in a coir!-' unlay night, when Slgnora Lulsa To- dor carriage. Ono of tho Mats of trnzzlnl gnvo a really remarkable ox- Oils compartment In loft vacant and hlbltlon of her vocal skill In tho provided with a pillow, in readiness in .mi ri ..m.i .. for any lady who desires to Ho ror twenty minutes she was sing down; on tho other sits tho attendant Ing alone on tho stage, while thoro BOWlnt nr IrnltHnrr nn n .. ...i. ' .... . . . 7. "a "' """' was a ueaa Biionco in tho auditorium. not otherwise occuplod, beside u Tho Neapolitan nightingale sang the largo box containing slmnlo romodloq'nt....a ,D .i.i. ....... .for 'train-sickness a sort of special freshness, clearness and voglr, and ,, ., , . I when bIio hnd flnlshod on hor sonsn- ouuiuuiiiuH lames asic ror my tlonal top noto tho E flat In alt help nlmoflt directly thoy enter tho the lienors became frantic with on trnln," said ono of thoso attendants thuslnsm to the Dally Mirror yesterday. "Thoy Tho tumult was deafening, for Iho do not, as a rule, come tomy com- stalls nnd boxes vied with tho gnllerv partment but remain with their m vociferous applnntso, and the friends, and I go to them. I world-famous artists was rocallol wo aro not oxnetly tftilnoj nun- nn tnwn m. ni .i, mi cs, but wo soon obtain a knowledge nppenrnnccs &eomod to Bntlsfy tno of f tin tnn m? fmm mh Im ni.i. I ... .. w. ...w ........ 4U....n Wl ....i-aiCKUUSD. majority of tho 3000 persons present an, the best way to deal with them, especially when Slgnora Totrazzlnl I think ho fact that horo is a- vo-',)Ub,cly cknowlcdKod tho groat ns- ...... w.. . ,.,.,. 11U0U ,, lt 13 u, 8l8tnnco flh0 lm(j r0C0VC(1 from i,or fcv.. ..u w..wuniBU Biuionng nnu bvothor-in-liaw, Cleofonto Campanl ImorouB passengers Is a groat help nlf who ,md coductod tho orelionlra, MJ0"1;, , .. nnu from B. S' Kcdrorn, who had Dut,tho amazing quostlons yo uro played with consumnto Bklll tho olab aBked! I am expected to bo a por- ornt0 fluto obllgato. JiPCrdtb00k' i u . , ' .J 8,Bnorft TotTzz' Bin GI on I often Imvo children brought 'Wednesday In "Trnvlata" and on o mo, and I generally find that Frl(Jfty ,n ..u,goloUo... Ncarly the reason thoy nro ill Is that thoy tho seat for tt,hRft rnrnM,nifliinn. hnvo" boon most stupidly fed. "On ono occasion I looked after throo chlldron for hours. Thoy wore vory ill ns a result of rntlng choco lato and bannnas together. But nt tho first stopping station tholr moth, or wont down tho platform nnd bought thorn moro chocolnto, and In sisted upon .thorn having It, too; of course, against my advice. "Aftor having trnvolod some sev en hours dally for moro than a yenr, six days a week, I do not find that my own health has suffered. "But I do Bomotlmos feol, noar tho ond of a Journoy, as though my norvea Jiavo almost reached tlfo aro sold on Saturday night, when these porformnnces woro first nn nouueod. London Chronicle PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To Bo Hold In PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 TO (i, 1908 Wl'l bo tho most brilliant . Floral fiesta and Civic Jubilee ovor held In tho Pacific Northwost Portland, "Tho Roso City," will bo a scono of splondor nnd tho center of world-wldo inter eat for nun wnVr. Several Important convontlonB to bo hold in Portlnnd on that occasion. Th$ Southern Pacific Company W1I Soil Spoclal' Ticket On This OccasI6n From SALEM, Ore., to Portlnnd nnd Roturu at $2.20. For pnrtlculns call on local agents. Win. McMunniy, Genoral Pnssongor Agont, toiiw. i r.MM- "'"I'cui ""7" 574.15 St. Louis S69LI5 oi, raui Omaha i - ""J Kansas City $51,55, TICKfcTi .... , Maw A J a it June 5. fi io w August fi 7, 2U. ! GOnd tn ..... . . , "' ,Blrn it ) . -jujiyver DrW'. n .y'fl '--o-i wHUiiiai, wnma 1 For any further inforiMdJ tti WJf. M'Umii.. Oonoral PasstjpfiL PORTLAND, ouoP Time CartlXo. 53,8. nine ""fi Toiranl Pamlo i No. 16.-5:13 . IS in L'aa. No. 18.-8M0 a. n.-C pgjsengor. No. 12. 2M5 p. n.8 BOtlKOr. TOITAril PArtUi 1 No. 222. 5:00 p. , fast frolnht No. 226. 10:4 ll:H way freight. Toward San YTtntUa, o. 11 h;oj . rJ nnssenoer. No. 17. 6:45 p. a.- No. 15.-9:56 p. ni.-nrcas. No, 13.-3:31 1 m.-toi express. Toward San Frk,! No. 221. 2:43 1. m.-? frelcht. No. 225. ll:2S a.a-Mfi M isra Tim Hnnlfnl Tnni-n.il ...III l.n rnmJ for four VOnra with I'rntlfvlnrr r..-. iittrOtlnr u.. .. In... nn.lJ t... 41. . RIiHh." Wfllda lir lTnlmno people, ovon though, wo do not ap- There are thousands of other phy- jirovff of .thorn. jslclans who use D. D. D. Prescrlp- Do not Voto Salem dry unless you t,on' tho oil of wlntorgreon specific. ,"I have boon using your D. D. D. ', " , ,a,m08t rcaclieA Uf0 for four years with erntlfvimr r-l1!r?ak,I,S oltti a' 5'wrdB, onlnn- drlvors, and nil sorts of railway fur vants havo told mo that they aro Just tho same." Othor railway companies nro about IVD. D. cures-and it is so clean to t0 f,1!owl tho (?roat Wostorn'a ox-j I us.. ' jf wo did not know what D. ",UPlc'.n.ua travelers who suffer from ' Keep Your Idle inouoy uhire It will worK for you while you wo lool.. lug for an Invest incut. Our, Savings Department pa.s three H' cent lutenttt and all withdrawals are paid on lUunnml, D, 1 Wl'l O Wl wnnlil nnt r onm. train-sickness nro anxlc.is that la-1 dies attendants Bhould bo on all boat mend It to our friends and patrom. " "nom do on all boa, Tho Capital Drue Comrmnv. "Una nnd that run moiv Tho Capital Drug Company Call at our storo anyway and lot ni9 boo 4ho nnturo of your ekln trouble. i than two hours without a stop. i HICKORY BARK Cough Remedy Haass ttimammm Coughs, Colds CROUP WhoopinCoufh HoarirncM Brnchlll SORE THROAT TMROATn4LUNCS 1. MHW (W. .. WtfUt MM IIMIBI CO. Vm4 U.M ft P.m ... BM MJm.IM SAirM.ORTCON.U S.A. 4 Puce. Iat.lt CoiU o . SAVINGS l)ElART.MENT CAIjlTll, NATIONAL "6ANK Train Slckuows In England, j Train sickness Is an ailment whlon smllko sonslckuess, doos not nftVt tho majority of travolors, and con sequently has novor boon rognrdvl qu!to so seriously by tho majority of travolors. , But thoro uro thousands of wo nion and not a few mon, who suftVr agonies ovory tlmo they travel in a fast train, and there aro Borne go constituted that thoy can onduro a, rough channel crossing bettor than two hom-ft In nn express. "Oh, If ouly tho train would stop for a single minute!" la froquontly' roltoratod on Jong express Journeys' by pallid ladles who quiver with fright which they know to be sonse losa as the train takes a curve with ouly very slight slackening: of speed. Make the breakfast a success and the day will take care of itself. d.A rm r.rotCr mmm mm Folder1 Golden Gate Coffee CJHil77?! iVhem hrii aSK'Ftyrwrzx PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Oregon Oectk Tto ! Tlmo of arrlul 1 1 cars at Salem It is lo1ifl and intermediate pcIa'J: Arrive Local SMOtH. M ExproM 10:50 1. W Local l:tS P- Uj" Expresj 4:29 p.m. m Local 5:45 p.B. Exnress 8:10 p.a E .Will give prompt attontlon I to all order! guarattoe our work to give satisfaction and to bo up to tho sanitary stand ard, ' WE WILL HE PLEASED TO GIVE ESTIMATES ON CONTRACTS. Call at our shop on Llborty Btreet, back of Barr's Jowejry Store. Phono 660. HI ("OltVALLLS & W TIMKTAiU No. 4 lnn;m DfitfOit ..i.i" tnllnnrm WUKHIMCiU ' 'TralMferC;! No. 8 7.pnvM Alb?r ' -" ' ... i rrlros ft Corniw No. 10. Ir..nfm Atbasr .."" i" ...i,. Arrires at iwi" No. 6 1 onvni AlbaflT ...i..Aa .i rdrrallK .' AHMBO "- ,.,, TrtWi'" No. a a Leaves CnrrtltK f- X1UII1-' " No. 9 im Corrsllli Ariivei at A!k7 Kn V 1 1 "" ' -.- - ' HIGH SCHOOL GLEE CWB.iSS SaS,'!! starts the day right. Aroma tight tins Never in bulk. Sold on merit No prizes -no coupons-no crockery. J. A. FoIgr tL Co., 'H " K'.'riifei-4 M- , LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK KATES AS 10W AS lASTESII H6USII "Phyllis, the Farmer's Daughter" at High School Thursday Evening, May 28 AT 8 P. JL General admission, 25c; rcservod seats, 36 cents. Tlckots and re served seats at Capital Drug store, cor State and Liberty. The Junior class will give a pre liminary to the play entitled, "Sleep ing Car Farce," 0A.WTO3BII. && Leaves cow " Hi Arrives - ',.-. No. II , Leaves AHRa' ,' fc Arrive r con- , War tntmL Trai"' fv" No. J- U . rrtF4ILJ "- . H Arrives ''- j Arrive. o """ .,!, vejSHii: Leaves l'2-0 OC; leave for Pgt 1 rri' r3Ert inifflW1 u&xdfute&t