1WfT v' .,. Solicit 'XVHL SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1008 NO. Xl .4 & Iwumal i ... " Tf .... ' ' ' - ii.i . ,. ii.ii.-'. I ! ";'; ' ii-i !' m - II . .1 fc !, ...HI.. ,.l. I ,.l.l.l.l...l.l,l..l. i,JiWiimw.MW... ,A- M E MACHIN E GROOMifrA SACK SENATOR ric Jem Is fighting Improper Franchise Privileges VICTIMS OF MORGUE INL VICTIM . iTS HELP IURDER TRIAL FRENCH " ROUTED BERBERS MACHINE PROGRAM IS NOW OUTLINED ' . i OVER IN MOROCCO IT11Y AROUSED FOR HIM : HEMARKAHLE l'HVSICLWS WHO MOM) XOT MENTALLY HESPON- hltcd Press Leased vviro.) and, Or., May 7. Mrs. 'Ed- Hugh Martin will htlek by tin: No word of horn will b FIGHTING HEO- OltD MADE AGAINST OVER. WHELMING .NUMJIKItS IIKilVY M)SSES ON DOTH HIDES. Portland Leaders Headed By Oregonian Fighting to Destroy the Prijnary Law and Elect a Boodle Senator in the Leg j Portlnnd, Or., Mny ". (Special PRIMARY LAW WITH THE LOSS .Telegram to The Capital Journal.) ! OF A REPUHLICAN SENATOR and Whoever has watched tho Port land pnpcro closely enn goe thnt tho people of Oregon are not In as much danger from tho foeblo minority UJnllcd Proas Leasee! Wire.) ' ,)nrty n9 thoy aro from lho ,)owerflli Paris, May 7. A thrilling no- Ruimbllcan mnchlnn irnni? nt tvnil- connt of the fight at Monnbba on tbo tlclans thnt baa net wit to destiny morning or April it. between a statement Jn i nn,i itm Mmnt nri. on tho witness stand that Fioneh column and an army of Uer-'mary law nnd return thin stato to (8t !n sending tho ex-army . hers Ihik boon received. Thl jn- tho corrunt corporation realmo Tho ..... .i ... . .. - " -..---- o a snamorui death on th This bIio declared I iriininnt. will rnnV no nnn nt tlin tnmf ... .-. . . a... .. i" w" " " try uj in urcKuninn now 18 mat an to tho memorable of the Moroccan cam-thoro iB'to tho nolltlcal stuntlon I- Nnosuay nignt Hinnumg paigu, especially in view of tuu re ttlnuca on pago flvo.) (Continued on pngo flvo.) declare that tht law munt bo re pealed nnd a nmcblno Hcpubllcnii elected pvor Chamberlnln and tho dark horso with tho bnrrol will ap pear to corrupt the legislature. Tho people who stand for the? prlnclplo of tho direct prlmnry law nnd Statoniont No. 1 aro turning to Cnko as tho man to elect. Not Fighting Clinnibcrlnln. Tho people who Rland by thlH principle do not light Goo. E. Chnm berlnln, but thoy will refuBo to play tho dirty, contemptible and unprln HICAGOSIM PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE - e Do the Business iat Is the Reason!tWhy We Can Give th? People Such Bargains P house thnt doea a small business has to have big profits. Tho mai UOrt tho big busmen can soil their good for small ' It's the volume that counts lu our days. Get our price's o't be jwijing iuch big prices for your good. Statomont No. 1, nnd thnt it Is a Democratic invontion. nnd honco thOBo who bellcvo in tho prlnclplo clplo'u,,xamo"'of tho OLD DIRTY AN!) SHOULD ALTVOTE FOItA DEM- OIHCOtTNTENANCEI) OltltGON VO. OOHAT IN THTB UNITED STATES LITfCATi MACHINE. SENATE, us tbo principle Is a Dom- loader who In low enough nnd dirty ocratlc piirty principle, otc. Thnt is enough to lond hlmaolf to thl gnmo the or.iglnnl machine program to dl- of tho mnchlno nt tho bend or which credit Statement No. 1 in tho oyos etnnds Jin monthplcco, tho Orogo of (ho pooplo, nnd lino up half tho nl,an nowspnpur, ought to become, HopubllcnnB to vote agalnet tbo an outcnBt with tho pcoplo forever, principle and glvo tho popular votu Mr. Cako has mado a clean enm for United States aenntor to Cham- palgn for prlnciplu INKIDE OF THE berlain, nnd then turn looso tho HEP U Jl'LI q A N PARTY AND corporation add mnchlno, Influences fiQUAHEI.Y I)EFOIlE THE VKO. WITH UNI'IiEIKJEI) MEMItKHR OF 1IE. Ho told them evorywhoro ,tigt THE LKGIRIjATUIHS and olect a If Governor ChamborJaln wivs Uo bnrrol sonator who can bo handled choice of tho pooplo the loglrdaturo by tho Fulton-Pattorpon-Mntthcws- should sent him as senator, and ho HOLDING FRANCHISE POW-WOW RURAL WITH OR. Elf CTRIC TO ASKING THE COHI'OltATIOX COME THROUGH ON I'AVINCJ ' . , . A. STREETS WANT "'AMENDED FRANCHISE. An Important conference is belns; held this afternoon betwonn city of ficials 'on one side, and officials of lho Oregon Electric Rallwuy com pany on tho other, In regard to grading tho company's trncku on High atroot, which Iuib boen under dlscuBHlon for a long time. Tho principal pnrt of tho disputed grading U on thnt portion,, of tho track running north from 'North Mill crcok about six blocks and Any political I O'lx'c'nHy lt M. .Ahg cronug. at llrondway street, where the railroad company has graded tho track forVn block ylh a uniform grade of on', foot higher than tho 51t j- ban graded tho street, Tho Oro'g6h Eloctrlo onglneori claim that thoy hnvo on tabllshed a bettor grade than tho ono flxim byjho city and that the city should bo tho one. to make tho chutige. Cltyi official,, Including tho mayor, member of 'tho council and so'nio of tho'utiKlufers, holda very dlffefont opinion and ore 'prepared to make tho cOmpnny grado in ac cordance with lho" fraiichlno, rjndor CONTINUE TO SHOW MORE REMAINS UNEARTHED ON THE GUNNESS PAII NEAR h PORTE,' INDIANA LQVE MBTV TEHS ARE PRODUCED. 'Unltrd Profrs Leased Wlro.) La Porto, Ind., Mny 7. -The Guh nein farm mystery cohtluiios to grow deeper, and deeper. Tho most Important development toflay Ij tho story by Doasio Conklln, tht Michigan City BwootheHrt or Ray Lnmphero, who Is undor ar ret.' In connection with tbo burnlnje of Mrs. GunnoBB homo whorb the lattor aiA her three children were burned to death, the Conklln girl tld' lho au'thoifUle today" taflHi ph'oro hnd 'Informed hsr tht h h, loft tho GunriuHii' hnm tnr unn, v "Lamphero told mo," wild Misw Conklln, "tllt he would get even with tho G'liineng' wAman. Ho told mo it was I'oported that sho Intended to soil tho homo. ". 'Sho xloesn't want to u ioo- ure," Lampfiore said. If sho Is -ruro nbojj It I'll burn the place doS-ii oxW hr nead.' " ' No juldltlonal bodies' have been unearthed " today, although several men are digging on the premises. This work wjii not lie nbanlloned un til every Inch of ground hni been hinjed over. . Shortly beforo noon the digger White, Long Chamois ed g'ovoa, pair QOJ B'AN CHALLIES - - ,.:. 4c JKDAnD CALICOS--I ' " 5 QnES8 SILKS ri ' '. 49 FOCKiNQS- Jr , xap 3HESS GOODS N CORSET COVER EM ftOIDBRV. yard 23 frti PRfc'TTY LAWNS iru .... rf" B EMDR01DERIK i ' rOS(i.: PAJIARftl.S iroc and ;ERCHiKts: V . . -iff "Idrtdg f nV,w n.rtI.Ta r.ll the to al tne aame low HARGA1NU! .HAR- AIXS! UXS! "S SjltH Prvn.n l.l.ol. MJUlUP... W - U-.-.. .!. " mil unu nm J. , ' ""l n gUe you price lOn h latest vnrmonta ill kep ,ou bmsy trying ., if!1 wl Am, 7 If ft lH II l r Dunbar machine. at tho Btuno time warned thoni of IB NOT THAT THE TRUTH tho Hchomo tobrlnjc out A HOODLE wh.'h thoy ftro nllowed to opornta AROUT THE SITUATION" SO I-'AR CANDIDATE IN THK, JNTERTOT t'1" road. In ordor.to allay friction, VS THE MACHINE POLITICIAN IS OF THE GANG. A clonu, cut fight t!l nieotfiig Is being hold today bo- CONCERNED? .for prlnclplo wns mndo by Mr. Cakf tweii tho opposing sldec to effect, found six men'g and ono woman'H r)Io Tuni nir to Cake. . 'and ho Is entitled to the Hunnort of compromise, ho inai ror ones ami aii.u"H in wiu ruina or ine uunnew This Is the most dangorous and tho pcoplo for the fight ho mado. tho question as to grading of tho devilish situation that has over con- Ho wa.- further tho champion of tho ' blocks north of tho Mill crooks, fronted tho nfconlo of Oregon. THE oosoelt administration. Mr. Ful- "w living of the croslng at Court MACHINE WANTS MOST OF ALL ton talked two houra ut Salem and " "Igh streota with bltullthlc and, TO DESTROY STATEMENT NO. t nevr mentioned the- national ito-.'rlck and the additional frnnehU-j-.Klvingtthe number of the watcHea (AND THE DIRECT PRIMARY, publican administration. So far as liked for on High street south to .LAW, To do this thoy want to be the people of Orogon arc concornofl Mill and west to Liberty may bo nt- eiiubllcnns them-. Mr. Cako is tho ONLY POLITICAL tied. R I understood that an agree- Uqmo. Through them tho authori ties oxpectto learn the Identity or tho nlno boJiyj which wero found b'irled in the GunnetiH lot. Circular nolo 10 say Wiu neiiuriiiciinn iiieui-. aii. vunu ip hid mii iui u ,iu t wivno uiv rotiiiiilfitPii PnVo. tho Re-1 CHAMPION OF THE NATIONAL mont will bo reached this aftomoon l ,. t a. .,.,,.. x, t n.,.n.i..,.. i in.'iiTitr.i. v a nxriviLCTii aimw ' unil' I ln ritllroml rnmiiiiiiv will m.. for the United Statos onnto. Hav-iboforo them aud Is entitled to hdrJ,"ieHnt!y procwd with their work, Ing arronip'Jahed hl3 defeat at tho rupport. That Mr. .Cake will got Juno election they will turn right; thnt support Is becoming morn ap around and IlLAME THE DIRECT parront every day. ' A RAIDING BELGIAN -GAMBLERS ( FLYING iviAoniNC SUIT PRICIiS CL'T AWAY DOWN. $8.50, $10.58, $12.50, and $14.50 1 The Store That Saves You Money Ostentl, Dolglum. Ma 7 Osteiid'u poinlnrlty as an amusement roaort Is thrcatouad 'by a judgmout by the cnuit at Drug's condttinulng M. Mar quet, proprietor pf tho Kursual gam bling rooms, to three months' im-prI-onmont and n fliiu of 120 pounds for contravention of tho antl-gnm- bl'ng laws. The court also orders the confiscation of all ho' money and other property found In the Kuitaal when It was'raidd by ths polloir. Tho first sentoncv was Impose! three yean ago, but ho escaped by a technicality and this time an ap peal will be taken ,at pnee , ! In themeaptfmOj howyr all jthe preparations for the comlug iBeuuou at Ostend are suspended! I a i - r Only 500 cara pf npval orauges joft California and prices are ad-vaaclng. SUGGEEDS or tho city will do it for them and uuess tho wiimi to them, and In ex chnnge matters will be ho. arranged that W iiddiional franchise lyikt'd for will bo granted 'next .Monday night. Property owner aro very ' mueh will b sant to all parts of tho coun try. After an examination .or tho re mains, tho corouor announced today thnt'th'o ones in fho ground tho long est alifjw fracthred skulls and that horo Ik ovldonce that the men bul led rocontly wore either asphyxiated or rhlorofoniiedi .The letters with which Mr. GiimloflR Is enld to hav lurcKl Andrw Hwlgallne of Soutli Dakota to his death, and which w6ru gl.vun to States Attorney Smith by Manteo, N. biothors, tho C, May 7. Wright. aeronauts, hnvo mnda Engineer a first (light In (heir new. aeroplane. Although IkU n tost flight, It wa? successful In evory rospoct, tho ma Uiposed to thj uso of stroots for AIIo Helga'lne, tho dead man'n stundlng freight curs, pr for tor-J orowior, contain tho following ox mlnal ground n.ud tho council feels tracta; that way too. j "You ary to mo n king. I love you Thoso partaking in the mowing Hh nil my heart. I couldn't hoar thl 4 afternoon aro the city council, hear to bo denjved Come to. rao City Engineer Perrott. Consulting bride awaits you. Wo will bo happy horo us u king and quoon In the moat beautlfcii home In northern Indiana. Thlelsun and .Professor Tillman, civil englnoor for the city, and Manager Talbot aud Chief En glneer Galvnnl fot; th railroad com I ". n i f ch.na In porfeot control, traveling'. for u distance of 1000 feot. Appnr-I ,- J (inily It could have been flown 1000 IbiMtlmll Ichiihi. t'mea as far just as euslly as not.j Balem high KeihodlVwIII play their The flight was mado In a light north- socond game of baseball against En eat wind of l-i miles an hour, and ( gone high echool here tomorrow thf machine wai mndo to alight with Latt Friday Salem won at Eugene pei feot ooso and safety. 7 to 6 but expect 'to 'show a better After several preliminary tests tnjacoro here tomorrow. Tomorrow Is be mado during fho nsxt two or Salem oloan-up day and tho high thro days,' an endurance test of the .'school boys are going to do a little machine will bo made and on this bit of It in oleanlng no. tho Eugene I I ' A i " test an effort will probably bo mado to fly tho machino to Cape Henry, a distance of 75 miles and retuin. Hoforo the tests have been complet ed, experts representing the United States and foreign governments are expected to witness thorn. bunch. It looks at present as if to morrow would be a fino baseball, day. The emperor of Korea h report er banished, pjm't tniHt banks. Sail or mortgage your ranch and the tock and lirlnjj yW money here evwod in your 6lotht)s. r am glad when I think jthat you wore novsr murrid AH tfiee years you have bron valtinc for one "woman you could love tru ly." "You nro tho one man in nil the world for mo. I dream of yo'f. My Jovo nwnlta your coming." It Is now thought that th matrl-, monlal advertisement read by Helga; line was Inserted id a NorweglatL newpapflr In Michigan Aillo Helf guline told the prosecutor that a farm hand employed by Mrs OMn nesn had Informed htm that tk 'woman personally threw tn0 eartk over mo oouy or nis uromer alter rCostlBK4 ii page fetir.) i tLk .&.