,. . ' .WjiSt ,-fWDlli-V Mk - v -MM1-.4 ,.il , . WJ.- ii'.'T-'T-te-r it ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKKGON; WEDNESDAY,. MAY , 10 m WOMAN MAKES OATH IN REGARD TO STATEMENT connection with the Intense In- covory medicine, of which T i,v Jt manifested by the public a,t taken tho contents of three bottles, In the theory of L. T. Cooper "uu n oay cat anything without, hr human stomach, being tho ,nconvonlonco to myself. For a ,U,e , .11 m hMh. it.- number of " I suffered In-' ce 01 "l""' tonseiy with sevnrn iinn,irA, .. gmenta of Mr. W. I). Spauldtng, stomach, Indigestion, pains lii my trtllowell, Me., ono of tho oldest sldo, and complications which mndrt final.known druggists In that It exceedingly hard for mo tn nrmmj and of Mrs. Prddorlck Harvey, pllnh even my household work. Phv. Ml Ttnown nurso living In tho sklana had given me dozens of prc- ' place, win op iniBrcming to Bcnptions, which failed to accom- is of persona jvno are loaay pusn a euro or Cvon relief. Your! from ailments' directly New Discovery medicine ndvcrtlao- tblo to the stomach. The fact mont attracted my attention, and i tbeso Btatomonts are mado vol- purchased a bottlo of tho medicine, Mir, under oath, roiovoa an al, which I took according to directions at of doubt, Tne statements and before It was half gone, I felt eff: ivuijr luusn Duncr; wucn i naa laKea Uallowell, Malno, July 20, 1907. tho jpntonts of two bottles I gained tho Cooper M!dclnc Cp., Day- courage to eat many things which Ohlo.GentlQmcn: The pollqy for years I had denied myself, and Bnauldlng's drug store li to gain found they caused mo nolll effects, perfect confidence of tfio PJibt(c Today, after having used throo hot- hercr recommending, any .wcdl- tlos of the New Discovery, I can cat w trcatmont until ltd virtues anything and fool that I am a welt been fully csiauiiauea. tho woman once more, and I would L?r Remedies wero to lis an un-(advlso anyono to take Cooper's Now rn quality, we were vory BKepu- uiscovory, lor I reel sure it will of their medicinal value, and it euro them.' Mrs. Frederick Har- not until several oi our cuB-,voy, linuowou, Me, ber had received such bonoflclal "Wo endorse tho above tcstlmon- LH from their use that wo could lal, under oath, m bolng correct. longer doubt tliolr value that "W. D. Spauldlng. consented, to tako tho agency for "Testimony bofore mo under oath Cooper Remedies In this torrl- this 22nd day of July, 1907. r heartily endorsing the imnie. I "Ceo. A. Snfford, rllerewltfh wo glvo tho testimonial (Seal.) "Notary Public." fl 1X1 wiiuou vudu uumu iiiiuui inu iwu";r luiuvuiun uuvu piuvun nsrsonnl observation from her eminently satisfactory whorevcr In ns a rcgiilnr customer, and sin troduccd. Wo will bo pleased to ox- kj; 1 1 1 tl I ll iiiuir I1U111IO III miyuiiu mil- 'Gentlemen of the Cooper Mod- Ing to know about them. Wo are be Co,, Dayton, Ohie: It Is with agonts. aiure I reeommond .your New D's- J. C. Perry ! THOUSANDS VIEW THE WARSHIPS (Continued from page one.) Touch Ing, rXot s coin," ropllcrt in foldiy. "Money Is the poor." Ono Good Tiim, Ktc. the rich Third Floor Tenant Sno"horo! not good, iin ono 0r n commltto of men In I this npartment, nnd I'vo called to "Well," responded tho applicant' nk you to sell your flute. Second uit pretend thnt you liavo n Floor Tenant Delighted to hco you. udgo nsnlnst me." Philadelphia j pm on0 of another cohiinlttco and d?er was about to If you'd cotfs. noil go up nnd nsk you your baby. I.lppln- The Kml of tlio World. ZL , . eald It romo tomorrow would find . . . lily 1.3 of tin .people Buffering with wnn your woo n 10 m u so- luaatlmn of either Blight or so- "'" m '" ' . 'i'i, lv. nf.m vnim.lv ni.n.i nnffor and until you know you nro right Eth rheiimnllani for Bnllnrd's Snow.nijnln.Thoro Isn't any doubt about lolmcnt ilr'vca away tho trouble.' wnni i win oo nmi you wm i lltorp. H.n .mln Innlnntlv nm! 1110 irillll OI UII8 ailliuiliuiii. uiiiiuu p't'ftU HH I'HIM "" J ...... the Derkcley hills and other vantage polntB wero black with people". Tho Presidio was thrown wlda open, the public being admitted oven to the batteries. Soon after 7 o'clock tho sun mado a valiant effort to peep through the clouds and sac-! eeoded In shining forth for a few seconds only to bo again obscored. T,he haze over the 18 floating fort resses lifted slightly, partly disclos ing tho great white hulls to tho awaiting throngs. With powerful glasses It was possible to soo tho men on board moving about, putting on tho finishing touches for th6 en try Into tho bay. Every ship was dressed with Dags strung from bow to truck and, from truck to stern. From tho peak of the Connecticut fluttered tho bluo pennant of Rear Admiral Evans, while from tho flag ships squadron commanders wero flung their red pennants. The Wisconsin and Nebraska took up their positions during the night Joining tho big fleet immediately upon It arrival at the lightship. Tho movement of tho slghtsecra to the various places from which tho" fleet's entrance could be ob served formed n pretty picture. Hundreds of ntitomoblles, gaily doc' orated, with bunting and the na tional colors, sped through (he streets, while the les fortunate, tho majority carrying flags, from tho mlnlnturo button hole affair to tliu more pretentious size, bordered cars, decorated wagons, bugglPH an.l other in on n h of conveyance, vicing with one another In tho display of tho colors. Tln bants from nnrosi the buy did n rushing business from the first trip and when the trains from tho Interior began to nrrlvo they wore taxed to- their capnclty. Tho nnehoi'8 of tho Atlantic bat tleship licet splashed Into San Fran cisco bay today and the first hnlf or the world-fnmoras crulte was completed. Prosaic Is the statement, but far from prosaic was the arrival and Its nttendnut circumstances, for never In tho world's history has there boon hiicJimi magnificent -ma rine spectnelo as that presented commaad, the-. Pacific fleet, he .tor pedo flotilla and other vessels of war, constituting tho greatest! ar mada that any nation of tho world had gathered In ono port at any ono time, falling In behind, all steaming down the bay and coming in anchor boforo the great city that still bears tho scars of ono of the world's great est catastrophes, but undaunted and cheerful and its whole heart and soul throbbing a wolcome without equal. Excursion Boots Filled. Tho excursion boats, their decks crowded with passcngors and their maBts and sides gaily decorated with bunting and the national col ors wero steaming towards tho Oolden Gato early la tho morning, saucy launches' vicing with huge, black-hulled llnors for tho honor of bolng tho first to get outside and give-noisy greeting to tho warships. Arrived at tho entrance the eyes of tho people on the boats .foil upon a scene calculated to turn the Ice In tho coldest-blooded man Into warm, surging blood. The sirens shrfeked, passengors and crowa cheered and waved hats, flags and handkerchiefs, but oven In tho excess of thotr Joy they could toot ovorcomo that tremu lousness of speech, tho peculiar choking sensation, thatcome when the emotions aro aroused to Ino highest decree. ' But tho great spectacle was yot to come and after hovering about tho battleships, tho excursion boats started back for tho bay to tako position to vlow tho ships as they eamo In, maneuvered nnd dropped anchor. Pacific Fleet .Tolns. Karly in tho morning tho Pacific fleet, Admiral Sebree, which was anchored In tho bay, accompanied by tho torpedo flotilla and the other warships that were to Join In tho great naval parade, crept cult through tho Golden Onto to Join tho Atlantic fleet near the lightship. Here they maneuvered until Ad miral Evans' ships started for tho bay, nnd then they fell Into lino. Fleet Kenters Outc. It was a Uttlo pat 11 when the up-anchor slgnnl wiib glvon to the (loot still resting lazily on tho Pa cific's horizon. It was soon tho sig nal, too, for cheers for thooo who could seo the first movements of tho war dogB that swept from Point !- bOB down past tho Presidio, to tho crowds on waiting craft, on both tho Marin nnd San Francisco sldos of tho Golden Gate and nil along tho wntor front to tho southernmost point where It was possible to aecuro res tho us r ai well and supple as n?r y" vo T tur - r "' 'u' "'utn ,.. j.. ui,..w'n view of tho shli. Slowly the Con- IIH.VMK nhl Otl.l lv nil vilm-a WCQKS. 11 Willi liure 11 U ui u-i wni-ii iiiw mmiMui-u ..win, -...,.., l. -..,,... U,, M.,.. .., .... ..... ...... . I ....... . .... .. . i.i.. nn....l mm", ' . or wnr, icu uy inw ihihu' v"""--tn The House Furnishing Co. 100 Pairs BjBBJ?&WUKMW?2,W 100 Pairs Portiers at One-half Price Fringed or Bordered, All Colors Lace Curtains. Lace Curtains cut, with good old "Fighting Hob" EvnnH on tho bridge plowed Us way down through tho Golden Gato botwion the high cliffs, bllick with humanity, adding a mighty- flesh-nnd-blood welcomo to thojnyrlnd nr tiricla! signals of welcomo to tho Hhln and men upon whom dovolveH the task of upholding tho nation's honor at homo and abroad. I'hht Glimpse of the Fleet. All night long hundreds of people Blopt In the open on tlio hills, on tho military reservations on both sides of Golden Gato and on tho bench In tho vicinity of Sutro Heights. With tho first gray streaks o dawn thoy wore up, and boforo tholr eyes woro half opon they wero looking seaward to catch the first gtlmpso of tho groat ships of whlto and buff which wero riding at. anch or near the lightship, olght miles off shore. A slight mitt hung over tho sou I nnd at first only a faint outlliio of I tho vossols could be discerned, but with tho lifting of the haze thi monster sea fighters stood cit In .bold relief, tugging at their anch- i nrs iir Liiutiiwi uiiaiuuo w 'v ,nectlcut swung, around, and point ing hor noso to tho north, made her way front tho .lightship to tho gato, tho other ships of tho armada fal ling In In RlngJo fllo. Arriving off tha entrance thu Connecticut turned sharply and then steamed straight In, her 12 companions utrung out behind her In onu long lln, Huliito Flrcil. Ah the Connecticut pnnmd Point Donlta light and nonreJ Fort nnkor on thd Mnrln b!iIo of tho gato th great 12-Inch bnttorloa of Fort Ml loy, Fort Ilakor and of the Presidio wero turned 'loooo In a 21-giiu sa lute Illack powder was used by tho nrtlllorymon, nnd the great clouds of Btnoko, stronked by tho flory flnshos of tho explosions, mado an uwe-lnsprlnlg sight. Tho heavy booming of tho monstor cannon ere- utol a rumble thnt seemed to shake Krim old Mount Tnnialpnis, the groat green pllo thnt overlooks the gato, to Ur vory base, but hr. mighty hill hurled back In echo tho boomed wol como as If In second snluto to Evans nnd tho men nnd ships fn his com mand. Swoev'.'iK majestically down tho gato the ships soon pnsed tho Pre- beautlfpl 1 craft because she was built here and waulaunched by the martyred McKlaley. r Following the Wisconsin came tho Pacific fleet, made up of tho West Virginian, Coldrado, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Tennessee, California, Washington, South Dakota and the Charleston. l Next in lluo wero the black-hulled1 destroyers, tho Atlantic flolllla, con slating of tho Whipple, Hopklnt, Hull. Lawronce. Stewart and Trux- ton, arid the Pacific' flotilla, Includ ing the Preble, Perry. Davis, Far.ra-1 ftui auu vox. unngtug rup ino rear oi tho llrfq were the- auxllllarles of the 'Atlantic fleet, tho Oulgoa, Yankton, llollef. Arothusa. Panther and Ola- . cier. SalHto to Metcalf. Awaiting the warships on man-of-war row, .as thai portion of, the bay just south of thie Baa Franelsco Oakland fairway' Is known, with Secretary of tho Navy Metealf ori board', was'tho gunboat -Y6rktown( and as the Connecticut turned about to seek her anchorage, maneuvering beautifully "add holding the other ships In porfect formation, Bhe a- lttted tho head of tho navy, as did all of tho other vessels, t . All of tho ships) having arrived at tho spots assigned tb them for an chorage, tho signal was shot up from the Connoottcut, and at almost exactly tho samp InBtant tho anchors woro let go and plunged Into tho bay. A few moments later tho Httlo steamer 'Hartley, with Mayor Tay ior and othor members of itho ro ccptlon commltto on board, drow a'ongaldo tho Connecticut!, and clnniborlng nip the ladder. Ban Fran cisco's formal wofcome was extended to Ttear-Ailmlral EVnnn on behalf of Jho fleet. View Decorations. When tho offlcrrs and mon. of the Atlnntlc fleet took breath In tho rest that followed tho dropping of anchor they turned thblr oycrf toward the San FrnnclBco shore to further feast on the Blgnnls of welcomo. Every building lis far an th? eye could boo was decorated with tho national col ors In flag and Btrenmor. From tho tower of tho ferry building woro ntrung four lines of naval codo flags spelling n welcomo, thu shipping In the hnrbor wno decorated, ,.biit ox. cdllng all other signal of welcomo In point of attraction was tho hugo "Wolcome' Hlgn on Telegraph II III each lettor being larger than 'thu or dinary hotto. Itnll nnd larni1e. Tonighla grand ball and rocop Hon Vwlll- be toidoret?tltd secretary of Hie ,,nay,v, ' UearjAdmlral EvanH and tho ofllcers of 'tlio fleot at tho Fairmont. Tho featuro ot tomorrow's pro gram will bo tho great parade, In which botwoen 12,000 and Iti.OOO mon will parade, starting about 0 o'clock. That ear ABserfeaa nretta abotta If meaiata&l vIrtHM is abundantly .attatte bT-'seri Wrtio West mti'm&miml writers and teachers. Even the atp wrea Indians iiu disoeverea the u awe. of tnany!natlVaa4aalie before advent of tbe wblt rase. This inr ttee. (matted tn&y to ,Mis whites, tne Utter to continue Investigation to-day we hSTv'e a rich assortaient of valuAWe Amirlssa Medicinal root. 4 O O ' Dr. Pteree iMMevea tnttevr AswKw Mta aMswiLd In mot vsluftM Mmwil the cmT4u mo obtut It trsjrdMd BTOetlr m iM Of tM rjmm,piv lB B I.WAH lA Tulntlir sad etkr attettti tMt.keert yltUt Us eerssjeifjls: affecUcaf. t alMrlr kwa hi a Utile nf Mitt riwU ffttaa I&a ituiiM mmuu Mk towUitd fru te Wf ad4ww br y. rare r uwm,' if. jn, i a i - - "-ct a. v Mi Uit to'rtWww la Mm attn It U eeartant! aiftVIa ( .-"T -" "-.. IT ' ' . 'I .t.T. fttomftt rfeCtKmn, VMUMwy nj-arin OcrlnaccBMiHc 'MtDr'rl avWtwsPrMcrlKvJM ta s4y at W KWMMt ptMeMcin4i trtewtt4 byWITuful (i ninariMia Oilier iUT ftlivilcUa hill ftlltd. - - s. -y a Mtt vA atoT nmtleMd iMtclaa s fiollr Bid uo tro the elcrk3 xr: entire. pifllcinBl ruoU Tl proasw aterte in iliolr mMiufacwre wot oi i.t. fir llr.. and lhr are onla kllleS chomUts ihrts wl i nvn v U tiHrwiM.' i f romilcoiwl m rornlnc arsa. dialriied d built (or (k uiTxitiA KriMiilrftlr (r likrmruL IIBtlll- kit oUier full lUtoftliflr IneroaUBit IS aeb U)ttl-wraDOr, rtelBl SM firaber Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS FIHING : l Will give prompt aiienuoan m nil K.J.M itn.tianlAa rtuvl I IU Hit u.umo, BUi'"1 -t work to give eatisfactlon aad to be up to tne sanitary staaa ard. .. WK WILL UE PLEASED TO GIVE WSTIMATES ON . CONTUAOTg.i slipped and bo pormlttod to suit a sUlo reservation, and riding by Fort ionco Into tho magnificent Imrbor.i'oHic, "o "W. ot mo ions on mo in wi.iii tho ovoi of officers nnd moiipaii rraimisco soo m 4ii imy. i AT ONE-HALF PRICE Some For Less Ruffled Muslin, Ruffled Net, Clunas, Arabian and Nottingham ALL WONDERFUL VALUES The House Furnishing Co. 177 Liberty Street hrnd of tho column Bwung Ro.mroly Into tho bny and headed for tho deep channel that ruiu btwen tho west shore and Alcntrnz, tho ugly. rnrk Island on which Is situated tho military prison. A few nilnutaa moro and the Connecticut was with- h i have been longingly turned for months, but .the time hndnot yot jcouio for tho slgital from the bs!ovJ jomi,naiidfIii-Qlilef to up-anchor. Crmvds I'oue Into lut City. Tho orowds, preceded by thou- 1 wi rid a Hint hnd I'Ulllu to tllO . til)'. throe, four and oven flvo dnys ago.jl" '!" 'Kht or the city front. bgn to pnifT Into San. FrancUo Coming to, tho south ond of An uwm ae tha forrlss started, and i ol Island, whoro the waters are tralnload after tralnload bogan to wide nnd deep, tho ships fell Into pour Into the depots on both rtdtMiflunilron formation, the Connect I-, i,t tha lmv. Iiv S o'elnok hlllaldee. cut. ICrm'sb. . Vermont Loiltolann. housetoiH). oxouraion boats, frm . Gtjorn'a. Nw Jersey. Ithodw Island Unv. whst'lne launches to sreat and Vlrslula loading. Tho Nobras- ocean liners, wore crowded with pa triots, their bosoms' swelling with pride ami thOlr hearts boating w.th oxpectancy and enthusiasm. I At last thoy woro going to see that for which they had been waiting slnco Decomber 1C. Thoy wero go- ,lng to oe the muoh-vaunted Con necticut, the prldo of tho American navy, with near-Admiral Evans at the post he Is 6o foon to relinquish, leading the way through tho glorious uuiucn uttiu, I'MiHurwi uy mo rc-t malnlng 15 fighting ships under his tcrtalnlng a paternal feeling or the ka, Jntely arrlveil from Uromerton nnvy yard, foil In behind nnd tho sec ond squadron of the Atlnntlc floot followed, mado up ns follews: Min nesota, Malno. Missouri. Ohio. Ala bama, Illinois, Ken marge and Ken tucky. Thd Wisconsin foil' in be hind this squnrdon. Tho Ilattlffthlp Ohio. When the Ohio was picked out by the fortunato owners qf binoculars she was pointed out and tho word passed along, Ban Franciscans en- 'IIIHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH LOCAL BASEBALL i; : . BY JOCK :: tillllllllllllllllllllllll Callat our Bhdp on street, back jof , Ha,rr Store. .Phone 650. in lilMrty'df 'sMewelry- Wouldn't ft Jnr you to see tho AN blnn team fusion the Inst tng sign on tho Cherry PIckerH In the com ing gnmes Saturday nnd Sunday? Young Floys Meyer, tho youngstor who lins been pitching grent bnll for O. A. C. collogo of Inst, Ih 'to tako a hnud In tho Snloni-Alblua gAino on noxt Saturday, having hcon signed up by tho Ralom man agomont of the Trl-Clty lengurrs. Moyor wns glvou a first-class roc comniomlntloii by Joo Fny, who dv clnroi the lad Is a coming man u tho box. Tho Alblna mnnngQiuent baa cer tainly boon bupy of late In strongth onliig up tholr nggrognllon, ns ihoy now hnvo Winn French, a former star "In the box for tho Portland Pa cific Coast league, and C. 11. Pat terson, formerly with the "Hng'.ans" In thin city. Patterson Is stopping tho things coming hl way on third buse for Alblna It luu been niinoii.l hnro tluit should Woodburn fall to grab Mar shall, tho man from tho Bouthorn ball, district, thoy will make a stab j for Harmon, a man considered aj being the rtml pitching artist In tli( Coaet brtieh fvaetornlty. The Wyod- ( burn ciub nrousoe more oiiiiiuainein eaoh season among that llttla ulty''' fans, a fuel ovldonced by their pres ent bunch of pluyers the looal Trl-Clty league players Ur getting down to business now. and every afternoon thoy can be found out on the Asylum avenue grounds going through eomo stiff pruattae. A Uttlo prnetlco Ih more vahmblo to a ball p'ayor 1ian a b'g q'jantlty of advlco. That great big mun. Manlon, from Mt Angel, will probably appear in uniform Saturday and Sunday i Will tho Portland baseball fans pass tne same complimentary in I remttrxs auoui inu nuavcjra wnvn they lose at home? M v -j 1 1 t-ym m . .--TT -jism GEn.MAN 1IA1CE11V AND CONI'-KCTIONHUY Now under now management HCllLEltirr '& SCIIXKIDEH ProprlotorH Complete lino of fresh and up-to-duto bukors goods deUvorod to ull parts of tho city free. V' aro proud or our party and wadding ralcos, d-Mlvored on short notice. Glvo ua a trial Ih all wo ask. atoro corner Twelfth and Che mok.'ta SU. Phone Main US1. -KlV,WM'TWV7W,fVfnSiJr WJW ii i i . mumm fmmWm i Phone -tl Main H7 K illtfli St C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES C'nhi and Liven, all Higs Modern Uubber Tire tmtmmmamummm I FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A Iul Oth.m bru., bf KcrruMka Mtmninn. SCYII IMW IT! rll. M , ,.l 8iJl lua UtVMyntUt. Will Mb4 Itwu UIU.uk. till trf MADMW wtmwv iwfiB vwi iv UIMMftt. MrUlMb4UHMlFlU,lkul4M W fJltJ. Kiipli ffM. UjMl4ittiiMm tut IU m4 mi hwi i tb UWITCBMIBICAL ., T4, Ulmmn, A. I 5I4 in Sakm by Dr, 5. C. 5hm' COMFOltT HHOEfl AND HOUSE HMPPICItS Wo havu a fine stock ot Ladjes' and Moh'h easy Iiouho flllppors a1 Shoes with wldo tocu, and elastic uhlea; also l full lino of Men's, Wo inoii's and Children's OxfoiMs and low shoes from $2.35 up to $fi. Come In and sco my stock. Jacob Vogt 349 Statu street, A MI '' " H M It i i