um".!l" ' jmf THssTfiT d """"aeag How do you expect to en dure Ihe broiling days of summer if you nrenaru all the food over a Rowing coal fire? You need a " New Perfec tion"' Oil Stove that will do the cooking without cook ing the cook. It concen trates plenty of heat under the pot and diffuses little or none through the room. Therefore, when working with the NEW PERFECTION lick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove kitchen actually seems as comfortable as you could wish lobe. . . -, , , , . . . . This, in itseit, is wonueruu, out, more man mat, the New rfection" Oil Stove does perfectly every- w that any stove can ao. it is an meal round cook-stove. Made in three sizes, fully warrantee;, jr not wun your Jer, write our nearest agency. RgftQ Lamp kjgfT e substantial, strong - Iv made 2nd hand- tome lamp. Burns for fioun with a itrcinp, mellt" lleiit. J"t what you need for even- Injf reading or to light the dining-room. If DOtwithyourdeatcr, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) 6 mCZS I HMMMMHBB ;il . IES MUCH GOOD WORK liacli got down to lninlnoHn on moro iitnttcrs than to addition dlapluycd unit nillveiiCHs In putting -the bn Gcreral hills, which 'te pid have resulted In long, debutes he opened Tor tlio paving and rooii the work of the nt companies In laying and widening of streets Itn, Joyous noti'H In. the ctlnt; Salc-mlte. Tito not b noted upon until a,n mooting to bo hold noxt kljht Tlu work of Ini- pwtR and condltlonu of has m much Infected tlio that tlio holding of a council mooting once every two woiks Ih hucumlng a thing of the past owing -to the viut amount o work being brought before the ex ecutive body dally, it In expected that It will not be long beforo tho council will rind It Impractical to hold their mooting In thu evculugH at nil owing to tho amount of work to bo trnninctod within tho very short tltno and tho ihoetlngs may bo called In the afternoon inntend. A roHolutlon to this effect may bo pre sented by ono of tho cotinrllmon nt one of tho sessions shortly. An attempt to hold up tho compel ling of saloons to put In glnss fronts, under tho plea of tho nhort time be tween now and tho local petition' was voted laid on the tnbli and no action taken. The bid or tlio Portland Itailway, Light and Power company to do the work on their own tracks on Com mercial street nt JI.'JO por Hanaro ynrd wus accepted, and In lieu of their showing of good Intentions their bond was reduced lo $1000. Ono of tho inoi I Important reao- s iON PEOPLE ARE GROWING WISE Theso sacks, jireo numbor of thorn aro now using ALLK.VH IIOSTO.V r. UltKAI) FLOUH. Tho neoiile of Now Rnnland havo i Jii't such Puro Foods for over u hundred years. rare put up In packages, and in 10 and 2G-pound ire for sale ly ALL FJHST-CLAHS GltOCKHS. AU.K.V A LEWIS, Portland, Distributors for Oregon. XEN'S B B B FLOUR COMPANY ose, Cal DesMolnns, Iowa MnniWinmniwiiwwiwiiiiiKmwwumtwwtiit un't read this unless you nro In need of some of theso , and wish to uayo money by buying them nt a bargain. M larch 30, In order to mako room for now goods, theso Items m offered nt ureatly roducod prices. ftfse aro all of standard ,'mnke and good quality. -t Regular Price Sale Prlco tew 3-lnch wagon, complete JU0.00 s D5.QQ fWbUKBy. hostmnko.. .. .H 130.00 100.00 CW htlVPf lino 1 US. 00 "art , uibi, lltllltu up, .... .... "' ew runabout ....,. .. ,,... r5.00 disc harrow . --" w Tlgor drill i. 90.00 w ftuekeyo blndor f. 1C0.00 M Buckeye mower $ JjJJ'JJO uucKeyo rako -"" Davis cream sonarator 100.00 e Winch Rock Island Clipper steel plow.. 19.50 e 12-Inch Rock Island "Upper steel plow.. 17.00 e 10-inch Rock Island dinner steel nlow.. 13.50 handmade light express 75.00 PV handlllmln ih.l.f nvnrnaa 75.00 Mo KPmwi-iir...,) i,iii..ainp mnu'iw mill ruki at a bargain Pjntfe-trees, doublo-trees, neck-yokes, dnshboards, cushions, r pr cent reduction. ' . ,. M assortment of about $300 worth of paints, lead, oil, vnr- u mams win be put on sale. , . .. U aho sell on nnmmiaainn nnv implement or vonicio Jou may wish to disposo of, ut any time. MPiK D IlTfiDC Omcr lJne ami Trout St. 'WC l. JAtUttj 8AM!. OKKGOX StiWlfclfcWfcWMillWlWfcH 80.00 42,50 17.50 72.50 135.00 48.50 20.00 05.00 15.00 13.50 11.50 G0.00 G0.00 k&Y TAILORED CLOTHES 'WELL narrn iru " r " atom ?J'Y PRICE FJANGE. 2 to 4Q y m M w fg im j y m luildHs m ib a bMMJ by ih Uay Council toward Ihe beautifying of the city was a resolution put through at the meeting last night providing for tho Icarltig down of a number of dilapidated old shacks on an al ley In block 49 between Court' and Chemeketa streets. The Proceeding'. The north mill race was one of the Hist matters to attract atten tion and stir up tlio ire of somo of tho councilmen. Momtt was tor de claring It a nuisance ror tho manner In which It was kept, nnd for declar ing the franchise given to the pres ent lessees void. It was finally re ferred to the street committee. Councilman Eldredge Introduced tho motion to appoint the following committee to reconstruct tho old Portland RaPwny Light nnd Power company frnnchlse: Mnyor Rodgers, Councilmen Louis Oreenebaum, Stockton nnd Eldredge. Rcdcllffe tried to Blip In Instructions to the commltteo to authorize tho railroad to build a road to the city llml south on Twelfth street, but lost out. Councilman Stockton Introduced i petition of a numbor of proporty owners on the Fair drounds road offering to pny for team work if the Mty would furnlnh the gravel and lo the repairing of the road from Winter , treet and west to tho South ern Pacific treet. Tho mayor under Mio chnrtrr, refused to allow thin to be put to the vote of 4ho council nnd Stockton wan instructed to comply with tho charter and submit nu dr llnance to provide for the work. Henil Reduced. Tho Portland Rnllwny, Light and Power company were allowed to re luce their paving bond to $1000 wing o their ovldoncd of good faith In beginning tho work. Ask for Delay. A resolution nnd petition rromi tho saloon Intorests nearly pnascri the council providing ror a suspend ing or the provision In tho recently passed Hcoiiho ordlunpcc compelling the snlnotiH lo have glntis fronts. Tho e'ntm of the petitioners Ih that It is such a short time beforo tho .Tune olectlon when tho town may go "dry," It would bo unfair for them to hnve n go to the expanse of making the chnngcH. v. -.(.-. -. -j. To Select .SuycrvlMir. At tho Instance of Stockton the '.uitncll resolved to allow the State treel proporty owners to solect tholr own supervisor for tho work of Hiving In order to avoid possible friction. Rids Opened. The opening of bids wan proceed d with though Mnyor Rodgcrn op. nosed It on tho ground that certain grades were wrong. Tho mayor' uggcstlon would hnva been nccopted but that ono bid had been opened nnd tho price rend, Tho following, wore tho bids, by Uroots, and bidders on same: Hood street Capital Improve went company, $2437, roadway street Capital Improv ment company, $5841. Commorclnl street PnclfL Bridge company, $1100. Commercial car track Portland Ry. company, $1.20 por yard. 8tnto street Pnclllo Bridge com pany. Commercial street -Warner Con struction company. Tho abovo, togethor with a num bor of bids for keeping streets in repair avoraglng 2,e por yard, ex cepting tho railroad bid, were re ferred to committor. Tho railroad company'" bid was accepted. A special ordinance providing for tho paving of State street from Com mercial lo Church was passed in order to protect the railroad com pany In proceeding with thu paving I) fore specifications aro filed, A resolution ordering Hood street proporty owners to bu rtsssod wa" put over until next meeting, Must Plank Crolngs. A refo'utlon compelling tho Or egon Electric company to improve Its plank crossing wjh referred to the Htieet committee. Shacks Coiiilciuncd. The first movement towurd re moving lumbld-down shacks, in con- Junction with tho mayor's clean-up day, was begun at the session last night. A resolution was Introduced providing for th tearing down of a numbor of useless cabins border ing an alley in block 49 between Court and Chemeketa Htreets. The same was roferrcd to the hospital and hialth committee. ChiHiiekct slrifeU) Ust Aligns, Wtll referred to the street ctittitrilUeeii A $420 bill from the Portland Railway', Light and Power cdnlpatiy for five aro lights for tho past year was approved. The report of Frank K. Lovel, who expertod the books of City Treasurer Meredith, shows the same to "be correct within n few centa. Meredith's reportwaa then read and approved. City Recorder Moorco and Treas urer Morcdlth were given a vote of thanks by tho council for 4helr good reports and mnnner of keeping tho books. The meeting then adjourned until next Monday. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Who Ih going to be president of Willamette university? This ques tion is hedng asked in and about the university bulldtngB and among tho faculty, as well as nmong tho board jf trustees; itself, with the exception of the nominating committee, who give out the Improsslon that they mve prnctlcully decided upon an ac optnble candidate for nil parties fwhen tho 38 -trustees of tho institu- Ion meet In Portland on May 16 to cast a final votci The nnme of Dean Uoycr Is mentioned moro than once by thoio "closoi in" us n likely nun for, tho position J Or. Wilson, he fnmous pnBtor of Portland, Js also a possibility. Tho local mombcrs of tho board of trustees nro; Dean ISoyor, the sec retary; Dr. W. H. Byrd, A. A. Lee, I. H. VnuWInkle, C. B. nnd A. N. Moores. ' -o A cough euro thai can bo glvon to children without chanco of harm is Kemp's Balsam, tho best cough cure It dpes not contain poisons or harm ful drugs. Druggists sell it. IMiiy Knuii'lilne. Action granting the Oregon Elee trie Railway jeonipany a franchise on High street to Mill and west on Mill ono block to Liberty whb de ferred until the next meeting to give property owners opportunity to be heard. A bill amounting to $50 for in juries to the daughter of J, O. Reig lemau, who broke her arm feecauita of a bad sidewalk at . Court aad At Opeta House. "Mrs. Tomplo'B Telegram," the latest comedy success from New York, is scheduled for an early ap pearance at tho Grand opera hotuo, and will no doubt prove ono of tho dramatic events of the theatrical soason in Salem. "Mrs. Tomplo'ft Tclogram" will bo presented by a enst of well-known players, headed by Wm. Bernard. DRESS MAKERS wiiiiXi Tlte norvovwatrain through -wlfich dre.ssnmkora have to pass at oerUln seuoiiH of tho yeurnceius altnoat bo yond ondtirantMs, and frequently bripgrt on uorvoiw proNtnttion, falnfc in? HX)lbi, dizziuusH, nleei)lenfl and ti goneral hreuklng; down of tho feminine system, until life Beenu altoKCthor inlscmhlq. For all overworked women thore Is ono tried 'and truo remedy. LYDSA&MNKHAftl'S VECETAILE COMPOUND restores the feminine system to a strong, healthy, normal condition. Mr. Klla Griflln.of Park St.. Can- t ton, N.Y., writes to Mrs. Pinkham ' I was troubled for three years with female TCAknene, backaeho, paiai is jfjy side, and headtvebeo. I ytm &tt miserable and dlscQuraired, tot doctor gave me no relief. Lydln B, PitiUkaM'a Vegetable Comiound brought back my health and made me feel better thaa ever before." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thhty years T'di E,. JMnVv hiJm'a Yvgetanks Compoum), made from roots ami hailw, w Wn the standard remedy for fywate l)ki ami has ixwiti vely cured. thnuMmta oi women who Itave lcen trotihleii with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, neHodio naitui. Iwckuchfc'.liiat bear- I ins-down, fpsling, flatuknoy, iixlips- Wiy don't you try it 'i Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to write Iter fer advlc, 8ke haa arttlded tkett&l- to liaalUi." AadrM, Lyju, Mat. The Lesson of the Eagle and the Weasel The familiar atory goes that once, when an eagle pounced upon a weasel and soared with it high into the air, the weasel fastened its fangs deep into the eagle's breast and commenced to draw its life-blood. The eagle tried toj( shake the weasel off, but the weasel hung on until the eagle fell lifeless to the ground. There is a moral in this for every sufferer frm coughs or colds. Don't fat your cough hang on for every day i$ weakens your lungs and gradually wears down your system Until serious lung' troubles develop. DR. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT is the oldest and most reliable cough remedy known. For 77 years it has been successful in relieving and curing Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Inflammation of the Lungs, Croup and Whooping Cough. It is sold by all druggists ki $1.00, 50c. and 25c bottles. Get It for your cough today.1 jfayaa's Taatc Vertailfea k geaUe aad elective toak for alulte and cUldren, A tale Wena Cure. BANK TALK No. 13 By the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, Salem, Or. THE SOURCE OF POWER Which turns tlio whool ot tho mill proBporlty, la monoy. With out money, you cannot ovon atnrt tho whool, but onco utartod, It turns easier with every revolution. Thoro is but ono way to ac cumiulnto monoy, nnd that is by Raving, a llttlo naonoy and a good credit cstpbllshod, by consistent saving, will ncconiiilluli vfondaru. Wo want you to got nhead, nnd stand rondy to heljp you. Nothing opens tho gateway to success ho quickly no ' and nothing gives you moro satisfaction thnn tho tooling that you are Independent. Jt nddu to your good cliror. brings enntenttneut, and makes your whole lifo easier to pllv. Thw'o hnppV result do not requlro a big bank balance. Ui'glu wilth any fliuall amouuc you can oparo, and add to It rogularly from your surplus earnings of theso prospormiB dnyn. Rvory dollar sav?d and deposited lu tho hank is adding Just so much to FORTUNE'S CORNER STONE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK mmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmimmwmmmmmmmm Batteries! Batteries! Batteries! Batteries! Three Crescent 30c. f ';.ii 5 A good reltabrC dry cell. Cheapest battery on tho market - " FfflNOMV 8 Candlo Power Lamps. ,,-.-.. 15- - CunUirll ic' Candlo Power Lamps 15 ELECTRIC LAMP 2 Candlo Power Lamps 35 Electric Fixture & Suipply Co. fRED R. WATERS, Managed 245 Liberty St. Phone 263 A TRIAL CONVINCES jM Thoee who havo tried, our laundry work say It is with 1 out equal Ih this vicinity. Tt We bava atudled the weak points of other laudrleg and made thorn oxr Mtangt-it point. ' We use h jmk:11 aoap fer colori'd goodo that, dons not fade thoia. We use a avelal boi far woolen that docs not shrink tboni. We use a veclal ,oji for white goods' that docs not rot thorn, In every department our work Is guaranteed perfect. May we have a 4rlal from you 7 Phono us. SALEM LAUNDRV COMPANY Tel.. 26 , 131166 i. Liberty it. ) b .13 .: i 1 - 1 " a te m - -- '-' ?-'-P J ''"'TrfinsMiiTiauffi iriWTiitfMiltf -3aPSSBTWSlSl,W"e"1 ttXttrr7T x j ?-? G$rvtf? (ipf-t-" f w&mnmm