. v. MW -B1LWtCJAe&; fsw ItJOt -IATWA3 HHT irr nwu .JTMMOH l T ...J'-' ., .! & ... ltf&. W C -?;.v - ."-;: iHvlJaim itlal llourual t wMfcrf yii.f 9 IB nfflyi,Utf IfirBWB tBM 1 1 sr- ' . ; ""' ' T?TW;?ipTra';r! -. .y - LWES If 4 filfr HOTffiflRE ' T v V - .: -, Vv . .j -' '" - , . M , i , . ' t - .A .. . , , , , 1.1 ,, ,; ..! ?- ?f T1 .,.lf 1 ..) I . r hooner V.rkked ail JBcn of , Crew Mr owiejft '' ' - IM! " !' ' ' ' ' ' i . 1 Wtf' ! t E : ! .mi i.i.... ini'-i ' , , ' i - ' ,jt. U'-i 'J.J" ' -. -. rzs: rr r r-rim fc .j j , . . fflRTYLOSE IIRTY ... BURNED : ' -in FIRE 'i feE' INDIANA' A HOTEL k'it iii'nvu Ml' il.F AT KOKT SCHOONER WRECKED 1 1 , DROWN fLEVElAND s i EVED NEAR DEATH at vaoun1bav;cannoJ AXI) IIKATII M.VV ItEACH l'X)ItTV RKS- W HKAHCU HUINS; tiled Press Leased Wlr(s. Wayne, Itid., Mny 4. ScortH nen tiro twlny M'archlnjj tho c( tho AvoI(na liotol whore .... i H 20 a nil au uouics nro, tt to bo burled ar tho reniH oi; c which destroyed tho hofulry tlar. Ten nre knowri tb have but early today no addl- TIIE"M1X.VI B, AI1KHOKK.V TO HOOKS TEN OI SAVK1)- ( United Prein L Nwi)ort, Or , Mny ar- auppoaed to have KZ XI f i ca it go amin'ED NT UOl'NU O.VUV FHIKCO OX JHKWtfOXLV Imh i ONA OF I lU iPLf - t i-vwv ,vi, l I" V 1 v. . n v3 , i oraBie FOR .MURDERER W REWARD M VI NCI I KX-PHI'-SIDKNT NOT JPH'fiCTKD TO UVIVK IX y KIMTKVOIMHJOUINE HEl'OHTS 01-' ,IHS. qLEVKIuVXl). W.lre.) Woven picn E?TT. piuuvn in (Iwi u'vi'pU nf tntl tniiAMMi1 Rtrrun schooner Mlnulo E.VC1H ot Ban Finucliwo, Captain QkflnMeKenna, loaded with lumber t Aberdeen which plll uj on tjftjjWicks at tho entranro of Vaqlniv liW GJ30 Sun- . (Unltc'd Proas iWel V)re.) J-aUesO, N. .L, Nay 4.1n i ontlnucd on pag? five.) 'day evening. Tho crff of the KH- se M5II i PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE THIS WEEK II be a Week of, Bargain Giving at the Chicago Store have sliced flis prices away down in several departments. Stop paying long .prices for your goods m GinHies . u ynras oi pretty I'eruao . yard ,.,. . ,. . t ' s 4d is Goods F4 of beautiful .new wool goodp, 75e tiunllty, BaU ?, yard 49c 1 . ft Silks rrlh Of till t.WlAOUH Intast illkn hi a croat var!et.of f: Regular 85c oanllty, yard h ' 1 w f I Cloves air of pnl.- Kf doubiw tipped Mllw 49c Jry c7 lrdles lih clock blaok H no c, r'-KUlcr 25o values, ii 15c ' ill lium if' I plto desliU by Mri, Glove- i3 r hwbad,Grover Clove Vovuoly 111, It was aJ' l&k authority, that ly llvlae Mrmer ,Iroaldeat ot tho cti ropsatjtyi land that land, Is da certalnod oh NATHAM WOLFF coUn rv roi,' J FOKJOA EIVrIAH I LASH fAf 1 TP! i TWE STAYTON irm ' ,UW PprNaac, CommUsila reward' if o murdHror J) Wolffi wh4 day ! Ttepr U( 'wrmmm - Ml'.td XWDIISSIOXEHH OP WILL OIVK 81000 UltK QK PAWSHHOK- UiAXT. ' NAVAL MEN": NEARLY: IN DISASTER ' THAW EIGHTS TO BE FREED BY DERAILED TRAIN FROM THE ASYLUli ji'reBs LeaR'xV Wiro.J Or., May 4.--Tho county org havo offered - $1000 tho conviction of tho f Pawnbroker Nathan was butchered laRt Fri st 6 o'clock, havo a cluo thai may TRIC tteoplo ef Hamlin o Ch lx, ImlltiwlWwHt. a d11(u S Jifiiiixj&JhsmMsiML ? .Hao,- .iu&migi fSm.9HiiK When you naWKTibo to aid In ballJaiRiC'tho ixuttL which of ctiHitte;, yim will, buy $13 worth of "Sllont Id-lendt' nilaJnt; htock for wch $300 HubAcrlbetl. "Tho Silent Frlead" will work for you whllo you sleep, and from lt tvnwrkably fine hIiouIukm of orx, tlilw htock should and probably will bo M'lIIug nboro. 910 within' IB hioatJiH. $3000 hiv't'U now la "Hllont 'Tnld, RtocktwIU iwiy for (lie BaJem-HtaytuH ixd niniot ih noon hh it Jh. ronipMotl. Tnko my hunch mid look pleasant wlJlo ,lTtm Hllrnt l'Vlend" builds the rnilroad for you., CYU1' on rvwn Mtiilln t Llston's o(Hci JWI Court nttvt for stock, vr write the l'ju-iflo HUttcti Trunt Co., bov 20, Itnwhldc, .Xnvnda, J. H. CRADLCBAUGH t j . l'OItTUXATELV THE TIIAIN WAR ' ItftO'UGJIT TO QVtyli STOP AX) XO ONE IX.IUHED THAIXS wkiik .niownnn.' ' ' United States is ncaror death than result in tho arrest of tho man. It the yubllc realizes. ' haB been learned that a man was One" report that camo frbrtV tho .seen xvashlng n h'oodycoat and hotel whoro tho distinguished pa-1 vest early Friday evening. Ho said tlent Ik being treated Is that ho can ' ho had cut his arm. Tho police aro retain no modlclno on his stomach. Mr Cleveland, Dr. nryant, tho fam ily physician, and two nurses aro n,t tho bedside. Dr. Bryant continues to refer all inquiries to Mrs. C.oyo land. ,. , i tou was conipmod of Sl'penqns;. T'ii aro known td bo ashore. Tho vessel Is lying In Jfi miles north of bbem oit the desolate beach, . Captain MclCenna and flight ofy tho crow wero taken off by tho IHo wiving cow, and ono man named J poison bwam ashore although hu(- tennK.wom a oroaen leg. Thwdeck Joad of tho Kllton shift ed on Friday night and on Saturday ho vestol sprang a leak and u& tg.n unmanageable. After dinner Saturday Ibo-bout shipped a blR wave which, tort tho cabin and tho (i- oRd off. Captain MoKenna b- iif-'K the vessel may be saved. keeping tho naino secret. RAILROADS ARE FINED $12,400 3295 Goods yards of VSlle J egular XCc India iast i at, yard 9J2 jy'towear floods Wte lawn waists., hand- cc-trimmed. nVw r "Hr"1 75d t E-i.fi N-fc.ie lawn waMs. trim- H fut fnUr. i, -! v iilj luncy iacr 98d New Suits at New Prices (United Press Leased Wire.) Chicago, May !. Flnoj aggregut- 115.00 Suits Now fjr . tlS.OO Suits Nova for. . . . $2..ClO SulU fow for .... . Out Stilt art- beautiful aad our prlc. rre h .owestfpn tae Pacillc Coast $. 9.5 $12.50 Uitnrhli U UuUy UninngoM'l; ' (United Press Lenso Wire.) Monterey, Cal, May 4,T-InvcstU gatlon lollowJng tho coll.lslon of tho battleship Illinois with the battle ship Alabama, of the second squad ron off. Monterey, Saturday' nlglt re vealcd tho fact todny'that tho Ala bama was more srlouoly damaged than tint reports Indicated. Tito port gangway was torn away and tho port side was badly ucrapod. Other damage was done, but tho ox net naturo of It Is bolng Kept a necrot. Tho crash was terrific. Dur ing th honvy gain that wiIb blowing Saturday night the Il'Inola parte.1 hor anchor and started lo drlfi b tht- direction of tho Alabama, which Is Hear Admiral Bporry's flagship. After drifting 800 yards, she ran her ttrn Into the Alabama. The fact that It was tho stern and not tho bow of the Illinois that struck her, account for so little damago being .done. JiHt befpro the collision oc icurreil, howovcr. th omorgency an- , jrliors of the Jlllnolns wora lowerea. but not In time to prevent tlfo accl d nt A a result nf tho crash a big hole was stow In tho bow of Admir- ' ul Sperry's barge from the Alabama. The latior battleship Is known an the "hoodoo" of tho American navy. This Is the third time she has been In a similar accident. On Jan. 8, UntUd prosH Lunsnrt. yirn.) .Santa Cruz, Cal., May I, Officer of tho llrst squadron of tiu Atlantic fleet nnd tho nunierguB- guests Invit ed to attend tlj barbecuo at Hlg Tress had a narrqw escape. ,frqm bo lng tho victims of n rail rail disaster early today, when tho five, cars" car rying them to tho grounda Jumped tho tracks. , Tho accident occurred near, Iltu- o,ty car was 'cr6wdej?w$h"tlrj5 mrry makers and the rain, wan, runnMig nt n good b'lp when tuddcnly Rtd"Wuii. out warning the, wbceia ' loft the. track and tho rjira bounded off tq ono sldo. Tho brakes warp, applied. with such Immediate offoct.fhat tho tfaln wa? stopped bofoco it wa glvr en nn chance o topple over, It nil happened with Hitch, and dennehs and wds over so qilckly ffint, tho passmgers. did not realize Juat, what had taken-jjilace until It was too lato for u picnic. A' largo num ber of thorn walked tho rest of tho distance o lllg Trees whlltt a wreck ing crow was putting tho train Imalr on tho trnck, Tho festivities woro then cnrrlod on In nccordancn with tho program. ' HABEAS t,X)HPl?H PHOCIvEUIQK AitE nkaus iiKFOitK Ircifw,, , .Y.OHK CX)UHT TO HEOUHE SKIV ' I.IOXAIHE'8 FHEEDOM. San Fraijclw, Moy L--Mayor Taylor today Issuod 'a stafomft'iif making an earnest appeal td.'ovory I . 1 n v .V uubiiichs man in nan rraunsco to suspond buslnes on next Wednesday bo that everybody will have tin op portunity to wltneua 'ho airlvai of th lfXt ( " V V'iV t' Mayor TayloV calls "attention' W tho fact that 'all of ho. banks will bo clok-'d on that day anil Tnanyi'fll tho other business hdiiafit ha'vu' l nilled tholr Intention 'of reniainlaU closed. It Is desired, therefore,' f havo everybody suspend business for that day. M Storei1af Saves Yoti Money j , Ins- $12,100 were today Imposed by Ftlrn! Judg3 Iandls against -rail-joads violating the Jaw, which pro b'Wt road from keeping livestock in boxcars moro than 28 hours with- l906t ne ran nto the Kentucky In nut food or water, unies tho owner? New York harbor and later the Illl of tho steql: extends tho time, or nolHi the 6nmo whlch was In Satur un'es. the timo txplr.o during tlm day night's collision, ran Into ho n'Bht. s . 'Alabama at ProvJncetown, Mass. Tho chief offendor was tho Hock Ialarid railroad, which waa fined Monterey, Cal., May 4. Prepara $0350. The other fine raged from Monti for tho departure for , Santa $190 to $300 In each case. Eighty- Crnr ofMheiSecond 'squadron iof the seven cases were settled add -CO aro baUleshJp,jljgt ara bejnj? made to pending here, while numerous viola- day and the signal to sail will be tlona have been committed In various given about 3 o'clock" this after- San Franclscq, May -J.-'flie Pu c'llo fleet, under copiniand of. Hear Admral Dayton, onturd (bq Holdup Gate direct from Breujerton ayy yard -this afternoon nnd, unchqr,') in San Francisco bay, where It will Join the Atlantic fleet on May 5. , Tho ships presented u grand sjiec taulo aa they fiteamod thrpugh th guto In sing'o file. Thousands of persons naw the great fhpa )qt0c! tho bay. the Wow sylvanlu, Colorado, Maryland, Ton ne6seo South Bremerton fon some, ttino undorKP Ing a general overhauypjft f t . fUnltod Prcsi Lbs sod Wlre.l l'-isnklll landing, N. Y,r May 4,, Harry K. Thaw, accompanied by Dr. tlskor, 'actlqg RuperHtontlQiit' t Matteawnn. His ohooks, uinkally-BitL-bf guards, loft early today for PaugV keopso, whoro Justice MoiscbMur WIU presldo at tho habeas corpuir roceodlnga which aro brought te havo Thaw roli-asd from tho aay lttm. Under heavy guards, Tliftw wiw brotiKht .Over from Matt'eawan. lt acting HuperHtondet It W'tftS ' l.ltfon. ' A' grwt thtinj; atl.cW I and about Iho 'court iSoitW, mp'ra t so Thaw than u gain HiimlttKnep to tho co'irt roon. The young Pltta btirg' mlilforiajlVo.'hooms U JiaVe Im proved greatly Hlnco hq baa ifeen !. Matcawan, HI tihk8, tiiul'y w?f fow, .yiJro'.Mnslidd whon'lijl a(erel" ifa) t-ourl' room this morning, a,nd ho Hoonied to bo In good nplrlts. Twenty wqmon woro Jji court,' whop tho procodlngs began. 6lIod;r' without ti ticket wbn admitted Four chaplains, live attuiidaiitfl from tho TomliB, Dr." I'Jvnus'nf "brali Btorm" fame, and DoV,tqrn Brtttotr. Smlil( !5ljr "nh'il Jollffe, Wuo'lestlfle aro present tot Harry Thaw war tu only member tif his family jrOa olit. ABBstant District t ttorij' (jifrvan Ih foprosohtlng blstrfct At torney Joromo. '' Poughkoepsio, N. Y , May 4; fjaboaij coj'iiuh prococdinijfl to deter- mu whether or not Harry T!wy Wnr, ?!.! In tho orinor trial's', glvo ti'Htlmoily1. Hh Jer'o'ata)(ord WHItb, s)wiuiit b oal'Trom "Mattaawiin ifty'lwsrfl W- Iboklih bdforo '.niBtlfft XAVi' Uimhrtoiny. " """"" It.' '.. irt.iti .- i .Will ti.... auni.i.u .mil CDiiiiur.tn iiii'ii inni. hhit wltnofliea who will tofi'tlfV' titVtrTAW W sane will bo ht'ard by Irlur Rd tlipw'whp'wlH t,eVtlf)4'lo' tllfl t'Ott- citVl Io,ltfd, hW (Aor rouiicr puiBt bear tho" iiltik4 'of"fU WrilinUr Ht Uio'tilni;' ' ' " It "1 ndmlttrd by-tloowhf.y,4h ?amlllur with tho Ktato's wise tfta? IhA district uttcfifnlw III MtKlt tf peratoly to keep. upi, . (It Is. riord ,bt Momo w(' (ind agon's, lo Iom)ou llomq, pirf, lontH Carlo, plnios ylnjted by Tlmw Snd his bride, If noceKMiry, In H,i iimii. nt L'o.tMiiff oviJeuccv of Invanltv Tho ships thU 4lloot are," lnht pri,Brf 'Aftw nilU Virginia, llagsljip; I'md,,,,,,,, Hl,-tj,n of wituWw?. M ua, woiorauu, ..luryiui.u, ii.u- . . .,,.ollrned tht- urocQuiUMT o, Washington, California on'llf.n,,, May, HI when wJtneHHO fo Dakotaf They have byun at wj bft hflWd. A aaylr lllg Berry Crop, Hood River, Or.. May 4. Seven ty-flve thousand crntef of Ktrawbori-j rles will bo shipped out' of rIfodd River this seaion, according to thoj estimates of tv growers. " 'The' flrfct rlpo atrawborrUs we're brought 1ato tho i.'ity yaiterilay. "' ' ' k 11., . ;.0. -,'',',' ', i . Skldoo day 'In 'SeatTl "WW W battleship day. Tho delay In tb' pcqcedlngft wa granted so that District Attoraw Soromo will likve an opportunity! appear I'ersOjimVlMa ; beurlliKj liutlcn MorsjyjBranuugeu ihw f Jeromo Is "unablo to bo In cour W VA"olhmwWPfxWfiU F -lt4im m1WiMT', lit reman in jau jn rougHafviwif nt'6 ; '(nfitT ;H Mo nh .Vfs.KfikJ'Illm-rVMli yen' Hirschil DMA dlkfiJgMr Mi .JarjUftLJUSJKJfcJifJL Mr. Edward Illrsrh and fawjiy nm-Sunday, f ) parts of too country. noon. 1 I