DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, J 008 . 1 " '" " '-'- ' !- Easy Terms Easy Prices ; Refrigerator Time . Your Chance to buy. Don't wait Until the East foment And then Buy Something YOU DON'T WANT Select yoar refrigerator now while otir assortment in large And you have a chance to buy wisely. We carry the famous ''Automatic" which is to re frigerators just what Buck's is to ranges, the best the sun abides on. ! RIVAL RASE HALL TEAMS TO MEET There will be something doing at Enigeno this afternoon when the two rlvnl high school teams, Eugene nn.l Salem, meet. It is conceded by nil who have seen the two teams piny this year that they are- the two fast est high school nines In tho stnte. Snlem high played tho U. of O. team to a standstill In a 12-lnnlng game, finally losing by tho narrow margin of 2 to 2, shows that the Salem high school bunch are playing gllt-edg ball. The showing made by some of the Snlem men In this gamo Is some thing remarkable. Kay, lor Instance, tho nifty little third baseman, who accepted nine chances without a single error. Roberts, at shortstop, was not far behind with a record of seven chances without a single er ror. .. Tho rest of tho Salem line-up wll' bo as follews: Jonos, catcher; Keene, pitcher; Gnbrlelso'n, flr.t base; Dolly Farmer, second hnne; The outfield position will be held down by Perkins, Nllos and Hill. kT &&& .&ii . fl -o- SEE THEM TO-DAY SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Hnvo mndo very low rates account of Greater N'orrls & Rowo circus which will exhibit nt Snlem, May 4, iuvs, round inp urKctB for this oc casion wll be sold for one and one- third fare between JefTenon and Cnnby, Wood burn to 8llverton, Inc. WM, M'MURRAY, JOHN Jf. SCOTT, a. P. A. A. O. P. A. 4-29-4t. Notlco fo Improve n Portion of Win- V ii 'M r. 1 1 m I kon"iirMI'?ff FU R N S H E ft fi Tj 1 ENTERPRISING TOWN WIIIBORE FOR OIL Duiut Oil Company Have Practically Let New Contract Will Sink New Well Stockholders Encouraged Tho Dufur Dlapatoh I authority for tho titntomont that tho Dufur Oil oompuny linn rolcAHod Mr. Bnos from tho contract of drilling tho woll for thoin and that anothor con tract butwoon thin company nnd Mr, John Knrrojl of Tncomn, Washing ton, has boon agreed upon. It Is expected that Mr, Furrull's attornuy will nrrlvo hero Saturday with ths bonds when tho contract will bo signed, Tho condition! of tho contract aro nbout as follows! That he, Mr. Far Tp), is to furnish nil IooIj and boar all other necessary expenses, and Hgrooa to go down to tho depth of two thousand foot or no pay, un less ho strlkOH oil beforo reaching that di'pth, nt whloh timo tht com pany la to pit him $10,000. Uut should ho not strike oil and goa tho two thousand foot, then tho com pjny U to forfolt the $10,000 nn way, and If tho woll U drilled beyond that he to nHHiiro tho company monnn buslnofts. This begins to look like something was going to bo done, and tho re port will bo wolcomod by evorybody. It is an ovJdont fact that tho way things woro going tho. proposition wan a losing ono, nnd that good monoy was being squandered in keeping Mr. Enos. However, tho company I? now rid of him, and ft now hole will bo started ns soon as tho nocoienry arrangements can bo mado. That then is oil bore Is a settled fact, and tho way tho matter Is now being handled It will be but a short timo till Kotnu indications aro brought to light. A derrick Is now undor cour&e of construction, nnd It is tho intontlon of tho tout actor to havo six men wt work on this woll, running a Jay and night shift. At a meotljig of tho stockholders last 8aturdty evening tho follow- i . . . i.i . .. r int im- sniu 'company tnmu paying woro ohoson as directors; J. II. him for his labor, but whether ho l HolmrJch, piosldent; Capt. E. Spon tp go bond that polut or not Is at eer. J. C. Johnston. II. C. Dodds. T. tjho option of thu company. Mr. V. Glavoy. 8. I. Everott and L. M. Kftrroll hnH put up a mfllelont bond Smith. MEDICOS AND TWO d on the high standing of the pro ftwx'on Nnd it continual improvo , m nt until now thoro Is hardly any dUoaso. whloh can bath it. Dr. A. K Tamelo do'lvered thu charge on Lrgo Clav ami Two Truliied Kiii-mn (inuliutto from tin' Loenl UnUoiMty. IIIDCPC ,l" u,,t'H of tn profession to the nvJIVwCw ,'l,,' Bn' dlsmlBPud thorn into tho I world with his good will. The music for tho ovont;. whloh notjeo, tho SOth dftj of Apr! I Ur Struct, in the City of Salem. Notice Is hereby glvrn that at tho muetlug of tho common council, hold iMru -ir, ivvn, a roaoiutlon wn adopted to Improve WIntor stroot In tho city of Salem, Oregon, Includ ing lntorBoctlon, from tho north Hide of North Mill Creek bridge to tho Fair Ground road In ald city, In tho following mnnner: First, by placing In tiling not lens than 24 Inches In olroumforonco across snid WIntor. street whoro snld WIntor stroot Ih Intorsootod by tho north lino of North stroot; whore it Ih InterPootHl by xth tho north and south lino of Mnrkot stroot. and J whoro It la Intersected by the south lino of tho Fair Ground road. Socond, by establishing the grnd nnd by grading nnd filling tho said WIntor stroot botwoon snld points, to conform to snlfl grade, oxcopt aB mentioned In parngraph thro? here of, with full Intersections, Third, by loavlng or plowing out n .trip 12 foe. In width, full length of tho proposed improvoment along tho contor of said stroot to n depth of 10 InchoD below tho ostabllshod grado of nald street and when so plowod rolled with n ntoam roller und thon filling tho samo to a depth of 0 Jnohoe with orook gravol and thou rolling tho samo and upon this pproad n layar of 4 inches of crushed rock woll filled with roo): Hereon Ing, bq thu surface of said Improve ment fib nil bo loval with tho ostab llshod grade of &aid stroot. Fourth, by taking nway the bridge over tho ditch whoro snld WIntor strcot Intorsootod tho Fair Grounds road and laying tiling lu said ditch, and oovorlng said tiling with dirt In such a manner that snld ditch will bo tilled tull width of wild WIntor street on a level with the. surface of taid stroot, save und oxcopt a strip 12 feet In width in cjntor of Bald WIntor stroot, whro said WIn tor stroet Intersects veid ditch at which point said ditch shall bo filled with dirt to onl within 10 inches of tho surface of .ild stroot, upon which sha'l be, plaood x In hi of crook gravol and upon mu! gravol shall bo placl 4 inohoe of crushed rook to bo rollod its above htiuod.: and the north lino of teld ditch hnll i bo tho north Una of Mid improvo-( raeqt.1 j Fifth, tho ooet of h improve ment shall be agfiMsed to the abut ting and adjacent pront'rt) owners at provided la. iljo charter of aaid city, s, . Bjfoorflir af tjtio common eounclVi ' ; W. A. MOOUKS. J nt)rdor ) Date of Mrt puhucstion of this 190& Havel(;oiiiike4 at ihe Grocer ? If Not, WINK, and See What You Wil! Get K-TC Read It Before You Eat It Rll! OK IM31KNKK WIIAIA2 IXJt'NI) IN NORTH INM3T Plix.' Slxttvn Kiot IX)iic l'n artlml Mith Other Parts or ! xiatJuin's Skeleton. Hosldonts of North Inlet, says tho MnrHhflold Timop, hnvo brought the r!b of whnt mr.ist have been an lm munho vhnlJ, to Secretary Walter Lyon of the Mnrshfleld Chamber of Commerce. Tho wlb Ik nbout sixteen loet long nnd Mr. Lyon and the par- use who recently unearthed It llg ilor side of tho Lay miust hae have been 90 foe' long nnd to havo drawn GO loot of water. ParU of the head woro found about 90 feet from tho tn bonos. Tho discovery t IndlontOB that North Inlet, which' Is now on tho interim- Hldo of tho bay must havo boon part of tho ocean nnd tho dead whalo deposited thoro whon tho son wns nt least CO foot deep. Tho matter has aroused consider able dlsouBBlou as It Indlcatee that 'additional land is cvnttai'. ttjJ lormeu on the (.ocst bj'bM'xttl ho sen AMUSEMENTS. Auditorium Roller Rink. Morning, afternoon ud etti! aessions. Tho Vnndrtt. Moving pictures ul UIctMl ongs, every afternoon ui (nM except Sunday ana Uondy Of noons. 0 regon Sennia Mineral Paint Ci W. Y. RICHARDSON, Manager We are manufacturing forty-two Standard Twls and colors of Oregon Mineral Paint Ground in Oil and Guaranteed Strictly Pure, Durable and Sat isfactory in every' particular. 4-3i nt was weii-roottivou ami uutruuy ap plauded, were two numbers snug by' Mrs. llalltu Parrls lllniM and thre Nmkv ,y tnimiRo (Jr.ide on stm aooolioua by McKlroy's orchestra. nnrt. Coiiuiwrclal rftrtnus. i After tho cxorcUei. u Joyful ban-1 Ntttlc u brvh. gln ,hat ,viP quot wae given ut the WtlUmotte cmman cn-.HI,,i .1 m ,tx r s. I -,.,..- - -"W --rf -" -" Tho ronuuettcemoitt e.ervl of tho cnlii'K rf uiitltoiiie of the Wll lAinotto I'uiverHltv were held last evening at U0 First M M, olilirch(hotil, whore 6C, IsvludlBS the n-jtnlt qjqb. Mlmt4Nl r resuluiiou. whon 10 novM-mndo mwllroe Hml,Jors of tho cJm. the alumni atli4vjril 87, 190S. fer the ohanging of two niui(e wre mado hsppy by roe.the faculty, sat down and enjoyed & I established (trsdee on Stat treet solving tholr diplomas. 'sumptouB sproeii snd reepanuetl to IWNHMWSJHHMnmMSMHHHMHHMHM MoJSnNNA'ILIill, OIIKGON, APIUL 2. tOOS. 'OKKCiON SIKNNA MINHRAL PAINT CO, SALEM. OHKGON. ('KNTLR.MBX: IN REPLY TO YOURS OP RECENT DATE. WILL SAY THAT THE SIENNA PAINT THAT THE STATE HOUGHT I-'HOM YOU IN THE ER HK18 (IH HAHREI-S) AND AROUT THE SAME AMOUNT IN IIMI7. TO PAINT THE OREGON STATE. INSANE ASYLUM IlllLH INfiS, HAS GIVEN ENTIRE SATISFACTION. REFORE WE PUT THIS PAINT OV. OUR IIRICK WALI-S SWEAT SO IiADIjY WE THOUGHT WE WOl'LR TRY OKSIKNT ON Til EH TO KEEP THE MOISTURE OUT HIT OUR ARCHLTEOT FROM PORTLAND THOUGHT REST TO THY OM. OK YOUR SII3NVA MINERAL PAINT. SINCE WE PIT "i PAINT ON. IT SHUT OUT ALL OF THE MOISTURE AND WE A PERFECTLY DRY WALIiS NOW. IT IS MA' OPINION THAT 'iur. IS NOTHING 11ETTER Til N YOIll PAINT FOR IIRICK WALLS AND I TVKE PLEASURE IN RECOMMENDING IT TO THE PUBLIC. YOURS VERY TRULY, J. P. OALRREATH. THESE PAINTS "The program of th fvuu'ng. in addition to tho proientlng of lho diplomas, was ll'lod with spyoohus 05 cucourugomout to these gradual lg; with tnuslo and general moro uklng ovr those who had success jelly completed jtlm course, Donu' yrd preeldofl, and ?ifter Dr. WashJ' iro had jp!$ed .the Invocation! former I'nlfed Btutea Senator Geaifw i was hit rod' iced as tho speaker of iieoic"rlHv8eHt'or'd'eariadVelU many toasts, Thoho graduating are: Zaeharisli llurker, C'aude U. Chandler, Ivai amm 1211 gu Graves. Maicoio Irvine. Roy Raymond KutHU. Tred T. Mon (lonhnll,, M- Vard MoKlwney, TUoe. Oscar Paxton. George M. RobertJH, Y. Tukabatake. Te nHree c'aaa. which graduates vfroxn il gali-m hoapltu,. insists of Ivio. yil'au Frances Jono 'and Majs Amelia I I.ardon in snld city betMea 'Mis esat lino M Commercial street and the wet line of Cuureh treet. and Commercial treet In sntd city betweon the north baujs of Sotrth MiM Creek &ud the, nexth lias of Canter street. Said ehangQ to be msde is accord anca with tlie prortles sutd rtp-nt aa mal trom xha supvey f J..JJ. Per rott ' Tm ,, , Rv order of the aoinmon council. ! t W A. MOOUES. I 4-30-1 It Recorder are used by the State Public Institutions on ' -- L. Merit and have stood the severest tests that can w plied. APPLY BY MAIL OR PHONE, OR CALL AT FACTORY ON TRADE STREET BETWEEN CHURCH AND HIGH This Paint is taken from the Mines in Lane manufactured at Salem, Ore. C0tf'