DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON.' FRIDAY APRIL 21, 1008 3 poc not Color the Hair Stops rallamg Flair AYER'b MABR VIGOR qucntly takes the morning ride with her husband. E SAYS THE PRINCIPLE WON BIKE NEWS Bv Frank Monro. - Frank L. Grant, of New York has been looking at Soiithnm .., 'one of the cleanest political cam-1 with the Idea of promoting some fens n.r conducted In this state motorcycle race, there this fall. He ;ttat of Mr Cake the successful ho --nan 'oXg o Jldate for Hepubllcah nomlnn- the possibility of big motorcar races 3 for l nueu annua buuiuui, hjs v--ik iu on mo proposou course .Oregon Daily Jeurnal: From Mr., nr ' tt city i,-.,,iniinrtpr:: the cnmtmlcn """"' ' "lfi l,,u " "cei to work. XtthLl i;',i 2 fu J. A cr of Southern cities arc 5 teen touuuvivu .....e, ow... inKing tno load jn adapting the bicy Aifsonal lines, the Issue nt atako clo to commercial use. ami Mm nv. the cause of Statement No. 1. cellent results secured will be of In ,",! rake for more than two years torot to merchants all over the land. . . iu n in '" Aiiaiua a oauing drug House tit I- .keen recognized as the Republl- ,Z08 80mo flft btcBv ' "B " l idrocate of the popular election makes all Us deliveries by whoel tilted States senators. Ho at- ( This method hns been found nvjcli Hies his nomination absolutely ,noro ancient ns well as more eco- . . nt tho nnnnlnr olorMnn ""''. "i "'" su oi any ouior me mi""- - ' sort or voiiie e. Called States senntors. j iu Birmingham tho bicycle Is also I attribute the victory nosqiuteiy . uoing put to work to good effect. urug, grocery ami snoe nouses, and i.i..MlHiiilAii wt thn Mm..1n 10 aeioriliniuiiuii ui iuu ivuiiivj iu fact to tho rights which they bn wth reference to tho popular lion of United States sonators 1 statement No. 1 and my oamost bttcy of that cause is without obt the cause1 of my selection by I Republicans of this state. The defeat of Senator Fulton was la no fien-e to his personality, to record or to anything that ho hns ir done In my estimation It Is itlmply, ns I said bofore, to the If that the people domnnded thnt it Bcnators should bo electod by jpa!ar vote, rnd that Mr. Fulton's litlon w.is not sufllclontly poiitlvo ttlj io carry the people with him. PA powerful cause of yosterdny's fory. tOti.lhcr with tho sontlmont favor cf Stat- ir.cn t No. 1, was the papers throughout tho stnto of kod. There could bo no more t I'lirdrntlon of their power. re arc fully VO per cent of tho papers of tho state which are Itnt advocates of the popular eloc- ct senators and Statement No. Ai expounds of thnt cnuso they prtcd me not personally, but the one who was advocating it he i?le" right"." n PrrsJdcnt Roosevelt Say. m outdoor exercise Is nodded by American people. Tliit'n nl omatlsm fol'o'v that ndvlc " Tho per Is simple uio Ballard's It Liniment, and tho rhoumatUm fo. paving you na spry ns n Gives nuick nnd normnnont re- from iheumatiJm. n.'iir:i'c.'n I back nnd nil pains. Sold by till l-'ei. fAL QUARREL OF TWO HIIOTHEHS wison, Ida, April 23. In h It hctw-en two brothors, A. S. Henry Francis, the lntter was d probably jatally woundod. q'sarrr'rd over tho possession i'an:j en wMrb the shooting oc- ffl Tl " nil 11(1 "il mnn una mi tkcEMrrn Both nro wealthy lls-n several other sorts of establishments whoso wares arc easily convoyed by wheel, nro now employing bicycles fitted with carrier and their custom- or3 are much pleased with tho celer ity and promptness with which tholr orders nro filled. Jacksonville, Fin., U nnother southern city In which the commor clnl bicycle has come Into Its own. A largo retail fish house makes all Its deliveries by boys and wheels. Iu this case n special form of carrier Is employed, which allows tho fish to bo pnekod with Ice, nnd In thnt form this pcrlshnble merchandise is distributed nil over the city. President Kllot nu Ardent Cycler. Tho ostnbllshmont of a cycling c'ub among some of Harvard's most nrletocratlc studonts htu creatod nior Interest in the college than anything In the athletic lino thnt has been developed In years. But as n matter of fact, the young gen t'emen havo had for years a notable example of tho value of the wheel, In the excollont physical condition of President Eliot. Although he hns i'lst celebrated his 74th birthday, ho Is doubtlesi the most active, tho mon nth'etlc and the most Btrenu oii8 collogo president In tho country. For n man within a fow years of tho four scoro mark to rlBe nt flvo in tho morning and take a throe or four mile spin on his wheel, to take in hnnd a spirited pair of bays and guide thorn through tho crowded streets, to rush by train, auto, stage nnd on foot from state to stnto and through Cnnadh n ho has frequently done, stamps Harvard's head nB n marvol of physical nnd mental ac tivity. But whnt nally kofns President Eliot In good trim is Mb ronunesi nhnost craze for bicycle riding. Collogo presidents In general do not rldo bieyoIOB, but Proldont Eliot does. Wo usually start out about 7 In tho morning nowndnys, al thoiigh It was only a few years ngo he started for his morning ride punctually Ht flvo, whon It was light ouough to do 60, A favorlto Jnunt is to Fronh Pond, but froquontly ho rides out Into tho country, whore no doubt tho onlm of tho woodi and fields sorvo more thnn any other course to rellovo tho strain of his ever nctivo mind. He se'dom renchos his homo tutor than eight o'clock so that he may bo sure Co have breakfast with other mom hers of the famllv Mrs Eliot is al so an enthusiastic c.dl-t, and fr- in QVKKIl TANGLE IX THE LIQUOR LAW Judge'H Ruling on Lornl Option Election Does Not AnVrt County Contest. A Marsh If eld special says: More details received to day by Judge Hall regarding Judge Hnml ton's ruling uu mo petitions of B. A. Beckot and other Coquille liquor men to have the proposed loca' option election In June set aside, show thnt tho rul ing only affects the certain districts and not the county as a whole. The quostlon for the country as a whole will bo voted on June 1st, but n temporary Injunction has been Is sued restraining the BubmlBsion of the question to certain districts. Tho hearing on this Injunction will be sometime during the nresont term of cor,irt nnd It Is not unlikely that u win uo matio permanont. Judge Hamilton uphold the liquor men's contention that tho prohibi tion question according to the stnto law could not bo submitted In cer tain diitrlcts more thnn onco ovory two years. Now, it happons that tho question was submitted about a year ago In certain districts thnt nro now "wet," so unless arcunicnts nnd law are presented to mnke Judge? Hamilton change his ruling, the question cannot bo submitted to theie sections ns districts again. However, the law pcrmltB these dis tricts, as part of tho county, to voto on the question ngaln In June. Under tho law, all precincts In tho county thnt gives a majority for prohibition shall remain "dry'' for two years oven If tho total vote of the county is against prohibition. However, If the county ns a whole, glvos a majority for prohibition nnd even though tho vote In cortnln pro cincts Is ngntnst prohibition, thoso precincts ns part of the county must remain "dry." The liquor men c'nlni thnt tho law, owing to tho nbovo peculiarity, Is one rIiIcnI, nnd it Is possible thnt they mnv attempt to moke a test' ease against It. The prohibition workers, undor the direction of the recontly form?d Cons Countv Antl-Snloon loague, aro preparing to mnke n stronuouti campaign for tholr side. o 'One Touch of Nature Mnlto.s tho Whole World Kin." When a roostor finds n big Mt worm ho calls alt the hens In the farm yard to come nnd nharo It. A similar trait of human unturo Is to bo observed when n mnn discovers somothlug exceptionally good ho wants nil his friends nnd neighbors to shnro tho bcnoflts of his discov. cry. This Is tho touch of naturo that ninkos tho wholo world kin. Thl3 oxplnlns why people who hnve been aired by Chamborlnln's Cough Rom edy wrlto letters to tho manufnetu rorB for publication, that others sim ilarly ailing mny also uso It and ob tain roller. Behind ovory one of thoso letters Is a warm hearted wish of tho wrltor to bo of uso to someone olso. Thla romody Is for snlo by Dr. Stno's drug store. n BlfJOEST EVER FILED HERE. C. A. Smith Co. Mortgages Timber Ijuul for $:t,ooo,)(. 8llltllii4i-HMIliaigiltlilt(ilM THE CLASSIf IED mm i i ! i aH-owm i t t 4hhhi 1 1 HOTETJ3 AND RESTAURANTS. iiiiuiiinnmimn FOR SALE For Sale The I. M. Wagner estnto of 170 acres. A good farm suit ablo for grain or fruit. Price $30 por acre. Enquire Esther Nenl, Route 3, box I, Turner, Or., ciro J. T. EdwnrdB. 4-2 1-1 w For Salt' A placo of 20 acres; G ncres of fruit; hnrd finished honso, largo barn, all In cultivation; 2Vj mllos east of Snlom. Enqulro Journal otllce. 4-21-lw Dry Fir Wom1 For salo nt reduced price. Phono 1417 or 1283. Downing & Eoff. 4-21-tf. FOR RENT Nicest Furnished Room in the city; rates reasonable by day or week. Gas and bath; centrally located. Call and Investigate. Mrs. Q. F. Soeley, 2C3 Front St. 4 -2 0-1 mo. MISCELLANEOUS Slicpura Holder Ronl estate ? Tho White House Restaurant t For a Regular J 25c Dinner at 20c Thoy enn't bo bct McGifchrist & Son T JiToprictoni. I X agency. Room 1. Steusloff Illtlg. t'BBIltl t4- I II 1 1 1 IH-H-fl Agents ror Jacobs-stein Co., Port land. Largest subdivision opera tors on tho coast. 4-20-lmo Worlds of Bloom Cnlla lilies, roses, violets, clnernrlns, hyacinths, dnf fodlls, etc., nnd ovorythlng In sea boh. Mrs. Hugh Jory, 1952 Court Btrcet, Salem. 3-24-tf For Snlc First-class carpet papor at thla ofllco; 25o for n big roll. Ior bale nt Bnrgnlu Eight-room house nnd lot, 323 N. Church St. Seven-room house nnd lot G5G Chomokotn St. W. II. Sloper, 221 N. Front St. 4-13-lmo Wiring, Wiring Wo will wlro your buildings now or old In nn abso lutoly llrst class mannor nt prices cheaper than over before known In Salem, Hyde Bros. Electric Co., 322 N. High. Phono 009. 4-lC-lmo Subject to Atlrnnce Iu Price I offor 120 ncres, six miles out; CO clear od nnd in cultivation; balanco pas ture; somo timber; family or chard; all nocessnry buildings; tonm, vehicles, stock, mnchlnory. etc., worth $2000 go wlth'plnco nil for $7000 on terms. Adjoining property rated at $90 per aero. Paul M. Sims, 222 N. Commercial. Phono Main 729. KggN Roho comb Rhode Island R'1h Best of nil chlckons, 1G eggs $1. Phono 900, nftor Wodnoidny April IB, Mrs. 13. T. Judd, Snlom. Oro. 4-14-2W For Sale 312 acres, 2G0 ncroB bot tom lands, balance upland timber ed; 130 ncros cultlvntod; two story lioti80, two lnrgo barns, one small 4-ncro orchard; 3 miles from town; HWltch nt farm; lino loca tion. A rnro bargain If sold in 10 days. Easy terms. Addros.i Rt. 1 " lUlHl Yni TToirrt Alwnvo TinnMif. nnil tv1iI1i Tina linan ,w use for over 30 years, Iins borno tho 8iimturo of n& ' nd Jins beoiunndo under ItlH por- iXjiJy , fional snpcn'isloa Hlnoo its Infnucy. ' ''c&JiVti Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-ns-j,'ood"nre but ,Mer moms that trlflo with niid eiulanuor tho lioultli of What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a IiHrmlosa substitute for Castor Oil. Pare- Gorlc, )rui aiul Stiothinff Syrups. It is PlcnMiut. It ntain, i. 4tia.j. Oilum, SIorphiiM nor othor Nareotlo ubsti- .-., Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms wid n' ,. s lVAeilhlmoss. It cures Dlarrhcua and "Wind a i ; ?i renexos Toothing' Troubles, cures Constipation U"'l ;i1, ,., , It- ,..,t...ll..4n.. 41., T?..l i'..rlll.ltd flirt C. - mu iwnimimn..i wiu o.u, , . .. wji, ,, nowels, givhiff healthy nnd natural Hluep. 4U CU idr.-n'a Pauneca Tho Mother's Friend. IENUmE CASTORIA ALWAYS Ba-; the Signature of Involving tho sum of $3,000,000 nnd covorlng ImmonKo tracts of tim ber In southern Orngon nnd north ern California, tho largout mortgage or dood of tniBt over filed In tho of fice of tho coMiity elork of uouglns county, has Just been presented to C'ork 7.. N. Ageo. Tho mortgagor Is tho C. A. Smith Tlmhor Co., which is operating nn Immomo sawmill at Coos Bay. nnd the mortgngoo Is tho Central Trust Co., of Illinois. The consideration Is secured by flret mortgage at C por cent gold bonds, I s ii od On a sliding scale, th last batch-maturing April 1. 1917. The (Unfed purposes or the bona Ih'iip aro to meet obligations aggre gating a total of $1,000,000 and to finance lumber manufacturing i. infH The lamia ombraeed In tho ! transaction are sltuatod In Eldorado mil Humboldt cauntle. Caiuorwia, and in Coos. Curry, Douglas and Lincoln counties. Oregon. Thote iu Dciglas county are In the following ewnshlpi: SO and 27-7: ssi. h. and 27-8; 20, 21. 28. 28, S4. 80 and 1 31-9; 19. 20 and 21-10; 20 and Ji ll, and 21-12. .. o Rheumatism. More than n'ne out of very tn rass of rheumatism are tlmply rhumatlm of the imnclef, ue to cold or damp weather or chronic rheumatism. Huch earn no Inter nal treatmaat Is required. The fnw application of CnambarlaJn'a, Unl ment ie all that Is aattlad. and it h certain to give nuiek relief. Give It a trial and for yourself how ! quickly It relives the pain and tore- neei. rnce zk eenie; targe eiau. cents Sold by Dr. stone's drug store. o PRANK V. KRJ.SAY OirrS A CONTItACT 2.. Box 10C, Srvlom, Or. 4-21-7t For Side Sorted llrst class potn- tooB at Fry'H worohouso. Enquire at Dick Wostncott's livery stable or phono 329. Prloe 40c per sack. 4-23-lw For Sale One or two good cows, a few Pokln ducks and black Minor ca ohlckonH. T. H. Bluudell, Mornlngsldo. Phone 1372. 4-23-31 FOR SALE A flood Investment A 7-room mod orn residence within 2 blocks of strnotcar; 4 blocks to buslnoss contor; oasy tonus If doslrod. Price $24 00. This Is worth Investi gating. Insures you a gronter In come than having your money In the bank or inventing In U. S. gold bonds. Hero h Another Simp 5 acres close to Salem, about hi He U street car. A lnrgo S-room homo, barn, 45x45; about 40 fruit trees of different varieties, alto small fruit building; can't he duplicated short of $3000. If taken at once, price $2500, one-half cash, balance time to suit. Call Investigate and be convinced. This Is Your Money's Worth 122 acres of rldi valley land, GO aeres In cultivation, 30 acres fine piling timber, balance pasture; running water; good house, barn and out buildings. Only one-half mile from H. It. depot. Price $00 per acre, See us about this. SALEM INVESTMENT CO. 48? State St. 4-10-tf. KXCHAXOHfi. A Portland .Modern 7-room nous, to exchange for farm land or acre age Come in and Investigate. Sa lem Investment Co., 432 Stato street. 3-25-lm' Board nnd Rooms, Home Cooking- Best 25c meal In city, you help 5'aursolf. Lnrco pleasant rooniB. Rending room. Rates reasonab'o. Investigate. W. H. Bradley, Prop., 357 Commercial street. 4.-2 0-1 mo. Concrete Work Get my prices on sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks nnd cemont work of any kind. All work Guaranteed flrst-clasa. Mr. Ward, Highland add. Phono 509 3-24-tf 1 i i Will Call nnd Pay Cash For mon'f caat off clothln, broken wntchoi nnd Jowolry. Wo clenn nnd press, High grade work. Phono 9G3 Slgourncy, 483 State. 1-25-tf. Wanted If you want a marblo or grnnlto monument wo can save you money. Wo don't pay big ront nor city tnxos you get tho bonoflt Como and get our prices, nnd bo convlncod. Our shop is In City Vlow cemetery. J. D. Honhnnnan, mnnngor. Phono 12 CO. 3-lC-tt Vogei Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum ber .shingles, building material wood and conl. Low prices and prompt dellvcrlns, Ono block oust of S. P. pnsscngc- depot. Phon 198. 7-2-tf liwtto Vi Wenderoth Pine wines liquors nnd cigars. Wo bandit tho eolebrnted Kollog gand Castle whiskies. Cool nnd refreshing bcei constantly o draught. South Commercial stroot. 0-3-lyr Enlarged Our moat markot on East 8tato street has been doubled In slzo nnd wo nro bettor proparod thnn ovor to aorvo customers. Prompt servlco nud the best of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. II. E. EdwnrdB Meat Co, BUTTERNUT RBEAI). It Is worth moro than any othoi rend yet tho prlco Is no hlghor ''or salo at your grocers'. Thomas tt Coolcy, Props. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, PLtr.MBKRH xs Theo. M. Burr Plumbing, hot wntar and steam heating ant! tinning 1G4 Commorrttd street. Phom Male 192. 0-1-lyr M. J. Petzel Plumb.'ng, Btonm nnr gas fitting. SuccoMor to Knox A Murphy, 22G Commercial street Prono Main 17. ffe)S)f ' S8 COURT 8TRKKT. Call and try tkem. Meals 1 15c. Board por week $2.7t, also furnlihod rooms tor? reasonable. AT TBI! Salem Restaurant 1 MEALS 15c igwBtaaBmtiWBm flHHW 1 1 1 1 1 II I I II I H H ;i ELITE HOTEL ; Robtaurnnt and hotol, on I ! European plan. Meals nt nil ; ; hours on short order. Rojular ; dinner 26 conts. Thirty now ! ly finished furnished rooms, '.', E. ECKERLEN, Prop. ;! 148 Commorcldl St. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8MH I HOTEL OREGON i Cor Seventh nud Stark Sn. Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rotes $1 per day and up. European plan. TrcoDus. WRIGIIT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Proprietors smuumtmiminmm Salem Fence Works HcndiiunrtcrN for Wovch Wire Fencing. Poultry Nottlng, Pickets, dates, Malthold Itoollng, P. & I). Ready Roollng, Screen Doors and Ad justable Window Screens. CIIAS. D. MULLIGAN Successor WAITER MORLKY. USO Court Ht. finlem, Or. TORRID ZONE FUNARCE H.XRIIANBBOOR FACTORIES Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer ol susb, doors, mouldings. All kind of house finish nnd hard wood work. Front stroet, between Stati and Court. Make nil complaint' at the olllQe. -j x7!a&. After a dtoensitoH lastlug for nearly two hours, tke elly council, In regular sgasloM, Uy a vote of I to 5, gran tad a coutraot for ugla eeriag the proposed street uavlug and nw Wrldge orer Deer Creek to j Pragk Q. Kelsay. of Portland, Ore.. the compensation to be fixed on the ie Kind You to Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. h ccNTtua cohhxv, rr MuauiAV tscct. cwo wrr. basts of 4 per cent of the contract price of both projects combined. .... o i- TEA There is nothing that costs so little, both money and work, and that goes so far if it has the chance. I - Ytoirroj-ueiurjuitteflm Uie Sttfltlfli' V-tn, im Ma. LIVKRY AND FEED fiTAHLHH Uvery mid Fel rituhlow old Post offlee Stables, at 264 Ferry stroet between Commercial and Front streets. Telephone 188. Some ol the finest liveries In the city can be found here. Dlek Wastiicott proprietor. 1 0-1-lyr lJltAV.MU.-S. Ciiminlfih liroH.' TrtiiiHier C'nMiiy All kinds of tranrer work dene Fiimltuie and pianos boxed radj for shlpmen: Prompt ervlee li our motto. Staod and otflce at 2S3 South Cooamerelal stret Pbone 210. Hesldencft Phone 9fiH WANTKI), Itiaii KSTATK. Sell Your property We control a larjjs amount of capital to Invest In olty propjrty and farm lands, at marknt value, Sajsm Investment Co., 432 State street. 3-2&-lm LODGES, ?arpuntur Union No. 10IJ5 Loc Union No. 10G5 of Carpenters and Jolrors of America meot over? Saturday eveulng at 7:30 p. rn. Hearst hall, 120 Stato St. A. W Dennis, Roc Sec. Forthtrs of Auiiirlrn Court Shor wood Foresters, No. 10. Meoti Sattirday night In llolinan hull Stat street Waldo Mlllor, O. R.: J. C. Perry, financial secretary, Contrnl Inlgo No. 1H, K, of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner State and Liberty stroeti Tuesday or each week at 7 30 t m. Osoar Johnson, C. C; E. H Anderson, K. of R. and S Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Menti every Thursday evening at I o'clock In Holman hall. W, W Hill, V. O.; F. A. Turner, dork Woodmen of World Meet every Fr day night at 7:30, In Holman ha' O L. Darling. C. C; P. L Frnz lr, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, nccl dent and pension Insurance; f2, 000,000 pledgrd; every claim paM Good agents wanted. J. H. C Mongomcry, supremo organizer Poz432 Salem, Oregon. R. R Ryan, seorotary, G46 Stato street OATOniA. AggggggggggnrUJgggggggggggggg9igggggsgggggggggk KiKSgggggggggiignPggBBgngggVggsggggggggggg HngggtHluF fliKjBa9ggD ( IW gSIIIBgggr4wCgA' ! J B gSSlsPSSSlgtJ 7tt fllggggiEiigwjJIIuII imuiffSM tflgggggg The above cut represents brick lined Torrid Zono Furt.. Quarantood gas, smoko and dust proof. Economical and durablo. A. L. FRASER 238 STATE STREET. Eitimates furnished on beating Q& '! OHK f'R MANY COI.OKU H jra LAROK1T FACILITIES UM &m IATCS AS I0f AS UtTIIN HOUttt H HOLLISTeR'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets Bdagc GelJa health ia4 KtaewtJ Vigor. A i-in r r Ciittiikil m In liOHllon, Mvo ml Kidney Trouble, h'fiplen. Kciuij Impure UIumI. 1UJ UrvHlU. SliiKifUl, Dow!. lluUch9 yui luctaib lt' IbrtVy ilounulu Twi In U0 m forth. W qtji n but (IcjihIoo mmlo by HuLijcrcH Dhih CoMtuMr, Muilun, WU. GOLDEN NUGGETS F0H SALLOW PEOPLE