DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1008 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL It. IIOFER, Ed. and Prop. kn Indepcudotit Nownpapcr Devoted to American Principle and r tlic'l'fogrcM uiid Derclopctnent or All Oregon. I'ubllMiod Kvcrr Kvenlnjr Kxoept Sunday, Salem, Ore. BUIISCRIPTION RATES. (IuVarUbly in Advance.) Dally, for carrier, per year .......85.00 Per month.- 0c Daily, by niall, periyenr.. .... 4.00 Per month 35c Weekly, by mall, per vcar- ..1.W Six months 00c 950,000 INSURANCE. Cnrrktl by tut Albany Man, Mr. S. G. Simons, DMf9f3!BgiLABEC . , SrECIAL JEWVERY. . For c nvenlcnce of subacrlbors branch delivery offices aro estab lished at tho followlBg places at 85 ccnti per month, 11.00 (or thrw JBoHt' ; " i ' . . ' " Asj'tum St6ro, F. O. Do Voe & Son, Asylum Avenuo Junction; Carlluo, Sovontccnth street o A. W. Lane, 3arden Road store. Dauo'a Storo, Alox, Dauo, South Commercial Btreot. Electric Storo, 0, M. Epploy, EaBt Stato stroet. Fair Qrqurids Storo, Harrison Dee, Fair Grounds Road. Howell's Cornor, Twolfth and Cross streets. &: K. Grocory, A. A, Engloba t, Twelfth slrbot. WKebler'B Storo, W. D. Whceer, Highland avenue. Yow Park Btor , F. Q. Boworox. Twelfth and Leslie. A FEW WORDS FOR THE RIGHTS Jnmoa Mott and Tom Donnctt .OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Ishould not mourn because they havo .. been hold up IN AN UNFAVOR- Tho Cnpltal Journal has printed AIILE LIGHT IN THE OREGON- tho repllos of Tom Donnott of Marsh IAN. S G. Simons, of tho Linn and Do n ton Real Estate company of Al bnny, formerly of Medford, carries the heaviest Insurance of any man In Albany. Mutual Interests, an In surance paper tells about ft In the following Interesting way, giving Mr. Simons' picture with the story. "Hon. Samuel G. Simon, of Ore gon, is a distinctive type of the solf mado man. Ho was born at Scott River, California, In 1867, and though but forty years of ago, ho has attained a position among ho build ers of tho West by reason of his abil ity and energy. Ho Bccured his ed ucation In tho public schools of his riatlvo town and at eighteen years of age ho purchased a farm and sot up In business for himself. In 1906 he moved to Medford, whero ho pur chased ono of tho largest orchards in the valloy. He mado thlo venturo pay, and' with his usual disposition to enlarge his scopo of action, ho be camo Interested actively In tho de velopment of thp city of Medford, and to him Is duo much credit for its growth during tho past few years. flold, and of James Mott of Salem, in reply to. Orogonlan attacks on thorn. It Is propor to call thorn attacks, when a groat newspaper plckB out two moro coljogo boys, FOR ITS UN FRIENDLY ANIMADVERSIONS. Tho two Oregon boys wore stand ing up for tholr rights against tho unfair rulings of a California stu Mont nffalrs committee. la dofondlng tholr good nnmo and tho good nnmo of their follow stu dents they HAD A RIGHT TO K.V- xEcrr the friendly interest OF THE PRESS. Thero aro two sides to ovory con troversy, and ovuu If thoro wns noiiiu right on tho ldo of the col logo authorities, the boys had a right as manly young rellows to put tholr flldo of tho ctuia vigorously. 'r tlilH thoy are condomnod, For liavlng tho rod blood of tholr slrtu In their vhIiih THEY ARE ROASTED 11V AN ALLEGED GREAT NEWS PAPER. If tho boys had not stood up for their rlghtH In a vigorous fashion thoy womld havo been Justly consld urod unworthy by any nowspnpor. Tho Individual has n right to pro luollun, to full' play, to a good hour ing his Imlinir AH AHA INST ANY CORIWItATION OR NEWSPAPER. Tho ownership of o prows or tho nccldoiil of being a highly vulnrlod otlklat of a trusteeship llko Stan ford doc not give anyone right ovor tho Individual. Hut a groat newspaper Imagine It van call a man. crazy, can onst an as liorHioit on hU sobriety, can Imply that ho In an anarclilHt, AND NEVER HKTRAW OR UNDO THE INJUS TICE DONE. Aglanst such iiMumptloiiH of ty rnnnhml power Tho Cnpltal JourtiHl hits ovor stood. We would defend and glvo n hear ing oven to Harvey W. Scott hlmsolf, IF HE WERE FALSELY ACCUSED AND WANTED A HEARING. Dr. Jordan nud Dr. Clmpmiin are clearly POSSESSED OF AN ANAE MIC SPKOIOU.S MORALITY that pones before the public and oannot mot mon as men lu tho artiiH of o very day affairs. Chnpma.il, the alitor of the Ore gouian, and Jordan of the university, would nut lust tun days with a crowd oi nu'ii lu the equality of the class room or the lumber enmp.WlTllOlT THE PRIVILEGE OF PROTEC TION. Thoy can browbeat and bully col lege students vluu tlt- en M nut ar gue the wieetlou with them, and ill-Vi'ttt.-d of the advantages with which th lr pnt.lt Ion would urrotiud them, could not hold their own with these two college boys whom they berate und decry. Thoy hnvo thousands of follow cltlzons who have boon treated with Injustice for no reason than the splonotlc and dyspeptic disposition of sour-bniled genius itiBtniled IN THE HIGH TOWER OF THE ORE GON METROPOLIS. They arc nono tho less cnpnblo and useful young man becnuso thoy luvo boon msreprosantod by ropro sontntlvos of Irresponsible privilege. o AN ISSUE THAT MUST SETTLED. RE He Got What Ho Needed. "Nino yo ra -ngo It looked as If my time hod coD'O, ' says Mr. C. Farthing, of Mill Crook, Ind. Tor. "I wns so run down that llfo hung on a very slondor thread. It wns then my druggist recommended Electric Bitters. I bought a bottlo and I got what I needed Btrongth. I had ono foot In tho grave, but Electric Bitters put it back on tho turf again, and 'I've been -well cvor Blnco." Sold under guarantco at J. C. Perry's drug storo. COc. o - WHAT HE HAS DONE. Your Earning Capacity . . . OiKht to enable ou to do more than j u i umke ft living. You ought to Kve money. Alter you a- it. put It to work in our sav in k department, where It will .urn three per cent Interest. Hcuieiuher your earulag capacity CANT UST I'OHHVIiH Now i the time tu start a safety fund It ie surprising how quickly you tan create capital whott uu mo flxut it lu the proper way aud with determlUHtlou Hma'l aiHMtuntx welcome SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Tho right of tho pooplo to oloct Unltod Status senators Is on trlnl In Orogon. It should be remembered that TWO-TIIIRDS OF THE STATES IN THE UNION .MUST ACT ON THIS MATTER boforo tho federal condi tion can bo nmondod, Roforms of a political character always como from the states. So It Is up to tho pooplo of Orogon nt the Juno eloctlon to carry this principle Into offoct. Tho pooplo must voto nnd must oloct Mr. Cnko or Governor Cham burlnlu to tho United Stntos senate. TIIEV CANNOT AVOID , THIS DUTY. Tn tho June olectlon It Is moro than llkoly that moro Stntomout No. 1 men will bo chnson than thoso op posed to tho Stntomout. In fact If nono are chosen but Stntomout No. 1 men nnd pnrty choice mou and Cake Im the cholco of the people, he will bo THE UNAN IMOUS CHOICE OF THE LEGISLA TURE FOR SENATOR. If Chamberlain tho choice of tho pooplo n June nnd thore Is a majority In the nenoral assembly Stntoment No. 1 men he will be eleclud. The fact U U Is up to the peoplo to elect ono or tho other of thoo gon t lemon Unltwl State senator and THEY SHOULD SETTLE THE MAT TEH. And we believe It will settle the matter, a art for the following reaeons: lu the first place IT IS ACCORD ING TO THE ELECTION LAWS OF OREGON. It Is xccorUIng to the ballot laws and the direct primary law. lu (he second place, a law Is go ing to be euacted by the people at the June election DIRECTING THE GIINEKAL ASSUMRLV TO ELECT THE CHOICE OP THE PEOPLE, no matter what their private views way be. So under all the olroumstaueee It may be set dowu that whether Cake or Chamberlain U the choice of the people he will be the uuaulwous choice of the legislature. PURLIC SENTIMENT IS GOING IN THAT DIRECTION. There will be a ooullauous tffort ou the part of the polUleaUy belated oieiueut to defeat Statement No. 1 ituen, aud u throw the tleetlou lata me nanus or tae ittiuilitr), and to disregard the expressed will of the peopl. I bat there will be a dark horse i-audidale with a hogshead of col back of hint FEW CLOSE ORSISRV- ERS CAN DO CRT, The people have got thai fight to make ouce uxor, but wUalag out this time the barrel esu4ila4e Is goue forevir front the halts of Oro gon U'glflature. AND, IN THE 1ANGUAGE OP THE FINERAL SHRVICH, SO MOTE IT RE, AM KM Pains tn the haok and aide may como from tho ktdaty or liver Lnno's Family Modlolne tho tonlo laxative, nnd a great kldnay and liv er remedy, will give relief. Will Ik? Flciirc In Coming Event Ifttrrj Ittltitl'N Cadet Regiment Ha ml. Tho mtiHtonl ovonlng to bo given by tho 0. A. C. regiment band takes place nt tho opera homo noxt Satur day night nt Corvallls. It ought to pack the house from top to bot tom, bocnuso tho band Is typical of tho military phaso of the college. It Is an unusual organization nn 1 tho concort It will glvo nn untiBunl nf fair. Tho orcnslon makes of Interest tho porsonnl record of tho man who Ib to conduct It. II, L. Board, tho compotont direc tor nnd Instiiiictor of tho Ot A. C. band entorod this Institution nt tho of 16 In tho fnll of 1895. Ho had previously ontorod tho muslcnl pro fession nnd wns placed In chnrgo of the hand during his last two years of aohool, Ho thou enlisted In the U. S. voluntoers as n musician, nt the time of tho Spnnlsh-Amorlcnu war. Hn plnyod solo cornot In tho 3Mh Infantry band under one of tho ablest dlrsotors In tho U. S. nrmy, Frank X. Horlc. Ho roso rapidly to tho rank of principal musician which rank ho hold nt tho tlmo ho wns mustered out. MILL TO START. Hciicwiil of Operation nt Corvallls Sawmill. A Knncfcer Is n man who can't soo Reed In nnv person or thing. It's a hnblt cnusod hv a d'sordorod liver. If you sob things through bluo spectacles, tront your llvor to a good olonnlng out process with Ballard's Herblno. A sure euro for constipation, dyspep sln, tndlgeatlnn, sick headnche, bll lousuese, nil liver, stomach and bow- el troubles. Sold by all dmigglsts, o , Now S. P. Agent nt Chomnwu. (Weekly Chemawa American.) Miss Elisabeth Francis, who for the past two years has been In charge of tho S. P. R. It. ofllce nt this point, roslgns hor position. Whllo nt Chemawa Miss Francis, by hor pleasant disposition, cheerful and nc ommodatlng manners, made many frlonds, who doeply regrot her leav ing. Miss Frnnels will visit Mr. and Mrs. Soott, of Portland, nnd later e.xpoots to nocopt a reinstate ment with the Southern Pacific ofllco la the San Jonquln valley. Mr. E. Wilson will succeed Miss Frauds at this otUee. Tho, Corvallls sawmill, which has been Idle for tho past. bIx .'months, is to rosumo operations Thursday.' Three million feet of flno logs from tho McKchzIo has been purchased,: and n mlllton feet Is In the boom at tho mouth of Mnrya River, ready for the out. Heavy building opera tions In Corvallls havo mado n big demand for lumbor that taxes tho capacity of tho mills to Bupply. Tho mill has passed into new hands since Its shut down- last No vember. Mr. Akflrs, who, was form- jerly In control, has sold his Interest to Percy Allen, and gone, to Port land to reside. Mr. Allen Is one of tho largest lumber and tlmbor op erators In thu stnte, having lnrge In terests In vnrloitB parts of Oregon. Ho was In Corvallls yesterday, v.om pjellng arrangements to begin oper ations. Nell Nowhouso, ono of the bcBt known sawmill mon In tho coun ty Is to hnvo chnrgo of tho sawing activities. Tho announcement of tho resumption is of material Interest, by reason of tho fact thaf tho mill Is tho largest slnglo labor-employer In tho town, carrying n forco of 25 to CO mon regularly on tho payroll, nnd disbursing a largo sum of mon ey weekly. o 1-1 of Pound n "Week. at least, Is what a young bnby ought to gain In weight. Docb yours? tt not there's somothlng wrong with Its digestion. Glvo it McGeo's Baby Elixir nnd Jt will begin gnlnlng a. once. Cures Btomnch and bowel troubles, aid digestion, stops frotfttl ncss, good for teething babies. Price 25c and 50c. Sold by nil dealers. Death of Rudolph Hofllcli. Rudolph Hofllch died April 21, at his homo nt Rlvorsldo, In Linn coun ty, of pnoumonln, after an Illness of only four days. Ho was tnkon Friday, dovoloplng Into a serious caso. II,) wan 30 years of acu. Ho had been married six years, nnd lonvoi i'. wife nnd daughter, a llttlo girl of four months. Ho wns n mnu of excellent chnrnctor, llkod by nil knowing him. Ho was a son of M. Hofllch, ono of sovornl children, two brothers, Will nnd llorman, rosldln In Albany. o A Hcnllng Salvo for HiirtiH, Chapped HiiiuIh ami Soro Nipples. As n healing salvo for burns, sores, soro nlpplos nnd chnppod hands Chumheninfn'fl Salvo Is mo.u excellent It n:'ayH tho nln of n b;r nlm-tht lutuntly. and un P-'tt tho Injury Is vert' sovore, hcali tho parts without leaving a penr. Prlca 25 cents. For Bnlo by Dr. Stono'a i Tho olghth juror hns boon socurod In tho Ruof trial. Ncw Corporations. The Swaggnrt Land Company Principal olllce, Pendleton, Oregon; capital stock, $10,000; Incorpora tors, A. L. Swnggart, H. L. Swaggnrt nnd F. G. Swnggart. Portland Automobllo Club Prin cipal ofllco, .Portland, Orogon; cnpl tal std-ckj t500; Incorporators, C. B. Brown, Lowls Ruscoll nnd Geo. W. Klelsor. Oregon Hassam Paving company Prlnclpnl office, Portland, Ore.; capital stock, $25,000; Incorpora tors, J. A. Miller, B. H. Bauor and R. B. Klngsbrury. O i ii Notary Appointed. G. W. .Volch, of CjatBknnle, Co lumbia county, has been appointed notary public. o- mi Thero Is nothing bottor then ko dol for lyspcpsln, indigestion, sour stomach, bolchlng of gns nnd ner vous headache, it digests what you cat'. Sold by all druggists. dJttVAuLIS A fcASVERN R. R, TID3 TABLE No. 4 Leaves Detroit eeeeeeee 1:00 p.m. The ri.Tu. ncrohnt finds it nocoesnry at all tlmos to knop his musclos nnd Joints upplo. That is tho reason that hundrods of thorn koop a bottlo of Ballard's Snow Llnimont nlwnys on hlmd. A nuro euro for rhoumatlsm, cuts, sprains, soro throat, lamo hacK, contracted musclos, corns, bunions, nnd all pains. Price 25c, 00c nnd $1.00 per bottlo sold by nil donlorj. DISTRICT CONVENTION Hpwortli League, Albany, Or., April 21, 25, 20, 100K. For tho nbovo occasion the S. P. Co. will mnko n rnto of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE on the certifi cate plan. WM. M'MUIlItAY, JOHN M. SCOTT, G. P. A. A. G. P A. 4-20-4t. t e e e e e s s 6:30 a. m. 7:10 a. m. 2:15 p. m. 2:55 p. m. 6:00 p.m. 6:40 p. m. follows, commencing Jan. 16,.' 1908: Trains for Corvallls. No. 8 Loaves Albany 7:56 a.m. rrlves at CorvnlllB .... 8:35a.m. No. 10. Loaves Albany 3:65 p.m. Arrives at Corvallls ... 4:35p.m. No. 6 LoavoB Albany 7:45 p.m. Arrives at Corvallls .... 8:26p.m. Trains for Albany. No. 5 Leaves Corvallls Arrives nt Albany No. 9 Lcnvoa CorvnlllB Anlvos nt Albany No. 7 Lonvos CorvnlllB Arrives at Albany No. 11 (Sunday only) Lonves Corvallto 11: 15 a.m. Arrives nt Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 12 (Sunday only) Leaves Albany 12:35 p.m. Arrives a. Corvallls .... 1:18 p.m. For further Information apply to Trains from and to Ynqulnn. No. 1 Arrives at Corvallls ....11:00 a.m. Arrive, at Albauy 5:55 p.m. Leaves Ynqulnn 6:45 a.m. li'rlvea at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 2 Leavo' Albany 12:35 p. m Arrives at Ynqulnn .... 6:15 p.m. Trains to and from Detroit. Loaves Cyr7t?.llls 1:40 p.m. Nd. 3 Lonvos Albany 7:30 a.m. A. M. 6:00, a7:05, 8:05, 10,05. WM. McMURRAY, Gen, Puss. Agt., Portland, Oregon, Jito. M. Scott, Asst. G. P. A. 7pB -jjjvujv vjm Way "" d the a take care nf ,.ir' - U4CU, Folr. Gat Starts the rlavL. . I sold on merit-N8 p -nnN NOTICE For the Cont.-T.. Bo-thlWrtwSiJN Notice U hereby KTe,u reguar meeting or Sf?iJ mon council adoDL.'' Bldowalk on South Thlr&JS In front of lot ii S m ?! Yew Park aXA ffl '"'" ZLQonj m ft,7 inuiiuriv nr inv n . ..- Bldowalk to bo conitmM,1 cordnnco with .,m3i on nio In the onto 7, condor of Srlcm, Orecoa. in nccordnneo with uM m by May 30, 190$ :, thf will procred to wnWft and assess the cott thtrati said real nremlact m jl...- : same to be a IH UMniiHtM, n .1 tuu iiiuner.oiuiijt'Tuj! uiuiiiuuce .o loz, prorldM. By order common caat W A. M00RE3. R'fsrte uaie or nrst pab'Ittt': of -notice the 2 1st day ot April h Ul'H A Touty.ycar Soutonie. "I have Just completed a twonty ier health fenteuce. imposed by Uucklea's Arnica Salve, whleh ourod me of bleodlag pile just twonty yrs ago," write O. S. Woolever, of UKtysvllle, N. Y. Dncklen's Arlnea Salve heals the worst sores, bolls, bunts, wound and outs la the short est time, lie at J. C. Perry's drug stre. GKRMAN 11AKK1IY AND CONFKCTIONF.RY Now under new mnnnBonjent SCIILF.Hirr SCHNKIOKR Proprietors Comploto lino of frosh nnd up-to-dato bakers goods delivered to all parts of tho city froo. Wo aro proud of our party and wedding cakos, delivered on short notice. Glvo ma a trial la all wo nsk. Store comer Twelfth nnd Che moketa Sts. Phone Mnln 961. -jaawasssv The Uyee-liiaoott Uad fraud esse Is still on t Washington. COFFEE What is essential to good coffee? Good bean ground fresh, and a woman of common sense. Your rocr rtturm your mon j It yoa don't UkoStrailiac't Dot. pr blu AMUSEMENTS. AiKlttorium Roller Rink. Morning, afternoon and evening j sessions. i Tito Vnmletto. Moving pictures and Illustrated ongs, every afternoon aud evening axoept Sunday and Monday afternoons. Huie Wing Sang Co. DR. KLIM WONDIJRFUL CIIINESR DOOTOIt Will treat you vlth Oriental horbi and euro any dlsoaso without opera tlon or pain. Dr. Kum Is known overywhoro Id Salem, and baB cured many promi nent peoplo hero. Ho has lived In Salem for 20 years, and can bo trust ed. Ho US3S many medicines un known to white doctors, and with them can cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rohumatlsm, stomach, liver and kidney diseases. Dr. Kum makes a specialty of dropsy and femalo troubles His rora odlea euro private dlsoaso when ev erything else falls. Ho has nun droda of testimonials, and gives con sulfation froo. Prices for medicine very moderate. Persons in tho coun try can write for blank. Send stamp. If you want some extra flno tea, get It from us. t DR. KUM ROW WO CO.' WHITE) DRONZE MONUMENTS Never chip, crack tarulsn, moss or corrode. The jcly kind that never need cleaning. For the truth of the nbovo see them In all the Salem aud many of tho coun t y cemeteries; soma of thuin have been thoro fo. ?S years. II you want tho vuryb.st at living pice. oall on t.raddiess 458 Mill St. Phono 12SI. Salem, O. T. . WAIT. .Vollrf. To improve n nrrtlca ef s (1 tnge street, D trct :1 SitrJ streot in tho city of St'ea Notice Is hereby glmtUtti:! rogular meetlns of t ratti council of t'ae city ol SiIB, Orel he'd April 20 190$ t mtti was adopted to Improre Scrl (J tago street in too cPv of sue egon, between tho nor'h ' North Mill Creek rndthewi! of D street; D ctrct IntldBi Salem, Oregon, betrrcen tie lino of Nor U Co!t?co tuwri oast lino of Serenth strttl i ntrnot tn thn rltT ntS.MtB.1 the north line of D trUtf south lino of the Fair Crcwi In the followins tntnsw nv ttntnliM-.llltlff I r grado on edd etrctU b"MJ liuuit. . 8a!d Improrrment bt- intorsectlonfl ahd b- crt-'-f tending from the north U:jcI' Ground Hnr. ni u J t along the en thrt t' of 10 feet rhal' nzl depth of 1 mrhfi" OI KHU1 ""' "" . w .1 vateil, shall be f i 1 -! rWflr Brit. f1 W.l lirt-R VI ' "-- rf AJ ve with the grad rf V Raid dirt so x,"ifl In making a MOlform n etreet for fill wldUH" u ' drslnag , . .t The cost of si shall be anee i i adjacent proPr," '' the charter of widj;i(i, Improvement ni I' ;' days from tnc m - Hoetloa or tuw By order comw .. -.r. vAAnrurr n.i. nt fln l'lr " .."... ,u ,. April z. w .,ntln :i w:i notice St Annual Meflln8-J2li day Srlss r Forest uru - . 20 190S. For il i j g 'p Co will lJ a AND ONB-TIIIRf) FiBE rrtlflrste plan yr a a - i JOHN M. SCOTT A. O. P- A DIG STOCK OF GOODS We make ui all kinds nf wninnnrn and white und- rwenr. wnista l-lmnn. as and skirts; all kinds of gentle men s and ladies' fmrnlshlng goods; all kinds of sl'ks and dross goods, Hose, snoes, suits, pants, overalls, blankets, neckwear, matting, ohlna- Ware. trunks. nmtirnlHnrv nnH lnrn now soiling at cost. O C T. Co Stoamers Pomona and Oregona j leavo for Portland dally except Sun day and Wodnesday at 6 a. m. for Corvallls, Tuesday and Saturday jabout 7 p. m. I M. P. BALDWIN, Agent, HICKOKlf Cough F CR0HL isORtTH C! I J T M VL-AA ffwfl ihcaitJLWJ fmrrl " tL v-. 1.. u ' 1 IxiZfSl. ni1 rtlX - - 326 N Commercial St. Salem, Or