n t jpTTfwn " " V, iff; -Ci JAii'-LAJ.i Cry I i0ttmd &T!fiLL SATdt$f, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2:1. 11)08 NO. 101 ANKER ROSS TO KNOW IS FATE SOON ssassins Are After the Principals in Ruef Trial . si NTRAL MMITTEE MEETING THE CITY HALL CSTV AND CITY CHAIRMAN ILL UK CHOSEN . DELE ATES It) ATATK, CONCHES- OXAL AXJ) NATIONAL CON'S EXTIOXH TO HE GHOSEN. j' jtt Marlon county contrnl com fr of tho Hc)Ubllcan purly will It h!i evening at tho city hall tfgaiilzo by electing n jjpunty Irate, and a city chqlrmnnand etic!xtcs to tho state convoifum U Md M Portland May 11. (Continued on pngo flvo.) PAPER RAILROAD GALORE IN WESTERN OREGON OREGON ELECTRIC ENLAI1GES .ITS'" CAPITALIZATION AND FILES ON Alili AVAILAHLE LO CATIONS TOR NEW LINKS. Articles of Incorporation have been Mod nt Saloin (or ninny exten sions of tho Orogon Klaotrlc syfitoin In wofitom Oregon. Tho scope of their program Ik stntod In tho fol lowing teiegrnm: Portland, Or., April 22, The nn ncKincoinont was nindo today simul taneously with nn Incronso In tho iCouuuuuu ou fuuita rttgu. J1ICAG05ME PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE WHY IS IT fhat We Are Always Busy at the Chicago Store? "v , Klcnnt nerson can answer thRt question In a minute, bo- pi' n ! i a wnva tho right goods at the right prices. Come to r i1 iv and soo the ciowds of brlgnt indies inai uo tnoir i"g lur ftablMmenf, ladles that know what quality, style and a!' W are now doing the biggest business in me History oi i .iro offering thU week wonderful Bargain In evory liT'-! V. 5 BANKER EXPERTS TESTIFY ON PORTLAND CASE ARGUMENTS ,MAIK ItV EMINENT COUNSEL FOR AND AGAINST THE ACCUSED KATE OP ROSS NOW WITH JURY. 3 ie Dress Silks I1) j m the grandest gs- IU.-V ( ,V),)i,e from and til t E l tuna to the Oil s' T) usandg of yard fi Vine yard 3c, 35c, 49c, 65c 75c and 98c ' ess Goods' i If jroH buy you see this th most beau- u Sawm. Price 39c, 49c, K 85c and 98c Hinery fc:U: rillilfltllw trim- . t uu wil. it wju ' t- i our prices. gT 3448 J. Thorburn Ross, iudlotod Title Gunrnntoe & Trust company prosl dont, will know hlii fato by tonight. Tho entire day up to tho time thli pnpor wont to pross was consumed In argument by tho nttornoys, but Judgo PIjiob oxpectB to finish boforo 5 o'clock, nnd the cbbo will then bo given to tho jury. Indications hooiu to point to n conviction though opin ion nro dlnsonting. The trial yostordny, as far as the examination of witnossos was con- crnod, en ni o to nn abrupt cloio be fore tho courtroom of apoctators hud time to ronllzft whnt had happonod. The defense began tho prosontntlon of its caso nt -1:20 o'clock In the af ternoon; nt -1:30 o'clock, tho Jmry liRd left -the courtroom after having heard threo wltneaaos for the de fenso nnd tho judge's usual Admoni tion not to talk about the eas. all during tho ton inlnutos. The proiocutlon during tho after noon session wont quickly through a long list of witnesses making up small technical gaps In tho tosll mony. J. W. Ferguson, n, H. Collls, : Georfe ninek, and Hen. W, OlootU exprtB who conducted the examina tion Into tho condition of the bank after its falluno Idontlftod hooks and papers showing that tho stato educa tional fundu had been deposited In tho hank, Init that by the mlddlo of August tho untlre remaining balanoe of raeli on hand In tho hank, count ing outside bauk deposits, as well as speclo ou hanJ, would not covor tho $2S8,000 of the oducatlonal fund. Aittorney General Crawford testified to x-ertaln proceediHgs had by the state demanding tho return of the money. Claud Dyers, W. h. Decater COMPLETING ABE RUEF JURY CHANGE OF VENUE ASKED FOR AGAIN HV THE WlhY DEPEND. IN AND RESOURCEFUL ANTs-LlVKS OP SEYERAIi CASE THREATENED. (Unltod Pross Leased Wire.) San' Frnnclsco, April 23. Abo Ruef (Kftin npiillod for n chnngo of vonueUiwhon his caso was resumed In Judge Doollng's ccr.irt this morn ing. The motion was donlod and tho work of completing the Jury win tnkon up. Life Wh Tlirtiiti'iii'il. Abo RueCs life has beon throat onpikioeordlng to n ntntomout made todnTT tli- ' ex-boss. The stnter mont, coming so too'n after 4ho blowing up of former Supervisor Gallagher's home In Oakland last night, leads to the belief that a crank was responsible for the Galla gher outrage, as tho motlvoe for at tempts on tho lives of Gallagher nn 1 Ruof would nocossnrlly bo different. Ruef having drawn away from the prosecution and lining up tho in dieted "uighor-ups" whllo Gallagher Is giving the graft prosecution all the aid in his powor. Prosocutor Honey still rofusos to FIGHT ON RESTORING R. R. LANDS IN LOWER HOUSE CHARGE RIGHTS THAT IT ATTACK OP INNOCENT PUR. CHASEHS DEMOCRATIC LEAD ER OUTLINES PLATFORM. HOT SPRINGS ARK., HAS ROBBERY HELD UP A CLUD (Co n tinned on pwgo Mvolro.) Washington, April 23. Ono or the bfttorost lights of this seuulon of congress occurred today over tho adoption of tho sonuto resolution In structlng tho attorney general to In Btltuto suit, (o wrost laud In Houth tvostorn Oregon from tho Hnrrlmnu Intere-ris, which uro alleged to havo violntod the restrictions and which they rooelvo 3,000,000 ncros. r TliO'.Jund Jlo along tho Orognu.A. California railroad and wqs grnulod to the conipH'nVTfLJXCC, rfoforo be ing petHiit dthft .govorbment amend ed the grant "ft P" Cu" lntid could be sold In iMtelfvs of ten acres at JJI.G0 per acre to actual settlers. Since 1S93 tho Ilnrrlman uimuhk ment Is ulleod to havo sold not lees than 1,000,0000 acres for as much as ?10 per acre and Is still holding 2,000,000 as an Investment Claiming that this disregard of tho Mtw had lod to devastation of tho country and dofeutod tho object i and Douglass Lawean teetifled In minor matt re as to the hanJwrltls contained In various crodlt slips. jGatch was commanded hy the eouK for his uprlkht asd manly way at answer lug queetlom. TreasuvM' l Steele was agan eel 11 to the etantl and repeated bis tactics of the morn ing by dodging sh.1 erailve answer- Base Ball Friday, April 24 W. 1). Field SALEM HIGH SCHOOL vs UNIVERSITY OF OI1EGON 25c AND GOT AWAY WITH TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN CABlt LOCKED THE DOORS A.V1V ( STOOD UP THE CROWD. discus! tho posfilb'e motive for the attempt on Gallagher's life. Extra precautions will be taken to protect Ruof against attempts at violence. The Gallagher affair Is oaiislng much apprehension among the other boodling supervisors, fearing that last Right's attempt will stir the cranks to general action. WitnosM's in Ford ('"', Boxton was excused after answer ing a few unimportant questions. Ex-Supervisor Pat McGushln was the next witness. He supplemented the testimony of his former col leagues regarding the aeeeptanee of money for their votes In favor of of settlement for which the grant was mado, the department of justice seeks to take the matter to court. but It Is neeessery to have congress authorize tho Milt. Scarcely ( bad the debate on the proposed resolution begun but Rep resentative Pordney of .Michigan. Introduced an ameudntent to protect "Innocent purchasers" lnolHdlng the Inhabitants or sufnll towits nnd' 16,000 acres bought by lumber man all of whom are said to have pur chased the land in Ignorance of the restriction. It was pointed out that the government Itself in the Orsgor transHottlont hsd not always recog nised the restrictions. Tho emend (Unlt'bd Press Lcnsod Wlro.) Hot Springs, Ark., April 33-Tho most Hunatlonal robbery in tho his tory of 4ho olty occurred onrly thl morning, wheli four masked men entonud n gambling room known nB tho Indiana olub, lined up everybody In tho place, took tho club's flO 000 bank roll nnd nienpod. Tho robbery wob carried out with nontuuna and dlupatch, tho robbors eylduutly hnvj; JLtljUUmd Uia. mill,, cnrorully,, , TJhoro""'vvo'rVi numVor of players nt each of tjio, tables dlu. trlbutfil about" the big robtu whoir the four mon ontered qulotly tlyough ths rear doors. Their prononcs yttnd not been noticed until tan loader shouted the command, "hands nip." Tnke.ii completely by surprise nnd seeing retdstuuep usolewt, tho quar tet having disposed thomsolvoa nbout tliH room in s'leh nmnrior us to be able to oovor all of ytholr victims, playors and (lualors, Inqtantly oboyod the command. They wero then lined up agalmtt tho wall and guarded by thrvu or tho Intruders, while tho lenders opened tho cnah drawer and N traded the hank t oil. Still cover ing their vlctliSs. the nibbois locked all or the front doors, backed out of the rear doors, looking them also, and made their escape In tho dark iioui. They wicoeudod In getting a god start before (he alarm was giv en and when the police arrived on the scne they were unable to pick up any clews. Ing by dodging and ersilve answer- tha overhead franchise. Kx-SMoer-!jMt WJW gRvg,!- Hualied the tag. Assistant Treasnrer Perkins j vl or W. W. Sanderson folio we. fhJr-e Mg mMd9 ihjt ,t W( -t ro'ioweo nis cniei 10 in iuhu nwiwiia svneuiniMiiy mo same "" tempt to let Harrlman escape Outline PlHtfunn. testified well In regard to demands wrKien to the hank. With tastimooy of Judg Sonees Swtth. one of the exerts, the prosoMitton annonaeed !- case closed. gsuderson ad wit ted that he audi Protemtor Ileney were boyhood ! Senator Ray nor of MaryUml to- frleads aad thgt ho was testifying .y t -to n jHk,jUI of under a prowls of immunity II. Tho the naUiip of sow of the phuiks wKHi, v.. pr,i mw WftM,i w.-- UMrHAMlfal In iha A.torwy cl ..,, w myMrf wrronsrting tao a uomiK Dwaratlc national plater,,.. He ... V ; iZl : ;" ' ' "'. . . 7 .explained that ho was nwved to t-iluiiBKiiuu wi ww.nmvmy ijsravs u. uauagHsir, star Mtum in thus far an attempt? o hare a ver-ltbe boodle ease affecting the old diet for his elleat on the threo lDosrd of sHsorvlsors. by dmsmltUtf If you want to see pretty stylish Suits ?old quick, cocae to the Chi cago Store. We are clearing tium out at a great rate We ought to when yon consider the low pi-iee wo ask for Swell UaiDifHts $8.50, 10.50, $12.50, $15 Tje Store That Saves You Money I grounds that there had been no ev- ' Idenco connecting his client with the J co version, If tboee wee any; that the funds had boon eoHeoted frem i other baaks on cheeks nnd that if 'there was any eoaverelon. it took I place whea tho money wee ffrot de I posited by Treasurer Steel with the other bank, and that even If tb mosey was la the TMIe Inenrnnee and Treat company, there was no proof given that he know 1L Re plying to this Judge PlfM, for the (Continued on page eight.) his home, U so Impenetrable today. so far as tho UioMity of the perpe trators is eoaeoraod, as It was Im mediately after the explosion oc curred. Altbongo Oakland's detective furee sjhwi the night In running .Iowa various wild rumor in San Praneiseo and other bay cities, they are now without a tangible slew to follow and are grafting in the dark. Chief of Police niggy. of San Pran claco. and hU men stand roady to (Continued on page eight). make the announcement by many frleads who were frequently aoklMC for Information as to what platform he would advocate. The Maryland leglelator declared that he would have the platform de mand tariff reform, and deelare against executive usurpation. "I would demand tlu enforcement of vry fUeral enaetment undor the theory that the greater the or I ni lgai the more severe t'.e punishment should be." he declared. "r would limit the presidential term to one term and prohibit the iHcHimbont from using foJeral pat ronage to aid in the nomination or idpMion of a succes'or Tho plat form should provide' that the U lifted States should not milto with othr governments to despoil forels;u ter ritory." itonator dtsyner denounced as treason any art looking to the in lortlon in the constitution by Judi cial ooiistmctlon or otherwise, auv power or grant not already con tained therein. " 'Idon't believe our party can be burn again," ho continued. "It's either a 'staee right party, under the present aaeeptause of. Uie term, or It's nothing. It will never come Into power ai an sjijiex of tho Re publican party." He expressed regrot that a "high Democratic authority" had udvo rated the enaetment of legislation providing that corporations be lim ited la the amount of products they cu souaign to other states and pro tasted agalnat the party being tam pered with by scribes and mount ban ha. (TIJIt.MAN ATToIuVHV TO IMC PROSIfClTlfl Ilerlln, April 83. Dr. Max Hern stein, who acted as ouunsel for IMI. tor Harden during the .Mollke 1 lard en libel trial, Is to be prose (wted for llliyllng prlnoe Philip Zu Buletiberg, whom he ncoused. In tho oourso of the trial, of gross Inimoral-jtloa. iO.i i - ' Qnutlia ob., April 20 -RooJpts . .lfog(. 6300: cattle, 26Q0I sheep, 6000. It (. V .J ,