DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22. 10Q8 S MOTT REPLIES TO THE 0RE60NIAN f..J T in$vcfxr f4rif Hflc lSIn aflioru wT.. v7 -..., ,v Rights That Geat Editors Ate Botmd to Respect Tmirnal. I'pon arriving homo '.u'D-irHiv mv attention Is to an editorial In tho Oregon led.l0.".n ir. which tho author ,U Intended as an answer 'to letter or r'r7r ;;;. d r nnd1 Incldentalfy Mure of tho slanderous edl- tipOCUre " ,lini. lipnilmt w "vrrr;?v, K with a feeling of repugnance tt find tnystfii uuubcu i u. am tittle Willi i"o ''" " -Sru n hla attemnted Efer" this person had made the fcest effort at argument ur n- crltlcl-m, one miuut u " '....-tn onmn sort of reanect for rc0!nions, however abBurd and 1B this editor has displayed sr the tactics or uini pssmurous . .nimoi Hint Inhabits car fence fcjrj, and whose only weapon of kse is rno nuny mi-nuu Ich he pollutes nimseu mm iuu ending atmospnere. s this little animal, ordinarily .. .. thn Ritunk. never mnlccs , ...nen nt lpirltlmato combat. Undeavors to frlphten away Its kv.ity by f"t,nB "Hon him 80,no 1,. nn fllthlneso. so this Orogon- Nrlter In his answer to my letter kis no attempt to roruto any or facts 0- arguments I nave set , tut Instead, ItuiuigOB in n scr 1 itirtv. vulcnr norsonalltle1'. tM mt of h's own fanatical d-nnrpntlv flltllV mind. Is for the persona' roforonces by E.rltor imtW tho bond of "Fool- hma Mott," I shnll iGnoro thorn re.r, for I efuse unuor nny cir- ki'inpM (n follow tllO tACt!CB Of h:!s of which this person Is a fc Orcronlan wrltor refused to it tho irttor to which ho refers lii a'tack, but after It had been i'thed In other papers no tooic, le puts it, "specimen sentences" t ! These cntoncoi, wnicn no ir!-uH e lcetnl to his own de- i, he corrupted, distorted, and kuA Into the body or MB euuor and then proceeded in a weak mlwrabn attompt, jiot 10 nna or refute, but to rldlculo itlwm. eai not answered a singlo Btnte- ercn In tho few sontoncos no hooted, my te'tcr of Mnrch 31 I sam itndpnt ilrunkenness as RUeh hot Anil never had oxlsted at Itord The brilliant Orogonlan V'n, wtnrt Hm It must llflVO OX- it tpmpthlnir else. for. ho say. ki Mnn r Kfivs flint during his rar of residence nt Stanford hn unen two st'.ulpnta oxiio'led irunkenne-s ' " This quotation. i bring in'entlonnlly mlBioaa laadl'cct nnd malicious forgery m par of the Orogonlan wrltor, 'ai K2 1, for tho boIo purposo tolng the minds of his readers. It'r Mat ng in Mail tho peculiar !Ctacrri under which drinking 'nf""d l reduced to a minimum w'i'Mied tho fact that during my rars i.f rrMd-nco thoro the f-rrmiU.ipu ipnrt there hfiV4 ithvedirlng this period) had iab'f to Hnd only two studonts tad b r n drunk. Thogo stu- i ,- 1 f 1 r,iir iirmntitlv Sras- led N w !- thU look like n ? rr' - a b4 ono? Theio ti 'atM wMfh wore stated 111 !'" arl If this Oregonlnn lvi' duig any satlsfac f"m r u.,i,K that this Is an ad- f,'!, n r, ,,.irt that student "r -i x is nt Stanford. I ' I"? ' - Mm to enjoy It; hut V 1 , .11 .1 .....l.r.1. r- 1 1 i'' nuuNvvu, uuuii"'- N ''. thib brand of ll' S'1 v.' f .tion upon hia road- Loss of Body and brain need sufficient peaceful sleep each night to repair the waste caused by tho physical and mental exertions of the day. Broken rest brings on headache, despondency, ir ritability and nerve exhaustion. When the nerve force is low, r t. la N- V' i 2 r . i" writer nuotos sov- fog ther, nono of ' ' i's to refute. Ho ' r them a little of Y dhoased wk, ' itiaglnes will pass r" 'n. collection of a correct but Ju- r quotation from ' IoWUb) gave In- r. w-r.ajwr reportors, ' veu ramotely re- 'n The rest of the ' i" it, and which if-1 cleverly omits, '1 in mi iiistMHce ho wax after- " oglie." TH.- 1 w is true Th- I nfer whs iib- inol r delicious Cod Liver faration without oil. t( than old-fashioned uyer oil- and emulsions estore health for PPie. delicate children. f run-down persons, and jekness, colds, coughs, Cuius anrl nil V-nQf arA troubles. on our fiueiranta. - VIT.VAM CO. Hshed in (the San Francisco papers, and the apology appeared in the Daily Palo Alto, over Dr. Jordan's own signature. By such methods tho Orogonlan wrltor concludes that I have called President Jordan a wil ful liar. Throughout tho editorial .this wrltor has handled my letter In tho same Indecent and worse than puer ile lasiuon. ir no is going no quote at all Why doesn't he do so In an honest way, nnd then try to answer my statements honestly? Ho has no excuse; tho entire letter, unoxpur-gntetl- wah'sont to him before It wnB published 'In any paper. Why doesn't ho fight llko a man, or e'ne say nothing? The reason Is that ho possesses neither the necessary In formation on tho subject, nor the brnlns to handle it if ho had that Information; and his notion In deal ing with my letter of March 31 brands hlra nt once as not only n first-class oxamplo of the pestiferous crcaituro I havo mentioned, but as a literary prostitute, devoid of nil conscience or sonso of decency. In tho same way this person has trented a recent letter by Mr. Tom Dennett, 'OS, of Stanford. Dennott wna not In tho pnrade. and snld so In hia letter, yet the Orogonlan did tint linaltntn In lt comtllOtU to give the Impression that thh str.ident wns in It. The editor furthermore brands tho pnradors ns a bunch of drunkards, and ridicules tho state ...a., r nmitirit tiist the men In tho parade woro not drunk. ( thon proceeds to try to Intimidate Mr. nonnott. after tho fashion of itho blackmailing vllllnii In a ten-cent mo'odrnma. "Does this callow votith," ho writes, "hHlovo for a moment that his foolish stntcmont will bo nccpted against the word or Prosldont Jordnn nnd tho fncuUy or tho unlvorslty?" Now, tho faculty of the university hn- never made any stntemont what ever concerning the- recent demon stration, and the "word of President Jordnn" which tho Orogonlan wrlt or makes so much of has b-ort con demned us erroneous, not only by tho studont body and the San Frnn clsco alumni, but also by the formor nresldent of tho Studont Tomnoranco 'enguo, who la, a porsonnl jfrlond or Dr. Jordan, nnd who togethor with other members of tho Tompornnco 'ong'io, wob hlm-elf In tho pnrndo. What aro wo to do with a wrltor 6f ithls stamp; ono who Intentionally mlBropreeonts facts, and refiiBO? to enter Into logltlmato dlRCiisslon, but who, uiidor tho cover of an editorial "we" nets up men o fitraw to knock down, who plnyi his dlBroputnhlo gam with loaded dlco, nnd trios by oven' Indecont moans at IiIb com mand to poluto he characters of nil who object to his llbeloiiB utter ances? In his second editorial ho hnB aunln accusod ui of everything from dninkonnoss to huncombo. It Is to correct this improselon, whloh may still be lurking In tho minds of aomo Orogonlan readers, thnt I submit a stntemont by C. II. Green, former proaldont of tho Stanford Tompor nnco league. This statement was published In the Dal'y Palo Alto, tho student paper, on April .10. Tho OroROiilnn writer has undoubtedly soen ('. by tbl time but tins, of course, aftor his habitual tacUcn, ro fuseil to publish It. It should be born In mind that Mr. Green is ono of the most ardent prohibitionist In the vicinity of the university. He Is a poraonal friend and co-workor with Dr. Jordan and with Chflrman Clark, tho prohibi tion mayor of Mayflo'd and now hoad of tho Studont Affairs commit ter. Ho has done moro saloon fight ing and othor prohibition work than any othor studont nt Stanford, He Is a mature student, about thirty years ofage. a senior in the law de partment, awoelfte edlton of the Stanford Siqioia. and one of the most prominent literary man in col lege. Mr. Gren statement ifol Jow;, ,;' "Dy the way of introduction might say that when I was younger than I am now I enjoyed the good fel'owshtp of the cup to tome extent with the boys at home, nut for several year before I eame to Stan ford, and over since I have bean here I have been fighting the evils of the aloon. I feel, therefore, I can ap preciate t view-point of both side the drinking queatlon. While the remote cauw of the i., n had relationship exlatlag b-tw-n the faculty and studaats nav hn- otne connection with the triiibinv vll iha aarada waa BOt a d-monsiratlon for draakenaeas. nor were th naraders all uriBKing men Maay fiae yoaag ea wara eausht up la the traa spirit of the arotMt. and have now beau branded by the coBimiuee as driakiag fallows. ' far as their nareats. Mead and the outride world may the matter. I have b a teaeaar wyaaif for several years long eaooirh to ap preciate the va'ue of firm discipline. On the other hand, however, I hare always laaieted that disciplinary regulations must be reasoaable. adapted to the eoelf. and further more, the penalty attached rauftt he aptroprtate and In proportion o tfta off anse. The parade of March 12 was a protest against me unsyiupniMou. atnblgiQUs and unreasonable adUt of 3axiamJ are invaluable as an aid to re new the supply of health-producing elements. They act favorably upon the digestive organs, throw off impurities from the blood, and Testoro the vital energies. Beecham's Pills relieve congestion, dispel brain-fag, quiet the over wrought nerves, and Bring Sweet REPOSE Sold ETeryvrhcra. In boe IQc. and 2Sc &&9I At iDfrS THE CLASSiPIED neiiiniii3fif ineji ron sale For Snlc The I, M. Wagner ostnto of 170 acres. A good farm EMlt ablo for grnin or fruit. Prico $30 por acre. Enquire Esther Noal, Routo 3, box 4, Turner, Or., Caro J. T. Edwards. 4-21-lw lillslVml"' MmlsalifBllmili tV inivmiviiiiiviVsVV' fMH-H-fHtMI FOIt KENT For SIo A place of 20 acres; 6 acres of fruit; hard finished house, large barn, all In cultivation; 2VS miles east of Salem. Enqtilro Journal office. 4-21-lw Dry Fir Wood For snlo at reduced price. Phono 1417 or 1283. Downing & Eoff. 4-21-tf. For Sole .Young Hereford cow, cheap. Call Phone Formers 24X. 4-21-3t For Sale A new wagon, all com plete, 3 bIzc. Enquire 771 N. Commercial Btreot. 4-20-3t.' Worlds of Dloom Cnlla lilies, roses, ' violets, cinornrlns, hyaclnthe, dnf- fodllB, etc., nnd everything In Ben son. Mrs. Hugh Jory, 19G2 Court - street, Salem. 3-24-tf For Rent Furnished nnd unfur nished light housekeeping roms. 6G2 N. Liberty St. 4-21-3t Nicest Furnished Roonts In tho city; rates roasonnblo by day or week. Gns nnd bath; centrally located. Call and investigate. Mrs. G. F. Seeley, 263 Front, St. 4-20-1'mo. For Rent Furnished room with bath. Call 257 Dolvlow. 4-13-3t For Rent Modorn huuso, good yard, fruit on plnco, spring garden In, fourth houso north of Union on High. InqUlro of Mrs. Casobqro, corner Twentieth nnd Asylum nvo hue. Phono 117C. 4-lG-lw AIISCBLTjANUOUS tint committee. For the three bronchos of university discipline which tho committee claims occurred tho student body and tho pnradors separately apologized. The inero matter of parndlng litis long been n custom hero and had ' never been frowned upon before. Therefore, when twelve mon v010 Indiscrimin ately solectcd for suspension, tho pa-i rndo petition of 247 nnmos, (Includ ing my own), wan also a protest against the uuronsoncblo punlsh mont which tho committeo had metod out. Noxt to oxpulslon, this M-speiiElon wns tho Boverost penalty within the powor. of tho committee, le wns certainly Innpproprlato to the offoiuo, and its injustice clearly ap parent. "When thirty-four moro nnmos wero ndded to tho list by tho com mitteo, win whoMy disrognrded nil efforts made by tho student body to bring about a sympathetic, kindly humnii rolntloiiBhlp, wo felt that the committeo was henplnj; liiBult upon Injury, nnd ttits fact gives us good and nmplo grounds to continue our protosts until a bettor feeling, n closer bond of sympathy nnj unity nro brought nbout for tho honor nnd good nnmo of Stanford. "Wo who havo com to know Dr. Jordan hold him In high esteom, and we fool thnt moans should bo de vised whereby ho may como Into closer touch with tho larger body of studonts. Wo furthor fool moat strongly that ho should appoint men on tho student nffalrs committeo who rognrd tho mon and women who composo tho student body, not ns moro sticks nnd stones, but ns roal, live, fleBh and blood humnn bolngs, with natural tr.stos, desires, ap potltos, pnBslons nnd frailties, yet withal with honrtB nnd souls. This the prosont committee hns nbsolutoly fnllod to do. Furtho.moro, tho ac tion of tho committeo nnd Dr. Jor dan's stntemont havo worked irro patablo injury to many of tho men suspended. They havo boon brand ed aB being "fired" from a groat Amorlcan university for drunkon uobs, which is absolutely falso. Nevertheless, thoso mon must go out Into the futuro hnndlcnpped, and blighted In tholr careers; henrU broken, mothormust . rocelvethoir TContlnued"on pago six.) For Sale First-class carpet pnpor at this ofTlco; 25c for n big roll. For Sn' nt Rnrgalu Eight-room houso nnd lot, 323 N. Church St, Sovcn-room house nnd lot 555 Chomeketn St. W. H. Sloper, 221 N. Front St. 4-13-lmo For 8nli For 2200, house and lot within block and half of coiurt houso on N. Church Btreot. In- quiro F. X. Albrlch. 4-20-3t HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. HHH.IIIHHIIIIIMIHIHI The I White House Restaurant For a Regular 1 25c Dinner at 20c 1 They cau't bo beat McG'rfchrist & Son Proprlctora. riiMinnuiiiniiniiHt For Sale A flno 5 yonr old black mare, slrod by Wilcox; weight 11D0; gentle nnd good driver. En qulro ut Keeler Sheds, Contor St. 4-20-3t LODOES. 7ununter8 Union No. 1005 Loca Union No. .1005 of Carpenters ans Jolrera of Amorica meet over; Saturday ovonlng'at 7:30 p. m. It HearBt hall, 420 State St. A. W Donnls, Rec. Sec. Foretitera of America Court Sher wood Forostors, No. 19. Meeti Saturday night in Holman ball, State street Waldo Mlllor, C. R,: J. C. Perry, fluanclal sooretary. Central Kodgo No. 1H, K. of I Castle Hall in Holman block, cor ner Stato and Llborty sireeti Tuesday of each week at 7:30 f m. OBcar Johnson, O. C; E. B . Anderson, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Or gon Cedar Camp No. 524G. Meeti every Thursday evening at 1 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, clerk Woodmen of World Meet every Fr day night at 7:30, in Holman hal O. L. Darling, C. 0.; P. L. Fraz lr. Clerk. Wiring, Wiring Wo will wlro your buildings new or old in nn nbso lutoly first class mannor nt prices chonper than evor beforo known In Salem, Hydo Droc. Electric Co., 322 N. High. Phono 009. 4-15-lmo Subject to Arit'iinoo In Price I offor 120 ncros, nix miles out; 50 clear ed and In cultivation; bnlanco pas ture; Bomo timber; family or chard; all necessary buildings; team, vehicles, stock, mnchlnory, etc., worth $2000 go with plnco all for $7000 on tormB. Adjoining property rnted at $90 por aero. Paul M. SlmB, 222 N. Commercial. Phono Main 729. Taken by Mistake From tho Arti sans' hnll. Friday night, a lauios- black silk umbrella with flat lenrl handle and gold trimmings. Pltftusd return to Journal ofllce. W. W. Hill. Shepnrd & Holder Roal ostalo agency. Room 1, Stousloft Dldg. Agents for JncobsStoln Co., Port land. Largest subdivision oporn tors on tho coast. 4-20-lmo. Hoard nnd Rooms, Home Cooking Dost 25o meal In city, you holp yonirsolf. Largo ploasnnt rooniB. Reading room. Rntos reaBonnb'o. Investigate. W. II. Hrodloy, Prop., 357 Commercial Btreot. 4-uu-imo. Nursing by Hour Or relief nurso. Will nnBwcr cnlls whero sorvlcos do not rcAilro constant nttondnnco. Mrs. Flfor Robertson, No. 1207 Marlon stroot. 4-14-lw Conctvte Work Get my prices on sldewnlks, curbs, soptto tanks and comont work of nny kind. All work gunrnntood flrst-clnss. Mr. Ward, Highland add. Phono 509. 3-24-tf Jf Call aad try tw. Maaw 1 a 1R. TinArit ner weak S3.7E. V ---, r . . I alBo furnlihed rteae very reasonable. AT TMM Salem Restaurant MEALS 15c wMiinpntiimniiiHii Hit 111 nilllllHIIHIIIIJ ELITE HOTEL ' Robtaurant and hotel, on , European plan. Meals at all ; ; hours on short order. Retfular dlnnor 25 cents. Thirty now- ly finished furnished rooms. m EOJOEItLUN, l'rop. a 148 Commercial St. II III II It I II I I I 111 Mil Will Call and Pay Cash For mon't ( cast off clothln, broken wntchoi and Jowolry. Wo clonn and press , High grado work. Phono 903 Stgournoy, 483 Stato. 1-25-tf Eggs Rose comb Rhode Island IW-ds nost of all chickens, 15 eggs' $1. Phono 9C0, aftor Wodnoidny April 15, Mrs. E. T. Jiudd, Salem. Oro. 4-1 4-2 w For Sale 312 ocros, 260 aoros bot tom lands, bnlanco uplnnd tlmbor cd; 130 ncros cultivated; two story huuso, two largo barns, ono small 4-acro orohard; 3 mllos from town; switch at farm; flno loca tion. A rare bnrgaln if sold in 10 duys. Easy terinn. Addrosj Rt. 2, Box 105, &vlom, Or. 4-21-7t I'OIt SALE A fJood Iimtdineut A 7-room mod em rosldenco within 2 blocks of strootcar; 4 blooks to IiubIiiom contor; onsy torms If desired. Prloo $2400, This Is worth Investi gating. Insuros you n grontor In como than having your money in tho bank or Inventing In U, S. gold bonds. Hero h Another Simp 5 ncroa close to Salem, about 94 lull to street car. A large 8-room houso, barn, 45x4; about 40 fruit trooa of different varieties, also small fruit building; can't bo duplicator! short of $3000. If takon at once, prico $2800, ono-half cash, bnlanco time to suit. Call Investigate and be 1 conv'need. This U Your Moiioj'h Worth 122 aerea of rich valley land, 10 ncrae in cultivation, JO acres fine piling timber, balance pasturo; running water; good house, barn and out buildings. Only one-half mile from H. R. depot. Price $80 per acre. Ste us about this. SALBM INVESTMENT CO. 432 State St. 4-10-tf. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acei dent and pension Insuranoe; $2. 000.000 pledg-d; every claim pu Good agents wanted. J. H. C ilongomery, supreme organize Iiox432 Salem, Oregon. R. R Ryan,' secretary, 546 State stree's KXCIIANGKS. A Portland Modern 7-room house, to exchange for farm land or acre age. Come In and Investigate. Sa iem Inveetmont Co., 4!i2 State street. 3-2-lm SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES l'ritnk H. Drown. Manufacturer ol gash, doors, mouldings. All kind of boufo finish and hard wood work. Front street, between Stat uud Court. Mako ail touiplaluo at the office. Wanted If you want u mnrblo or granlto monument wo can save you monoy. Wo ilon't pny big rout nor city taxos you got tho benefit Como nnd got our prices, and bo convinced. Our shop Ib In City Vlow comotory. J. D. IJonhnnnnn, manager. Phono 1200. 3-lC-tf Voget Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum ber .shingles, building matorial, wood and coal. Low prices and prompt dollvorles. Ono block east of S. P. passongcr depot. Phone 108. 7-2-tf Uutto A Wendcrotli Flno wines liquors and cigars. We bandit tho colobratod Kollog gnnd CastU whiskies. Cool nnd rofroshlng' boei constantly ' 01 draught. Boutt Commerclnl streot. 9-3-lyr Enlarged Our mont mnrkot on East Stato streot hns boon doubled In size nnd wo uro better prepared than over to servo customers. Prompt sorvlce and the best of monta our motto. Call or phono 199. II. E. Edwards Mont Co. IlLTTHRNUT DREAD. It is worth moro than any otho' road yet tho prloo Is no higher for saU at your grocers', ThomiiM & Cooley, Props. CALIFORNIA IIAKERY, Sell Your property Wo control a largo amount of capital to Invost In city property and farm lands, nt market valuo. Salem Investment Co.. 422 State street. 3-2ft-lm PLL'MJjmtH Then, M. Darr Plumbing, hot water and steam he.Ulng and tinning 104 Commeroittl stroot. Phone Main 192. fl-l-lyr I. J. Petzel -Plumij'ng, stoam 'ant gas titling. SuQQssaor to Knox A Murphy, 22C Commercial stroet Prone Main 17. HOTEL OREGON I Cor Seventh pud Stark St. j 1 Pnrll.ind'c Now nnd MndrTB ! I Hotel. Rales $1 per day and i up. turopcan plan, ireouus. WRIGIIT.WGKINSON HOTEL CO: Prmirtn.tnr.c. X Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Wovea Wlra KcHclng. Poultry Netting, Plokotn, Gntos, Mnlthold Roollng, P. & D. Ready Roollng, Soreon Doors nnd. Ad justable Window .Screens, CIIAS. D. MULLIGAN Successor ' WALTER MORLEY. 230 Court St. Salem, Or7 TORRID ZONE FUNARCE a'fllBIBBBBBSBlQkBBBBBBBBBl 7v''BBBBH:ftlHt' whUBfBBSflMft Tho above cut represents brick lined Torrid Zono Furt-... Guaranteed gas, smoke and dust proof. Economical and durablo. A. L. FRASER CflH STATE STREET. Estimates furnished on heating MrnM DRAYJD1.V. Cummins Uros.' Transier Ompmiy All kinds of transfer work done Furniture and pianos boxed read; for shipment. Prompt service li our motto. Stand and office at 253 South Commercial street Phone 210. Residence Phone 968 LIVERY AND FKHD STAHLKS LUwry and Ft! ritableM Old Post office Stables, at 254 Ferry street between Commercial and Front streets. Telephone 18S. Some of the finest liveries In the elty can be found here. Dick Westocott proprietor. 10-1-lyr WANTED M ONK OR MANY COLOKU W'aiiltNl To buy eheat hay at Low Stable, ooraor High ami Ferry streeis 4-ls it l.AROEliT FACILITIES iX THE WIS ST I OR Hi. Pkouiiction OF Wanted To buy a gentle driving uorte, black or dark bay prt-fumd Phone 1359. 416-lw Wanted Ity axpariencl drMtnaker, sewing by the day. Apply to 366 N. High St.. or phone Miaa Newton, Main 1018 4-15-lw WnuttMl To employ a Catholic gen tleman as local repreaeatatlve. We require a person of energy and ability for the position. Salary, $18 por week. Write at once for particulars. Tho Hoey Publish ing Co., No. 323 Dearborn at., Chicago, III. 4-18-21 I lull OUADE WORK tlTIJ AS UW At UtTCIU HOUIII iMiijiSii HOtXISTCR'S Rocky Mountain Ten Nuggets A Bur MdlIn ft Ilaiy FmbU. Erlnjj OoMta Hllh al Hwl V)gr A. mimm llu f' r OouittliMiti 'ii In 'itre-lloii. I.ltr aiwt Kuttuty TrouWo. rii.ij.lf-. oni, Iiiium UkJ. llixtl Urati. HliiKli lloi-'f. Itvudacb't uti llacAurb. It's lltoky JIxiLMid Tca u Ul IIoLiiaruK )mi Oimi'aiiv, lliu1. , WW. fiQLDEN KUCCETS FOR SALLOW t'EOCLE