DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 1(1, 1008 fB ri SENSATIONAL INDUCEMENT EASTER . w means It's "hurry time" if you would enjoy the economy of the Easter sale.. Three more days ends this big sale. This ' ' ' ' ' ' - that you have now the time to supply your needs of the smartest, freshest and finest spring merchandise at a wmmi price saving. Hundreds have rallied here at the first call and no woman can neglect or afford to miss such an unusual evetf aammmw few Mien ifk'iwi tiffs Special Easter In ducements of Silk Shirt Waist Suits Handsomely trimmed nnd strictly hlgh-olntn tailoring, such qb produced by tho best men tallorB, to bring out tlio gracolul linos of tho form. As sorted colors. $20 and $22.50 valiues, Eafltor Bpcclal Shoes $10 Misses' Serge Suits With velvot collar and cuffs, Enstor special LESS 20 PER CKXT Fashionable Tailored Jackets Trhnmod with volvot and gold braid. Valuoo to $25.00 HAM I'HICK This Season's Newest Stylos of Shirt Waists, (.lightly dam agod. Yours for UAhV PIUCK Broken lino of ladles' Plngroe Shoo, regular $3.50, now 51.05; Pln gree OxfordB, regular $3.50, now $1.05. Hero's an Easter gift, a now 1908 patqnt colt blutcher Oxford, bought for tnis Spring. Our stylo 1357, regular $3.50 values, now $11.03. Children's Sho b ut special prices, Mnny more styles, at extra low price, so come and soo for yourself. Men's, women's and children's shoes at a big sacrifice. Fancy Scotch Waistings In plaids and mixtures; very suitable for children's dfessos. Easter special 28c yard Embroideries A splendid collection of embroideries of tho very flnost qual ities and latent designs. This entlro stock 1b select in the strictest senso of tho word, tho breath and boauty of tho dis play will surpriso you, and this low price will delight you. Half Price Men's Twopiece Suits Of light wool fabrics In many new stylos. ' $12.50 values, Easter special J5S 85 $15.00 value, Easter Bpcclnl $9 38 Etc. Medium Weight Pants " Half Price Underwear . All broken lined of Men's Fancy Itlbbod Undorwear Half Price Boys' Blouse Waists Slzo 3 to 7 Half Price Boys' Suits 3 to 10 yoarB Reduced Onethird Tarns 50c and $1.00 vnlMOA Easter special 39 Spring and Summer Suitings Of light wool fabrics, In plaids, chucks, Btrlpos and shadow plaldB, and many now dollcato tints. $1.25 to $2.25 values. ( Easter spuolal 50c yard Wash Goods Extra special for the modish ultra tailored waHh Milts, tho now mesllno Du Jour Vollo, In assorted colors. 12 Vic and IGc values. Eantor special J yd TllltKH PA I US Ladles' lino Swiss Illbbod Vests, plain lislu and hand crochet, val uos to $1.25, lanstor npoolnl tWc Hlnek I.nco Hose, assorted lzos Ties Squuros, 60o values 20(i SfjunroH, $1.00 values 38 Wnshnblo Four-ln-Hunde, 25c values, now 7 Sill old Hows, 25c value 7 SI OO nw BOc values 15 Gloves t Ttil s A 'xJt). 1 1 leu e IS 6 Oxm& See tho Fleas In native Mexican Dress, Court Street Window ii What will Interest you Is tho landing colors. Ox-blood and gter Mi Olovos, 12 'button length, Enstor special' i?ii.l)."J; 1G button length, En- lor slioclal $:MJH. 25c and 35c Kmbroldorod wash Dolts, pearl buckets, Easter special 1 9 cents SILK PETTICOATS $7.50 values, Enstor spocinl 5.38 $12.00 vnlueo, Enstor spocinl $7.73 $10.00 values, Enstor special 37.19 $15.00 values, Easter special JjlO.OS City News WwltlM'1 Hlimvoi-H tonight or IYloiiy, Act Quickly House for sale for $300,., Enquire Spauldltig Logging Co. d Hnnmn'H Mill Work drills, doom ami eugUottd aro seen lu nearly nil the now homo in 8nlem. See Uluj If you are building or making rejMilrs. I'netory, corner of Church nnd .Mill streets. iloincopadilitt Dr. 1. u. Airman. Oillco and resi dence 29U Mberty .street, Salem. . y-i-ood. Tho Man Who Smoke A Tnshmoo cigar for tho first tlmo contluuoa to smoke thorn. Tho bust VI Vt cant slgnr made, nnd also a home mnnufneturo. Attention ComiMiny "M,"' (). X. 0. The ollleors and members of Com pany "M" aro horoby ordorod to ap pear at the armory at 8:30 o'olook Friday morning for the purpose of attending the fuuoral of Sergonnt Floyd It Frnler.,Chna.A. Murphy, enptnlu Company 4,,M 2t. Hoi lfa&tor Make your old suit look like new Uy having It pressed nnd olonned by Johnson & Stego, next door to Jour mil oiUoo. HeWltt's Utile Url Risers, the famoiM ttlo liver pills. Sold by a'l dUK' tB8 1 Surpassing Beauty Makae tbU Oxford apart fiom tho common lot. Ha outlines are extr.'uit-ly graceful, it Is charac torlied by style that win win c woU-dosorved favor lu nay wo man's eyce. A shoe that can be worn with oonfldouce in lu abeo luto correctness. Juet one uf the tuany popular styles of LEADING LADY SHOES ' CuMom-Mndo by C. P. Tonl Shoo Co. The trade mark Kkatlfuw their worth. Thoy aro shoe that wear long and well oomfortablo from the first and stylish to tho finish. Wo have thum lu tan. patent kid and gun metal. Also the It. P. Smith shoos, A very trim and smnit hhoo slightly mannish In effect . Mou's tan, patent, colt and gun metal Oxfords, all slies, al (widths. Also boys' aud misses' oxford. SALEM SHOE STORE UKl'AIIUNG A 81'KCIALTV. 0 W Kyrr T, Maplethorpo STATEMENT NO. MEN WINNING (Continued from png tone 1 soaslou of public lands in Oregon through him. McCornack gave a detailed Account of his business relation with Hydo, declaring that ho had looked after work Incident to the taking out of land auollcfttlons by Hyde's clients. (lie said he filed thesu anpltcation In the Oregon laud office, making tho ! tlrst cash payment on them. Further nnostlon revealed the fact that Hyde hail account in McCor naek'a bank. An Individual ledgor IntrnilnnAil In avlilannn sliniva.1 ili.i Sat one rime J. II. Schneider, under indictment on laud fraud chnrges, while acting for Hyde, paid on do posit more than $28,000 which was uitHi, aocoruing to iwe lesuiuoay. to reimburse McCorusok for payments lie made In jmrchgse for the Cascade' loiew reserve un. McCornack admitted that he prac tically acted as Hyde's agent for the tiling of laud grants. The witness ldeutltted a a umber of letters, one of which Is alleged to have been writ teu by Hyde. The letter was lgud by Senator PerMg, of California, and was sent to Hoke Smith, then secre tary or the interior. The letter re ferred to til creation of more leu lauds in Oregon It asked for Ug islation to this effect. McCttTMBk Is tb HUMt Important witness thus far esftiMlned by the prosecution. Through htm the gov ernment has established a number of operatic are ocenrrlgg recently nough U prevent Hydo from taklnj; retigo ituder th stsMte of limitations X4mi,usrxKrM('i Our Line of wheels like this Coaster will bear close examinato o ,' . .. liiv TlB'BBI' , i m . . , x a s. inmW4: m. rr Njoppj yl' J- 'j,ti vi-1 r W' MM- h iTLA. m acyde, ReadingStandaiiW Probably it is your stomach a ad not your heart that cause pain in neighborhood of the heart if u is Lanes Family Medlciuo wilt give n- . Cornell, Princeton And in the meantime if yon need anything in the way of repairs forjM DON'T FORGE TJJS , , 7 " CDAXIlf I llAADC rpst WORK AT HONE i ivaiii j. muunij lief 25 cents at druRKists