(Ihe JH .1 WLlt- imiraal ib xnn. SALEM, OREGON, THl'llSDAY, APRIL 10, 1008 NO. 01 A '-' . EGISLATURE FOR STATEMENT TR; ..i . NO. ell KnoWn Salem Girl Shot By Jealous Lover ITMKS JUDHGH MEASURE IIS WALL STREET KT CONTROL OF THE NA- KUL CriHtEXCV AND 11HING PANICS WHENEVER THK Ilia FINANCIERS. IT fjited Pre3 LcaBcd Wlro.) Lilngton, April 1C Alfred 0. ttudcnt of financial condi- wi a prominent' writer whoso u in Wilmington, Dol, today the icnintlonal charge at d t of tho liouso commlttoo on H that members of tho cur- Fcommliilon of the American atlcued on Fourth Pago.1 GOODE SISTERS CLEAREB about 20 nilntiigBjAnXrrlvIng at .this declBlon. Tho dundantn, with tho exception of Mrs. 'Phillips, will be ro arroBtcd this aftornoon on another charge -probablyuBsnult. Tlwv GoodtrrJal. ON FIRST CHARGE 1 OF HAVING DISTURBED A HK- r. MGIOUS MEETING MAY HAVE TO ANSWER ANOTHER CHARGE FOR ASSAULT ON MINISTER. Lulu Godo, her sinter, Mrs. Nottlo Rhodos, Jnspor floqde, Roy Phillips nnd his wife, one of the Goodo sisters, havo bcon acquitted of tho chargo against thorn of disturbing a meet ing gathered for religious worship for horsowhlpplnR Presiding Elder Wm. N. Coffoy, of tho Frco Methodist church In North Salem on Saturday night, April 4, Tho Jurv consumed FIreworka woro mpro than plontl fhl In tho trial yojRtcrdny, and at times It lookoJas If thoro would bo a froo for all fracas.. Ministers, at the Inslstnnco of prosecuting attorney McMaliaUi repuatod oaths said to have boon flittered by othors at tho tlmo of tho troublo on tho porch nnd niiivu vAii uaaiuiiH uiuu nui luun well In print. At ono Instance during tho session, when Rev. H. A. Walter tnaBB to tho dqor, thoae remaining, among whom woro tho Reverends CoffeXf' Cook, Roper and WaRors, nnd KO'voral others, preceded by Mur phy went to tho door. Ho, Murphy, wont out, down the stnlrn and out tfh to tho Bldownpt. ' Ho thoro turned around nnd sav the two Goodc girls standing on tho stops with something In their hands. Then Jasper Gootlo and Roy Phillips, with their coats of, tho former striking at Coffey over tho heads of somo niojn who in tervened whilo PhllllpB struolc nt an other in nn. Diforo tho mlx-up got worw Coffey wob jerked back Into tho church. Ho clnlmol to havo hoard Jack Goodo shout. "Get around toj nnd don't lot Ropor of Ncwborg, ttiuTproBGcutlng wltnoss, tcBtlfled that Lulu Goodo had struck tho wlnodws tho pastor's wlfb full in tho face, It out." was too much for Jack Goode, who Mutnhy was again cross-oxaminod booamo so incensed that he forgot by Kn scr and stated the sarvlcos bo und with a ro-'gn" at 7:30 o'clock and wore through hlniBolt for n mluuto and with a ro- sounding thump on his kneo oxclnlm od so as to bo hoard distinctly In nil I parts of tho courtroom, "Tho liar." STATEMENT NO. I MEN WINNING AT THE PRIMARY nt OraOiJust before the fight bogan. RovVCook was next called and tcstifluj-that as ho cumo out of tho At tho sanio tlmo he Jumped from doors n ItJi tho others, Rov. Coffoy his Beat ob If to administer corporeal throw up his hands to protect hlinnolf SALEM MEN STAR WITNESSES IN THE LAND FRAUD TRIALS AGAINST THE HENSON-HYpE LAND SWINDLERS. MISSORA ROBEY KILLED BV VOUNG GRILL I ICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Our Easter Exhibition r2'' Machnndlso b tho Grandost and Gronteit we evor JIN EkC" ll nnrtmnii la nnmiilntn ...in. tl.n ...., .i nnnt W1 (Iter every article In our store nt price that you will fc '1 tO bt'Ht. nrARS P.nniU CM Hi-a f llllnnw T n.llnai ---"-- ""M w. ...., Vl auuiib wots s, t. KV-. f ., tu 3liV . Redhot Closing Political Rally Tonight THE LID WILL BE OFF Campaign closos Thursday night with nou-pnrtlsan IJulne Men's Rnlly at tho Grand Opora Houso. Eight o'clock P. M. Music by tho Salem Military Band. Singing by Mrs. Halllo Parrlsh Hlngos. Prominent speakers on County and LogNlntlvo tlckot will ad dress tho mooting. This will bo tho Redhot closing rally of tho Direct Primary Campaign. Ladies' Especially invited Pine Shoai, Long Glovoe, noRAitiful Ribbons, 'ps, .Hosiery, Fnnoy Goods and ovarythlnss olso Fit 3t h kr.. 1 ' ' l. ri.d f i)e newoat Draes 03 en sale at yard. 4l)a ,i 03UBds f i'li ,-,f iU) 'h of bettor' same low IS1 h . - " I amy Dresg ,S.Uku I jmiify, bought at p i ks are tho 4 hi ever ,sjiw ' Rajah. Mlr- ks, they re 4 ' ' tautUttl ,f J .ml. Pit- tater Uer- ' WMl StOlt surprise 11 sUTsvi,, 'J'txl S,tR for $ n0 Ta, d swu for ","H Snltw IW) Sni.. for fr io.ro . 1 1.00 r Sunk I :xi9 f S m.U r W ( Cu ffi? ff i:tv v Km i m inw. fi ill II Wk I Jim "iu Niiio ,22WIIfflZI3E2nS!WfflHI punUhmont on the pastor, but several of his relative and frlonds held him In his soat. The first witnoni to be callod was J. E. Murphy, proprietor of tho tllo works In N. Salem. In reply to ques tions from the Proaeoutlng Attornoy McMahon, ho stated that he hud boon a witness to the whole affray; that ho hud seen Jaspar Goode rush for ward up tho stops to attack Coffey; that Coffey had not struak a slnglo blow and that Jnspar Goode and hie Bltors and brother-in-law, Roy Phll- ;llps, had been the aggressive bellg- oronU during tho ontlre rraca. un dor the croee-uxamlnatlon of Attorney Kalsex, he remained firm and stated nMHMMMMMHD and did not strllco anyone. Cook saw Jnspar Goodo rushing forward to strike Coffoy and ho, Cook, throw hlin-tlf hetwoon thorn whan ho ro- celvwl a stunning blow behind hU right ear, and ho noxt plokod him boH up from the ground throo feot bolow tho lovol of tho' porch. He stated that ho saw Coffey bleodlng Just over tho rlgll eyo from a bad out Cask thou hoard Roy Phillips sing out, "Let mo havo anothar chance at him. Rev. CoiTey was thon called to the stand and, nftor somo preliminary questions was roqulred to produce hU roat, vent and glussoe worn on the nrrafclon. The first two wore still (United Pross Loosed Wlro.) Portland, Or., April 1C. After a thorough canvass of tho state mndo on tho ovo or tonmrrow'H primaries by tho Portland Evening Journal It Is declared that tho general cBtlmnto that fifi members of tho noxt legisla ture will bo for Statement No. 1 In con80rvntlvo. Today It Is freolj pre dicted 'that tho ontlro Multnomah county delegation' will bo Statomont No. I men. Oppononts qf Stntonlont No. ti"uronot Issuliig any nnuouuqb niont, and do not in a Ice and prediction ttB to tho outcome. Fulton Mvu Clniiii Victory. The Intensity of Intarout In the outcome uf tho fight for tho Repub lican nomination for thu United StaoB Honnto w'hlch Is bolng nonductad by Judge Cako and Sonator Fulton grows oh tho primary approachoH. Fulton Ih making a biiHy personal canvon today and 'receiving roporla from tho nontenants all over the stnto. Judgo Cako la doing iuiiqIi tho same. Dosplto tlm charges tnado by Henoy and tho lnttor's spoaklng tour throughout tho state, tho Fulton men prod lot victory. Many claim that Honoy's'trlp actod as n boome rang and that Cake will loso voters because of It. Francis J. Heney nn nouncod today in a telegram that he YOUNG WOMAN WELL KNOWN IN KALEM WHO REMOVED lt MAHSHFIELD LAST FALL. VIC TIM OF SHOOTING AFFAIR. (United Press L"&aod Wlro.) Murshnold, Or"., April 1G. John Grill, aged 23, Into taut night Hfaot nnd killed Orn lpboy, o young wom an wiiu wiiom no una ocou going-, and thon turning tho gun on hlntBolf, ended IiIh own life. Nothing was known of tho murder and Hulcldo un til tho bodies woro found about l:3( o'clock thin 'morning; Tho -tragedy occurred on a brtdgo near tho iinmu of tho young woman. Jealousy Is -Hupposed to ,huvo boon tha cuijso of tho tragedy. MU Itoboy woa a dntightor of Ifr. nnd Mrs. 8. 0. Roby and vary woll known In thl olty. Sho wua em ployed for several hoiihoiih In tho Gilo & Co. fruit packing homo. Tho fam ily removed to Murahflold hint fall. o , HON. M. L. JONKH DENIES KNOWLEDGE OF CIRCULAR . , Hon. M. L. Jouqs was In town to day and says that ho had nothing whatever to do with getting up tho campaign lottor roplylng to tha bov ernl euiidldatos for GOjuUy Judge, ami did not know of Ita oxlstonoe until ho rtawn in itroat. it huoiiih to no a vary good lottor. Ho whugguHtx however, that If any ehargee In that lottor ar .untruo tha VOTE f OR Wm. BUSHEY FOR COUNTY JUDGE The Workingmen's and Taxpayers Candidate. Seattle vs. Snlcin niKK9,t ,,,Kh so,o1 &" r ,","n HASH BALL vniumn. fmi. GAME :15 THURSDAY APRIL 17 ADMISSION IWo would not rotoirn to Oregon and tako proper defanse is tho -record, which purt In the eJootion following tho prl marloe rogardlaee or the rwtiU tomorrow. Hyrio-HciiHon CtiHu. Washington, April 10. -Totlfylii In the government's suit ngulnst John A. Uoiieon and Frederick A. everything and nothing -utHn-t of their oriKliial use, but 'tb.r w -re lonx rents In them aul - . k . . i . .. tm ra. I .. .... If.. fc,. , I.A V.U. mi ' " um ,,tuu lN Wl.,iw ,wrf that he saw could have escaped nliu. II was urobablr BiUUken, as Coffey, hi in Keif, afterwards taatlfled that he had pushed Lulu Goode from tho poreh. Murphy testified ia regurd to Ike condition of the meeting, a to Its being a religloue UN at the time, which t the point oh which the Hon -t uf huti'iifi. The glaeeeit were brokeu off ficin the center piece. Tbee were Introduaad In eTidenee and Cof (ey then teetillwl Hbcit, a fullowe, prtM tdlng from the point where be cam.' to the front door. He paeeed Mr. Ikishey should know uahe clalum to he a lawyer and Is said to ho nu ox port at digging up tho records, nud If his roeord Is nu hunorahlo ouo an ho olalme, he had n very simple rem edy without attuinptlng to druw In the iiamee of a great A.nd honorable Arm of Inwyere HMMMHan Needs a Shaking Up Qui r.tunty affali need h gen rui shaking up and will gut it If you ili( - M, I.. .JONES (junt Judge. H d, act used of lund framU cum mllteil u hoiiheiu Ca.lfoi nlii itli.I Orenin, E. I McCiiiuat'k, forui.-r prtitidt-itt uf the Klrnr Na'lmittl bank uf 8alui. Or. i.lu npiuug a eur prle by unexpuctt-dly etliultt.ttg tht'. DIED JACKMON i Dim rffnnu stboot yee ifiduy afie.uuon, lieuiiy Jackson, a te-year-o'd inn inn boy. The deonaaeU imrents lite U Alua ike Store That Saves You Money .ult arxued. tu subatanee about (thro .an me uoor anu uy ine ugiu as follow, and tbla teetlmony was J thrown from the Inside of the rhiiroli practically 4h same as given .by the reat of the proeeontlon's wltneeaea. He stated that church "had let out, but that there were some remaining for tha nuruoee of eouductlUK a bus!- muiii. n.i wr nimiit m atnrt ! with something and a he turnd when Stella Roper, danghter of Rev.'fl'ely to her. Luln Goode began Roper, came hurriedly In from therlklng him over the head with a front of the church aud said, "there's W i,u a luchl on the end until a mob at the door " Thinking there tJ!g..5u..??5jr..f'?5l..5' would be safe'y in gulng in a Id (Continued on page five ) eaw a crowu eoueeieu anu .Mrs. neuie Rhodes and Lulu Goode standing on the porch with something In their hand. As he got out op the porch, i Mm Ithodga struck him in the face Hyde onbf and fiwty soeNfMj ijxw- jjg, t!i rewnlni will u interred t lOontluued ou pego elchl) . till burying grounds lu.ar the sohool. Hon. W. A. Carter Candidate for Stat Railroad Com utlwdoner from the Piret district (a a reetdeHt of So lew and v, II knvwn h a man of eurllng qualiiy and envi able reputation In both bulnas and poJUleal life. Ilia attractive poriuu alUy p siMsh ihgA to u ' n if be hie friend. Vcie for him aud propor railroad rgulatlou