DAILY CAP! TAL JOURNAL, SADISM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10. 1008 Answer to M. L. Jones' Speech at Wood burn Saturday Night. IJy 'Rent" Jonw. Editor Jeurnal: M. L. Jonos Inn speech nt Woodburn last Saturday took occasion to assail my character and abtiHo me shamefully. I greatly dislike a ncwBpnper controversy but I feel It my duty to say a word In de fense of myself. "Why did Mr. Jones do this? I will stato a fow facts and Jeavo It to the voters to Judge. At the tlmo ho announced himself as a candldnto for county Judgo he called an mo twice arid. abked me to support him, once at my rc3ldenco at Salem and once at my farm near Mission IJottom. He, earnestly requested my FjsUpport nnd"lmornicd mo that hp thought I coultrnsBlBt HlnumaterlaN ly Ho alBo sent-Frank Dolter, his 'right hnnd man, to boo mo on two difforent occasion, and on one of 'tlieao occasions he Informed me that M. L. Jones hod great respect for mo and my family and that It I would pupport him that any tlmo hereafter If I or my boys desired nnythlng I would find the Jones family nnd their following to a man supporting tin. Why does ho now mako this slander oun nttnek upon mo? Would ho mako thOBO lying statements about mo If I was supporting him? I lcavo this to tho votors to decide. Tho rea eon that I am not supporting him Ib that, In nly opinion, thoro are hotter men thnn ho Is Booking tho nomina tion. Ho charges me with calling tho attention of the pooplo to his aots In connection with tho Tom Arthur land caso. His stutomont Is untrue. While it Is true that I and all his neighbors wore nwnro of Ills actions nt tho tlmo, tho lucldont had passe! out of my mind and I had not thought of It for yours until I was asked nbout It by a rosldont of Sti- lom. Ho Bays that ho told mo tho principal facts In this mnttor. I re ply that ho did not. An ho will not fitato tho principal facts hlmsulf I will tio it for him. At tho tlmo ho sworo nt tho Orogou City land ofllco that ho was tho ownur of only nbor.it 120 ncroa of land, John Drnpor, an at tornoy nt Inw of Orogon Glty, lolo graphud mo at Salem to nncortnln how much land M. L. Jonos ownod, Tho rocordor nnd mysolf found thnt tho records showod ho owned some thing llko 2,t)00 acres. On tho fol lowing Monday nftor ho mado tho etntomont under oath at Orogon City thnt ho wnn tho owner of only about 120 acres tho deed convoying from to his wlfo nbout 2000 ncros of lnnd was fllod for record. M. L. Jonos Is this truo or not? If truo, why did you not toll tho ptoplo of Woodburn what you did In order to boat poor Arthur out of tho land? Ho Bponkn of mo as one of n political machine. Had I Hiipportod him wo would not hoar of thU machine talk. Ho ntatcs that ho pnsturod my cnttlo frop of chargo during the flood of 1K01. ThlH Is not truo. for I nnd others of lila neighbors paid for this piiHtr.iro at tho tlmo. You have also told of your father helping my parenta whon I was n more child. Knowing thnt my parents are dond you .thought I luul no menus of disproving this false hood. Mrs. Rachel Joue and N. D. Jones, having lived In tho in mo room, rooked on the m stove and cat at the same tnblo, doolnre that your statements tiro utterly false. M I Jo mm, who ever hoard of your father Riving anything of value nwny? Much lain a wngunload of flour and bacon. You speak of n young man having lost his fortune nt m farm This It a falsehood and I challenge him or you to prove It. Is this the young man who went tip It Is ono thing to -try to blacken a man's character by general Insin uations AND IT IS ANOTHER MAT TER TO RRING SPECIFIC FACTS. Ab tho machine has brought Mr. Gilbert forward as having "proof" thoy ought to be perfectly willing to uso the space offered free to glvo that proof in a convincing way, stripped of insinuations. o CLOSE OF A RKMARKAIILK CAMPAIGN Tho present primary campaign Is the second In tho history of tho Ore gon direct primary law, and tho measure morp tnnn meets ihe expec tation of Its friends. Every cwjnty, district nnd state of ficial who has mado a fair and 'clean record Is being renominated with al mpst no opjipsltlon. THE EXPENSE TO COUNTY CANDIDATES IS SMALLER THAN UNDER THE OLD SYSTEM. The Legislative Ticket. The' champions of Stntemont No. 1 north-end of this county at the pres ent tlmo? Yon mako looso state ments about my reputation. If it Is, as you say, bo woll known, why do you refer to ' It? Why wnsto your tlmo on matters you say arc well known? Is It not a fact that you" made theso statements for tho pur pose of Injuring my roputatlon? You will surely not claim that you have Improved it In tho minds of tho peo plo by making silch statements? Wo nro both well known and J am willing to atako my reputation against yours at any time. Your excuse for your BlandcroiiB attacks on me Is that I oppoBQ..you for comity Judge. All your old neighbors Jibro th'Salom are opposed to you exebpt one nr two and one of them ban said that ho Is paying a political debt and Home of them arc telling facts concerning yott thnt aro fully as damaging to your candidacy ns the facts I have related, and I Invito tho voters of this city to question them in refer ence to this matter In proof of my stntemont. You &tnte that my assess ment In 1901 was J10C7, but, tho assessment In 1904 shows that it was tmK VKOVhK WHO LOOK UPON $11,045. Tho records show that you THEM AS CHAMPIONS OF PRO havo Hod to tho amount of $9978 for ciltKSS AND CLEAN POLITICS. that year. You call mo an artful .tax- It l8 to bo rosptfttod that the old dodgor when In fact this term was.jino mnchlno managers should nt applled to your family by tho old sol- tonlt to (lrlvo clmm men ko WoUor tiers In tho county over since I can c, Wlnslow out of political work, remombor. You Burely had tho Tim wnv im inD mn i,nv ,, has SHOWN HIS METTLE AS A FIGHTER AND THE STATE UNI- All Run Down In tho spring that is tho condition of thousands wIiobo systems have not thrown Qff tho impurities accumulated during tho winter blood humors that are now causing pimples, boils and other eruptions, loss of appetite, biliouB turns, indigestion, nnd other stomach troubles, dull headaches and weak, tired, languid feelings. Hood's SnrBopnriila removes all theso humors, cures all these troubles ; reno vates, strengthens and tones tho whole system. This is tho testimony of thou sands annually. Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla Insist on having Hood's. Get it today. Fn liquid or tablet form. 100 Doses $1. a hop buyer In .this county for many years. He is n Marlon county boy of good character und good business record, Ho Is a clean man in busi- ness, politically nnd morally. Ha comes from the old bedrock Republic havo made a clean fight for tho olec- can precjnet of Marlon county, nnd t vote of HIS REPURLICANISM HAS NEVER tlon of senators by tho direct vote of tho people. That campaign has boon under tho direction of Walter C. Wlnslow nnd the five candidates thcmsolves. They have raised their own cam paign funds nnd put up their own fight and 'thoy havo been met with splendid treatment nt tho hands of wrong Jonos fnmlly In your mind. Who Informed you that I hnd loft iimiiuy in various pans oi hub conn-( VKRHITY AND WILLAMETTE LAW ty? Pomlhly this onrao young man SCHOOL CAN RE PROUD OF HAV vho ! engaged In trying to work 1NO phoducED SUCH A DE the saloons to vote for you, or Is this ATER and master of cut and thrust n i-tory of your own? M. L. Jonos, ,0RlCi Ho w 1)0 n nnn moro thnn you .mow mat. i nnvo ion no money nI)lo to hol(, ,,8 own n tho ,,,. at nny placo In this county nnd whon tr0 you mado that statement at Wood-1 . ..... ,....... .. .... !. . . i munius wiiihiow taxes mis morn- burn you know It was a false and ,nK ont of Ct Ui MoorOB Rm, cu P(jl ...iiiicoi, ..o nni i win give you or CoIIcotor ,, IIawloy nro worthy of your liirormor $100 for evory penny nn man 0 moro Umn ft Jmi(ch that he will show I havo loft for any for tho wo,,.wothor8 of lll0 nmc,no. candidate M. L. Jones If you do- lHnt ,t womlerftll tho motho,fl ro. llovor another speech or two llko this 'tcd t (o popuInrlzo th0 R . celebrated Woodburn speech, I fonr onn t wU tho ,,,, mon nm, your wlfo w I havo to tako you back Ul0 , mon ()f th0 cll 1UK, counl oast on another visit' to regain your t0 Rct Ul0 noI tnx C()ector n ,,. !) lionlth. jllshlng their nnmos ns delinquents? T. II. JONES. rriittv wit.t. vkyt ' cir mm.-' DOG CATCHER AI-TER THE VOT EHS TO LINE THEM UP. LET MR. GILHERT PRODUCE HIS LeBWatfve Ticket Will Win. PROOF. j it Ib concodod by tho mnnngers on "" "" tho other sldo that nartv of tho State- Never boforo In tho history of this ment No. 1 tlckot will win nt tho prl clty has a doublo column Bpnco boon ,ary. Tho peoplo should soo to It hired to attnek 'tho character of n. (jmt nil flvo, prlvnto citizen during a prlmnry! HATTERERG OF SLIVERTON, cnmpnlgn. LiniJY OF JEKFERSON, All this bocnuso tho editor of this MILLER OF AURORA. pnpor would not oonaont to ovor- PA1TON AND WIXSIX)W OF SA throw of tho Primary Law, nnd IIIC lem r0 nominated on Friday. Lot CAUSE HE HAS STOOD RY HIS u uQ n.nck Kridnv for dlrtv nolltlcs OWN CONVICTIONS IN FAVOR OF Lot H bo a good Friday for tho poo- nwiu.,iii,.Ai .AW. 1. j,0 Wj0 wnnt c0nn mon nn( conn uv in an mill IIUK noon puuiiRnou politics, against Tho Capital Journal odltor pt n clean pencil on a clonn bal- no ehnrgo of grafting, land stealing, ott HOIltl ciun ,,, lo u ,QK,8,a. or hiring hU papor to covor up any turo, WHO WILL ELECT A CLEAN dirty political dual has boon made. UNITED STATES SENATOR. So forced to the wall, tho nnony-i lf yo , ft 0jUzo nr0 'ot nr0. iiioiw polltlwil jnnehlno campaign ml to (l0 that don't howl after- mnnaKor prlnt thU In tho State. .,.,.,, n,lont nrriinf nnilf- , Don't Split tho Tlckot, WEEK HON. A. N. GIL- If vnn ltnllnv In tho nrlnnlnln nt rlVvr V:" ,I1M T,,AT K (X)I- 0,eiUK lI,tetl Stl8 s""' ' l.LNS F THE JOl'ItNAL HAD A I- direct void of the peoplo VOTE FOR JJ.US IIKHX VOH HIRE, AND ALL FIVE OF THE AIIOVK MEN. lh HE OPFKRKD TO PRO- DO NOT SCRATCH TDK FARM- IH'C'K THE PROOF AT ANY TIME ERS, O. L. IIATTKIWUG OF SIL- MR. IIOFEIt RWIRKD IN CONFIJ. VHItmN OR ARCHIE L1HRY OF S,()'" JEFFEItSON. Tho above U the noret to any HMteborg canio to thl country UttweMt ohHrglng moral Uirpltude from Norway with n goo, common mt hHi over boon made ngnlnet Tho SChool education and $H In his Capital Journal. uu,i.u n. ,., ... ,... man: 'LAST 1 ,,,.; ; '"' "(H'- AW n9m kl hardware store ami Ii II A'm? leNOA" ,X 0,w Ht ""!. Iowa. U,1 i V, Ii T T,IHI11 "MAWS CON- oroson ,r 1S9I. UK HAS Nl ngalu.it thereon goods net Hack mm! P To purely polltloal orltlotam The oon got Into lumber and Train bus - . vr.ii.. fntlii.1. .IM In MkkIixi iwihl'nu.,liui i . . . "! 8JI iinu llilliuri aim RrKlH HIIS1- -,. ...... .....,. . ,,, .,..,,. t,...., vntini .luunmi iwys no neotl. ALI to tb, eteut (If $1000? Is thU the youtiK mati who eluoe luheritliiK his ' (ortun Uhh iwi hie line with the sporting ''mei in uteri cltlw and u thu eoiuit, lu Urunkenueee nnd rlotniM living? la tltl wot the enme oni niau ho la eloetloaeer tng for you la h aloitae of tUU TINr. Rut Mr. Gilbert After Once Tasting new, kejit a hardware store ami post wine to EVER SOUGHT OFFICE. ia a reuutable am.1iU i.im.. i. anik.. ..! mau and If he It eorrwUy repre- young farmer, maetor of Morning ewte.1 In the abovw. let htm produce star grange. ud a progreeelve road nib proor. . builder in the south end of Marlon Mo will not have to uv on .m ....... m ,.- . v..,.,. town and ,'- In the Mtau- of the to h.v. hi. -proof publlahed , The T()0 CLEAN A MAN OR THE SV- v,..., ouurn,.,. u tie lias any. and LKM MACIUNK, but ahould m.-h VmTZJ1 HH ,,( V T,IB h-eof ever cle Anu.uanitV JUbTlQli TX) STATU WHAT in . m. , g0- M,W8 OVKU "IS SIGNATUUIl. m ijTSr I Wc 1,retond lo be b lM' hw f "W " I ,l0thtr mn nra. but when a poiltlclau If 1 I I i J I i" MJPtriMwtd m A. N. ntlberi Mys W" W W- ee W" j we are we" have a rigbt to know the T facte tud the public has a rlglu to If Mr. Hofer retire,! In confutiou STOMACH VJ' lit III.. ...u.A. (I..I .. M... . . . - ,,.. il u "" ""' '""" ,n4 r- unuen naa ir i ij culwloi"i U0CUU50 to offer. Utvl above. HE Vinol is a much better body- should not fah to come builder and strength creator t through with the facto. for old people,weak children. I TU M,RCH, iwiuicum of thu and for coughs, colds, bron- c,ty r8,kl u,ol l ' ' rhlflc Af. ff H .o 'rt " A l'M U,HS to come forward " j',r i uUv8UU5UUu wUh faotg am, Tkt DEEN DILUTED WITH POPULISM, RHYANISM, OR ANY OTHER ISM. RUT HE IH A STATEMENT NO. 1 MAN FROM PRINCIPLE, AND RE LIEVES IT 18 A SOUND REPURLT CAN PRINCIPLE. Thoro Ib not a father In Marlon county would not bo proud to hnvo a bright educated mnn llko Henry Miller for a son-in-law. Hal Patton needs no words of commendntion. Ills Republicanism, his enthiiBlnsm, his good henrt and his good will and his good cash havo been nt tho dlHpoim of the Republi can pnrty, AS HIS FATHER'S WAS UEFORE HIM. Ho would bo tho ldonl gcntlemnn of tho Ropubllcnn pnrty If ho would roinnln a howor of wood and n drawer of water for tho Salem Ijobhos tho rent of IiIh lifo AND THEY WOULD SEE HE NEVER GOT ANY FURTHER. Vote With Your Eye Open. Let no voter be docolved." If you want to rcJtoro tho scenes of demor alization and dobnuchcry that have attonded thu oloctlon of United States senators lu Oregon for generations, and In which nil Republicans nnd men of other pnrtles havo soiled tholr hands and tho conscloncos, defeat tho Statement No. 1 tlckot and THE MACHINE AND THE ROSSES WILL DO THE REST. If you want to holp establish n cloan system, If you want to keep tho ball rolling that Is going to sweep over tho wholo United Stntos, If you want to uphold tho now system of purifying national politics that Is be ing ndoptod by othor stntos, do not bo cnjoled or decelvod Into voting for tho Pnrty Cliolco candidates for tho loglslnturo. Voto for mon who havo tho man hood to say that tho littlo pencil mark mado at the April primary nnd nt tho Juno oloctlon SHALL RE THEIR ONLY GPIDE IN CHOOSING SENATORS, AND WHO UPHOLD THE LAW AND RESPECT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. rmjwtfit Refrigerator Time Your Chance to Buy Don't wait until the last moment ail then Duy something you don t want. Qotof lfAiif raMtrnrainf . (i uwwi jvm iuuviaiui how wnueow assortment is large and you have a chance to buy wisely. We carry the famous AUTOMATIC which is to refrigerators just what Buck's is to .ranges, the best the sun shines oi, See them today. i -) "B. C. DoWItt & Co., Chicago, ill. Gontlomon In 1897 I had a JN oaso of tho stomach and bowels. In tho sp i:g of 15102 I koMght a hottlo of Kodol and tho boneflt I rocolvod nil the gold In Georgia could not buy. May you llvo long and pros per. Your j vory truly, C. N. Cor noll. Rodlng. Gn.. Au-, 27, 190G." S9UI by all drugglata. - " o Bm tlo ? ,BB hm 1W "a'g A"3'5 DH,y11 Blgattnta of SPECIAL VALUES LADIES' FURNISHINGS. ladies' Sleeveless Vests, 10c each as good as any lCc ones nny whore. Long Silk Gloves, $1.25 a pair ns good ns nny $2.00 Onos anywhere. Extra heavy iMc, dW tlppod flngors. White Waists a" new ones, only $, each TlnlnJv nnttnrno no cvnnrl nu nnw 1.Kn Wdllt nnVWhCfO. Vt havo .them nt $ 1.25 and finer onos. White Parasols " white enamel slicks MS Two rows of oyolot embroldory, as good as any $2 50 P44? wlioro. Wo nlsn hnvo thorn from 7BO llliWarus. uui t aro oxcoptlonnlly good values. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240-246 Commercial St. lift., ii..... .. .k.. i... .... .i .. .. ...-,. ..,,,., ,,,, ,,,r iifKCI, I iuiii Minor o! Aurom UHh ho -n no ono wants an old-fashioned cod liver oil prepara- STOMACH 0 BITTERS ccmA MMHBpMHMpBBH , . -...-MJIJ OVEGOtf PEOPLE ARE GROWING W& itt TVS I'-"51 New P-"- rw huuorea ;-.- m A larBo number of them are now using 1IIIOWX HIlKAl) PLOUH. Tho ptopie ot llvod on just such Pure Foods for over a a ulV3.Sounil goods aro iat up lu packages and In ,.frtnpiw and are for salo by AM FIHST-ChASS flKOCEiis. AIJJJ.V H I.KWIS, Portlmul, Distributors for Oiegon ALLEN'S B B B FLOUR Snn Jose, Cal LOinrAi" n DfjM: : IV i: Dr. Stone's Drug Store we will return your money, I would he mum! to hav 0!- . XV. l'lT.NVSI c. bort on the witness stund Dim't allow , ilu Ixnm's to 1 boome con-: S 1 I. U f .. .1 whon t h o Tue oul' lasu druS store lu Oregon, Ulttors will 1 OW08 no onei Ul1 uo one owes It, urely kep oarf'e large stock; Its shelves. 1 hem upen counters and show cases are loaded It thu i,rtwUh.dru1 wedlclaes. notions, toilet Vt t HAVE AN EARNEST CJff t HihuIhcIii, HUiniiMttNs lUHrthiirH, liuliyonoii i ultU, artlclos, wiag ruu liquors of all kinds tor medtelual purposes. Dr. Meno is a regular graduate In medl , cine, and has had many years of wcpirifiic In the practice Consul I tatloas Hr fri. l'rcrlptlous are ( free, aud onl rgulttr prices for I medlcln Dr StoUe can ho found nt (Jrlppo, mi h lurlrt llrup 8t0.re" Siten1' 0r- from 6 ' u -luuurlrt lu tho mornlnc until 9 at night, I For the comfort of the folks at I home p v family washing and pnon .-so wJj ; tn send a wacon ior the chuhes. & ww -p --- .!. " money, worry and discomfort, and save the e will come baok to you fresh, crisp and dean. ...- it- ni:HT The Salem Steam Laf7 , i.iiTvnuv TnAT KXO" jiih .--