DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL J I, 100H , . If You IWanl Live, New Fashionable , Merchandise Come to the Chicago Store.. V 3awi&atmtbmwtfvxamiczMij W" fDDTM K. Vt Tiir xf rr T3 I Hiring X JL 5L1JLV J XJJIJlllJLri '" DRESS GOODS Ti This E K (j, i bK si rffS Zffil'W IW'VW MijXwi T5 v j-. i f i bi aw 11 iii As ""Gftfe -M-'-. . : .Si Sale Wo offor thousands of ynrds or beautiful drcea goods nud flna silks ot prlcos that will surprise tlio koonoBt buyers. Wo know how to buy nml'tfhoro to buy the newest goods in tho'innrket, which Is hnlf the battlo in building up a flrst c'.ass buslnoai. The. beautiful Dro3s Silks we arc showing is making the Chicago Store famous for Bilks. Wo are now receiving orders from all partB of the country. Our Dross Goods Dopnrttnont Is heavily stocked with a powerful stock of tho latool novelties. Silk novelties which nro selling fncly are Rajah Silks, Mirage Silks, Lousiene Silks and so along the line. Silk Prices yard 25c, 49c, 69c and 98c. The Latest Dress, yard 25c, 39c, 49c, 69c, 75c, 85c and 98c. NEW TAILORED SUITS Individuality, Style, Fash ion and Quality Quality Is tho predominating features of our Clonks and Suits; thoy nro garments that are got up with tnsto nnd finish; nothing- left undone lntho!r perfection; tho talU oring is right; tho lining In rUjhl tho dainty trimmings and fit nro rlghti, the matorlnls nro lntost goodB known to Hie mniiMfncturcrs; thu colors nyj ,chnmpagne, Copenhagen, navy brown, cnrdlnnl; self stulpcs nnd black. To appreciate tho groat vnrlety you have to choose from tho only way would bo for you to como to our Btore and look through thla grand assortment. Wo have built up an envious record soiling Suits and CIonkB In Salem, and tho rea son is this: Our Suits nro beautiful nnd our prices tho lowest. $8.50, $10.50, $12.50 and $15.00 ( All! JUL MmL firjA . 'I$Mt jp. rcza J.tos kPm&m err '. v .- s. e"J j. V c '' Easter Millinery GOO Trimmed lints for La dies nud Misses nud Children now on dlsplny Tho p-oplo thnt have a keen oyo for stylo and tho right prlco buy all their lints nt tho Chicago Storo whoro you huvo a grand vnrlety to soloct from in tho latest croatlous direct from Now York. "Worry Widows" and ovory other stylo you can think of now is your tlmo to -make a selection whllo they nro nil new nnd fresh. Snlo prlco $1.50, $1,88, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $4.50 and up Ladies' Dress Shoes Our Shoo Department is booming. It ought to be when you consldor tho low prlcew wo nsk and Iho high class Rhoes wo toll. Wo show ovory kind yet ask for in nil tho now shndoH and black, high nnd low shoe, patont leather shoes, gun metal tthoog, Ox ford ties, white bhooH, fancy .top shoes, tnn shoos, chocolate shoes nnd so on also chll (Iron's shooH. Wo gunrnnteo our prlcos to bo tho lowest. LADIES' SHOES 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.98, and $2.50 Children's from 25c up SALEM'S PROGRESSIVE STORE Is now showing to the buying pub3 fie Hie most powerful stock in all iis history. M I fry vr v. Ribbons 5,000 yards of now ribbons now on sale In ovory kind, class and shndo you nsk for Alto millinery ribbons in all colors; Persian Ribbons, Fan cy Bolting Ribbons, Volvet Ribbons in till widths and colors. Wo do tho business n this department. Price yard lc, 21-2c, 3c, 5c, 81'3c, 10c, 12 l2c and up Laces Did you over tnko n look through our 1-aco and Trimming Depart ment? If you did not, you ought to and got noxt to tho biggest, choicest nnd best stock in Salem. Wo havo everything jou nsk for In ovory c-'uts ut.d kind. rlce3 small, ynru 3c, 5c, 6Mc, 8I3c, 10c, 12I2c, 15c and up Embroideries 10,000 yards to soloct from In ovory elasH nnd kind you ask for, from tho low prlco onus up as high as you want. Wo just roculvod n bountiful stock of Flounolng and nil ovor noodlowork. 1,000 yards now on snlo, yard 4c, 81-3c, 9c, 12 1-Zc 46c Corset Covor Kmbroldory, yard only 25 cents Spring 5000 Yards of pretty Persian Challies, regular 712c val ues for a few days only at, yard, Ladies' GIavpq ladies' Kid ni,c. ,n i : ., r short, from Mcjip to $2.95 J? Si,! Gloves, all colors in log irom 25c pr. up to $1.49. 4c Ladies' it in bV ' flil' ttWruV ill ivfi' JJjfL Dress CiBKf Skirts We have JuU rece'vrd flora our buyer In Now York a Imutlful aMortmont of the latest ( es lu lnlles Drew Skirts. Wo are showing them in all the new miUrial, shade and trimming. They aro nil man-tailored and are perfect lu workiimuiihlp and fit. If you want values thet you oun hoi touch In Salem, oome to the Chicago Store and look title stock over. We are nulling tho skirts ready to put on for ie tlian you can buy the material. We mow aUrt a big ealo on th: akirU and expect to tell them all out in a few day.' Sale Prices $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $3.95, $1.50 and $4.95 5 000 Yards of dainty, fancy Lawns in a great variety of styles, for a few days only, yard, 5c CHICAGO STORE SALEM, The Storc That Saves You Money OREGON Jackets In Ladlos', Missus1 and Children. Thoy aro all fresh and now. Stylos and designs 'tho lntost. Wo havo put Hpeclul prices on thorn for our Mastor Halo $2.95, $3.95, $4.50 and up Misses' Suits Wo Just roceivod a 1uuch of lllmm Suits. Thoy aro very bty llh and pretty, silk lined and tailor made. ' . fcaio prlco UM,SM,WM . I