DAILY OA VITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1008 Political Page-Primary Election On April 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL M. HOFEIt, Ed. and Prop. An Independent Ncwipapcr Dor.otcd to American Prlnclploa and UieM'rogrcM and Dorelopemont of All Oregon. I'libtlthcd yrerr Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (Inrariablr In Adtsnce.) DJtljjr, lr carder, per ycar........... 84.09 Per months. 60c Dear, bx mall;, per' year. ... .... 4.00 Per month.. 55c W4klr, by mall, per Tcar.... ., 1.00 Six months COo u m$mm J SPECIAL 5ELIVERY. SMr o nvoslonce of subscribers branch dollvory offices are estab ttsfeed at the foil owl a f places at 16 cents por month, $1.00 (or tbrw Mat' . AsyUtm Btorfi, F. O. Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avonuo Junction. Carllno, Sovontoonth strcot o A. W. Lane, 3ardon Road Btoro. Dtttio b Btoro, Aicz, Daup, Boutn uommorciat street. Eloctrlo Btoro, 0. M. Eppley, Enst Stato street. Fair GroundB Storo, Hhrrlson Dee, Fair QroundB Road. Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streets. O. K. Grocery, A. A. Engloba t, Twelfth Btroot. Wheeler's Storo, W. D. Wheoor, Highland uvonuo. Yew Park Stor , F. O. Dowor ox. Twelfth nnd Leslie. ROIIKltT H. BEAN HYJIl SUPREME JUDGE Clilef Jtiutlco R. S. Honn Is running Tor ronoinlimtlon and ro-olooilon without oppoMltlon. Thin 1h nH It Hhuul.l ho and WILL HE THE CASE MORE AND MORE UNDER THE DIRECT PRIMARY LAW. When an omdul Ih quallllod for tho office, and has porfortnod his dnity nhovo crltlcluni, tho peoplo should ro turn him without opposition. It has boon docldod hy tho Down cratlc organization Hint THE SUP PORT OF THE DEMOCRATIC PAR TY WILL RE GIYEN TO JUSTICE DEAN. Thlq Ih tho flrwt tlmo this high roniplliDout Iiuh been paid tp any nmii on tho benoh In OroKou nnd It has boon wull bestowed. Tho pooplo of Orogon apprtn-hito tho (umiplliuoiil as wull, hocntiHO tlioy hnvo u nutnhur of times oleotod Judgo Roan to this high olllco or hiolr own nccord, I.. f ii HON. V. M. HROW.N - ON STATEMENT NO. I ( no of tho very host arguments yot presented why tho peoplo should voto only for Statement No. 1 candi dates. o 1 HON. M. L. JONES AT SILVERTON MONDAY NIGHT Synopsis of His AiUIivmh to the Peo plo Thufo oit County Mutters. (Cnndldato for ro-olootlon on tho Ropuhlloaii tlokot in Lluu ooun ty.) Statement No, 1 immiiK simply tliat thu people nnd not thu momherti of the I.tKlHluturt mnku tho seloo tlon of UnMod Stilton aoitntors. Thoru has always hosu n at rung sen tlmoiit aiming tho peoplo ."for tiro vlootlon of senators hy dlruot voto, hut hoiiio uiyatorloiiH thing In tho United Hlattw somite Iiuh always pre vented thu adoption of mi amend ment to tltt constitution providing for audi a course. Tin puoplo hnvo not changed, however. Thulr only hope now 11m In the support of tho Stutoiuuiit No. I. Tlila plan seourod tho election of two United Stato senator In a few tnoutonUi at tho liiNt swsalon or the legislature nnd does away with any ehauoo or n diNutlouk or tho use of money In prootirlng tho election of a loualor. ol) tho pooplo want a change? The election of Statement No. 1 men to tho legislature will do the same thing always, and there will ho no chance for a repetition or tho costly and demoralizing luMuoiioos that hnvo orer lioen prosout under tho old system. Tho spoeohos which Sena tor Fulton Is now making through out Oregon, during which ho rends an ullldavit reciting dlagrncofu! Inci dent of tho pntudug of bribery mon ey at a former legislative session, Is YOUR IDLE MONEY Might just tiN wull Ik earning iutevcM, Wc pay Hirtv per cent IntcieM ad you vmii draw all of u or part of it nt any tlim. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Mr. M. L. Jonos, cnndldato for county Judgo addrossod tho puoplo at Sllvortou Monday night and talkod ovor county matters with tlioui. Ho unld In part as follews: "The olllco or county Judgo Is hy far tho moat Important In tho coun ty. To ho rilled worthily tho candl dato should ho porfuctly free frotn liro-oloctlou promlsos, to do any thing except what Is right and with tho Intorosta of all tho pooplo. To promise you or any one that I will use county money after oloetlon In tho special Intorost of any Individ ual or locality would look like offoi' Ing a lort-hauiled bribe out or funds that should bo and are a sacred trust. It Is unrortuunto for us as a peoplo that there aro not moro re strictions placed upon tho county court In handling the county money, Tho county Judge can say If you vote a curtain way, or If I am oluctod I will build you a bridge, or give yon a franchise, or build a certain road and apparently be able to keep the promise after oloetlon. We are al lowing altogothor too much latitude to tho whims and wishes of tho county court In the expending or tho monoy. oxtrnclod from tho tax pay ors' pookotH. There Is too munh temptation for thu otllolal to use the county money extravagantly and wastofully. It furnishes the oppor tunity for a corrupt boss, and h (KMirt house ring to say who shall be county Judgo and that by the cor rupt uio of tho tax payers' monoy, such opportunity should bo entirely eliminated by proper legislation. We havo had monoy enough charged up to roads and highways In Marlon county to have built several hundred mllee of good rock road had the monoy lioun handled by men or oxpe rlonco, ability and Integrity and had' the money been usod with the same onru and Judgment that the success fill ImisIuosh man usos In his own af falrs. Now you need roads, good roads, all the county need them. We need to develop Marlon county. Wo havo wonderful natural re sources, We need millions of capi tal and thousands or mon. We need a system or electric railways all ovor this county, and perhaps centering' at Salum. but we will be unable to aocuro outside Investment and out side help unless we can show thorn that wo are not paying more tuxes than adjoining counties. By avail ing oursolvou of our opportunities we can build pood roads cheaply. Tho oouvtcts are In this county, the law provides that they can work oh -tlltk pnilild 1'lt.t ulula -1 - -' Mint - .......p. in. t.v tvtia Mint i mey suuuiu lie worKftt on m roads. laboring men pro pertly ob ject to eouvlct lobar coming lu ooni 'petition with fre labor, and they desire that the eouvtetg be worked i on tho road, lly prooerly iwanag-' lug this convict labor we ooutd. buljd many miles of good road with out groat expense to the people. In California. I am Informed, that the couvkts aro employed nearly alto gether In road work. Thov havo a thousand convicts or moro running tho rook orushor tho year round. I Tho railroads trausnort this erushod soft rock waste not suitable for put ting on tho roadB which Is allowed to tho ii8e of the railroad companies for ballasting their tracks and this wasto material that cannot bo used on the county roads pays tho trans portation charges to tho localities whoro tho road rock Is used. Wo will always have penitentiaries and whether It is by fault or mlafortuno, there will bo convicts. They coVld very properly bo employed on theso public Implements-, as could all of tho criminals and vagrants In tho country. Theso aro some of tho questions which como up to tho vo ter, and they can say whether tho present extravagant, wasteful meth ods shall contlnuo undor tho con trol of tho corrupt boss or not. They aro tho arbiters of their own destiny and,' in a measure of mlno. I regard It as exceedingly fortunate that the decisions comes direct to tho people. They havo tho responsibility for tho result. If they mako a mistake then wo must all pay for It." ' ' t- Tho Ptvfls Ih Independent. (Orogonlnn, April 12.) DoBldos, no monopoly of tho news Is possible. Tho Asaoclatod Press does not Include all tho nowspupors of tho country. In ovory city thoro nro Journals other than thoso of tho Associated Press, served by other pross associations. Tho United Press sorvos some hundrods or news papers; and our good neighbor, tho Portland Journal, would ussrjro Mr. Heuoy, Hliould he ask It, that tho Unltod Pross roport, sarvod to It, Is In every way oqwil to tho roport or tho Assoclntod I'ross, and In many ways superior to It. It may bo said with cortalnty, too, that no moro I throw no mud; I will throw mud. No one Is authorized to throw mud In my Interest. I havo tried to mako a clean, honorable campaign nnd I shall contlnuo to do so If I only get onp voto. Very respcctrully, W. W. HALL. o STATE CONVENTION. I CANDIDATES CARDS I mmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmm And Republican District Conventions Called nt Portland, Miiy 14. Three Republican conventions to bo held in Portland May 14 havo been called by tho stato central com mlteo. Ono will proprosont tho state, ono tho FIrBt Congressional District and tho third tho Second Congressional District. Tho stato convention will choose four delo-gates-at-largo to tho Chicago Nation al convention, Juno 1G, and tho dis trict conventions will chooso two delegates each. Oregon will havo eight delegates In itho national con vention. Each co-unty will havo ono dclc-gato-at-largo In tho stato convention and, in addition, ono for ovory 250 votes or major fraction thereof, caot In June, 1900, for supremo Judge In the county. Tho stute central commlttco roc ommonds that tho dolegates to tho stato convention be chosen by county control commlttoos but loavos tho niothod fo their selection to each county commlttoo to decldo for Us county. Sonio of tho counties will doslro to scloct by convention or mnss meotlng, Instond of by county com mlttoo. The voto for supremo Judgo In 100G nnd tho apportionment of del egates based thereon are as follews: MHMNM (Cards of county candldateo $5. Cards for district and stato candi dates $10). THESE ARE THE CANDIDATES For Nomination by the REPUBLICAN PARTY Who Arc Pledged to Statement No. 1 PRICIPLENot a Scramble for Office-Anti-Machine Politics. Marlon County Is entitled lo live Representatives. The five named below will always vote for tho People's choice for United Slates Senator. They have signed Slatememl Number One FOB COUNTY JUDGE OP MARION COUNTY, M. L. JONES. Republican, farmer business man and taxpayer. Gardiuato of Willam ette University, studied law and ad mitted to tho bar, Whoro ho is best known aro found his strongest sup porters. Among business men every where his word Id as good as Ms bond. Ho stands for a strictly busi ness and economical administration of county affairs. I hereby announco ray sol f as a cnndldato for nomination at tho Re publican prlmarloB for county su perintendent of schools. WALTER M. SMITH. I horcly announco myself ns n cnndldato for nomination at tho Re publican primaries for commission er. B. E. ROBERTSON, Tumor, Oregon. I desire to placo my namo bofore tho Republican primaries for a ro nomination for County recorder. D. 0. DRAGER. I wish to announco to my friends that I am a candldato for county tronsuror, subject to tho Republican prlmurlos. JOSEPH G. MOORE. I horoby announco mysolf a cnndl dato for county commissioner on tho Republican ticket. G. B. HOYT, Jefferson, Oro. I am a candldntoa for olllco of county Judge, subject to tho Repub lican primaries, on tho platform of a squaro deal to all. W. W. HALL. At tho request df many Republi cans I havo decided to becomo a can dldato for tho nomination for county Judge, subject to tho Republican pri mary election. WILLIAM BUSIIBY. For Rcprcsentativc-VOTE FOR FIVE 24 X O. L HATTEBERG, Silvcrton 26 X A. C. LIBBY, Jefferson '27 X h. J. MILLER, Aurora 28 X HAL D. PATTON, Salem 31 X W. C. WINSLOW, Salem rouk to tho couutrks al over the stato and there U a groat deal of than that of the Associated Prom is the report of the United Press con trolled by the "malefactors or prod atory wealth" who are lighting Roosevelt. The groat body or tho newspapers or tho country Is abso lutely Independent or such Influ ences, -for they know tholr Ilfo do pends on their service to tho pooplo; and bosldei, no suir-respectlng man or Journal will submit to dlotntlon from "tho Interests," or rrom man Mger or political parties, n W. IIAIJi DKCMXKS TO ENTHR CONTROVERSY Udltor Jeurnal: Replying to an article by Judge Scott published In the Statesman or April H, pormlt mo to say that I am not, In any way a party to the controversy now being carried on through the pros and otherwise throughout the emmty, nnd I believe that the motlvo lor draglng me Into it will be readily seon to bo the Interest of some other candidate. PMrst. I wish to state emphatically that I having received favors at tho hands of the Republican of Marlon county, which I gratly appreolato and that I have not at any time, aud will not oppose hint or any other own- dljate us wed by them after tholr nmulnaUon. I am aot charging hint or any'one else with grafting or any thing of the kind and I state to the people of Marlon county and to all of thorn that 1 wake no charges against any person, Ms or any other person's statement to the contrary not with standing. i told tho editors of the local pa pers not to publish any thtRg against any penon. whother he bo a candi date or ut in my intorost. I was taught by moral philosophy that to try to rtao hy tho tearlnu down of oihwtf was the promptings of tho towost impulse of the human mind. Apportionment of IMJcgnt l , Baker , Benton I Clnokamns ...... . , Clatsop Columbia I Coos s Crook Curry , . , , , Douglas Gilliam i Grant ...,, . Harney , Jackson , , , . . Josophlno .Klamath Lake Itno , Lincoln ,,,,,, . , , , ijiiin ..,,,, .,,,, Malheur Marlon Morrow Multnomah 1 l OIK .,.., i.,, Sherman . , Tillamook Umatilla UIoh , Wallowa ...... ... Wnaoo WnaklaaU). I Yamhill est t Vote 1906. 2,oor. 1.121 2,509 1,404 996 1,272 828 268 2,031 B20 17 396 1.S49 941 632 396 2,710 ,611 2.060 736 3,065 611 1.48S 1.326 469 196 1,731 MS? S3J 1,743 uii l.aag OS. No. 7 R 11 7 r 6 4 3 9 3 4 3 S 5 4 3 12 3 9 4 13 3 47 6 3 3 S S 4 ' 8 S 3 S For Assessor. I horoby announco my candidacy In tho Republican primnrios for as sessor of Marlon county; pledging Just and equal taxation. P. J. RICE. ioiS PnUtl ..?IpnBoannolS2la,ffiu ?,"" '"Pffi ! oiSbKiy inatcd and elected .1,1 ' " People's Cholro 1' .,b WPPOrtn Sball opposo nil ;.... -Mui necessary and hi, " "a Hi " 'US1 ---, I For ItpnM..i..i oi -"num representative ... .. N mark., April 17. , eIe VOr bus nrpn ..... "WIj i, .:.: . """omsirat ton m umuya voto for fh " cholco for UnltM oi.." HRNlTvT l MiLmj , Airon, C For RcprescnUtltt. didato for the Republican v.wi. lur ruiirnnnnr.il.. .. .. mnrlna a.u i n 'I II'1 NOMlVATtm .. . X SHALL ALWAYS VOTE FWt auui-uivh i HOICK FOR STATES SENATOR. "Ah D. PATT0X.1 For Itcprcscntntltf. fSllinOfl RtfllAmnn. V. .. I hereby announce my$W uit didato for tho nnnhiiM. ...,. tlon for reprwcnlatlro t p.j uia.iUH, April Li, II'1 NOMINATKl) AVn rt I SHALL ALWAYS VfYrrmn. pkoplk's (nmiCK ron raj STATICS HKNATOIl. A. C LIDBT JeScnal Tor Heprcsontstltf. W. C. Wlnslow, candlJitehr rosentntlvo, signs Statement X" A "government of the people I; pooplo nnd for tho reoDle." ed Into offoct by tho Republlaani is my motto. At icepoUH; mnrlos April 17. W. C WIXSL0I1 I'"or County Superintendent. I horeby announco mysolf as n cdn dldato for County Suporlntondonfof Schools for Marlon county, at tho Republican primnrios, April 17. A C. BAKER, Tumor, Or. For Ti'i'iisuivr. I hereby announce to the voters of Marlon county that I am a candidate for county treasurer at tho Republi can primnrios; pledging honest, faith ful and impartial handling of tbo county funds, WM. STAIQBR For County Commissioner. J. T. Bockwith of Sidney product. Platferm: Economical business ad ministration nnd an aggressive policy of constructing pormanont highways by tho co-operation or stato, county and local communities. Good roads nro tho host investment for the people. Total ' ...11.176 239 The aMKNrtiMUHtnt fQr the dis trict conventions will ho tho same as that for the state convention. A oough cure that can bo given to ohl!drn without ohanco of harm is Kemp's Balsam, the hast rnnph mil" It dOOS not contain nntanns nr hnrm For Representative. I hereby announce mysolf as a candidate for tho legislature at the primaries, April 17. If nominated and elected I will vgto for the Repub Hcan United States senator who shall havo boon elected by tho pooplo. FRANK A. TURNER. For Representative I horeby announce that I will be a qandldate for tho Republican noml-j nation for stato representative at tno primaries April 17. S. D. ADKINS. Scotts Mills, Or. For Representative. I horeby announce myself as a candidate for tho nomination of rep resentative at tho Republican pri maries, April 17. If nominated and eltotod, I will voto for the Republi can choice for United States sena tor. LLOYD T. REYNOLDS. For Sheriff. I am a candldato for the t:: tlon for shorlff of Marlon cosstjl tho Republican primaries. JI. P MLVrJ For County Jndje, I horoby nnnounce bt tiiiiij for county Judge, before tie M llcan primaries of Mar!:a tx-1 April 17. Having been tc::"; mlseloner two termi v.i Judge one brm, I be'imlni Iflod for the uftlce Ir . i Gmdidata. 0 1' Ttflit For Railroad Commtolowi j I horewlth'anncriucoBl Republican nomination f:r KM Commlsaloner. from ln!ic"f nl 1ltrlrt W A fW For Conjtahlc I am a candidate or t1 tlon for constable of saiea n. it. a naiinhlfran DrimiriM. U IIAMIL19 . rvncMtl1. I hereby announce w r. for tbe nomination I T - tho Salem district at Fmejott Party with cash better investi gate. Price reasonaWc. Address H,cafe For County Commissioner. The undersigned Is a candidate for nomluattou on the Republican tlokot. Strict economy In county af fairs Is my platform. JOHN E. LEWIS, Aumsville, Or. L-sssH MISSf l Omttfy KSirAiier. iv 'S3VV-' -.n ri .ifc'"- . . vM Cous"' "! cRoyr -il millrtl' Y2.W . . , cnRf w' L-" 'l rHioJ; iJ ----;(i i rnZi ViI0 fitt Mfj fol drugs. Druggists sell it.