Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 04, 1908, Image 8

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A II BY wm
"Two years ago a sovere cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated mo that I was
unable to work and scarcely ablo to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's Now Discovery, and
after using ono bottle I went back to work, aa well as I ever was.'1
w. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn.
AND $1.00
ill tn Journal.)
k i1 ut ti us Mrs. Mnry
Fit fill as a woman who himuiiu
i:liic m ftirlo, cf cures by Chim
in S "ire hV'tig which hns nov-
r (kh ncronvj'Mieu, nt tho Htnto
wtah'hr the nubile honlth com-
rtfAVf t rjnv morning, and chnl-
'8j 'frfl Far ov tho church's
,U't apnit to produce tho nnino
i !'"cr Ir In I clnlmod hnd boon
i I h Chrlsthn treatment. At
tF V Pcabndv of tho onpo
loi wai non nliiwd nt tho nftor-
s rssion, when following n soc-
-i i!i much to his discomfort,
F' v nro1!-1 nuil nnmod tho
"tlps- ns I)r CI, W. nnrrctt, u
'Kin cf St I null, Mo.
frey 'o'lowlng tho producing of
mme W Moise, representing
CVltlm S- titlst. roso to his
r. ndl-luc Mr. Ponbndv.
W Mm If ) wi (Id now wlth-
i hi M. 'i at h hnd ngroed to
i'ie iv" vi nrnduccd.
"Coed tt l rnnn1" was nil Pen-
N' vr'-R t l,. arlng Mr. Far-
I 'T'ttfih 1 Ht I.mila nml rn.
l im . ri'-.iona. noth te'-
f ' v.
V P'M.'fl
:!tl ?!, rim ml avenue, fil.
I a 4 Mo
l1 " i t ' r ,U n that von havo
! . "... nsv by Ohrlstlnn
" lt nf healing. Wire
v vlfhkd KAin.nw
" Uii", Mo March 8. 180S.
' rJ I w,
'- Pi J'tiir riosten:
f-iBs tn.i. i ,f( 2Rth dav of
nt inq-i ii (,1U, r,,,i .
i '3 Sen "v Janunrv 1 1. innn
Own vntiRTT
Many Sensations.
Sensation followed rensntlon pill
through the dny nnd hundreds of th
Christian Sclncce followora packed
room 2 10 and applauded tho defen
ders of tho scleneo healing.
Tin wliolo nlTalr cornered on threo
bills dealing with Christian Sclonco,
namely, houso bill 010. which pro
vldoH that Christian Scientists noed
not bo roglstorod or oxnmlnod, pro
vided tboy receive no pay. for tlielr
sorvleos as henlors; houso' bill HIGH
roquirlng parents nnd guardians to
furnlfili modlcnl nttondnnco to Hick
children In tholr enro, nnd Iioubo bill
10(1(5, on certifying cnuso of donth
by phyalclouH not rogulnr nttondnnts
"On Touch of Nature .MmUch
Whole World Kin."
When n rooBtor "fhula a big f'U
worm ho cnlln all tho hous In the
farm yard to enmo and tharo It. A
Imllar trait of human naturo is to
bo observed whon n man discovers
Free Methodist.
Will hold tholr district quartet ,y
Hireling nt 1230 N. Winter strot,
!bK!lnnlnK ThurMlny, April 2, and
will contlnu over Sunday. All the
prosahnrs from tholr dlfforent elr
culU nro oxpoatod to bo i)rBent.
Hov. W. N'. Coffo. of Portland, will
proslde. All nro cordlRllj lurllwl.
S. 0. Hopor, pator.
FliHt Pit'sbyterlau
Choufch streot, near Chemokeln;
Hov. Henry T. Uabcock, pastor.
Mornrng scrvlco 1 0 :i 0 a. m celo
bratlon of tho Lord's Suppor; own
ing service 7:30 p. in., thomo "Tin
Lord'H Kooplng." Judo C, 21, 21:
day school at 12 m.; Jr. C. 13. nt
3::i0 p. m.;Sr. C. H. nt 0:30 p. m.
Publlo cordially luvltod to' till thoso
Rapt 1st.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.. Mr.
Will Poster, aislstant suporlntond mt
In ehnrgs; morning worship at 11
m Dr. J. H. Comer will prennh;
wero unboarnble, and ndvocntcd
goncrnt walkout? This policy, how
ovor, was voted down In tho Inst
student body meeting by a consld
r;jh1n (ninlorl'vwhn brovjjh.t fort
'lvOio hi
mm -h -h-m-h m h ---i- !
It appears that outlaw playercs '
uro aa much In demand this Benson
as those who wear tho profosslonnl
label. Thoro enn bo only ono con
clusion to why .the Pacific coaster
should choose tho wayward path ot
nn oMtlaw, and that Is the nlmb'o
President Cnrson, of the Contral
league, has adoptod a now scoring
plan by having tho oulclal scorer of
tho league appointed by tho nrcal-
dont of tho longoe, thus taking that
oinclnl duty out of the hands'of tho
manager or president of tho homo
club, as the rules covorlng that prlv
ilcgo nro written in tho guldo book,
nnd also prohibit tho scorers Idont
Ity to become known only to tho np
polntoo nnd scorer himself. Tills
now wrlnklo will no doubt provo a
success by eliminating tho many
controversies which take place dur
ing the gamo over errors, hits, Ac,
and also compell those "orrorless"
player to tnke their modtclno In
stead of trying to hnranguo the
scorer In favoring them.
The Pnlrmounts balllsta will ap
prar In tholr now knlok nnd shirts,
caps, shoofjand socks next Sundny,
which are tho host mndo up baseball
suits In the city, and they declnro
this fnct shosild holp considerably.
Generally spanking, tho clothos dbes
not innko tho man, but an oxcop
ton may ba given to baseball "play
ers. Newt. Savage has not yot signed
up so fnr this sonson, but It hns
been hoard that he has had sovornl
Invitations to agnln rosume his old
profoaalon. Well, Xowt. Is consid
ered t be Just about ace high as fnr
na diamonds nro concerned, but It
Is hnrdly probnblo thnt his Snlotn
ndmlrem will again , seo him gam
boling nrotind tho sacks.
Woodburn vs. Salem nt the Asy
lum nvonuo btonchors Sunday afternoon.
of tho faculty mombors nro on th
sldo of tho studontB, nor thnt a sll nt
edict has gon forth from th
"throne" forbidding nny faculty
incmoor to upnoia tno cause or tue
1 MIsL
lleMa4MM i I i tH 9fi -mm-4-i
Worlds or nioom Cnlla lilies, roses,
violets, clnornrlas, hyacinths, daf
fodils, otc., nnd everything In Ben
son. Mrs. Hugh Jory, 1952 Court
street, Snlom. 3-24-tf
I Want it Plncc Of 25 acres or loss;
improved or pnrtly bo, closo to Sa
lem markots. This is for an Im
medlato cash purchasor. llnvu
also another customer who will
glvo good vnluo In stnlllonB or
brood mares for slmllnr tract. I
am unnblo to supply tho demand
' for nil klndB of proporty. Paul M.
Sims, 222North Commorclnl.
3 -2 C -lino.
somotlilng oxcoptlonnPy godd ho hiB Hiibjoot will be "The Cnll That
wnnts nil his friends and nolghbors SftV0H .. The .nacini solI nf ,na
to shure the bonefltB of IiIh dlscov. ftn ,' . .. ! , ,
ory. This U tho touch of naturo that , morning by tho ohorus I a gom.
in ale os tho wliolo world kin. This
explains why pooplo who havt bctm
cured by Clmiuborlaln'u Cough Rem
edy write, letter to the manufactu
rers for publication, that others sim
ilarly ailing may also ue It and ob
tain relief. H-hlnd every one of
these lottors is a warm hearted whh
of tho wilter to be of use to sonieou.i
o!so. This remedy is for sale by Dr.
Stno's drug store.
,. O I . ... , . ... ,.
There Is not'. lug bolter thru Ko
dnl for lyapepidn, liidlgestlou, eour
stontf.ch, b lei Ing ofgas and ner
vous hefidaclie. It dlrrgU what you
eat. Sold by all druggUts.
More han nine out of every tn
cases of rhoumniUm are simply
rboumnllsm of tho mutcles, duo to
cold or dnmp wonthor or chronln
rheuntntlsm. In huoIi ensos nn Inter
ual trentinont Ik required. Tho froo
nppllontlon of Chnmberlnln's Llnl
moat Ik nil thnt Is nondod. nnd It Is
certain to glvo qttiok roller. Clvo It
n trial nnd fee for yoursolf how
quickly It rollves the pnln and sor
nosi. Prlco 25 cents; large slzo, SO
cnt. Sold by Dr. Stone's drug
m zz:
Ai.' t'lltil. I'ni-n . '
l-o SoaadisaffilBoMtf
r sSandRfstrontalnneirtr
i'pi Morphine noMoeraL
mm w
sT i For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
' tlMBimB!l
' wavforConsltet
-i btoch.DhrrriM
1 uens.Ftwnsa
loss or Sleep.
1 7 YOEK.
k wutarat edur!3er the Food aa
kftt S- -4MMBW
ir mrninii it r inr
fPy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
tmc eiMTua nourAHt. nr o errr.
Tho music nt the services In this
church Just at the present time is
ottrnotlng considerable atruUon
and Is a font tire of nil the services.
Young People's meeting nt 0:80;
the ovoulng,pnpulac service at 7:StO.
Dr. Coiner, will deliver a short talk
ou the subject "Why lie a Chris
tian?" Spaoi! music by the ohorus
at the evening service. Everybody I
Coruor Cottago and Chemoketa
strtt.'t-). Servlcos at 10:80 Prer cit
ing by the mlnlitor. Rev. Paul S.
Handy, fifth Lenton sermon, sub
ject, "The 011 to a Higher Lire."
Ydtpers Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock; Tuosdny afternoon lecture
at tho roaldenco of Mrs. B. While,
No 742 Stuto street at 2 o'olook.
Sunday sohool nnd Dlblo class at
11 15 u, m. Servlcos In the even
ing at S o'clock. Prenbtaing by Rv.
10 C. Rocord, mlnlstor of th
Sprlngflold, Mnae., Unitarian church
and superintendent of the nilllngs
Lecture Ifriroou of said ohureh.
Vlrat aulHtlan".
Yotir Ynkt- PelUiw," and "Tne
Church of Chriai" will be the them s
v the Plrst phrlstlau ohureh to
morrow at 11 n. in. and 7:30 u. m.
respectively. Rllie school. 10 a. in.;
Junior C. IS. X pm.; Senior C. B.
0:30 p. m. You will be hfartlly wa).
come to any or all of thoso aorvlot.
D. ISrroU, pastor.
Ceiiti'ttC Congivpatloiuil.
KlMOteenth aud Perry etreoU, P.
g. KaisTfct, pastor. Regular servicm
11 a. m. aad 7:1Q u u.: SuaJay
scbotU 10 a. in.. Wadcavor mectlag
0:30 p. hi.
OutiiI Church.
Fifteenth and Ml'l streeu. Sun
day school at 10 a. m-; preachlng"ut
11 a. hi. and 7:45 p. in.; urolse s.r
vlco at 0:45 p. M. Svangellat C. H.
Waymiro will eondnct pcil ser
vices every night this week. We In
vite tho public.
W. r. T.. U.
Gospel teniBeraaeo tneetlag ai 4
p m. at hall opposite Willamette
hotl. OracieH by Iter O L. Feld-'
Hang Out Your Light
Flnu Property for Sale In good
market town on Southern Pacific,
good schoolB and churches. Ono
ncro planted to nil klndB ot fruit.
two-story, S-room lionise (on solid
foundation) with porches, closets
nnd pantry, also two-story black
smith nnd wagon shop nnd largo
barn. Will bo sold roasopnblo, as
owner Is unnblo to work at .blnck-
smlthlng. John Holm, Aumsvlllo,
Oregon. 31-2-lm
For Sah My modorii 10-room
home nt tho southont cornor of
Oak and Winter stroets. For pnr
tlculars wrlto mo or catL on Jos.
H. Albort at Capital Natlonnl
Hank. V. A. Wiggins, Toppenlsb,
Wash. 3-12-tf
Zuvpcntcrs Union Ho. 1005 Loon)
Unton No. 10G5 of Carponters
Jolrora of Amorica moot every
Saturday ovonlng nt 7:30 p. m.
Hearst holl", 420 Stato St, A. W
Dennis, Itec. Soc
Foresters of America Court Shoe-
wood Forostors, No. 19. Mei
Saturday night in Holman hll
Stato street Wraldo Miller, O, R.Ji
J. O. Perry, financial socrotary.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P-
Castle Hall In Holman block, eor
nor Stato and Llborty street
Tuesday ot each wook at 7:8 t,
in. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; S. K.
Andorson, IC ot R. and 8.
$21002 noros; 25 bonrlng frnii
trooH; 2 Iiouhoh, ono G-rooiu pins
tored, with pantry; good woll.
other houso 2 rooms; good bam
and other outbuildings. South
Highland. Part cash.
$000 Oholoo building lot on
mokota; closo In.
$200 For n good lot, 50x100; own
or pnjd this for It two yoara ngo.
Auxlmis to sell.
Why pny ront? liny n lot from us,
nnd wo will noo Hint you have
money to build with it you neod
$1200 5-room cottngo, bath room,
oloscts, barn, fnult, two lots, half
Room 1, Stousloff nidg.,
Phono 1237, Court Stre-U.
Modern Woodmen of Atnorica Ore
gon Codar Camp No. 5240. Meet
ovory Thursday ovonlng at t
o'clock In Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V,. C.-j P. A. Tumor, clerk.
Woodmen of World Moot every Frl
day night nt 7:30, in Holman hall,
O. L. Darling, C. C; P. L. Fras
W, Clork.
Lincoln AunH,lty Union.-Sick, aeot
dont nnd pension Inuitrnnco; $2,
000,000 plodgrd; every claim paW
Good ngonts wanted. J. II. O,
Mongotnory, supromo organiser.
Box432 Bnlem, Oregon. It. K
Ryan, Bccrotnry, 54 G Stato street
For Sale Flrst-olnss oarpot pnpor ot
this ofllco; 25c for a big roll.
TKLKPHONR COMPANY, For Hale It good goats, ono-ltnlf
of omcli hox. lOnqttlro of W. T.
Crnwford, Route 1, llox 100.
Phono Sx4. 4-1-31
For Sale Good piano for salo ohenp
nt Singer Sowing Machlno storo,
871 N. Corttmrc'al Stroot, Rny
Stllller. 4-3-3t. '
The Monitor Mutual Telephone
couipNity has petitioned tho county'
ocirt for a franchise for a telephone
line from Monitor to Woodburn. Mc-
!.'.. u.i.l Mf l ITU. la lnU..I....
iuv njiu .in. iii"i, 1 ilia ivi)iiunu i
ooinpwiy has been Is exlsteuoe for
only throo ytar. but lit their peti
tion they claim tholr business has
increased so rapidly 4hat It is nucee
ary to add tho additional territory
to their present system, which prac
tically ineludic till tha ytolnlty of
Woodburn. '" H
The telephone linos are to ba
strunif from Monitor northwest
along the county road to Wood- ! """ lns. TraiiHior Ci'iiipmiy-
p.iu .Muiuiiiy iiicome to uo mnuo
on nn Invostmout of $10 to $1200,
big opportunity for pnrty with
cash. Proposition In Salem. Ad
dross X caro of Journal. 4-3-3t
A Social Dance Will bo given nt
W. L. Wndo's hall Saturday ovon
lng, April 4. ISvoryono Invited.
Strayed r Stolen A 'nrgo black
and cm ty halted shopnrd dog. It
will rocognlzo tho nnmo ot "Ring,"
Phono 1181 or call at ond ot enr
lino on South Commorclnl stroot
nnd rocolvo rownrd from Mrs. M.
S. Jones. 3-303-lw
Concivto Work Got injf prlcos on
sldownlkB, curbs, septic tanks and
comout work of any kind. All
work gtinrnntood first-class. Mr.
Wnrd, Hlghlnud add, Phono 500.
Will Cull nml Pay Cash For moa's
caot-off-olothln, brokon watches
nnd Jowclry. Wo oloun nnd proas.
High grndu work. Phono 003.
Slgouruoy, 483 Stato. 1-25-tf.
sTuM'imic" np"rM"'--'o"cot7oTa
large amount of cnpltal to Invest
In city property and farm lands, nt'
tnarkft value. Halom Invostmout
Go.. 432 Stato stroot. 3-25-1 in
i ii i ii "ii
burn; then west to MoKoe nnd south
and west Mt. Angol. A branch line
will be oflnnerted to tho main ou
from .Monitor to Woodburn so as to
taka In the county south to MoKee.
Thousands Hays Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
rrctnlmicr uf Klitner I)liie,
Most people do not rcaliie the alarm-
log increase and remarkable prevalency
vi KiuacyuisvNac.
While kidney dis
orders are th
most common
diseases that pre
vail, they are
almost the Inst
recognijeri by
patient and phy
sicians. K "
ttnt tkeumlna
t'l'tk doHnring tk ql'tfU, while the vriy
tn.tl ditctu undermines tlye itm.
What To Do.
There is cotufuct in tb It nowldlgit so
ofuu expressed, that Dt. Kilmer's
Sarop-kuot, Ow great kidney remedy,
fuluils cery wisli in curing rheuuwum
pain in the lack, kidneys, liver, bladder
nn I eery part of the urinary paK
It toirrcu inabiHty to hold mtf
ti I Molding psin iu pasting it, or u.4
All kinds of transfer work doua
Furniture and pianos boxed read)
for shipment. Prompt service Ii
our motto. Stand and ofllco at
2J3 South Commorclnl street
Photn 210 Rtisidenr Phone PflR
W"r?TlSl) TO exchattR'nvutQ
blood Poland China boar for nn
other of the samo breed. ISuqtilro
W. H ISgan. P. O.. Uervals. Rotito
t, or phone. Marmor 30. 3-30-1 w
Wanted if you want a marblo or.
grnnlto monumout wo enn save
you money. Wo don't pay big ront
nor city tnxos you got the bouoflt
Come and got our prloss, nnd bo
convinced. Our shop Is In City
Vlow contotory. J. D. Honhnnnnn,
mnnngor. Phono 1200. 3-10-tf
Voget Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum
ber .shlngloe, building material,
wood and conl. Low prlcos and
prompt deliveries. Ono block east
of B. P. passenger depot. Phone
t'JK. 7-2-tf
Ihutts Ai Weuderoth Fine wines,
liquors nnd cigars, Wo handle
tho colobrntod Kollog gaud Castle
whiskies. Cool and rofroablng boor
constantly ot druught. South
Commorclnl stroot. 0-3-lyr
Our moat market on Rnst State
utrout hits boou doubled In slzo and
wo nro hotter proparod than ever to
servo cuBtomors. Prompt service and
the boat of moats our motto. Call
or phono 100. H. IS. Edwards & Co.
A Portland Modem 7-room house.
to exchange for farm land or a ore
age. Come In nnd Investigate. Ba
Itui iHveMiuont Co., 432 Stato
Mreer. 3-215-lm
; I'Lf 'MMCRS.
j f h6TMTrfnur?nTimd7i.""hft wat-
I and steam hs.dlag anO tlunlas
114 Commoreirl street. Pbonr
Malt 102. 9-l-lyi
eli.i U foUowtug lue of liquor, wine or
b-c'-, un.l uwrctrtues titat uupieaseiti lie
cws.ty of being compelled to go otteii
dm ni,' the day, and to get up many
tunes during the night. The u.ild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
mm rtulixed. It tUndsJhe lnghekt
for it woiidetful cures of the n i dt
tres!ij rshe. If yon neod vir.l'.ue
you rlioit.'l hate the trt. t 'd .iu
iitm i itvent and wie-i ..a--.
. . . . .. i um mi'
addr-ni !,i(ir lhl, u .- '
M. J. Putzul PlNNiii'ng, atoaia anr
gis fitting. Sucoenior to Knox A
funihy, 22C Cotnrioroial itroel
Proae Main 17
LIvtj nml Prrt SlohhM Old PSt
It is worth more thau any other
'road yet tho prJoo is no higher,
'or sal. at your grooors'. '
Thomas a Cooley, Props,
Frank M. Rronn. Manufacturer of
nsh, doors, mouldings. All kind
of bound finish and hard wood
work. Front stroet, betweon State
and Curt Make all complaint
at tho office.
For water sorvlco apply at office.
Rills payable monthly In adranee.
JUv W. N. Coffee, prdsldtftg e4t. Kuouttt.bothsetitLte
u. I by nuil. A-.lr
Krt Mrthouut ohuron. Good m
ak. A Kidlal luvltatlon to all
o .i i i .
Kiluttr Co., iuig-
lumti-n. N V Whctl
I wntm ' niciitioit this
f t
lilJ LejSjLI I iii ixijJSigj ij I
WWI Snnt
naner awl doa't
naWitt-a Little Rarlv Risdrs th ! nuke msv n-t jl , bstl reMMunber the
famous ttlo liver pills. Sold bj a'lj nie, " y; ' '' Swamp-ltoot, aud
drugclate. J theaddresfc, H-ngliamton. N
nffle Skablos. at 814 Fer
betwaen Commercial saO Frost
trfcis T-i"hi.De Isx. io o
i . fl:r i ,r! In th My ear
-e tonml hero Dirk WeatuooK
nearteior '10-1-ivr
r.troettSalem Fence Works
Oroaine. Joes, ulnars and confec
Ions, Corner of Bovonfeentb ftnd
Asylum avenue. N. u. uiier. proprietor.
lfoudiiurtera fnr Woven Wiro
Nesting, Pickets, Gates. Maitbold
Roofing, P. & U. Roady Roofing
All nt lowost prices.
uro Court St. Salem, Ore