DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, PRECOX. SATURDAY, APRIL I. iW MARKET REPORTS BY WIRE M CITY MARKET .Unltcd Press Leased Wire.) 2tJOTATXON8 ON I'RODUOE AT .-SAW FRANCISCO AND PORT- KATS TXIOAIi fllARlCBT, COR- WOMXnu W TO DATK RK- ararrs of xivk stooic and CHICAGO 'GRAIN MARKET. TUnltcd Press Leased WIro.) 'Sun Francisco, April A. Wheat Nn. I California club, per contnl, 107 V& 01.06; whlto milling club, 3tLG2MiQ'I.G7,j; whlto Australian, B-701.72,4: northern bluoatom, 1.02Hl.C7,Xi; northern club, n.C7Mi0l.O2; inferior grndoa of wheat, $1.35 1. HO. Harloy No. I food, $1.35$ 1. -10, with boiho fancy nt $1.38; com mon to fnlr, 1 1.27 MG 1.38 tt; "browing nt San Frnnclsco, $1.10 a 4G; browing and shipping nt Port CoHtn, $i.400)l.iri; Chovnllor, $1.05 1.85, according Ao qMullty. . Ruttor Froah Cnliforntn, oxtniB, 22c; flrata, 20V&o; kocoikIh, IOe: fronh pnnklng stock No. 1, ISMic; JNo. 2, 18c. Froah ogga Per dozen,, oxtrnH, J7o; ilrsta, Ifl&c; aocqnda, 15 Vic; thirds, 15oj dlrtlua, No. 1, 15c; dlrtloa, No. 2. Ho. Now ohooRo Por pound, Cali fornia lints, rnncy, ll'fco; flrslfl, He. soconda, 10c; California Young Amorlcn, fancy. 'a; flrHtH, 12c. PotntooB- i'or contnl, Lompooa, $1.101.25; Orogoii Hitrlmnks, 80c g$1.10; rlvr whlloH, fancy. -10H '85o; early roue, $1.25 1.35; rlvor reds, $1.35(01.40; hwooi potatooa, standards, $1.50 1.75; Tnngeriner, $1.75 2.00. SALISM MARKET. Ijocal Wholesale Market. t Eggs 12 c. , Hit Iter Creamery, 30c. " ' Cowa $33.50. . Hens lie; mixed chickens, 10c. Local wheat 8 2 8.5c. Oats 37 40c. Barley $20. I Flour Hnrd wheat, $4.50 4.80.. valley, $4.00. Hnv Chnnt. tl2ffll4: clover. $10 12 per ton; tlmofby, $14 15. Onions 3c. Hops 1907 crpp,l44c. Caacara Bark 3 to 3 Vt c. Mhalr 20c. . HaII Market.' Oats$1.451.50 per cwt. , Wbcafei$i.00. ' v; , RolIedMmrloy $31. ' . - EggiH-lflc. ' . " ' Butter; Country, ,35; - creamery; 3c. - : . 1 - Fioiii- Vnllov. tl.20r ir sack: hard wheat, $1.40 $1.50. ' Bran 90c per anck; $30.00 per ton; Hliort, $1.40 per Bacfi.; Iluy Cheat, $1G17. olver, $15; cheat, 85c; clover, v7iic' per cwt. Orangce $2.50 2.50. Livestock., . Hogg Fat, $5.50. Stock hoga $4.50. Steer Tope, $3.50; fair, $2.75 $3.00. Veal 0 8c. l'roplcal Fruity Bananas $0.50. " Oranges $2.35 2. 50. Lomons $3. 50 4.50. Portland Market. Wheat Club, 8384o; valley, S3 81; bluoHtPin, 858fi. Poultry Hon, 1314o; dttoki, 15 10c; plgoona, old $1 por do. MIllBtuff Bran, $24. Hay Timothy, valluy, $1GP17; alfalfa, $13(0 11. Votoh--$l4. Rt'ccptloii by Roosters. A banquet nt tho urmory luia bson arranged for tho ovonlng of April C by tho cominltteo of tho Booators' club as a fitting manner to wltnoaa tho fading away of that organization and merging Into tho bonrd of trad -o Prt'Nldciit Roosevelt Say. That outdoor oxcrclHo la noo'lod by Dm AmnHnnll lllllllllu. TliriPft U'l ! ..1. ...... .r. In... r.tMxlf llmf inlvlp..? Tin. $2.50 $3 nor cruto; now potatooa, ; .... iH Hlmnlo two Hallaid'a ... . .. yollow, $4; "2 3 c pot lb OnloiiB -Knatorn (eastern reda, $3.50. OrnngoH Por box, nnvola, fancy, $3.00 2. 25; cholco, $1.75 2. 00; Snow Liniment, and tho rhoumnllam will go. leaving ou at spry aa a colt, Gives quick and pormanont ro Hot from thuumalwm, tu-uinlgla lnmo back and all palna. Sold by all dealora. . The fate of the breakfast is decided by the quality of the Coffee. 'C J.AJ0LGER2J lipssst whzitt-2j w&x?5j mm Fo!frV G&Men Gate ?. makes brctalcfast the begin ning of a cheerful day. Aroma-tight tins saVe. all the fragrance nd strength. Sold on merit. No prizes No couponsNo crockery. J. A. Folgr l Co., San JTransciaco BjninaWHii'UMl.HlWpilJI HIDMH. TO RESIST (Continued from page one.t soon for tho annulment of the two- cent passenger rate law In Illinois. H. L.WIncholl, president of tho Hock Ilaland, was chairman of tho conforonco, and aa fcMch was author ized o appoint a cominltteo of thn'o whose duty ft ahall bo to iirruugo for and conduct, with tho nttornoyK, the proceedings nccoaanry to have the validity of tho law tested. Although tho president wlio at toudod tho conforonco tok no do olalvo notion wlj,h roferonoc to rnto Iiiwh In any othor atntci, tho gouernl opinion was that a continuation of tho proacnt low rnto hauls In paH?u ger and freight trafTlc. togothar with poor buHluoaa, would bankrupt many of tho railroads. o COFFEE is perishable, it ought to be kept in tight packages, not exposed to' air. j Your crom return our)money It too do 1 like SchlllinK't Beit: w par Itim There's this difference between the cocoa habit and the coffee habit: Cocoa makes you health ier, stronger, steadier, better able to dd yotir share. Does coffeg? '., LESS THAN A CENT A CUP $ CO COA IK I Is made with scrupulous, con scientious care and old-fashioned attention to cleanliness, purity, goodness and quality. No cocoa at any price can be better or more delicious. Your grocer sells and recommends it. IX. CtrifrnrdcHJ Company dan Vnnwhea. iYAMHILL ...- . .-.V- . HORStTHIEF LANDED mm ME OR BE BLOWN TO PIECES .. IMPERIAL REVERSIBLE DISC HARROW With Foretruck ItAIIiUOAD CO.MMiSHIOX AXI) RUSINKSSMK! A conference will bo IteJd n- After a ton dnya olmio over tho twoon tho railroad oouunlHBttiii and I tato for Win. Wilson, an nllogod tho HuBlnoaa Mon'a lengiipnoWlnkor iiorHO thfuf. Sheriff John Connol or City in Portland. April C, for tho rnm-hfU county, a Mated by Sheriff njirpoio of dtacusslng corloln ob- culver or Marlon county, caught hla Jeatlonnblo fonturea to nakor City nmn nt Jafferaon yoatordny. In tin recent Orogon Hallway & Tfit days ngo a Vamhlll counl NnvlgMtlon rato oarfe declalon. A runner rationed tho theft of a vnut 1'ATTKIISOK, X. .11. BRTXB KC CKIVKS; HTARTrihNn- PROPOSAIi KIIOM A.N UNICXOWN- SUITOR OREGON. WRITES EAST! rORA! 4w9ftcSN YQ VESft ft k ( in aBwiaH4Egy iBHl Si Hi k mwi mm. 9KrKffiv mB v V vv w 3 H I & VPSi mr4i Patterson, N. J., April i "Marry mo or U(r blown to pluaua." This lb tho startling domnnd, npoit Mlaa Virginia Curtib, a bentiful young woman who ran. second fn the rnco toe queen of tho MnrdI Grna i.iiinllnl Inuf von I' 'I1W lirninRlll fltld """ . " .UHIIIHUI .HOW JV.... ... ,--, - inttnr mm rxtfilvod bv tilt) C01llllll- nliln tinranH. namlim Wllann aa t ' ,iw.. ,!,..( nt .innth. ti. l-hi oront of "" ...- -. ..... . .- , jr . i4ll' bIMWdV "A .... V.. ... v. -- .. . .l... fAAU... Uul .. . -. 1 . .. 1 I ...I. A lnM.l..M I Mon front me unKwr iiy tvniriv i' tiitot to anerin uimiuui, wuu ihihi(, Timiilnv rnntinstlllir that tliev he llir Mm Inttnr liml ITOIIO to IllllS- Ktvon r honrlng In tho matter bafore boro tiwvcrnl daya before Immodlnle- nny dcclBlnn wa roached. but tho y went to that town. When ho go- caao had boon dee'ded and tho do- to'H'Habovo. Wllou had loft sevornl cIbIoij publUhod boforo tho letter (yi i,0foro, F-om HlllBboro tho waa received. The commission then rima led to Portland; to Oregon luforiuod tho lon;iio that thoy would city; to Mntklmin and than to this mnk. an appointment with thon Pny whon convenient with the reaitU tht sheriff Connul Imiuwllntoly on th- cummlMtim yeetordtty repolvwl ),la arr'.nirhore no Ittfd Sheriff Ott- . . ... . I. MX. In . . X 1 I -L 4 a toH'Brnm aoiung pru uw m yer an.l wont was wmi iiroiiuuuni. iu Portland. Tho ciuim for the hoar- peare ofllcers In tho aurroundlng Ing 1h not known by tho commUiIon town with tho rultthntword vaa but it la prohablo that Is boennso of ,ocflcd from Jafferaon that tho arrwugainonU which have boin In mti-li aoimht man wob thro. Con voruo with railroad company pro- noj amj culver wont to jefferon vldlng for the receiving of goods In nn,i ondod tho long rAintnlt. placing nfiKinmi inttt liv tho morohants and wiiHmi nminr nrrost and setzlns the V.......1M . 3r m IK ' ..-.. .. ..... ,,..-- thon ehlixplng back along the lino horBO. In m than cnrloniU at tho same Thla Itnplomont ombodloi aovoral now and valuable featuros and rcprtot ft marked advance ovor the ordinary Xyva of Dlao Harrow, inatcad r UisUB culdud by a tongue, tho Harrow U contro led by a two wheeled trpok. attaohod to tho front end of tho frame. The wheels io prlvotod under tho frame and allow a aquuro turn to bo made. Ihe truck oxorolatM a positive guidance and control ovor tho harrow, which follow It htat aa tho rear wheola of a wagon follow tho front whtola. No ono will dotty that tho tonguo aa uaod In tho ordinary DHo Harrow t mpto troublcomo and low undor control thau the .tongue on othor liunlomonta. It la Jorkod vlolontly from aldo to aldo by tho motion if tho harrow, frota and worries tho toam and la especially annoying Iu turning uornora. Tho foro truok dooa away. with all thU. tho toam U MUr managed and work quietly and oaally without bolng aubjeuted to thu pounding of tonguo and nookvoke. Thoro U no neck wolkht and nto alde-dratt. tho harrow simply fnllown tho truck. Tho iiiMltlun of the frame on tho foro truok la adjustable. This ii Important becattso to noouro mnlform dopthy of cut tho (rumo should o lovol with 0o aurfaoe of the ground. If tho front end of tho framo U oo high, tho tnsldo disc bladoa will put too dooy; If too low. tho out ildo dlaiw will out too deep. Whn tho framo Is level nil tho blades out nllk and uniform wiklvnMoii la aeourod. The hltoli also U adjustable, and may bo made considerably lowe than on u tonguo harrow, tho lowo-t lilloh holt bolng only U lnohe from tho ground. The line of draught Is consequently lowor and tho pull of ho team, thoroforo. more offoatlvo. Tlwso adjustmunu of framo and hitch onablo tho oporator to got tho boat and mo&t offooUve work out of his machine with tho least x ortlon on tho pari of hla tonm. a refusal, camo to tho girl In a black hand' lettor which- b1o roeefved to day. MIbb CurtU otntoa ahe hna not tho sllghtoat Idoiu oa to tbo Idontity of tho aondor of tho mlsatvo, which hiw boon turned ovor to the pollco -q 1.1 of Y'oniul rt Wiflc. t lonst, la what a young baby ought to gain In wrtght. Does yours? u not thoro's Bomothlng wrong with Its dlgotl(Mt. Olvo It MCUCOB wauy Kllxlr and It will begin gaining a-. onco. Cttroa etomncn ono uww troubles, ntd digestion, stops frotrut neaa, good for. teething bcbloa. Prloo 25c and 50c Sold by all dealers. ,,.. ... FORMUll RKSTAURAKT LVX IX DUHANCE YH.K rato. The railroad commission tyoater day received i formal complaint from A. A. Marvel, of Boyjl, claim ...i i For CNstlpatlo. Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says' ni.HTnhrlntn'R fitomach and Live? Tablota nro corlalnly tho boat thing ...... .. .. .....-.,-. - -. 'Tablota aro cortatniy mo ooat mir ing that the facilities for handling jon thp lMRrkot for constipation freight and th depot were Inade qnnto. o- 7i ant Whnt He NccdiHl. 'Nino yo.ra ago it lookoti as if my Um had cor-e," aaya Mr. C. Varthlng, of Mill Croak, Ind. Tor. "I wna bo run down that Ufo hung on a vory Blender thread. It wna then my druggist recommended Kleotrlc nlttors. I bought a, bottlo aud I got what I needed Strength. 1 had ono foot in tho grave, but Kleotrlo Hitters put It bnukqu tho turf again, and I've been well over sinew." Sold under guarantee nt J. P. Parrv'u druc store. 50c. ntvA theso tablets a trial. You are rtrlahi n find them aeraeaiiie ana plfiyjunt Iu effect. Price, 25 cnta. Samploa tree. For Bate oy in. Stono'a drug store. . o Cnmbridgo Defeats Oxford. (United PrMa Leaacd Wire.) London, April i. The Cambridge University olght defeated Oxford in the nnnual race over tho Thames courae. Cambridge led all tho way and won by three lengtha In 19 mln uCes and 19 acconda. Tho courso waa four and ono-fourth miles. -o Mitchell, Lewis & Staver 211 te 237 SUte St. F. P. GARY. Nbtuagr Salem Brunch W1IITI5 IIRONZK MONUMENTS Never chip,, crack .tarulsu, jiuoas' or corrodo. The jcly kiud that never need cleaning. For tho truth of the abovo aoo them iu all the Salem aud many cf tho conn t y cemeterlea: some of thotn have been there fo,' ?8 years. It you want tho very bust at llvlug pice.i call on tiraddtets 458 Mill Bt. Phono US4 Salem. O' T. B. WAIT. 1 I CTtSBfft m A Henling Slve for Rums, Chappwl lianas nntl oro ivipptcs, Aa a healing salvo for burna, sorea, sore nlpplaa and chapped hands Chambenniu'a Salve Is most excellent It n-Jayt tho aln of a b iv almost Itnantly, and tin e-a tho Injury bi w severe, heali tho parts without leaving a scar. Price 25 cents. For sale by Dr. Stone's " ' Hi ' in CASTOR I A I'or Infants ani Children. Tk M You Kavi Always IncM Boars tho Iff sfsr" ."?" I 61snaturo of L&zJ. &&A44 Kenneth Howard Says Ho Knows of No Reason for Ills Apprrlicn alon, ' Kenneth Howard, who has been in chftrcrn of the Horseshoe restau rant on State atreet, la in the coun ty jail awaiting tho sheriff from Baker county, on .the charge of ob taining money under false pretenses while In Baker City. Ho profeaaes to know of no reascm for hla nrrest, and Sheriff Culver has not been In formod of tho particulars. 1 o- All Signs Must Oo, I am Inatruoted by the council ta notify all cencerned: That all signs whioh aro now created and fuapended In the city which do not conform to the pro visions of ordinance No. 552, must IiAHOi; SYNDICATE ISTB5T INTO HARDWOOD PI AND .SECURE A LUWB OF YAIAr.fIUiK TIMHBt. (United Pres Utai DnrMaml f)r AnrP f A1 unin of Oroeon lurobermM W Dr. J. A. Pettlt. of Portliti Just rotutned from Pmib.' Mini milfih ftO CXtettHt U" lion Into the hardwootf nontn alonr th? na Al tho Oregon capitalists wi inri'fi imi( of hardwoM Thi.i' nro -cruUed' Inlei: unnnn.-'olnmbla bottnd' .. . Ait4 . ..ort tiint tney i i Bjmi.tf of hardwwd te ' flno stand of hannwd tter wtir not attempt to ws ncunerly for ae ,wr A T.rpnfT.tMr St9 , .., hav jwt ;'; rear neaun " " .,r8,fikli nuCKln rti'v- --- fc 5 mo cf bleeding p. SITyb.1 UVIWXJ" " i ."M Salve h' '"i,h9 burna, wound and ar flrae. 35C t C "" atro .. . lM1 .r W H If pastor .U P - " 7:30 p. ro th a",rt the Wotu' rr society. Mrs. p. - ,, lug. Mn. " jj will give ; a .peaKer AH aro cordlaw ,B' a.' 3 bo forthwith removed. AV. A. MOORES, 4-4-31 Recorder. ... ,. , o-. A Iviiorker .. . trnm In anv is a man wny cuu.i " w." ",-,t I person or thing. It's a habit cauaert by a disordered liver. If yn" things through blue spectacles, trea. your liver to a good cleaning out process with Ballard'a Heroine. A aure rnre for constipation, dyapop ala, indigestion, sick headache, nu lousness, all liver, stomach and bow el troublea. Sold by all druggists. Plenty " . flH br 1"". IS CUU- - . nnt DO uvoi - - . a .hA Hiiti v- ... ?!f"V.h.l brla?. ,,U.O" " ., - IJ( j l)r- K,n!flVstbtd'' C. Perry diofj1 u.. elta M tw Ha 25BRgM 7 Ltt'ART-."3 ?i n,rbM. iWrji w. - . vwm lent. Or"; - Rj :v and o of wetgM 1 1 " -TZ.A mWIU YSTU- ,n ar Pf tW. will In ..,5tfl.i UM"U i