DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THUHSDAY. Al'MIi 2. lOOtt H HOUSE BUILDING CAMPAIGN IS ON iMAIUOX COUNT I HORSE SHOW APRIL 4th Tha emu.!.. -."" ..'VEI'lrih. today and a .proved Sa passed mnnv ;..m"y brt, court also appo 'n 'd g? ! roy road supervisor t?0?' W r T". - Ul, FJ i Will attract many thousands of people, so will the Spring Styles of superior grade of merchandise shown by this Big Store on that day, Saturday, April 4th. You will be one of the judges and carefully in spect our Spring showing before buying your Spring wear Good goods cost less than inferior merchandise shown elsewhere; review the showing in our windows which will be at especially low prices for Horse Show Day Saturday Only ....... You will have (ho opportunity to ooloct from our complete ntook of spring dread goods at Special Prices 800 Window Dlpplny. Saturday Only . New Fancy Hosiery All the Leading Colors Illondlnou, Pink, Sky, Nnvlos, Drosdon UIiuub, Kronoh Muss, Kd Vlolot', Green, Grey, Tnn Striped TmiB, Whlto and Wack; nl-o n compluto assortment In Illnclc nnd Tnn Inco hoflo, Children's Hose In niaok nnd Tnn, Rod, Whlto Pink nnd Uluo, plain or fancy, 25c pair Not Friday or Monday. You enn cIioobo from o,ur entire lino of women's light weight underwear at Special Prices Bellas and Belting Of nny doBlrablo shndo to mnlah new spring coAtumos In olMtlo or lonthcr. lloltlng by tho yard in nil col or; uluo novolty belting, Moire nnd SwnHtlkn. Veils Or tho most wnntod colors nnd uotH Inrgo prominent dots, nt spo olal prices, Ilorso Show dny. Saturday Only Light, fluffy, flimsy wash fab rics in tho most unique patterns nnd colorings for tho ultra mod ioli wash tailored suits. Especially Low Priced Horse Show Day Embroidered Stiff Collars AH Biases, 2fic, 3(ic, 40c, Gfic. Lnco Rtock with bows, J1.00. Fancy lace colloru, GGc, 7rc, $1. ISmbroldarcd JnbotH, a He, fiOc. Lace JabotB, 7Gn nnd $1.00. Embroidered collar nnd cuff sots, 7Gc, $1.25 and $2.00. 10 m bio I do reel turnover collars, 25c, 3Gc, 40c to $1.00. Now lino of fancy bows, all col on, Side nnd 3(5c. Not bowB, 3 Re. All at Special Prices Horse Show Day I 3n 6&, led. J J lei e 14 6 zjxynA INCORPORATED , Saturday Only Men's ycung men's and boys' high grade clothing. Clothing that looks well, wears well and fits well, nt speclnl prices. Horse Show Day Women's Tailored Suits Of latest Now York style, in tho new pointed nnd pony Jackets with klmotm or mlkndo sleeves, trimmed with volvot braid to match in many n;v shades, fltripos and chocks, will bo on sale Home Show day nt special prices. The action taken, at the recent mooting of tho board "of trado, ap pointing a committee to canvass the town to secure tile building of houses Is an important one, nnd'tho work Is progressing , favorably. Tho com mlteo wishes to appeal to ovory prop erty owner nnd resident of Snlem to Recti re tho building or houses as rapidly as possible, and any ono having a lot ' or desir ing to build a house would do well to confer with tho secretary. Many of our best bttslness people nfo coming, to the sttrfneo with proposl tlono to put up houses, and tho com- niittoo Js meeting with splendid sue CC8S. Mr. Spaiuldlng, manager of tho sawmills, says ho Is prepared to put up several immediately. J. II. Al bert, of the Capital National bank, will also glvo tho mattor a lift. P. M. Brown, of tho Sash & Door fac tory Id ready to do hh part. G. H. Hinges expecto to begin a new- up-to-dato roltago for rent very soon. Q. W. Johnson, the clothier, offers tn furnloh any ono -jvltha lot nnd tho material If they will build tho house, and give a roaconablp length of tlmo to pny for tho samo on tho Install ment plan. Ho ban 50 lots In west Salem nnd 22 lots In one of tho ad dition? to Snlom proper, nnd ho is willing to furnish nil these lots, and in many Instances building material, to peoplo who wish a homo on tho Installment plnn. P. W. Stcusloff Is !nronarl to put up revernl houses. O. P. Kurtz Is also in lino for a fow housoi to rent; and a number of pro fessional peoplo and retired business nun aro roady to do their part. Salem has very fow vacant houses nt prrsont, and tho demand Is gront. Everybody is glad Hint tho houses of tho town nro filled up, nt tho samo t'mo with scores of now families com ing In It Is almost as bad to havo too fow vacant houses os too many. Persons interested in building houses or ranting houses will do well to cnll nt tho board of trado rjioniB for fur thor Information on tins subject. o Jlriiur Vh Your suit nnd lot us clonn It be foro Raster. Johnson & Steep, next door to Journril. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Tho, most helpful pnttornu to tho home drossmnker, 10c and 25c pattern uoctlon. I Clean Them What? Wntcho's. A. 13. Garner, for 20 yoara with. 8. W. Thompson & Co., stand now In Unas' drug store, Stato etreot. i M Flguri "With you on "your Interior wood work If yet nro thinking' of build ing thin spring. A. M. Ilenson, fnc. tory co-nor Mill and Church streets. , i o IKHIN M'DOWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Cuy McDowell, at the Willamette Sana torium, oarly this morning, a daughter. City News Wntlu'r- Hhomrw tonight or lrtl4iy, o. o. o. HmptIiiI Sale uorso snow naiv-mo variety storo, 204 N. Commercial strout. J o. o. Try Writing to Me And boo If I cannot save you money on any atooK you want to buy. P. O. box 10, Portland, Ore 3.4-lm o. o. o. Hpimlnl IJnto to Hugeitc Oregon stato oonvoutlon Young Womon's QhrlHttnu association to he hold nt Hugono, Or., April 3, 4, ft, 1906. For tho above oomulou, a raW of ono nnd third fare on tho osrtltl. cato plan is authorized. Win. Me Murraj,, General Passenger ARont. a-acot. New Stock of tires. Frank J. Mooro. , 0. o. o. llomcopathlst Dr. L. G. Altmnn. OfUco nnd roal douco 290 Liberty atruot, Salem. 3-5-lm O. O. J. Ilo You XiH'tl A whool. See Prank J. Moore. Do You Want the Host.? Watqh repairing done In Saltm? Than roniBinbr 1 glvo my poreonnl uttuntlou to such work nnd a pool tlvo gunrnntoe goo with all my work. You'll Ond my prlcos reasonable. Wntohoa sold on Installment. 0. H. Hlngos, wntohmnkor, 123C out moraln) street. O. U,Q. Act Quickly House for salo for $200. Knqulro fcjpnuldlng Logging Co. d 2000 ltoynl Ann Tro For 8lo. 34 to G foot, nt 20 conts Knuulro of S. P. Klmbnll. No. 2 Gry b!ork. Snlpin, Or. 3-17-tf I Surpassing Beauty Makes thl Oxfonl apart from the common lot. Its outllnog aro oxtrmly gracoful. It la ohnrac trlsed by atylo that will win t wttlUdosorvod favor In nny wo uma't oyefl. A shoo that can bo wora wltk conndancd In its abso lute eorroctnesa. Juxt quo, of tho many popular tyls of " LEAKING LADY SHOES CiiHtoin-Mnilo by C, l. Portl Shoe Co. Tho trado murk Idoivtlflmi their worth. Thoy aro shoo that wear long and wall oomfortablo from tho first and stylish to tho finish. Wo havo them In tan, patont kid nnd gun metal. Also tho U. P. Smith shoes. A very trim and qmnrt shoo sllahfy munnlsh In Koct . Mon's tan, patent, colt nnd guu metal Oxfords, all sizes, al IwIdthB. Also boys' nnd iuImoh' oxforda. SALEM SHOE STORE l Special Kii'lCMlny Horsn Show day on all linos at Tho Variety store, 2C4 N. Coinmor clal Btreot. c. c. c. For Hall Slxty-flvo aorus, onoOialf mile from station oil Salom-Portlaud oloctrlc lino all In cultivation; 30 acres hops, flno soil. PrlQQ, Inoludlng crop, GO0O. Soo Darby & WIHson. 3-30-3t a c. o. Frsah today Toasted Mnshmellowa nt Zl nn's. Flash today the finest ninrsh mallowa you tvor saw at Zlnn's. o. o. o. Hotter Ltt Uk-?- Ovorhnul your whool. Frank. J, Mooro. w- V.V.C, lloi-so Show Day Dargalns at The Varloty storo, No. 264 N. Conunaroial straot. C C. ( BJJ?" y W MM I AROUND THE LOCAL DIAMOND By. Jock lAlfalfal G. W,T ItKl'AimXO A SPKOIAIrV, T. Maplc'thorpo M M Hay s M Jus: rerlvl a lrg carlgadjlf J of the tlnM luo' Vir offeroil 5 J in the city. Th tu-los t as low ? any utasr footl hay and tho jjj Z viUty WHHOt Us oqualed,? Z l T a few balas. m "What will tho harvost bo," U what tho Salem bnsoboll fans nro now doping for tho "Chorry Pick org." "nig" Dnvo Edwards will certainly bo tho first mnn on tho first plnco nt tho Snlsm ond of tho Trl-Clty league if ho conducts hlmsolf In tho samo innnnor ho did whon a member ofl Jny McCormlck's Clots nt Tmrono' Inst yonr. "Huff" Lucas will again adorno thO cantor hrtln tllla UMsnn wttli nil kinds of ntw wireless massages forj nip uiirKHiop. -mill" was on mo high rond fivo yonrs ago In tho pitch ing clrcios with n rnttllnj? good bnt Mnw nverago to boot, and ho is said to be right thore for fair again th's pfu"on. Tho new baseball park which hns boon laid out for tho Snlem Trl-Clty leaguers to capor on. Is now almost completed and by Sunday It wll In tho pink of condition to play on. Lorgor grandstand nnd bleachers hriVo bMn erfcted nnd tho outflsld extondod 'Mrthor out. .Too Tenbo. one of tho foxy horse hldo grnbbors of Chemawa, will pnr Mclnato in noxt Sunday's game be hind th bat. His first nppearanoa upon tho diamond In Jhls cltv thl season will no doubt be grooted with "Toabo'd a'got It." a phraso earned by him through hh actlvonoss In mi'llng down seemingly Impossible, high fouls whtti u'ay'ng backstop for" uiw uNgiNiir- rour years ngo. Fine Home for Sale Party with cosh better investi gate. Price reasonable. Address It, care Journal much Important busiBl ttk transacted tomorrow L celved' a telcnhon J"01"! George Hoyt.SS,"!? has had h! YbIp bflluVfH "uer a inps of is .. ' I saw her husband RLyf?. together until 1893 Thcnl. SllKht dlsmiln. !,!,fcnnl ,bld his wife gooo.br ZT I bCOIl hnnr.l ,.f .1... 70 M til 1 n,1 ;"".."' "U?F- ThSftJ Dilblishoil mm if u- 1 U,T.M Hl 'may answer It ana ,'N ino nr.rion m t. a :...' nronortv. - "ioniai, r ' ji: SEEKING HEMON'StS. PAVING LlllEHTTttJ Aldermnn Hni,-.- i"" fnrfho nnvln - t il.. ''' Bint n in r. V:nL?ufll 1 some nr1?;i,"r;r..,?I.rM1D? gumont to sccuro signers U 1 V .I ;u",l""y Will MilWf, nlnnk their imri !.-.... .." S." .!!!I8.l'e-0!1. Uor t wiiiS . v,uii -uwi. mat u not lb. 1 Tho Htrnnt rnmmlli.. ... .1" trie company have a skotd . mont for the permanent lnsBj mnilt nt nvnrv tnt .f it. .7 ' ....... , ,uul Vl mt nihl tracks according to ipcclftas mm uru HuuBiaciory to both In addition tho city cobkII b signed wnlver of nil rights f b st. ti uuuiiMiuy una anacr in fon charter, nnd furthrr the tin company doo not want to pat lv tlltll.AltAHinHl 4t.Ki I. iiuiMuti;iiii-iii iinu ig not ictcn to its own specification, Thfji allowed to plank iho crotikj w. ., ....u vaii tliwi vnilM Bcuro th materials for potdid oniy uu iefi last year wobM uiuoo iintk vuuiiuuy iiuvuicij fi; nnrl If tt'no rtltli . tni a ..at. v ....a .. ju.l AUU lUUiW to allow thorn to fix their trtcktc tuiiijiuriini-, 11 ine iircft U n.no1,1 nil nt 4V.nl. .... I..I.J inu.vu Mil ui liivtl ln ikc.11 tho crossing of Court street tffl n..t I lit. ..II. 111. 1 V.I.L .. . inii. 111 vuii iiriuvu unci w ' vi v.v, 0- O. C. C. MONEY TO W TH03.K.1 Over Lndd k Durh'i Bsnk,Ss? M I NEW TODA S)sjMf SJtH9IIIMSH For Snlc Largo bodr sol crado aecond-growlb fir, 1417 or 1283. Downing i l-WH For Sale Several houses Is I nnd farm 'nnds nt absxpls. If-.l Mntlnnnl Hank. f'U Norwich Union Fire 4 Insurance Society Frank .Meredith, Itfsideut Agent. Ofllco with Win. Urown & Co., No 29 Commercial street. For Silt' 1-1 good 10s" fl of oach box. Enquire fi i Crawford, Route 1. u Phono 2x4. w Wrtigct" & Cherrlngton-PUW ..., o Talnnhnne 1151 Commercial street. Sktt A Special Dance Will be ij" W. L. Wnde's hall Saturfij .! ...ii i PtorrOE IJW ing, ajiiii i- " ... For Sale Three Star olJ JM KHbraSw and Turner streets or .. I Wllllnms. box S, SUei D. A. WHITE & SONS Catarrh C-annot lie Cured. with loeal amplication, as they onn iiot roHoh th? st of tho dlsoasa. Csurrh U a blool or OQnst'ttitlonkl dfewis. and In order to cure It you must take Internal riusdla. Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally. Md acts illroctly on the blood and iiiucoug surface HtWn Catarrh tare Is not a qusek modlclno. It waa urtsrrihAil lv n. i. i... pbyslclsas In this country for yoars and Is s regular prsserlption. It is cotnpotKhl of tho boat topics known. Qomblned with the boat blood purl nors. acting directly on tho mucous lrUcm: ,T' iwfeot combina tion of the two Ingredients i what produce HCh rondorfu! ro sm18 in curlug Catarrh. Sond for testimonials t led'' a CHKXBY & W- pl".. Tt- Sold bv llrneirltfc- ,'l.. "r Good Time To have your wliaal overhauled- Ut us do It for yqti. We do s brrt work nnd hnve thy bit of eterytliftss fgr tho bltygls. AH Wads of Uw. rtiH. oto. llttd. BEST WORK AT HONEST PRICES Frank J. Moore 447 Court Street Phone 36S 255Com'ISt. Phone 160 -nT H1,B pnwi'V Pills for con- J hiU ill. n I'M 1 U I H milililllh - -