WmMtHWWWHIMMWHDmw JPAJLYQAl'ITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1008 Wrwp1 r prT-i r i j wumwumwitav CARPET RALLY jLaonual sale of remnants jrt the carpets and linco leani departments will take bee today and during the twwkKjerof the week at prices that should appeal to tvejy economically inclined 1 woman in Salem. Unques tionably the greatest carpet saving sale we have ever held. Come early and avoid the rush, but don't forget to measure your rooms. ORKGONIAN ROASTS RAUUt AND PRIEST. I'rlncvlllo Review Takes n Fnll Out of the Indiscreet Occupants of tlio Tail Tower. Tapestry Brussels in pleasing floral and oriental designs, reg- ilar 85c,now . . 58c yd Tapestry Stair, green, regular SL3S, now . . l.uu Tapestry, blue and white, reg ibr $l.35,now . $.00 Tapestry, oriental design, reg ular $1.10. now . .90c! Tapestry, regular $1.00, now ... . 75c 1 Axminster, floral design, reg Ular $1.35, now . $1.00 j Velvet, regular $1.10, now ' . . . 85c I --edaWaWMMMlBMaWBMMaBMBJWMWaB HIIMMW(MWMWimmWml is rr a joii AGAINST PEOPLE RATTLE WITH COYOTES I MI a Stale Convention Iteforo Uli0 J;""",!?' AY?,IMn? J8 , At,ackci1 (lie 1'rlninrhs Are ll,lt Sho W,,H Victorious rn,.,i ir. i. d. wimwmi, wnu uvua un -tho M. Wlngflold, rouch near .Adel, i'-i ho RmubHcnn ltnto nnm. hi fta 'i hRU tho stnto con mm i Aril lr, a im8 been In- F the tlmo would lio nvnen.1. IJllDr' It looks VPrv Tilllnli I Urn J a Jlspn-Hion to "lob" ho ;Kop in Oregon by calling the """' i T' when gufllclont s annr-t no Fhh )o given nil . ! a fun pxprowlon of Bon "sardlns who lmll be next 'Medlr the rank and file of wuwans do not Thoy nro for i" or anbodv .. ,m -... i ei1 a "Prosed to Tuft bo wowvet fam him .i m.-. El mirhlna ... ' . llUfHiAn .1 wrB agninsi "bo Preside in wants. Why? SS2" ?,"nn ?n! tho chief we do not got ai011g WB to. . Uh known that 4hero has tofSnmJit f(?e,,ng brtweon 'w or some tinii. n.wi .-. i 'thatulton hatoa '' in h Is honrt lint n . -: " '' t fcr.a.7 . . ' l"l0 "ad 'Hoth,,?f,tl.ie 8atlon ono performod ono of tho moBt daring tents Tuosdny morning of this week, that It has boon our oxnorlonco to chronlclo In this country. Shortly nftor her husband had loft tho house for his day's work on that morning:, u coyoto enmo to tho chlokon yard and mado n raid on tho chickens. Mrs. Cnldwoll wont to chnso tho coy oto nwny, not bollovlng that a coyoto would nttnek a pocaon. But sho was surprised when tho thing took after lior. Sho started to runtrlppod and foil prono on tho cround. Tho coy TIIU CL'RKNCItV AND man misat nttcics (From Into financial circular of J. S. Bacho & Co.) 1-3 very yoar tho cattlo ralsors proparo to put up catlo for tho win tor, providing fodder for tho cold sonnon, and buying up loan cattlo whorovor thoy can find thorn. Last Octobor thoy started In to do this, but suddenly the panic broke Thy worn unnblo to got currency from tho banks to ninko tholr purohasoe, of foddor nnd oofs. Furthor than that 4 hoy woro mnnlilo to buy food for tho cnttlo thoy alrojvdy hrd, and woro compelled to Bell somo of thorn. Thoro Is not ono-thlrd of tho norm al supply of snoop and cnttlo this spring. Prlcos of moot are ascend Tho assaults now being mndo by tho Port'and Orogonlnn upon tho IIo brow nnd Catholic mlnlstrv of Port land nro shocking to the sensibili ties or nil Accent, thinking cltlzons. And nil ba cauco two eminent di vines of thoso donomlnntlonn anw m to rnlso thoir voices In dofonso of tnotfupremo court of California In n recont decision from that honored court. Such Journalism should bo, and is, condosend by all thinking pooplo. It things havo como to Buch a pass horo in Oregon that our loading minlstors of the gospol cannot speak a word of conaorvatlsm touching too relbald anarchistic criticisms of our higher court so common now days, without laying themaolves liable to such a pleco of blackguard no appeared in a loading editorial of last Sunday's edition of tho Portland Orcgonlan, in God's namo Is It not time that tho yellow dog press of this state was condomnod by all decent, loyal qitl clttaens. No man enn bo loyal to hln stato and tho community In which ho lives and countonanco Bttch conduct on tho part of tho press of tho state. Both Rabbi WIbo nnd Father Yorko couched their crltlcUm of thoso who hod so rnpldly condemned tho su premo court of California In dlgnined nnd conservative announcement. Thoy wero ontlroly within both thor civil and rollglouB rights In bo doing. Entertaining and voicing bucIi vlows as aro commended by a largo major ity of tho thinking people of Oregon, this BlandoroUB censure of tho Oro gonlnn upon thorn doos oven greator vlolonco to tho feollng of tho pooplo of Oregon than to tho ministry which thoy respect, Biipport and honor. Such Journalism nerves to furnish LAZY LIVER "I And Cerll to -rood Hint I woot.t not b WlUionl I tliain. I w IronbUa k sr.nl 1aI with torpid llvtr and Uen.lacLe. Knr line ikklnr CMUnUrOlUMil 1 reltT7iinctibUr I thMI eeVtulnlr reomnind them to tur (tUud i tlis bit mUleliia 1 lmr er ru." Ann nlnt. Oibotn MU1 No. I, Fll RUtt, MM. Best For TU-. 1 I- r i0r urouuweiB T CAHDYCATTUrVriC FleMtal. rlMbl. Polenj Tuaod,Dnft4, K.ror Blefcen. Wkn at Urf pillc. Me. he. N.T.f old In balk. Th eonnln lb!. Umt.d O OO. UaarnaUwt to euro or xar inontr ittk. Sterling Remedy Co., Chlcco or N.Y. tut ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION I0XES TO OWNERS OF HORSES The undorslgnod is prepared to break, hnndlo and dovolop roadstors and trotting horsoa. For tcrmB of board and caro" apply to SAM OASTO, Fair Grounds, Or. g oeMiigaf wmwm Gold Dust Flout HOTELS AND RESTAURANTi. UH HIIIH1UHHI Hltl The t White House Restaurant For RegHlur 1 25c Dinner at 20c I Thoy cun't bo bent McGikhrist & Son Proprietor. t-i 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H tH4t 9 ma rvtmwn ymyaiii Cull Had try Hmm. Mta lBc Bord per veek 11.lt, also furnished reMoiwbls. AT TMM WW rerr Salem Restaurant MEALS T5c wiiMimnimiimmii Made by THU UYDXZT TOW. KB COMPANY, Sidney, Oregoa. Mado for faiaiW uh, Ask toot good ground for tho fast growing bo- f grocer for it. Brut and orti lief in tho abridgment of what aro 'I -!. i.,-.i linw rnnuhlorn,! Mm rlchia f H.a I miTnl7 nO P. B. Wallace AGENT I fcMMHMiBWgWU iiiiiiniiinnimiiimj i ELI IE HOTEL I Robtaurant and hotel, on . European plan. Moats at all ! hours on abort ordor. Roeular dlnnor 25 cents. Thirty new ly flnlshod furnlshod rooms. B. KCKERLKN, Prop. 148 Commorclal St. 9H:l ' !.UJ!LLU U 'Jtfcfcfcfctt WMIr Pickets, Oatoe, Multbold Roofing, P. & B. Rondy Roofing All at lowest prices. CIIAS. D. MULLIGAN oto Jumpod on top of her aud sank J lng nm, wlsl stny hBi,. This is ono his tooth in hor bronBt. Sho grabbod , of tho roa, aisasters worked out Mr. uoyoio uy mo inroni wuu n doath grip, and chocked it to douth. Tho coyoto's tooth woro fnstonod In hor clothing and she succeodod In ovorpoworlng him nnd nevor loosod hor grip until hor dospcrnte victim was doad. and dead to stay. Tho coyoto wns skinned, and Mrs. Cold through our curroncy systom. It 1b n strong nrgumont for n propor re vision of tho curroncy. In plnco of this propor revision wo have a mons- tiro, pn toll oil togethor by politicians, expensive, Inadoqunto, unolentlflc, obstructive In operation, Intlntlon- now consldorod tho rights of tho press. Tho authors nnd publishers of such Insulting trash should feol tho brldlo of the law tho lnw ;ho final Inltinrolorft nf whlnh ihnv tin furiously conauro la their columns $ nimost tinny. Talk about rospect for tho law and tho courts. Tnlk ohmtt a strict com- pllanco with recent Interpretations Cl- P.. ll, of our land laws. Talk about purl- balCITI TenCe WOrKS fylng Oregon politics and Oregon politicians. What right has the Port- Hondnunrtcrs for Woven Wire land Orogonlnn to 80t Itsolf up ns nj Fencing. lonenrr or rnyming mat is moral; Netting, mi'uiiiiK niivi io kuuu uiuiur in mor n's or rthlc. with Its record of want on and slundorouB attack upon any thing or anybody who lmpponB to run counter to IU whims? It now hns a kick comlnc both at tho oupromo court of tho United! Successor Stnles and tho Bupromo court of Cnl- WAITKR MORLHY. Ifornln. Tho United States Bonato -0 1, t Ht H , n now gotB a rost and ovon tho bones, l'"rt Ht Bl,ltn, rt of Mltcholl aro allowod brief iinuao in which to ro-nflspmblo thomsolvos In ' tholr narrow coll. Tho country nrosa TVQuFlr TTtTt? a term applied as a mnrk of ro-1 vlAt Z.tvild prorca upon nny occasional word or protoat throughonit the stnto, Is fangod and thrown nilde, AHido with tho little widow Waymlro and hor lat ost victim now plump Ilguro, rosy ohook, l'ght gray frock nnd nil It Is or tunromo court and anybody who upholds It thnt hns to submit to being nimost dally emonrod all over with tho vomit of the Orogonlnn now. Cnn such ungodly course ondim Indefinitely? No, not In first place Way down toward tho foot li wlioro such ontorprl-io belongs nnd whoro tho Portland Orogonlnn will land In duo courso so surely ns tho sun i-Ibch, mark yci, unless thero la n rndlci! chnngo In Its insnno mouthing" FUNARCE as a Eouvonlr of tho curdling oxporlnec of Lnkevlow Examiner. n ? '"at he began Dentil Wns On UU Herts. Joieo P. Morris, of Skippors, Vn.. had a closj o?U In tho spring of nn- IflAf" Tin on. .a. I ' A r ntlnnlr nf .. .. IfUU. I1D SU1 3. t ULVllbn Ut t that nfiwVn0ni;U80!; imouMonla loft mo so veak nnd with fcnpoi.ib5 tortun had BUl tenrtul cough thr.t ray frlon-ls lldr . tur .tirUankStO ,W.r.lnroft r-nnBinnntlnn hftrt 1110. nnd LU1 1D t cronn i inhi"0"8 P"unilod to t.y Dr. King's Now 6,181 'or Roomwi ,3 an Discovery. It helped r.e ImmoJiato- Sarht deno"nce suoh ac- - SJW WOUId not lMf- v " " wn worked , Im J1 ThU convention' ip.ji . ' '"08- Fulton lrM a-6 h -u , mf Bt be'ore the fC -r r. d'1 ?? Wth a con-' ,vwoL' ,r hu Wad of peo-' . .. Ul 'I'fwion about tec-r. ... . I 1 ." '- THO bMl rhlnwl mit.- - "a. f-5. -JA V.V h Nm,. V.""""lo Is sent tn nrv ntifl amd tn lifirifr frnnliln in flin well will undoubtedly k.eep the hldo j ona' Thfi ,8 tho AIdlrch nUl, which I nf amended and again nmondod under her Hie. .j)r0ssuro from every direction whore (polltlnnns desired somo privilege, has booome a botch potoh of legislation. And tills Is what is olTorod to tho American nation as a romedy for tho disastrous exporlencoa which they havo been ondurlng on account of n deffctlvo curroncy system. Tho bill, as at first presented, had one redeomlng clauso. the ono which struck off tho provision In tho na tional lnw, allowing only 0 millions of notes to bo cnncellod each month, and making cancellation free to any uraount. In the shuttlecock fight to ploaso ovorybody, In tho senate, this clauio has ben nmondod xtwt of ex istence, loavlng tho present cast Iron clamp, on redemption, In opera tion. A wordy debate on the pawago of tho b'U through tho senate Is now taking place and tho spectacle Is pre sented of handling a groat economic question like a cock fight. Whoro tho mature aud calm deliberation of ex perts should prtvall. a vital Isbuo Is being aottlod puroly on pollctlcal 'ln's by man Ignorant of tho baste prtneli)l of finance, and without roferene to the unerring laws of trade. lv nnil flfir i .klni tw nnd ii half the bott'os I was a woll mnn again. I E .. .1 ."r"l -" ' i ?n i aa lu". "w wmmlttee. & Putan' a"OHlco h0Jd-. found out thut New Discovery la "J" ' ed thi. "con,",onda- n,fl boat ro'mody for coughs and lung ft itt..an.un the Peoplo.cuRr'.ntro nt j. c. Perry's druK - U t m . hilt mirch"8el ' store. 60c and MOO. Trial bottle ui TP. eryoneBhouIdifroo. Tf" nn ,?r'e w'hof i!l! i"-iarlft8 and ion is from Baker r " fc?'V" of XTia 4 . " ai '- ? ffc. 1LUH 'Mher every tn 'e eimnlv & h"uscJ?--q o or enron c 4a n !.. iU h raa nn infQ- ( r'kiii...j . ;a cf r.""i. me fra To.dlt Is U ,.r" r'tf Glv lr I .. VC F. , .., v r'irti... v joursair ,. ' Ur Stone's drug No matter how honest and careful your grocer may be, he cannot guarantee the quality of his Coffee; the manufacturer must do that. J.Arnir.FniCn fflPM tS-v COFFEi Folger's Golden Gate is of uniform strength and quality always latisfactoiy. Aroma-tigh tins-Never in bulk. Grind it at home Not too fine. J. A. Folrfejr A C. StM Iarlac Dog's Cold Nose U a Jgn of htallli. but wrm nwemcmicXdo. Doctors jude a do$ by W noft end a man by hli handi. Folki with coldtundj ntd Scott's Emulsion CoW hende often mn- tWn blood, low vitality and poor feeding. SCOTT'S EMULSION haj warmth and viUIHy and feeding power (n R, In con sumption and other waetJng dlieaMi it fcedi the btood and gtots the power to produce ntsti. u it it it it it tt All Dnif(UU SOe. and I.OO. rHeaeHeeeKaBeeBHeexeeH JBBT'BHBBBt BBBkPBbHBBH IIibVKSbCA l fl(w e77BBBBM t (W Pflafwv JmMiUm vxiyMBPK0Baa1 HOTEL OREGON i Cor Seventh nnd Btnrk Sts. Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $ I per day and up. European plan. Free Bus WRIGIIT.WGKINSON HOTEL CO. Proprietors Majf nmBitaf H II lllllllllll lllllll 114-f : The :: Horseshoe Restaurant ! '. 333 Stnto Stroot. I) has oponcd under tho formor ! ! old mnnngomoat. '' Bcst 2Qc Mcal '" Ci : : McKENNETII IhOWARD, Prop. J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii' Object to Strong Medicines. Many (op! objoct to taking tho strong medlolnea usually prescribed by physician for rhoumatlem. Thre is no need of internal treatmont la and caeo of muscular or chronic rheumatism, and more thnn nine out of every tea cases of the disease ire tof ono or the other of these varie ties. When there la no fevor and lit tle (If any) swelling, you may know I that it Is only uocoBiary to apply (Chamberlain's Liniment freely to pet quick reMof. Try it. For sa!o by Dr. Stone's drug store. BtutO yIbi iW f Hiw Aln BgM Tho ubovu cut rppresenU brick llnod Torrid Zono Purt Ouarantocd gui, atnolto and d.ut proof. Econotnlcul nnd durable. A. L. FRASER 2.1H BTATR flTEI?T. Entlmatea furnished on boating Strong and Health), Pouftr y 'Sn"'fr''yKtyK ooivMioMr SPRING SHOES i? i i.m k : "." TO Mil. hk B.r.n.,.1 K ''.'- ""( . ..4'K.w0'll4l Kit it l. Ht4W.i.Il(, "i FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. lur ti'tniinMgnu:iiKm. Bwu i Itv i (.NITIUMCOICKLCO., ox 74, UNCttrc. P.. 'Sold in Sacn by Dr. S. C SforJ HCLLfSlru u Reeky Mounlain lea Hugn?i A BV.v UiiitiM hi B'.7 T.f::t Br Jl 8o1jb H!lli autl Rtd Vir A '-iJ;f r" 'lixI'wWl-. I J 'fWioc I :e I Krtic Trim!, . II if!- t: v sjm I ifor H ..i 11! !),. HI.,!. r'. :i U l(-..lu.li ii1 fcUoUitclw. li'4 Ii ; Moii.tib irtiiimb ! form. Ki frnlv , )yx (i-iriliw m via I) H i.-irui I'M" l .kp.t, JIuJU...!. Wi. nflLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE CHICHESTER'S PILLS W --. . rut: ut wxvsu uiumi. : Hv Ao rCrsaW rCJf tin iii. Bhoos for an minor woar. Just re ceived. A big Bhlp'mont of tho latent stylos and shapoe; mou's, boys', la dloa uad ohlldron's. Tonhlu b1ioob and light shoos. Easy and comfort- able houao slippers, Jacob Vogt IU5 Stato Street. Huloni, Oregon fnVii '-.'- '"ii'u-i J Iir-.V K ZVJ'.J tv. mm-4 h' l w .f. V. fA Sos y?3 Tat p r-i,tr. War t . tur " Vv Kt """r' Iuun nuvMi I'fLtA. ijtt 7uikm.-.ifcit.Ulut.AUinKtU: solo ey naiTiGisrs nmwjk If you feed Co&Ioii'm Improved MiibIi Kgg Food Your bona will be cackling over freah laid eggs, throe tlmoa as many ad thoy would lay without this food. You will help yoursclvos and help us If you do your buying in our line from us. Good Htoraturo on poultry raisin; freo, TILLSON & CO. ! I mm rW 161 HIGH ST Phono 13 SALEM WATER COMPANY OFPIOJB CITY JCALL. For water service asply at oMce Sllle payable swstaly U advaBM PIoe Ml. THK HKHT ItOAHT TJIR FVMJ LY KVEft 1IA1J Can bo obtained from our prime '.ender aud Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats are selected from the choicest, and prepared for be tablo to suit the demand of the fastidious. Our prlcos are lower for quality than you can Sad at any place la Salem, K.O. OROS, 70te , V