') DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALKM, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1008 THE FREE PASS BILL FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS Imtiztire and Refcreodtim Meaisiites to Vote OnNo. 6 The sixth in tho list of proposed initiative) and referendum meaBiiors to bo voted on by tho people in Juno 3ms to do with tho enactment of a statute compelling itho railroads nnd common carriers to prvido freo pass es for state and county officials. Tho appearance of tho measure on tho ballot will bo a follews: Referendum ordered by potltion of tho peeple: For nn act requiring railrods nnd other common carriers in crnnt freo transportation ito stnto officers and county Judgos and sher iffs, as a condition precedont to ac quiring land for corpornto purposes by tho oxorclso of cminani domain, end to prohibit tho payment of mile age for such freo transportation. Voto yos or no. 310, yos; 311, no. Tho mcasuro was first passed by iho legislature at tho last session after a blttor fight. It was vetoed by tho governor and passed over his objection. It was then sont to tho pooplo by tho reforondum. Tho toxt of tho moasuro is as follews: An net to rogulato tho appropria tion of land for corpornto purposed, and to roqnilro tho grant of person al right during their term of ofneo to ptibllo officials to travol ovor transportation lines at' a condition precedent to tho right of notion for tho condemnation or land ami to prohibit payment of mlloago for Btich freo travol. Uo It Ennetod by tho Pooplo of tho State of Oregen: Section 1. "Whonovor any corpora tion authorized by law to approprl nto lands, rlul't of way. right to cut timber or to crona or connect with nnothor railway, or othor rights or canemontn In lands, Is unable to; agroo with tho owner "thereof an to tho componsntlou to ho paid thoro-j for, or if such owner bo absont from , tho ntato, uuch corporation may( mnintam an action in mo circuit court of tho stnto of Oregon for the proper county ngalnst paid ownor for tho purpoio of having such lands, right to cut tlmbor, right of way. or to cross or to connect with another railway, or othor right or pasomont, appropriated to Its uso for dotormln ing tho compensation tq bo pnld to eucli ownor therefor, an provided In chaptor II of title XLI or Bolllngor and Cotton's annotated codes and atatuloB of Oregon; provided, howov r, that as a condition precedent to tho right to Instltuto or enrry on much action In any court in tho oxor clap of tho right of eminent domnln as provided by Inw, tho corporation coking to npproprinto landB, right of way, right to cut timber or to cross or connect with nnothor railway, or othor rlRht or oosemont In lands, must file with tho secretary of state of tho stato of Oregon, a certificate granting to tho ofllcers hereinafter named, during itheir respective terms of ofllce, tho right and privilege of freo transportation over any and all railway lands owned, operated, or controlled by said corporation with in tho stato of Orogon. Tho fact of the act of filing such cortlflcnto as hereinbefore provided nniBt bo sot forth in the first pleading filed by mien corporations In the action horo- Inbeforo provided for. Sec. 2. Prom nnd aftor tho fllelng of tho certificate mention r.1 In sec tion 1 of this act, all the following stnto, district nnd county offlcorB of tho itato of Orogon, to-wlt: Gover nor, secrotnry of state, Btato treasur er, attornoy-genornl, superintendent of public Instruction, stnto printer, Oregon dairy and food commissioner, gamo and forestry warden, fish com missioner, nfnto health officer, stato onglneor, stato land ngont, tho mom bora of tho legln'ntlvo assembly of tho stato of Orogon, tho Judges of tho supremo court of tho Btato of Oregon, tho circuit Judges, tho pros ecuting attorney, and tho county judges and sheriffs of each county shall during tho tonne of tholr re spective ofllcoa, hnvo tho right and privilege, by vlrtuo of their ofTlco to froo transportation within tho itatfe of Oregon ovor any nnd all railway linos mentioned in said certificate, and tho cortlflcato or oloctlon or ap pointment, or a certified copy thoro or, shnll of Itnolf bo evidence of tho right to tho exercise of 'Mich privi lege of freo transportation. Tho conductor or other official of such railway linen so flMnic said cortlflcato iih aforesaid, Hhnll tnlco tho nuino or such offlclnl, the title of 111 office, and the dato of hU certificate, In llou of n tlckot to travel ovev railway lllU'H. Sec. 3. For tho nurpmtos or UiIb act, all rallwavs within Hih statu of Orogon shnll bo considered common carriers of passnngerB ror hire. Sec. -I. No offlror horoln mon tlouod who secures rroo thansnorta Mon under tho provisions or this net, shnll !) entitled to, or collect mllo ago from tho stato, district, or coun ty 'or Huoh freo travol so obtained. Sec. fi. All acts and parts of nctB In conflict horowlt haro horeby re pealed. Passed tho houso February C, 1007. FRANK DAVRY. Spcajcor of tho Houso'. PasBod tho Bonato Fobruary 14, 1907. K. W. HAINES, ProHldont of tho Sonato. Tills woman says tlint sick women Bliould not fail to try Lydla JE. Plnklmm'8 Vcgctnblo Compound as alio did. Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence I St, Denver, Col., writes to Mrs. f! Pinkhnm: iU "I was practically an invalid for bIx years, on account of female troubles. I underwent on operation by the doctor's advice, but in a few months I was worse thnn before. A friend ad vised Lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nnd It restored me to perfect health, such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suffering nn I did with backache, benrtaffdown pnliiH.niul periodic ptilii,shouhl not full to uso Lydla E. rfukhuin'o Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty venrs Lydia E. Pink hunt's Vegotnblo CoinnoUnd, ihiulo from roota nnd herbs, has been tlio standard remedy for fomnlo ills, nnilhna positively cured thousands ot women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities periodic pains, backache, that bear-ing-down feeling, flatulency, indices tton,diz'.ine.ss or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it 1 Mrs. IMnklmm Invites nil Melt women to write her for advice Hhu has guided thousands to lioulth. Address, Lynn, Mass. rw,. CAti; Moi n: n uieguii jcniiia imuciai r aim U), W. Y. RICHARDSON, Manager We are manufacturing forty-two Standard Tints and colors of Oregon Mineral Paint Ground in Oil and Guaranteed Strictly Pure, Durable and Sat isfactory in every particular. HI' "WreirintfflTffiSHiKfWfs- Nover chip, crack tarulsti, moss or corrode, Tho nly kind that novor nood cloaulng. For tho truth of the nbovo soo them in all tho 8nlom ami miny of tho conn t y comotorles; somo of thorn kave boon thoiofo.' ?2 years. It you want tho vorybst at living p'lcea call on or address 458 Mill St. Phono 121. Salem, O.' T, 11. WAIT. Lano'a Family Modlclno will give you a dlgostlon that will permit you to eat good thlnga lustoad of "health foods" of various sorts that nri aa palntablo as hay. p i Oitarrh Cannot ll Cuml, with local amiUontlQUM, as thy onu not reach the seat of tho dlsonbo. Catarrh Is n blood or constitutional disease, and in order to our It you must tako Intornal romndlos. Hall's Catarrh duo is taken intomully, jtnd acts dlroctly on ths blood and mucous surface. iUll't Catarrh Curo Is not a quack medicine, it wna prtHorlhud by on of tho boat ph elt Inns tu this country for ar and ja a rKUlar prouarlptlon. it It composiid of tho bot touias known, combiued with tho bwt blood purl llors, aitiiiK diruotly on ths in u com surfaces Thu purfact combina tion of tho two luKrttlluuU U what ptodnoaa suek wondorful ro hviUs In curiiiK OwtHirh. JJiunl for testimonial t. F J CIIHNIIY & CO . Props,, To 10(10, u Sold b Druggist, price TSo. Ttxk HkU's Family Pills for cou stlpntlon o jx m M O" 3TS. S JS. . "Oim Touch bf Natim Makes tho Wholi' World Kin." When a rooator finds a his ft worm ho calls all the lions In the form yard to como nnd shnro It. A ulmllnr trait of human nnturo Ib to bo observed when a man dlscovors something exceptionally good lio wants all hU frlonds nnd neighbors to Bhnro the bonotlts of his dlscov. ory. This Is the touch of nnturo that makes tho whoTo world kin. ThU oxplalnu why pooplo who have boon wired by Chamberlain's Cough Worn ody wrlto Utters to tho muiuifactu rera for publication, that othora sim ilarly ailing may also uso It and ob tain rollef. Uehlnd ovory one or thoHj letters Is a warm hearted wish of tho wrltor to bo of use to someone olso. This romody la for sale by Dr. Stno'a drug store. HTATWMKNT FHOM KAMiM MIIdTAUY HANI) In vliw of tho fact that certain 1 pooplo hnvo mlsroprosonted existing conditions regarding the Salem Mil itary Hand association we, the mem bers of said band do heroin wish to Mate that wo nro a regularly organ I Izud baud and hnvo our olllcor.s and j loadar who are nil giving perfect sat iHfaotlou and w alio wldi to state ,that we Intond giving our regular opau, sir concerts as wo have done . for over two years and we are going to stick together and wo wish th. oitzeus of Salem to help us pay our axjKMisoe as thoy hnvo done hereto fur by popMlnr subserlptlon. V are willing to do oir share and try to build up r band which will bo a credit to any city. (Signed by eighteen member.) Ho (lot Wluu He Needed. ' "Nine yo.r hu It lookej as If my time had coie," s Mr c Farthing, of Mill Oroek. lud Tor "I was so run dowu that life hung on a very Blunder thread. It whs thou my druggist recommended Kloetrlo ulttum I bought a bottle aud I got what I nooded -strt'Ugth I had ono foot in the iav, but Eloetrlo Bitter put It back on tho turf again, and l'e l vn we'f cer kiiicQ." Sold undti Kuai.4iUoi at J C Perry's drug eton soi New Corporations. Ilnrnos - Llndsley Manufacturing Compnny Prlnclinl ofllce, Portland, Orogon; capital stock, ?2r,000; m coiporntors, C. P. LIndsloy, 11 L uarnoj and perry c. nolttnnn. Wontorn Englneorlnc Company Incorporated under InwB of Washing ton; capital stock, $10,000 attorn ey In fuct, J. V. Hsnoh, Portland, Orogon. -T HIS IS TUB TIME OF YEAIt TO THINK OF PAINTING YOUK HOUSE. TIIEnK IS NO BETTER PAINT TO USE THAN THAT MANUFACTUED HY THE OREGON SIENNA MINERAL PAINT CO., OF SALEM, OREGON. Tins IS A IIOMti PRODUCT, AND IT IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY PAINT MADE. PATRIOTIC CITIZENS OF THE CITY SHOULD BEAR THIS IN MINI) AND USE THE OREGON SIENNA PAINT 'IN PREFER. ENCE TO ANY OTHER. THE COMPANY HAS LATELY ESTAIt L1SIIED A WHOLESALE HOUSE IN PORTLAND, AT 111 EAST UNION AVENUE. THFQF PAINTQrare us by the State on m lil" M I all v m Kr fir II I tt i m ruptic msucunons on Merit and have stood the severest tests that can be ap plied. I A Knocker la n mnn who can't sco good In nnv norson or thing. It's a habit caused by a dlsordorcd liver. If you see tilings through blue spectacles, tnu; your llvor to u good c'eanlng out process with Ilnllnrd's Horblne. A Biiro eino for constlpntlon, dyspon sla, Indigestion, bIcIc headache, bll- iOllSUCBa. nil ltvmv unmnli mill Iwxv. ol troubles. Sold bv nil dfuggHo APPLY BY MAIL OR PHONC, OR CALL AT PACTORY ON TRADE STREET BETWEEN CHURCH AND HIGH MKHMMHHaHlHMnMMMnMHMMaaNMHHMMnWHMMHilPMMMMM This Paint is taken from the Mines in Lane county, and manufactured at Salem, Ore. 0&2 BOSTON BROWN BREAD FLOUR Is SIf-risfn . It m ikes Genuine Brown Bread, Toothsome Quick Biscuit, and a GLOIRIOUS BOILED PUDDING Sold by AI Grocers HAVE AN EARNEST CRE Au tFor tho comfort of tho folks at home. Bundlo up tho family washing nnd phou No. 25 onrly Monday for us to sond a wagon tor tho clothoa. Wo will savo you money, worry and discomfort, and envo th clothes, ns well. Thoy will como baok to you frosh, orlsp and cloan, WE DO IT RIGHT The Salem Steam Laundry THE LAINDRY THAT KNOWS HOW WMMMMMIHIII IM I K; YOU'LL EN'JOY A DRIVE In ono of our rigs just oichuj you owned it, More,, la fict, you wl'l havo all tho plwwi i only a moro fraction of th of a privato stable. You an limited in your tholce of i tun either. Our livery ECrilcacui ply anything you require, Irca runabout to a coach and Itiixi can wo servo you? FASHION STA11LKS, C. W. Ynnnke, Prop, 131-137 N. High St. FboneMiUl mmmmmmoHsa MKAPV TAILORED CLOTHES FO WELL DRESSED MEN, o ? 4?Zrtrt) ctt PPICC RANGE 20 TO 40 BREEDERS' HORSE SHOW Saturday, April 4th, Salem, Oregon FARMERS' PRACTICAL EXHIBITION Gash prizes, merchants' special prizes, stallion breeders' prizes, valuable cups etc. rOR ALL BREEDS Or HORSES, (pure-bred and grades), stallions, marcs, colts, ponies and Jacks: two. three and four-horse teams, roadsters, saddlers. II you own good horses show them at Salem. April 4. If you wish to sell here's your market. for premium list and Information, address L. K. PAGE. F. A. WELCH. President, Secretary. ' wiiiiiqwwnmninmminwntw Don't read this unless you are in need of omo of M articles, and wish to savo money by buying them at a wW Until March 30, in order to mak ron or new Boods' UeMllf win uo otrercd at greatly reduced prices. These aro all of standard make and good IjjgJJ g Price PrWj Ono new 3-Inch wagon, oomp'otQ 'JJnoo VM On now buggy, boat mnko lHZ jH III' 1JJ.H (til II fj 1JH llJt ili (M llcht express ,s flfl JJ Ono now handmade light express ,.''i,' flt a brg Also second-hand cultivator. moer and raKeai w& Singlo-trops, dduble-treos, nocK-yoitos, """' at a 30 per cent reduction. ,0infS lead, ol An assortment of about $300 worth of !" Ona nan. li.if.u.. i.An mi..-.. ?P vw Ono new runabout 7 n ; Ono now disc harrow "". One new Tiger drill '" Biuckoyo binder row Buckoj'o mower . . , qo Buckeye rako , loOOO nnvlo nrnnni snunrntor ......... . f Ona new 14-Inch Rock Island Clipper teel plow.. J Ono now 12-lnch Rook Island OJlppor stoJ plow.. J Ono now 10-Inch Hook Islaud Clipper sUel plow.- oQ One new handmado light express ,s 0o One new Ono new Ono new One new nrl m nlshes and stains will b put on sale. ttU es and stains will u put on . , ,,emt.nt or which you may wish to dispose of, at any tia e u, Apr jt 10 per cm dlocount on paluta, stains and varu Sale continues. I GEORGE R. JACOBS ifcxgawisotiwiwiwt Corner i and FrW( IT " ' . SAU3I. OBEB LIME AND SULPHUR sPRAlf DEPENDABLE BRAND m,-..r-... i i.. i.,i c,t, rnmM Tnr Mill SIlJ niuiiuitfuureu uy uiueoii oiuu Luiupant uiiv PHONE We guarantoo thfs spray o bo a strictly vT: solution, test 29 to 31 Baume. mhtF S03, For salo by PUTTCJIEn BVRI, I. A -.JJicioW' . SON CO., It. 1). GILBERT & CO. AKD AT1- j( m Prico J8.50 per barrel; 1 50 cre4it for "' iifn XJ J