DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, ATRIL 2, 1008 "eer rf1 J. L. STOCKTON The Old White Comer Great Sales for Horse Show Day SALEM, APRIL 4. !' Vext Saturday will bo horao ahow day, and ns a Bpoclal inducement rtt the out-of-town people to como'to;Snlom on vthat day," wo will ujact spocai sama """"" i .....to w,. u. ott,,Ut ss Goods Reduced '; . . .1..1. n Mfh.frrnrtn ilrona rrnn;1n nf tlm vow nom r- gar enure ui - a - " " """" - i and domestic weaves win uu on buio xur mat gay. Reduced r.t niialltr of bleached and unbleached crash for roller nnd B31 towels 50 pieces at a prlco that' will ontlco purchasers into lay- a big supply. .,r. . v -. Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Jackets Every Garment Reduced Next Saturday, horso snow any, wo will offor tho beat atock ot .Id ever shown In Salem at vory liberal reductions. Hlgh-grado Altman -voiles, rnado up in suits and skirts, panamns, rrns and novelties, atyied for tno most critical ladlco of fashion, triced at a saving of $1.00 to ?10.00 on onch. PROBING INDIAN MINISTER WAS PUBLICLY WHIPPED PLEADS FOR W4RSHIPS Continued from pago throo). WoKd Supreinncy. kith regard to the great nntlons I'h white race, It Is, of courso, fr '9 tho Japanese statcsmon that rria li the one croat nation wlai athwar ot tho realization fiat ambitions, Of courao, wo l wept Japan's proteatntlona of Jisip, and wo should most cor- 11 reciprocate friendly toolings loald rcrllzo that If any breach hid fonp between tho two coun- i tt wouUl bo our fault, on ac- H of bflnc fo defenseless, nnd Ills fault of Japan IlBrtra cannot Ignore tho fact Itlemost trlfllnc Incidents thnt rro in h?n Francisco woro Kr-jn by Japan and mndo groat lit' onal ffMri, nor can wo Ig- i 'ari tv where Japanese " prr invn d in n simple ' of rdiT. iMnn the Jananoso pwent indp a demand unon irTUner' hat lnvnlvoil tlm in. hff the rlrM of inrnl solf-gov- F-m- i inn nrnn'A nf Qnn Pran. m tna our uovprmnont hv BHniand anoMirr hnl tn nrnHn demand uefo regulnr nego- 'J' mqM bo resumed w Proper livestlsraMon of tho T" 0' nat onnl rltf-nsn Invnlvfva raeratlon of the possibility '""1 u'ca' uritniu and Ja TEXAS PRIMARY (Continued from pngo one.) mnnngor for Dalloy, toduy prlntB an oarnost warning to tho onjsmlos of Sonntor Dalloy. Aftor roviowlng tho asaasslnatlon of Prosldonta Lincoln, Garfield nnd McKlnloy, tho warning Is Introduced as follews: "Circumstances which will not bo rccltod In detnll foreshadow dovolop monts In tho ponding political cam paign which, If not nvorted. will dls- graco Texas." Following this nrtlcle, It Bays: "Within tho last 10 days, two mon havo boon hoard to declaro that Son ntor Dalloy ought to bo killed, nnd ono of them In a public restaurant, In th henrlng of Boyornl porsonB, said that ho would b'o glad to pay tho exponsos of nny man who would do tho deod. Thoro Isdnngei4 of tho gravost kind If tho londora on both 8ldoa fall to control tho pnsslonnto and dospornto Individuals, who at tach thomsolves to nny causo, and oapoclnlly to any ndvonturo that Is hazardous or spectacular." O' COFFEE You are both judge and jury for Schilling's Best Your crocer return your moner U rou don't like it; vre pi him (Unfted Press Leased Wire.) Turlock. Cnl.. Aurll 2 run nnv J. M. Illlbtsh. nastor of tlm Mnthnl Jdlst church of this village, Is today okuwiuu iu uiuuuigus nnu unuor tue care ot a physician as Uo result of a public thrashing administered to him Inst night by tfirce women, who lashed him with horsewhips until ho foIMo tho sldownlk unconscloua. Jennie Keenrey, Ethel ,To3t and JobbIo Halloy, were angry nt the min ister becauBO, they said, he mndo re marks derogatory to their reputa tions. They stood In tho door of "a restaurant, whoro thoy nro employed as waitresses, when tho Rev. Hllblsh pasacd. In tho folds of their dresses liorsowhlps woro concealed. When tho minister stopped to convorso with a friend tho women rushed to tho sldownlk nnd lashed him furious ly In view of pedeBtralns. Ho fell unconBCIoUB with hla fnco nnd hands cut by the whip. While ho was try ing to dodgo tho blows a man. evi dently n friend of the thrco womon, slugged Hllblsh nnd , escaped. Tho waitresses Bay thoy do not regret .tholr act. o 'as AFFAIRS OTCSBSHHEMMHSSmIO AFTER ROCKEY'S OFFSPRING United Presg Lcasod Wlro.) Washington, April 2 Accusing Secretary Garfield of being guilty of lnnueasanco In olTIco and lying, Mrs. HelOn PlerCQ flrnv n nnwannnn run. mnn, atfrred tho members of tho Bon ato commlttco on Indian affairs by making this nnd other charges against tho government service on tho Crow Indian reservation in Mon tnnn. Mrs. Grey, who paid a vlBlt to tho reservation last summer, mndo tho charges ngalnot Garfield when sho Wfifwcfilled before tho commlttco to BuuMatotlato BtatomentB aho had mado concerning conditions on tho reservation. Among other things alio paid money belonging to tho In-dlaai-was wasted and that Bomo of It dlanppcnred as tho rcBiilt of graft Ing'hiothods in tho management of tho 'nffnirs. ThOh Bho broko down and related hcroxperlence In Jail, whoro aho was placed by Major' Roynolds on a chnrgo of Illegally securing monoy from Indlnns. Commissioner of In daln Affairs Loupp denied a chnrgo that 'ho wns Interested in n project for a town Blto on tho reservation. CITIZENS INTERKSTKI) IN THK CIIILDRKN (United Press Leasod AVlro.) Atlanta, Ga April 2. Questions that boar dlroctlv unon tho dovolon. kilned, ihes. Wo nntlons be-i"ent of tho child nro being discussed today by some of America's moBt dis tinguished men nnd womon, who nro nttondlng tho oponlng session of tho National Child Labor committee. Asldo from the regular business sosslons, which will last three days, largo meetings will be addressed In the opo'na house by men of national reputation. Among tho promlnont mombors of the committee are Sec retary Taft, President Rooaevelt, Governor Hoko Smith f Goorgla, Curdlna) Gibbons, John Mlteholl. the ! ' a war in which our flag Mwwpra frnni rhf, 8ea aml ju L rte of Ind n nnd China 7 i japan cwiUl bo thrown ' r mores, V Z ; u'l ' 'k nt tho period l,f a,9 na,,,)ns hve to havo " aTe the grratest navy." lSt Paml'y Mmiclne will give mj thjSBS , . " V LVX.'1 1 labor irader, Jano Addams and Sena Trlut K i . N as hav that nrd tor Tillman. Rioting by negroes and Italians la Philadelphia continued today. o Our Customers Wen .;.n 3 1 t-Tn- rz ftr i: ' 8. e 'ftr 1,u''1 ''"''I Hue seloctlon of Diamonds. We are !n Q" ' Of rhftnt n vflMf 1t nta mr rn tni rn nvwt In stock and real oatats? Dlamonda do V 1 " will they rot, nor yet require : warehouse alao carry in clock a grade of Watches for Chicago, April 2. Mrs. Harold McCormlck, dnughtor or John D. Rockofollor, today Is vorglng on n nervous brenkdown, nnd Is prepar ing to depart hastily from tho city, ns the rosult of a aorlea of threaten ing letters received by her from nn- archtstB who hnvo led her to bollovo that her life and those of hor chil dren nro In porll. Guards hnvo boon plnccd about tho mansion nt Dcllovuo Placo and Lnko Shoro drive and no stranger Is per mitted to enter tho grounds. As soon ns possible Mrs. McCor mlck will leave for her father's homo In Clovo'nnd. Fonr is folt for tho safety of Mrn. McCormlck'o children, who nro with John D. Rockefeller In tho south. Tho contonta of n threatening lottor rccolved today hnvo boon kept Bocrot by tho membtira of hor housohold. Mra. McCormlck, who Is of n hfglily nervous disposition, has been bndly frightened for wooka ovor tho firat letters, but today tho collnpso was almost complete. Two months ngo Mrs. Potior Palmor rccolved n similar warning nnd slnco thou many of tho foromost homes in tho faBhlonnblo quarter havo malntnlnod a watch for suspi cious characters. o Plenty of Trouble. Is causod by stagnation of t!u liver and bowels. To get rid of It nnd hendacho nnd biliousness nnd tho poison thnt brings jnundlco, tnko Dr. King's Now Llfo PIUb, tho rolt ablo purifiers thnt do tho work with out grinding or griping. 2Gc at J. C. Perry's drug Btro. o Mlteholl. late president of tho Uni ted Mlno Workers, will establish a labor papor at Indianapolis. o For Constipation, Mr. L, H. Fnrnhnm, a promlnont druggist of Spirit Lake, lown, says "Chamborlalu's Stomncu and Live Tablets nro cortnlnly tho boat thing on tho mnrket for constlpntlon." Give thoflo tablots a trial. You nro certain to find thorn ngrcenblo nnd plenaant In effect. Prlco, 2G cente. Samplts free." For snlo by Di. Stono's drug storo. WEALTH , HELPING POVERTY (Unltod Press Leased Wlro.) DoBton, Apill 2 A sociological undertaking which Is to oxcood any thing of tho kind ovor nttomplod In New Englnnd, If not Iu America, Is being pinned by Prof. Charles Zuob lin, who rccontly resigned hla pro fcsorahlp of socfology nt tho Univer sity of Chicago, and MrB. Qulncy Adums Shnw, tho famous philan thropist nnd wlfo of tho richest cit izen In Doston. Doth of thoso pcoplo hnvo assocl ntod thomsclvcB In tho work of so cial uplifting. Thin work will tnko tho form of establishing solf sup porting sottlemouts In Ronton and throughout Maoepchuaotta, and iil rendy for this purpouo $2,000,000 has boon ost asldo by Mrs. Shaw, which amount is later to bo Increased to $6,000,000. o Economizes the use of flour, but ter and eggs; makes tlte biscuit, cake and pastry more appetiz ing, nutritiouf and wholesome. U ABSOLUTELY PURE This is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It Has No Substitute Tlwr art Alum and Phwptuto ef Lime nlxtnr t4 at a fewer price, but no heunkeofxr regarding- the tteaUk i her fanlljr eaa atferd to we theai. AUTHOR OF GREAT TEMPERANCE ISSUE. (United Press LonBod Wire.) Paris, April 2. With tho othor Immortals of Fanco, Emllo Zola, tho great novelist and defendor of Droyfus, wna today given hla Inst resting place, when hla romalns woro romovod to tho Pnntheon. On account of tho hostility that has been aroused because tho French government line Uiiib honor ed Zola's memory, tho pollco woro on hand to provont nny demonstration. Tho French govornmont wob repre sented by tho mlnlstor of education. Pains In tho bnck and Bldo may co mo from tho kldnoya or Uvor Lnno's Family Modlclno tho tonic- Inxatlvo, and n great kldnoy ntid Uv or romedy, will glvo rollof. 1-1 of Pound n Week, at least, Is what n young baby ought to gain in weight. Doos yours? tf not thoro's something wrong with Its digestion. Glvo it McGoo's Dnby Elixir and It will Login gaining a. nnnn. Humx ntnmnr.h nnd bnwcl iMA..1.1M. -1.1 JIAllH -... f.Allnl. I u uiiuicd,. U1U uiHvniluii, niujin nuuui'i u tiuon, jUUU IUI IUUIII1I1(, UCiUIUD, Prlco 20c and GOc. Sold by all dcnlors, m o Against heavy financial pretauro, tho Now York aonnto has uphold Govornor Hughes antl-raco track bill, 2G to 23. u DeWltt'B Kldnoy nnd Dlnddor Pills nro prompt and -thorough and will In a abort tlmo atrongthen wonkoncd kidneys and allay troublos arising from Inflummutlon ot tho bladder. " Sold by nil druggists. Jack Johnson, colored, will fight Jim Dnrry of ChlcaKO. April 17. Heavyweights. DoWltt's Llttlo Early Rlsora, tho famous ttlo liver pills. Sold by u'l drugnlstB. FRENCH STATESMAN WHO HAS AGED (United Press LoaBod Wlro.) Paris, April 2 Senator Falgard, tho oldest member of parliament, today celebrated hla 02nd birthday. Ho Is known na tho doan ot tho Fronch sonnto. o A cough euro that can bo glvon to children without chanco ot harm is Komp's Dalsam, tho beat cough cure It docs not contain poisons or harm ful drugs. Druggists soli It. O' Captain McElgln, ot tho coast ar tillery, is being court mnrtlalod at Fort Worden. i o Konnody'o Laxatlvo Cough Syrup acta promptly yot gontly on tho dol, through which tho cold la forced out of tho oyatom, nnd nt the armo time It nllayn Inflammation. Sold by ml druggltUs. o . ' " Tho Michigan supremo court has decided that a boor chock JiiBt beforo election Is a bribe. ARTISTIC MILLINERY Now Is the time to place your Easter Orders First class trimmers Best of quality Newest materials Moderate Prices "ward from $37.50 to $150.00. Dillons, in case. $16.50. Efe, Waltharas, Illinois and South Bend. I7 :3i rto ai.-A-e can bo exchanged In one yearV time, if ''. for any article of its woith In stock. Our our customers. IN fi. BARR eOMPANY c The Store al Qaallty FILELRS Tho Atchison, Topoka and Santa Fo dividends Id reduced to G per cent. n '15. C. DoWlIt & Co., Chicago, III. Gontlomen In 1897 I had a dis ease of tho stomach and bowolB. Iu tho spring of 1002 I bought a bottlo of Kodcl and tho benefit I rocelvod all the gold In Georgia could not buy. May you llvo Jong and pros per. Youra very truly, C. N. Cor nell, Rodlng, Gn.. Aug. 27, 190G." Sold by all druggist. o CASTOR I A I'or Infants and Children. Tfii Kind You Have Always Bought St I J Bears tho Z4Sfr-0? Bet lt Signature f 6stV' DR. KUM WONDERFUL CHINESE DOCTOU W1H treat you vlth Oriental horbi and euro any disease without opera tlon or pain. Dr. Kum is known evcrywhoro lo Salem, and baa cured many promi nent pooplo hero, He baa lived to Sa,lom for 20 years, and can be truat C(j. Ho us?s many medicines un known to wblto doctors, and with them can euro catarrh, asthma, lupg troubles, robumatlsm, stomach liver and kidney diseases. Dr. Kum makes a specialty ot dropsy and female troubles. His rein cdies cure private disease when e erythlng else falls. Ho has bun dreds of testimonials, and gives con sultatlon free. Prices for medicine very moderate. Persona in the cour tty can write for blank. Send Btamp If you want some extra fine tea from us. !)R. KUM BOW WO CO.' CARRIAGES and WAGONS M AND vilffl '5 AMBjBEjHkM2'V 'JzJC The question ov satisfaction In the 1ing run when about to buy a car- r aga or wagon, to secure the host results there aro many things to take into consideration. You will find It always pays to buy from re liable parties. No mistake la mado when you decide to favor us with your orders for carriages or wagons, also repair work. We glvo such or ders tho samo caro and attention as to construction work. All the newest novelties Large assortment of Flowers, Foliage, Fancy Hat Pins, Dress Shapes, Etc. Also nice assortment of ready-to-wear Street Hats and Dress Hats Popular Prices ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240-246 Commercial St. BANK TALK No. 10 By the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, Salem, Or. AN ACCURATE RECORD In the United Statf army and navy, an accurate raoord is kept of oaoli man's gun eor during target praotloe. A chek naoount will record accurately your nnniialal trans actions. Your bank book Is tho nwrtt about, mvi chtok yoy Isguo la conclusive evldanao of tho monoy paid. Do accurate In business. A ohaak noaoimt will glvo you ex actness. THE TEST Reliable automobile makors test Qvgry qoo of rnjta) that comes to the- shop. This moans better mnuhlnary, fewer acoldouts and safety for the man that rides Iu tho car. Evory chock that you Iswuo is closely examined when it comoa to tbo bank for payment. ' , This precaution la for your boneflt. Wo employ trained offi cers to guard you against errors. A check account insuros you safety at all tlmos. A close bank connection will be an advantages to you in raoro ways than you think. Try it. E. W. HAZARD, dtafder. $ m r m iS?i m m ? S. A. MANNING -" oidie and iibfrtv Sdkm Oreoa SI3 Liberty Street. r