DAILY OJUMTAli JQUftKAD, SALEM, QIIEGON, THURSDAY, AjjjJLliESL THE SILENT FRIEND "THE BEST UNDEVELOPED PIECE OF GROUND IN RAWHIDE mh K So says J. Carlton Bray, the eminent mining engineer, who stands at the top of his profi sion in Nevada. This opinion is endorsed by every mining man familiar with the district THE SILENT FRIEND MINING CO r incorporated under Nevada laws. Capital stock 1 ,000,000 shares, par value $1 .00 each, "1 r i Fully paid and non assessable. 400,000 shares in treasury. E. MARKS, Pres. (Hmvlilrio Lending Merrhnnt nml Mlneowiier.) HARRY GUINAN, Vice Pres. (Miner anil Original Owner.) GEO. K. ALLEN, Secy. (iiuui'uniit'r uiiu vuiiiuusi,j J. fl. CRADLEBAUGH, Treas. J. C. BRAY, Director and Consulting Engineer. Rnwhldo, Nov., March 21, 11)08. To Tho Pacific Stiitta, TrUHt Co., Hawhldo, Novnda. Goullemon: In compliance- with your ronuctit of March 20th, 11)08, I hnvo oxnmlnod your property Tho Sllont Frlond No.n 1, 2, 3 and 4, lodo olnlms. TIiIh. hh you know, wag not. my first In troduction to tho property, having boon on tho ground many tlinoa Blnco July, 1907. Thovo clnliim contain, all told, about 75 auruH, and nro In a compact group about 3000 foot In length by 1200 foot In width. Tlioy aro now bolng Hurvco'ud for pntont, which will doflnltoly dotorinlno thoh urm. Tlioy lay right In th hoart of tho Hawhldo dlstrlor, about 1500 foet south of tho Royal. Tlgor. Ilimh whaokor, Wonder Kings and Jack I'oWi; and adjoin tho Hawhldo IIIIU. Bliowp 'Trallu. Salmon nud othor uotod proportloH. The topography of tho group In an unbroken fddo hill, sloping to the Houthonet at an anglo of about 3 ft dogroog. ThlH hill Ih probably tho rlohost In camp, holding an It does tho oxtromoly rich Hoyal, Ti ger, Jack Pot, HiiHhwhackor and Shoop Trails volnB, all of which aro lining energetically dovolopod. Tho goology of tho Silent Friend group is strikingly Blmllar to that Of tho proven pioportlos not only or Uila district, lut of tho biwt gamps of tho Htato. Tho nountry roek It) a lino gralnod wfilto, or cream-colored rhyollto, greatly nl tored and fltnuirod. ThlH alteration la directly duo to a daclto dike, which rutin tho full longth of tho claims, 3000 (cot. This dlko, which Ih about 40 foot wldo, can bo tracod for ovor u mllo running nearly duo north and uouth and dipping to tho wont, it Ih bo greatly attorod and slllclflod that the original chnrac tor of tho rock Ih hard to dotor inlno. Slllflcatlon becomos moro comploto aH tho hanging wall Is ap proached, and It la hero tho Impor tant oro bodloa occur. Along this woat contact (or hanging wall of, tho dlko) thoro nro thrgo well do llnod voIhh, all carrying, values, tho upper, or west voln, which la about four foot In width bolng tho rich eat. Tho similarity of tho Silent Friend to othor woll known mlnos should bo noted horo. Tho forma tion U identical with that of tho famous Mohawk of Goldfiold, as In mUo the orcurrunco of tho oro, the Silent Frl'iied oro, howover, carry ing u largor proportion of allvor. Tho Montgomory-Shoahono, of Bull frog, U Blmllar In oro nml occur rence; ns Ih nlHO tho groat Novnda 11111b mlno of Falrvlow. Tho volna of all theso mlnoa nro of tho ter tiary porlod, and hnvo boon c'nssod as prophylltlo or porphyry volns by thu moro noted geologists. Tertiary volns nro known to bo tho most productive in tho world, as witness tho Comstock lode, the volns of Cripple Crook, Tonopah, Bodlo PI ocho, Goldflold, Fnlrvlow and many othor camps noted for their onor mouB production. Tho volns of tho Silent Friend nro undeniably of this $41. GO cold, and sllvor G1.2 oz. making n total of $70.20 per ton. Bolow Id a tablo showing tho rnnge of values along tho voln during my oxamlnatlen: GOLD SILVIOH Total Val No. Claim Oz pr ton Val. Oz pr ton Vnl pr ton 1 Sllont Frlond No 2 20 ft wd .41 8.20 4.2 2.31 10.51 2 " " No 2 3 ft wldo 2.0S 41. CO Gl.2 33.GG 75.26 3 " " No 3, 1 foot 1.70 34.00 1G0.0 88.00 122.00 4 " " No 3, picked. 10.10 202.00 0G0.4 528.22 730.20 5 " " No 3, picked. 19. G2 392.40 1903.1 1046.70 1439.10 G, " " No3, 4ft.. .26 5.20 19.2 10.56 15.75 7 " " No i, lowor voln .57 11.40 5.G ' 3. OS 14.48 7 " " No 3 " " 1.G8 33. GO 8.7 4.78 38.38 9 " " No 3, talc... .05 1.00 2.4 1.32 2.32 10 .No 3, Hhyollto .75 15.0P 9.7 5.33 20.33 11 " "-No, 3, cross vlow ,2.20 44.00 21.3 11.71 55.71 Avorago por ton 3.58 71. G7 28G.9 157.79 229.4G kind and they posaoss possibilities of largo ore bodle not to bo ox pocted In tho ordinary fissure voln. It must bo romomborod that ores of this class nro formed by tho roplao meut of the rock by the mineraliz ing waters, and honce aro noi con fined to any narrow fissure or chan uol. To IHustrato this point, tho act ual as ay value of tho cropping may be tnkn. On the Silent Frlond No. 2, at tho south cropping I took r. aninplo ncrois 20 foot of tho dlko on the hanging, wall side. Tho re turns gnvo sold $S.00 and silver 4 oz. por ton. Also across throo feet of cjtmrtz the wwtty return was Thoso assays, whllo astounding to tho avorngo man at first sight, ropro sont tho valuos of tho high grndo orra only, and nro soloctod from ovor 30 nsinys I took whon In quost of high valuos. Howover, thoro nro two outcropping Bhoots, which show thoso high vnluos and they Ho ovbr 1000 foot apart. Thoy both show a width of ovor two foot, and whllo the oro may not bo continuous for this distance, tho existence of other Bhoots Is Inconclusively proven both by tho "float" and tho placor gold In tho washos bolow tho ledge. Tho opon cut on tho wost side of the Silent Frlond No, 3 has oponed tho upper voln to good advantage, and I ndvlso pushing tho work at this point. Your plan of lonsfng alternate blocks Is, in my opinion, tho best method of dovolopmont In tho lm mcdlato future Your leasers will undoubtedly follow tho ore, and their work will show, boyond a doubt, tho best method of develop ment work to bo pormnnently pur Bued, and tho roynltlos accruing will provldo funds for this purpose. iu conclusion. I fool perfectly safe in saying that YOU HAVE TUB IIKST UNDEVELOPED IMECB OF GROUND IN THE RAWHIDE BIS TIUCT. Tho showlngo on tho Silent Friend group nro far bettor than any other property horo has had on the sur face, not oxecptlng tho Royal, User, or tho CJrutt or Baloon Hill prop ortles, nnd many othor claims whose present oro bodies wore found only nftor tho most psrslstont search both above and underground, and whose Important "finds" wore, in a meas ure, accldontal. You have a well de flnod dlko to follow, with well mnrkod oro shoots actually outcrop ping on tho surface I bellevo you will mnko of tho Sllont Frlond, a mlno whoso production alono will soon attract widespread attention Yours respectfully, J. Carlton Bray, Consulting engineer BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC 100,000 SHARES OF TREASURY STOCK AT 30c PER SHAR "I unhesitatindv Dronounce the surface showing of the Sll FNT FRIEND the best I ever seen, and recommend this stock to my friends as I BELIEVE IT WILL BE ABOVf P' WITHIN 90 DAY5."--J. H. CRADLEBAUGH. Make remittance by registered mail to the address below, or write or wire the am of stock you wish, and it will be forwarded attached to draft. THE PACIFIC STATES TRUST COMPAN RAWHIDE, NEVADA P. O. Box 26 CAPITAL $100,000 I H. CRADLEBAUGH Vice President and Gen. Local Representative IVAN G. tf ARTIN, with W. A. Lfston, 379 Court Street