. t J - T1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, Al'IUL 1, 1008 JOURNAL EDITORIAL PAGE 'Z 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL M, HOFER, Ed. and Prop. An Independent Kewipupcr DeroUxl to American Principles end lbei'rogreii arid Deyeloporaont of All Oregon. rabUihod Iirerr Krenlng Bxcept Sunday, Salem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (Inrftrlftbljr In Adrcnce.) -Bally, bf Crrler, per year $6.00 Per month -..Wo Hy, y mlli per year. ............ 4.00 Per month 35o Wtly, by mall, per ycftr.... . 1.00 Six mouth .....0Oo SPECIAL 5EM.VERY. For c nvoalonce of subscribers branch dollvory office art eetafe ttefa at tho following Uces at 16 conts per month, 91.00 for three Asylum Store, F. O. Do Voo & Son, Asylum Avonuo Junction,. Garllno, Seventeenth slrcot o A. W. Lane, 3ardon Road store. . Dauo's Store, Alex, Dauo, South Commercial Btreot, Blcctrlc Store, O. H. Epploy, East Stato street. Fair Grounds Store, Harrison Do, Fair Grounds Road. Howell's Corner, Twelfth and Cross streots. O. K. Grocery, A. A. Engloba t, Twelfth street. Wheeler's Store, W. D. Whceor, Highland avenue. Tew Park Rtor , F. O. Bower ox, Twelfth and Leslie. Y 43EDBB zjrr. tPOll A IlimAIi DELIVERY PAR CELS POST. Tho Now York Merchants' nsso- vory small part of their capacity utilized, It Is roportcd, howover, that res idents along each ronton ARE NOW RATES ON FLOUR TO ORIENT (United Press Leased Wire.) Portland, Or., April 1. Rates on flour and wheat between Pacific coast ports and tho Orient have been cut from $3.50 and $5 a ton to $2.50 and $4. Tho cut affects all tho steamers oporntlng for tho regular lines. Tho new rate will go Into effect immediately. Formerly tho rate on Hour was $3.50 to Japanese ports, $4 to Hong Kong and 5 to Shanghnl. Wheat was on tho same basis. Tho now chedulo provides for wheat to Ja pan and Hong Kong for $2.00, flour to Japanese ports $.3, flour to Hong Kong, $3. GO and wheat and flour to Shanghai $4. Tho object of the stenmship com panies in mnklng the cut Is lo drive tho tramp steamers out of tho biiBl-nos?. elation U now and has. hitherto been FREQUENTLY SERVED RY CAR opposod to n gonorul parcois poBt in itiKitft ix violation of law. the hollof Hint It would bo very In-h,ut only to a llmltod degree, nnd at! JurloiiH to tho country merchants, a mnch hlclior chnrgo than this uillj UAJUIKUK IN ITM HFKKUTH UI'OH ii nrovldOB THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOWNS," In tho opinion of Tho Merchants' wu uiuroiuio uKuuiHi uio uuuruais Association of Now York tho pro Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies and enriches tho blood and builds up tho whole system. It radically cures all blood diseases, from pimpled to BCrofula. It is tho best remedy for catarrh, rheumatism and dyspepsia. At all times of tho year it la tha most widely useful modicino. Thcso statements aro confirmed dally by cured men and women. Over 40,000 testimonials received In two years an uncqualcd record I In tablets, as well as in usua liquid form. 100 Doses One Dollar. I CANDIDATES CARDS I of tho whole pooplo. But It now recommends to tho nupport of it ho merchants of tho country tho local parcois post men miro oudorHor by Postmnstor Gono ral Moyors, en Hod tho Durnlinni onnto bill. TO PltOVIDE A RURAL DELIVERY PARCELS POST for morchnndlso and olhor articles Dialled on rural tlollvory routes. TIiIb bill prevides: .For tho oHtnliMnhnitiit of n spe cial parcois po Hyutoni on rural de livery ronton FOR PACKAGES OR IGINATING ON A RUHAL ROUTE or nt lli' dU'rlbtitlug postofllro for tlollvory by rural curriers to pa trons thereof 2. For a charge of r cents for tho UrHt pound, AVI) U CENTS FOU TIACH ADDITIONAL POUND OH FRACTION TIIEItEOF. UP TO It POUNDS; for li ounce or low, 1 cent; over 2 omiicoh mid up to I ounce, 2 routs; ovor 4 ounce nnd vp to 8 ounces, 3 cents; ovor S ounces mid up to 12 ouiicoh, 4C0tits: over 12 ouiicoh nnd up to 1 pound, T conts. Under this Bystom a local mall 'parcold urn-vice would bo oarrlod op over ench rural dollvory routes be- twoon all points thoroon and tho lo cal noHtoMco nerving such route THIS SHHVICE WOULD STRICTLY IOCAL and tho ratos vMonB of tho bill WILL PROMOTE THE TRADE OF COUNTRY MER CHANTS, by onnbllng thorn to mnko dnlly deliveries to their local cus tomers at smnll cost, ami will also prove a groat convenience to fann ers and others living in tho country hv mnkliiK It unnecessary for them I to trnvol to ndjacont towns to obtain mnll Rtippllos and dollvnr Htnnll purrols. aii iiiurciiauiB nun union uiu therefore rospoi'tfully roquostod to write to their senators and congress men and ask thou to support the Hiirnhnm sennto bill 5122 for n rural dollvory parcolB post for mer chandise, otc, mnllod on rural do llvory routos. o WOMEN'S WOES. "Ono Touch of Nnturo Makes the Whole World Kin." Whon a roostor finds a big fat worm ho cnlls all the lions In the farm yard to como nnd share It. A similar trait of human nnturo Is to bo observed when a man dlncovorsl Hoinothlng exceptionally good he wants all his frlonds nnd neighbors to share tho bonoflts of his dlscov, I ory. This Is tho touch of nnturo that' makes tho wholo world kin. Tint explains why pooplo who have been fired by Chnmborlnln's Cough Rem ody wrlto letters to tho mnnufnetu rors for publication, that othors sim ilarly ailing may also use It and ob tain roilof. Dslilnd ovory one of these letters is a warm hoartod wish of tho writer to bo of use to somoouo oIpo. TIiIh remody Is for snlo hy Dr. Stuo's drug. store. GREAT EXPOSITION IN THE FAR EAST (United PreBs Lensod Wire.) Toklo, April 1. According to nn ofllclnl announcement, tho Nippon Dal Hnkuran Kwal, which menns the great exposition of Jnpan, will bo thrown opon to the public on April, 1, J 912. This will bo -tho grentCBt nvnonltlnn nvnr linlil In Mm Far East. and preparations aro going rapidly rorwnru. Salem Women Arc Finding Relief At LllNt. FLORENGE SCHENCK'S TROUBLES . ft doos soom that woman have moro than a fair sharo of tho achos and pains that allllot humanity: thoy must "keep up." must nttond to dutlos In splto of oonitnntly nohlng bucks, or hondnchos, dizzy spoils,! ,l,;.boarliiK-down pains: they must' mini im iwi ivu iimi uiu riuuii . ..flp whon to stool) means tOI- would apply only to parcolB Olllfl.J,0P 0or' ll0"w ,0'' ,, '". "INATING WITHIN THE LOCAL n. Thoy nwiet walk and bend nnd RURAL DELIVERY DISTRICT and work with racing pains nnd mnnyj of" ufntKan' ounce jWwtor 8t- T,om- 0ro" 8Rya: "l hnve re now 3sW rural dullvVouml loan's Kidney Pills a romody to tholr transmission theroln TnreU .ulglnnttng at other points "wuuld not ho ontltlud to the benefit of the local rates, int nay the pres ent higher, morohandlso vnto. A lowrt package weighing 11 pounds would tnoreforo be deilvorod along thr loeal rural delivery routo for 2r. vonts. while PACKAGES COM 1NGFROM A DISTANCE WOULD 1IR 1115STIUCTED TO I POUNDS 'WEIGHT AND CHARGE Tli ore ar vry otllcuH In the United Statos Ovor ench of tho a mall wagon dally passes. Tho carriers are prohibited l law "FROM CARRYING ANYTHING HIT MAIL MATTER OF THE VARIOUS CLASSICS PRESCKIHKD RY LAW. Tho weight of packagos Is llmltod to 4 poundH, upon which the rato Is 1 cent an ounce, equal to l4 cents for n 4pmml package. The low limit or wolght and tho heavy charge Imposed In large monsuro provent the moiling of local pack mgos; and as tho carrlors cannot lawfully deliver anything but mall matter, the pooplo along tho 3$, 2Gfl rural dollvory routes aro pre vented from having THE HENEFITS OF A LOCAL PACKAGE DEL1VEUY which thoy might widlly enjoy, by means of tho mall wagons which dally pass tholr doors with only a achos from kldnoy Ills. Kidneys cause moro suffering than any othor organ of th body. Kosp tho kid iittya wull and hoalth Is onslly main, talnod. Rand of a romody for kid noys' only that holps and euros the kldnoys nnd Ib endorsed by pooplo you know. Mrs. Mary Ilauingardnar, of 424 How to Obtain Wealth U th problem all are nuxlnud to eolvn. Same oxyeut to hiwo It left to them; others slgu bocaune they Iiavo no rich relative, hut the smart young iimh or woman of today oena a KHVlng noeount as tha Suro Way towards obtain ing wealth. Your Yli) 'aIU mm tluoo por oout IntarsH with is. Sniull account woloomo. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK that Is worthy of all confidence nnd I am pleased to ondorso them so that othor sufforors from kidney complaint may know how to got re lief. I proourod Doan's Kldnoy Pills at Dr. Stone's drug storo nnd several momboro of our faintly have used thorn with gratifying results. I took thorn myself for a tirod, auuiug hack and a dragging down fooling that comes from Irregular and de ranged kidneys. Tho results waro of tho best. Tho nohlng and soro noes was banished and tho kidneys wore rendored normal. My health has becoino bottor In overy way." For salo by all dealers. Prloo 80 cents. PofttrMUhuru Co., RtiffnlQi Now York, solo agents for Hie Unltod States. Uoiuembor tho namo Doa'i and take no othor, (Unltod Press I.onuod Wlro.) Now York, ' April 1. Summons and complaint In a suit for $100,000 brought by Miss Florence K. Sohenck against Charlos II. WHson. mamiKor of Alfrod G. VnndorhulU's string of racing horses, have boiii lllod by counsol for Mli Schenck in tho county clerks ollloe. Miss Schenok ohargos that Wil son, under a promlso of marriage, lurod her away frpni her hoiho .In Norfolk. Vn.. In October. 1900. fol- ilnwing which he brought here to thin olty. whore tho' lived togothor ns husband and wlfo. Subsequently thoy went to Loiidnu whoro Wilson had chnrg of Vnn derbllt's horse at the Intarnntlonal Horo bIiow In that pity a-'t Jnnr Rnturnlng hore, Ml Sehonck sny sho discovered that Wilson was al roady married. Th coniulatnt re nlte the ofton publ'jlied faoU of tholr acquaintances and oscnpad.. 0. Objoot to Strom; Medicines, Many pooplo objoe' to taking th-' strong medlclns usuallv Mrwfp-Mvd by physician for rheuniatUm. There Is no need of interns' treatment l v and oi of hniaculnr or chronlr rhoiiiuatUui, and more than ulna ot of overy ten cases of the dlsenso 'ire of one or tho other of theso varie ties. When thero Is no fever and ll t' (P anyi swelling, you may know that It Is only nocossnry to appb Chamberlain's Liniment freoly Ket qulek rellof. Try It For sa'e by Dr. Stono'a drug storo. RheiinintlHin. Moro than nlno out of overy ton cases of rheumatism aro simply rhoumntlsm of tho muscles, duo to cold or damp weather or chronic rhoumntlsm. In such cases no inter nal trentmont Is required. Tho freo application of Chnmborlnln's Lini ment Is nil thnt Is neudod, and it Is cortain to glvo quick rellof. Give It a trial and soo for yourself how quickly It rollvos the pain and Boro noss. Prlco 25 conts; largo slzo, 50 conts. Sold by Dr. Stono's drug Htoro. There Is a Big Difference Between Groceries. Thoro Is a dif ference In prlco aud another in qual ity. Judged by olthor standard it will pay to BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE Your first order will show 4hat our ocouomios In price hnvo not boon effected by wicrlflc of quality. Our Grocer'es nre above all good grooarles. The eavlng to you Is caused by our close buying and our mod oi-u to Idons of a legitimate prollt A. A. Englebart I2th and State Senator l.nFollotUj's' employers llabllltj' bill mi roportort favoraUiy. r - --' He Got Wluit He NimhIwI. "Nine ye re o It looked asi If my tlaio had coe." wye M. C. Farthlns. of Mill Creek, I ml. Tr. "1 was so run down that Ufa hung on vtry slender thread. It was Ithon my dnmnlet reeonuNeftdod Hlootrlo nitvere. 1 bought a bottle and I got what I Heeded -elrencik. I hiul oiio foot In U grave, hut Elootrlo HlUem put It back on the , turf ngutu. and Ive boon woll ovor sluoe." Sold under guarantee at J- C. Perry's drug storo. 60e. CASTOR I A for Infants aud Children. Tin KM You m Always U4W Vi 11 F:xYZvJk. iWriNj ' !st?ias: N ONB OR MANY COLORS REVIEW FAIR WILL CONTEST LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIQH GRADE WORK (CardB of county candidates $5. Cards for district and stato candi dates $10). FOR COUNTY JUDGE OF MARION COUNTY, M. L. JONES. Republican, farmer business man and taxpayer. Garduato of Willam ette University, studied law and ad mitted to tho bar. Whoro ho is best known aro found his strongest sup porters, Among business men ovory whero his word Is as good as his bond. Ho stands for a strictly busi ness and economical administration of county affairs. T hereby announco myself .as a cindldato for nomination at tho Re publican primaries for county su perintendent of schools. WALTER M. SMITH. I hereby announco myself as a candldnto for nomination at tho Re publican primaries for commission er. D. E. ROBERTSON, Turner, Orogoa. I deslro to plnco my nnrno before tho Republican primaries for a ro nomlnaWou for County recorder. D. G. DRAGER. I wish to announco to my friends thnt I am a candldnto for county trcasuror, subject to thy Republican primaries. JOSEPH G. MOORE. Iyhcroby announco mysolf a candl-j dnto for county commissioner on tho Republican ticket. G. B. HOYT, Jefferson, Oro. I am a candidates for olllco of county Judge, subjoct to tho Repub lican primaries, on tho platform of a squnro doal to nil. W. W. HALL. Itaarti tho Signature) of S & . yzjj-e. -&77&&d M (United Pross Loased Wire.) Viaiu X..h1. .mII 1 t 1.mi. Innnl wit turn, 4i(iiii . . tuub n-c,u' . eouteet over tho millions loft by .Ufa. vuuriwi 1'iur. kiiivu some yo.iiai ago lu an automobile accident ln ithiiuv, is pruuuasu as mo out growth of a suit fllod by Frank P. Smith, who seeks $1,000,000 as his share of the eaiate. Smith lives in To nek a. Kan., and claims he was a haH brother of Mrs. .Pair. Hlo notion U dlrootod ajsalnst Mrs V. K. VmulerulU and Mrs. Hormau OolrleUa. sisters of Charles Fulr. and h has aeked Justice Fltzgorald to appoint a commissioner to take tes timony for him In France. Smith rau away from home when ho was IS yours of ago and could not be fouud at the time of Mrs. Fair's death. Tho California courts ruled that his lognoy had lapsed because of his failure to claim It, but Mrs. Vander hPt and Mrs. Ooirlchs set aside $10. 000 for him. Later whon Smith was located in Arl.iona ho decllued to iu tvpt this amount. O fcuiU .fll'X'OXt.X.A.. ltoM4rfeuA!rcigs$l IATIS AS 10W At IASTIII HOUSES M FRENCH FEMALE HPILLS. il . ,"4"1 "" f r " "xtv. "'' IB Mil. ! BT1 JJt-i.ll I u.. Ll'JJ TV'.V 'l'M.UlU.U.h.Mil iviv.;4 ,wjz:.: . ,' ONITtO MBOICAU CO . . o 74. Un,clTt. J. ' ilMlrHfftr'lHTTliTTrTIrr'in-"WTim.r.-. 5oW In Saem by Dr. 5. C. Stone' HOLU Rocky Mounts. BHst Q1J Bn.ii A wMJlfle fci Cort ' ao.l Kidney Troul... Bloud. Buf UivuD. : VJ lUckacl' : '. fct form. 3ft I-, u -UoLuarcu liu j u nOLDEN NUGfiFU , TtR'S .1 Tea Nuggois ' fet Baiy Paepls. . &ad Sttewfc! Vigor. Ukw, la )mo. Ut iiuptvNt KcMna, (wpure !t Uowets. Uni4aetrt ky Mouniaiu Tim la ut v.x Ofiiuio iiuuta by xr, MjuJivu, Wtk. OR SALLOW PEOPLE CHIGHESTER'S PILLS Tl m rOr. -r r .r V am mn wmmivmi I'lltLB. I Md,.i.u. -i . . . T .. S0X0IYWiaSTSFBmillO& At tho request of mnny Ropubll cans I hnvo decided to becomo a can dldnto for tho nomination for county Judge, Bubjcct to tho Republican pri mary olectlort WILLIAM BUSHEY. For Assessor. I hereby announco my candidacy In tho Republican prtmnrlos for as sessor of Marion county; pledging Just and equal taxation. P. J. RICE. f - w t,i "l "cprcscntatlr. manes to be held Anriii r8 inatcd and elected, fhS,"'1'' People's choice for n Dppon Bilvcrton, ( Por RcpresenUjirf The undersigned is eand representative at the DIrw marlea. Anrii 17. 1, ..... ri vor biiBlnoas arlmlni...,t.. .1 for tho people's choice forVl "ENRY J. MIL Aaron, For RcnrcsrM.ii,. I hereby announce onelf M, umaio ior mo Republican cm tlon for ropresentatlTe it ty maric3, April 17. IF NOMINATED AVn I SIIALTj ALWAYS VOTKPOHi ruui'iiE'S C1IOICK FOR STATES SENATOR. HAL D. PATTOl For Rcprcscnlallt. I horeby announce mnclfuj dldato for tho Rcnnhllfin ... tlon for reproaontatlre at tk marlos, April 17. IF NOMINATED AXn n I SHALL ALWAYS VOTE H)R PEOPLE'S CHOICE FOR Ui STATES SENATOR. A. C LIBBT.I Je!t:v For Roiircviilalltr. W. C. Wlnslow. MBdi,liM rosentntlve, signs Statemtat .v A "government of tno pcoplt, 1 noonlo nnd for the dmd" into effect by tho Repoblteia ; is my motto At Rcput)..e mnrlos April 17. V C VISSIJ For County Superintendent. I horoby announce myself as a can dldnto for County Superintendent of Schools for Mnrlon county, at tho Republican primaries, April 17. A C. BAKER, Turner, Or For County Judrt I horoby announce my ad for county Judgo, before tie Bj llcnn primaries ot JJarloa April 17. Having been coattj mlssloner two terms ad i Judge one term, I believe I ta Iliad for the ofllce for whit 1 caudldnte. 0. P. TER Por Sheriff. I am a cnndlJato for tbt k tlon for sheriff of Marion tot tho Republican primaries. 11, P M31 For Itallrond Commit I hprewlth announce n;t:U Renubllcan nomination ion Commlselouer, from thutoipj nl fllstrfpt w A u'i For ConJtabk. I am a candidate for ts H tlon for contablo ot M-" ' nt tun nanniiliran nrloarlH. IRA HAMW For TrensuixT. I horeby announco to the voters of Mnrlon county that I am a candidate for county troasurer at the Republi can prlmnrios; pledging honest, faith ful and impartial handling ot tho county funds. i WM. STAIGER For County Commissioner, J T. Beckwlth of Sidney preolnot. Plat form r Economical huslnoss ad ministration and an .aggroaslve policy of constructing permanent highways hy tho co-operation of state, .county and local communities. Good roads aro the best investment for tho peo ple. For Representative. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the legislature at the primaries, April 17. If nominated nnd elected I will vote for the Repub Ilcan United States Benator who shall have been elected by tho poople. FRANK A. TURNER. For Roprescntatlvo I hereby announco myself as a candidate for tho nomjnatlon of rep resentative at tho RonubllQjm pri maries. April 17. If nominated and ehvted, I will vote for tho Republi can choice for United States sena tor. LLOYD T. RHYNOLDS. firaber U PIMBl AND GASFmi iiTiii iva oroofl .. .jm eaan 10 ail uru-i - j work to give JJ-J to bo up to too "' ard. WEWILLUETLEAS GIVE ESTIMATE cofl Call at our shop PJ street, back or - Store. Phono For County Commbsloncr. Tho undersigned is a oandldj.te for uomlnatlou on tho Republican Ueket. Strict economy in county af fairs Is my platform. JOHN E. LEWIS. Aumsvllle, Or. For Representative. I horeby announce that I will be a candidate for tho Repoblloan nomi nation for stuto representative at the primaries April 17 S. D. ADKINS. JTt.r' ' ' fiKtU Mills, Or (imnw m Coush rh BoW