4'' V W - "-to fflje Doll 0umal SOik QLtfin. BALEM, OKKGON, WJGDXKSPAY, APRIL J 1008 NO. 81. arairy3588 AYOR iana HONORS FAIRBANKS REVISE TARIFF MXAIi ISSl'KS DISCUSSER SK.VATOU BEVKKIDGK ITS ItKrTiWMN PARTY AL- liVS STANDS FOR PROGRESS Iwtej Press Leased Wire) li'jeapo Is. Ind., April 1. Vlco !' Phnrl.a K'nlrlmnir a inilnv N f'orn bis nntivo Rtato his hstorscment as u Prosldontlnl tDJoncmen' wns mndo by Ifrtliu Republican state con- ivbicb met todnj, mid placed lisp of nproval upon tho stnto priuon and tlio policies of mi HooEOvoit, Tlio convefti- I'Centlnued on page flvo.) :illA ' -iy house on the Paolfio Coast. Dress Goods ! yards of the newost 'la siii i,ia... N v,V'o-,,v,s vor- Dress Silks K?..,l'k chiffon Kinf J:k. Pongee silks, k , ,;-,.""'." "i n . it "ras oi '. .r in. . U4 ,hl "l- C, 76C, ? i I. A ... . - . Jl Cor, Pt down ' " "4. lie and ' r- Cover Bm- trd now Cf, v n fK'meBtles. ladies' Suits ' tUv .r.a)l ...l.i. ! i' l.ili.i . Jii"l J JTe to M than else- r. .. i me Chicago or-J &at ,!-' d Suit ilU-ed Sm $12.50 $14.50 $16.50 hv. ':j4 ' n , i,me B1 et tn- Wl vt you Jderman Stolz WOMEN WIN HOT STRIKE HELD UP AFFECTION STOP DRINKING AND GAMBLING HV GIVING MEN THE ICY GLARE AND CHILDREN GLAN CES INSTEAD OK LOVK. , '.United Proas Lonscd Wire.) Ilotm April 1. Tlio succossful rofnrnmtlou of tho 'village of Sorra va'lu, In the provlnco of Florence, loin; reputed tlio wickedest commun ity in Italy, 1b announced today. Tlio rosult wni accomplished by a women's "affection strike." For yours tho men of tho town have spoilt nil their spare 'time in n notorious local wlna shop drink ing, tumbling and lighting. Mur der wns common. Priest after prleso GO STORE HARGAIN HOUSE ffe Are Now Offering During OUR EASTER SALE The Greatest Bargains We Ever Offered tt folowtncj departments Ladles' Suit?. Millinery. Dross Qoods S! Waist Goods Kid Glovos. Hotlory. Shoes. Embroideries. ? Fancy Goods, Ribbons. Domostics and bo on. Wo arc hero to Pjoodgand when It comes to nrlcos we don't tnko any back mmi ,' iisiihmm l Store That Saves You Money RODGERS' - . - .... ,, Adheres LONDON OMNIBUS DRIVER THOUGHT HIM OFF OLD AMERICAN PROFESSOR WHO GOT TOO FAMILIAR WITH TUB MAX HOLDING THE REINS WAS ARRESTER. (JJnlted Press Leased Wlro.) '.London, Aprll 1.-Friends of Dr. Stanton Coltrtho well-known Amor lean sociologist sentenced in tho Wt'Bt London nollco court to n month's, impflsonmont on tho chargo of Indecently nssnultlng an omnibus drlver: "declare tho doctor n victim either of a blackmailing plot or of a frightful error by an ovor-suBpioIous, Laborl Bald that whllo McKee was ovll-mlndod accusser. .(supposed to bo mistreating Mrs. Mc- Dr. Colt is at llborty Under ball Krt.nml hnn inn. Ilneli TcwIh nn ill. furnished by Sir Montague Pollack, loged in ll0r complaint, both the nun wlth whom ho had boon dining Just 'band and tho wlfo gavo th olmpros boforo bin arrest. Ho ban appealed i8on tjiat their married llfo wnH hlH caso and his supportors, who are jtlot Tj10 French lawyer devoted rallying to him by hundreds, say most of j,!s nddress to a donuncta- uiuro win uo no uimouiiy hi proving nini winocuiu. Tho doctor, thoy say. freoucntly tho bus, quostloued him concerning tholr lives, and, In seeking to gain tho 'bus drlvor's confidence, proba- bl v excited tho man's busdIoIod and led him to Imngino what was far from his quostlonor's thought. Tho .conductor told tho. pollco court that when ho collected hlflWB- songor's fare tho Jattor ojeozcd his hand, followed him to tho top of tho 'bus, uostloned him concerning hlB working hours and finally at tnckod him. Then, he says, the doc tor loft tho 'bus. The conductors; followed, caught him and held him until a pollcoman arrivod. Dr. Colt spont years working In x? vr tn imnrovo tho condition of tho poor, was one of tho p n the Bethlcal society and ostab- liihed the Neighborhood guild, which Inter dovolopod Into tho university F"ttlomont movement. He wont to ondon In 1894 and has continued his soolologlcal work thore. triod In vain to biing about bottor condition'. , ,. A few weflka ago tho mayor s wlfo cnlled the b'tter class of womon to gether to plan a reformation. The "aff?ctlon strike" was tho outcome. Wives rofused anything but tho moat formal relations with their hus bands. Unmarrlod womon dismissed thlr suitors. Marriages woro post ponol or engagements broken alto- Byr- ... ......, .. . ,... Th mon OI1IV IHUKlieil HI Hill uiiv one by one they ouptluUted and bo gen to discontinue tholr visit to the wina h mi Attendance at the gm- in. mule ilwladled. Today the wine shop keeper c!oel his pUce. a bank rupt. Sixteen eoMpiee have Just xp- pl'ed for pibUetlon of t noir mar riage us. iw !" v;' ",, uo'8 to turn the tavern Into li brary. Arnirtnlaiitf KUUhI. (United Preeg Leaiod Wire.) PnHstA&tiiuiDle. Anrtl 1. Thlrtr- three ArmeRtam have been butcher ed and eight wotinueu iiy iiaeni Dazouks at Van Ir a elaughter fol lowing the shooting ef a governmeRt spy by Armenian revolutionary. The spy. also an Armenian, had Just arrested his countryman and was JaTcIng him to prison, when the hatter whipped out a revolver aRd opened fire. Tho Bashi-Bazouki In stantly mhod to the rescue, rage! through the Armenian quarter and bayonetted or shot everyone they met In the streets V V- v to His Main Statements CLOSING DIVORCE CONTEST r INTFRENCH COURTS ONKlWOLN KILLS ANOTHER IX, & V SUBURBS OF LOS ANGKLKS GEORGE GOULD GKTS BACK SOME MONEY HE ADVANCER. United PresH Loasoil Wlro.) Pfiris, April 1.- In ranking tho dosing addrois for tho dofenso In tho divorce null of Mrs. McICeo against her husband, Hart McKee, tho Pittsburg milllonnlro, Atloruoy Labour dcclnrod today that his client does not wish to inako any ohnrges against tho honor of his wife, that i,n ,imni snuu t.. .infnn.i iiitmnir ton of jjrB McKee's action?. Wonii'ii Ih Hnvlnp. Los Angolos. Cnl.. April 1. -Mrs. U. X. D Armnn, wlfo of tho woll knn'urn hornnnmn. who VQlturdtlV Bhot and Instantly killed Mrs. Holon Qrlflln, is todny almost a raving maniac In tho home of her husband, where oho Is unrfor guatd of tho of ficers. Physicians aro In constant attendance and It Is only by tho uso of op'ates that the woman can bo controlled. It Is fearod sho may lose hor mind. Admittance to tho Do Armnn home was donlod nil collors today innd D Arman rofunod to dlscrjss tho j trngedy. I A coronor's Jury has btwn lm- found-fpanel'ed and an Inquust upon th body of Mrs. GrlfHn will bo held this aftornoon Mrs. Griffin's husband is snld to bo a Jwkev now running at Emoryvlllo race track. G'trrua Gonhl Hi'liX'd. NVw York, April 1. Bv an order band"! down In the United States c'rcult cou-t today, Gegrgo Gould roceived $52,000, tho sum ho ad vanced hi" "Ister Anna to onablo hor to get a divorce from her first hus band, tho Count de Caatellano. A virtually the same hour an uounrement was niaoe by Madamo Anna OwiUl. that throuh her frjend. Mrs. Tylr Moree. the her enxaKemnt to the Prlnoe do SKn will ' formally announced upon hor rti'n to France short after Waaler. Thf more I- not annoiinoed now Is line to th fact the Madam Gould ben a olt lau of France, wishes the ptib'lr asHftuneenofrRt to lie maue ther. "Anna Gould Is at my home." ox plalneU Mm. Morse today, "simply for reet and to got away from the constant discussions of her own af fairs which threatened to wroek hor nerve If she remained with hor sla ter. Helen. There i the beet of feellnc between her and her slater ami bother. GorRe, but they can not axree or Prince de Sagan." o . - AGAINST INJURING PRIVATH ROPKItTY D. I Fry teeurod an endorsement 4ast nixbt lu the Saloni board of trade in his fight to save Rls proper ty from being cut up by tho exten sion south of the Oregon Hlectrlc. Th board adopted a resolution in nnw i)Ainiliitlnti tialncr plvon "n" '" ." '. ' 7. , .. ...?... Hi. a francniso tnat wouia enauie h jopvuui i mu uci Mui.wm . oat imo valuable prlvuf- residence 204 c to dealers. Markets have not SARCASM MAYOR MAKES A REPLY TO THE ALDERMEN THROWS A LOT OF GINGER INTO THIS MIXUL AND ALDKKMAN STOLZ TAKKS ANOTHMIt FLY Kit AT HIS HONOIt. Ed. Jeurnal: Aldormnn Btolz, In nn Interview In your papor makes somo mlBRtatomontg In rororonco to my recent veto of tho liquor IIcoiiho ordinance I nBked him todny if ho had boon proporly quoted nnd ho re plied that ho had not In pnrt ai that tho Intervlowor did not mako a Bcratch of tho pencil In his prcsouco, I roquoBtod Mr. Stolr to mnko cor rocttniiB bo far nB my position Ih mis Btntod, llko n man. I hollovo ho will do bo. I doslro no nowspalior con troversy with any momber of tho council. Another mombor, of tho council, who doosn't booiii to havo tho norvo to gtvo his nnmo, calls mo a "domn gogpo" a "bluff" and "not such n moralist as ho protonds." It's torrlblo to bo called nuch nnmoB. but I can whisper to him n wholo lot wono names that I havo, been called, and the Joke of ft fn I dosorvoij thorn. Io may na woll algn his name when ho cnlN mo naincs." I won't got innd. I'm n rogulnr dovll ond don't ivctond to bo anything else, but. I do InslRt upon doing what I think Is right, In my own devilish way, without regard to whnt any coun cilman, any proachor, any saloon man, or any othor follow malo or fomaio, hlgbvOr low, fat or thin thinks about It. 1 GI30. F. RODGERS. Tho Journal reporter takes hla notoi In Bhorthnnd and that his in terview with Aldormnn Stolr. was correct In tho main is nttosted over tho alderman's own signature He does not tnko back anything nor of fer much of an anology to tho mayor In what ho says. AIdTinn.n Stolz RcpllcH. Editor Jeurnal: Your Intoryiow has brought mo Into print, and much moro longthy than I expeotnd or looked for. His summary of my Intorvlow Is In tho main ml fool In tho matter. Howover It Is but Just to rauko a fow points moro oloar. Tho ordlnanco tho mayor vetoed wai n $700 llcenso, loavlng $1000 license In force, yet It must be ro- momborod that baok of all this Is tho fact that tho llcono quostlon as It has stood boforo tho counoil 1 from a $400 hns!i nn. AND NOT i FROM: A 91000 DOWN. two little tots, who had Jmtt nwakoil. Your roforetico to tho Hconse on , in his arms and climber through drug storos dooe not soom to onter the roar bedroom window Jiml In Into the controversy as tho mayor's time a tho burning tlmbors had voto loavei tho $300 Hconse In force,' roloasod tho chimney whloh ornshod hoiica Is not correctly roforrod to. In Immodlatoly aftor Lamb had mad Tho main noliitg for which I stand his oscnpo. 1 simply this: That praotlcally all i Tho building was totally destroy tho mayor suggests aa a saloon rogu-'od togother with all of tho funlture, latlon Is now and has been for yonrs the losn amounting to soveral bun dle, law, and Is on the face of evory.dred dollars. Ucenie given. I An alarm of lire wna also turned Honee It seenus farfetched to place in earlier In the evening last, but blame on the personnel of the onun- which roaultod in no damage othor ell. What we really njiod Is the pros- than a txirued out flue. Pedoplralns ent laws enforced, not alone Against saw gparka lulu from abovo the aloon meu, but all offenders or the Noble saloon, on Stnto and Com mo r laws. olal strootH and turned In tho alarm. The amoiiRt of the lleense Is only 0 a quosilon af busJnae RRd equity.' and the $700 wll4 met It best as 1 ,., Boimtnr Davit I'JiH'd, B0e u. (United Press Leased Wlro.) Roepeotfullv, Little. Rock, Ark.. Aprjl I. gen- G. STOLZ. aior Jeff Davis appeared In police o, court today and was fined $25 for liniruii MiiiKOT ' disturbing the p see yesterday of ter- .MOHAIH .MAitiihi . pooti when he mlxel lu u fist flghc TAKRS A TUMIILIS with Deputy Prosecutor Thoiiia Hlm. Tho Bonator paid the One and There has been a heavy decline served notice of an appeal. Ir prices of Mohair on account of the Davis doolnrod that he had boen leonornl Hhut down of the railway the victim of an attempted aawselna- rarrtage maniifaeturlng plants, such a the Pullman's and others. The push mills, who woro hoavy users of Orogon mohair, docllne to pur- chase except at very low price. This compells local dealers to go slow and nrlcos have been greatly reduced .!.. i.u,.. 'l.iAlnllnn ln,lav JUDGES HAMMER ABE RUEF WHO COMES BACKS HIS PLUCKY FIGHT HKGINS TO MAKE HIM FIHKNDS CASK COM KB UP AGAIN UNDKK NEW COUltT OFFICIAL. (United Press L5R0d Wlro.) San Francisco, April 1. Judgoa Dooling and Dunnu today tiled affi davits denying tho nllegntlnn of Abo Ittiof that they woro biased and pro Judlcod ngalnat him nnd that nolthor jurist could glvo him n fair trial In tho Parksldo trolley bribery caBO. Judgo Dooling dcclnros that ho has formed no opinion as to tho guilt or Inuoconco of tho, defendants nnd nddn It Judgo Dunno, who ho cousldors nn honest man, did say from tho bench that Iluof was n dangerous criminal It must havo boon tho truth. Ho oxplnlns bin notion In oxpelllng Ruof from tho Nutlvo Sons. Ho Bays ho simply did his duty as president of tho ordor. Tho nflldavlt of tho other Jurist JiIho sets forth n gonernl dcnlnl or tho chargos of bias. He denies that ho ovor roquostod Judge Dooling tq. try tho Parksldo casos against Ituol? and that ho ovor dlscuusud ha mat tor with him. Both nflldnvlts woro road In Judgo Donllng's court room yy Attorney Honey. Attorney Ach, ropfc'Bontlnjt Ttupf, aukod leavo' of , thi court to croJB-oxamlno JudgcB; Dooling nnd Dunno. Tho motion wns ovorrulod. Tho 'matter cointia up again this afternoon. ." nidgo Dunno has loft for tho oast, o FATHER SAVED HIS TWO CHILDREN fUnltqd Press LoaBOd Wire.) Sydney M. Lamb, with his two youngost ohlldron, Clifford, aged 4 months, and Nononrl, agod oho and ono-half yonre, uarrowly eBcapod from being burno,l to death In hla home at 1-178 Furry streot at 1 o'clock last night when a ftro which Is supposod to havo started from clothOH loft around tho stovo to dry totally destroyod tho building. Mr. Lamb was awakened by the erlea of his wlfo, who had made good hor oscano from the liulhllnir. ami upon Mtartlng up saw that IiIh homo was In flnmoa and that all oscapo wbb out off from tho doom Hnlzmi thn tton and that he had only defonded himself. Othor wjtnessos. howover, do- dared that the sonator broke the poaco In a shooklng fashion by gon- erous uso of profanity and that later no iraciureu u sun niriiior iy wav lni n Intern rnvnllTAP ntlil ilrmiitirlln .Q - .- .-.-,.-. ...... ..--, an opportunity to get a shot at c. c, o. property opened for this year, Helm