o su inn. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH :10, 1008. NO. 7fT. r HREE EMPERORS -4 ARE AILING ESTER . ilEITE EXEGUTED HIS CRIME ITKI) POIl HETRAYING IXlUDEItlNfl HIS SWEET- - CONFESSES HIS IE AT THE LAST MINUTE WED IX A PEACEFUL MAN. iim) si:kmi:i) resigned HK FATK AT THE FINAL tOP IIIS CAKKKK. p4 Prcis Leased Wlro.) .X Y,. March 30 Chofltor .th youthful slayer of rTrtVsSA mss uanea on pago three) ELECTRIC RAILROAD EXTENSIONS THREE LINES GOING OREGON ELECTRIC COMPANY J'REPAHING FOR CONSTRUC TION OK LINE FROM SALEM TO ALHANY LATTER PART OF THE PRESENT YEAR THE WELCH LINE TO 1U:GIN CONSTRUCTION AT ONCE ACTION THIS WEEK ON SALEM AND STAYTON LINE. Surveying crewB nro In tho fiold running lino's for nn extension of tho Oregon Electric railway from Salem CotTmieTn'TichrooJ" 11CAG0 STORE .PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE lountains of New Goods fcnrcry Department and ready for your Inspection.. New Dress Sw Silks, X.,v Suits, New Millinery, New Jackets, New Dress 'fcw White Goods, Now Press Ginghams, Xew Wash Lawns, lk-rl, New taces, Now Corset, New Gloves, New Shoes, It7 and hundreds of other f you want llvo new incrchnn- c, t prices that pleases everybody. Como to tho Chicago Store Ml of a. the liitoat snuo "weat ard fx(35c,49c, 65c, , 75c and 85c yilut the nsweit nrau ,'-r0ii fcft.e at yar 35c, 45c, 49c, 75 and 95c ' Pmin CballlM, 4c yard 'i - 4c yard. lni Flanuel ' BMtl'..l ..... Ft in ! i mi in l0c- 121.2c. 16c 18c yard. w Blfc ,. .. r to... -- whwl " bow yard 7t'2 81.3c and 10c. Wr MINISTER ENDORSES MAYOR BUT NOT LICENSE SQUARE ISSUE RETWEEN MAYOR AND MINISTERS AND THE RUSINESS MEN OF THE CITY WHO FAVOR COUNC1LMEN DECLARE THERE ARE NOW ENOUGH ORDINANCES TO HE A'OKE THE LICENSE OF ANY DISORDERLY" SALOON. 'Hester Gillette Electrocuted and Confesses Crime GERMAN AFFAIRS BY CABLE ANARCHIST HAS BAD RECORD SERVED LONG TERM Tho Bocond of tho loading minis ters of this city last night prenchml a sorinon upholding Mayor Rodgeri voto of tho $700 unloon llconso. Thoy liavo both been very specific In raying they did not favor tho ,$700 license, nor tho $1000 license, nor any llconso regulation whatever, which Ih tho consistent and logical position of tho church os favoring prohibition. Rut thoso ministers do commend tho innyor for his fight against aa- loons (t making sentiment for prohi bition. Tho position of tho hu8lnaa.i men in tho city council 1b that they want tho most Btrlngont license reg ulation that can bo secured and nt tho samo time securo tho largest amount of rovonuo from tho liquor buslnosB without oncouraglng tho es tnbllBhmont of too many saloons. Ii fact tho sentimont of tho leaders in tho city council saoms to bo In favor of fower saloons, and thoy also say therois now plonty of legislation to wlpo out and dliordorly houso or any saloon that violates city or stato lawB, Thoy say If tho mayor nnd police will roport any saich hours to them they will rovoke the llconse immediately. RELIEVED THAT THE MEN WHO TRIED TO ASSASSINATE FRICK INCJTED THE MAN WHO THREW THE 1IOMII IN NEW YORK SATURDAY ARRESTS OF LEADERS WILL WILLOW. Points of Sermon, Rov. D. Errott, of tho Pint Chris tian oliurah, Sunday night in his Esrmon on prohibition commended tho action of Mayor Rodgora In veto ing tho $700 llconso in favor of tho '$1000 llcenio, but with the addenda :hat Rodgars "Is a politician," but whatovor his motive, ho was aiding prohibition without bolng a prohibi tionist. Dr. E-rrott said In part In spooking of this matter. "I am not upholding the mayor for insisting on a $100Q llconie for I do not favor ' license of any character for the sa lloon but ho (Rodgers has gone a long way toward driving out tho - loon." Dr. JBrrett also aeeusod Cardinal Gibbons and other high prolate of tho Catholic church with being a great deal responsible for the saloon. o- (3500 Wo aro doing the business In Ladies' SuKs. If you want the tatost and newest stylos, como to th atoro that keeps those boautl ful dressy garments. Selling at itnall prlceB. $10.59, $12.58, $14.5, $Ii,5 e That Saves You Money MARINE DISASTER IN USELESS RAY (United Pros Leased Wire.) Belllngham. Wash., March 30. ,Off Point No Point In Useless bay at 1 o'clock this morning tho ox 'pro steamship Chippewa of the Ipucet Sound Navigation company's fleet, crashed full speed into the lit-, tie fishing schooner Lyda, rotAirnlng from the halibut banks, and sent the vessel to the bottom boforo all the crew could be rescued. Two men, : Wilson Spinning of Ballard, Wash., 'and Thomas Hicks of Seattlo per ished. Eight of the crew were res- g cued by tho Chippewa, Sprlnnlng M leaves a wife and one child (United Press Lensod Wire.) Now York, March 30. Following tho nrrect of Alexander Borkman to rt-y tho Nev York pollco oxpoct to faatcrt responsibility ' for Saturday's bomb outrage on Now York anarch lts. ,, Borkman is tho man who Borved 1 r. vnnra In flio Pnnnsvlvinnlii .ttrlRon for h.VLtto,mpt to assassinate Henry C. iridic, 'the Btool magnat'o, nnd who later attained national notoriety as tho common law husband of Emiiin Goldman. Ho Is now editing an on nrchlet nowrpapor In Now York. Borkman will be tnkon boforo Silvorsteln, tho young man who throw tho bomb Saturday, and whoso death was ropo'ted by tho Bolloylow hospltrl ofucinls. Tho msn Is Btlll nllvo today, though totally blind, mlnuH ono arm, one foot, and with his bo4y bo full of fragments of tho bomb that tho doctors say ho cannot llvo. It Is hopod that Sllverstoln will be ablo to identify Borkman by the Jatter's voice. A card on the bomb throwor's person boro Bos nian's namo and It is the thoory of tho police that tho youth roceivod his Inspiration for Saturday's ant from the anarchist loader. Toilry tho nnnrchlst4 and social ists are clamoring for tho resigna tion of Commissioner Bingham. Thoy insist that Saturday's troublo wis the result of nn attempt hy(the po Hoe to apply St. Petersburg tnotlcs to New York mon. Violent spqooharf In half a dozen halls yostorday do- nocinoed the nttompt to stifle frao speoch, and declarations woro hoard on every side that a roptltlon of Genoral Bingham's taotloH of Sat urday would roBuk in furthor blood shed. Haywood for Ptsld-nt, Chicago. Maroh 30. President Roosevelt, Governor Gooding of Ida ho, and other ptiblio otHoiaU, woro denounced by W. D. Haywood, for mer iocretary of tho Wastorn Feder ation of Minors, at a mas mooting of Socialists yesterday. Inoldontally Haywood launched hie boom as a otuidlriirte for tho nomination for President of tho United States on the Socialist tlokot. ' At each of soveral meetings, which ho addressed during the day, Hay wood told his audience that the Re publican party should be put In the "soup" sad tho Democratic party thrown in for seasoning. Ho said it was time to ohango this country from a political junk shop into an industrial work shop. Haywood's every roferonco to tho Prosldent was greoted with a storm of hiBses. At the cloe of the main meeting held In Brand's hall, resolutions were adopted protesting against the use of troops In the strlko of miners In AUuka and calling for their imme diate withdrawal. Referring to the bomb throwing Incident In Now York Saturday, Haywood said: When some poor deluded mortal AMERICAN LABOR FAVORED BY A BIG RAILROAD LABOR ORGANIZATIONS RESENT RECENT DECISIONS HY THE COURT TELEPHONE GIRLS AT SPOKANE HANDLE THE LOCAL MANAGER WITHOUT G IX) YES FIGHT BRINGING IN STRIKE BREAKERS. KAISER IN TROUBLE (United Press Lcnscd Wire.) Pittsburg, Penn., March 30. An order Issuod by tho PonnBylvanin railroad to disnhargo all foreigners nnd employ none but American cltl- zona in tho future has caused a stir hero. Theorder affects only lnbor ors,as tho office forces and Uio mo chanlcnl dopartmenB,fiaya. already beon flllod oxcluirVelyby' EngllBh speaking pooplo. v ' Tho Pennsylvania' ystom, when operating to Its full oapnolty, em ploys about 180,000 persons. Antl-Labor Derisions. Now York, March 30. Samuol Gompers, prosidont of tho American FeJorntlon of Lnhor, In nn nppenl which was road In tho Contral Fed eration union today, urges organlzod labor In this city to meet in mass mooting q protost against tho rocont doclBlons unfavorable to labor, and to adopt resolutions calling upon their roprosontntlves in congress to voto for tho amendment 6f the Shor man law. It is said that similar apponls have boon sent by Gompors to lnhor unions througji the country. Mass moQtings nro to bo held on April 19 or 20, Just before the mat tor is taken up by congroee. Toleiiliniiu StrJUo. Lowlston, Idaho, March 30. Scenes of disorder marked tho day' oloso of tho toipphono operators' strike last night, wjiotn Superintend ent Roynolds arrived from Spokana on tho train with six girls who will take the plaoe of striking oporators. Nina strikers, aupportod by a largo crowd of sympathizers, met tho Incoming train and undeuvorod to persuade the now girls from going to work. Aftor attempting to rea son with the Spokane girls, the strikers vented their spleen on Roy noldg and his girls. The superintendent was handled roughly by IraOo girls, who were backed by a orowd of man am) wom en that Jeered him as the girls Jost- lod him. A sympathetic strike of linemen is proposed. The men only await a strike order from headquarters. MINISTER TOWER MAY JOINT THE ANNANIAH CLUR RE PORTERS' STRIKE IN ENREO EXPULSION OF JEWS ON A LARGE SCALE HIS STRENGTH IS FAILING HIM IN HIS OLD AGE. throws a - bomb, trying to ake by force what by Justice belongs to him, wo call It an outrage. But out In Wyoming 70 mon woro klllod yos torday by an explosion In a coal mine. That was murder, committed to tho mine owners." o Grain Market. Chicago, Marob 30. May wheat opened, 93 c; highest, 93 36 c; low est, 92'c; closed, 93Vlo. May corn opened 65 c. highest GG&c, low oat 65 c, closed 66 c May oat opened 53 c, highest 53&C, lowest Sake, closed B3C. (United Prona Lcasod Wlro.) Borlln, Mnrch 30. ThoIIIll-.Towor Incldont hna reached tho point to day whoro it Booms cortaln thai olth or Emporor William or Ambassador Towor.ls to bo votod a momborshlp In Prosidont UoqbovoU'b nnanlaa club. -. . Following 1 Btntomunt given ttr tho press yestordttyXliy tho ntato do partmont, tho Mlttng SColturii; iodjr says: , Tho German government has or dorod Ambassador StoruborK to make It clear to Prosidont Rooac volt that tho .kaiser novor obloctod to tho appointment of Mr. Hill nnd' to point out how grossly h(a majes ty's nnmo hna boon mlBUsod. Tho ontlro rogrottnblo affair is duo to Tower's misleading atatomout to tho Btato dopartmont." In view of tho fact that tho cru cial statomont of tho Gormun etnto dopartmont yostorday admitted tho "doubt had arlsan nu to whsthor Mr. Hill would ho oomfortnblo at Bor, lln." but deolnrod that "this doubt has now boon romovqd." It loolut as though Mr. Hill has been tho vic tim of a bungled Job of dlpUnnutfa knifing. Kaiser Has u Tlironr. Now fear that the kaiser Is suffer ing from n roourreuoo of cancer or tho throat is being ontortainod bo- oause of the alnhorato proparatloua tliat have boon made for his stay ac Corfu. rhu last trip to tho Moditerronoanr akon by tho Qormnn rulr-was or dored by his physlolattB who. It was reportod nt the time, told him that Ills throat -troublo was caused by a cancer. Whether or not tho saino troublo bus rocurrod Ik not publloly known, but it is a fact that his phy sician ml vised him to make an y tondod trip., Reporhtrs Win Out. ChajioeUor Prinoe vouBueJov' liat soMletl the "report? strlko" In tho German relohatag. Herr Groabor has said he was sor ry he oo lied the pronfe reprosgntu- lives "swlno" and evaryhody ox- eept Herr Groober Is satlslled. Chancellor you Buelow's uolonfal speech was all ready and ho wuntarf to make It without loss of timo. Jf. cared a good deal more, howover. about having tho country know what: he said than he did for tho relolu atag'a views. So ho brought all kinds of pres sure to boar on Contrist Leader Groober to foroo an apology to tljo proa and the latter finally sua oumbol. Tho apology was read, tho news paper mon reportod It satisfactory and tho reporters returned to work. Perjiccution of Jews. Ttoumania has Initiated a cam paign of persecution against -the (Cetitt4 M rowrttr rHo.)